The Apocalypse Day of Reckoning Part 3

Story by Alastar Aindreas on SoFurry

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*sigh* well, here's the next chapter, all the zombies know it took enough fucking time to finish... frankly, i'm not satisfied with it, it's just too inconsistent (the fact that it was written over the period of over three weeks probably didn't help) hopefully those reading will still enjoy this piece of crap just a bit though. i got a bit lazy with the music selection and personally i don't think it fits, but it's still good. without futher delay, enjoy the next installment in the apocalypse.

The Apocalypse Day of Reckoning: part three

12:05 p.m.

"LOOK OUT!" James shouted from the backseat.

"SHIT!" Zach saw the fur standing in the road and slammed on the brakes of the 66 corvette, trying to avoid the impact. His reaction was too slow as the corvette slammed into the fur, making a sickening crunch as over a ton of steel rammed into the helpless fur at over ninety MPH. The body rode the front bumper for another second before going under the tires, causing the vehicle to lurch as Zach tried in vain to regain control of the wheel.


Red grabbed the charging zombie by the neck, holding it back while it futilely tried to claw at his jacketed chest. Levitas stood a few feet away, quickly aiming Red's .357 before pulling the trigger and blowing the zombie's brains out. Red tossed the limp body to the ground, stomping on what was left of its head just to be sure.

"Are those things what I think they are?" levitas asked while staring at the corpse spouting blood onto

the grass.

"If you're thinking zombie, then yes" Red answered "we need to get to the East Potomac Park, it should only take a few minutes... assuming we don't run into more undead"

"Why" levitas stared questioningly at Red, checking the revolver's cylinder as he did.



2 p.m.

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Ryan asked, gripping the armrest in the hummer as tight as he could. "It wouldn't have been hard to just have a helicopter drop us into the city"

"Ah, you worry too much" Sylvr said, grinning at Ryan's discomfort "besides, I've always wanted to do something like this"

"Yea, maybe you have, but I'm not too fond of this little 'idea' of yours"

"Like I said, you worry too much, right guys?" Sylvr said to the two other occupants of the hummer. His answer was a resounding "HELL YEA" said simultaneously. The two PMCs in the back were more eager than he was for this little trip to DC. Ryan had managed to gather about thirty of them in less than an hour, all from the same outfit and all ready and willing. The rest would be dropping in later, after Ryan and Sylvr assessed the situation. The two PMCs, both midnight black wolves, had given their names as Simmons and Grif, and Sylvr assumed they were brothers by the fact that they were rather had to tell apart. The pilot started speaking, interrupting his thoughts.

"This is your pilot speaking; we hope our passengers have all had a comfortable ride"

The two PMCs chuckled at this, both knowing their friend's odd sense of humor. The fact that the entire flight had been almost nothing but turbulence in the storm was testament to it.

"We take you now to our nation's capital, home to beautiful tourist traps, fat politicians, and all the zombies you can shoot. If you look to your left, you can easily see the insertion point... all I can say is today isn't the best day for a swim, so try to hit the target" with that last statement, warning lights began flashing as the cargo doors slowly opened, revealing the raging storm outside. The C130 was already going through quite a bit of turbulence, but it was nothing compared to what came once the cargo doors opened. Ryan looked like he wanted to be anywhere but in the hummer as he tightened his seatbelt for the fifth time in the past five minutes.

"Isn't there any other way we can do this?" Ryan yelled to be heard above the wind, turning in his seat to gaze nervously out the open cargo hatch.

"But that would take all the fun out of this crazy little stunt" Grif said as he slammed a magazine into his M4A1 carbine, cycling a round into the chamber.

Ryan looked like he was going to try one last time to argue, but he was cut off when a new set of warning lights started flashing, followed by a high pitched buzzing. "I don't think I want to ask this, but what does that noise indicate?"

