
Story by Bartan on SoFurry

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#23 of Side Stories/One Shots

A couple of things about this one:

First - If you're looking for a quickie, you may want to pass on this one. It takes several pages to get started and it's a bit more on the 'harsher' side of things. Not violent by any means, but my draft reader did consider it Depressing. So there is going to be some low drama here before things get started.

Second - I've been playing a lot of Phantasy Star Online 2 lately (was quite the fan of the first PSO and PS Universe), and this character was based off of one of the pets from that game: Jinga. About a month ago, I requested for a friend of mine to draw this canine in their style (will be posted soon-ish), and liked it so well I wanted to do a story around it. I call her a fox here for anyone who doesn't care for the design, so you can picture her however you want.

Third - This'll make sense later, But I Am In No Way Body Shaming Anyone With This. The views displayed here are the Character's, Not My Own Protected Onto Her. I just wanted to make that clear: you can like whatever, but I know quite well the mixed feelings of being stuck in a body that you detest (as I imagine several dozen others do).

Now with that out of the way, here's what to expect aside from the above:

Inflation - The prime fetish in this piece. Female (anthro) focused, and it's more of a full body. Though it does focus on the chest and hips/behind more in the beginning. Soft Popping as well; meaning no death/long term harm.

Minor Transformation - This is slightly tied into the Inflation as well as through sex. It's a tad more towards "Body Changing" overall, so adding this in feels correct.

Minor Size Difference - Not too much to say here: 4 Foot Female x 10 Foot Male >>; If that tickles you, consider it a plus

That's about it. This one isn't really that complex, but more story heavy. Still, I worked on this a little bit longer than I should have. Now that the summer has pretty much passed, I'm hoping to get back into the groove of writing and completing more stuff. I've got several things planned, just feels like so little time.

Absolutely (Story Of A Girl) © Nine Days

Jinga © SEGA (just in case)


By Bartan Tirix

The bedroom remained dark as the sentinels did their best to block most of the summer rays through the windows. Only letting a few take a peek around their heavy cloth walls and gaze upon the sleeping canine within the large bed. Or, at least it appeared large, whereas she only took up a large fraction of such a thing.

Warmth of the season slowly got her awake, still completely drowsy and unable to think straight for several minutes before those green eyes widened. Heartbeat getting caught in her throat as she spun around to look at her nearby digital clock, displaying a late afternoon or early evening. Still an hour before the meeting would take place, giving her a sigh of relief that the fox didn't oversleep.

She turned about once again into that comfortable slumber, the one her body demanded and her mind coaxed. Of course she didn't sleep the night before, thinking of every possibility how such a thing could go wrong. Emotionally bashing herself that paying this company was nothing more than a hoax, like everything else. Questioning when will she just accept the fact that she'll never change, not without spending a ridiculous amount of money and putting herself at risk.

...She was scared, Jinga knew that. Catching the very faint green glow of her eye in the full body mirror; Judgement Framed and Mounted. Feeling it gaze back at her, easily picking out what was bedding and what was her just hiding within. Sinking her heart as she took a deep breath and just tried to get a bit more shuteye.

Like that was ever going to happen now, even after turning to face away from that damn reflection, she could still feel it's harsh glare. Making her sigh and finally get up, eyes adjusted to the low light from the windows, able to make out every part of her. The large hoodie, the strangely shaped tail that always felt stiff. Unlike many others she envied that nearly doubled as a pillow.

Without noticing, she found herself looking over the canine staring back at her. Sliding off the bed and looking at her upclose; sad green eyes, a messy mane that always seemed uneven. Large baggy clothing to hide the shape underneath, but how it flowed close to her small frame never seemed to aid. Bare legs with her undergarments being covered by the upper clothing, swearing the very fur was just growing off her skeleton.

Yet, those eyes dared for her to do it again. Hesitating before reaching for the lowest part of the sweater and slowly pulling it up. The ungroomed light red fur underneath, giving nothing for volume as it continued to be scanned upwards. Over the chest and finally over her head, completely flat and barely noticeable. Even when she pressed paws up against where those lumps were supposed to be... Where she wanted them to be.

But Jinga was given this... Skeleton for a body. She knew that there were some who would kill for her shape, but she was so damn tired of it. Tired of looking like a stick and having nothing that others found 'appealing'. Tired of being mistaken for a male again and again. Most of all, tired of coming up to only 4 feet 4 inches.

She looked like a pup. Hell, many pups were even taller than she was. Malnourished, even if she ate right. Medications and therapy only made her sick, only to be requested to "Give it more time." again and again. Two years was enough, and that detoxification was a living hell... It's strange how a body can adapt to a poison only to crave it when it's gone without.

...The fox still swore that the meds did this to her. The fur not flowing well off her body. Feeling coarse and unhealthy... Maybe because she still was. Even after nearly a year of 'Recovery', and by that, she means 'Depression'. Switching between different false hopes, oils, rituals and kits... What the hell was this meeting going to do? How was this going to be any different?

Jin just needed hope. She needed to feel good about the person she seen in the mirror, be _ Wanted _by others- _ Desired _for once in her life. Not just overlooked. Hell, if a 'Companion' could just make her feel better, help her forget about her problems for an hour- a damn minute... Maybe it would be worth the price.

Her gaze finally pried away from her near naked form to observe the clock. Finding out that she's been staring at herself for much longer than expected, and this small apartment wasn't even cleaned for company. Sighing in defeat before putting the old hoodie back on and heading towards the kitchen. Reaching to turn on the light and locking onto the box in front of the sink, something she just noticed how second nature it was to her.

The red, plastic crate had seen better days. Being used for years by the female as she stood on it, giving her much easier access to tend to the dishes on the counter. For most people, it was just normal for them to deal without needing a stand. They would value many other things; vehicles for travel and transportation. Air conditioning. High end smartphones for communication. Not her... For Jinga, what she needed was this. A sturdy box; that was her necessity.

With it, she could reach the sink's faucet and drying rack with ease. With it, she could cook on top of the stove without risk of burning herself or setting some of her clothes on fire. With it, she could reach the built in freezer on top of the fridge. Well, she could always reach it, just not the back of it. Even then, it took a lot of effort in order to really get back there, and rarely put anything of need.

It carried her through life, like a crutch. For most it would just be a box. A crate to transport milk or something in. But it allowed her to live relatively normally and on her own. Independant, save for a few minor things. Recalling attempts to clean the walls every spring with that 'mop', and how difficult it was for someone her height. To the point where it would just be easier to hire someone to do it, if you could afford such a thing.

Yet, money was tight. Having lost her job, along with the majority of the country lately due to this pandemic was taking its toll on everyone. And once again those thoughts surfaced: that she shouldn't have attempted yet another Snake Oil treatment. That she should've just saved up for the future, another guilt trip while tidying some things in the living room as the doorbell rang.

