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#130 of Commissions

A commission I did for Roure on SF about a man being sent out as a bounty hunter and realizing his target is a little more than he can handle.

Wanted by Pent Ghelsburg

Disclaimer: The characters depicted in this work are purely fictional. Any resemblance to people alive or dead is purely a coincidence. They are the original and rightful intellectual property of their creators. Some of them are depicted as underage. I use them with permission and respect. This work contains suggestive sexual content. You have been warned.

"If we do not maintain justice,

justice will not maintain us.

-Francis Bacon

The great beyond, an infinite void decorated by the lights of millions of stars scattered throughout the system. Planets circling their respective orbit. The universe limited by only the imaginations bound stretched throughout a veritable number of systems and families of moons that are known only by the most knowledgeable of astronomers. Of course, there are places still yet unknown and much of the universe remains unsettled. As such science has focused more on the habitable spaces than elsewhere. Such is the way of things when science is not is as brave and explorative as it should otherwise be.

Even with the limited nature of some realms of science, there remain those who explore the unknown. The danger of the notion is just as enticing as the aspect of discovering new things. But for many, it is their job to venture into the unknown, sometimes for science but many others for various other exploits. Perhaps one of the most dangerous jobs in these uncharted areas fall to those in the Galactic police force. One would think that crime would be limited but often officers end up traveling far and wide in chases that are never short-lived.

Rory was one such member of the elite police force unit. He had long been employed by the Morthu sector, which was the 3rd most populous are of the known universe. It was his 9th year with his unit and he had recently been promoted to the hunters unit. This meant that he had been granted more power but was also expected to do more things. He had yet to graduate to a full bounty hunter but was being given more independence with each completed mission.

Rory was a member of the furry caste, the small race in Morthu. He often felt ostracized since dogs weren?t incredibly prevalent. He was the only canine in his part of the force. Despite being there so long, he felt like his superiors never did much to fix the fact that he was the only canine. As such he felt alone even though sometimes he had a partner. Regardless there were times when he pushed his superiors to either hire other canines or transfer someone over but it never came to be.

One day he was in the office, lounging about. His desk looked out into the horizon. It was getting late and the planets moon could be seen starting to rise. It was a slow day and he was ready to go home and retire. He had already loosened his tie and had taken it off. He was about to leave and had both the tie and his lunch box in his hand when a knock at the door occurred just as he was approaching it. The person on the other side didn?t wait and opened the door immediately. It seemed it was his boss.

The tall squid woman seemed bothered as she wasn?t as composed as she normally was. In her hands, she had a single paper which she was waving about like it was a winning lottery ticket.

"Rory, we have a job for you. It?s very important and our top hunter is out on other business. We need you to bring this fugitive in for justice." The woman passed off the paper to the young man in her tentacle.

Rory looked over what seemed to be a wanted poster. He had seen similar documents before but this was the first time it was color. He assumed that meant it must that the target must have been high profile. He examined it for a moment, it seemed to be some of red fox in some sort of black and red military uniform.

"This is Cai, the mad scientist of the Ziobi sector. Reports say he has captured several of our operatives. This matches with the fact that some of them have gone MIA. We want you to rescue them as well as arrest the never-do-well. If you do we will reward you handsomely." The aquan folded her arms and awaited his response.

The dog read through the specifics in the document. "Yes, I will do it. You can count on me."

"Excellent. Then you leave tomorrow. Prepare and make haste. We will have your ship prepared for you in the morning. Make sure you are ready." The woman left the room leaving him alone.

The mutt hesitated a bit before leaving. He had never had a mission of this kind of importance before. Yet, he was not afraid and took a deep breath before exiting the room. He was experiencing a mixture of excitement and nerves. He knew this was the chance to prove himself and show that his breed was capable. Normally such missions were reserved for the officers of the unit, all of which were sea creatures of various sorts.

He found himself walking slower than normal. Occasionally he glanced at the wanted poster, which seemed to be glaring back at him ominously. Eventually, he crumbled it up and disposed it in a waste bin before returning to his car. His car was aquatic since the majority of the planet he lived on was made of water. The vehicle was operated by a propellor in the rear and skidded right along the water surface. The better to do people had ones that went under the water but he wasn?t interested in such vanity since it was little other than a status symbol.

Now that the paper was gone he was able to focus on getting home. He was able to make it home rather quickly since there was much traffic about. His part of the city wasn?t overpopulated and so that made it easier to get around especially during rush hour. Once he arrived home, he turned on the TV and began to make dinner. He wasn?t paying attention to the device as it was only serving as white noise for him. The dog was more worried about his meal and had begun preparing some roast beef with some roasted vegetables for his dinner.

Coincidentally the news was on and the anchorwoman was droning on about the weather. The rain was expected to fall throughout the week, which was nothing new for the aquatic planet Despite having lived there for so long, there were still some cultural nuances of the planet?s inhabitants that he didn?t quite understand. Towards the tail end of the news segment, the usual hosts of the show appeared to sign off for the night. But before they did, they announced a breaking news announcement. Rory couldn?t help but look up from the griddle as it didn?t quite take his full attention.

