Getting Mystical

Story by RetsuNyetsu on SoFurry

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#17 of TF (or TF related)

It's been a while, but here it is, my next story. It's a simple one, involving a boyfriend and girlfriend who try something weird so they could finally be sexually compatible. What's the twist? Well, that shouldn't be too hard to figure out, should it?

There was this girl that I had been chatting with for a couple of years. She was a charmer, able to flirt and engage in small talk in equal measure. We had even begun going on dates to the local bistro, where her fondness of cheap wine became well-known. Still, we'd never made it past second base, which she admitted was due to a hereditary problem of hers. She thought I was great company, sure, but she admitted to being totally, sexually incompatible with most folks that didn't fill a specific box. I was perfectly content with our mostly platonic relationship. We always had porn if we wanted to take care of those urges, after all.

Then, one day, things got weird. It was Saturday morning, and a pretty normal one at that. I could remember waking up to an alarm sound, though I thought it was odd as I'd never set an alarm clock the previous night. My only other option was that someone sent me a text message. Lo and behold, when I picked up my phone to check, there it was, a text from my girlfriend at 8 in the morning.

"Wally, it's Auguste. I think I finally got a solution to our "unable to fuck" problem. Might cause some permanent, irreparable changes, but I've seen who you follow on Twitter. Got a feeling you'll be into this shit."

Well, at the very least it wasn't outwardly suspicious. She made a habit of introducing herself by name in all our texts, and while Walter's always been my real name, she'd called me Wally for as long as we'd known each other. Still, what did she mean by "permanent, irreparable changes?" I had to know what she was up to, so as I began to get dressed and went about my morning routine, I worked on a follow-up text. After stumbling over some words, I managed to get it sent as I was stepping into the shower.

"Please elaborate on that permanent changes thing."

I stuck my phone in a holder on the wall, and I began my shower. Sure, my phone was waterproof, but I still didn't want to be holding it while I was trying to wash myself. Conveniently enough for me, I could see the screen when she sent her response, so with the voice-to-speech function I was able to continue my communications.

"I mean what I said," Auguste elaborated. "You might look a bit girlier, and you'll definitely look a lot cuddlier."

"Yeah, I get it. Sign me up for whatever it is."

"Really? Did you think this through at all?"

"Not really," I admitted. "Besides, we've been at it for a year, we both really like each other, and we've only made it to second base? I don't care if I get turned into a puddle of slime, I want to go all the way."

"You really are a horny bastard, LOL." There was a pause. "No, you won't be slime when it's done. When you're ready, head downstairs, I'm in my apartment."

"Sure. Will be there in a few."

I finally finished my shower and stepped out to dry off. Within a few minutes, I had a fresh pair of clothes on to greet the day in. It wasn't anything fancy, just a baggy t-shirt and some jeans, but as long as it fit, I would wear it. Of course, I couldn't forget my glasses, I wasn't necessarily blind without them but they really helped. Once I had those on, I stuck some socks on, grabbed my phone, and got out of there to get the rest of my morning out of the way.

After quickly stopping by the kitchen to grab one of those for-breakfast energy bars, I walked over to the door and slid my shoes on. I didn't care too much about looking fancy for this visit, we were both comfortable enough with each other at this point that we didn't really need it. Soon I was out the door and walking past other apartments quietly enough to avoid waking anyone who might have still been sleeping. Moving at a brisk pace to avoid leaving Auguste waiting for too long, I nearly tripped down a flight of stairs on the way there; this was, unfortunately, enough for me to slow myself down. All in all, it took me a few more minutes than usual to get down to her level of the building.

These bottom stories were annoying for a number of reasons, the main one being how maze-like they were. I remembered her apartment number well enough that I had half the search already figured out, but every wall and hallway looked exactly the same, and there were so many of them that the signs only helped so much. I knew to turn left to get to the ones from 0-4 at the beginning, but beyond that it all seemed arbitrary. After a few turns, however, I could see myself getting closer and closer, I'd read each sign like some sort of combination lock. It took me maybe five minutes, but I eventually managed to find her door. I stood in front and knocked.

"It's Wallace," I said, "sorry I'm late, scared myself half to death on the way here."