A whimper released from her, instantly knowing who it was and once again re-questioning such an impulsive decision. Wondering if she should just act like the canine wasn't home? Or that she was still sleeping? Another ring and Jinga took a deep breath. Summoning all her courage to approach the door with the large figure looking through the foggy glass.

But the visitor on the other side waited patiently for the door to unlock and for the canine to take one last breath before opening it. Looking over the large white beast with a quiet whimper with a bit of fright as those brown eyes double taked at her size. "...I made a mistake." She spoke under her breath, getting those four ears to perk up.


"-Nothing! C-come inside." Jin stepped away, letting the large four legged 'polar bear' attempt to squeeze into her kitchen. Now finally seeing just how fluffy his coat is in person and getting a brush of it against her. Trying to close the door and realize the darn doorstop was holding it back. Quickly bending over to move it as her gaze once again fixed on the rather exotic creature. "Y-you are...? Bartan?" Another slight take mixed with a tilt of his head.


"Y-yes." The fox's own ears lowered as she blushed, dropping her gaze and trying not to stare at her guest.

"You're..." He mumbled a bit awkwardly, getting her to start staring at him in a puzzling gaze, his own ears mimicking her. "You're not wearing any pants." It was like a bolt of lightning, causing her rough fur to rise up the back of her neck and for the canine to freeze in place for several moments. Holding her breath in a state of shock as those brown discs shifted awkwardly around. "I mean, it's not a need but-"

"Please stay right here for a moment!" Jin yelped, trying to squeeze between the beast to get between her room and having to make physical contact before scampering inside and slamming the door. Pressing her back against it as if to prevent the embarrassment from following, but of course it did. Taking several breaths and whimpers while covering her eyes in shame. Taking over a minute before letting that makeshift shell fall, and through the darkness she could see that frame...

_You're A Failure, Jin._It seemed to echo. _A Complete Awkward Mess That Shouldn't Keep Trying To Be Anymore Than Half A Person._The statement made her slide down and slump against her knees, just another self-made wound to endure before suppressing those feelings once more. Letting her mind jump back and retrace every move she made, wondering if at any point she flashed the furball. Of course she did, because she's...

A heavy sigh as she found some sweatpants to slide into, hearing the beast outside 'attempt' to walk quietly across floorboards that were not used to such weight. "Are you okay?" The bear asked from the other side.

"Fine!" She replied back, but who was she kidding? He had ears for a reason, let alone twice the set that normal people had... Jinga called him for a reason, after all. "I'm..." The door creaked open as a blade of light shined through the darker room, almost adding a spotlight to the fox sitting on the corner of her bed. Sighing in defeat. "I don't know."

"It's okay."

"It's not." He took a step forward, lowering his head a little.

"It is, Jing." A puzzled look and that blush returned to the white one. "Jin?"

"Jin. Jin is fine."

"-Jin is fine, okay." Bartan mumbled awkwardly. "Everyone is nervous about these things, especially for their first time."

"But I'm..." Another step closer, again with that same look: stupid awkward and unable to hide it, yet... Courage. A smile to show that he was here to help. That he could.

"You're no different from everybody else." It was a statement she couldn't truly believe though. "Let's start over then, how about that?"

"Start over...?"

"Yeah. You just invited me in, nothing more. You didn't flash me-" A whimper from her. "You didn't accidentally brush against my sheath-" A louder one. "I said you didn't, Jin." The bear nudged her playfully, getting a shy smile out of her. "You also didn't accidently kick one of my furballs either." A whine in defeat from her, and Bartan placed a paw on her leg. "It's okay. There's no harm done anywhere. Nobody's Watching."

She took a few breaths, still trying not to meet those soft brown discs with her green ones. "My name is Bartan." He continued. "I will be your Companion for the evening, Jinx-Jinga! Jinga." A questionable look from her. "Force of habit, ignore it."

"Y-yeah... I'm... Jinga."

"Okay, love. Now, I don't want to offend you, but due to your... Structure, I'll need to see some identification." She nodded halfway through his sentence, and headed towards her messy dresser. "It's something you get asked about a lot, isn't it?"

"More than I'd like to admit." She passed it, letting him study it through the light from the kitchen. "I'm 26 though, and not a child.... Just trapped in the body of one."

"I understand." A noticeable exhale of very light frustration, one that got his attention as the bear handed back the card. "An automatic response, forgive me. I understand, yes. But only to a degree, of course. I know what it's like to be stuck in a body that you detest."

"And one that's disabled-?" She half snapped.

"Yes." A breath from him. "Very much so, Jin." Silence. "I also know how tiring it is to explain it again and again to people."

"...What else do you know about me?" More silence as Bartan took a deep breath and closed his eyes for a moment before speaking.

"That sweater you're wearing isn't yours, or wasn't. Your pants are for your size, but that hoodie belonged to someone bigger than you. I'm guessing an Ex. And judging by the smell, it's a recent one. That dresser is much bigger for one person, so that means you didn't move out, they did. Specifically She. That bed was hers, there's a different scent to it and an indent of where she used to sleep. Your computer in the corner is a very old model, means you've been holding out on upgrading lately, yet judging by how it's being ventilated, you use it for a form of entertainment quite often."

A breath from him. "...Your money has been going elsewhere too. The prescriptions in the trash there are from last year, yet are half full. I'm not savvy when it comes to drugs, but I do know hormone therapy tends to have very distinct names. Your apartment isn't cleaned or tidy, means you haven't had guests in a long time. Your room's a mess, you've lacked the will to keep it clean due to your depression, and to top it all off... You're lonely. Unable to go outside due to the lockdown."

She didn't respond, and the bear sighed. "On the bright side, it means you're not infected, and I promise you that I am not. Regardless of how often I tend to get around." The furball laid down in front of her, lightly nudging her chest. "Jin?" No response. "Why did you call me?"

The canine knew the answer, swearing on it seconds before. But now, it was nothing but a scrambled mess that she couldn't make sense out of. "I'm getting the feeling that this isn't about sex." A slight whimper from her. "And that is okay. I can be whatever you need me to be, but I'm afraid that you are mistaking me for a licensed therapist. And that I am Not." The fox shook her head. "If you need someone to talk to, that's okay. I can fill that role, but..." He paused after getting her signal.

"I don't need... Don't want to see another doctor." A slow nod from the beast as he waited for her to continue. But stumble after stumble in her thoughts could be seen in those green eyes, feeling her nearly get frustrated with herself before getting another nudge.

"Show me your living room." A puzzled look from her. "A different change of scenery, nothing more." It was an odd request, but she agreed regardless. Gesturing for the furball to lead and he did. Getting up and turning to leave the door, accidently flashing her a glimpse of that heavy bag between his legs. Damn thing was nearly as big as her head!

