Lore Bonus: Argus' Augmentations

Story by Glowlife on SoFurry

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With lore still fresh in my mind after my previous writing exercise, I went ahead and threw together a bonus piece to better explain what exactly was done during the creation of Argus. As told in the diary of an anonymous surgeon after the operation was complete. This should help fill in any missing details that weren't included in The Hundred Eye Dragon. Oh well, practice can't make perfect if it has no mistakes to learn from! I should really stop writing right before I go to bed...

Diary Entry #31 - Today's date is August 19, 2023. It is currently 16:05, approximately four hours after the completion of project Argus.

The plan went accordingly: wake up Subject D-04 at 5:30 to begin daily routine and take him to breakfast, then bring him to Hannibal where he will lead him to the operating room, and have him prepped for augmentation..

Despite Diana's protests and wishing to explain to the subject what will soon happen to him, Juno, second handler of the subject, was instead adamant on administering a strong sedative to Subject D-04 by mixing it in his vitamin rich drink. (Honestly, I didn't think that goop could get any worse.) The sedative rapidly took effect at 6:00, right as Hannibal brought the subject into the operating room where we waited for him to go under. It took a team of four surgeons, myself included as an anesthesiologist. I kept a tight visual on the subject's life functions throughout the entire six hours of surgery. Everything went smoothly.

The operation began once Subject D-04 was strapped down on the table. We were told it was for our safety. The robotics surgeons cut open the subjects arms and legs for endo-cybernetic augmentation. Mechanical enhancements were welded to the radius, ulna, and humerus of both arms, with minor parts that were installed in the backs of the subject's hands. All parts were connected to each other via incredibly thin wiring. As for the legs, the femur was heavily operated on, as well as the tibia. Support plates were installed on both fibula.

All enhancements ran a course up to the subject's spine for the installment of the final piece. It was stunning to behold. I was surprised to see such a large piece of tech be so lightweight. Careful incisions were made top to bottom of the spinal column. That was the longest part of the operation; painstaking hours spent attaching the whole thing to every section of the subject's spine and spinal cord. I held my breath the whole time the anchoring pins were set in. One by one, pins no bigger than the stinger of a bee drilled into the bones to ensure a secure fix along the vertebrae.

Once everything was attached and powered up, we took a quick breather. Next, it was time for the simplest part of the operation, but the most dangerous. Subject D-04 was set on his back and we were ready for the injection of the fluid that would enhance the growth of his muscles, brain power, and most importantly, make the bastard damn near invulnerable to everything. There were a total of seven injection sites, starting with the arms and legs, then the eyes, and lastly, the brain. We drilled a millimeter wide hole into the side of his skull to administer the final injection. We had no idea what it was exactly, except that it's called Lovis Cordis.

As soon as we were sure the injection of Lovis Cordis didn't cause our patient to suddenly die where he laid, the operation was considered a success. If it weren't for the advancement of the usage of lasers in surgery, the process of recovery would have taken days. Scales are much more resilient to staples, and needle and thread were absolutely out of the question. We fused his skin back together, and finally, Argus was born, the so-called crown jewel of Altior. We wanted to keep Argus under our watch until he fully recovered, but the higher ups opted for sticking him in a cage and poking him with a stick to see what would happen. If this all goes wrong, I just hope he doesn't drown me in the blood of everyone else he's killed.

Shortly after Argus was taken, I had learned that no fail-safe technology was a part of his cybernetic augmentations. No leash to stop him if he decides to go against orders. Nothing would be able to stop him. In theory, Lovis Cordis and Argus' implants will put him at such a level of power that the highest degrees of pain or bodily harm won't be able stop him. The parts we installed have been specifically designed to amplify brain signals and aid the movement of muscles. It could make a man paralyzed from the neck down walk and perform amazing feats. Argus could have his chest blown open and it wouldn't slow him down even the slightest. He'll have incredible speed, as well. That could explain why I heard talk of keeping him away from blades when they start training him again. They're giving that beast guns to restrain his monstrous potential. I hope I never see the day he takes someone on unarmed. Dragons can use almost every part of their body as a weapon. Roland might have to work extra hard to keep him in check...