On Wind and Scale Part 2

Story by ReynartWrites on SoFurry

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#2 of On Winds and Scales

Given an opportunity to experience new things, the priest is more than excited to collaborate with the pirates, even if someone of those new things are sinful.

Once the adrenaline had worn off, the priest realized how ravenous he had become. Devan hadn't eaten since his arrival at the town and even that was a small bite of bread instead of an actual meal. For now, his curiosity and good graces managed to outweigh his hunger as he was brought back out to the deck of the ship while Cadenza and Adagia spread the word of the tentative new plan before they headed back down into the innards of the ship. A few hands clapped onto his shoulder as they passed welcoming him aboard and some welcoming him to the crew despite the fact that he wasn't going to be a pirate. Devan had to snicker behind a sleeve at the notion of becoming a sky pirate of all things. Why would he give up the cloth just to go around from kingdom to kingdom searching for lost treasures and even sometimes getting into dangerous situations? He then frowned behind his sleeve and furrowed his brow as he thought of the fact that he did that very same thing except with less excitement and sometimes an air of extortion as he was sent only to places that had a specific interest to the church or had paid enough to curry their favor. Hm, judging by the fact that his stomach began to rumble unpleasantly at the thought of curry despite the meaning in the phrase he figured that it would be best to think of other things for now. Cadenza and Adagia kept on leading him until they got to the galley near one of the lower levels of the ship. Devan expected most of the money to be put into giving Cadenza some sort of private eatery because that seemed typical of those who had power, or at least, those he had met before. Instead, the galley was an open area full of warmth and revelry. Food was being served at the moment from a few holes leading into the kitchen where a strong scent of spice and herbs was flowing out causing his mouth to water and his stomach to rumble again. The tables themselves were set close together with drinks being passed around and even a few pirates singing. Devan hadn't really known what to expect but what he saw put a smile on his face. So many were well fed and grinning. It was almost enough to make him forget that they had at one point bound his wrists and stolen a dangerous artifact from under his nose.

Breaking him out of his thoughts was an arm around his shoulder yanking his body toward one of the tables to sit down while Cadenza called out, "Someone get us some food and drink! Something heavy for the gut and something sweet and yet poisonous for the mind!"

Laughter answered followed by a cheer that drowned out any word about not wanting alcohol and so he simply sighed and figured that one drink would not be the end of his purity. Cadenza sat at his side and Adagia by her. It wasn't long before they were brought plates with smoking meat and potatoes covered in some sort of sauce that carried the bulk of the scent. There were even carrots cut to the side. Normally, it would be rude to dig in without some sort of prayer or at least waiting for the host to say something but Cadenza and Adagia were already eating without him. He wasn't one to push his beliefs on anyone else, so he simply said a quick prayer that was punctuated by the drop of a mug of something deep and purple. Curiosity urged his hand to take hold of the mug and bring it to face. A cursory sniff revealed a sweet scent kissed by something that tickled his nostrils. With a shrug, he took a sip and immediately felt his mouth set aflame with that sweetness before turning into a chill that shivered down his spine.

As he set the cup down and tried not to choke, Cadenza slapped his back, "Smart of you not to drink too deeply of that for the first time! A favorite mixture of my crew. Bit of wine spiced and frosted with just the right touch."

He simply cleared his throat in response wishing that he had been warned but he supposed that he couldn't complain since he was eating for free. Devan had less of a reason to complain as he took his first few bites. The wine had nearly overloaded his senses but the food was rich and full of simmering flavors. Warmth gathered in his tongue in a mixture of savory and spiced carried by a thick sauce and spread evenly by bites of buttery potato that practically melted. If the cook were next to him then he would have broken any vow of purity to give a kiss in proper worship.

When he had cleared half of his plate, he decided to set his fork and knife down to breathe and check on his hosts. Cadenza and Adagia had eaten through most of their plates. The fair captain was speaking to some of her crew, a few who were snickering at her words while one particular fox leaned against her, digits trailing down her front while Cadenza's legs spread. His cheeks flushed at the sight while he looked over to see that Adagia was simply smiling and sipping at her mug. Were they not married? Those digits kept on trailing down until they disappeared beneath red cloth, a bulge growing and straining against the material until the priest registered what was happening. His cheeks burned and he flung his attention back to his front as he grabbed onto his cup to down a bit of wine. Devan had forgotten the effects of the wine and found the need to nearly beat the table as the heat and ice danced in circles around his tongue before dipping into his throat and gut.