A breath from her as she followed down the small hallway. Past the restroom and to larger space, though still quite messy and cluttered. "Sorry, I was working on cleaning it when you came."

"Don't worry about it." Bartan stated, climbing onto the couch after removing a few objects off the cushions. Gesturing her to stop cleaning and join him in a spooning position, expecting the whimper in response and making him chuckle. "It will help you relax, I promise."

The risks she took today... Taking a deep breath and climbing onto the sofa with him, being nearly submerged into the fluff that was much more comforting than the furniture she had. Shifting around a bit as a pair of large paws embraced her into the beast gently, creating a shelter for her. A safe place. "Tell me, how did you find me, Jinga?" Bartan asked softly.

The red canine paused for several moments, trying to think of how much she should really let the Companion know. But his words kept echoing in her head again and again: 'Why did you call me?' And in that moment, it came so clear to her. One more deep breath as he waited patiently.

"I..." A noise in question, asking her to continue. "...I don't like myself." Jin admitted. "I don't like my life, but... We can't all be choosers when it comes to most things. But..."

"What do you mean exactly by 'Yourself'?" He asked after some silence.

"...We didn't break up due to a typical fight. She broke up with me because... And I quote her; I can't stand the way you treat yourself." A slow nod from the beast. "My height is my... Physical disability, Bartan. It is something that can be overcome and adapted to, but... I've always been so toxic to myself. I hate how I look, and that hatred is the worst part about me, I feel." No vocal response, but one of the paws slid up and down her belly, almost pausing when it reached the chest. Making Jinga sigh.

"I've tried everything." She continued. "The medication just gave me side effects. The pills made me sick. The diets... Never worked. I know people will hate me for this, but I could never gain ten pounds to save my life." A noise in confirmation. "...All I want is to be attractive to people... To myself."

"And you're not?"

"Only to the wrong kind of people."

"I don't believe that." He replied softly. "What do you define as attractive?"

"...Not a stick?" A noise in confirmation. "I... I see people who are quite..."


"...Plump." A light chuckle from the bear, actually making her smile a little shyly too.

"I apologize, but I can understand why. Regardless, tell me what you find attractive about them?"

"...What isn't there? They're large, soft and plushy. They have wonderful curves that I just..."

"Go on."

"I want to... Hug."

"You're holding back, Jin." Bartan nudged her, teasing. "I'm not here to judge, let everything out." One long deep breath from the fox as she prepped herself.

"I want to squeeze them and not feel any bone structure. I want to bury myself in their soft fur, kinda like you have here."

"Thank you."

"I..." Another nudge.

"Not judging, Jinx."


"-Right." The two chuckled.

"I... I want to see their... Bits jiggle. Wobble like a water balloon. I... I want to _ be _that."

"The other extreme?"

"Maybe not quite the extreme, but like... Bigger." A sigh from the canine. "I've... Grown to accept my Height, it's something I've always lived with. But I should be able to change this about myself, shouldn't I...? Yet..."

"Mmm..." Bartan mumbled. "So, you want to be.... Shortstack? I believe that's the term: short and wide?" A slight whimper from her. "I believe that means yes." He lightly teased with a purr.


"I wouldn't blame you for finding that attractive, honestly. I enjoy a few big things myself, and yes. They can be quite comfortable."

"Yeah... But I tried... Everything besides putting myself under the knife. And even then..."

"There's always a chance..." A slow nod was felt in his chest. "So you looked for other ways?"

"Foolish ways. Stuff backed with science and professionals. All too good to be true, and I wanted it to be so..." She paused. "I eventually discovered some message while browsing around, talking about after having a session with a strange bear, they found themselves... Permanently larger." A slight whimper from the male, but the paw encouraged her to continue. "I saved the pictures because at the time I had something else ordered, which of course didn't work. And forgot about them until last week. Depressed and going through many of my files, I found them again and..."

"You looked into it more?"

"Because I needed another lie to believe in. Something to give me hope. When I caved in and looked it up... Finding that she was local, and you were too..." A deep sigh from her, finally letting her shell drop completely. "...I'm going to be honest, Bartan. I don't know why I asked for this. It was a desperate attempt at another try to become something I'm not, and I'm terrified to find out that it will fail just like everything else has." A quivering breath from her as a tear rolled down that red snout. "I don't think I can handle another failure."

"Jin..." The bear trailed off, not really knowing where to start.

"Was it fake then? Somehow photoshopped-?"

"I can't promise that it would be permanent." The large one mumbled, detecting a double take from Jinga in his arms. Her curious gaze only making his ears blush that much more. "This is, uh... Unexpected."

"Wait... Are you saying...?" A slight whimper from the male as he nodded awkwardly. "...Really?"

"W-well... Yes, but the enlargement is usually just an absurd side effect of the session. Rarely does it actually become permanent, to the point where I can't actually pin-point who you're talking about." A few moments of staring, and the fox shifted around. Looking directly into those embarrassed brown eyes with both disbelief and childhood wonder. "But uh-"

"But you can do this...?" Those four ears fell a bit as he blushed.

"I can... Try? Okay, let me explain." She tilted her head as Bartan took a breath. "Again; side effect. The... 'Enlargement' is usually a result of... Erm..."

"Out with it. Please. I don't care, just blurt it out. Is it true or not?" The canine nearly begged.

"Okay, I've never attempted it as the main part of a session, but I'm pretty sure I can..." Her stare distracted him.


"I'm a Companion, Jinga. An Escort." It took a moment for that term to click in, and when it did, she whimpered. Now understanding the earlier statement about sex. "You can see the reason why I'm-"

"Y-yes." A pair of awkward swallows. "So... All those positive reviews were not... Changes you did to people, but...?"

"Tended to them, yes."

"And when you...?" That forced the bear to rub the back of his neck and shyly look away for a few moments. "...How!?"

"It's a long story, but to keep it short: I got a new package as a Xmas present, and it came with some... Side effects."

"That being that you can give people D-Cup breasts?"

"Or bigger... Y-yeah." The puzzled stare from the red one didn't let up.

"...By having sex with them."

"I told you it was absurd. And it doesn't stop there." A motion for him to go on and those ears tinted deeper. "The most reliable way of doing it was to... Fill them."

"So, inside?"

"As in, alot." Jin's head tilted the other way. "As in _ a lot _, a lot." A gaze down at the white one's lower end, where a distinct spear of red was seen within the forest of fur.

"So, watermelon sized-?"

"Until you explode..." A very questionable look from her, as the bear whimpered. "B-but it's not fatal! Not in the slightest! It just stings-!" He took a breath while interrupting himself. "I was not prepared for this conversation, forgive me. This is why I don't like talking about this stuff, it's really weird to explain to people who don't know of it..."

"Let's... Let's back up a bit." Jin suggested, getting a nod in agreement. "You can give me a bigger cup size... By having sex with you."

