Bhijn is a Cute Bot

Story by Sheeplike on SoFurry

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A short, cute story I wrote about one of my best friends, bhijn , who is adorable and cute. This story is more a love letter to him than anything else, but even if you don't know him, I think you'll still get something out of it! Hopefully.

You are Anon, and you just started a new job debugging robots at a bot clinic.

It's actually pretty fun.

They show up, with their cute little synthesized voices, in all shapes and sizes, and they try to explain what's wrong as you plug into them and do your best to find the issue.

Usually, it's pretty obvious. They downloaded some malware by mistake, or they're missing a driver for some subsystem and it's making them dizzy every time they try to run a fan or speak a different language.

Usually, you don't see the same little bot twice. They come in, embarrassed out of their mind, beeping and sparking and spitting out error codes, and by the time you reboot them and quarantine all those nasty programs, they just wanna get out of there and pretend the whole thing never happened.

Bhijn is not a usual bot.

When you first saw him, he was drooling and mumbling and wandered right in without even looking at you. A little robot kobold, looking like his mind was in another plane of existence. One made of pure pleasure and sweets.

It was almost sad when you rebooted him and his eyes lit back up, full of confusion and a little embarrassment. But before you could even say a word, he lunged forward and gave you a big hug. Surprisingly strong, for a little robold.

"Thanks, nerd!" He chirped at you with this little synth-voice, and before you could tell him to be more careful in the future, he practically skipped right out of the clinic and ran off to do whatever it was he was doing before.

You don't even know how he managed to get himself to you in the first place, but hey, you're glad he did.

But again. Bhijn is not like most bots.

The next time you saw him, you swear he had the exact same malware installed. Some kind of brain-blanking thing. You thought it was just an unfortunate coincidence, installing the same program that literally just underclocks your processors and leaves you like that, drooling and dumb.

The third time, you began to be a little concerned.

This time, when he gave you your usual "Thanks, nerd!" hug, you gripped him tightly and picked him up, causing him to make a pretty adorable, siren-like sound of alarm as you carried him to the back room and set him down on a table.

"N-Nyeh?" He squeaked at you, squirming on the table as you made serious eye contact with the little guy.

"Can I call you by your standard designation, Bhijn?" You asked.

"Nyeh!??" The bot squeaked again.

"Okay, so what do you want me to-"

"Bhijn is fine, you nerd! What do you want!?" He said, crossing his little arms. Somehow, though, you didn't think he was actually all that angry with you.

"Bhijn. Why do you keep downloading this program?" You asked him, maintaing eye contact.

His eye-display suddenly lit up with red lines, imitating a blush, and he squirmed around on the table some more.

"Wh-Why do YOU keep downloading this program!?" He retaliated, getting an eyebrow raise from you. "Shut up, you nerd!" He quickly continued. "I'm outta here!"

"Not so fast!" You said, grabbing him gently by his chassis as he tried to hop off the table, which got an admittedly super adorable bleep of surprise. "I'm serious, Bhijn!" You said, holding him. "This is a pretty dangerous thing to keep doing to yourself. I don't want you getting hurt because you're running this stuff for fun and it makes you do something really dumb."

Before the bot could think of a reply, the bell rang on the front desk, and you sighed, and lifted him up and off the table, to set him on the floor.

"Just be careful, okay?" You said to him, resisting the urge to pat his little robot head as you opened the door for him and walked out to the front desk to help some little robot catgirl, who was looking quite distressed as her swiveling ears rotated at high RPM. Bhijn trotted past you, hesitating at the door for a moment before calling back at you, "Thanks, nerd! Cya!" and running off.

That was a few days ago. Bhijn hadn't come back since, which you hoped was a good sign. The other technician comes in, and you stamp your card and clock out. You're honestly glad you don't work the night shift. That's when a lot of the weird "porn malware problems" happen, so you hear. "Fully functional" bots coming in trapped in a state of continuous orgasm, or drooling uncontrollably from both ends - hackers these days seem to just enjoy screwing with them.

You are almost back to your apartment when a sad, droning "bwoooop" wakes you from your thoughts. You look around, following your ears to the source - a sad little bot laying face down in the gutter across the street.

It's Bhijn.

Cautiously, you cross the street and crouch down to roll him over. Half of his eye-display is cracked and probably blind, and the eye that's still lighting up is staring up at you without any visible understanding.

You sigh and pick him up, grunting as you heft his weight up and hold his limp little chassis in a hug. The clinic is pretty far. Your apartment is closer, and it has tools in it, though it'd be a little unprofessional. Shrugging, you carry him into your building and up to your apartment, while he makes long, sad bwooping sounds the whole time. Poor thing.

You lay him out on your workshop table, giving his hand a little reassuring squeeze as you plug into him and start looking through his system.