"Having some trouble there?" Cadenza asked with a chuckle.

Devan kept his eyes away from her while speaking as clearly as he could manage while his tongue still tingled, "Forgive me for being a bit traditional and finding this odd but is this typical in your marriage?"

The chuckle blossomed in a tittering giggle along with what Cadenza must have thought was a light punch on his shoulder but the spot throbbed like nothing else while she spoke, "Is that why you're so red-faced!? Abyss and above I nearly forgot that you were a priest. Yes, this is normal. Adagia and myself aren't shy about our affections and we're open. Always have been. Really, though. I'm surprised! Figured a wandering priest like yourself wouldn't be so easy to blush."

"My wandering has nothing to do with sex as I have abstained from such things." He muttered.

"And yet, here you are drinking with pirates, dining on their food, and sitting in their presence while they perform debauched actions!"

Devan rolled his eyes, "It is not my duty to instruct others in the way of what is right or what is wrong. Sex isn't even something discouraged but I wish to remain pure so that I may keep my focus. Many priests take such oaths."

"And how has that worked out for them?" Asked Adagia between a particularly loud sip.

He thought of a few examples and remained quiet before he shut his eyes and breathed out, "That is beside the point. For me, it has worked out just fine. I am not denying myself, I am only waiting until the day that I settle down and am ready to set aside my coat."

Cadenza pinched the side of his coat and tugged just a bit while snickering, "Could be sooner than that if you're willing to cast aside such silly tradition."

Turning his head, he opened his eyes to address Cadenza but paused as the burning on his cheeks renewed and his gaze drifted down to where the fox's digits were wrapped around the tapered tip of a thick shaft poking out from the folds of the wrap she wore. Devan opened his mouth, looking away again before he found himself wondering how that thing would feel within him. It was an odd and inescapable thought that shifted and turned into a curiosity of how Cadenza bred Adagia. Both thoughts were highly inappropriate and he rested his elbow on the table, chin buried on his hand while digits covered his mouth and his ears fell to the sides. Perhaps purity had been so easy to maintain because he had so rarely ever come across temptation. Even those who looked attractive were so rarely willing to make a pass at a priest and those who were often simply stated that they were jesting or had they?

A few words caught his attention but he had been lost in his own thoughts and so he lifted his head and spoke, "Come again?"

"Need a shower, priest?"

He looked to see that the fox was nowhere to be seen and Cadenza's cock was barely hidden behind folds of red again while the captain leaned back in her seat with a grin on her face. Looking down at his drink, he downed the rest of it and chewed through the sensation before nodding, "I think I could use a shower." And to himself, he muttered, "In ice."

Either she ignored that final comment or was simply being polite as she got up and grunted, "Come then, I'll show you to a guest cabin. Nothing too fancy but it'll have a soft bed and a way for you to get in touch with me quickly."

Thankful for the change in subject, he got up and left the scraps of his meals to someone else. Devan followed Cadenza again through the ship, finding that he was getting used to the layout with Adagia following behind to point out a few of the more important corners. They were careful to stop on occasion to tell him where dangerous portions of the ship were. Not because they were barred from him necessarily but because they contained mechanisms within the ship that would churn him to pieces if he fell over a guard rail or stepped into a space unprepared for what was within. Such thoughts were frightening but he was thankful for the care. Of course, he was less thankful for the teasing as Cadenza offered her own quarters as a place he could stay if he desired. When he simply blushed and did not take the offer, she laughed. Even Adagia turned her head away to hide a snicker. He hoped that this teasing would not last too long and more importantly, he hoped the warmth that he felt between his legs would go away. It was most likely that damnable wine that had decided to plague his pure mind or maybe the fact that his eyes had witnessed such a splendid sight. He managed to keep a blush off of his face as he ignored that last thought and continued following until they got to a door down a hall.

"And here we are at your room. Deck is a short walk away and the bridge is pretty close but you can see that later." Cadenza said while patting the door.

Devan beamed, "Thank you. For your hospitality and your instructions, though, I must say I could do without the teasing."

Adagia sighed, "That won't end anytime soon, and if I know her, more awaits."

The captain laughed and opened the door before stepping inside, "She has the right of it! But for now, let me explain something."

He followed along while feeling a bit of a chuckle escape him. The room was small but it wasn't cramped. There was a bed and a desk should he need it along with a crystal above that he could use for light. Another door led to what he assumed was the bathroom but something he didn't recognize was an open-mouthed pipe near the bed.

