Gutpunch 3 - Cave adventures and thrill quenchers; or how the prospect of money, cryptozoology and semi-bestiality can rekindle old friendships

Story by Mrachko on SoFurry

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#3 of Gutpunch

A harsh wind blew through the forests of the Yunder mountain, bringing with the omen of a blizzard. Atilus, a heavily robed white fox, trekked between the trees, stumbling up and down on the uneven road. He turned back, his eyes scanning the path he walked - the clearing, from where he came from, was still visible, but only barely from between the dense forestation. He looked up at the sky - grey and sunless. The fox took a moment to gather himself and pressed onward.

The trees became more sparse as he entered a rockier ravine. He examined the space in front of him, trying to locate his target, but the howling wind rushed him. He took a few quick steps forward and stumbled on the ground, his foot stepping sliding off a rock beneath the layers. Atilus got up, his old bones aching in the process and once again continued on his journey.

He was getting close. There was nowhere else to go. The wind shrieked behind him once more, piecing even his robe. Atilus rubbed his sides. Panting with an open mouth and through half close eyes, he pressed onward, each step becoming slower to begin and harder to make. Now, at the edge of his strength, he saw it. A cave.

With new found vigor, Atilus hurried as much as his body could allow. The layers of snow became smaller and smaller as he closed the distance between the cave and himself. When he finally entered he breathed a sigh of relief.

Atilus took off his hat, the cave being oddly warm near the entrance. He ventured further and the deeper he got, the warmer the cave became. First he took off his scarf. Then his gloves. Finally even his winter cloak. Now, only wearing his mountain boots, his backpack and a fanciful robe, too expensive and exotic for anyone in the region, he wiped the sweat from his brow and sat down on the ground, his back supported by the cave walls, so as to catch his breath. It took him a while, but he noticed that the cave was now much darker. He hadn't realized how deep inside he had gone.

Atilus clicked his tongue. He pulled up his sleeves, cracked his knuckles and finally, with an air of determination, he snapped his fingers. Nothing happened. Surprised by the result, or more likely from the lack there off, he snapped his fingers again. And again. And again.

A furious barrage of snaps followed until finally the tip of his finger was set aflame. A barely visible light even to a man with perfect sight, he conceded and pulled a torch from his backpack. He scrapped the torch with his finger, instantly setting it ablaze. The fox got up, while shaking his arm to extinguish his flaming finger, when something on the wall caught his attention.

Crude, symbolic paintings of, what appears to be, humanoid and animal forms. The fox slid his hand across the wall. A good hunting ritual perhaps. Or depictions of past hunts. Maybe he was at the right place after all.

He ventured forward, deeper into the cave, the caverns changing in size, becoming smaller and larger. And with them, the paintings became more complex - from simple stick figures, the wall drawings now had some details here and there. Horned beasts. Smaller figures with ears and tails. Some were brandishing spears, others swords. Odd symbols started appearing here and there. Glyphs and sigils. For a moment a small smirk appeared on Atilus's face. This was definitely the right place.

After walking for what seemed like hours, the cave halls became more uniform. More open. More wide. Easily a place where someone could live in. As he continued onward, Atilus saw a light in the distance. He hurried his step. The light became bigger and brighter.

He entered the final space of the cave, something that can easily be described as a huge room. On both sides were mounted a row of torches, illuminating the entire cavern. The walls were covered in the most detailed paintings as of yet. By no means works of art, these had a basic understanding of body types and crude facial details and amongst them were even more symbols, far more complex than the ones he had found earlier. The ground was littered with pelts, battle gear and even clothes. And at the far end of it all, stood his target. A massive, dirty grey, horned bear.

For a moment Atilus froze, not from fear, but from excitement. He had finally found his target and he was ready to confront it. Slowly he took a few steps, not willing to risk their first encounter going astray. The bear didn't seem to notice him. He took another few steps. And then another.

-Away! - a low grumbling roar echoed through the cave. - Away, fox! Eat if come close! Away and live! Come and die!

Atilus stopped. His face slowly contorted into a nervous smile. This was even more than he had wished for. He didn't turn back, nor did he step any further.

-Away! Or eat!

His hand started shaking from excitement. He cleared his throat and spoke with an esteemed tone of voice.

-Greetings, bear. My name is Atilus. I've come bearing no ill-will. I am only here to talk.

The bear rumbled, slowly getting up, towering over Atilus, her shadow far surpassing him, reaching the depths of the cave.

-Fox talk. Not anger talk. Good talk. Fox not hunter?

-I am not a hunter, no. - Atilus answered, trying to keep his pattern of speech simple. -I just want to talk.

There was visible confusion on the bear's face. She stepped forward, but the fox did not move. When she reached him, her light yellow eyes met his dark eyes, gazing at each other, unblinking. She took a sniff at him and started circling him. The fox didn't move, but he examined the bear each time he passed by his face - a large, strong, muscular creature; her entire body covered in red paint markings, most likely war paint; crude leather protective gear on her shoulders, elbows and knees, most likely stolen than crafted; and the most fascinating part of her as an animal - a pair of curved horns like those of a bull.

-Fox no fear? - the bear asked, gruff yet curious in tone.

-No, not at all. -Atilus answered, calm and collected.

-Fox hunt?


-Why here?

Atilus slowly put the torch and ground and took off his backpack, all the while not breaking eye contact with the bear. From his back he took out a lump of meat, wrapped up in a piece of cloth and put it on the ground in front of him. The bear cautiously unfolded the cloth.

-What this?

-A gift?

The bear narrowed her eyes.

-What gift? - suspicion in her voice.

-A gift is something people give one another. - Atilus explained, his hand clasped together.

-No un...under...understand...

-Hmm...-the fox took a minute, trying to form his statement. - A gift is for friends.

-What fried?

Atilus furrowed his brow. This was becoming harder.

-A friend is someone who helps someone else.

The bear sniffed the meat. To her it smelled strange, but strangely alluring. The meat in front of her was that of an animal not usually found in these parts. Apart from that, it was cooked and spiced.

The bear took a bite from the meat. Her eyes grew wide with pleasure and immediately scuffed down the entire thing.

-Did you like it? - Atilus asked with excitement growing in his voice.

-Like. - the bear liked her mouth and sat in front of Atilus. - It good.

-Are we friends now? - the fox asked, giddy with anticipation.

-Fox help. Fox friend. Yes. - she said, still smacking her mouth.

-Would you like more like that?

-Like meat. Like more. What fox want?

-I...well...first...hmm...what is your name, by the way?


