Reclaiming Kingship

Story by Grey Wulf on SoFurry

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I wrote this a while back and just now decieded to type it up and post it. fun little bit, enjoy.

---Reclaiming Kingship Pt.1---

There once was a box, and in this box lived a fox, this fox had only rocks. Set in stone, he used to sit upon a throne, until appeared an evil knight of bone, and the fox was overthrown. Unknowing what he could gain, the knight's armor was the fox's bane, so he swam down the water main. Before he could reach the next bend, he landed on a shore with himself to fend, not thinking anybody would care he ran straight into a bear. The bear know a hare that could take you anywhere, as long as you pay a fare. The king fox had no money, so he went to bee hives to collect honey, and he sold to the people in the market who were quite funny, when it was sunny. When the king fox had enough gold, he went to the hare and was told, after showing the money he had unfold, that he was quite bold. Turns out he didn't have enough cash, barely enough for potatoes that were mashed, the hare was very rash and took what the fox king had. The hare thought that if she helped the king, to her she would bring some golden thing. The king fox pointed his paw, ready to enforce his law, to the castle keep. He thanked the hare and handed her a bright red hair and told her to show it to him when he got back to castle square. He disguised himself as a book keep that requires scrolls in the castle deep. He put on his robes, got over his phoebes and plunged into the castle deep.

---Reclaiming Kingship Pt.2---

As it has been noticed many times before, so many times in ancient lore, greedy people only want one thing... more. The evil knight, who gives those with a light heart a fright, has nearly unimaginable might, his evil at the heigest height of heights, higher than the highest kite, his evil takes a gloriously terrifying flight. As he is in rule the earth is churned, fields burned, heads turned, and overgrowing ferns. He leveled all the churches , and chopped down the birches. All bread turned stale, as sharp as a nail, rusty chain-mail, all-in-all, the kingdom was beginning to fail. The fox king was among near, only traveling the stone halls when they ware clear, he made sure he, nobody could hear, and around corners he had to peer. As silent as a mouse he crept, as going up the castle steps, and the corners he wept. He wept because something dear to him, was either taken or destroyed by them, a dark army around the brim, all had beards with no trim. Every replaced guard he had seen, looked extremely mean, and stinked because all they ate was cheap beans, but im sure they too have dreams. In a room he found something really rare, a silver pear. Shining with the intensity of a exploding star, seen easily from afar, yet it was placed behind bars, and the floor was covered with sticky tar. He left it behind away, so later he find it may.

---Reclaiming Kingship Pt.3---

For achieving this major feat, he relied on his red fleet, otherwise death he will meet. The fox king told the flagships captain, that in order to infiltrate the castle, he needs a distraction. The captain was a quick volunteer, and brought the ships near, and fired upon the old but still used pier. The fox king was quick to the guards elude,. He ran, as quick as he can and straight into the evil man. The Evil Knight without his armor, had no power, and so fell his onyx tower. The king fox tackled hard, with the strength of a beserking bard. He fell to the ground, and to a chair he was bound, with no key to be found. The king fox was furious, he beat up that bad man till the blood made him delirious. He dragged the chair to the balcony, and let him fall to the ground and so there was a moment of melancholy. The king fox yelled to the crowd, very loud, "I am and will be the best" he vowed. The king fox sat back on his throne, made sure he couldn't be overthrown, banished the dark knight of bone, and so this peace of history was forever set in stone. Then he gave the silver pear to the traveling Hare.

==========THE END==========