"This just in...I am being told that the mad scientist Cai is showing himself once again. Several reports have been shared with us by the authorities that designated Cai as being responsible for several missing people. Several in-person reports have also been shared with us with people who have been in the vicinity of the Ziobi. They say the planet is experiencing a small security buildup as well as some buildings sprouting up. This matches up with his reported location being the same sector. We strongly suggest all transients to avoid this location if it all possible." The octopus on the screen placed down his paper and signed off.

Rory returned his attention to cooking. The scent of the sauteed meat was wafting through his apartment. The young man was a little worried now at the thought of a large security detail prohibiting him from getting access to his target. It wasn?t like he had been asked to take down his target. He knew full well he had to bring Cai in for justice and the cop wasn?t about to break protocol to make his life easier. It was only once the food started to burn and the singed meat bothered his sense of smell that he snapped out of his state of worry.

After he served himself a plate of the dinner and poured himself a glass of milk. It was a meager meal but one that he was more than happy to indulge in. It took him longer than it would have normal as he was somewhat scattered in thought between actually eating and thinking about his task that he would undertake tomorrow. Once he finished, he picked up his place and placed it in the sink. He wasn?t in the mood to do dishes and wanted to get an early nights rest so that he could be up bright and early for the day tomorrow.

Rory was ready to go to bed even if he wasn?t incredibly tired. He wanted nothing more than to end the negative thoughts he was experiencing about his job. The dog dragged himself to his room and flopped right onto his bed, not even bothering to change his clothing. He kicked off his shoes and lazed about for a bit, looking at his phone and scrolling through it. Nothing of interest came up so he just turned it off and shut his eyes. It wasn?t long before he began to toss and turn. His mind was restless and was not in a state to be restful.

Still, he struggled through it and laid their hoping sleep would overtake him. It was a good long while before it did. When he finally managed to sleep, his body was warmer than usual and he couldn?t help but kick off his blanket. Once his mind finally wandered into rest it wasn?t long before he began to dream. Visions of a colorful room with strange figurines that resembled heroes he had once adored as a child. Even more strange were the plush animals that were strewn across the otherwise empty room.

It was as if he was being shown a vision of his past and it was rather reassuring to him. When he awoke to the sound of his alarm, he was surprisingly refreshed. The morning sun was not yet risen outside the window and he couldn?t see through his blurry vision. Rory rubbed his eyes and allowed them to adjust to the lack of light in the room. It took a moment before he was able to get out and about. The dog headed back towards the kitchen to make himself a quick bite to eat for breakfast.

While he was making some oatmeal, he heard his phone go off. He thought it was strange to be getting

a call this early but figured it was his boss checking in. The young man traveled back to his room leisurely and by the time he arrived, the call was missed. He checked his phone and saw it was a number he didn?t recognize. Rory figured it was no big ordeal and headed back into the kitchen. By this point, he could smell the oatmeal boiling and rushed to make sure it didn?t spill over.

The dog quickly poured himself some juice and made himself a bowl of the rich blueberry oatmeal. It was his favorite part of the day and he especially looked forward to it before important missions. He always took his time in enjoying the mean. Before he finished the phone rang again but this time he just ignored it. He was in no mood to disrupt his meal for what he assumed to be another prank call or something similar.

After he finished up his meal, he cleaned up a bit. He certainly didn?t want to come back to a dirty house, especially after a long day of work, and knew he would regret it if he didn?t. Once he was done he rushed himself to get ready for work. He hadn?t even changed from last night but he knew he couldn?t wear the same outfit again. Back inside of his room he quickly changed out of it and threw it in the corner before going into his closet to find a new uniform to change into.

His wardrobe wasn?t incredibly varied since his job had very strict dress guidelines. Rory finished dressing and grabbed his briefcase from where he had left it the other night. He felt he was ready for the day ahead and he exited his apartment. The door automatically locked and he was on his way. It was still early in the morning and the sun was just beginning to rise, so it wasn?t incredibly warm out. The dog looked out into the horizon and took a moment to appreciate the beauty of the glaring sun as it blazed across the vast bodies of water in front of him.

Rory took a deep breath and trekked down the stairs to his car. He couldn?t help but wonder what the day had in store for him. The dog was no longer bothered by the prospect of failure as the moments of anxiety that overwhelmed him had seemed to pass overnight. He zipped across the ocean making his way through the city proper. As was normal for this early in the morning, there weren?t too many people out and about. When he arrived at the police precinct, he saw only the overnight crew leaving and wondered where his boss was.

After parking, he went inside he went through security. It was a long painstaking process where he was screened and scanned for contraband. It was the headquarters for the police after all so everything was tightly controlled and watched over. Rory wasn?t bothered by it and had grown used to it rather quickly. Once he passed through security, he casually made his way through the hallways of the station. Not many people were around since it was a change in shifts but there were a few who passed by and he waved at.