It wasn't long before the door opened, and at this point, I should probably explain what the deal was with my girlfriend. Auguste was a Pokémorph, or just a "morph" for short; she was a Meowstic, specifically. Her fur was mostly white, with areas of blue on her lower arms, her legs, and a collar of blue fur around her neck. The top of her head was also styled in a blue swirl, like most members of her species, with made her folded-over ears stand out even more. There was also a pair of tails growing from her lower back, another thing that would clearly distinguish her from some regular, anthro cat. That day she was wearing a tube-top that did little to hide her sizeable cleavage, along with some yoga pants with only served to accentuate her curvy figure even more. Sure, she was a bit on the short side, only around 150 cm, but I didn't mind, and she clearly didn't either. That sort of confidence was part of what drew me to her, after all.

"Well there you are." Auguste paused from talking to deliver a quick kiss on the lips. "Come on in, got some things to show you."

Auguste stepped away from the door, allowing me to head inside and take my shoes off at the mat. I was beckoned over to the bedroom, which I proceeded to enter. There was a number of items strewn on the bed, ranging from clothes to... certain toys. I wasn't sure what the deal was with most of it, to be frank, but I figured Auguste would explain all this in a matter of minutes. I sat down on the bed waiting for her, and she'd soon join me not long after.

"Hey, cute stuff." Auguste sat down next to me on the bed. In her hand, I could see something glistening. "Bet you're wondering what all this is about."

"Sure am." I nodded slowly, still taking bites out of that breakfast bar. "Especially the dildo, what's the deal with that?"

"Right, right. You know how I'm basically... completely incapable of producing offspring with any non-morphs, let alone having sex with them? It's a Psychic problem, basically I let off some weird energies whenever I get excited that makes people nauseous. Since you already know the rest, let me show you this."

Auguste held up her hand to show me what was in it. It looked like some sort-of gold coin, but upon further inspection the "gold" appeared to be no more than tin foil. It reminded me of one of those chocolate coins you might have gotten as a kid, the ones that never tasted as good as normal chocolate, but you appreciated the novelty regardless. She flipped it like she were flipping a regular coin, seeming to count the number of times it landed on a given side. I was starting to wonder if my presence was beginning to bore her.

" alright?"

"Huh? Yes, I'm fine, I simply lost my train of thought." Auguste tossed the coin into my hand. "Happens a lot with Psychic-types, there's a lot going on up there. Anyway, there's some chocolate under there. If you eat it, you might look a little different."

"A little?" I tilted my head in confusion.

"...okay, a lot. But hey, there's no mind control in it or anything, my sister promised me that." Auguste soon started fidgeting with one of the sex toys on the bed. "So basically, she has a fellow Meowstic as a roommate, and he agreed to offer up a DNA sample. I asked her to modify it a bit so it was a bit... I guess cuter... and here it is."

"A Meowstic, huh... just like you... just with the colors swapped."

"Mmhm. See, you learned something from my lessons." Auguste stared up at the ceiling, sighing. "So, let's just get this out of the way real quick. Are you sure you want to go through with this? This is going to be pretty permanent, as far as most Psychic shenanigans go. Do you think your family would be okay with this?"

"I mean... probably." I shrugged, before beginning to explain myself. "It's not like they're hateful toward Pokémorphs, you've met my stepfather, he's a Mightyena and all that. Besides," I continued, "I won't lie, I've always just... felt more comfortable around morphs like yourself. Maybe it's because of my stepdad, maybe it's Jeff from high school, but... I'm just perfectly comfortable shedding the humanity."

"Your stepfather... yeah, when you have someone like that guy as a role model, I can see where that mentality would develop." With another sigh, she fell back onto the bed, arms sprawled out, breasts bouncing a tad as she did so. "Don't mind me, I'm just laying here. Go ahead and take it when you're ready, you can back out at any time."

I stared at the foiled coin for a moment. Perhaps my decision to rush in with reckless abandon was a mistake for the ages, one that would doom me to a life of eternal misery? Perhaps I was just being dramatic and needed to get on with this shit. Before I could decide, I was already uncovering the contents inside, revealing, what else, a small disk made of chocolate. I begged myself not to overthink this; this was a once in a lifetime opportunity right here. Still, I figured I might as well ask one question.

"...will people be confused when I turn out to be a morph when I go to work on Monday? Or even when I go to update my driver's license because of this?"

"Huh? Oh, right. You'll be a Psychic-type, so you can just convince them this was what you always looked like. Aren't mind control powers fun?"

"Hehe... I imagine they would be... alright, let's just get this show on the road..."

"Good luck. I'll let you know what the other stuff's for once you're done."