-Yes, your name. What is it?

-What name?

Atilus took a deep breath. This was going to be hard.

-I am Atilus. Wha...

-You not fox?

-No, I am a fox. And my name is Atilus.

-Fox and At...Ati... - the bear showed much difficulty in trying to pronounce his name.

-Yes. - he cut her off, now getting slightly impatient. - I am a fox. - he waved his hands up and down - My name is Atilus. You are a bear. Your name is...? - he motioned her to continue.

-I bear. un...under...understand.

-Alright. I am a fox. I am Atilus. People call me Atilus.

The bear scratched her head.

-You Ati..Atil... - and then her eyes went wide. - Ah! I bear! I Gral!

-Gral! Your name is Gral! - the fox squealed with joy.

-Yes. I Gral! - Gral smiled. - What Ati...Atil...What fox want Gral?

Atilus pulled out another piece of meat and handed it to Gral, who eagerly took it an unwrapped it.

-You see, Gral - the fox began as he stepped aside and explored the room. -I heard recently that a bear unlike any other lived here. Apparently an enormous horned bear roamed this mountain. Many hunters had gone deep into the forest to hunt it down. Few have return with um...less than savory stories to tell.

Gral was chewing her final bites, trying to understand what exactly Atilus was saying.

-In any case, I decided to check if the stories were true. And to my surprise, not only were they true, but they were severely played down. Turns out the bear can talk in way or another and even has some ritualistic believes! - he stopped and examined one of the wall paintings. - Are these symbols for a better hunt?

-Mark help Gral hunt. - she answered, chewing on some left over fat.

-Indeed. Well, you see Gral, a collector of sorts. I have a menagerie of rare and intriguing animals of all breeds. I admit, I take them by force most of the time, but after a year I give them the option to leave, if they want. They don't. You understand me, Gral.

The bear stared at the fox with an expressionless face. Atilus clicked.

-Come with me and you can eat meat every day.

-Fox want...Gral to leave?

-Yes! Exactly!

-Gral don't want. - she answered and she turned around.

-Gral, I urge you to reconsider.

-Fox is friend. Gral no kill fox. Gral stay.

-Gral, please... - Atilus stepped forward.

-Fox no come! Fox leave. Gral stay. Gral no kill. But fox come close, Gral raki.

-Raki? - Atilus stopped. - What is "raki"?

-Raki. Man and woman on ground make raki. - the bear turned back and let out a crooked smile. - Fox want raki? thanks...

-Fox go. Gral stay.

Atilus took a deep sigh.

-I hoped it didn't have to come to this.

Atilus rummaged around his backpack while Gral looked from afar with curiosity. The white fox pulled out a scroll and placed it on the ground. He spread the scroll, revealing an intricate circle with different lines and forms intersecting within it. He used small stones to keep it in place. Gral left her place once more and slowly came closer.

-What that? - she asked at a distance of a few feet.

-I'm bringing a fried. - Atilus answered wiggling his eyebrows.

Atilus took out a small knife and cut his finger and with the blood he drew symbols around the circle.

-Fox hunt? - Gral growled, lowering her body and ready to pounce.

-No. This is a bit more...advanced...than simple cave drawings for hunting. - he answered after which he drew one final symbol on his other hand and placed it in the center of the circle. - You see, Gral, I am a wizard. And me being a wizard, gives a few skills. A bit stronger and more reliable than anything you might be able to do.

The air got thin, with a low frequency sound filling the room.

-This is, what we call in the civilized world - blue sparks started flying from the circle - High majjikxal quantum relocation.

The wind started circulating around the room, distorting the flames of the torches. The sparks became more and more furious. Gral stood back. Fear ran down her spine. She had never seen anything like this before, but she was ready to strike at any moment if she needed to.

-Oh, how I love this part so much - Atilus whispered to himself. - Or how the simpler, yet still somewhat civilized folk prefer to call it. - A toothy grin appeared on Atilus' face as he yelled out. - Magical summoning!

There was a boom. And mist. As the dust settled, on top of the scroll stood a hulking, 9 foot tall, minotaur. Large, muscular, proud and utterly and completely naked.

-Glad to see you, Xurd. I was hopping tha...oh come on, man! Where are your pants?


-I'm glad you could make it, Xurd.

The pair walked through the menagerie as the cacophonous screams of all the creatures echoed through the halls. A curious sight to behold with each animal having its own space, sealed off by glass, inside of which resembled an echo system befitting the species. Xurd walked uneasy through the halls. The entire place made him feel uncomfortable, surrounded by mythical beast, each one deadlier than the last. He didn't show it though, walking upright with a confident step, although, from to time to time, his eye did twitch.

They entered the wizard's chamber. It looked exactly like what one might imagine a wizard chamber to look like - extremely gaudy interior design with clashing gold and blue colors; sofas, large enough to seat three people with pillows as soft as clouds; arches, golden of course, with intricate leaf designs; shelves upon shelves of dusty, old books, too delicate to be opened, much less read; and of course an enormous telescope, placed onto glasses window.

-Haven't changed the place much while I was away, have you? - Xurd snickered.

-Part of being a wizard is acting like one.- Atilus answered, without giving it much thought -You have to have the robes and hat and wizarding space. It's part of the complex mind-games.

-So you've told me numerous times...

-And yet you still ask.

Xurd scuffed. He didn't like the place. Not really his style. He believed in a minimalist, Spartan home with the most basic utilities. He didn't know that he believed in that, but he knew what he liked when he saw it.

They walked to the center of the room, where a tea set on top of a small table waited for them. Atilus sat on one of the chairs and motioned Xurd to sit on the other. Xurd eyed the little fox, who was two feet shorter than the minotaur and yet he could barely sit in his chair.

-You're taking the piss, aren't you?

-Indeed I am - Atilus poured himself a cup of tea. - Now, Xurdon, please sit.

Xurd grit his teeth. He just pushed the chair aside and sat on the floor.

-You've got some fucking nerve to invite me here on such short notice and pull this kind of shit. - Xurd snarled at the fox.

-Part of the wizarding conduct. You have to have a trickster attitude.

-I'll show you a "trickster attitude"...

Atilus paid him no mind and poured his guest a cup of tea. Xurd took the cup and sniffed it.

-What's in this?

-Green tea.

-Ugh... - Xurd put the cup back on the table. - Don't you have any coffee?

Atilus stopped stirring his tea midway.

-Coffee? - he asked.

-Yeah. New stuff. Pretty good.

Atilus scratched his head.

