Pairs of Pumpkins S01E07: A Baker's Half-Dozen

Story by Portia on SoFurry

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#8 of Pair of Pumpkins Stories

With five children in tow, Portia finds a safe haven for her family with an old friend. A reunion and a separation help the struggling mother start to discover the truth of her situation.

Pairs of Pumpkins Episode 07:

A Baker's Half-Dozen

By Jess Faulks

"Buns In The Oven. Come Back Tomorrow!"

The hanging sign rattled on the glass of the bakery door, telling the city of Zentia that "Booker's Baked Goods" had closed for the evening. Portia slumped against the wall and rolled back her head to rest.

"I forgot how much work baking is," she sighed and brought her gaze to Booker the Baker, a handsome, brown and grey mink a decade or more her elder. He looked up and smiled but said nothing, counting coins on the countertop, mouthing the numbers to not lose his place.

Next to him stood her daughter Marina, still something of a stranger after an unusual rescue from a brothel led them to first meet two weeks before. She mopped the floor with uncertainty and awkwardness, her slinky appearance and vaguely mustelid-like traits suggesting she might be the result of if Portia and Booker had a child together, if such a thing were biologically possible. Several customers had asked if she was Booker's daughter when her mother wasn't in the room but when she had been, it was obvious enough which one of them she descended from.

The fur revealed by her elegant and kitchen-inappropriate dress caught the light in peculiar ways. Marina looked nearly monochromatic, her fur a mahogany shade inherited from 'Donor 13: Mink 01' according to her stolen records: a combination only possible through magics she'd never previously thought possible. Without the typical patterns of any fox, either Vasiljev, arctic or red, only Portia's signature, peppered markings had come through in the white specks, sparsely marking the girl's cheeks and muzzle.

Her long, straight, head hair was darker than the rest of her, still carefully groomed after her time on the road. The half-mink's upbringing toward the service of men gave her an attention to her own appearance which didn't go away after her rescue like her sister's had. The only boldness of color beyond the light, pepper spots was her pink nose and bold, green eyes, like her mother.

The remarkable thing about Marina's fur was the feel of it: impossibly soft, even for a mink. Touching any part of her was a delight and she was boldly aware of the effect it had on others. The girl had grown casually touchy with her new family, even after so few days together. Several times , Portia had witnessed her lack of awareness for personal space make Booker uncomfortable as they hustled about behind a counter, especially with the teen girl only slightly less busty than her mother. It was entertaining to see his awkward reactions but also reassured her that the mink had a good-conscience and intentions. Her family would be safe with him.

"Marina, have you ever mopped before?" Her sister, Anya stepped out of the kitchen and chuckled at the sight, the swinging door behind her unmuffling the sound of giggling children from the room beyond. It hadn't fully dawned on Portia how tall her part-bear daughter was until they started spending more time around other people and seeing all the men she towered above, including Booker.

Marina paused and shook her head. "The servants did all the cleaning. They wanted to keep our hands soft for the..."

"I'll show you another time, sis. Why don't you go help Edgar and Evita with the dishes?" Anya smiled and extended her open hand, stepping aside from the doorway.

Marina gave a gentle nod. "I don't know how to do that either but I'll try." She passed over the mop handle before brushing past her older sister with a touch of her arm and slipped through the swinging door.

"Your two youngest children are going to teach your teenager to wash dishes?" Booker raised a brow while keeping his focus on the coin-counting.

"Edgar was thankfully too young to start as a breeder so they kept him as a houseboy," Portia said, pushing off the door to stand on tired feet. "Evita was training to be a Lord's wife. Both have their share of dishwashing experience under some fairly demanding conditions.."

Booker gave a huff from his nose and his head, a shake. "This whole situation is still very confusing to me."

"I don't think it's much clearer for any of us," Anya shrugged, positioning herself to mop before she raised it for inspection. "It's dry." With a laugh and a roll of her eyes, she retreated back to the kitchen. "Joseph! Fetch me some water!" she called out as the door swung shut behind her, leaving Booker and Portia alone in the store front of the bakery.

"She's right," the vixen walked behind the counter, brushing past the older mink along the way. "There's a lot to take in. I didn't think I had any family at all."

"Well, your cousin," the mink corrected and the vixen recalled with some apprehension. She didn't remember how much of that story she told him last time. Likely not the whole of it, since he was willing to help her again.

"I mean immediate family. I had brothers and sisters, sure but what woman gets surprised with children?!"

Booker smiled and pushed the stacked coins carefully aside. "I know you're not the settling down type: at least you didn't use to be."

"Still not."

Under a sideways glance to her, his smile was weak and fake. "For what it's worth, I think you're good with them. Good for them. As long as them being here isn't putting them or you in danger, they're welcome to stay."

Portia smirked with nonchalance as she picked up a rag and started to wipe down the counters. "Oh, you don't mind the sales boost that came with my two beautiful, big-breasted daughters, helping you sell bread and pies?"

Booker grinned and shook his head. "Hey, you came to me for help! Again!" He paused and leaned in closer to lower his voice. "And I think we both agree that Marina is pretty useless in the kitchen."

"But she sure can hand out samples on the High Street! You didn't have a line around the building when we showed up yesterday."

"Business hasn't been better since you were last working for me," the mink conceded. "I'll pay them all a fair wage, minus room and board while they're working. Even if it gets a little bit crowded around here."

"I appreciate that, Booker. You're a good man." She placed her hand on his shoulder, her chest against his back and arm in their closeness. " I'm sorry I can't take them all with me."

He gave a deep breath and flattened his hands on the counter-top, hunching forward. "The stories of the kind of trouble you get into make me worry, Portia and I'm sure you don't tell me the worst of it. I know you're capable and I understand that having a bunch of kids and untrained teenagers tagging along on these rescue missions is a bad idea."

Portia's smile faded and she swallowed visibly before slipping away. "Rescuing Edgar was a wake up call. Even the older ones like Anya: they're not used to this life."

"Not yet," the tallest of the vixen daughters emerged from the swinging door in perfect timing, carrying a freshly wet mop and bucket. She looked to her mother before giving the long handle a skillful twirl, whipping water across the both of them. "Did she tell you how she said I'm a natural with a staff? Or that I have a ring that can shoot fireballs?"

Booker perked with concern. "That sounds terrifying."

"Did she tell you how she almost killed a few of Redwall's city watchmen by blowing a hole in the town wall?"

"The actual, Red Wall?" the mink perked and Portia gave a single, deep nod.

Anya huffed and slapped the wet end of the mop to the floor. "Nobody died and we did escape through it!"

Portia's jaw pushed aside and she watched her under furrowed brows. "Well, she is going to be training at Westerkerk in the fall. I'm sure she'll be able to take on her old mom after that."

Booker's mouth went crooked with restraint. "Westerkerk huh? They'll teach you to fight, that's for sure."