"I know! I know-I know-I Know! How much of a dumb scam that sounds too, but-!" An embarrassed whimper as he took a breath. "It's all in the... Seed." That questionable look again. "I-in the... Pouch." He gestured his lower end shyly, expecting her to gaze at it again. All while that forming tool just winked at her.

"...Side effect?"

"Side effect." He answered back. "And I... Might be able to control or influence it? I can't say I've really done it specifically or on purpose, but..."

"We can try...?"

"We can try one of two ways, from the top of my head: The first being the more round-about way. Just delivering you the seed for you to ingest." She made a face. "It doesn't taste bad, I promise, but... It also is less likely to work."

"And the second way?" Those white ears blushed again. "Being the..."

"Session, yes."

"Which has a higher chance of working, if at all..."

"Because I may have some influence in where it goes or what it affects- It's very strange. I know." Some silence as she thought it over. "You don't need to decide tonight, Jinga-" A slight whimper from him as the fox touched near the beast's sheath.

"What do I do?" A shy look from the male as if to ask Are You Sure, and she nodded. "As long as... Exploding doesn't kill me."

"I-it will not. 110% chance of being non-fatal. Companion's Promise."

"S-should we go into the bedroom then...?"

"There's more room in it." Bartan lightly whimpered. (Of course there was more room on the bed, the furball could barely fit on this couch.) She thought, taking a deep breath as her heart raced. Both with excitement and fear, still waiting for the other foot to drop and be disappointed again. But she was willing to try anything for this, even if it meant sleeping with something four times her size... Maybe six times.

How was he even going to fit inside her!? By the sounds of it, he had that planned out. The bear was a professional, after all, according to the ratings on the internet. Never feeling so nervous about something until she spotted that bed in the darkness. A sight that actually caused her to freeze in place for a moment and feel that large snout rest on her shoulder. "Relax." The bear purred gently. "We'll take things slow, don't worry. It's for the best anyway."

A nervous nod from her, as the small hand pet the side of that white snout, almost waiting for instructions. "Lie down for now, close-ish to the edge." That first step inside Jin's room was a hard one for her to take, turning on the light and seeing the mess to its full form. Most of it just being laundry thrown about and a few plates around the desk. Pushing aside the sheets and blankets before resting on the mattress, feeling like she was just exposing herself to a surgery of sorts as the bear sat by her side.

Taking a deep breath and placing those large white paws on her belly with care, Bartan looked at her patiently. "Okay, Jinga. Before we start this, we'll need your body's permission as well. It's going to go through a few changes, quite drastic ones too. So I need to get her comfortable with me, alright?" The fox nodded nervously, starting to take the hoodie off but getting a calm motion to stop. "If there is anything I do that makes you feel uncomfortable, I want you to tell me to stop. Understood?"

"What... What are you planning to do?"

"I'm going to let your body get used to my touch a little at a time. Then, when I've earned her trust..." He paused for a moment, almost frowning. "My release is the key factor here, and it may take some time for your body to be able to adjust to my size. So, I'm considering trying it orally first."

"Orally...?" The canine whimpered. "O-oh, blowjo-"

"Muzzlejob, yes." A faint exhale from that polar snout. "Are you comfortable with that?"

"I've never..." Another nervous whine. "But I can try." A slow nod from the bear as those paws started to shift gently across her torso. Moving along the hoodie and up her flat chest, carefully around the fluff along her collar and neck. Up her jawline and back down to her shoulders. Sliding down her sides and making a full rotation to her belly. Going for a few laps of that while the fox remained still, slowly becoming more welcoming to the soft strokes.

After the fifth lap, they started to venture downwards instead. Shaping along the outside of her legs and hindquarters. Down to her calves and over the shins before moving back upwards with patience. Triggering off near warning signs for her as they climbed up her inner thighs, but she remained still. Putting her trust in the beast as those white paws drew closer and shifted. One moving more lower towards the base of her tail, while the other cupped her. Her legs still under the protection of those sweatpants.

It was honestly stimulating for her, making the canine release a quivering breath as they stroked back up to her waist and repeated the process. Each time, the alarms getting more and more silent. However, knowing that on the fifth one, it was subject to change. And sure enough...

Those paws slipped gently underneath the hoodie. Almost pausing as they rested on her bare thin belly, able to easily detect every rib she had. Brushing through that harsh red fur and across her flat chest, causing her to exhale in reflex as her tail flicked. Closing her eyes and pulling the top clothing up higher with his aid, to the point of taking it off, though still a bit shyly while in the full view of the guest.

But the bear did not gawk, simply folding the clothing up and setting it off to the side before looking at her. Silently asking if Jin wanted him to continue, and she nodded. Taking a deep breath as he started from the belly once again. Sliding up her form and across her chest, feeling quite the significant difference in her body's language towards the beast's touch. But still went several times; up to her shoulders, touching her sides and ribs, down to her hips and lightly pulling down those sweatpants. Revealing the straps of her thong through the coarse red forest.

Loud exhales left with her every breath as she nearly shifted with the rotations. Feeling the last of her clothing slowly be pulled down, and taking the pants off her when the waist reached near her knees. Not expecting one of those paws to gently cup her soon after and rub against her folds through the thin cloth. While the other slid around her thighs and tail, slowly pulling down the straps further and further.

A sharp whimper left her as the fox panted. "It's okay, Jinga." The bear purred softly, nudging against her neck and feeling an anxious red paw grasp the side of his head. "Try not to restrain your body, okay? This is only natural." A sharp nod from her as she took another breath, letting her reflexes take over as every movement from those white digits seemed so sensitive. A firm press into her sex caused her legs to cletch together and press his hand against her harder. Shifting between wide spreads and tight closes as he continued to caress her, starting to feel a bit of dampness from the undergarments and slowing down.

Sliding up the front of her pelvis and still getting that red body to nearly squirm against itself, as if calling the paw back as it rested just out of reach of those thin thighs. Feeling the digits venture in between the red fur and the cloth, causing her to pant loudly. Using her other hand to grasp on top of the daring one and Bartan stopped. Carefully reading her signals as it pushed that paw closer to her slit and sending the female into whimpers. Shifting and rubbing herself against the white fur as if begging for the bear to enter her.

And carefully he did. Giving several progressively harder presses before testing the folds with a single digit. Letting Jinga gasp loudly and whine in bliss as it moved around inside her. Brushing that white fur, now a tad wet, against her inners and continue to send spasms through the canine's body. Waiting for several minutes before adding a second digit to scout beyond the gate and the female's grips got significantly tighter. Her body thrashing chaotically before feeling a squirt against Bartan's paw.

He patiently slowed down while remaining inside her, carefully spreading those folds in many directions and not resisting when they clutched. When the fox's breaths were mostly back to normal, he withdrawled and pulled her last item of clothing off with her aid. Unable to help himself but lick her release for a taste... Then getting a strange look from Jin. Tilting his head in a shrug and stating. "Just curious. It's kinda sweet, really."