I took a deep breath, wanting to prepare myself both mentally and physically for the task at hand. It wasn't an arduous task or anything, I just had to eat the candy, but I needed a moment to say farewell to my humanity. The life of a morph... well, that was going to be interesting. With my final goodbyes out of the way, I popped the chocolate in my mouth. It was incredibly bitter, not unlike unsweetened dark chocolate, but holding it in my mouth helped to mellow the flavor out a bit. With a few chews, I was able to swallow all of it in no time flat.

The changes came slowly, even subtly at first. It started with the hair atop my head, which began to lose its color. Quite literally in fact, as from what I could see in the closet door's mirror it was turning totally white. It was a bit shaggier now, but when I reached to touch it, it was also considerably softer. I could see the white patches reaching further down the back of my head as well, soon reaching my neck. Before my eyes, this white hair, or fur, or whatever it was, was forming around my neck in some sort-of collar, not unlike the one around Auguste's neck. I ran my fingers through this neck fur, which felt even softer than the stuff on my head; just like Auguste, in fact.

"So this really is naturally soft..."

"I told you," Auguste retorted, as she sat up to mess up my hair with a single hand. "Don't have the money for fancy shampoos anyhow... I mean I could if I just asked my sister, but that seems like a hassle just for shampoo."

Of course, it was never going to stop at white. I could see patches of blue fur beginning to sprout in scattered spots across my face. These spots soon grew in size and spread like wildfire, leaving little room for uncovered skin. I could see something odd happening to my ears, something indescribably bizarre. They shifted, reformed, I could feel some faint cracking as they found their way to the top of my head. I yanked off my glasses to avoid breaking them, since they clearly weren't going to fit in this state. Those ears kept getting longer, until I could see colored spots forming inside them. They seemed to glow faintly, but those ears folded up before I could figure out how exactly to manage them, though I could still hear just fine. They were mostly blue, though patterned with a few white stripes to help them stand out more.

"Psychic organs," Auguste explained, releasing her hand to scratch those new ears. "Keeping the ears folded helps to keep a lot of that intense psychic energy in check."

"Neat... intense psychic energy sounds poggers."

"Sweetie, what the fuck are you talking about?"

Honestly, I think the transformation was leaving me feeling airheaded. This could have had to do with my eyes, as well; they were more cartoonish and cat-like, maybe more feminine, but still their normal, green color. Perhaps I simply needed a moment to adjust to them, because for several minutes my vision was extremely blurry, even blurrier than it usually was without my glasses. Once my entire head was covered in that soft fur and my nose reformed into something smaller with a darker color, I could sense some more growing under the collar, then under my shirt. I couldn't see anything going on there, but I figured Auguste would probably want to see if the process was working or not, so I worked on taking it off. It was a little troublesome getting the shirt collar past the fur color, but at some point, I figured it out.

Sure enough, my torso was being swiftly coated in more short, blue fur. Each inch covered left me both looking and feeling softer, like a blanket fresh out of the dryer. Suddenly I could feel something sharp poking at my backside; it wasn't extremely painful, but it was certainly drawing itself out. I stood up and turned myself around, where I could see a pair of tails protruding outward. After a point they stopped growing lengthwise, but not long after fur began rapidly growing in patterns of blue and white, far fluffier than anything else on my body. The fluff practically ballooned, before stopping at something vaguely resembling a reasonable level.

From what I could tell, there wasn't much left to change. The fur around halfway between my elbows and wrists shifted to white, and my hands grew stubbier and more paw-like. At the very least, they weren't true paws, as I still retained enough dexterity, along with my thumbs, for them to function like normal human hands. Beneath my jeans, my stance began to change as well. The feet were getting smaller as well, and after a point they were pretty much just white-furred cat paws. I slid my jeans off to get a better look at what was underneath, where I could see a clear distinction in the fur color; from the paws to the knees was white, and everything above was blue like my torso. From what I could tell, every part of my body was covered in fur now, so were the changes finally over?

"Hold on, Wally, we're not done yet. Just a bit more."

"Huh... really? What else is there... oh?"

That was weird, I thought I just heard my voice raise in pitch mid-sentence. With some vocal exercises, I was seemingly able to confirm this very fact. It seemed that Auguste really wasn't kidding when she said I'd be getting girlier. Beyond that simple change, I looked back at my eyes to see my lashes growing in thick. Actually, I think they might've been fuller than even Auguste's at this stage.

"Is this really necessary, Auguste?"