Eventually, he made his way back to where the offices were situated in the building. He fully expected to find his boss to be waiting for him but she was nowhere to be seen. Rory wondered if he should go around looking for her. The dog decided to busy himself with something else as he had no idea where she might be. He figured it was best to let her find him. He began to work on his computer and the moment the screen came on a hologram flickered on his desk. The projection was a full image of his boss.

"Inspector Rory, I hope this message finds you well. I was called late on the last minute duty last night so I cannot be there in person to see you off. You need to see the equipment team and they will provide you some gear that is essential to the success of the mission. You must return the culprit for justice. Do this and I promise you a promotion into whichever department you wish."

The hologram flickered and eventually disappeared. Rory picked himself from his desk and turned the computer off. He continued down the hall to the munitions department. This is where they kept all of the equipment for missions as well as the tools necessary to see to it that special tasks could be completed efficiently. It was a short distance down the hall with the door always open regardless of the time of day.

Munitions were managed by a merperson. The woman slid around in a room that had a small amount of water on the floor to provide her support. As Rory entered, she stopped what she was doing and approached him. Her speech was slurred and she had some difficulty speaking.

"How mussst I assissst?" The woman snaked across the floor close to where the dog was standing.

Rory watched nervously as she neared him. "Well, the boss told me that you would have gear for me for the mission."

"Ah, yesss. The Cai mission no doubt? Isssss a risssky venture, no doubt." She crept away from him and pushed a single button on the wall.

A whirling sound reverberated through the room and a few yellow lights speckled along the corner of the room. A moment later a slab of steal rocketed out from the wall. It screeched along the floor and slammed to a stop without even rearranging any of its contents. The woman slithering over next to it and scanning through it by panning her slender finger along its contours. Soon she poked her finger into it and stepped away. A moment later a thin metal rail peeled out and hanging from it was what seemed to be some sort of battle suit.

Rory approached it slowly. It was made latex but had some metallic parts along the shoulders and lower legs. Most noticeable were the extendable wings and hood, which he assumed was of the purpose of oxygen.

"Thisss isss a nio sssuit. It will maintain gravity asss well asss sssupport life in otherwissse inhossspitable areas," The woman pulled it off the rack and handed it to him.

The dog examined it for a moment and thought the outfit to be silly. But he wasn?t about to risk his own life in the name of vanity. The mermaid pointed to the changing room where he switched out of his normal work clothing into the nio suit. It seemed he was ready to fulfill his duty.

"Thank you." He shook the woman?s hand who only meagerly returned the gesture.

He showed himself out and stretched. The fabric of his new outfit was tight and he figured it would take some getting used to before he broke it in. Rory made his way to the transport deck. It was a short distance from where he was but descended into the base level of the complex. It took him underwater as the space ships on the planet were designed to take off from a submerged platform.

When he arrived onto the platform, the disk that protected the area was still extended over the top of it to keep water from crashing in on-air breathers. Rory stepped out onto the platform as the door behind him closed. It was colder beneath the water but it was nothing he wasn?t used to. After all, the majority of the planet was bound to the sea. The dog headed over to where the space ships were situated. They were for all of the units use and it wasn?t something he had to check out or use so there was no one else around to see what he was doing.

He climbed the ladder of the nearest ship and the hood opened as it calculated his weight nearing the entrance of the vessel. Once he was inside of it, Rory settled into the chair and pressed a few buttons on the vehicle?s instrument panel. Moments later the hood closed back in on him and the disc protecting the area fell back. Within moments water crashed in and soon it was completely submerged in water.

The dog pushed the lever forward as the seatbelt in the vehicle automatically fashioned around him. The engine began to sound and soon the submarine space ship began to push off. At first, it was rather slow but after about a minute or so it began propelling through the water. Rory could see the surface nearing as he knew he was about to break through the water at any moment. He shielded his eyes so that the sun would not blind him on exit.

Once the vehicle left the water, it passed out of the atmosphere and off the planet itself. After it exited orbit, Rory couldn?t help but look back at the planet. It was a blueish hue in color and he could make out some of the larger bodies of water that he had grown used to. After a few seconds of taking in the sights, he returned his attention to the matter at hand. Now that the vehicle had cleared the gravitational pull of the planet, it had stopped and was awaiting coordinates for its destination.

The dog pushed a few buttons on the screen in front of him. Suddenly a star map appeared in his lap. It was a small representation of some of the local planets within his system. He spun it around until it brought him to the Ziobi system. A confirmation message appeared and Rory approved light-speed travel. The projection disappeared and the space ship immediately blackened for a moment as if the power had gone out.

Rory took a deep breath as he waited for the overdrive engines to kick him. The second he did his whole body was pressed back against the chair. He watched as stars passed him as thin streams of light. The occasional planet was only distinguishable by size alone as he waited for the otherwise stressful event to end. The young man found it strange that he wasn?t getting sick as he normally did but paid it no heed.