"I care less about the fighting and more about protecting myself, my family and other innocent people. Being an asset, not a burden."

"I'd like to tell you you're barking up the wrong tree but it all still sounds like fighting," Booker shrugged. "Try not to buy too much into their politics."

Portia stifled her grin. "We've talked about it: learn the objective stuff, ignore the ideology and keep her mouth shut. Come back when she's done. Put that education to a better use than they do in Westerkerk. I already taught her a few tricks, to make sure the other cadets don't give her any trouble."

Anya smiled back to her mother while Booker stood, incredulous, his eyes volleying between them.

"That will be nice when she can help you. It'd be better if you had some backup and well, I only have so much space. I can house maybe three more short-term and only put one more to work before we're all stepping on each other. Marina doesn't seem to mind much but it's not right. People talk."

Portia's ears flattened back and she took a deep breath. "We're lucky Marina's head is screwed on straight at all, all things considered."

The mink didn't know what she meant as they'd all agreed it was probably best to keep the details of Marina's previous situation from him and he had discretion enough not to probe. He nodded but his attention was undeterred. More quietly, he spoke: "I assume you're thinking of a longer term plan as you save more of these kids? I want to help as much as I can but you said hundreds? You're going to need your own village."

Silence followed and Anya paused, her eyes on her mother, then the floor. She lifted the mop and bucket before she moved to the far end of the room, away from them before Portia spoke, her nose dipped near her bosom.

"I'm working on it."

* * *

With the shop locked up and the blinds closed, bedrolls were laid out around the bakery with Anya offering to stay with the children in the large pantry, with Joseph in the kitchen and Marina upstairs in the living room of Booker's small, personal quarters. Portia stayed upstairs as well and the others likely had their suspicions but only Marina knew that meant his bedroom.

The vixen had stripped out of her ill-fitting, borrowed blouse and skirt and he, his chef's clothes before they had slipped into bed together with the familiarity of having been there before. She laid on her back, folding hands behind her head and he crawled up alongside, resting his head near hers.

"I miss you, Portia. And I miss this ridiculous, magnificent chest of yours!" he chuckled and dipped his head down, tiny kisses planted over one of her breasts, half-flattened by gravity in her current posture.

A smile cracked her muzzle and she traced down along his stomach, the mink baker's body firm and lean for his age and chosen profession. Further down, she found his manhood and gingerly wrapped her fingers around it, thick but still limp. "You can give them a quick shake before we sleep. We just have to be quiet for the kids."

Booker chuckled. "Right, the kids. When we first met, it was pretty much impossible to imagine you as a mother. You were sick, sunken-eyed and wasting away."

Her attention left him for the ceiling and she took a deep breath before her smile faded to nothing. She remembered the story which led up to that moment from her past, for all the similarities to this one.

Ten years ago, her cousin, Andreas had slipped away from his home in the Pale Lands, excited by the forbidden rumors and stories about the bold Princess who escaped her courtly fate for a life of adventure. He wanted the same and managed to track her down and join her on her storied adventures.

Her cousin turned out to be surprisingly capable in his efforts to emulate her and made a promising companion. It was fire for an ego that harder to quench back then that he practically worshiped her based on stories he heard and more that he built up in his head. She'd been his hero. Portia had loved the way he looked up to her, especially at a time when she still felt she was trying to prove herself as an adventuress, something her appearance and figure made quite a challenge. Attention and admiration became affection and before long they were intimate. In some ways, it was worse than the current situation: the incident with Joseph two months ago, beyond being very age-inappropriate, had been an accident but with Andreas it was deliberate, consensual and repeated. Cousins were different, she told herself back then. She was infertile anyway.

The blur of events which followed were less clear but at some point either she or their affair had drawn the attention of an incubus, a lust demon and one who could convincingly change his appearance. He deceived her into thinking he was Andreas, seducing her away from all friends, companions and obligations for a weeks-long streak of total depravity, the likes of which was still unmatched by anything before or since. Over a month passed before the real Andreas tracked her down again and killed the demon. It was the first time since training for her adventuring lifestyle when she needed to be saved, a stain on her pride she would never forget. Fleeing that place had led her to the widower, Booker's Bakery the first time. The parallels were uncanny

Booker didn't notice having lost her to the memories and continued. "Now, I can see you as a mother. You clearly matured a lot since then." Ten years ago she was having sex with her teenage cousin. Now it had been her own son. "This isn't bad, is it? Domestic life?" Her tail tucked and she turned her head to see him. "The kids are all great."

"I didn't raise them."

"And Marina? It's uncanny. She looks like if you and I could have a child."

"We can't. And she's not a child anymore, she's very much a woman."

"That's true. She's young but so sure of herself, with the confidence of her mother. Anya's quite impressive as well. You're going to let her run off to a military academy? Do you ever think of just being a family?"

"Booker, I barely scratched the surface. I have hundreds of children and it could take years to rescue them all. I barely know what to do with five of them!"

"Are you sure they all need rescuing?"

She paused and considered for a moment. "All of them? No, I'm not sure. Maybe some are happy and safe? I don't know but the log book is full of daughters and sons bought to be slaves, breeders, unwilling husbands and wives, workers, soldiers and gladiators. I can't rest until each one of them has a choice."

"You said they were all owned by the rich and powerful. You're going to make some enemies. Someone's bound to come after you."

"Oh, I'm sure of it. I just have to try to not be caught and keep moving. When I get them out, I have to get them as far away from their old homes as possible."

"Well, if business keeps up like today, there might be potential for expansion to other cities and towns. If I can teach the children to bake, we could have a small empire. Perhaps rename the place, for all the foxy foxes: Booker's Buns?" He waggled his eyebrows and grinned boyishly.

Portia rolled over on her side to face him, still loosely holding him by his maleness which had slightly thickened and her fingers squeezed. "I do appreciate the offer and it would help in the short term. Longer term? I don't know that my kids were looking for this kind of life when they agreed to come with me. I need to give them a choice too. If that's what they want, then perfect!"

He nodded, starting to swell in her grip. "Well, I'll take care of them, teach them some job skills and wait for your return." He paused for a moment, pursing his lips thoughtfully. "The way Marina and Anya came to be I assume was some sort of magic? Is it repeatable?" There was a spark of implication in his eyes that she didn't appreciate but still, she had gotten hot and wet in their closeness and with his touch.

"It was some crazy wizard. I don't know how he did it." Portia glared before she could catch herself but it quickly became a smile to pacify him. "You're welcome to try the old-fashioned way." It had been two torturous months of bad sex in the aftermath of her accident with Joseph but this was her first reunion with an old lover since. She stayed with Booker for weeks, in that very bed and recalled how attentive and giving a lover he had been all those years ago. Though it had been some years, she could finally test if she was having uncommonly bad luck or was properly cursed.