Of course that made her blush, though that could've been what was likely to come next. Feeling that soft tongue against her blushing snout as the bear asked. "Are you okay with moving on?" A question she was unsure of, to be honest.

"I... I'm not really sure what to do."

"It's alright. That did most of the work for us." He shyly admitted. Helping the female up and her eyes instantly dropped down to the red weapon between his legs. A large exotic looking canine thing covered in spines. "I'll guide you through it, but let's switch places. It would make it easier on you." Jin nodded at him, unable to take her eyes off of that package. Swearing that when he slid onto the bed that the furred pouch got bigger than she last seen. And... Was that thing leaking... Orange? "I-it's strange, I know. But the spines are soft. You won't feel any pricks, promise."

"O-okay..." She replied, getting a little closer to it and carefully touching it. Feeling a large amount of heat radiating from the flesh as the very contact caused the furball to exhale.

"There's really not that much to it; stroke up and down with your hands slowly and gently. No need to squeeze tightly or anything, but..." Those green eyes gazed at him, seeing those four ears blush harder. "I-if you want to... 'Get bigger', you are going to need to ingest it."

"As in, drink it." A nervous nod from the bear. "How much?"

"The more, the greater the chances of it working."

"S-so... Drink until I... Explode?" A sharp whimper from the bear as he froze in place for a moment.

"T-that will probably come later. Right now, we're just going to see if this will work. Do what you can, it doesn't taste bad. I'll... I'll try to concentrate and hopefully..." Bartan trailed off, and she nodded. (Moment of Truth. The occasional porn night with her has prepared you for this day.) She thought.

Jinga took a deep breath before sliding her paw up the red shaft, easily feeling his heartbeat through the stiff rod. Spotting the top of it wink in appeal as a large droplet of the orange pre rolled down. With her other hand, she swept it up for a closer look, seeing it create a webbing between the tower and her digit. Making a slight face at the idea of such a thing, but everyone said it was safe to... Eat. Or drink in this case. (For Curves.) The canine chanted to herself before taking the plunge and sticking the wet finger in her muzzle.

The warm gooey texture is what she detected first, then a flood of flavor! A candy orange that danced along her tongue, 90% sweet and 10% sour. Giving her tastebuds a large rush, and suddenly... The idea of such a task didn't seem so gross to her. Rubbing another droplet out just to make sure it wasn't a fluke of sorts, and the same tangy taste.

It was time then, taking both paws along the walls of that red weapon and her nose touched the base of his sheath. Sliding it up between and against the soft spines along the tool's underside and to the tip. Letting that spear's point press against her lips as she gave it a soft lick and rewarded with another sample of that addicting flavor. Enough for her to move closer and lap at the opening directly.

Bartan's breaths sped up as he kept his eyes closed, white paws against his white chest while he let the female explore his equipment. Releasing a loud huff as that smaller pink tongue lapped along the spearhead, sliding her hands up and down a little rough at first. But soon correcting using the male's exhales and faint gumbles as a radar. Getting a significant reaction out of the bear and a large jolt soon launched into her maw.

The fox paused for a moment, both savoring the taste and figuring out what exactly she just did. Scanning the tool closely and seeing several faint depressions just above the white sheath. Giving it a small brush and hearing the white one whimper before getting another reward squirt, one she lapped up and contained before speaking. Not noticing the web between her chin and the tip. "Does that hurt?"

"N-no..." Bartan huffed loudly, still not opening his eyes much. "Just... Sensitive. Careful around there..." The canine nodded faintly before going back at it, at least now feeling a bit more comfortable and allowing more of that shaft to enter her maw. Still giving the tip the majority of the attention, but also washing the upper half of the tower with that tongue. Unable to keep herself from purring as the flavor danced along that appendage.

Minutes passed like moments as the beast's breaths deepened. The squirts becoming more frequent as well as in larger quantities, already starting to feel like her belly was getting full of the juice, but it was so addictive. Finding herself stroking those ridges more often in order to get a taste, until he released a bit of a growl. Snapping her out of the trance as the bear's huffs grew louder and louder. "Try... To...!" He said in between them. "Swallow...! As Much...!"

They morphed into slight whines, but she understood. Catching the tip of it with her muzzle and bracing it with care as those paws worked on those sensitive spots. Feeling that weapon jerk a few times before thickening up and releasing a heavy torrent into her muzzle, one that caused it to nearly be filled with the orange fluids as she attempted to take it down. Not expecting so much of it so soon as it started to get backed up into her cheeks, rounding them out before sliding down. Creating a small stalemate as her belly soon felt full and-

A bit of pressure before a sudden wave of bliss rippled from her chest! Causing her paws to retreat while that muzzle remained on the shaft's tip, feeling up the two round nubs soon started to grow like water balloons within her hands! Every large gulp being swallowed being pumped directly into her breasts! Stretching out the nipples and sending wave after wave of bliss until Jin couldn't control herself anymore and cried out in bliss! Letting those torrents spray against her front as she came on her sheets.

The two panted loudly, letting the spike of energy fade as their minds gained awareness once again. Jinga still finding herself grasping a pair of somewhat coarse furred pillows, ones that were attached to her and that she could... feel. Every jiggle, every movement, every touch- every brush of her digits! Looking into the mirror in disbelief before down again and seeing them for herself; The fox had breasts! For the first time in her life, she had...?

Those green eyes gazed at the furball for an explanation, considering this felt like nothing less than magic! Only for him to lightly shrug and speak. "That's a lot harder than it looks..." He wasn't kidding... The people on the internet- that female she kept pictures of... They weren't kidding! The bear gave her 'Implants'! Rather big ones too! Possibly B-cups from one filling...!

"This..." She whimpered, nearly in shock as the canine rubbed her new assets. Trying to find some flaw- anything to tell her that this was a dream of some sorts. Because it was just too good to be true! "This... Actually...?"

"Worked? Y-yeah..." Bartan mumbled, rubbing the back of his neck a little. "But only about... 10% of that is permanent. Which is why..." A slight look of disappointment. "If you want something larger, we'll have to get you as big as we can..." He blushed.

"Hence the... Exploding?" A slight whimper from the male.

"I-it's the common factor in all of the sessions I've had with... After effects. Not all the time, but there's a good chance of it. More so with that concentration." The fox examined herself again for a few moments. "How big were you aiming for?"

That was a good question, instantly grabbing her attention and thinking while staring at the bear. "I-I..." Jin trailed off for a few moments before sighing. "I didn't really plan on this to work in the first place..."

"It still might not _this_time, but that doesn't mean we can't try again later." A double take from the red one as she nearly yelped. "Don't worry about paying for multiple sessions. If this is what you were aiming for, Jin, then I won't charge you for any retakes that we will need." Another gaze in the mirror. "I... Don't want to rush you, but if you want to continue, best to do so before the fatigue kicks in."