-Black. Comes in beans. Haven't you heard of it?

The fox furrowed his brow and gasped.

-Ah! Coffee! Yes, I know it. Sorry, don't have any. I don't really like it myself.

-And yet you still drink boiled leaf juice - Xurd laughed to himself.

-It's good for you.

-I'm sure it is. - Xurd grabbed the milk and honey and poured it in his cup, filling it to the brim. -So what have you been up to these days? Still a wizard I see.

-Indeed I am. Studying the mystic arts and unraveling the riddles of the universe.

-Riveting. - Xurd took a sip from his tea. - And I see you still have your little zoo here...

-I wouldn't call it a zoo. Most of these creatures show some sort of sapience, you know.

-Ah, silly me. You have your little prison. - Xurd let out a mischievous smile.

-It's more like an inn, really. You should know that.

Atilus took a sip from his cup. After rinsing it in his mouth, he added a little more honey and continued.

-How are things with you? Have you visited your tribe lately?

Xurd's eye twitched.

-No. Fuck that. I swore I won't go back there. And I keep my promises.

-Indeed. So what have you been up to?

Xurd stretched a bit and leaned back on the floor, supporting himself on his elbows.

-You know me. I've been going around. A bit of the vagabond way. Mercenary work. Adventuring. That sort of thing. - Xurd answered, his demeanor relaxing more and more.

-And how's that been going for you?

-Oh. Pfff...its good. Its good... - he took a sip from his cup and placed on the floor beside him. - Nothing really to complain about. Meeting new people, visiting new places, learning new things. Did you know a lot of minotaurs to the south are getting into some hokey desert religion?

-Mmm...Something about peace and love, an alchemist desert elf, that sort of thing?

-Yeah, exactly! - Xurd sighed. -Where is the world going?

-Well...-Atilus put his cup down. -Ever heard of the phrase "history repeats itself"?

-Yeah...-Xurd took a sip from his tea. -Why?

-First off, I've found in my research that something like that has happened before - the worship of an alchemist desert elf, and second...

-That's bullshit. You can't tell me there are two desert elves going around doing fuck knows what with magic!

-...and second... - Atilus continued. - ...didn't you leave your tribe because you didn't want to fight for them?

-Noo...I left my tribe because I didn't want to be tortured to death so I could one day fight for them.

-Didn't I find you in a gladiatorial arena? - Atilus chuckled.

-...fuck off. - Xurd took a sip from his tea.

-I do remember buying your freedom, after all.

-Alright, what's the deal here? - Xurd sat up straight - I ain't no fucking retard. Why did you invite me here? And don't tell me it's so we could catch up.

Atilus put his tea down.

-Fine. - The fox pulled out a scroll and placed in on the table. - I've been hearing rumors of a strange bear in the Yundar mountains. Supposedly its enormous, has horns, kills anyone it sees. And if by any chance it doesn't kill, it....- Atilus trailed off a bit.-...copulates...

Xurd sniffed.

-So what? You want to fuck a rape-bear?

-Amusing. - Atilus spread the scroll on the table. - No. I want it for the menagerie. Horned bears aren't something often found in the wild. And besides, some of the folk claim that it can even talk.

-You believe that? - Xurd took a sip from his tea, eyes narrowed.

-Xurdon, my friend. I am a wizard. That's my job.

Xurd put his cup on the table.

-Right. So what do you need me for exactly? You want us to double team it or something?

-To be honest - Atilus began, his voice growing a bit melancholic. - I am getting a tad old. It's not really easy for me to just...capture these beasts...

-You are a bit touched, if you ask me...-Xurd commented

-...and it's not getting any easier - Atilus ignored Xurd's comment. - In case I get into a situation I can't exactly...get out of...

Xurd snickered. Atilus looked at him angrily.

-...I might need your help. - Atilus took out a small burlap bag. - Here.

He spilled the content of the bag onto the table. Coins of all shapes, sizes and colors rolled around as Xurd's eyes grew wide.

-There's one hundred dreyguns here. You get half of the money now. You get the other half when I get back. All I need you to do is sign your sigil on this paper with your blood. You do remember your sigil, don't you?

Xurd looked at the scroll. Then at the money. He took out a knife and slit the tip of his finger.

-Yeah, I remember it. - he started drawing on the paper. - The first thing you taught me, right?


Atilus took the scroll and examined it carefully.

-Marvelous. There is a chance I won't need your help. Don't worry about that, you will still get paid. I plan to be in my mountain hut in about a month. Be free during the day time. If all goes well, I'll start my search on the 37th of Yulii. I plan to spend a maximum of two weeks there. If I don't find anything, I'll be sure to call you back when I get here. Are we in agreement?

Xurd smiled.

-Even if we weren't - he lifted his cut finger. - I already signed the damn thing, didn't I?

Atilus smiled back.

-You still have a thing or two to learn, don't you?


-Oh, how I love this part so much - Atilus whispered to himself. - Or how the simpler, yet still somewhat civilized folk prefer to call it. - A toothy grin appeared on Atilus' face as he yelled out. - Magical summoning!

There was a boom. And mist. As the dust settled, on top of the scroll stood a hulking, 9 foot tall, minotaur. Large, muscular, proud and utterly and completely naked.

-Glad to see you, Xurd. I was hopping tha...oh come on, man! Where are your pants?

The minotaur stumbled around in confusion, waving his hands and coughing as he inhaled the mist, conjured by the spell.

-The fuck?! Where am I!? - Xurd yelled out, trying to find something to hold onto.

-You are in the bear's cave, you imbecile! Why aren't you in battle gear? - Atilus yelled back at the minotaur.

-I was in the fucking shower! By the winds! - he leaned onto the cave wall and rubbed his eyes. -Alright, what are we doing here? We gon' fuck the fucker up?

Xurd turned around, observing the cave. He liked it. Very minimalist and Spartan. Utilitarian.

-Alright. Where's the big guy? I'm ready to bash some skulls.

-Right over there. - Atilus pointed at the end of the room.

Gral stepped forward, no longer frightened, her eyes filled with anger, teeth bare, a low continues growl emitting from her throat.

-Also, turns out it's a "she".

-A she? Pff...This will be easy. - Xurd turned towards the bear - Oi! Fucknugget! Hear you've been going around killing and raping. That's a no-no around these parts. Either go with the little fella over here or I'll get you to swallow your teeth!

-What bullman do in Gral cave?! Gral kill bullman!

-Huh...she really can talk - Xurd turned towards Atilus -A bit of a retard talk, but still. Impressive.