It was a few minutes before the light speed sequence events ended. When it did, the vehicle came to a very slight stop. He could barely tell they had shifted from the two modes of transportation. When the ship came to a stop, Rory could see everything around him more definitively. Stars were still the most prominent feature but now an entire alien planet was presented in front of him. The black and red ashen planet of Ziobi. The planets weather clouds rotated ever so slightly along the surface of the planet.

Strangely there was no reception call as he was used to

from his home planet. Rory assumed the place to be remote enough that few lived there. The dog pushed a few more buttons as the shuttle entered the orbit of the foreign planet. The closer they got to it, the hotter the ship got. Luckily for him, the climate control on the inside was advanced enough to accommodate for the change in temperature. Soon the gravity of the planet made their descent much faster, though the young man didn?t notice since the ship counteracted it with its reactive thrusters.

He watched as the surface of the new world approach. Eventually, he could make out what was below. There wasn?t much life or foliage distinguishable. The planet, at least to Rory, seemed uninhabitable. Yet in moments he could make a small dark purple tower striking out along a nearby mountain peak. The dog brought his ship close enough to examine the building more closely. There weren?t many windows to be seen and the structure lacked many shapes outside of having only three corners.

Rory brought his ship to land. He looked around and wasn?t entirely sure where he could land. Everywhere he looked was either not flat or filled with hardened magma. He continued to look around in hopes that he could find somewhere to settle his ship. After a few minutes, he found a place that he could come in for a landing. It was tight but the dog was confident enough in his driving skills and began to bring it down to the surface.

Luckily for the young man, the ship was able to correct any mistakes he made. Gradually the ship came in for a landing. Rory unbuckled himself and got up to get out of the ship. He was a little stiff from his trip and was looking forward to getting out and stretching his legs. Rory landed the ship and popped open the hood over his head. Almost immediately he was hit with a rush of hot air. The surrounding environment was much warmer than the controlled one inside of the vehicle.

Within moments his body began to heat up. He knew he had to move fast. Now that he got a good look at the building in front of him, Rory realized that it wasn?t very large. In fact, from a distance he presumed it to have no more than two or three floors. He began to approach is slowly, fully expecting some level of defense. But with each step he took, he found that he found no resistance to his entrance. As he came up to the door, he paused and looked at it.

Rory knew better than to knock. He knew it was entirely plausible that he had the element of surprise and he wanted to use that to his advantage. The dog began to circle the building to find some other entrance to it. Eventually, he found it was the only one. The young man formulated a quick plan of action. The idea was to pose as something else and the first image that popped up was as a delivery man.

By this point, he was sweating bullets. His nio suit was doing very little to accommodate for the temperature of the planet. He made his way back to his ship in hopes he could find something to use as a package. Looking back the way he came from, he could see nothing. The shadow of his ship had faded away. Panic began to set in as he ran around feeling more and more stressed. The sweat on his forehead was beginning to pour, he was exhausting himself rather fast.

This did not stop him. He needed to find his ship and fast. The cage of existence was wrapping around him. His steps stopped and he could not move all of the sudden. All at once a jolt of electricity struck him and he collapsed to the floor. The dog?s body slumped and remained lifeless. His pursuers approached him from all sides. Four spiders crawled ever closer to him and examined the mostly lifeless body. The beasts hissed and spat at him.

Another figure from the distance began to walk towards Rory?s location. The figure was not solid and slid along the floor making puddles as it went. It?s body entirely red and it?s form just as viscous as it?s movement. The slime got close enough so that it could pick up its prey, it?s body taking shape to support the additional weight over its shoulder. It?s spider crew following behind it, shuffling along the rocky grounds below.

The sludge approached the building that the dog only moments ago had retreated from. The door opened without a word and without the being making even a single motion to force its motion. The fiend made it?s way to the holding cells where it?s prey would be kept under close surveillance until it?s master found use for it. The critter knew not the master?s reason nor did it care. It?s existence only served to please the master. It continued it?s path until it reached the prison where it slung the still lifeless body on the floor without caring to harm it.

The locked the cage and exited the room, it?s small arachnid army still following it rather closely. It was sometime before Rory recovered. When he finally did, he opened his eyes to blurry vision. It was no longer hot and he didn?t recall where he was. He had no memory of having been attacked by his unknown pursuer. Yet the floor beneath him was no longer of rock. His paw moved forward along the smooth surface of the floor.

Slowly he began to understand that he was inside somewhere. The harsh conditions of the environment were no longer a problem for him and he was glad. Yet still, he was uncertain if he had been saved or captured. Looking around once his vision had recovered confirmed the obvious. He had been caught. It seemed his vision of sneaking in through the guise of a delivery person had not worked. Panic began to set in as he tried to pull himself up.

Rory?s muscles would not work the way they normally would. His body ached and he groaned loudly as he struggled among himself. A moment later he heard a sound. It resembled that of static interference and he could hear it overhead. Soon a voice could be heard following it.