A slight whimper from her, but Jin started tending to that tool for a little bit. Still looking at herself in the mirror; that red stick tending to a red stick. "C-can...?" A noise in question from the male. "Can you... Make it go elsewhere?"

"You want to try 'Shortstacking'?" A high pitched whimper from Jin that time, making him chuckle. "We can give it a shot, sure."

"I-I'd like that..." The fox smiled shyly, but instantly got an idea. Moving closer while holding onto those chest pillows for a moment, overlooking the winking weapon below her. "But first... I've always wanted to do this...!" Placing her new assets around the fleshy rod and the bear exhaled a near wave of heat from their touch. Still a little on the rough side, but he motioned for the fox to continue.

The pillows were still sensitive to even her touch, as she slid them up and down the bear's weapon. Slowly at first, trying not to press them together too much as the male purred. Still closing his eyes and concentrating, taking no time at all for that tool to start leaking once again. Feeling the canine's tongue lap up the droplets before catching a signal. "Sorry, but... Try to let it..." He whimpered shyly, getting a perked ear from her. "Try to cover them with my release."


"I-if you don't mind. It should help your fur." (I guess that makes sense; like lubricating it.) Jinga thought, continuing her motions but sneaking in a lick once in a while. Noticing after about a minute of work, it was nearly a constant leak of the juice coming out. Letting it cover her lumps and once in a while spreading it across her red chest with her paws, however... The third time doing such, she noticed just how soft her own fur started to feel.

Taking a moment to examine the canine's own cleavage with her own touch, though still a bit wet, there was a significant... Softness to it now. Like that orange juice took the role of a high powered shampoo that rejuvenated her coat. Adding extra layers to the wash as the red patches started to feel more and more comfortable to the touch... Honestly, it kinda reminded her of...

Those green eyes slowly trailed to the bear's underside; his own soft white coat. Was he... Actually using it the same way during his downtime!? A vision came to her mind; of the bear in a bathtub stroking off until he filled the entire thing. The thought completely stopping her motions as the furball grumbled, still keeping his eyes closed. "Don't judge." He snorted.

It actually made her chuckle shyly then continued, getting quite the reaction out of him when the fox added a bit more effort into the motions. A blissful hiff, and even she could detect the difference that the softer fur made. Wondering if perhaps the bear could sell her a bottle of it for personal grooming, and perhaps something else that came to mind when she lapped off another airborne squirt.

But now that Jin's pillows were softer, her tongue desired another set. Catching the tip of that tool in her maw the best she could while stroking the sides with those assets. Being rewarded with every half motion and drinking it down as it came, regardless of the still full feeling in her belly. Hoping to trigger another one of those expansions, and soon enough the fox started to feel her breasts almost tingle in pleasure.

She couldn't help but moan against it, not noticing any changes through the motions until the jolts increased. Once again nearly pumping that strange seed directly into those pillows in her paws, stretching them bigger in little pulses. Keeping her in a constant trance of motions as the female soon felt another upcoming release of her own, dripping out pre onto the sheets from her wet folds.

Jin found herself nearly grasping against her own chest assets as they started to outgrow her hands. Becoming fuller and fuller with every swallow, adding plush to their very size. But she was so close! The canine couldn't stop now, so caught up in the waves that she started sliding them harder and harder! Encouraging more flow and completely oblivious to the white one's whines of warning!

The tingles started to move downwards, creeping along her belly and pelvis! Around her thighs and haunches, and even in her arms before the jolts upgraded! The tool vibrated within it's squishy cocoon as it began to fill her muzzle once more! Bloating those cheeks out a little bigger before forcing their way down her throat- making her worry about choking on it! But an accidental breath was taken-! ...And she was fine? Able to still breathe while swallowing?

The fox just rolled with it, riding the constant climb as her breasts grew tighter and tighter! Creating a small stalemate like before, then causing her belly to overflow a little! Passing through to enlarge those boney haunches in bouncy pulses! It was then she rushed to a second orgasm, soaking her sheets in a high whimper of bliss! The waves echoing and thrashing through her body as it enlarged! Doing her best to ride it out, but a sudden second orgasm caused the female to let go out of reflex, crying out while leaning back! Fingering herself while orange torrents soaked her front for several dozen seconds!

Jin still found herself huffing and touching herself for a few moments afterwards, squeezing her own digits out of reflex before sliding those wet paws up her form. Almost in a state of shock as she felt her much more curved self, whimpering when they reached her chest pillows once again. Feeling them plush around her grip at easily three or four times what they were! Looking down at them wasn't a good perspective, as she got off the bed and stood in front of the mirror.

The fox staring back at her was far from the one she woke up to, finally sporting a rather wide hourglass form for her height. Arms, hips, legs in general; they all had this slight plush to it as her paws slid down. Completely ignoring the mess and studying the shape, still giving off some waves of pleasure while also having a slight wobble when Jinga moved. Barely noticing the bear raise up from the bedding behind her and gently test her form for himself, purring at the result. "Still a bit... Doughy, but that would reduce after a while. What do you think so far?"

"I..." She took a breath in disbelief, holding up her assets and viewing them from the framed perspective. "I'm... Beautiful..." The words made Bartan smile, as he nuzzled her neck. Never Minding the mess getting on his snout.

"You were always beautiful, Jin. But I understand."

"Yet..." That joy reduced in her face. "You said this was only going to keep about 10% of it?"

"Possibly less if we stopped now. But that's up to you." The female turned sideways, admiring her now large rear and tail. Loving how they nearly bounced and rippled against her taps.

"Does it...?" A noise in question from the white one, licking her blushing ears to continue. "Does it have to be... Oral?"

"Nope. I just thought it would-"

"Be hot to have me muzzle you off, I get you." She joked, getting the two to chuckle.

"You're not wrong." The furball played along, giving her slightly bulged belly a rub. "But really, I thought it would be easier to assist if it was closer to..." That white paw retreated upwards, gently cupping one of her breasts and giving it a small jiggle. Unable to keep himself from purring at them as her attention was finally released from the mirror. Turning to the beast and giving that snout a small kiss...

A kiss that turned into a second one, then a long third as they exchanged that flavor between tongues. Leading his second hand up against Jin's empty asset and following their lead as they stroked her pillows in circles. Locking fangs for a few moments before his paws slid down her sides, pressing into them occasionally and loving how they folded with his touch.

When he got to the hips, taking a firm grip and pulling the shortstack backwards with him. Making the canine yelp playfully as they landed on the bed, Bartan's snout in between her cleavage, lapping at the remaining still along them. The strange substance doing wonders for her fur's softness as Jin slid her assets up and down that polar muzzle, delivering kisses during the down motions.