"No, not really." Auguste fiddled with her TV remote to give her hands something to do. "It's just a sexual preference. You're okay with it, right?"

"Am I? I mean..." I paused for a moment to think about that question. Sure, I wasn't really clued into any of what was happening before today, but still, I was weirdly accepting of it. But why was I so accepting of the fact that I was turning into some feline femboy? I still don't know, but I've always been one who enjoys weird new experiences, so this probably has something to do with it. "...yeah. I like girls, I look more like a girl, I guess this is something of a win?"

"Glad to hear it. Just a bit more..."

Indeed, there was only a bit more to add on, and it was more in terms of weight. I wouldn't say I was becoming chubby or anything like that, but maybe I was just adding a little more weight where it counted. Looking back at myself in the mirror, I could see my rump was looking just a bit fuller; with a gentle smack, the bounce was even visible through my briefs. The same was going on with my hips and thighs, as while not fat, they less and less resembled something belonging on the average man. In more subtle changes, my shoulders began to narrow, and my hips began to widen in a way that clearly wasn't just "adding more fat." When these changes slowed down, I looked at myself one more in the mirror. I was extremely feminine, but thanks to a Meowstic's unique sexual dimorphism, I was still clearly a male.

"And that should be it."

Auguste stood up and brushed herself off, trying to make herself look less like she had spent well over an hour preparing this setup and, as a result, was feeling dead tired. She stared down at her outfits, gently tugging at my ear to prompt me to do the same. There were around three or four distinct outfits only barely separated from each other. One interesting thing I noticed about them was a distinct femininity. In fact, I thought I'd seen these exact clothes while I was shopping the local women's apparel store for her 24th birthday, just last month.

"Here, Wally. I'd like you to try these on."

"H-huh? Really?"

"What, you said you would if you had the body type for it, didn't you? And now you do."

Well, shit, she wasn't lying. I remembered when I said it, too; we were at that same apparel store, I saw some cute shirt, and we had a short conversation about that. I wasn't even really joking when I said it, either; it was a cute shirt. Maybe it was just morbid curiosity, but the idea of wearing women's clothing, or at the very least feminine, unisex clothing, just seemed oddly interesting. The only issue was that I was so clearly masculine that I was worried I couldn't "pull it off." Well here I was, with a body that could "pull it off," and I was actually about to do this.

"...oh, right. I forgot." Auguste blinked, then shook her head. "Gimme your glasses real quick, I'll need to fix them."

Oh right, the glasses. I handed them off to Auguste, who held them in her hand and just... stared at them for a moment. I could see her ears slowly unfolding partway, while her eyes glowed faintly. In her hands, the temples of the glasses began to reshape, not quite thinning but still getting longer. There was a clear bend in them too, something between a 90 and a 135-degree angle which would make them easier to rest on my head. When she was done with them, she handed them back to me, and I placed them back on. The temples bent at another angle to rest on my ears once more, and now I was able to see just as clearly as ever.

"Haha, thanks... really needed that."

"Any time. Now, let's get those clothes on."

Auguste held up the first outfit for me to see more clearly. It was a simple set, a purple blouse and skirt combo to get me eased into this. After she handed them over, I gradually worked on slipping those things on, which wasn't too hard at all thankfully. The blouse was roomy, and the skirt fit snugly around my waist like it was some sort of custom fit. I gave myself a look in the mirror and was almost stunned at just how unrecognizable I was as myself. If I didn't know otherwise, I would swear Auguste was using some sort of psychic mind tricks on me.

"How's it feel, champ?"

"Feels... really cozy, actually." I spun myself around to get a better look at my other angles. "I'm looking forward to trying on the others."

"Good thing, 'cause it's only getting better from here."

The next set was something a bit more masculine but also more sexually charged, replacing the skirt with some short shorts and the blouse with a simpler t-shirt with a goofy design on it. I slipped my other clothes off to get those ones on, which I did without much hassle at first. The shirt was easy, but those shorts were a bit... tight, I guess. I could tell these were not made for people with junk in the front in mind. I yanked to get it up, only for Auguste to step in and help. With the power of two morphs, those shorts would fit just fine.

"Yikes, I should probably get some bigger ones... forgot to factor in the balls on those ones, my bad Wally."

"Haha, it's fine, it's fine..."