He's a mess. It looks like something pretty big got into his system and just started scrambling things around at random. First thing's first, you make sure he stops feeling naueseous and uncomfortable, and instead, get the pieces of his OS that are still functioning running a "painkiller" program, designed to create a pleasant numbness. You can tell when it starts working when he starts making a little purring sound and goes limp on your table, which makes you crack a smile.

From there, it's bot-brain surgery time.

Well, sorta.

You hook up your debugging tool to his system and start quarantining and deleting all the malware that's still running amok. Then it's just a matter of rebooting his system a few times, moving things that can't get moved on their own, and in about an hour he's back online, drooling and purring on your work table until you delete the painkiller program.

"Heck!" The little bot blurts out as he sits up abruptly, his blind eye facing you. He jumps as you gave his hand a squeeze, and he turns his head to face you, looking at you in confused surprise. "N-Nyeh?"

"You're in my apartment, Bhijn." You explain. "I found you in the street. You fell and cracked your display."

"I see." The robold chirps back to you, quietly.

"How are you feeling?" You ask, as he lays back down.

"Kinda dizzy. Can you run that program again~?" He asks, as the side of his display that still worked lit up with a blush.

"I don't think I should." You reply, carefully. "It probably wouldn't really help with the dizziness."

"That's fine." He immediately answers.

You hesitate.

"Bhijn. Is this like... your kink or something?"

"sldfkjghdjklsf" replies Bhijn, thrashing on the table as his display lights up even more.

"Bhijn! Bhijn!" You say, grabbng his wrist gently and getting him to stop his thrashing, though his tail continues to thump on the table occasionally.

"N-Nyeh!" He grumbles, but doesn't keep squirming.

"I mean. It's fine if it is. And, uhm, well. I guess I could indulge you." You answer, increasing the tempo of Bhijn's tail thumping. "But I really do want you to be more careful in the future. Don't run strange programs just because you think it might be hot."

"Kyehehe~ What if I KNOW it'll be hot?" The robold answers, getting an eye-roll out of you.

"I'm serious, Bhjin." You reply, sternly. "What if I hadn't found you? You'd just keep laying here until you rust up and shut down?"

"...Yeah." The little guy replies, which makes you feel a little guilty. You give him a little pat on his robot belly, and he makes a cute squeak in surprise.

"You wanna sleep over here for tonight, and tomorrow I'll swap your display out in the shop?" You ask him, and he nods. "Do you still want that program?" He nods again, and you chuckle. There really isn't any harm in running it, you decide. It's not like it's addictive, or dangerous, and it's a lot better than him getting his fix with random malware programs that promise to do the same thing. You pick him up, though, and carry him over to your couch to make sure he'll get a comfy rest, and his tail-wagging and affectionate look doesn't go unnoticed. Setting him down, you start the program and smile as his display dims a little, indicating he's starting to go into a comfortable sleep mode.

Before you can get into bed, the beeper beeps at you.

"Yeah?" You say, turning to face him again.

"What's your name?" He asks, and you feel a little silly that you've never brought it up.

"It's Anon." You reply.

"Hehe. Anon. More like. Anerd." Bhijn says, sleepily, before his display clicks down into low power mode once more.

You go to sleep smiling.

The next morning, you wake up to a smell. The smell of... food? Breakfast?

You jolt awake as a you realize there's someone in your kitchen, and you're already out of bed by the time you remember you have a guest. You peek out to your kitchen and see the little robold, blind eye facing you, seeing one focused on a pan frying bacon. You think to say something, but decide better than to startle the kobold while it handles a hot pan, even if he IS wearing your apron.

Instead, you get dressed, and stomp just a little on your way out to the kitchen just to ensure he hears you. He turns his head, face lighting up (literally) at the sight of you. "Good morning!!! I made you breakfast!" He excitedly chirps.

"I see that!" You reply. "You terminated that program first, right?" You ask.

"Yaya! After I saved it, of course, kyehehehe~" He giggled, stomping his little robot kobold feet on the stool in excitement as he continues to fry up the bacon.

"Right. Well, use it responsibly." You reply, as the kobold forks the bacon in the pan onto a plate beside some eggs.

He hops off the stool and takes a step toward you, nearly tripping over the much-too-big apron, before sliding it over his head and hurriedly delivering the plate to you. You accept it and give him a pat on the head without a thought, which earns you a "n-nyeh~".

You sit down on the couch, and he climbs up beside you, keeping you on the side he can see from so he can see your face. You take a first bite and are pleasantly surprised at the taste.

"Kyehehe! Pretty good, huh, nerd~?" The kobold says, excitedly patting the couch.

"Really good, actually. Maybe I should keep you around another couple days." You joke.

