Poem suggestions* -1.-

Story by Jiblits on SoFurry

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Suggestion given for poem*

*Animal thoughts/poems perceived as human.

  • cat

Amazing the colors, the flickering all about, so fast, so welcoming

It's movements are mesmerizing, it's melodic song hypnotizing

Back & forth, every part of me must pounce without fail, or be a joke of the best

After so many tumbles, so many flips back & forth, I think I'll have a rest

The tall ones seem to be happy, smiling & laughing all around

Such a pleasant feeling, so happy to be laying about on the cool ground

With ease, they catch the singing bird in the ball of fluff

Next time, it won't be so lucky, I'm sure it won't be so tuff

  • dog

The hills never seem to end, the air brisk & clear

I am called a best friend, always reliable, always near

It's amazing to try & find the ball, or catch the disk so light

Especially, to simply relax on the bird bed, & get pet late at night

The fight among friends for who can take the rope is never ending

Though, with a smile we pull apart, & each time, the tall ones seem to be pretending

The little tall ones seem to enjoy my company at any time of day

I watch over them, as they lay down, & blissfully dream away

At times, it seems like they won't return home, back to my side

Each time, they do, but it's always a shock, one I'd rather hide

With joy, I welcome them back, & they seem so happy as well

Though, if I play too much, they openly, rudely, say I smell

  • Bird

Singing my songs among many with similar melodies, I take part in a buffet from friends

Delicious bread pieces for all to enjoy, the crust is best at the ends

Some given by older tall ones down the street, or the smaller bunch with cake

It's always appreciated, always welcomed, though some don't wait & simply take

Giving us bad labels, we can't all quickly land & take off to a tree

Some take time, others can't fly fast, like me

Still, the patient get more than worms these days

Many delicious things to try, flavored in so many ways

So for now, we chips, & cheep, all day, without a care

Hoping to accompany those with something delicious to share