Bolt x Angel

Story by Freelancer824 on SoFurry

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This is my first story so I hope you like it. ^_^

Please point out any errors I missed Thank You.

I got the idea form this


I tried to keep it the same as the video with my own touchs here and there =)


Angel awoke to a new day. She was very excited about today. She stretched out and sighed. She walked to her lovers bed to see if he was there. "Hello sleepy, you awake?" Angel called out. But when she got there she saw he already left. Angel was angry that Bolt had left her again so early. "Bolt always leaves me for his job!" Angel hated that Bolt seemed to care more about his acting career then her. She calmed down. "I am going to talk to him today about this." She thought to her self.

She just deiced to let it go this time.

Angel walked outside to see the bright sun. It was nice and warm outside there Hollywood home. Well not something you think a star like Bolt would live in. It was a small but good size shed for them. They had moved there a few years ago after she met Bolt. Angel left her old boyfriend Scamp for Bolt. I mean who wouldn't? Angel took the chance of a lifetime to be with a big TV star.

But she has questioned her decision lately. What would life be like if she stayed with Scamp?

Angel pushed it out of her head, she was happy where she was. She then went to do her morning business.

Now satisfied she took a walk to the studio to see Bolt. But She felt different. She felt really sick. Angel went to throw up behind some bushes. Angel thought it would be good to just rest today. So she began to walk home.

Angel kept running to the bushes to puke. She was having a hard time getting home. Angel wondered why this was happening.

When she got home she laid in bed and thought.

Fear crept up Angels spine as she realized why she was so sick. She had heard of these symptoms from her friends. "I am pregnant." Angel whispered to herself. She just sat there in there house. But then a smile grew on her face. Angel and Bolt did it, they were going to have children! "I can't believe this! I am a mother now! I can't wait to tell Bolt." Angel was running back and fourth she was so happy. She then stopped. Angel clutched her stomach. She had to take it easy. "Now we can live a normal life. Bolt will stop being a actor and settle down into our new family."


Bolt at last came home after another great day at work. Angel just stood there watching him come closer. She stood there swaying back and forth with a huge grin. "Angel, I had the most wonderful day!" Bolt told her. "Bolt I need to tell yo -" Angel was cut off by Bolt. "You know Angel I don't think there is any other way I would want to live." Bolt said excitedly. Hearing this makes Angel heartbroken. She began to cry heavily. "How could he say that?" Angel thought. She ran passed Bolt.

Bolt, confused, goes after her calling her name. "Angel! Where are you Angel?" Angel gives Bolt the slip into a junkyard. She began to cry her heart out. As she sits there crying she is unaware of the creature lurking near by.

Toothless, one of Bolts old enemies was watching her. He couldn't believe it he could get back at Bolt for old times, and what better way then taking his lover. Toothless stood up, with a broad grin.. Angel saw the shadow and turned around to see him towering above her.

Angel runs to find Bolt to save her, but toothless is faster then her. She is picked up and carried away by him. She screams Bolt's name as she is being carried off.


1 Month of searching*

Bolt sadly walked home. He had been searching for a month now for Angel. He was so depressed that he lost her. Everyday he thought about why she ran from him. What did he say?

Bolt just stopped. He lost the will power to continue home. "I'm no hero." He said out loud. How could he lose her. She was the most important thing in his life. Bolt began to cry again. Still replaying the day he last saw her in his mind.

Bolt's ears perked up. He heard Angel's voice. "Bolt." Was all he heard from her. He ran into a alleyway. Where he found Angel in a large puddle of her own blood. Bolt was shocked he didn't know what to do. "An-Angel?" he says to her. Angel looks up to him. The light in her eyes almost gone now. "Bolt...I'm pregnant." Angel closes her eyes and passes on.

Bolt mind is shattered. He just stares at Angels now cold body. He nudges her not believing she is gone. After a month of non stop looking for her, he finds her just to see her die. Now it makes sense why she left him. The last thing he told her that he didn't want to change his life. He thinks how happy she was that day. He not only just lost his love, but his unborn child.

Bolt looks up into the sky and prays "Please, take me instead." Bolt hangs his head in shame. He begins to cry. "I would do anything to bring her back." As he continues to stare at Angel's body.

A voice is heard in Bolts mind, telling him what to do. "You must go into the light...find her and send her back. Then take her place." Bolt stares at the sky looking to where the voice came from.

At the end of the alleyway is a bright light. Bolt without thinking rushes into it. Calling Angel's name. "Angel, I am coming for you!"

When Angel hears Bolt calling her, she is confused. Angel runs to him anyways. Calling his name. Angel sees Bolt and can hardly believe its him. They stare at each other both with smiles to be together again, but just for only a moment. A white flash blinds her and Bolt is gone. Angel is standing alone. She is alone in a alleyway. "Bolt!-Bolt! Where are you?" Angel calls out. No one answers her.

Angel begins to walk. She doesn't know where she is going or where to go. She is crying as she walks in the chilly night air. She stops at a street lamp and stares up at the moon. Thinking about how Bolt traded his life for her and his child. How is she going to go on with her life now she thought.


8 Months later*

Angel gives birth to her and Bolts child. She is so happy to see him. In honor of his father who gave everything for both of them. Angel named her son "Bolt"

Bolt blinked. In a daze he saw someone standing above him. She had a sweet voice that made him smile. She leaned down and whispered to him "Hello, Bolt."