His soft, mink muzzle moved to her neck, planting small kisses along it. Hands began to wander over her body tenderly, like few lovers had the care to do, fingers seeking more than selfish groping. "I know this life may be not your style, Portia but I can see you're a good mother to these kids. I would be a good father."

She took the sheets in her fingertips and dragged them slowly down until they were both uncovered to their thighs. Vixen fingers found his mink hand , holding him by the fingertip. "I know you would be, Booker and that's why I'm trusting you with them. What I'm good at is this..." she traced his fingertip down a long scar over her right breast.


Portia dipped her head. "...and this." She led his finger down along herself and beyond until she pulled him back up, pushing him inside her wetness.

Booker gasped and bore a smile decades too young for him before lunging in to kiss her. His free hand took her head and held it while their muzzles met, his tongue eager and dancing with hers.

They kissed long and deep with familiar passion and his hand fell from her cheek to trace her silhouette, tenderly. She didn't remember him being so affectionate and she had not been kissed with such intention for a very long time. It was more than an 'I want to fuck you' kiss.

She pushed him away by the shoulders with a force gentle but firm, his demeanor momentarily stung but that melted away quickly enough when she climbed on top of him, straddling his stomach and sitting upright. The vixen's smile coaxed curiosity from him then dropped to all fours, bringing the weight of her breasts on his sternum then turning herself around with a giggle, climbing over him to face his feet. She stared down his erection, inhaling it's strong scent then as she eased herself back into his face, her tail wagging high above and bosom bulging out in all directions between them. He was lapping at her sex in an instant.

After a sharp inhale from his intimate contact, her open mouth descended on him, nearly distended as she sucked noisily, smearing his length with a liberally slobbering tongue. With a series of shallow dips and bobs, she plunged his vein-riddled cock as deep into her muzzle as she could and it ran along the roof of her mouth until his pointed tip was near her throat and she was staring down another two fists-full of length from his sheath over orange-sized testicles. Nostrils flared and she inhaled in his musky scent from his day's work, running around between the kitchen and the front counter.

Pleasure washed through her body as the mink's tongue lavished attention, his nose pushing her folds apart to present more of her flower for him to lick. He was not entirely practiced at this but fully committed to pleasing her, reacting to her movements and noises. This could work! Oral had done the trick last time.

The moment of promise was short-lived. While he got her close, the now familiar blockage kept her there, a plateau short of where she needed to be, dangling release just out of her reach and now Booker's tongue was getting tired, she could tell from the change in eagerness. She slumped and perhaps he would have picked up on her changing demeanor but she was still sucking his cock. Her mink lover was doing everything right, completely focused on her pleasure but he couldn't do what Marina had two weeks ago, the only orgasm with a partner since Joseph. In a drought of satisfaction, that moment had been an oasis but was it actually so much better than anything before?

No. Something had changed. She had broken. There was no other answer at this point but she couldn't be absolutely certain unless she tried it again. She squirmed with desire at the thought, imagining the cock between her lips and the tongue in her pussy was Joseph's. A guilty moan escaped her at the depravity of her imagination but the thought alone inched her closer to release. The vixen's attention fell to the floor, knowing he was somewhere beneath it and for a moment, she considered the ways that she could go visit him in the night without waking the others. If it worked, there was no way she was going to be able to stay quiet.

The shame hit her with some delay this time and her hips were mashing back into Booker's face, encouraging more from him as she closed her eyes and let the fantasy continue. Would that be enough?

She imagined herself riding Joseph on the kitchen floor before she thought about if she could or should but the shame was cold and sickening: a mother scheming to go fuck her son in the middle of the night with her own, small children in the next room. Edgar and Evita probably wouldn't understand what was going on but Anya would.

Yes, she had seen the whole, intimate moment with Marina in context and how Ryo's had bribed her the situation. While none of them had discussed it since, Anya understood but Portia couldn't forget the look of horror on her daughter's face as she witnessed it. There'd be no explaining a more deliberate act. She could never find out.

The vixen opened her eyes, snapping them to the bedroom door knowing beyond it was her sexually-liberated and skillful daughter. Booker had been a monogamous widower when they met all those years ago but every man surely fantasized about it, didn't they? The way that Ryo had paid a fortune to experience a mother and her daughter at the same time?

"Are you almost..." he was trying to be as delicate as possible but she could hear his speech impaired by his cramping tongue. Perhaps things would work better with sex? He was a generous lover who would worship her body and the guilt encouraged her to try once more but she knew how it would end.

Nearly two months had passed since the night she fucked her son and she still had dreams about it, waking wet and needing! Since then she had fucked anyone and everyone who gave her the right attention when she could get away from the children and one right in front of two of them. There had been thirty or more of them by her rough math, including a couple of women out of desperation and all had ranged from bad to promising but no one had brought her to orgasm except for Joseph, Marina and much less satisfyingly, herself, every moment she could get alone.

She must be cursed. Nothing else made sense but what kind of punishment would that be? Shoving her face in her accidental sin for eternity? Was she being any better of a mother for sneaking away from her children, night after night for shallow, unsatisfying sex? There was a scientific way to find out for sure and she was leaving them all in the morning. This was her last chance to know before she set off.

"Portia, are you alright? You just kind of... stopped."

The vixen blinked her thoughts clear, eyes fiery with purpose and her muscles tingling with excitement. They fell from the door to the mink's stiff cock, still in her mouth, leaking on her tongue but not serviced as long as her thoughts had drifted away. She withdrew, easing it from her muzzle before climbing carefully off of the bed to the floor, waiting until then to look back. Her mischievous grin found the older mink looking hurt but waiting for her to speak.

"Don't go anywhere," she whispered, finger over her muzzle then crept out the door, completely naked.

Marina's eyes were open, watching her mother as she approached. "Done already?" she spoke softly but still conspicuously loud and Portia winced and hurried closer, squatting down at her side.

"Could you hear us?"

She shook her head. "I could barely hear you talking then it stopped. I can't imagine you were sleeping, knowing... well, you."

Portia sighed. "Did Anya say something?"

The half-mink's muzzle crinkled crookedly in an incredulous smile. "She sang a song about all the guys you fuck, Mother and you're still sneaking off at night." Portia was silent and visibly dismayed before Marina reached out and put a hand on her knee. "Joseph, Edgar and Evita don't know. And who cares if I do? I've probably been with more men than you have."

It was a reflexive laugh which Portia needed in her slump and her daughter squinted but opted not to challenge her. "I'm more than twice your age."

"I was a prostitute, mother. A few clients every night, six nights a week for the last two years. I must be over a thousand."

Portia didn't need to announce she was un-phased by the declaration. Her smile said everything and Marina looked almost disappointed before clearing her throat.

"What can I do for you, mother?"

"Do you want to sleep in the bedroom? With us?"