"Ah, you are awake. Did you not think us to know you were present? Your entry into my sector as not gone unnoticed. Your superior?s have no idea you have been captured. Like all of those before you...you will be replaced eventually and all things will go on as if they were normal. Little do they know that their missing agents will soon be returned to them. They will soon forget they were ever missing..."

The announcement cut off towards the end. The sound of static interference continued well after the voice was brought to its conclusion.

Rory wasn?t sure what to think. He still couldn?t think clearly and had no idea where he was. He recalled that he was in the Ziobi sector. The dog rolled up so that he was sitting upright and looked around. As he came around he began to ponder it and it became apparent that he was on the inside of the building he was trying to enter. The bars of the cell made it even more obvious that he was in captivity. He began to wonder how he would escape or what might happen to him.

He wasn?t able to think long about that. Moments later a hissing sound could be heard. Rory watched as the door to the area outside of the cells was open. Light spilled in and he had to cover his eyes a bit since they were adjusted to his dark surroundings. Soon he heard tapping on the floor. He looked around saw a dark shadow fill in between thin beams of light that were still coming in from the open door. The dog?s eyes continued to adjust as the light was filtered around the figure. The form walking ever so closely.

"Mr. Rory. Word has traveled so far. I have heard much of your exploits. Unfortunately, it had to end this way."

The young man blinked as his eyes refocused in on the shape in front of him. "Who are you? What do you want?"

"Tsk Tsk. You don?t remember me? I am the one you have been sent to find." A red fox stood in front of him in a black and red military uniform.

It took a moment for Rory?s thoughts to come around. His thoughts weren?t exactly clear yet. He blinked a few times and suddenly it came to him.

The dog murmured and stuttered through his response. "Cai?"

"Very good, young detective." The man clapped to mock his captive audience.

"So...what do you want with me?" The officer pushed himself against the bars and reached out towards the person in front of him.

Cai waved his finger at Rory. "You can only come out if you play nice."

"Play nice? What do you mean?" The dog?s shoulders dropped as he knew his situation was somewhat hopeless.

The fox reached into his jacket pocket and pulled something out it. "Perhaps you should eat something and not wonder what is not meant to be explored.

Cai reached his paw through the bars of the cell, it was open and inviting. On top of it a single brown morsel. Rory watched cautiously as the offer was presented in front of him. He looked over at the scientist who seemed to have a look of indifference about him.

Rory looked at the open hand and considered taking it. His stomach was growling as he hadn?t eaten this morning. He slowly extended his hand out to take the small piece of food from the other hand. Once it was within his grasp, he looked at it more closely and even brought it to his nose. Smelling it showed no signs of tampering, at least to his sense of smell. Eventually, he caved in and opened his mouth to deliver it inside his maw.

The treat was savory and almost instantly melted in his mouth. A smile crept across Cai?s face as he watched the dog chow down on his creation.

"Good boy." The fox retracted his grip and slipped it back out between the bars.

A chill went down his spines as those words were spoken. For a moment his mind went blank and he was unable to act. It took only mere seconds for the off-feeling to dissipate. When it did, he found that the door to his cell had been opened.

The dog looked in front of him and he could see that Cai was standing there casually as if nothing had happened between them.

The scientist bent his finger back and forth coaxing the

other to walk forward. "Come, child."

Rory hesitated a moment. His body did not respond for a split second as another chill ran down his spine. Moments later he recovered and was able to walk forward. Once he was out of the cell, he couldn?t help but feel better.

"Follow me." The fox led the way out of the room and into the hallway.

The young man found he could not disobey the other. He was obediently following every one of his orders without fail. As they stepped out into the hall, it was much more well lit than the containment area. The hallway was long and narrow. It?s paths strewn with linoleum coated tile. It?s marble patterns quite predictable. On each side of the aisle was occasionally a guard, all of which were some species of bug. Each of them eyeing the pair as they made their way down the passage.

Before long they entered into a new open area. Once again Rory was beginning to feel warm. As they entered into it the dog could see the source of the sudden heat. The dog stopped a moment to look around. In the center of the room was a large pillar of lava encased in glass. It flowed upward as if they were near some volcanic source. The magma was the only source of light in the room and did more than an ample job lighting

Most of the room was rather empty. Only a computer and desk were noticeable besides the presence of guards here and there. The same red slime operative from earlier stood idly near a glass orb. It?s hands gliding over the thing as if it provided some level of comfort. The ooze paid no attention to the new entree and seemed entranced in whatever it was doing. Rory simply glossed over the creature, not recalling it from earlier and passing it off as some strange furnishing.

It took a few moments for Rory to stop gawking but when he did he saw that Cai was waiting for him by the desk. The dog approached the desk as they stood eye to eye for a moment. They were just about the same size and the fox seemed as if he were evaluating his prize by gazing over him from head to toe. However, it didn?t last long and the scientist took a seat and lifted his paws onto the desk not caring about the fact that there was no seat for his guest.