Cadenza moved over to it where she cranked a valve on the side, "This thing is a communication device used by the ship. You can send a bird if you'd like but this is instant and is connected to most major rooms. Cranking this valve here just once connects it to my room, twice to the bridge and that's all you'll need to know. If you need to know more then I'll teach you"

"Three times will get you to my private study." Said Adagia.

Both Cadenza and Devan looked over with a bit of surprise as Devan said, "Thank you. I'll be sure to remember. How would I go about turning it off?"

The captain moved her hand just over the valve where a small switch was and flicked it, the valve turning itself back to a neutral position before she gave the top of it a pat, "Like that. So if you're jerking one out, having a romp with one of my crew, or just whispering in your sleep no one will hear you."

Devan cleared his throat and decided to play along for once, "Of course, I would love nothing more than for everyone to hear my vows broken."

"I can arrange for that to happen. Before, after, or during your shower."

Though he had said what he did in jest, he could see that Cadenza was fixing him with a sharp stare full of predatory intent. His cheeks blossomed with color again as he placed a hand over his mouth and looked away. That look, her words, her not so quiet offer! It was tempting and that fact alone was shaking. He had never had such temptation placed before him until now and making it worse was the wife standing there just watching with a small smile as Cadenza worked. He thought of taking a kiss from either, thought of writhing beneath sheets for the first time and wondered; was there any true point to his vows? Why had he taken them in the first place? Because these things were distractions from his mission but that had been suggested and implanted in his mind by the church, the very church that splurges on itself and lets the public rot. How could they indulge so much while claiming that enjoying one's body would lead to a loss of focus? In no book or teaching of the God and Goddess did it say that they frowned upon sex, in fact, they both celebrated it.

Quietly, he began, "If I wished to break my vows I think it would be perhaps after a shower and after a bit of convincing. I might need a sharper mind in order to help me get there." His eyes trailed to Adagia before he cleared his throat, "I welcome you both to try, I suppose."

"What a mistake." Came Adagia's voice with a laugh.

Cadenza followed that laughter with a snort of her own, "Hush, you know I treat the new one's sweetly, most of the time."

Devan sighed aloud as he turned to the door he assumed led to the bathroom and grabbed hold of the knob, "I'm going to just go in and you both are free to follow me before I change my mind and what I assume is this wine's influence decides to leave my spirit."

As he opened the door and stepped through the threshold, Cadenza and Adagia followed quietly with snickers held behind small smiles. The bathroom was a square comprising a corner for relieving one's self and a larger section segmented by a glass door. He began to slip out of his clothes without thinking about the two reptiles behind him and ignored the shuffling of materials coming from them. Devan opened the glass door and stepped through to find that it was more spacious than he figured, most likely because there were certain activities expected to happen in such places. Two knobs stood before him with a head above them that dripped with water.

As he turned one, he said aloud, "I wonder how it is that you got your start. It can't have been with all of this, could it?"

The water came down in a fine spray that started as a bracing cold but settled in gentle warmth while Cadenza hummed, "Now that's a question. We started after leaving home, Adagia, me, and a crew of others who had grown beneath the Balance. We stole what we could at first and we had no dreams of adventure or desires of grandeur; only survival."

He chanced a look back at Cadenza and saw that Adagia leaned against her with eyes closed as he spoke quietly, "You were orphans raised by the church then?"

Cadenza chuckled, "We were wards of a war from a far off land we have no recollection of. Together, we grew a distaste for a church beneath their constant pecking and forced guidance. I would have been a knight and Adagia would have been a priestess much like yourself but I would have been a holy tool and Adagia would have been studying nothing but scripture."

"But you choose this life instead?"

Adagia spoke quietly, "We chose to live our own lives instead of being controlled on puppet strings, instead of being berated for wanting to be ourselves despite the teachings of the God and Goddess saying otherwise."

Devan closed his eyes and looked up at the spray of the water, "I can't deny that the life I have led has been urged and pushed in one way or another to take advantage of my fervor. The thought of traveling to dangerous locations to do my work without the influence and body of the church behind me is exciting, not frightening so I do not blame you or fault you for anything you did...More than that, I wish the church would have helped you both become what you wished to become, whether studied in magic, adventurers of some sort, or otherwise."

Hands grabbed hold of his body, a warm front touching his back as Cadenza spoke, "And that's why you wanted us to convince you to abandon your vows?"