The mink cracked a grin. "I'd been meaning to ask you if Booker was off-limits, once you leave. I was guessing not."

"He thinks he's too old for you."

"What a gentleman. Let's teach him otherwise." She extended a slinky hand to her mother who stood and helped her up, the elder vixen's grip lingering on her silken pelt as their chests collided and the blanket she was under fell away, revealing she was already nude beneath. "Not an accident this time? No bribes. Just you, me and him?"

Portia looked at her sideways, unsure how to answer but her daughter's restrained but entirely crooked smile said enough. Marina stepped in closer, wrapping one arm around her back and the other, down her stomach to her saliva-slathered folds, straightening her mother's spine with a sharp, shocked inhale. The half-mink teenager nosed her ear and whispered: "It's okay that you liked it, Mother. No judgement from me. Giving pleasure and keeping secrets are my two specialties. Whoever father was, I clearly get my perverted appetite from you."

With that, Marina slipped around in front of her, brushing their breasts together again before taking the doorknob in one hand and Portia's grip in her other, leading her in.

Booker scrambled to pull the sheets over himself to his neck when he realized the younger Pridemoon girl led the way but not before she drank up a full appraisal of the older man. "Oooh, he's big! You have a type. I like big guys too." She pulled Portia behind her, who closed the bedroom door softly behind them. "Mother must like you because she's never done this before."

"Done what?"

"You. With me. The three of us."

It was strange to see her so young yet so in control. Portia wasn't half as bold at her age and she needed to control this situation, knowing Booker had more hang ups than less scrupulous men. "Last time I was here we had expanded your horizons with something new. I'm guessing you've never been with a mother and daughter before?"

"I've never done anything like this! And I'm old enough to be her father."

Marina slipped past her mother, walking around to the far side of the bed to climb up on it. "I'm a big girl, Booker and I make my own decisions. You weren't going to be able to resist me for long and Mother's leaving tomorrow. This might be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity."

Booker turned to Portia, his disbelief only slightly greater than hers but Marina didn't care to wait for either of them. He was frozen when she tugged the sheets down and crawled over him, dangling her breasts over his manhood. Her attention whipped to watch the older mink's reaction while her tail swished excitedly above her. "You expanded his horizons last time too? How?" She slipped her fingers under his scrotum to grip his cock at the very base and he groaned as it regained what little stiffness that he lost while waiting. Marina was going to run this whole thing if she didn't step in soon!

Portia stepped up and climbed onto the mattress, bringing herself against the incredibly soft pelt of her daughter, shoulder-to-shoulder and angled to bring a breast against her with the long, swollen cock in between them. In awe, he watched as Portia nipped at his sack, tugging him gently with her teeth before lapping over the broad curve of a testicle. "Go on and tell her, Booker." Marina dipped closer too, her mouth hovering over his tip, noticing it was already slick and wet. A smile cracked before she slipped down over him with practiced ease.

A sucking breath drew into his muzzle and the mink was tense as he stared at the spectacle: two vixens singularly focused on his pleasure, the teenager bobbing her head with her eyes locked hungrily on his. Their soft, enormous breasts ballooned out from his lap, taking up so much space that it prevented them from getting too close to him or each other. "It was anal," he stammered out. "My late wife... I was too large so we never tried it."

Marina pulled off with an audible squelch of her lips, grinning broadly. "It seems Mother has quite a talent for that," she said, smacking a palm down on Portia's ass. "And dare I suggest, perhaps a predilection?" Her mother had only a moment to stare icicles at her daughter before Marina backed away, still on all fours. "Get your boobs around him, mother. Let's give Booker something few men will ever experience."

For a moment, the elder vixen was still, processing how to handle this. Was Marina challenging her? Was she asserting a dominance long suppressed or was this just the way she was? They had treated her well at the brothel, she claimed and perhaps her elite clientele liked her to be so assertive.

There was no money being offered but Marina seemed more eager for this than she had been with Ryos, despite all her boasting of his prowess. Was it the time that had passed? If she was anything like her mother, two weeks without sex was far too long.

Was she just attracted to Booker? He was the distinguished kind of handsome unexpected from a baker and Marina couldn't miss that. Perhaps she and her mother were no longer strangers and she never had a family or a friend to share with? Marina wasn't being disobedient or challenging, after all. She was just going for it, like her mother did. And so the slightest of shrugs and a sliver of a smile, she obliged, knowing exactly what was being suggested. She folded her arms to lift her chest up then dropped her heavy breasts to spill out on his lap, his cock right at the seam of her cleavage. Her eyes flicked excitedly between the awestruck mink and her approaching daughter.

Marina was drawing dangerously near at a pace to tease them both. Her small, pink nose was a missile fired at her mother's muzzle and Portia's jaw opened in instinctive anticipation but the younger vixen veered off to her left at the last moment, putting her closer to Booker. Titanic tits collided tectonically as Marina's arm slipped around her back, hugging her tightly and forming an A-frame of vixens above Booker's body, with the negative space beneath filled with four, bulging breasts fighting for room and the center of them all, the mink's very erect cock.

Looking down her daughter's lean back at her swishing, brown tail, Portia laughed and secured their hug. "Marina, this is expanding MY horizons! That hasn't happened in a long time." Except for the time she fucked her own son, two months before. Or when her daughter had surprise-eaten her pussy two weeks ago. Those were new.

"For me too, mother. I guess out in the world, girls as busty as us are just as rare as I was in Redwall?" Marina mused and squeezed her mother more tightly, compressing the thick, mink erection between them. "Good."

"Don't tell me you didn't think about it, Booker."

The mink was gently thrusting his hips upward into the pillowy abyss, restraining himself in the face of the spectacle and sensation of fucking four giant breasts at once but also Marina's overwhelming softness. "I didn't, honestly but I'm not going to be able to ever forget this image. Or this feeling."

Mother and daughter clutched each other, rolling their chests and working up and down as the dumbfounded mink came to match their rhythm, his cock poking out for air from the top of their collected, colossal cleavage, a boast of his impressive size, drooling precum onto the white and brown-furred seas of softness surrounding it. Marina moved a hand from Portia's spine to the back of her head and for a moment, it felt inappropriately intimate until a wicked wave of selfish desire reminded her of why she invited her daughter in here at all.

It was odd to be looking at Booker's feet in all of this. He'd been so innocent the first time they met and suspected that hadn't changed much. Portia had been his first lover after his late wife all those years ago and now her and her teenage, former-whore daughter had lured him into depths of perversion which even the wealthy elite couldn't buy. She had to see his reactions for herself so she lifted her head high and brought it back down alongside Marina's, cheek-to-cheek as they both drank in the sight of the fit and handsome mink, older than either of them and by far the most uncomfortable of them, in the moment.

Booker was indeed dumbfounded but not enough to risk the rare opportunity. His darting eyes asked questions his mouth dared not vocalize as the massively busty mother and daughter engulfed his length between them, synchronizing their motions with familial teamwork.