Gral let out a deafening roar, the reverberation of which could be felt throughout the entire cave system and charged at the interlopers. Xurd pushed Atilus to the side and assumed a fighting stance.

-Gral gore bullman and raki fox death!

-The fuck are you saying?! - Xurd yelled in response.

Gral threw herself at Xurd, who at the nick of time managed to catch her by the front paws, stopping her in her tracks. The pair struggled, each trying to overpower the other, a contest of pure strength and endurance.

-You're quite strong for a retard, aren't you? - Xurd taunted her as he tried to push her back.

-Gral slash you! - the bear yelled out, struggling back and forth trying to escape his grips.

They were in a deadlock, with none of them yielding.

-Heh...strong indeed. - Xurd muttered. - But in a fight, you need something more than strength. You know what that is, honey?

-Gral no honey!

-Of course you aren't, dear...

-Gral no deer UMPF!

In a brief moment, Xurd had let go of one of Gral's paws. She fell forward and with his free arm, he slammed his elbow with all his might on top of her head. The bear stumbled back as Xurd let go of her other arm.

-That takes care of that. - Xurd dusted his hands. - Hope I didn't give her any more brain damage. You alright, chief?

-Quite. - Atilus stepped towards the minotaur. - Also, I don't think she's...cognitively impaired. I think she just doesn't know the language properly.

-What makes you say that?

-Well...- Atilus dusted off his robes - ...the drawings on the wall are actually a primitive form of spellwork. Akin to the traditional shamanic arts.

Xurd looked at the paintings with a keen eye for the arts, both the mystical and aesthetical.

-No. I don't see it.

-Don't worry about it. - Atilus stretched his back. - Also horned bears aren't exactly common. There are only brief mentions of them in obscure stories from tribes which are almost extinct.


-Either these are her first encounters with the civilized world or she's a mythical creature. In either case, its astonishing really how much she can speak.

-About that mythical thing... - Xurd turned towards the fox and crossed his arms. - I remember you once took down a sea serpent that was supposedly wrapped around the world. Granted, it wasn't that big, but it was still pretty big.

-Your point being? - Atilus looked up towards Xurd.

-Why the fuck did you need my help taking down a fucking bear?! What? Were the horns too much for you to handle?

-Ah! Fuck you, Xurd! - Atilus got angry. - I'm old! I had to take down these bloody bandits a few hours ago! Get off my back!

Xurd huffed but didn't break eye contact.

-I told you that I would summon you only if I need you. least I got the bear. - he turned towards Gral and raised an eyebrow. - Say...that...that shouldn't be happening, should it?

Atilus looked at Gral. She was slowly getting off the ground, rubbing her head.

-Did...did you just give her a bloody love tap?

-I swear to the winds, I did not. - Xurd took a step back.

Gral was standing on two legs, still dazed she staggered back and forth.

-You are supposed to be a berserker, aren't you? - Atilus yelled - You can't just half-ass the job!

-I fucking told! I hit her with everything I had!

-Okay. Alright. Looks like we might have a problem.

-Any ideas?

-Keep your guard up.


Gral let out another roar, this time more bone-chilling and threatening. She charged at full force, losing all sense of restraint and let loose a barrage of slashes at Xurd. He expertly ducked and evaded each attack and each time he saw an opening, he would jab her in the nose and cheek, with each attack having no effect.

After another barrage of swipes, Xurd went for the cheek again and immediately retreated as the bear opened her mouth and tried to bite his hand off.

-For fuck's sake, Atilus! Do something! - Xurd yelled out.

-I'm thinking!

-I bet you are!

As he said that, for a moment the minotaur dropped his guard. Although Gral was not a strategic fighter, she knew how to exploit a weakness. The moment Xurd yelled out, Gral lifted her knee with all her might and hit the minotaur in the groin.

-Fucking! Fuck! - he yelled out and fell to the ground, stunned and unable to get up. - Shiteating, cocksucking whore of a bear! I'll fucking end! I'll slaughter you and eat your children! Fuck!

Gral stood above Xurd. She didn't understand a thing he said, but she understood that he was indisposed and turned her attention towards the wizard.

-Many try kill Gral. None kill.

Gral interlocked her paws and raised her arms up ready to slam them down on the fox.

-Gral bone stone! Spirit iron! Roar thunder!

The bear stepped over the minotaur, who was still shriveled up and cursing. She was ready to kill.

-Fox no friend! Gral rule forest!

-Don't you ever shut up? - Atilus said with exhaustion, trying to think of a way to handle the situation.

The bear let out another terrifying roar. A final battle cry as she slammed her fist towards the fox.

-Ain't gonna die like a coward. - the fox murmured as he jump forward.

The attack barely missed Atilus. Gral let out a sound of confusion, unsure of what exactly had happened. The wizard mustered all the strength his little, old, tired body could muster and jumped forward, fist up, straight to his enemy's stomach. To his surprise he felt his fist sink amidst the fur and fat. The hit, although relatively light, managed to unbalance Gral, who, shocked and bewildered, stepped back.

Atilus jumped back ready to go again, but to his surprise, the bear wasn't attacking. She was holding her stomach area with both paws, gently rubbing it.

-Hey, honey muffin. - a voice came from behind Gral - Remember me?

As Gral turned, Xurd landed an uppercut to the bear's chin, sending her spinning. As she was turned, he kicked Gral in the back, sending her flying forward. She rolled on the ground, but quickly managed to regain her composure, positioning herself on all fours, growling and giving the minotaur a deathstare.

-Come on, you little bitch. - Xurd, with new found vigor, jumped from one leg to another. - Don't tell me you're all tuckered out.

Gral lunged at Xurd once again. And once again, they exchanged blows, throwing swipes and fist. Gral tried to kick her opponent in the groin again, but this time he jumped up just as her knee was about to make contact.

-I think we've danced this dance once. I'm much better with the steps. - Xurd commented and Gral head butted him.

The minotaur stumbled back and fell forwards, managing to support himself on one knee. He looked up, vision blurry. As Gral was getting ready to swipe at his throat, he heard a voice yell out.

-Go for the gut!

With one fell swoop, Xurd threw a powerful uppercut towards the bear's stomach. And he missed. But still the bear jumped. His fist, to his, Atilus' and Gral's surprise, landed between her legs. After the blow to the head, Xurd had finally gathered his senses. He looked up, Gral's jaw wide open, emitting a high pitch continues drone. He looked down, his fist lost amidst the fur and the sensation of a warm, meaty and wet wall slowly engulfing him.

