The Man of Iron (Part 7)

Story by Iron_Warrior on SoFurry

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I think you guys will like the next part. >:3

Also, I kinda rushed it...D:


"Sir. Ogen Class Helichopper requests to land. Seems like a diplomatic thing." A voice crackled though Atlas's communications bead. Atlas tapped it,

"Got it, give them access to the pad. I'll head over there." Atlas said, he tapped the bead off. He got up from his desk, put away several papers and gathered his weapons from the nearby table to the left of him, he put on his helmet last. He stepped out of the building and saw the massive helichopper land on the pad near his building. It's large cargo door opened, revealing only one man. He wore a tuxedo, and a balaclava, with seemed quite odd, noting that they were in the snowy mountains, but the cold didn't seem to bother him. The man walked to Atlas calmly,

"I am Keith, and we have matters to discuss." Keith said, although it seemed like he was unarmed, in reality he had several silenced pistols, knives, and even a short sword.

"Well, I agree, Keith." Atlas said, "Come, lets go into my office."

The two men walked into the small building, the helichopper took off leaving Keith. Atlas took his seat, and Keith found a nearby chair and took it.

"So I am to understand you aided one of those animals?" Keith asked,

"Yes. I have a different method of things, just to say." Atlas replied,

"Indeed. You also field executed a loyalist guard, for what reasons, might I ask?"

"Disobidience of a commanding officer." Atlas knew that they had tapped into the compounds camera's, and that this day would come. But it didn't scare Atlas, he could just talk his way out of it.

"Is that the only reason?"

"Well, yeah. It's a good enough reason for me, we don't need disobidient assholes guarding slaves."

"...A valid reason. And the helping the animal up?"

"Like I said, I have a different method of things. I help them, show that I care, spend a little more food, that we can get from the wild, spare a little more manpower, that we have plenty of, and they will work more because of their condition and the working area is calm and not so insane and threatening." Atlas explained,

"Another valid reason. Yet it is not standard, the guidelines clearly state that we will be harsh and unforgiving on these creatures." Keith said,

"I do know what the standards state."

"Unfortunatly, those reasons are not good enough. The final verdict finds you corrupted and in need of termination." Keith said emotionless, with a blur of motion Keith had both silenced pistols out. But Atlas was not in his seat anymore, which suprised Keith slightly...Keith grinned, finally, a challange. Atlas had a large caliber pistol aimed at Keith, "My pistol has a bigger, louder boom. Personally, I wouldn't want to cause panic in the area. So lets handle this the old fasion style?" Atlas said, in his off-hand he held his combat knife.

"And we assassins are quite loud. Very well." Keith said, he loosened his grip on his pistols. At the same time, both Keith and Atlas dropped their guns. Keith leaped to the right, and then at Atlas. Atlas took up a defensive stance with his knife, and Keith had somehow pulled a shortsword and a knife from somewhere that Atlas didn't know of. Keith slashed downwards while mid-air of his leap, Atlas blocked it easily. Keith landed and attempted a low stab with his knife, Atlas kicked it away. Keith then used the momentum of Atlas's kick to do several overhead attacks.

"Time to cut the bullshit." Atlas sighed, he grabbed one of Keith's arms, dropped his knife, kicked Keith away and Atlas picked up his pistol and shot him in the chest.

"...You said...No panic..." He said quietly, shocked at Atlas's act.

"Your too trusting. Never bring a knife to a gun-fight, never trust the opposing person." Atlas said, and he shot Keith several more times.

Meanwhile, outside, the guards looked towards the gunfire and aimed their own rifles towards that direction. The workers went to their barracks. Atlas came out with his pistol smoking.

"I believe that I have the entire Regiment's attention now?" Atlas asked, and he did.

"Now, an Empire assassin just tried to kill me, so now we're branded as Corrupt and we gotta' do something." Atlas said,

"I know what your trying to say. About 75 percent of the Regiment doesn't want to follow you." Tarkus said, he was the closest sargent to Atlas,

"Reasonable. Since I am going to basically go into a shit-storm." Atlas said, "What are you guys going to do?"

"We'll be pirates or something. When your' in trouble. Turn to us, we'll help as much as we can." Tarkus said, "About all of your sargents wants to come with me." Tarkus chuckled,

"I don't blame them. I can manage without you guys." Atlas said, "So now I guess we part ways?"


"Wait, just a test, what am I going to do?"

"Join the furries in their resistance. Trust me, we know, you've been working with us for too long." Tarkus laughed,

"I agree!" Atlas laughed with him, Atlas turned to the rest of the Regiment,

"Men, it's been an honor working with you. But we all have to part ways now. Men who want to come with me, follow Marie, the female worker. I will go scout ahead and meet up with Cobal. Men who wish to follow Tarkus, your in good hands." Atlas said, within about half and hour, the regiment said their goodbyes to their comrades, and left alongside all of the workers towards the village that Cobal was inprisoned in. Atlas was a good half an hour ahead of them. The remaining 750 troopers loyal to Atlas were the reletively newer troops, full of potential.

Atlas saw a dead body on the ground, a scout, a scout in Cobal's squad. Atlas sighed and noted that Cobal was most likely captured, as he wouldn't just leave one of the bodies of his comrades on the floor. He moved on towards the village, not even knowing there was a village there. But Marie knew there was.