Marina's hands fell away from her mother's back to squeeze the outsides of Portia's breasts, lifting and dropping them with childlike fascination. "Gods mother, you're so big!" Booker didn't miss her mother's momentary wince. Was this a new line crossed? Mashing was acceptable but no groping? No, even Anya had touched her breasts! This was fine.

"I don't believe this is happening!" Booker's muzzle burst in awe, eyes drinking in beautiful faces and quaking breasts smothering his thrusting erection. Finally, his teeth bit on his lower lip pensively. "I won't last long like this."

Marina was alluring in her smugness. "So?"

"I want to be inside you, Portia." The young, half-vixen canted her head curiously and Booker reached out quickly for her hand. "I am having such a hard time resisting you. You're just so young!"

The younger vixen stopped rocking her body over him, her smile falling and her eyes tore back to her mother, cross for a moment but Portia's hand on her shoulder steadied her. "Stay," she whispered before hands started to guide her daughter, pulling her leg over Booker's lap then slipping behind her to straddle him in tandem.

She pressed herself to Marina's spine, getting as close as her body would allow without crushing her breasts, then she eased both of them forward along the mink until Marina was over his chest and Portia, his stomach, barely far enough to clear his towering cock, resting along his thinly defined abs.

"What are you..." Booker finally asked as the younger vixen deliberately dragged her breasts over his face, taunting and teasing with some small risk of smothering but when he felt fingers wrap around his girth and guide him to Portia's heat, he stilled himself.

"This," she purred and pushed back, sinking his first few inches inside her then pulling Marina back by her hips until they nestled in unison again, easing back together. Portia exhaled slowly and deliberately as she fed herself Booker's thickness. Her head came to rest on her daughter's shoulder, looking down on him. "'You can watch her while you fuck me." Her hands on Marina were firm, steadying what felt like lean muscles coiled to leave.

Marina conceded for now. Soft-furred hands reached down between her legs to grope at the joining of the mink and her mother before her other hand ripped Portia's grip from her thigh and slapped it down on her breast. "Somebody is going to have to give me some attention."

Portia nodded and squeezed, fingers luxuriating in her incredible softness. "You should touch them, Booker." His teeth gritted, resisting for a moment before Marina snatched his hand and slapped it down on her unattended breast.

"I saw you looking earlier and you already had your dick all over them," she matter-of-factly justified. He feigned resistance but her daughter was not strong and he could have broken free if he really cared to. On contact, he gasped at the sensation, fingers sinking in.

"By the Gods, you're like... silk!"

"Someday we're going to find another word for what Marina feels like," Portia spoke with strain in her voice. Crotch-to-ass with her daughter and holding her tightly, Portia came to rest on her challengingly-sized mink lover with a steady exhale until his every inch was swallowed in her clenching depths, deep and distending. "You're like a tree trunk, Booker."

After a long moment to adjust, the elder vixen rolled forward carefully, bringing Marina closer so she could move herself around, slowly riding him while grinding herself into her daughter's rump and Marina's hands planted to brace herself over the mink, her breasts hanging down on his chest. Both of his hands moved up to grope the lithe, half-mink greedily.

With her fingers digging into her daughter's delightfully soft fur, she closed her eyes and thought back to those years ago with Booker and the time they spent together, intimate and passionate as he helped nurse her back to health. Her hips writhed over him, recalling memories and the many times they'd had passionate sex. She moved this way, then that, fast then slow, eager to romantic, her body clutching to his thick, mink cock that could definitely reach what used to be her buttons. Perhaps Booker was distracted by Marina? With tens of lovers in her wake, the logical voice in her head which should be silenced by drunk-lust in the moment reminded her of a truth she kept denying: this didn't work anymore.

"You okay back there, mother?" Her daughter had pulled Portia's hand down to her neglected sex, only for her fingers to be idle.

"Yes dear." Her eyes reopened, unaware of how long she was lost in thought and the instinctual effort of riding her lover. The mild burn of exertion present in her thighs suggested it had been a while. At the apex of her thrust, she scooted them both forward, up Booker and he mostly disappeared beneath her teenage daughter, her own body nearly free of his length. The sensation of a woman's heat at her fingertips didn't feel any different for being her daughter and the palmful of impossibly soft fur made her all the more inviting. She was committed and needed to keep Marina here and happy. No more limits.

An ecstatic cry slipped from her muzzle as two of her mother's skilled fingers pushed inside her, touching the way she would herself. Marina could handle this. She rocked forward from Portia's thrust, then again, the two vixens all but locked at the pelvis.

Portia could see Booker's darting, alert eyes over Marina's swinging breasts, perhaps reacting to her athletic jockeying or maybe from feeling that hand pinned between him and her daughter. She was moving with purpose, the half-vixen panting and writhing between them, moaning in joy. Half on top of her Marina now, she positioned herself with intention, far enough forward to where she was pulling him out and plunging back in, his tip spearing her folds again and again, letting his hips do more of the work to sink into her now. Hearing her daughter, hot and heavy beneath her presented a new challenge.

Portia had always considered herself heterosexual and attracted very much to men. She appreciated the beauty of the female form and was especially proud, even vain about her own dramatic curves but she loved the male body, she loved when they had huge, challenging cocks and she loved having sex with them. There had only been other women in a few youthful experiments, more recent desperation and some free-for-all groups where'd it'd be more trouble than it'd be worth to reject the lady parts shoved in her face.

None of that had never even quite registered in her mind as intercourse, which for all of her sexual liberation she still associated with penetration by a penis and that made this moment much more excusable than going downstairs and mounting her own son. She shivered again at the mental image but remained focused on Marina, having a job to do. Portia had been masturbating longer than Marina had been alive and this was her chance to have her headstrong daughter melt in her hand before she needed more from her.

Her dark-furred palm angled as much as it could, pinned between bodies, mashing into Marina's clitoris while two skilled fingers curled inside her, then three, her index finger pushing and probing methodically until she found the buttons which had her reacting the most.

Her head came to rest on her daughter's shoulder, cheek-to-cheek as they rocked together over Booker, matching his rhythm. Marina was predictably wide-eyed and slack-jawed and for a long moment, she was purely fixated on pleasuring her daughter. After so much difficulty with sex, it was nice to have something easy. There was no point in trying to tease her: she was going to make her cum as hard and as fast as possible.

The younger vixen was very vocal and that made it all the easier to find what didn't work and quickly, what did. Portia started rocking her hips more, reaching back to hold Booker in place when he slipped free of her.

"Holy... oh my... Mother, I'm going to..."

That was her cue. Portia held her tight and rocked them forward in unison, hard enough to slap the handsome mink in the face with the teenage breasts that easily escaped from his grasp. She was clear of his slick erection again and blindly but deftly brought her hands together, wedging his girth against Marina's sex before pulling them both back.