Considering how tight those shorts were, they left very little to the imagination. Weirdly, they only served to accentuate my male parts even more, making them seem bigger than they really were. Bulge aside, what about the other side of me? There was still that butt, and what's a femboy without a butt? I turned around for a quick moment to make sure I got the angle right, before lifting my tails and looking at myself in the mirror. Sure enough, there was an ass there, and a decently sized one at that.

"Nnggh..." Auguste bit her lip. "Shit, I know you put 'has a nice ass' in your dating profile, but this still caught me way off guard. It's a nice ass, what can I say..." I could see her getting a bit flustered, to which I gently chuckled.

"Hey, remember you made me more girly on purpose. That might've given me a bigger butt than normal, who knows?"

"True... true... alright, let's try on number three..."

Auguste got back over and helped to yank those shorts off, leaving me free of my prison once more. After the shirt was off, she gave me a look at the next outfit she had in mind. This one had no undergarments to speak of unless socks counted as undergarments. It was a very large shirt, blue in color, and paired with it was a pair of extra-long socks with a colorful blue-and-white striped pattern. I thought I recognized that pattern from some pornography she showed me once, though I couldn't remember exactly what was going on in it.

"I'm excited for you to try on these ones. You know how I am with these sorts of things, Arceus above the anticipation is killing me."

Once again, I put the shirt on first. Looking at myself in the mirror, the bottom of the shirt just barely obscured my briefs to mask my masculinity. When I got to the socks, they were noticeably easier to get on than those shorts, and thankfully I didn't need any help with these. I rolled them up, each inch they covered accentuating my legs more and more like some sort of bullseye, and it was clear Auguste had her eyes on the prize. Once I was done, I sat down to take a deep breath while I let her stare.

"H-how do I look...?" I decided to play up a faint sense of timidity I was feeling regarding all of this. I knew Auguste was into cute, and that was the cutest thing I could think of doing at that very second. With that in mind, I lifted my legs up and hugged them, not only leaving my butt visible but giving her a good eye-level view of the legs as well.

"D-damn, it works... haha..." Auguste began to fan herself for a moment; I could tell even then she was getting excited. "you're looking cute, babe, I love it."

"Thanks...~" I let out another brief laugh before setting my legs back down. "There's one more outfit, right? Where is it?"

"...oh! Oh, right!" It seemed Auguste had gotten distracted staring at my legs for a second. "Right, it's over here. Think of it as a recap, okay?"

Indeed, this last outfit was something of a compilation of the last three. There were more socks, purple on black this time, along with a cute tee and a skirt. If any of these outfits could be called "the most feminine," it was this one. Auguste tossed them over to me, and I slipped my other clothes off to try them on. Being the most "intricate" of the outfits, this one took me a bit longer than average to get on, but nowhere near as long as those dreaded shorts.

"Need any help, sweetie?"

"N-nah, I'm good... haha..."

The shirt came first, as usual, letting me get a feel for how it looked on me. It was Litwick themed, which I was a fan of, what with the white and the purple meshing together. The skirt was similarly purple, though a darker purple than the last one to go with the new color scheme. Finally, I slipped on those striped socks, which reached up to my thighs once I had them on all the way. It was a clean, almost spooky color scheme, but one that gave off a nice magical air that I really appreciated.

"How do you like it, Auguste...?"

"..." Auguste offered me a thumbs-up; I could almost see her blushing through her fur. "Looks great, honey."

"Wonderful. Anything more you'd like to do today? You know, besides sit around and cuddle?"

"Oh, I had an idea... well, two ideas." Auguste grabbed her phone off of her nightstand. "You mind posing for some photos? For, uh... future reference?"

"Don't mind if I do~."

For the next few minutes, I was posing for the camera while she gave me instructions. The photos started innocently enough, simple poses that wouldn't arouse any unusual feelings. Of course, being Auguste, I knew they weren't going to stay this innocent for long. Sure enough, first she asked me to lift my tail for some photos of my backside, which I gladly did. Some photos came for the front, too; I lifted my skirt with one hand and placed the other on my cheek to indicate some sort of nonexistent embarrassment at having my bulge so clearly visible. It was for show, of course, and it was a show that Auguste was living for.

"Looking sharp, looking sharp. How about getting on the bed real quick? Might as well lose the skirt for now, too."

Well, so long for now, skirt, we'll meet again soon. I slipped that thing off before plopping back on the bed, being sure to miss the assorted sex toys in the process. Auguste stood over me, her tails gently swaying behind her contently, and began taking more photos. I held my hand to my chin in some photos, and stretched in some others to show off a bit of midriff. I would also occasionally turn around and lie on my stomach, tails raised for more pics of my hindquarters. That was lewd, of course, but it wasn't quite porn yet; that was about to change very soon.