"Kyohoho~ And how do you plan on doing that, ya nerd~?" Bhijn taunts you, tail beginning to wag.

"I'm sure I could write up a program that'd keep you around." You say, which lights every pixel of the bot's functioning display in what you've come to understand is robold blush.

"Ok, bet." He says, tail patting the couch excitedly as he looks up at you, eagerly anticipating your response to his little challenge.

"I'm only joking." You say, getting a sad bwoop in response. "Though if it would help keep you away from those programs, I could probably write up some harmless ones that you could play around with."

The little bot gazes adoringly up at you, and you chuckle and set the plate down on your lap just so you can give him a pat of mutual affection.

You do the dishes while Bhijn hops on your couch a little, and then you walk together down to the clinic to get his eye display swapped out to a replacement one, which is a quick and painless procedure.

"Thanks, nerd!" Bhijn sings happily, looking at you with two functioning eyes.

"Do you have someplace to stay?" You ask.

"Kyohoho~! Are you inviting me to stay at your place, ya nerd~?" Bhijn replies. You actually weren't, but you figure that would probably be okay for at least a little while, and the look on the little bot's face when you nod removes any doubt in your mind.

After confirming that he remembers the way home, you hand him your apartment key and agree to meet him there after you get done with work. A part of you is a little worried that he'll steal your stuff, but you figure he had a whole night with you do that if he wanted to, and even if he did, it's not like you'd never see him again. He'd wander right back into the clinic by the end of the week, without a doubt.

Between patients, you write up some programs that should run on his system. Just some fun, innocent little programs, like a simple game that rewards winning with a pleasurable feeling. It's actually a lot of fun, and on weekdays you have no doubt it'll fill your uneventful hours.

The day flies by, and you find yourself excited to get home and see how Bhijn is. Thankfully, your apartment appears to be just as you left it, though the little kobold doesn't seem to be anywhere in sight.

"Bhijn?" You call out, getting silence in reply. Your heart sinks a little. Where did your little friend go?

You shut the door behind you, leaving the door unlocked, just in case he's just out on a stroll. After checking every room (not many) you plop down and sigh, looking around for something to do. You were so excited to try those programs out. Suddenly, you find yourself wondering what to do instead. What do you usually do, even?

You end up browsing stuff on your phone, microwaving some leftovers for dinner, and curling up on your couch, your thoughts never leaving your little robot friend. You hope he's not in any kind of trouble. What if something happened to him on the way home? What if you installed his display wrong, and he went blind while trying to cross the street? What if he got lost and is still looking for you now? The thought makes you sick.

You're pulled out of your stupor when you hear clawed, metallic feet plap-plapping up the stairs outside your door. You sit up, watching your door anxiously, and when the handle starts to turn you almost throw yourself toward the door.

"SLDKJLAJFKLHALDGKJ" Bhijn shouts as you practically tackle him into a hug. You carry him all the way into your apartment and set him down on the couch, though he continues to thrash and squirm the whole time, even after you set him down.

"Where the heck did you go!?" You ask him, louder than you meant to.

"N-Nyeh!?" He replies, which admittedly you should have expected.

"...I was worried about you." You say, sitting down next to the bot and putting an arm around him.

"Aww~" He replies, his display lighting up with a heart for just a moment.

"Where did you go?" You ask.

"I was getting my stuff!" He replies, hopping up to a standing position on the couch cushion.

"Your stuff?" You reply.

"Yaya!!" He replies, pointing toward the door, where you now see that he dropped a little robold-sized suitcase.

"Oh! So you're moving in with me for sure then?" You ask, surprised at how much you hope that's the case.

Bhijn picks up on your excitement. "Kyehehe! You'd love that, wouldn't ya, ya nerd~?" He teases you.

You reply with an eyebrow raise and a grin, with you can see has its desired effect when the kobold's knees begin to wobble.

"I wrote some programs for you today. Wanna try some of them out?" You ask.

"Yiss~~!" The bot squeals in delight, flopping down onto the couch.

"Oh? But aren't I a nerd?" You ask, turning away.

"You are a nerd! But I can still run your programs, yaya!" The kobold tries to argue.

"No, it's fine. I understand you wouldn't want to run anything made by such a nerd. After all, only nerds run nerdy programs."


Now you know you've got him flustered.

"Unless you really are a nerd, of course."

"I'm not a nerd!!"


Bhijn lets out a long, whiny beep and stands up. "Pleeease? Let me just try one?"

"Why should I?" You ask, grinning down at the cute bot.

"... I'll.. Uhh... I'll suck your dick?" The bot suggests.

That wasn't where you thought that was going.

"How about you just... don't wander off like that again?" You ask.

"Yaya!" The bot happily replies, as you sit down next to him and load up a program to start the night with.