The Morning of Truth

Story by Desert Mutt on SoFurry

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#3 of Changing Christy

(The following is a work of fiction, based off of multiple events and role-plays.)

Christy woke up, yawning and stretching some as she sat up in her bed. She rubbed at her eyes, removing the remnants of sleep and any possible extra stuff that formed around her eyelids. Once she felt she had awoken she pulled the sheets off her and stood up. Her slender young body shifted and stretched more as she walked out of her room.

The anthropomorphic canine that had taken her in sat at a desk, working at a computer for a moment. He stopped as she padded in, turning to look at her. He smirked to himself as he saw her, standing there completely naked.

"Good morning Christy," he finally replied, "I take it that you slept well?"

"Yes sir," she said gently, still rubbing the sleep from her eyes, "but.... I had the strangest dream. What's for breakfast?"

"Sorry," He replied, "but nothing's ready. I was trying to take care of some things. Besides I'm not really used to making breakfast for myself, much less others. I have some eggs" He stood up, stretching out his body, then starts for the kitchen.

The young human girl stood there, watching the canine stretch. Her eyes drifted down to his sheath, licking her lips and feeling a tingle between her thighs at the thought of the length that was hidden inside the furred protective covering. She felt a tingling between her thighs, then realized that she was completely naked. Christy covered herself, blushing heavily, then went to her room to get dressed.

"So, what was this dream about?" The male canine asked when she returned, still working on the breakfast. Her mouth watered and stomach gurgled as the smell of eggs cooking reached her nose.

"Oh, uhm..." she thought a moment trying to remember, "well, if I remember it right then that means you took me into your home, like this. While I was here, I turned into a normal dog, walking on all fours and eating dog food." She wrinkled her nose at the thought. "Then, one day, I felt this...funny feeling that only you could help and you did." She blushed at the memory, trying to keep out the fact that the need was sexual.

"That wasn't a dream Christy," He finally responded as the eggs were finished, "That all actually happened. I brought you here, injected you with a potion that made you able to change forms, turned you into a feral dog for a week, then when you went into heat, made you anthro, satisfied your need and my want. You fell asleep, so I turned you changed you back and put you to bed." He set the eggs on the plate, handing them and a fork to her.

"What?" she asked curiously, "How is that possible. You couldn't change someone like that. And even if you could, you shouldn't. It's illegal to force people to do things they don't want. Rape is against the law." She stabbed at the eggs, taking some and eating as she glared at him.

"Okay," he said with a growl, "First of all, it wasn't rape. You were more then willing to have me for breeding pleasure when you were in heat. I never took you against your will. Second, I can because I gave you a potion. It allows me to manipulate the form of your body. I will admit I might have altered your mind some since sometimes a person takes on traits of what they are, but subconsciously, not from the magic itself. And third, if you don't like it, you're free to leave." he moved, pointing at the door.

Christy looked up at him, but said nothing. As the eyes met, she finally looked away, submitting to him without realizing it. She continued to eat her eggs, enjoying the taste. Her mind ran over what she was told, trying to take it all in. Her sex tingled once more in excitement.

"You're not going to leave I see," He said, "You will be free to leave whenever you want. I don't think you will though." He moved behind her, rubbing her shoulders some. "You showed a strong mind, but your missing something. You want something more. When you spent the week as a dog, you enjoyed it." He leaned close and bit onto the back of her neck where her scruff should be.

Christy gasped out in shock as she felt the bite, dropping her fork. A rush of pleasure flooded through her sex, wetting it further. Her body went limp otherwise, submitting herself to the will and want of the male. A part of her ached, wanting her to beg out to him to fill her body with the shaft, the knot, and the seed once more.

"You feel that?" He asked after he let her go. "That is all from you. When I made you into a dog woman, you called me alpha, a term the human and anthro community used for the canine hierarchy leader. I have something you want, even if you aren't going to admit to yourself just yet."

Christy felt him wraps his arms around her, hugging her. She closed her eyes, feeling so much confusion. She wanted to argue, but everything he said seemed to fit. She could not argue with him. The human girl leaned back, pressing against the canine male. A feeling of safety entered her body.

"Finish your breakfast," He said as he started to let her go, "You have a lot to think about now. You will be changed again later, though you will actually remember it now and there will be no excuses. When you're done, you and I are going to go get you some additional clothes and other things." He gave her cheek a lick, then walked off.

The young woman sat there a moment, just staring at her plate. Her hand finally started to reach up, taking a hold of the fork, knuckles turning white as she gripped it and tried to calm down. She resumed eating her breakfast once more. Her mind wandered, part of it still trying to take in the truth of what she was told. Another part started to fantasize, imagining what else she could become and also remembering the feel of being filled by the length, the knot and the seed. A shiver of excitement ran through her, wondering what would happen next.