LAWT #4 ~ After [Memories Pt.2]

Story by Nivulus on SoFurry

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#4 of Lorrie, Alex, Wynne & Tobi

[ Summary: ]

Lorrie helps as Alex recovers from the incident.

[ ~1200 words ]

Old work. A rare continuation, with a happy-ish ending.

Characters are mine

(C)~Nivulus 2018

Alex's eyelids slowly peeled apart, but he shut them tight again almost immediately. The squeezing forced out tears to soothe his burning eyes. So many of his muscles felt sore. It was a familiar feeling, one he hadn't felt in a very long time.

He remembered seeing the picture, but nothing else after that. The world had just gone fuzzy and muffled and dark. He took a deep breath and let it out slowly as his mind wandered. The temptation to curl up and go back to sleep was irresistible, and he rolled onto his side and pulled the blanket over his head. Several minutes passed, but try as he might, sleep had escaped him.

The groan of his displeasure was muffled by the heavy comforter. Several more minutes of denial passed before he pushed the blanket back and sat up, flicking an ear. He felt heavy, like he was filled with lead. Checking his phone for the time, he squinted against the unexpectedly bright screen. 4:37AM. He sighed, letting his eyes readjust to the dark as he stretched, and making his way to the bathroom.

His morning routine took a bit longer than usual as he plodded through each part, still secretly contemplating a return to the peace of sleep. As he passed back through his room, he stopped between his bed and the door, looking back and forth between them. With a huff, his shoulders dropped and he made for the door.

No sooner had he cracked it open than the smell of, what he could only describe as comfort, rushed into his face. It was warm, cozy and delicious. He followed the aroma to the kitchen to find a full sheet of fresh cookies cooling on the stovetop. A new temptation gripped him as realized they were his favorite, oatmeal. He tapped the tips of his fingers together, eyebrows raised high and mouth drawn tight. He peered over each shoulder as he considered pilfering at least one. He could pay the shop back later.

Gently, he poked the top of his chosen bounty for a tentative check of temperature. Cool enough to handle, but only just. He carefully pried it up from the foil, the cookie still soft enough to bend as he lifted. Freed from the batch, he brought it up to his nose and took a deep breath, relishing that wonderful smell.

It was too much, and he shoved half the cookie into his face with both hands. "Mmmmm...." The tension melted away as he savored the flavor, the texture, as he chewed. In that moment he was happy, and everything was right in the world.

"You know..." Lorelei said from behind him.

He jumped, choking on the mouthful of cookie goodness and looking sheepishly over his shoulder. Frozen like a deer in the headlights.

"...You might be in some trouble if those weren't already for you." Lorrie teased. Alex relaxed, placing a hand on his chest and exhaling in relief as he resumed chewing. Lorrie walked over to the table and pulled out a chair, motioning for him to sit.

"You gotta stop doin' that." Alex said as he sat. "I could've died." He exaggerated.

"I didn't mean to startle you, sweetie." Lorrie chuckled, combing his hair back with her fingers. "But lost as you were in your revelry, I don't think I could have done different." She pried the rest of the batch from the sheet and piled them on a plate, which she placed on the table. "Milk?"

"Please." Alex said.

"How are you feeling?" Lorrie asked solemnly, pulling two glasses from the cabinet and pouring them both a drink. "I was worried, but didn't want to disturb you." She sounded tired, like she'd been up all night.

"Oh." Alex put the pieces together in his head, and it made him feel awful. "Um..." He became quiet, staring at the low cabinets and rubbing his hands together absentmindedly, as Lorrie set down their drinks. The fingers of one hand traced along the fingers of the other, where the webbing used to be. He locked his ankles, drawing them under the chair.

"Allie." Lorelei spoke sharply after sitting, demanding his attention. His eyes met hers and she glanced down for a moment. He followed their path and quickly separated his hands, self-consciously folding them on his lap beneath the table. He looked uncomfortable, fidgeting nervously before putting his hands back on the table, though keeping them apart. "Something wrong?" Lorrie asked with subtle concern.

"Yeah, no, I just..." Alex replied quickly before biting into the cookie again to buy time. He spent a few moments chewing before tying up the thought. "I'm just tired, tha-"

"Alex." Lorelei cut him off, requesting his attention once more. "Are you okay?" Her words were deliberate, but gentle. She gave him that look that said, in no uncertain terms, 'be honest'.

"No." Alex admitted quietly with a subtle shake if his head, looking away and shrinking into his chair.

"Do you wanna talk about it?" Lorrie asked, placing her hand over his, engulfing it.

"...No..." He poked gingerly at her fingers with his free hand.

"What do you need?" Lorrie scooped her fingers around, grabbing firmly.

Alex thought a moment, tilting his head as he looked at their hands, then the cookie plate. "Nothing." He said with the faintest smile, gently squeezing the panda's fingers. Lorrie smiled warmly at him, returning the gesture.

"D'you wanna sit on the deck and watch the sun rise?" Lorrie asked.

"Oooooh, we can do that." Alex's eyes got big and his face lit up. "Wait, is it cold out?" His enthusiasm dimmed at the thought.

"It is a bit cool," Lorrie said, "buuut, that means we can grab a blanket and sit on the bench." She stood up and offered her hand. "If you like."

"Oh, oh, yes!" Alex exclaimed with a clap, taking Lorrie's hand and being pulled to his feet.

They gathered all they would need and headed out to the deck. Being on the second story provided an excellent view of the horizon. The sky was already brightening with the sun's approach. The bench in question was more of an outdoor sofa, but that only made it easier to trap warmth.

Lorrie sat right up next to the arm while Alex snuggled in close next to her. They tucked the edges of the blanket under their legs and feet, leaving the top free to fold down. Cookie access was an important consideration, after all. They settled in as their shared body heat slowly warmed their little pocket, further shielding them from the cool and still air.

Cuddled together in contented silence, they fell asleep well before greeting the sun.