"FUCK!" Booker cried out in unison with a far less coherent Marina, suddenly impaled mid-orgasm. The change spurred primal thrusting from him and writhing riding from her daughter. Portia broke the union of their pelvises to thrust as well, battling her hips against her daughter's ass like she were fucking it, like so many men had done with her and together they sent the teen's jostling chest into a dangerous, swinging blur that even Booker had the sense to back away from.

It wasn't Booker's fault she couldn't cum and she may as well continue to give him the show and the ride of a lifetime. Free of them, Portia slid up Marina's back with ease, hefting and dropping one breast over her shoulder, then the other before perching her head atop her daughter's head hair. She looked up to find Booker dumbfounded and thrusting wildly, like he might buck the comparatively slight vixen off him if her mother didn't hold her down. It was a long moment before he realized the impossibility of her position, so far above Marina.

"Wait, am I..." He looked down but there were only heavy, brown breasts, threatening to clobber his face.

"Relax and enjoy it," Marina said, her voice chilled by release. She dipped down, hands engulfing the mink's face before melting a kiss down onto his muzzle.

He resisted for barely a moment while her hands slid down his shoulders then back up and down his chest, soothing muscles with a practiced touch that complimented her confident mouth and tongue to melt away his resistance. Finally, she broke the kiss and lifted her head with a wry smile, bracing her hands on his shoulders and presenting the view again.


"You're okay, Booker. You have her parent's permission." He looked dumbfounded but Marina's eagerness and skill coaxed out his instincts. Strong hands fell to her hips and pulled her back on his cock until she sank to the hilt with a tail-twitching gasp. His eyes locked on to the view of them, faces and breasts above, softness jostling with each thrust.

Portia's gentle thrusting closed in to grind herself against Marina's ass now, all the better rub herself against that incredible fur. For a moment, she felt like she could make herself cum just by doing this and considered how much less guilty there'd be if she could. She moved her hips around, finding the most direct contact to push herself against, smearing her wetness over her daughter's curves.

Marina was a vocal lover, she learned at the brothel. It was unsurprising, from a lifetime spent learning to please men that she would be and it was hard to tell if she was insincere or if she really did enjoy sex so much. The sounds of her daughter riding Booker made Portia's arm and neck fur stand on end, shrill coos of pure bliss, trembling on the edge of control. She sounded at once innocent and straining, which could be involuntary from Booker' impressive size. She made similar noises with the hung Ryo but she suspected it was a part of her routine. Portia had never met a man herself who didn't want to hear that his dick was bordering on too big.

Marina was very much in control, on top of him and holding him down with her hands and weight, leading him to a less eager rhythm until he was at a cadence which she could savor as she rocked back and forth. Booker did not want an innocent and she moved with enough skill and poise to make sure he knew she wasn't. Had Portia fucked him like this, he'd think she was in love with him. It was so masterful she considered simply sitting back and watching.

Grinding against Marina was delightful and promising but she needed more control of the rhythm if she were going to reach orgasm and she didn't want to disrupt that for her daughter. Besides, she already conceded to the depraved intention which created the whole situation. To witness the artistry of Marina's lovemaking made the burning need between her legs all the more demanding. Her head moved from resting atop her daughter's head to nipping at her ear before she whispered: "I want you to eat my pussy."

Portia's daughter's eyes sprung open, genuinely surprised for the moment before sinking back in their practiced, sultry bliss. "Yes mother." She looked down to Booker who had apparently also heard and her mouth cracked, unsure of what to say. It was another opportunity for him to hesitate.

Marina didn't miss it this time and her soothing touch went back into action, calming him and gently holding him down, asserting herself. "I bet you want to be on top of me, don't you? Really fuck me? I haven't been with a mink before but I heard so many stories." That was probably a lie but Marina knew how to get what she wanted. Soft hands held his cheeks, her nose to his, sharing breath as Portia eased off her daughter's back, careful not to hurt her neck as she slipped her breasts free of her head. She moved aside, leaving the two of them to jockey as needed, watching him for any hesitation and gave a bemused laugh to herself that it was even a concern.

Was any man going to run off, mid-coitus with two beautiful vixens throwing themselves at him? Marina lifted herself up and rolled over to her back playfully, beckoning him near in a way that was just girlish enough to spook him and so Portia lunged in, smothering him with her chest and nipping up from his neck before muttering in his ears. "Booker, I know you're a man of conscience. I love that about you and that's why I'm trusting you with my family. Marina's young but she is an adult. You're not taking advantage of anything."

Marina appeared on his other side, mashing her softness against him again. "You wouldn't have been able to resist me for long, Booker. I'm too good," she said and tugged his other ear with her lips. "This is the best case for us, to have mother's blessings. I can tell it's been a while for you and you're going to love having me around here." His back arched and somewhere down there, Marina had a grip on his cock again.

Booker gave a nervous chuckle but didn't budge.

Vixen eyes exchanged, coyly noting their progress before Portia nipped along his cheek until she was pecking at his mouth, "I want you to fuck my daughter, Booker. Then, I want you to put your fat cock up my ass, just like you used to." Her kiss poured over him, dipping her tongue into his muzzle while he conceded with a shallow, quick nod.

Marina nosed at his ear, feeling his resistance fading again. "And maybe you want to jizz all over both of us? Show us how much cum you can paint all these giant fox tits with?"

He nodded again and Portia smiled before breaking the kiss, locking eyes with her nose against his. "Let's get to it."

Both vixens rolled aside and Booker sprung up with youthful vigor, his cock swollen and ready for more. Marina scampered across the bed to lay on her back before him, her legs and arms spread in invitation and he joined her, lining up his length then pushing himself in with urgency, as if he might change his mind. Together they gasped, half of his cock inside her almost at once before he eased deeper, measuring her reaction but eager to hilt himself again. She winced as he nearly buried it all into her but her delicate hand beckoned him to keep going until their hips joined completely.

Watching, Portia recalled what he'd said before: Marina did look like she could be their child. Now the handsome, greying mink was mounting her teenage daughter right in front of her and she imagined perhaps her and Joseph hadn't looked so different when they were together. Two months ago the idea would have been repulsive but now it stoked her perverse fire to see such similar bodies together. To say anything might pull Booker right back out of it so she kept it to herself, acknowledging it with only a moment's tease across her sex before she moved in.

He was fucking Marina hard now, his inner beast awoken and the bed creaking beneath while the half-vixen was groaning with her face crunched in a winch, a less elegant posturing than her riding and cooing. "You okay, baby?" she cupped her daughter's face and she nodded emphatically.