An awkward silence was exchanged between the two as neither spoke a word. Cai didn?t allow that to last for long and snapped his finger. A guard soon rushed in and pushed a rather hard chair in from behind Rory, sweeping him into a seated position. The fox leaned forward and tapped his finger a few times on the desk in front of him. The desk was mostly void of anything on top of it. Only a small object that resembled a snow globe and various papers were strewn across it.

Cai leaned forward and took hold of the small globe. He held it his open palm and brought it close to his face. Soon he brought his spare paw over and began to spiral his finger over the top of it. Rory couldn?t help but look at it. Despite not being moved much, the contents inside the small container spun around and followed the younger fox?s finger. It was somewhat soothing to look at even know he wasn?t close enough to get a good look at it. A moment later Cai brought his free paw down and covered the small globe so that it was hidden from view.

The scientist stood up from his chair, his hands still lightly clasped together. When he opened them, there was nothing inside that Rory could see.

"Illusions are what you make them. The world is the very same as the globe. Forever turning and remaining in motion. But what happens when those things that are not fixed, change?" The fox pointed towards the dog.

Rory looked behind him and saw that the room was almost empty. Only the slime creature remained and it had moved over to the column of lava and seemed to be operating a computer nearby. The device it was it seemed to have popped up from nowhere.

The dog returned his attention forward and the fox was suddenly within a much more personal distance. His hand rested on Rory?s head and patted it. Cai pointed once again, this time to the dog?s paws. For whatever reason, they had closed without the young man?s knowledge. The detective figured this gesture meant he should open his grasp. When he did the very same snow globe that he had seen moments ago was in his hands.

"The world is at your behest. Stare into the abyss. You shall see that things will never get better. The same mistakes are made over and over. An imperfect repetition meant to keep all those lost within its gaze entranced in much monotony." The fox crossed his arms defensively.

Rory had no idea what this guy was talking about. Instead, he had this clear depiction that Cai was mad and had lost all sense of reality. But what he said next caught him entirely off guard.

"But I can offer release. I can give you what you seek. Your job is meaningless and the goal you were meant to achieve is nothing but a fake reality. What if I could show you the truth? Offer you a new beginning and a chance to see the world as it is? Would you take it?" Cai opened his arms in a welcoming motion.

The dog thought for a moment. Rory looked up at the fox, seeming both confused and mystified. Just what was Cai getting at? Of course, he didn?t entirely believe him but it didn?t change that what he was saying was a curious claim. After a moment of contemplation, he realized he didn?t have much choice and nodded.

"Such a smart boy. The elixir of knowledge shall be provided to you. We shall become one. Now and forever. Look to your hands." Cai passed his paw over the dog?s paws and suddenly the glass dome changed into a chalice.

Rory looked into the chalice. It?s contents looking quite similar to the liquid inside the snow dome. It was difficult to see through the cloudy water but the mixture inside of it swirled around and sparkled a bit. Cai waited patiently for his prize to take the bait. It was all going according to plan and it seemed that the dog was much more gullible than he originally thought. A smirk crept across his face but it wasn?t obvious enough, even if the dog was looking at his face.

The dog was somewhat entranced by the liquid. It was scentless but its constant whirlpool at its surface offered a hypnotizing effect. Before long his hand took hold of the bottom of the chalice, no longer concerned about its contents. Curiosity had overcome him. Life didn?t seem as difficult anymore. All that mattered was the drink in front of him and the eternal allure of answers to the knowledge he didn?t even realize he wanted.

Rory wrapped his free hand around the stem of the glass. Slowly but surely he brought it to his maw. Cai watched with interest and tapped his fingers together one after another in a wavelike fashion. The dog tipped the glass as the contents swished around inside and eventually began to spill inside of his mouth. Gulp after gulp the contents of the chalice began to empty. The fluid was tasteless and lukewarm and even despite that Rory continued to drink it. It didn?t take long before it was gone.

"A smart choice and one you won?t soon regret." The fox reached out to take the chalice from the other?s grasp.

Cai returned the glass to his desk where once it touched upon the wooden furnishing, it returned to its original state as a glass dome. The contents inside of which were now empty and it was nothing but a husk of its initial state. The fox brought his paw and gave the dog a quick pat to show he approved of his actions. Cai then reached down and grabbed his prize to help him to his feet. Rory wobbled a bit at first but was able to stand after a few seconds.

Now that they were eye to eye once again the young man realized that he had to angle his head up a little bit to look directly into the other male?s eyes. It wasn?t something that immediately concerned him and he felt like the other was more akin to an older brother than some diabolical evil scientist. It seemed the news of the following was misleading. Still, something was offsetting about the whole situation and it wasn?t something he was ready just yet to put his whole faith and trust in.

Cai placed his hand over the smaller male?s shoulder. Immediately, Rory felt more at ease. The fox began to walk forward.

The older male led the way out back to the exit leading through the hall. "Allow me to show you the lies you have lived."

Rory nodded even know he had no clue what the other was talking about. Regardless he followed willingly. He didn?t feel quite as independent as he normally did. They made their way through the corridor again. Eventually, the dog could make out the door.