"SHIT, MISSLE LOCK" Simmons yelled, popping the hummer into reverse from the backseat at the same time "PUNCH IT"

Sylvr didn't need any encouragement as he slammed the pedal to the floor, burning rubber as the knobby tires sought traction. They only took a second to catch, the hummer shot out the back of the C130 just as it exploded in a ball of flame.


12:13 p.m.

"No way" Billy mumbled as he watched the C130 explode. His distraction almost got him killed as a lone zombie shambled towards him, he didn't even notice it until it was just a few feet away. He recovered from his initial shock just in time to dodge a set of claws as the zombie lunged at him. He easily sidestepped the attack and landed a swift kick to the zombie's back, sending it sprawling to the ground. He was again distracted when the flaming wreckage of the C130 slammed into the holocaust museum, demolishing it in one fell swoop. Debris slowly began raining down, following the downed plane to the grave. He started to wish that he wasn't in the same area as large chunks of debris began landing around him, one piece, probably an engine came within five feet of crushing him as he backed away from the crash site. He raised his eyes to the sky, trying to avoid getting crushed as more pieces of the plane rained down around him. Something caught his attention; he was so intent on the object in the sky that he didn't even flinch as a prop buried itself in the ground a mere two feet away. "Is that... no, can't be... can it?"


James tried to open his eyes only to be met by a searing pain; he held his paw to his forehead, pulling it back to find it damp with blood. He attempted to turn his head, it turned out to be a bad idea as the pain in his skull intensified, causing his vision to blur.

"Crap... Zach? You still alive?"

His only response was a muffled groan coming from the front seat. He spotted a black paw a second later.

"Yea... although I almost wish I wasn't... how long have we been out?"

James glanced at his cracked watch "... probably about twenty minutes, I can't tell for sure" he said, holding the broken Timex out where Zach could see it.

"Huh, your watch, my car, both totaled in the same day... think it's a sign?"

"Let's hope not" James mumbled, trying to unhook the seatbelt that had probably saved his life. "ah, screw it" he pulled a small pocket knife out and quickly managed to cut through the belt, regretting it as he landed on his head once the belt was cut. After a few seconds of twisting and turning, he finally managed to sit upright in the overturned car, wincing as he did so. Zach was trying to do the same thing, but was having just a bit more trouble as he didn't have as much room to maneuver in the driver's seat. After a short battle with the passenger door, James decided to just take the easy route and kicked the window out, earning a groan from Zach as his car was damaged even further. He slowly crawled out of the car into the drizzling rain and brushed himself off, looking back he saw Zach doing the same.

"What now?" James asked, staring at the wreaked corvette.

Zach gazed around, looking for a street sign when he spotted the uniformed furs running towards them.

"Crap... looks like the cops finally decided to show up. This could be a problem"

"Ya think" James replied sarcastically.

"STAY WHERE YOU ARE" one of the three approaching officers yelled.

"Great, just great, now we get to go to jail for murder" James mumbled.

"Maybe we can still explain what happened and avoid anything major"

"Like that'll ever work"


12:33 p.m.

"Sir, reports are flowing like beer on a hot morning. The most recent one doesn't seem to be getting much attention, but I for one think it might be a good idea to look into it"

"Where and what?"

"11th street sir, by the Morrison Clark Inn. A car crash involving a 66 corvette, two suspects, one now dead zebra, and a whole lot of nervous cops. I normally wouldn't mention something like this, but the zebra that got hit, according to witnesses, was shambling, not walking, across the road. There was also another body found less than a block away with teeth marks matching those of an equine..."

"Sounds like we might be getting some action sooner than expected. Sergeant, gather the boys, tell them to load up, and get ready for anything... this is going to be one hell of a ride"

"Sir Yes Sir" the sergeant saluted and marched off, shouting orders to the nearby soldiers.