Gral was petrified. On a whim he decided to force his fist up a bit more. He pushed up and the bear's yelp became even higher. into fisting, 'lil cub? - he asked as he pushed even more, slowly managing to enter the bear. - Sure seems that way to me.

Gral was now standing on the tips of her toes, as he Xurd continued to push on further, the bear's juices slithering down his arm. With one fell swoop, he retracted his fist. The bear stumbled back and fell to the ground, letting out a low growl that slowly died out.

-Wellp! That was...oddly satisfying. - Xurd commented as he wiped his hand on his chest. shows. -Atilus motioned Xurd to look down.

The minotaur looked down confused to notice that he was getting an erection.

-Ah. I see. happens. - Xurd shrugged, although a bit embarrassed. - She isn't really my type. You know. Too much fur and fat. Not enough talk. I enjoy my pillow talk after all.

Xurd stood up, looking at Gral who seemed to be out cold.

-So! How do we proceed from here on? - he asked, rubbing his chin.

-You're gonna carry her, you know that right?

-Pff...I figured as much. Don't have any spell that can...I don't know...maybe not make this thing a fucking chore.

-That's not how it works, Xurdon.

-Yeah, yeah...still. What's the point of magic if you caOMPH! - Xurd was cut short as Gral lunged forward, headbutting the minotaur once again.

Gral's possum tactics worked, with Xurd being caught completely off guard with her surprise attack. The minotaur to the ground once again, hitting the back of his head. The bear slowly turned around, setting her eyes on Xurd's exposed genitals.

The worst thought came to Atilus' mind as the beast opened her mouth over his fallen comrade's erection. With little time to spare, the wizard grabbed a large rock from the ground and was ready to charge forward. But he wasn't quick enough, at the minotaur's penis was already engulfed by the bear. A chill went up the fox's spine and he instinctively clutched his own crotch. But there was no blood, no screaming and, most strangely of all, no ripping of flesh. Atilus was completely flabbergasted as he witnessed Gral bopping her head up and down, meticulously and sensually fellating the half conscious bull on the ground.

-Well...I guess that should have been expected...-Atilus murmured to himself.

Gral continued sucking on the minotaur and, to the fox's surprise, he didn't seem to get up. Fully aware of what might happen if he disturbed the bear, Atilus slowly circled around the couple to witness that his friend seemed to be in a semi-conscious state - slowly shaking his head, but not fully

aware of what going on. The wizard figured that Xurd might have reached his limit on how many head blows he could take.

-Oh...go a bit deeper, Sky...I know you can... - Xurd blabbered in his delusional state.

To Atilus' surprise, Gral seemed to understand him and in one fell swoop swallowed the minotaur's entire shaft.

-Oh! Mama! - Xurd yelled out, seeming to regain full consciousness from the shock.

With her nose booping her captures balls, the bear's eyes got wide as her cheeks puffed out. Strands of ejaculate dripped out of Gral's mouth and onto the Xurd's cock, balls and thighs. She slowly lifted her head, but Xurd reflexively thrust his pelvis up, catching the bear by surprise and hitting her snout once more.

He stood in that position for a few seconds and collapsed at which point Gral lifted her head and with a loud, satisfied sound she swallowed Xurd's cum, letting out a light belch afterwards.

-I...wha...what are doing here?... - Xurd asked, sliding a hand across his face, trying regain his senses. -I...think I might have hit my BY THE FOUR WINDS!

-Bullman like? - Gral asked as Xurd stared at the bear's genitalia.

-I don't think I do, no! - Xurd shouted with a high pitched scream.

-Gral eat bullman seed. Bullman Gral now. Bullman ready. - she said and slowly came down towards Xurd's face.

-You want me to eat you out?! - Xurd screamed.

At the last possible moment, Atilus' words earlier rang through his head. Xurd clenched his fists and with all his might he slammed them in the bear's belly.

The cave echoed with the guttural exhalation of Gral as Xurd's fist sank deep into the bear's stomach. For a moment she was completely paralyzed as her cheeks puffed up and she staggered to one side, kicking the minotaur in the chin in the process , once again stunning him.

Gral fell to one side on the ground and rolled over in a fetal position, wheezing, trying to recover her breath. After a few short intakes, sounding like a tongueless dog trying to bark, she finally managed to properly inhale and growled ferociously, spinning to her other side and barely managing to stand up to her full length. She was ready for the minotaur to strike back once again.

There was whizz. And a wind blew. The next thing Gral heard was the sound of impact - a medicine ball slamming against flesh. It took her a while to process what exactly was happening as an invisible force slammed itself in her stomach once more, caving her abdomen once again. Her entire supply of air was lost in a few seconds, while in her confused state she saw Atilus, who she had completely forgotten, standing perfectly still and slowly waving his arms.

As he lifted his hand, the force underneath the bear went up. She could now barely scratch the ground, while her entire body hanged over the invisible sphere like a wet blanket. The joints of her

spine cracked under her weight and her expression contorted - her eyes went cross and her cheeks puffed with what little air she had left. A steady stream exited her mouth and with it saliva and what little cum she had from her earlier endeavor.

Her vision was getting blurry, but she noticed the silhouette of the minotaur getting up and slowly walking around her, but she couldn't do anything about it. At once, she got turned around and immediately punched in the solar plexus, driving out every last bit of remaining air. She fell over Xurd's massive fist, laying there silently.

-Ain't got words left, bitch?

Xurd grabbed the bear by the back of the neck and forcefully slammed her, gut first, on transparent ball, pushing her down as much as he could. She had managed to inhale for a moment as the minotaur was turning her around, but every notion of air was immediately evacuated as she whizzed it all away and her eyes once again slowly started to cross.

It was less than a minute, but Xurd thought it was probably enough. He let go of the bear to hang over the ball. Atilus dispelled the construct and the bear stumbled forward, clutching her gut and barely managing to keep herself on her feet. She was trying to inhale, but all she could manage were short shallow breaths and she stepped back and forward.

Xurd observed her under his furrow brow, spitting to one side. He walked pass her and with a spin, he planted his leg deep in her stomach, lifting her on her toes. The smacking of flesh echoed through the cave, when his foot made contact, being engulfed by Gral's fur, fat and muscles. Gral, on the other hand, made no noise while suspended by the large minotaur. Only strains of saliva trickled down her hanging tongue onto the ground.

Xurd retracted his foot and Gral collapsed, grabbing her sore belly. He eyed the bear after which he spat on her and turned towards his companion.

-The fuck was that?