The fox pushed a few digits on the code reader on the side of the door to open it. Once it was open Rory was allowed to take the lead for a moment and the moment he got out in the open, he couldn?t help but look around. The scenery was breathtaking. No longer was it an inferno dominated by ash and molten magma. Instead, it was lush and full of green grass that swayed against the wind. Back and forth each blade cascaded with each passing of the breeze.

It was calm, serene, and he could even hear the wind blowing. In the distance, he could make mountains that only had snow at the top. It seemed they too were at a higher elevation but it wasn?t much of a drop off to the base of the mountain. Rory walked forward and bent down to grab a flower, picking up in his paw to smell it. The smell was just as sweet and aromatic as he hoped it would be. He dropped it before long and allowed it to flow along with the howling wind.

"You can have everything you want. No more concerns about those at home. They will forget about you just like all the rest. Your true place is here. All I ask for is your undying loyalty and obedience." Cai folded his arms as if awaiting an answer.

It took a moment for Rory to realize that he was being talked to. When he turned around to gaze at Cai,

he was still waiting patiently for an answer. The dog wasn?t sure what he was being asked and shrugged in confusion.

"I see that you are lost. Let me put it simply then. You have a choice. You can return to the miserable existence you called life or remain here with me and live your days out having whatever you wish." Cai placed his hand behind his back for a moment and then showed it once again with a small candy.

The dog looked over to his watcher. His hand slowly being extended towards the younger man. Cai figured he had Rory just where he wanted him. It was just a matter of time before he took the final offering. The last step in becoming his toy.

Rory got back up on his feet and encroached towards where Cai was standing. Slowly he extended his hand forward and took hold of the offering. The dog no longer wanted the worries of work or the concerns of life. To have that wash away was something many would consider without even a single reservation. After that small bit of hesitation, he brought the small treat to his mouth. He opened up and dropped it inside.

It melted immediately and he didn?t even get much of a chance to taste it. For the mere moment it lasted, it was first sweet and then sour. Only a small remnant of its aftertaste remained. Rory swashed his tongue around in his mouth, finding himself wanting more of the same despite its rather short lifespan. He was feeling rather at home around the other male and he couldn?t help but close his eyes a bit.

When he did, he found himself running through the same open fields he had seen moments ago. Large open fields sprawled in every direction in front of him. Only the large mountains standing in the outset of the horizon obscured his view. There were no clouds in the sky and there was a nice breeze to supplement the moderate temperature. He ran across it without a worry in the world, keeping his arms spread as if he was pretending to be a bird.

Rory opened his eyes a few moments later and his mind was still full of euphoric bliss. He felt extremely happy, even if there wasn?t much of an explanation behind it. When he awoke from his daydream, some of his surroundings had changed again. The building in front of him was no longer an ominous outpost. Instead, he stood in front of a wooden cabin affixed along an outcropping of rocks that led up the mountainside.

Cai stood in front of the cabin, no longer in a military outfit. Instead, he was wearing a plaid shirt with some beat-up jeans. To his side was a sleeping dog whose fur coat was an off-color of a bright brown. To the untrained eye, the aged pup might have looked red when its hair reflected the sunlight. Rory approached the man and smiled. The fox now a full head taller than him now, the dog no longer able to recall the reality he had thrown away only moments ago.

Of course, this was all according to plan for the scientist. Everything was going swimmingly and he hadn?t even broken a sweat. It was only a matter of time before he had his way with the increasingly small boy in front of him. The smirk on his face grew as he looked at the now obviously smaller canine before him. The clothing on Rory?s body was now quite baggy on him. The nio suit he had been wearing was all but falling off him at this point.

Cai leaned in and took the heavier garments off. Rory watched with interest but showed no signs of protest as the battle suit was rather heavy on him now. As they were disposed of one by one, their formerly bulky nature seemed to vanish. Each piece glided along in the wind as if it were weightless. They continued to swirl in a rotating fashion before joining at a single point. When they finally came together, a small light seemed to illuminate shortly. Then all at once, they merged at a single point.

A moment later the light exploded in such a brightness that Rory had to cover his eyes. When he reopened them, he found that a tree had sprouted right before them. A hulking massive oak with an impressive canopy of branches and leaves. It?s strength and firmness seeming unfaultered by the still ever blowing wind. Some apples sitting among the branches that looked ripe and ready to eat despite just having sprouted. The fox extended out his hand to the skies as if calling to something. One of the many fruits fell right into his grasp.

The man held out the apple to his new ward, offering the apple to him. Rory was still bewildered from what had just happened. Everything seemed so new and offsetting. Yet even still he felt no sense of alarm. Nothing was telling him this was the false reality as it was being woven before him. Rory looked down at the offering. The apple reflected the sunlight and he reached out for it. Apples had always been his favorite food and he wasn?t about to turn one down.