A small, dry smile touched his expression as he opened an eye and looked at Cadenza hovering over his shoulder, "Can they really be so important that I seek to abandon them at the first sign of a beautiful tail? My faith is my own but I think I wish to separate myself from the church in as many ways as possible. This little detour was just an excuse. It would have happened regardless."

The hands on his body trailed up and around so one was on his cheek, claws brushing through the fur while Cadenza leaned in further and craned her head to take her lips with her maw, her tongue pushing into his mouth for a first kiss that was more heated than he had expected. Her tongue pushed against his, her body pushing close as he felt her growing arousal pushing at his back. Deeper and deeper she went with that tongue crawling against his tongue and into his throat. He thought that she might choke him with such movements but her tongue pulled away before that happened, spit swapped among the spray of the shower as she pulled her maw away. Adagia stepped in next and grabbed his cheek to pull him toward the other direction, snout meeting lips to part and allow tongues to meet again in a much softer manner, Adagia's tongue almost guiding his in a warm dance. Both kisses had his mind swimming in an odd fog made of his fragmenting vows, his body trembling to their touch until it felt like he was about to buckle beneath the weight of his unobstructed arousal.

A hand moved between his legs to feel over his erection, a gasp escaping his mouth as Cadenza breathed against his ear, "It's going to be hard being sweet with such a pretty body. You look like you can handle a lot but you're inexperienced. We have things to do as well so no sense in breaking you, not yet."

Adagia brought her mouth to his shoulder to plant her fangs on it for a quick bite before rumbling, "Cadenza, behave. You've already gotten him to break his vows. At least give him a week to get used to you before you rail him."

Shudders ran the course of his body as he heard Cadenza growl, "If I rail you hard enough that you can't complain, maybe I can have a shot at the bunny without your input."

"You have to share Cadenza. Let the priest be broken of his vows and let him break his vows himself."

Devan muttered, "The priest is here and would like to shower before we have our fun."

Both Adagia and Cadenza chuckled, separating from him to instead embrace one another with their mouths locked together and one eye from each looking over at him. He looked at them for a second before closing his eyes and turning toward the spray of water, breathing in and then out to calm himself down just a bit. When their shower had concluded and they had all dried off, the trio headed out into the room to continue their fun. Cadenza sat at the edge of the bed with her legs spread enough to let her shaft rise into the air freely and so he could get a better look. It appeared thicker at the base and came out of a slit.

When his eyes didn't move from her meat, a gentle touch at the back of his head came along with Adagia's voice, "If you're so curious, you could take a closer look and have a different type of first kiss. Please her and you might escape being roughed up long enough to satisfy yourself with me."

The digits at the back of his head moved down to his shoulder, tracing the spots where Adagia had bitten him while urging him forward and down onto his knees as if he were about to commit blasphemy and devote himself to the shaft before him. In truth, part of him desired to. He had always held himself back in any thought or manner of sex and now that he found himself kneeling before that very pillar of arousal and hunger; he couldn't help but look on it in awe.

A foot came up and pressed down on his shoulder as Cadenza grinned, "Hey now, I know it's impressive but nothing is going to happen if you're just going to stare. How about you start just below near the tail? Give that hole a nice kiss before licking up to the shaft."

He had never done such a thing before and just the mention had a blush spreading across his entire face bright enough that it hurt just a bit. Breathing out, he brought his mouth down to the spot beneath the slit of her cock, planting kisses there before going down to the hole just above her tail. His tongue came out and dipped against it, pressing while he shuddered at the warm taste staining his tongue. Devan looked up hoping for some sort of guidance but only saw Cadenza leaning back, an elbow propped on the bed and her cheek resting in the palm of her hand while she looked down at him with a toothy smile. The priest ignored that look and instead kept on licking, pushing to dip inside just a bit before bringing it out and sliding it all the way up to the base of her shaft. Surprise touched his features at the feeling of the heat gracing his tongue but he did not stop as he brought his mouth up to the tip of her cock bit by bit until he was kissing the head. Finally, she brought her foot off of his shoulder and straightened. Perhaps now she would give him some sort of guidance.

Both of her hands gripped the base of his ears as she breathed out, "Here's the deal. Take a deep breath. Open wide and I'll use this pretty mouth of yours to pleasure myself. Pass out, and you'll wake up with every inch of me inside of that ass of yours. Stay awake and I'll let you breed my wife. Sound good?"