Joseph Swift sighed, thinking about what he was getting himself and his men into. Even if this wasn't his usual outfit, he still didn't want to get anyone killed, but at the same time he knew some would die no matter the circumstances. He thought back to the first time, back to Salt Lake City and the horror that had followed the undead, leading to his parent's disappearance. He'd never found out what had happened or where they had gone, but he knew that where zombies appeared, answers would surely follow. He tossed these thoughts out of his head, setting his mind back on the task at hand. He checked the drum magazine on his H&K G36, satisfied; he raised his booted foot off the bloody corpse on the ground and shot it in the head again, just to be sure.


Levitas watched the plane plummet out of the sky, his eyes widened when it smashed into the holocaust museum, leveling the entire building in a fiery explosion.

"Hey, Red, is it common for planes to get shot down during a zombie apocalypse?" Levitas asked absently, still staring at the flames emanating from the remainder of the museum. He waited several seconds for an answer, and getting none turned around to see Red on his knees, clutching his head as if in pain. He ran over to Red's side, unsure of what to do as he approached.


Levitas stopped in his tracks, a questioning look forming on his muzzle "um, what? ... Are you... o.k.?"


"No need to be an ass" Levitas answered indignantly. He finally realized that the comments weren't directed at him when Red started thrashing around in the grass, his concern grew even more as he continued to watch. Then, as fast as it had started, the thrashing stopped. Red laid on the ground for another few seconds and then stood up, brushing himself off.

"Dude, what the fuck was that?"

Red shook his head a few times as if trying to shake something out "nothing, just ignore it... now, what did you say about zombies?"

"Ignore it... you expect me to ignore whatever the fuck just happened to you?"

"Yes!" Red hissed "I do. Now, what did you say about zombies earlier?"

"Fine" Levitas pointed to the remainder of the holocaust museum "I said is it common for planes to get shot down during a zombie infestation"

Red's eyes went wide as he gazed at the smoking building ".... Um... no, helicopters don't seem to fare too well, but... wait, did you say 'shot' down?"

"Yea, so what"

"Shot down with what?"

"Looked like a missile to me, but is that really important? I mean, that plane is burning so what does it matter what shot it down"

Red mumbled something under his breath that Levitas couldn't quite make out and then sprinted off towards the crash site, waving for him to follow. "This is getting really weird" Levitas thought before breaking into a run.


12:36 p.m.

"That is the 'last' time we do ever do that" Ryan grumbled, leaning out of the passenger side window as he worked on getting the parachutes off the hummer.

Sylvr wore a huge grin "aw come on, it was fun. Besides, both our passengers enjoyed the ride, so you're outnumbered when it comes to voting"

"Next time, we land a helicopter like everyone else..." Ryan managed to get one of the parachutes off, tossing it on the ground. His view cleared, he almost wished he'd left the thing on "um, guys... we've got company"

"Party time" Grif and Simmons mumbled in unison as they stared out the side windows at the approaching group of zombies.

"oh, I call dibs" Sylvr said, hopping into the M2HB BMG mounted on the hummer "this is gonna be fun" quickly checking the weapon, he aimed at one of the approaching zombies and pulled the trigger. The zombie may as well been filled with dynamite, the .50 rounds tore through it like paper, shredding the creature in less than a second and spraying blood like a fountain. "FUCK YEA, THAT'S WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT"

"think he's getting a bit too enthusiastic about this?" Ryan whispered to Grif as Sylvr continued his rampage on the helpless undead.

".... Well... huh, not sure"


"... yea, maybe a little, but who's blaming him. I'd do the same thing on that turret... speaking of which, I'm going next"

"Like fuck you're taking away my baby" Sylvr yelled down and then went back to shooting the last zombie, aiming at its arms and legs first to prolong the entertainment.

"You can't drive and shoot at the same time" Grif yelled back.

"Ya missed one" Ryan said, pointing towards a figure running towards them.