The dog took hold of the apple in his paw. He brought it slowly to his maw before opening it up. Rory chomped down a single time, figuring a single bite would be more than enough to sate his craving. Yet after the first bite, the savory and sweet nature of the fruit seemed to call to compel him to eat more and more of it. Before long, the only thing that was left of it was the barren core of the apple.

When it was finished, Rory dropped it on the floor not seeming to care about the fact he was littering. The dog smiled as he finished it, feeling rather full now. Cai pat him on the head and ruffled his fur a bit. The boy?s tail wagged behind him gently. He was beginning to feel more and more at ease around Cai. The smaller male was beginning to feel strange. He was experiencing a sense of bliss that he had not felt since he was very young.

Rory fluttered his eyes a bit, they were blurry and he couldn?t exactly see straight. With each blink, the only thing he could make out was Cai getting steadily and steadily taller. Before long the formerly well-fitting slacks sagged to his feet. His shirt dropping further and further down his legs. Within moments nothing fits him even remotely well. The spell of bliss soon dissipated and when he finally came around he found he saw everything from a new perspective.

Everything around him seemed bigger, especially the tree that was mere meters away from where he stood. Even the man in front of him seemed to be more imposing. His memory was hazy, he could recall nothing of his true past. Little did he know he had essentially been brainwashed by the scientist. Each of the three things he had consumed wiped more and more of his identity from existence. Cai knew all that was left was to instill a new one.

The fox approached his new ward. The dog was now significantly smaller than he was and Cai could more than easily see over his head. The now diminutive pup couldn?t have been more than three-quarters of his original height. The man ruffled the other?s head fur. Rory couldn?t help but wag his tail happily.

The fox walked in front before extending his paw out in a gesture to join in stride together."Come, child."

What Rory did not realize is his biological clock had been turned back. He was no longer a strapping young man and instead now just a frail teenage boy.

The cub began to walk forward. When he did, his loose-hanging boxer shorts fell off his frame. The only thing on him now was his oversized shirt which easily draped over him. Now he was essentially naked from the waist down. He stepped out of the underwear without a care in the world and certainly not minding about his vanity. Once they joined hands, they began to walk together. The grass flowed against the cub?s knees and even tickled him a bit causing him to laugh.

It was a warm and sunny day. There weren?t any clouds to be seen. As they strode out into the distance, they came into an empty field. Cai soon sat down on the grass below him and extended his feet out in front of him. It seemed he wanted to take a load off. A few seconds later and he was unlacing his boots to take them off and spread his paws on the grassy fields before them. He patted the floor to get the boy to join him.

Rory wasn?t about to disobey the man as he had been compliant up to this point. He wasn?t quite as sure of himself anymore and was seeking approval. The dog smiled and plopped his butt on the space right next to the scientist. It wasn?t long before Cai sat back and flattened himself on the floor. He coaxed his hand over the boy to try and relax him. He stroked at his chest a bit and circled the fabric of the shirt.

The dog couldn?t help but relax at the other?s touch. Eventually, he eased himself back so that he was laying on his back as well. Cai continued his touch in a circular motion seeming intent on pleasing the cub. Before long Rory could feel himself getting aroused. The cub?s member was steadily rising even know not much sexual was happening. The pup realized it of course and quickly reached down to cover himself. Of course, Cai noticed this and halted the action by placing his arm in front of the advance.

Rory edged himself upward a little bit so he could see what was causing the obstruction. He looked over at Cai who simply smirked at him and took hold of his hand to place it as rest among his breast. The dog could feel his heart beating and Cai kept his hand there a moment as a sort of reassurance to the cub. Gradually Rory felt more and more at ease since he had never felt affection this way, especially to his warped mind.

Cai began to shift his touch down a bit, eventually finding his way to the cub?s tented crotch. Rory writhed a bit as his little pole twitched against the touch. The fox took two of his fingers and wrapped them around the flesh. Instantly the boy felt warmth collect in his nether regions. He instantaneously arched his back into touch, which brought the entirety of Cai?s palm against his groin.

The fox smirked a bit and tightened his grasp so that it wrapped entirely around

the boy?s shaft. The cub?s fur already gritting into the older teen fur. Already he was fully erect and his member was aching for more attention. Cai wasn?t about to let him down either. The boy was right where he wanted him all along. The older male eventually began pumping the throbbing flesh into his hand. Already his cock was tensed and pulsating, even from that small bit of attention.

The cub lasted mere seconds. His cock twitched a few times and spasmed. Only a few drops of cum came out. The boy moaned out in euphoria. The experience entirely new and alien to him as his body started to decompress. Cai raised his hand a bit, the sticky substance breaking in a thin string before he reclaimed the hand as his own. It took a few moments for the boy to return. When he finally did, he was uncertain as to what happened.

Even with that bit of uncertainty remaining, it didn?t change that he was happy. His heart was full of satisfaction. When he finally did Rory sat up next to his new friend. The cub placed his hand around Cai?s back seeming happy with his new lot in life. The fox smirked and shared the affection by giving the boy a quick one-armed hug. The two remain outdoors as the sunset in the horizon.