Portia climbed up and over her towards Booker, wrapping an arm around the back of his neck then lifted her leg over Marina's face, her daughter's jostling chest battling against her stomach and the undersides of her own breasts. And then, there it was:

Cold nose, soft fur then skilled tongue unfurled against her wetness. Portia cried out and fell against Booker, one arm hanging on his shoulders, the other reaching down to sink in Marina's head hair. She knew in an instant this was going to work and gave a long breath of relief while the warmth of inevitable pleasure washed over her.

Greedy mink hands grabbed Portia's breasts that swelled out between them and she groaned over the helpless, feral whimpering of her daughter. He nosed at her muzzle and she kissed briefly but distracted, all the while hanging on to him for support.

Between her mother's legs, Marina attacked. Her muzzle pushed up like it was seeking entry, spreading her wanting heat to present it for a thorough tongue-lashing, plunging as deep into her as she could reach and moving around wildly, only to slip free and smother her clitoris under powerful pressure. Like her mother had to her, she was not teasing or coaxing but very much trying to bring her to orgasm as efficiently as possible.

Portia dipped her head into the nape of Booker's neck and clutched on to him tighter still. She all but knew this was going to work but didn't consider how well or how fast but the pleasure surged from her loins outward until even the extremities of her nerves were electrified.

"I'm not going to last much longer," Booker stammered out before Portia's muzzle interrupted with a hungry, passionate kiss, enveloping him as her orgasm wracked her like an earthquake. This thing that had been such a challenge for her once again unlocked with ease by her own daughter. She cried out in joy and relief, allowing herself respite in the moment of mindless bliss.

"I want to fuck your ass, Portia," he growled in her ear, fingertips pushing into her fur and she nodded. The vixen would have agreed to anything in just then and Booker slipped away, letting her catch herself on the bed, on all fours now above Marina. His withdrawal presented his massive, reddened cock, and he was behind her quickly, eager to not miss the opportunity.

Portia was still sex-drunk from the shattering orgasm when the older mink behind her spread her cheeks and wedged his bloated cock to dwarf her clenching pucker. A moment's hesitation evaluated her dryness but his eagerness ensured it was not very thorough. Mercifully, his cock was slick and glistening with two generations of wetness and he eased himself into her, prying open her tightest of holes and steadily pushing in.

"I forgot how amazing this feels," he groaned moving to double himself over her, sinking deeper as he closed the distance. "You were the last person I did this with, Portia." Her smile was blissful and lazy and she gave a breath of a laugh, squeezed by the strain of being filled anally by such a large male.

From below Marina's hands took her mother's face and tugged her down, right against her own-freshly fucked pussy, perhaps aware of how malleable she was in the moment and Portia didn't even consider hesitating. Marina was fragrant with the fresh smell of male and she started to attack his scent first. She licked at it, first from her folds and then from between them while Marina squirmed beneath. Her daughter's tongue had backed off, sensitive to her aftermath but still lashed up to tease her skin as Booker sunk deeper, complimenting his sodomy by coaxing surprised squeals from her.

The elder vixen tried not to think about how this was her own flesh and blood that she was lapping at. She focused only on her gratitude and as the lithe, half-vixen moved and quaked beneath her, inviting the challenge of bringing her to orgasm once again. Marina was bold and confident, completely in command of her sexuality more than most women twice her age. Portia didn't really know how much she enjoyed sex with her clients and had mostly avoided the topic but she had definitely made Marina cum with just her hand. Her daughter was an adult but still her child and this was the perfect opportunity to remind her.

Booker rocked the three of them back and forth with his thrusting, slow and methodical, his eyes fixated on his forbidden penetration while the vixens kept each other occupied. Portia's spine bowed and relaxed and Marina held her head in place as if she might escape, high pitched cooing escaping her sleek muzzle again, escalating further beyond control at her mother's ministrations.

Portia was alight with pure invigoration and the lingering warmth of the afterglow. Marina couldn't take Ryo anally and she wouldn't likely try with the similarly hung Booker. Her mother could and did, inches above the girl's face and it couldn't hurt to gloat on that. "Fuck my tight asshole! Fuck it good and deep! I want every inch of your cock up my ass!" she pleaded before diving in again, kissing, licking and slurping, feeling Marina's composure eroding away again.

The vixen was glowing for the first time in a long time. Last time with Marina was barely consensual but this was entirely deliberate. With Booker's cock buried in her ass and Marina's pleasure now at her mercy, Portia was in control. She felt like the bold, adventuress lover she'd been before. Was giving oral sex any worse than receiving? Was it even really sex? She had licked far worse things in her adventures.

Marina's swelling cries finally erupted in a quivering, helpless orgasm, her smaller frame quaking, dominated by Portia's. "Oh mother! I'm cumming again!"

Portia was her mother. The matriarch. The one in charge. She did not relent, devouring her daughter's pussy through a flood of wet release, coaxing more and more from her.

"I'm gonna cum! I want it all over you!" Booker pulled back with equal measures of urgency and care, uncorking from Portia's rump and waiting on his knees.

With her own daughter thoroughly pacified, Portia gave her silky, lean thigh a smack as she climbed off her. "Come on, sweetie." With her face revealed, Marina was awestruck, her breath heaving in a way that couldn't be an act.


Portia beamed with pride, her muzzle matted with wetness and she hurried to sit in front of the gasping mink then arched her back proudly, presenting her tremendous, quaking bust. She patted the seat beside her before tugging Marina's arm and pulling her into place before the half-mink emulated her mother, licking her lips before opening her mouth in offering.

She was barely in place when the hung mink erupted with a mighty groan, gushing thick sperm across both abundant, vulpine chests. A long, first gush was enough to draw a single line across all four breasts before Portia pulled Marina closer and he drew a second one the other way.

With an arm around each other, Portia reached out with her free hand to grip Booker's sperm-slinging erection and stroke it furiously, slinging his cum without care or precision, raining down in smaller spurts on their chests, faces and even in their hair. Marina was a moment behind, delicate fingers grazing over his scrotum and he winced at her near-tickling touch.

The mink's orgasm was full and long, likely his first in some time and kept going until Portia's arm started to get tired, her eyes starting to appraise just how much of a mess they had made.

"Whoa," she marveled at the collective damage, like a pint glass of cum had been thrown on both of them and still more swallowed in mouths and on the tongues. They would need to clean up before the morning.

Booker collapsed back on the bed, panting deeply, eyes wide in disbelief. "That was the single most depraved thing I've seen or done in my whole life. You... do this? To each other?!"

Portia gave a small shake of her head as she curled up next to the mink before she spoke, glancing over to her once-again composed daughter. "It was a first." Some of it was. "All bets are off in a threesome, right?"

Marina blinked then gave a small shrug, conceding before curling up at his other side, draping her hand over his stomach.

"I guess so?" Booker shook his head with a defeated, disbelieving laugh, slinking his arms around the two of them, pulling them close until their breasts spilling over his chest. "It was incredible. Both of you are incredible. Perverted on a level I don't know I can fully comprehend but incredible."