-Pff...I told you she was a sexual predator, didn't I? - Atilus answered examining the curled up bear from afar.

-Oh! Yeah! No! That I got! - Xurd yelled out, stomping towards the fox. - I'm talking about that thing you threw at her! Why...the FUCK didn't you do it earlier?!

-Oh, for fucks sake...don't make me explain to you again the principles of majjikx.

-Oh. I know the principles. It would be...what? The fiftieth time you've used this excuse?

-Then...-Atilus rubbed his forehead. -WHAT seems to be the bloody problem here?

-The "bloody" problem is that it took you this fucking long to actually do something! For fucks sake! You didn't even need me! I'm pretty sure if you hadn't summoned me, you could have done twice the damage here!

-Fine! Yes! Probably! What do you want me to say?!

-Why the fuck did you summon me!

-As I said earlier...-Atilus tried to contain himself.-I needed you.

Xurd stared at him for a moment.

-Bullshit. - he answered in disbelief.

-Fuck you.

-Fuck you! I was the one who had to tackle a bear naked! I was the one almost got his dick chomped off by a bear! I'm the one who sustained multiple concussions! And just threw a ball at the fucking thing like it was no problem! What? You fought some bandits earlier? Big deal! You had enough strength to summon me after! You had enough strength to throw that thing at the bear!

Atilus didn't answer.

-There's something you aren't telling me. And I want to know what it is. Right now.

Just then Xurd heard a shuffling behind me. He turned around to see Gral was on her knees, belching violently. The minotaur clicked his tongue. He took a few steps forward, fired up from the argument, ready to bash in her stomach once again. But after one final belch, Gral curved over and started puking violently. Xurd instinctively took a step back, as the copious amounts of ejaculate spilled over. He let out a small smirk and after the bear was done and toppled over, Xurd stepped forth once more.

-Well, well, well...guess I'm not done with you, am I?

Gral didn't answer, staying completely still, hunched over.

-Wellp. Guess I have to finish the job. - he turned towards Atilus. - Otherwise, why would I be here?

Xurd kneeled in front of bear, grabbing a handful of her head fur and pulling her head upwards, meeting their eyes.

-I'm gonna make sure you don't get up. Even if I have to guy you open here...

In instant, the bear's blurry eyes fired up and with a lightning move, she grabbed Xurd by the horns and unleashing a primal roar, with the weight of her entire body, she smashed his face to the ground. She lifted him up, a bloody stain remaining where his face collided.

-Bullman taste Gral!

She pulled the stunned bull towards her nether regions once more, his vision hazy and his mind a whirlpool.

But Gral stopped. She froze up, letting out a high pitched, droning, snarl. She shifted back and forth, but didn't let go of the minotaur, only tightening her grip around his horns. With one sudden strike, more of a reflex than a thought out plan, Xurd had pushed both of his middle fingers inside the bear, sending a wave of both pain and pleasure up and down her spine.

It took Xurd a moment to realize what he had done, at which point he gritted his teeth and with all his might pushed his massive fingers even deeper inside the bear. She let out a more guttural noise as he reached his middle joints, and when he reached his knuckles, she roared, the sound of forced pleasure echoing through the caves.

-Do you plan on just sitting there? - Xurd yelled out, unsure of how to break himself from the bear's grip.

Atilus snapped back to reality, previously taken aback by the displays of erotic violence. He quickly circled around the pair, under Xurd's furious gaze, trying to think of how it would be best to handle the situation.

-Any fucking time now! - Xurd screamed as he shifted his fingers back and forth, trying to not let Gral get the upper hand once again.

-I'm working on it! - exclaimed Atilus furiously.

He was behind the pair, still trying to think of a way to break the erogenous deadlock that his friend and his future exhibit have caught themselves in. As he scratched his chin, the sounds of pleasure and pain providing a less than decent backdrop, he noticed that Gral was flipping her small tail up and down. A thought crossed his mind, but he tried to consider any other possible solution.

-BY THE WINDS! IF YOU DON'T THINK OF SOMETHING QUICK, I'LL SHOVE YOUR HEAD UP HER CUNT! - Xurd yelled, his vocal cords on the brink of tearing themselves apart as the bear's juices flowed down his arms.

-Fine. - the fox huffed.

Atilus closed his eyes and waved his hands, as wizardly as he could. In his mind's eye, he envisioned a sphere, not unlike the one he used earlier. But this time he shrank it, making it small enough to fit inside a palm. He then restructured it, flattening it on one side while elongating it on the other, forming a cone.


Atilus pouted, ignoring the minotaur's threats. Light and wind were bending in front of him, making his new construct partially visible under certain angles. He lifted his arm and with a flick of his finger, he sent the translucent projectile flying, a straight line from his hand to the bear's back side.

Gral jumped as the projectile entered her from behind, sending another wave of confused sensations through her body. Her jaw tightened with the expression of discomfort, the entire experience being too much for her to handle. Her grip on Xurd's horns tightened even more, followed by a weak attempt at nudging him away, but the moment the minotaur noticed Gral's attempts, he quickly shoved another finger inside her.

She yelled out, now pleasure completely overcoming the pain, snarling and yelping, strands of saliva dripping down on Xurd's bloodied face.

-For fuck's sake... this bitch is gonna cum, isn't she? - Xurd murmured.

Atilus didn't pay him any attention, focusing his entire concentration onto his make shift sex toy, slowly turning his hand around and with it, turning the construct inside of Gral. With Atilus' every movement, Gral thrashed, but she didn't leave her stance. She was close. And seeing how she couldn't really move Xurd from his spot, she took one step forward, trying to shove her crotch in his face.

-Oh. Oh! We ain't having that! - Xurd hissed and took out his fingers.

With his free hand, he quickly jabbed the bear in the stomach three times, hitting her by surprise and winding her once again, his attack sending her tumbling forward. In the heat of the moment, Xurd supported the bear by her gut as she fell on top of him, forcing her to exhale her air underneath her weight through her now unclenched jaw, and still keeping all three of the fingers of his other hand inside of her.

Atilus slowly walked around the pair, examining the predicament that Xurd was in.

-Do you plan on doing something or...maybe you'd like a cup of tea before any of that?

Atilus didn't answer. He simply smirked to the annoyance of his comrade.

-You do know this bitch is heavy, right? And you do know, that if by any chance I drop her, she'll get impaled, right?

Atilus scratched his chin for a moment, a moment too much for Xurd's liking.

-If you don't do something in the next two seconds, I am going to get really pissed. - Xurd answered, with as much of a contained tone of voice as he could.

