The Purchase of a Lifetime Chapter 1

Story by Teireas on SoFurry

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#1 of The Purchase of a Lifetime

A story series I have been meaning to write out for a long while now. DrXeno, sir, I hope you enjoy!

A large golden dragon rested within a cage, having long since tired himself out thrashing around, trying to break himself free. Raising his head, he stared out through the bars to a crowd of people and furs alike, seemingly holding up various numbered signs as numbers were called out by a plump pig standing upon a large pedestal upon the stage he found his cage resting upon. Glancing around, he found the cage was outside, surrounded by a large crowd of people seemingly excited and surprised to find a creature such as himself within a cage.

Growling out softly, he observed himself a moment, finding chains around his legs, tail, and neck, holding him in place enough to not allow much movement, but enough that he could stand. Doing just that, he stood within the cage as best he could, staring out over this crowd as he listened to more numbers being called out, watching more signs being raised. He huffed, wondering how he had got himself in such a situation. The last thing he recalled was being out hunting, then a large pain shooting through his side.

Widening his eyes, he glanced to where a large chained bolt had struck him a few nights ago, staring at the already scarred over wound that was there. Lowering his head as best he could, he attempted to press and nudge at the left over scar tissue there curiously, snorting as he thought quietly to himself. "Stupid hunters...they knew how to take me down....bound my wings...managed to bola my claws...They knew what they were doing..." He huffed and growled out, listening to the numbers being called out once more, hearing them getting up into the millions at this point.

By the time it was all over, a rather large rhino was still standing, having given over nearly 2.3 million of whatever currency was being used, the dragon wasn't sure. He stared out towards the rhino that had stepped up onto the stage, listening as he spoke to the large gryphon that was apparently an auctioneer about payments and transport. The large rhino though simply walked over to the cage soon after, staring to the dragon within as he spoke, the voice sounding deep, gruff, and dominating, "Well aren't you an interesting purchase..."

The golden dragon simply growled out towards the rhino, not bothering to speak any as his large eyes simply stared the rhino down. The large rhino didn't waver however, simply chuckling as he patted at the bars of the cage speaking to the dragon, "You're going to make an interesting pet aren't you?" He then stepped back from the cage, motioning towards the auctioneer and a few other beings near-by, "Have him delivered to my house this evening....I have a few other things to pick up!" With that the rhino walked off, leaving the dragon to stare towards him as he thought to himself. ~Pet?.....delivered? What the hell is going on?~ He suddenly jumped a bit as something wet and heavy slapped his head, soon shaking it off as he found several large slabs of meat falling ahead of himself. Perking his ears, he soon snapped up the meal he was given as best he could without use of his claws, rather quickly finding himself feeling drowsy. The various voices and things around himself began to jumble and mix with each other, his head feeling quite heavy as he soon rested it down upon his cages flooring, eyes slipping closed as the drugged meat took effect and knocked him unconscious.

Soon enough, though the dragon was unsure of just how long, he had awoken to the feeling of sunlight upon his form. Cracking open an eye, he found himself still in the cage, but now he was surrounded by large buildings. Huffing, he looked around a moment as he watched several cars going up and down the near-by road, though a motorcycle soon turned into the driveway, the large rhino from before riding upon it. He tilted his head a moment, observing the vehicle and its rider a moment, at-least that's what he thought it was anyway a motorcycle. He couldn't be sure. The rhino removed a helmet as he situated the bike to where it wouldn't fall over, laughing as he spotted the cage and the still bound dragon, "Ahh....they've delivered you have they? Good, good! Hopefully you haven't been out here too long. This heat can be horrible!" This caused the large dragon to tilt his head as best he could. Horrible? He loved this heat and the at-least allowed him to sleep relatively sound within his bindings and cage, even if he wanted to be out and free.

The rhino soon approached the cage, motioning towards the door of it as he spoke lightly, "If I open this are you going to bite me or lash out at me?" Staring, the dragon simply shook his head some left to right, the chains he was within jingling and making noise and he motioned to the rhino he wouldn't. Soon, he watched the large door be swung open, which is when he swiftly jumped up and attempted to dive from the cage, intending to break the chains and get himself free. The chains, though large as they were, were not made to deal with a full sized dragon such as him, and they quickly snapped, leaving the dragon free to do just as he intended as he dove from the cage swiftly and spread his wings, going to take flight into the air to get away from this and back to his home.

The rhino laughed lightly, soon pressing a button upon a near-by device he held with himself, the dragon roaring out as he crashed back to the ground just as quick as he took to the air as several thousand volts were sent through his body, shocking the dragon heavily. "Thought you would try that I had them install a chip in you when you were purchased to make sure you couldn't get away..." The large golden scaled beast huffed and panted, tail twitching about behind himself from the after effects of the shocks, leaving himself feeling numb all over as he looked up towards this large rhino that had walked to stand ahead of himself, ears perked as he listened to his words. "Now....if you cooperate, I can give you everything you desire, but on the condition you understand you are mine! Got it? Nod your head if you understand me."

The dragon simply growled out as he stared at this rhino still, letting out a large huff of air as he gave a shake of his head left to right. ~His? I belong to no one damn it. If I with those shocks I would tear this rhino apart and be out of here.~ Thinking a moment, he simply watched the rhino quietly, who gave a shrug of his shoulders, soon drawing out a whip as he lashed it towards the dragons side, causing the large beast to yelp in surprise and pain as it tore into his side, the ends of the whip fixed with jagged metal ends, strong enough to tear into his hide, "Go on...get up and follow me got it? Or else you'll get more of the same!"

Yelping again as another one of the whips lashings came towards himself, he soon stood up as best he could, following after the rhino into a room within the large house, somewhat surprised he could fit within the door and building, ears soon perking up as he listened to his words once more. "You're going to learn to listen to me one way or another, dragon...this can be a peaceful relationship we have here, or it can be quite painful for you, understand?" The rhino watched as the dragon shuffled his way into the room he was led to, cracking the whip a few times towards him to get him to back up into a cage that was in a corner of the room, soon reaching into the bars to quickly fix cuffs and chains back to the beasts limbs and neck, "For now...until you learn to cooperate, you're staying put in there got me? I'll come by and feed you once a day. Who knows, perhaps if you cooperate with me, you'll get more than that daily, but you have to understand I am law around here!" With that, the rhino made sure the cage was locked tight, and left the room, closing the door behind himself which left the dragon in total darkness, save for his large gold eyes as he growled out towards the door the rhino had left out of, wondering just what the hell he had gotten himself into.