Marina looked at her mother eye-to-eye under Booker's jaw, straight-faced and studying, the slightest crinkle to her brow. Portia slid her hand to hers and intertwined their fingers, palm flat on top of him. She gave a wink, then a smile, which her daughter couldn't help but return.

* * *

"You really have to leave, mother?"

"We all just got here? Can't you stay longer?"

Edgar and Evita refused to let go of their mother who was down on one knee to meet their stature, hugging both of them at once. They were almost the same height, Evita slightly older and taller than her brother but that wouldn't last many more years.

The youngest of her rescued children, Edgar was half-wolf and would grow to be bigger than any of them, perhaps except Anya. His coat was a striking black and white, where it could be seen from beneath his short pants and shirt. He looked the part of his more substantial father's bloodline but still bore the freckles of his mother's lineage on his neck and face, below his sky-blue eyes. He was strong already despite his young age and she could feel how much tighter he was hugging her than his sister was or could.

Evita was a year older than him and her father had been a red fox. That was predominately her pattern, with a white belly and black socks though the red of her fur mixed with the white and ivory of the Vasiljev bloodline and it made the young girl nearly pink in color. The slightly tattered dress she wore was a light green that complemented it perfectly.

"We'll all be together again soon but there are a lot more of your brothers and sisters who need my help. You have a whole family to take care of you in the meantime. And Booker! You'll be safe and cared for."

The seven of them had gathered on the customer side of the counter in "Booker's Baked Goods" after the breakfast rush and the ovens were full of bread and meat pies for the upcoming lunch hour. Portia had waited until now so she could eat with her family once more and not disrupt the sales boom the mink's bakery was experiencing since the arrival of the vixens.

Reluctantly the children let go, Edgar taking more time than Evita and she stood, then stepped up to Anya, embracing her in the awkwardly offset way which the Pridemoon girls were learning to hug. Portia went low and the taller daughter high, breasts ballooning against her mother's face inside her blouse. "I'm really proud of you. I hope to see you again before you go off to Westerkerk."

"I hope so too but I understand if you don't, Mother. This is more important. And I'll be helping before you know it."

Portia smiled and squeezed. "You're going to do great. And I look forward to our future adventures." They separated, looking at each other for a long moment before Anya reached out to finger at her necklace and the ring looped on it.

"And maybe I get this back ?" She perked, politely stifling some annoyance.

"You learn what you need to learn at Westerkerk then we'll find you some help to master this thing. There is a good reason why Fireball isn't the first spell they teach in wizard school."

"I know, I know. But it is mine. When I'm ready."

Her mother smiled and gave her a pat on the cheek. "When you're ready."

Booker stood beside Anya and Portia moved to him next. "You're a lifesaver. I don't know how I can ever repay you for helping out my family."

The mink raised a brow and gave a breath of a laugh before leaning in, scooping her up for a hug and lifting her off her feet. "You don't owe me anything, Portia." After some time, he set her down and planted a firm kiss on her cheek. "Besides, nobody moves pies like these girls."

"Not even me, ten years ago?"

"You have some competition," he joked before his smile turned awkward, just as hers did. "I mean, there was only one of you." She blinked and patted his arm firmly.

"Take good care of my kids, okay?"

He closed his eyes, blushing under his fur as he nodded and she stepped up to Marina next.

"It's only been two weeks since we first met, Mother but I must say you have made quite an impression." Her eyes told of everything that implied before they came together in a hug. "To be honest, I thought having a family was going to be a lot more boring. So far, I'm pleasantly surprised! I'll eagerly await our next reunion."

"You take care of them, okay? Especially if I'm not back before Anya leaves." Portia slipped back, bosom-to-bosom, holding her at arm's length. Marina's smile was demure and subdued but very much crooked. Her eyes flicked to Booker faster than anyone but her mother noticed. "All of them."

"Of course. Safe travels, mother."

She took a deep breath before stepping up to Joseph, her impossibly handsome son whose eyes were on the floor before her boots filled his vision. Their height difference was the most awkward one, which put him face-to-breast with his mother.

He looked up, eyes snagged on her chest for a moment before clearing his throat and finding her eyes. "I do wish you could stay with us but if I were any one of my brothers and sisters who isn't standing here today, I'd be glad that you didn't."

She leaned down to scoop him up and his arms threw around her, clutching as his weight fell against her, pushing his nose into her ear on the far side of her so the others couldn't see. "I know you have to leave to save the others but I can't help but think you're leaving because of me."

She only squeezed him tighter.

"I know it hasn't been long since we've been reunited, Joseph and I'm going already. But this is your family and I am your mother. I'll be back, just as soon as I can and we'll all be together."

"I love you, Mother."

Portia froze. Had any of them said that to her yet? Had anyone, in years? Lust-drunk fools who had tried to tempt her into a domestic life, sure. Even a few adventuring partners, shortly before they parted. No one who'd ever meant it. But this was her family. Had her own parents ever even said such a thing?

"I love you too, Joseph." It was enough that the others could hear and she eased her teenage son back to his feet. "I love all of you children." With a warmth joining the sadness in her heart, she stepped away and lifted the backpack that was set by the front door. The others didn't speak just yet, watching her slip her arms into it's straps with sorrowful eyes.

She righted herself, and reached for the door when Evita and Edgar rushed in for another hug. Joseph was next, then Anya behind and above them, all holding each other. Together.

"We love you, Mother!"

"I love you too, mother!"

"Love you, Mom."

Over the combined mass of her family's hug, she looked to Booker, who stood with folded arms and a sad smile and beside him, Marina, her mouth clenched tight and her eyes the most expressive she'd ever seen them. Was she going to cry?

Portia beckoned and she obliged, not rushing to join her family but she slipped in and squeezing them all together. Not a word left her muzzle and that was fine. When she did, she would mean it. The elder vixen leaned her head over and gave a light kiss of Marina's nose, inviting a sliver of a grin from her silken-furred daughter.

The group hug did not disperse for some time, only when an elder, possum woman tried to open the front door and found it blocked by the gathered family. They moved aside and Anya gestured for the customer to meet her at the counter.

Portia had to turn her back and face the door, otherwise she might never leave and she was halfway through it before Booker called out after her. She paused and looked over her shoulder.

"Portia! You may not be an orthodox mother," the handsome mink said with sincerely. "But you're a good one."

She held there for a moment, clenching her jaw and smiling back to him. "Thank you." She took one more look over each of the children rescued so far before raising her hand in a wave and stepping clear of the door. the handle slipped from her reluctant grasp and slowly swing shut behind her and between them.

A block away from the bakery, she found a neglected alley and took a casual look around before steering off the main road and disappearing down it. A crate offered a seat and after a quick push to test it's integrity, she collapsed down on it, taking her face in her gloved hands and bursting into tears.

The End