-Pfff...fine. Scoot a bit. - Atilus flapped his wrists back and forward.

-Excuse me?! - Xurd snapped.

-I said scoot. You don't wanna live there, right?

-Motherfucker! If you don't start making sense this very instant, I am gonna...

-Oh, shut up. - Atilus interrupted him.

-Did...did you just tell me to shut up!? I swear, the moment I'm done here, I am gonna...

Xurd didn't finish his sentence, as an annoyed Atilus just pushed his way underneath the bear.

-Rather, cozy, isn't it?

Xurd grunted violently. Atilus sighed, realizing that his attempts to make marry of the situation at hand were lost on his companion. He ran his hand through the bear's fur and just underneath Xurd's

planted fist, he found what he was looking for. He closed his eyes and started to gently spin his finger.

-I can't fucking believe this... - Xurd exhaled with exhaustion.

Atilus formed another construct, the same shape of his previous one, but a tad smaller. He slowly flicked his finger upward and with it, he sent the object right up her belly button, slowly penetrating her. She clenched her toes and fingers, scrapping Xurd's horns in the process, much to his dismay.

-You know, Xurdian... - Atilus chimed in, with a certain, almost melodic, characteristic to his voice. can help out too.

-Yeah? What does that mean?

Atilus motioned him with his eyes towards the roaring bear's nether region. Xurd grunted, completely giving up on having a word in edge wise. While still inside of her, Xurd turned his hand around and gently started tickling the bear's G spot.

Xurd, now with a constant frown on his face, stimulated the bear as best as he could, while Atilus, with a smug smirk, twirled his fingers in the air, manipulating his projectile, psychic sex toys. Xurd, huffed in annoyance from time to time, as Atilus would snicker, both adding a certain orchestration to the pants and huffs and groans of the bear above them. She jerked, she thrashed, she bent and contorted, not really able to move anywhere, but she didn't really want to. She was right where she wanted to be.

-Atilus. - Xurd spoke, turning to the wizard, as Gral's pants increased in frequency.

-Yes, old chum? - Atilus answered trying to contain a dopey smile.

-Fuck you.

Just then, Gral let out a feral roar as she climaxed, Xurd's hand completely covered in her juices. To his shock, his hand even slipped out of her and he quickly threw her to one side as she continued to orgasm on the ground, convulsing. Soon her convulsions turned into shivers. And soon her shivers died out, as she gently fell asleep.

Xurd eyed the bear on the ground, snoring quietly and peacefully.

-Wellp, that takes care of that. - Atilus proclaimed.

Xurd turned towards the fox and wiped his hand on his fancy clothes, much to Atilus' protests.

-You know, I have water and towels. You could have just asked.

-DON'T you fucking talk to me. - Xurd pointed at Atilus, who was taken aback by the horse's reaction. - You've got a lot of explaining to do, you know. hell I have. - Atilus pulled out a scroll from his backpack.

-The fuck did you just say to me?

The fox didn't answer. Xurd clicked with his tongue.

-Listen here. You told me, as I distinctly remember, that you would summon me, only if you needed me. - Xurd stated, but Atilus just opened his scroll and placed it on the ground. -Now. You had enough strength to get in a fight. You had enough strength to summon me afterwards. You even had enough strength to throw three...fucking...magic things at the bear!

-The first one was much larger than the rest. - Atilus murmured as he pulled out a small sack from his bag.-It it took more out of me...

-Don't you be bullshitting me, Atilus. I know how it works.

-Do you know?

-Yes. I do. I specifically remember you hammering it into my fucking skull those years back!

The wizard sighed.

-Well... - he proclaimed, raising his shoulders. - You got me! I didn't really need you for the fight.

He threw the sack to Xurd, who grabbed it midair, sounds of coins clanked inside.

-There you go. You're paid. You've done your job. You are already here, so what's the point in getting angry?

-The point is...-Xurd threw the sack to ground. -That I didn't need to be here. I had things to do, things going on back at home.

-Oh, please. - Atilus finally turned his complete attention towards the horse. - You didn't have anything to do.

-Oh, yeah? - Xurd loomed over the small fox. - What makes you say that?

-Because you are a professional. - Atilus answered undeterred. - I told you to keep your time free. You wouldn't have had any engagements. You don't have any place to be.

Xurd gritted his teeth.

-True. That is true. But you know what? When you said you wanted me to fight a bear with you, I wasn't expecting a damn fuck-wrestling match in my fucking birthday suit!

-You've been through worse. you even hear yourself? Have you finally gone completely deranged? I'm standing naked in a fucking cave, in some fucking mountain, fucking...FISTING a fucking bear! Which may or may not be retarded!

He turned towards the sleeping Gral and with a running start he kicked her right in the stomach, the impact echoing through the caves as his foot got absorbed by the fur and fat. Upon hitting her, Gral let out a sound, not unlike that of a whale, as her entire air supply left her body, her eyes opening and going cross in the process. As more and more air left her, the torrent of wind went up in

frequency, slowly morphing into a high pitched whistle, while her cheeks puffed up, trying to contain what little air they could. As her entire supply finally ran out, her jaw opened agape as she tried to inhale all the while emitting a wheezing sound, while her tongue fell to one side and puddle of saliva slowly accumulated next to her muzzle.

Xurd stared at the beast, previously such a threat and now reduced to a bag of semi-gelatinous fat. He spat on her face and took out his foot from her stomach, which almost instantaneously puffed to its normal size, while her eyes quickly uncrossed and closed, as if nothing had happened.

-Never touch a man's horns without permission. - he snarled. - Filthy animal...

-Did you get everything out of your system?

Xurd turned back towards Atilus, who had placed a variety of crystals around the parchment and was now looking at the horse, as if expecting something. Xurd took a deep breath and slowly exhaled, trying to calm himself down.

-What do you even need her for? Don't you have a thousand other animals in your zoo?

-It's not a zoo, Xurd, it's a mena...

  • Menagerie, yes, yes, I know. - he interrupted the wizard. -Still. Why do you even need her?

Atilus stood up and rummaged in his bag again.

-It''s a long story... - he pulled out some fire wood and a tinderbox.

-I ain't in no fucking hurry. - Xurd answered strictly. -As you said, my entire week is free. We can even camp here, if you like! Fuck! Why not? Hey! You know what? Maybe we could even fuck that bear proper! We can take turns! Or we can do it at the same time! WE CAN EVEN FUCKING HIGH FIVE EACH OTHER WHEN WE ARE FINISHED!