Sylvr swung the M2HB around and started to squeeze the trigger but stopped "I don't think that's a zombie" he mumbled, still keeping his finger on the trigger. Grif and Simmons both climbed out and took up positions behind the vehicle, while Ryan grabbed his Kriss super V and stood by the passenger door, waiting. The figure continued their sprint towards the hummer; it quickly became apparent as to why they were sprinting as several zombies came into view right behind the figure. Sylvr spotted the zombies a second later and quickly took aim, squeezing the trigger for a fraction of a second for each of the five zombies. Each of the short bursts connected with the undead and ripped them apart, Sylvr chuckled softly as he watched each of the zombies drop. Ryan finally got a better view of the figure approaching as he slowed his pace and his trench coat stopped flapping in the wind. He was a rabbit, tan fur, around five nine, probably about 130lbs. He wore a dark brown trench coat, and as he approached, Ryan made out a pair of glasses perched on his nose. The rabbit finally reached the hummer out of breath "thanks" he said weakly, panting from exhaustion.

"You okay?" Ryan asked a bit concerned.

The rabbit held up a hand, still too tired to speak, he continued panting as he tried to catch his breath enough to talk. His breathing finally steadied out a bit "yea, I'm fine... thanks for getting those zombies off my back" he stopped and stared at Ryan, then at Sylvr and the two wolves guarding the rear "who are you guys anyway? I know you're not with the U.S. army..."

Ryan paused for a second to decide how much to tell a complete stranger. He went with the truth, most of it anyway, leaving out the fact that he carried a sample of the anti-virus with him and his identity, only giving his first name.

5 minutes and a few questions later...

"So this whole thing was all caused by one group?" Billy said while climbing into the backseat of the hummer.

"I'm still not sure, until I find the one who told me all about what was going on here, I doubt we'll know for sure. He did say a few things that would leave me to answer yes to that question, but I never did figure out if it was just one organization orchestrating the events in Utah" Ryan climbed in shotgun and handed Billy a spare M16 along with an ammo belt with eight spare magazines. "You're most likely gonna need this... you can shoot, right?"

"Thanks, and yes, I can shoot"

"Let's hope so" Grif yelled, leaping into the backseat beside Billy "because we've got more company" he said, pointing to the left.

"Ah shit, not those damn things" Sylvr mumbled as he stared at a pack of around fifteen hunters approaching from the south.

"Fuck, Sylvr, would you kindly get us out of here" Ryan said, leaning out the window and firing a few .45 FMJ rounds at the approaching hunters to slow them down.

"my pleasure" Sylvr said as he jammed the vehicle in gear and plastered his booted foot to the floorboards, sending chunks of dirt and grass flying as the hummer's knobby tires spun. He spun the wheel to the right as the tires gained traction, going over a curb and changing gears as grass instantly changed to blacktop.

"Can't you just gun those things down like ya did with the others" Billy said, pointing to the turret.

Ryan leaned back in his seat, trying to get comfortable as Sylvr eased off the gas a bit "unfortunately, we weren't expecting to get shot down and only had a thousand rounds loaded. Sylvr burned about two to three hundred getting that pack of zombies off you. To answer the question, yes, but we may need those rounds for later, and I can't see any reason to waste them when we don't truly need them"

"O.k. so what now?"

"Now, we find that contact I mentioned... hopefully" Ryan said while gripping his seat as Sylvr swung the hummer hard to the left, narrowly missing a car heading in the opposite direction. Sylvr continued his reckless driving, letting the cars around him swerve out of the way as he barreled through them, getting flipped off more than once.

"Yea, fuck you too asshole" Sylvr yelled out the window "I swear, the next guy that flips me off is gonna find himself in a ditch" not a second after finishing this, a black Lamborghini swerved by, the vixen driving took both paws off the wheel and gave him a double bird before speeding off, driving crazier than the Romans. Grif and Simmons started laughing their asses off as Sylvr stared dumbfounded at the Lamborghini, almost slamming into the rear of another car "hot damn, I hope I run into her later"

"The way you're driving, you just might" Ryan punched Sylvr in the shoulder lightly, keeping his other hand glued to his seat.