Eventually she started to shift down his body while Bartan adjusted his up against the wall, feeling that tool prod between her rear's cheeks and under her tail. Releasing a heated whimper as Jin grinded against it, feeling the weapon already start to leak against her tailpipe, and wanting to wait on it just a little longer. Shifting to make the tower lie in its default position against the bear's belly, and then sitting on it. Not noticing until now that her lower folds also got a plump upgrade, nearly acting like a small bun to a hotdog and sliding up and down it.

However, the fox wasn't expecting Bartan to raise up and lap at her chest once she got into such a position. Gasping from the waves both things were causing her, then a third when his free hand stared carefully rubbing that overstretched nipple. Whimpering from every movement that tongue made across her disc as the white one smiled. "That sensitive still? Usually when they get upgraded..."

"T-they... Lose... F-feeling...!"

"Mmm." A sudden grasp against his coat and the back of his neck made the furball chuckle. "My, if they're giving me the claws now, what happens when I do...?" Another lick from that white muzzle before he pressed his lips against the nipple, giving it a gentle suck and her grip tightened. Jin releasing a sharp whine of pleasure from such an action as her pants increased, having a difficult time to keep herself quiet as he drew again and again. Soon changing breasts and repeating as the female braced his head harder, her pitch growing higher as he continued. Eventually causing her to release her own jolt of pre over his tool.

Attempting to pull away only caused those red paws to become a vice, then forcing the bear switch assets once again as she grinded along his shaft. Adding gentle squeezes against those soft hills as the fox continued to whimper, her body almost spazzing out in jagged movements as the bigger parts started to wobble. Adding their own blissful wave that thrashed inside her while those swollen folds started to feel incredibly hot, doing it's best to squeeze that member tightly.

Soon enough, her body started to lock together tighter as Bartan sucked harder and harder, as if sapping the freedom that her joints had towards the rhythm. Causing her body to fight with itself, shocked with pleasure and even forcing her very breath to hold for several seconds before cumming hard! Squirting far more than Jinga swore she even had and drenching the bear's pelvis as it mixes with his own orange fluids still jolting out.

The fox's grip remained for a little while, but Bartan's motions did ease her down from the climax. Letting the red one release pant after pant while slowly starting to stroke the head she grasped so tightly, still blushing though now out of slight embarrassment where she could not control herself. However, getting a few gentle nudges from that snout against her now soft assets, making Jin smile at him.

She would miss these pillows if she didn't continue with the task, still a bit skeptical about the whole... 'Exploding' thing. But the bear seemed to be right in nearly everything so far, let alone confident that the canine would be fine aside from a 'Sting'. Taking a deep breath before kissing that busy white muzzle before lifting off his tool, adjusting it upwards with a small reaction from the bear. Though, setting it too far back and feeling it prod against her tailpipe.

It made the fox yelp a little, especially when a warm wetness was felt. Should... Should she try it like this? She's never taken anyone before, regardless of which area. However, those white paws stroking her sides nearly bled courage, giving Jinga confidence and nodding at him shyly. Feeling them slide over those large haunches and lightly spread them apart as she lifted up a bit more. Feeling that tip move into place.

Prods gave warnings through her body, not used to such a thing being so close and attempting to make its way inside. Those larger paws still massaging her bubbly rear as the fox grinded over his tower, slowly getting that hole to relax and lubricated. The two panting loudly for a few minutes as they worked together before those paws moved upwards. Resting on her 'rear shelf' while that tool was in the perfect position, and gently pressing down.

Those warnings released again, making Jin's body a little tense until that muzzle lapped at her nipple gently. Distracting the sirens as the prods grew a little more forceful, his hands pressing a little harder. Making the female's whimpers grow higher and higher in pitch before that flare started to slip inside. A little at a time, stretching that pipe wider and wider until successfully entering such an area.

Her instincts gripped it hard as waves barraged her body once again. Feeling a single white paw move to her front, cup her, and add a couple of familiar digits between her swollen folds. Pleasuring the canine until another squirt of pre left her. Slowing down and letting the red one catch her breath while getting used to the 'wine bottle' now stuffed into her tailhole. Or what it felt like, that is.

But it was in! Another task she nearly thought impossible, considering the furball's size. Barely being able to fit on her large bed built for two. And Jinga donned such a weapon! Already feeling it pump jolt after jolt of pre into her! Yet, her thoughts were interrupted there by the bear's soft kiss. That tongue lapping along her own and causing to relax a little more, though still grinding the red rod as it made more and more progress inside.

Not long after, that red bubble-butt started to detect the white forest that made Bartan's pelvis. Lowering onto it like a perfect soft seat that was made for such a rear, feeling his sheath between those cheeks and even touching those bloated furballs under her tail. The weapon's tip feeling so damn deep within her, swearing there was a bit of a bulge in her tummy because of it, but no pain. Just... Bliss.

The long kiss slowly ended, giving the two time to huff loudly and enjoy the moment for a little bit. Unable to help himself release spray after spray of pre from her constant clenching, feeling it flow into her middle warmly as Jin moaned. Repositioning herself slightly, gently leading that paw away from her slit and onto her thighs. Testing where the beast's tool will let her go before lifting herself up a ways.

It was surprisingly easy for the shaft to move out of her, but almost getting caught on it's flare when it got close to the exit. Letting her rear drop again and nearly bounce on the bear's furry pelvis, making her gasp loudly when a large wave ripped through her body. One that demanded another feel, then another and another. Jin soon finding herself locked in a trance while riding the furball, that rear of hers dribbling in his lap for several minutes while her assets bounced in the front.

Though the constant river of pleasure, she could feel the jolts from that tool turn into a faucet. Not even noticing a small leak through her rapid movements as the bear once again concentrated, releasing whimpers of his very own once in a while. Eventually, though the hypnosis, Jinga could start to detect a pressure begin to build up within her center. Like a faint warning sign of an incoming flood.

Yet, she was too enthralled to stop. Riding him harder and harder as her breasts bounced heavily before Bartan. Using one hand against the wall to balance herself while the other was once again tending to those plump folds, finding herself cumming soon after the bear whimpered loudly! Bracing her thighs while scrunching his muzzle...!

And then the pressure. Felt in the fox's lower belly where her arm crossed, growing in small pulses while echoing its own form of pleasure! Causing her tongue to loll out for the first several... Then dozen... Only to snap out of it and realize that it was not going to stop! Bringing her out of the trance to a barrage of sirens!

The furball's loud huffs that seemed to leave with every fourth pulse! That red weapon in her rear; now feeling much larger and pumping gallons upon gallons of seed into her body! That red belly bulging out further and further while her two hands came to support it! The pressure inside building up as it grew to look like Jin was pregnant and expecting! Twins! Maybe Triplets!? Yet, it continued to get taut!