Devan had been one to shy away from challenges but now that he was trying so many different things, he might as well give in and enjoy the game. His answer came in the form of his mouth opening wide, a deep breath drawn in before he brought his tongue beneath the tip of her shaft. Cadenza wasted no time in plunging deep into his maw. Only about half of it fit before he gagged and sputtered, both of his hands coming up to her thighs to press against them while he struggled to handle the sudden strength of her thrusts. She slowed down for a moment at the very least, easing his head forward to urge him to take more and more of her heated shaft while his body adjusted to the invasion. The sudden pain, the gagging, the drool falling from his lips. These sensations and things did not deter from the arousal he felt and instead made him feel wrong but in a good way. He had been taught that indulging in such savagery would lead to distraction from the true Balance but here he was submitting himself to a pirate of all things to be used like a toy and such a thought sent shivers down his spine. Again she thrust against his mouth as if to punctuate his depraved thoughts and he gagged again but this time allowed more of her cock to slide into his mouth, his eyes already clouding over with mist from a mixture of pain and arousal.

The grip at his ears did not relent. If anything, her digits curled tighter around the base, tugging just a bit with every push that sent her forward, bringing his nose ever closer to her crotch. Adagia sat by Cadenza with a small smile rooted on her face as she leaned against the captain and lounged as if she were watching a play being acted out just for her. That icy stare toyed with the heat in his mind pushing him to stay conscious as it got harder and harder to draw breath due to the captain's constant rutting. His nose eventually touched her crotch and strained against it as if he could go any further than that, body trembling while every inch of her virile shaft pulsed inside of his throat. Breath grew harder to draw but he managed to keep himself afloat through his nose. A snarl came from Cadenza as she locked her leg around his head and began to pound into his throat over and over again, his vision blurring further with every push.

By now, his touch had faded from her thighs and his arms had gone limp at his sides, his body weakening but the arousal in him boiling. A few more pushes, a few more thrusts, and Cadenza's cock began to pulse violently, hot cum pouring down his throat and eventually onto his tongue as she pulled back just enough to keep her tongue against it. More and more poured out and he was forced to swallow, salty, and almost spiced thick seed falling into his gut as he accepted every drop while giving thanks to the lord and lady for this wonderful gift. When Cadenza pulled out, she sprayed his face with the remnants of her cum and planted her foot back on his shoulder.

"Still awake there?" Asked Cadenza with a chuckle.

Coughing and sucking in breath, he brought a thumb up as an answer and Adagia hummed, "My, you really are sweet to the new ones."

Cadenza rumbled quietly bringing a shiver down his spine, "Would have loved to go for a bit more and hold myself in his throat but I figured we can save that roughness for later. Your turn to enjoy him."

The foot on his shoulder was taken off before he was brought up and onto the bed where Adagia's cool form brought him atop of her. He was still having some trouble thinking after that throat pounding but her hands were guiding his cock to the warmth of her pussy while Cadenza massaged his back. It felt like he was already close to bursting just from the sensations he had been pushed to feel. The tip of his shaft met her insides soon enough while both Cadenza and Adagia purred. Devan found himself suddenly nervous. This was his first time with someone like this and he wasn't quite sure whether or not he would be good enough. He felt tired, extremely so from his trip, from his sudden throatfucking and more. If he could manage it, then he would want it to feel good for Adagia too.

Sudden words at his ears eased his thoughts and pushed them aside, "Take it at your own pace...A few thrusts will be fine. Cadenza can take care of me afterward."

Devan hugged around Adagia as tight as he could manage while shutting his eyes, hips suddenly thrusting forward to bring himself all the way in earning a sigh and a chuckling moan from Adagia. Faster and faster his hips jerked to make the most of this encounter even though he was already so close. It didn't take long for his seed to start spilling but it was an amount nearing the load that he had swallowed not because his output would be this way normally most likely but because this was his first time expunging himself of this arousal. It felt almost painfully hot coming out, his body trembling violently as he held onto her for dear life until he was finally done, body loosening, eyes still shut tight while he pulled out and leaned against her.

Gentle digits from both reptiles came to grasp and move him onto the bed properly, covering him and planting kisses on each of his cheeks while he felt the exhaustion of the day hitting him. He muttered something about there being more to do and Cadenza simply told him that they would wake him up if they needed him and that their destination would not be properly decided without him. Cadenza and Adagia remained side by side next to him, coiled together with their mouths together as they shared a sweet moment after having opened the priest to a new perspective. He had always wanted to stray away, always wanted to ride away on the wind to learn of the world in his own way, and in his dreams; he was a pirate.