"Ah, screw you guys" Sylvr mumbled, running an SUV that tried to cut in front of him into a parking meter "I hate this damn city traffic"

"There's our destination" Ryan said, pointing towards what was left of the Kutze Bridge.

Grif leaned into the front seat as the hummer passed the holocaust museum "sir, permission to search the wreckage" he said, pointing to the smoking remains of the C130.

"Sylvr, park this thing. Permission granted, but we can't take more than a few minutes, zombies wait for no fur"

Grif and Simmons jumped out of the vehicle before it even stopped, quickly trotting over to the main wreck.

"Think they'll find anything?" Billy asked before climbing out of the hummer to help search.

Ryan followed suit, more than glad to be out of the hummer "I doubt they'll find what they're looking for, but maybe we can dig up a few spare rounds"


1 p.m.

"GET IN THE DAMN CAR" the officer shouted, Zach was pushed into waiting squad car brutally, handcuffed as he was; resistance wasn't much of an option.

"I told you, we were trying to get an injured reporter to the hospital"

"Save it for the judge fucker, murder is murder however you look at it. If you're lucky the worst thing that will happen is you might end up in jail for a few years under involuntary manslaughter" the cop slammed the car door and walked back to the corvette.

"That worked out well"

"Ya think" James answered rhetorically, squirming in his seat as he tried to get into a comfortable position (not an easy thing to do when you're wearing a shiny pair of handcuffs)

"Yea, well, it was either this or run, and I doubt we would have gotten far"


"......... what happened to that reporter you were carrying?" Zach asked absently, staring out the window.

"Dead... her neck broke in the crash"

"You sure about that, because she doesn't look very dead to me" Zach mumbled, staring out the window.

"This better not be some dumb joke" James grumbled, leaning over to peer out the window. He could just make out the officer's voices through the glass.

"This one's hurt badly, I think she may have landed a blow to the head" the one holding the reporter, a fox, was checking the retriever. "Check this out" the fox waved his hand in front of the retrievers muzzle.

"Yea, so what" a uniformed lion said, staring at the paramedic blankly.

"don't they teach you lot anything these days?, here, I'll show you again" the fox repeated the process, waving his paw back and forth in front of the retriever "now do you see it?"

"See what?"

The fox sighed in exasperation "how you ever got on the force I'll never know... let me spell it out for your little mind, her eyes aren't following my paw like they should. Her eyes are open, but they don't register movement"

"Oh... so what's wrong with her?"

The fox started to answer but turned; James followed his line of sight and spotted a small group of uniformed furs about three hundred yards away running towards them. All of them carried weapons; the one in the lead was waving frantically and yelling, although James couldn't make out what he was saying. Too late... James spotted the movement before the officers and watched in horror as the retriever sunk her teeth into the fox's neck. He let out a strangled scream as his throat was ripped apart; the other officers stared at the massacre as blood spattered on the pavement. The lion barely had time to draw his sidearm before the retriever lunged at him, sinking her teeth into his shoulder. He buried the barrel into her chest and squeezed the trigger eight times, each round punching a bloody hole through the retriever as it exited her body.

"Holy shit" Zach breathed in astonishment, the same thing passed through James's mind as he watched the retriever shrug the .45 rounds off like flees, continuing to tear apart the lion's shoulder without pause. The other officers finally managed to regain enough sense to draw their weapons and open fire. This only seemed to piss the retriever off, she dropped the lion and went for the other cops, her body shuddering with each bullet that impacted with it, but barely slowing down. She hit the closer of the two officers, tackling him to the ground and mauling his face in less than six seconds. The last one to fall tried to run, hoping to escape the same fate of his comrades... he didn't get far.

"Fuck, that bitch won't die" Zach said, now getting a bit panicked.

"This can't be happening" James mumbled in reply, now working frantically to get his cuffs off.