Atilus tried to pay him as little attention as possible. He had managed to light a small fire, as Xurd was ranting, placing a kettle of water to boil.

-I...I am sorry. You are right. I could have taken care of this myself. I put you in unnecessary danger, the likes of which I was not expecting. You have the right to be angry with me.

Xurd just huffed. He looked at the bear again. She was still sleeping. The thought of her waking up and repeating the entire process once more sent shivers down his spine. Still, at least now he knew how to take care of her as quickly as possible.

-Sit down, Xurdian, we have to talk.

Xurd turned around, Atilus motioning him to sit by the small fire, holding a cup. Xurd was tired, tired of the fight, tired of yelling, tired of being angry. He took one final sigh and sat down, taking the cup offered by his friend.

-What's this? - Xurd took the cup. - Tea?


-Oh. - for a moment Xurd felt a tad embarrassed. - Um...thanks.

-I hope you like it. It's the more expensive variety.

Xurd took a sip from the cup, sloshing the liquid in his mouth.

-You I mentioned earlier, if you can recall, she's either extremely rare...impossibly in there are only legends about them from extremely distant lands and if there were more of her kind, there would be no conceivable way for her to find herself here...rare. Or she's a mythical creature. The only one of her kind.

-So? - Xurd sipped from his coffee. - She's either the last of her kind or the only one of her kind. Big deal. You have hoards of those.

-That's...kind of the issue... - Atilus trailed off as he sipper from his own cup.

-Oh? - the minotaur raised an eyebrow. -Care to explain.

-Think about it. Can there really be creatures which are one of a kind?

Xurd scratched his chin, contemplating.

-Pfff...sure. There might be one behind me, right now. You've got that big serpent. The flaming bird. That thing that was made of like...three animals? Was it three?

Atilus frantically waved his hand as he put his cup down.

-No. Listen. They exist, yes. But they shouldn't. You can't really be one of a kind, when it comes to biology. You have to come from somewhere, right?

-That...-something snapped in Xurd's head. -That makes perfect sense! It''s so simple! Why haven't you thought of this earlier? Hell! Why hasn't anybody thought of this earlier?!

-Could you...could you settle down?

-Yeah! Sure! Sory! By the winds! - Xurd puffed, running his hand through his head. - did you figure this out?

-I...I was meditating a few days ago, in my hut...-Atilus began, his voice turning a bit more sorrowful. - I had...I had a strange vision...most of it was a complete blur when I came to. But I awoke with the sudden realization that...that these things...these mythological monsters...shouldn't really be here...

-Aha. Aha. - Xurd shook his head frantically. - So, it's like magic or something?

-Maybe. More like...perhaps they work on the majjikxal principles...

-Belief? - Xurd interjected.

-Perhaps. Perhaps not. I still don't know. I doubt I might ever know, really...

-Pff! Fuck that! - Xurd yelled out. - This is serious shit here!

-Heh...-Atilus smiled gently. - I remember you once mentioning that you weren't interested in the majjikxal arts.

-Well, to use! But this! This is...this is more than just throwing shit around, is it? Fuck it! I'm coming with you to the zoo! We'll see this through!

-I...I don't think so, Xurdian. - Atilus looked at him with a sadness in his eyes.

-Whu...what? Is it because I yelled at you and got angry during the fight? You know me, I always get angry. You don't need to hold a grudge. I can help you out. We can fight more rape-bears or whatever...

-Xurdian...please - Atilus stopped him. - I appreciate the enthusiasm, but...I might be dying soon.


Silence befell the cave, disturbed only by the small crackles of the fires.

-The vision I had was most likely a death-vision. There's a chance that it doesn't mean anything but...

-Bullshit...-Xurd whispered. -You said that's the shamanic crap. It barely even qualifies as said it yourself...

-I did, yes, but...-Atilus chuckled. - I guess that until you experience one, they just sound like hocus-pocus...

-Shit...-Xurd stirred his coffee slowly, not really wanting to drink. -What now?

-Pff...who knows? I guess I should become religious now! - Atilus laughed full heartedly- That Jesus elf seems to be on the rage these days! Maybe I'll try him on for size!


Xurd drank from his coffee, almost choking on it as he tried to swallow. There was a lump forming in his throat.

-Hey. - Atilus waved, trying to grab his attention. - Cheer up. It's not a certainty, right?

-Yeah...-Xurd coughed. - Yeah, I guess not. Still...kind of...kind of a shock...

-Well...-Atilus took small sip from his coffee, not really able to truly appreciate the bitter taste. - There's one more thing. You see...I summoned you, I said, I didn't know how much time I had left and...I guess...I just wanted to see you one last time... I feel like a complete idiot...- Xurd chuckled, tears forming in his eyes.

-Xurdian, all these years you have been like a son to me, you know that, right?

-Mhm...- the minotaur bit his lip.

-In the...heh...unlikely...event that I actually die sooner, rather than later, I want to give you my menagerie.

-Oh, Atilus, I...

-Zip! - Atilus waved, cutting him off. -I am going to give you my menagerie and I'm going to leave you with all of my findings. You don't...have to continue my research, but if you'd like you can do so. Otherwise, I trust that you can find some other wizard that can unravel the mysteries that have plagued me for so long.

Xurd nodded silently, biting the inside of his cheeks as his eyes welled up.

-Now. Let's tie that bear up and let's get some rest. I got to teleport us back home, right?

Atilus got up and threw a rope to Xurd, who tied Gral's legs together, making extra sure that she wouldn't be able to break free.

Meanwhile, Atilus produced from his bag two pairs of blankets, for himself and his companion. The fox laid on top of the unraveled scroll, while Xurd just sat down, covered in his blanket. He stared at the dying flame, as Atilus made himself comfortable as much as he could.

-Through life, life is seeping, and we are all unyielding, as the sun shines and the rivers roar. Through death, life is fleeting, and even the crows are weeping, as there is one final knocking at the door. Man of flesh and bone, not of steel nor of stone, his fate carved in a single line. To kings and gods he's sworn, but not a single truth is born, as he would wither in the night...

-But in the dusk of your path, all you can do is laugh, for there isn't any other place left to roam. And even the Knight of Dust, so devoid of wants and lust, smiled when he reached his home - Atilus sighed. - I didn't know you liked the works of Brinshah...

Xurd smiled softly.

-Yeah, well...even a tough guy can have a soul.

-Get some sleep "tough guy". You've earned it.

Xurd wrapped the blanket tighter around himself and closed his eyes, gently drifting off.