This was it... The end the bear was warning her about. Pulse after pulse, Jin found herself getting significantly bigger! And soon enough, she would burst from the hose stuck in her rear! Constantly filling her up and expecting that sting any moment while her belly started to pin Bartan against the wall! Becoming so tight as the pulses were being felt through the rest of her body!

Only to find out they were growing too! Her chest expanding larger within her cradle of arms! Her rear becoming rounder and larger, swearing it was flowing into her tail too! The canine's limbs taking up some resistance along with her belly as it buried the white one! Pumping the fox fuller and fuller until they reached a stalemate, and feeling that weapon fight harder and harder against her ballooned form! Building up a massive assault for one final blow to explode her-!

Yet, Jin's belly seemed to suddenly obtain a durability increase! Inflating wildy while swearing she felt the bear yelp underneath! Being dragged down with the expansion and slipping out the foot end of her bed with a few grunts! Still releasing into her rear and expanding nearly every part of her! Even feeling those red cheeks swell up as a small amount of orange leaked out of her muzzle!

Every heavy pulse trying her durability! Every moment, Jin's body stretched larger and larger! Every tight feeling was a warning! Every loud groan was a siren of the highest alert! Yet, all she could feel was pure bliss as she covered the entire bed! Until-!

A loud yelp was heard directly after a bit of pressure was released from her tailhole. Feeling Bartan slip down the fox's 'lower belly' and onto the floor with a bit of a crack, but a few grumbles later. Indicating he was okay, as the canine regained normal feeling. Now realizing just how large she was! Laying face down on what Jin swore was a humongus red furred balloon! A pair of mountains in front of her; pressing against the wall while her cheeks felts like beach balls! Rivaling half that of her own rear, wobbling after the bear's 'Dismount'.

Jinga was Massive! Completely surreal to her considering her once small frame, somehow able to make it this size!? Whimpering when she felt those white paws press against her lower belly, leaning on her to reach those swollen folds with that muzzle. Lapping at her sensitive insides as the fox sung, her pitch climbing higher and higher until she orgasmed again! Soaking the beast's maw with her own fluids before climbing on her...!

That red weapon slid up and down lower lips, driving the canine crazy before feeling it slowly separate them. Plunging into her tunnel with ease and greasing it up with a soft torrent. Stroking the sides of that red belly as he mounted her, Bartan nuzzled against the side of Jin's neck. Licking those bloated cheeks of hers as the female let out begging whimpers. This was it. The bear's promise. And she couldn't Wait for it...!

The first thrust was hard, creating a ripple that was cast through her bloated body. The second was even harder, while the others that followed had the same power just increased speed. As if testing to see just how much punishment the filled fox could take. Only stopping when Jinga couldn't hold it anymore and squeezed that weapon while cumming into the white sheath.

After her third orgasm, she finally noticed a bulge in the base of his tool. One growing larger and larger with every motion, knowing exactly what it was and wanting to keep it inside her! Feeling it plug her gate again and again before feeling it tug inside her! Growing far beyond the exit capacity, regardless of the bear's pulls!

His own whimpers grew in sync with the canine's. The knot densed while that entire red tower thickened. Bartan reached for her hand and gripped it tightly as he huffed, attempting to speak. But she knew; Jin would be okay. It would only sting, and she would be fine. Regardless of the doubt the fox had about such a surreal experience, it was past the point of no return... And she wanted this.

The first half of the torrent brought back taut feelings as seed poured into her sex! Inflating it with a heavy spray as it expanded, forcing everything else to make room inside her blimp of a body! Her belly stretched out, her rear enlarged! Her chest bloated out, pushing them further away from the wall while slipping off of the bed that finally snapped! Making her wobble just a little bit before becoming tight as a drum! Yet still growing every part of her body! Larger! Tighter! Blowing the fox up in very slow and dense pulses! Touching all four sides of the room as that belly morphed around the furniture! Creaking loudly with one final stretch before finally bursting in a wet mess!

The room was instantly flooded with a pool of orange as Jin felt herself get caught with the current. A 'Sting' was one hell of an understatement, where as the pain caused her to become paralyzed with shock. Keeping her from breathing in as if the wind was knocked out of her. Though feeling herself get carried to the wall and held there gently as the orange fluids rushed away.

A few strokes and the fox gasped, coughing while her body jerked in spasms. Still overstimulated and whimpering with every exhale as she made out the heavy pulses of a fleshy rod between her legs. The bear was still cumming, and remained so by the time she fell into a slumber.

Jinga remained in a deep comfortable sleep for what felt like hours. Several times she came close to resurfacing to consciousness, but drifted back down into the most relaxing rest she ever had. It was like a drug that left her limp and breathing deep, feeling so heavy both mentally and physically. Not detecting a single thing until an unknown paw shifted, providing a small signal for her mind to follow and slowly awaken into someone's embrace. Something twice the size of her.

Large... Fluffy... In their own deep slumber on the fox's large bed. Dry and warm with the evening heat still setting in, reminding her to open the windows and long for the cool air of the evening to seep in. Taking several moments for her to shift and move out of the beast's half-limp embrace and do such a thing on auto-pilot. Not noticing a glaring difference until she seen it through the mirror...

The streetlight coming from the window highlighting Jin's very figure, now much with thicker hips. Round and somewhat firm bottom, nice plump tail. And a C-cup set of pillows, having to hold them up and stroke them to make sure they were real. It... Worked...!? The bear's crazy idea? She recalled 'exploding', just as Bartan said she would. The damn sting that left her in shock, but everything past that felt like a blur. Including where the mess would've gone, whereas everything looked relatively the same.

Could it just have been a dream? Overlooking the Companion in the mirror as he stretched and grumbled; accidently flashing that heavy pouch again. Making the canine whimper at how full it looked as the furball moved up behind her and nuzzled Jin's neck. Giving her a few kisses along the neck and muzzle as she remained staring at her form. "You... It...?"

"It looks good on you." He purred, gently studying her figure with his own paws. "You even feel quite a bit softer too."

"So, it actually... Worked?" The bear's nod was like a miracle to her.

"I believe so. Your body should keep this figure, if it's not too big-"

"N-no! It's... Not." Her interruption made that white muzzle smile.

"But if it does reduce in size, call me again. I'll squeeze you in when I have a free spot with no extra charge." Jin smiled that time, her eyes watering a little bit while a tear of joy leaked out. "I know this will not fix your life, Jinga. It may even give you a few new problems to get used to." Bartan mumbled, blushing while nudging her new assets with a paw and getting her to chuckle. "But I do hope that it is a start; giving you the ability to love yourself more." A nod from the fox as she turned around and gave the furball a tight hug.

"Thank you..."

After a few moments, she asked during the embrace. "So, sexing people until they burst?" A sharp whimper left the male as his grip tightened, making her chuckle. "Where did that come from?"