"Unless we both inhaled the same thing, I think it is happening... wait, where'd she go?"

"Huh" James stared through the passenger window; he didn't see anything but the bodies of the dead police officers. "Looks like we got lucky today, guess she didn't OH SHIT" James shouted as the muzzle of the retriever slammed into the glass, shaking the police cruiser.

"Not good" Zach yelled as the bloody retriever started slamming her head into the glass, sending a few hairline fractures through it.

"COME ON DAMMIT" James yelled frantically as he tried to get his cuffs off, doing everything he could to slide his paws through the small holes. After a few more seconds of struggling, he sat back in the seat, resigning himself to the fate he knew would come. Zach still struggled in vain with his handcuffs; each time the retriever slammed into the window he lost his concentration. James just stared at the bloody face of the female, a small part of his mind wanted to believe that there was a chance that he could escape his fate, but the rest of it knew what awaited him. Each pound of skull to glass brought him closer to death, he watched in detached horror as the hairline fractures spread, becoming easily visible cracks that littered the majority of the glass's surface. Time seemed to slow, his senses heightened to the point where he could hear the cracks in the glass spreading, each one sounding like thunder. His heart almost stopped when a gunshot sounded and the retriever's head exploded, blood and brains splattering the cracked window as the body fell limply to the ground. He looked down the street and sighed in relief as he realized that he'd completely forgotten about the soldiers he'd seen.

"What just happened?" Zach asked, staring at the blood on the window. James just leaned back and nodded towards the approaching soldiers. "Talk about good timing"


1:30 p.m.

Levitas sighed in agitation, still pissed off about being forced into the waiting police cruisers along with about fifty panicked furs all clamoring for a way out of the infected city. The police were doing their best to evacuate, enlisting every vehicle at their disposal to ferry the panicked populace of the city to safety. He still couldn't believe he'd been ditched; Red had left as soon as he was in the cruiser, saying it was safer with the police. "If it's so much damn safer, why did he give me his revolver" Levitas thought to himself, patting the .357 in his pocket.


Red sprinted down the narrow alley, trying to avoid the rising population of zombies. They now seemed to be appearing almost everywhere, he almost couldn't believe how fast they were spreading. Blood curdling screams mixed with the moans of the undead and the pounding rain, creating a symphony of horror across most of the city. The black sky did nothing but add to the sense of impending doom, he cursed the weather as he ran, wishing it was warmer. Looking around, he didn't spot any sign of zombies and decided to take advantage of the opportunity. Stopping, Red plopped down against the alley wall, more than glad for a break. He had just started to doze off a crash sounded down the alley "what now?" he thought, standing back up and cracking his back. He walked down the alley, scanning every surface he passed. Rounding a corner, he sighed in relief "just a damn cat"

"Hello 208"

Red spun around, his heart catching in his throat as his gaze settled on a cloaked figure standing a few feet away.

"So nice of you to make this easy"

Two things passed through his mind in an instant, one, the voice was synthesized, two, whoever this guy was he wasn't a friend. Red didn't have any more time to think as his vision went dark, the bag over his head cutting out the light. He lashed out on instinct, slamming his elbow into his attacker and getting a satisfying grunt as the blow connected. He didn't get a second chance as he felt the prick of a needle in his neck a second later, his mind spun as he felt his body falling, the drug taking effect almost instantly.

i know, that one jumped around a bit too much (serves me right for getting so many characters into it) maybe i'll start trying to focus on just a few of the characters per chapter from now on (on the bright side, one less character to write about ^.=.^

hopefully those reading enjoyed this chapter, although i doubt it... oh well, leave a comment, rate, and have fun with the zombie hoards.

characters all belong to their respective owners,

Ryan Den: Zelosh

Sylvr: Sylvr

Zach: Vampire Panther

James Dihey: Guard Dog

Billy Carlson: Suicidal Ewok

Joseph Swift: Adair

i think that's everyone... for now XD