"Time for the finale. Slip those briefs off, set your manhood free or something. Is that what you call it?" Auguste snorted; even she seemed to think what she said was overly silly.

"N-not really, but I think I'll keep that one in mind."

I slid my underwear off for the last set of photos; one could see my perfectly average set of genitals on full display. We started with some convenient censorship: I would use my tails to cover those bits up for both the front and back displays, allowing whoever was viewing the photos to let their imagination run wild. Once those were done, however, the tails returned to their normal positions, and the cock and ball pics came rolling in. Some were in that standard dakimakura style, while others were just closeups of my genitals and hindquarters. Once it was clear Auguste was satisfied, the photo shoot came to an end.

"And we're done. Wow, you're a great model, Wally, this is some good shit."

"T-thanks, heh. Say, uh... were you planning on making a body pillow with those bed photos? I'm getting royalties, right?" I was mostly joking of course, but dakimakura royalties sounded like they could net me some easy cash in no time flat. Auguste too, since she was the one taking the photos and all. Maybe I wouldn't mind doing this modelling thing again later, turn it into a part-time job even?

"I'll let you know once your birthday rolls around in a couple months, okay?" Auguste gave me another kiss on the lips, one which I gladly reciprocated. "For now, I got one more thing I'd like us to do. I'm sure you've been looking forward to it just as much as I have~."

Auguste dug through the various sex memorabilia, picking out a simple selection of items. The first thing was a condom, safe sex is key after all and neither of them wanted kids yet. The second was a bottle of lube, the kind that makes anal so much easier and less painful. Third and most importantly, there was a strap-on sex toy with a dildo bigger than my own dick. Considering that combination of goods, I had a feeling that I knew what was about to happen.

"That thing's... going inside me, huh?"

"Sure is, hot stuff. Here, put this on." Auguste tossed me the condom. "I just washed these sheets, and cum stains are way harder to get out than this lube is."

Nodding, I opened the wrapper and pulled out the rubber inside. I placed it over my still-flaccid member as I watched her carefully applying lubricant to the sex toy. Noticing I hadn't gotten it up yet, Auguste took a break from what she was doing and slipped her tube-top off, revealing her breasts underneath. With their size, easy D-cups, it didn't take long at all for my dick to grow erect. It seemed she noticed my reaction too, and gave off a small giggle.

"Good Lord, you're a horny fucker. Then again, so am I." Auguste finished applying that thick coat of lubricant to her sex toy, before strapping it on. "Figured I'd go generous since I'm pretty sure it's your first time... it's your first time, right?"

"I mean... with another person," I admitted. Sure, I had a sex toy or two in my closet, but it was safe to say that I'd never been pegged before. Still, if I'm going to be in this new body, I might as well try some more new things while I'm at it. She's fully admitted that she prefers being dominant in the bedroom, so the fact that this was the first thing we would do while having sex wasn't all that surprising. "But hey, might as well try it, right?"

"Glad you're on board. Ready?"


I lied down on my back and spread my legs wide for ease of access. Auguste stepped forward and slowly, carefully began to thrust into my ass. The ridged texture made me shiver excitedly, while the lube let her slide right back out and back in again without any hassle. She eased into me at first, wanting to measure how much I could take before it started to hurt and she needed to back off; it did hurt once, but once she realized it she decided to ease into it more slowly. The thrusts were slow, but careful, and hit all the right spots on the way through.

"F-fuck..." I was already unable to speak full sentences and was reduced to simple phrases. It was an intense feeling, and we'd only just started.

"Aha, so you are a sub, I knew it." Auguste began to speed herself up, slowly but surely. "Jeez, you make cute noises when you're horny."

"Ah... hah... I do...?" It was weird, being called cute, but somehow it felt right. I wasn't cute before this, I was an incredibly average guy, but now? Lord, I wasn't just cute, I was pretty. And the more she called me that, the more excited I got, like it was some roleplay thing. "H-hey, please... keep calling me..."

"Cute? Heh, sure, if the shoe fits..."

Auguste soon found herself thrusting faster and harder into me. While she wasn't about to orgasm from this, since she was only using a strap-on and all, she sure seemed bent on bringing me closer to the edge. She grabbed ahold of my legs for some extra grip and forced that toy in as far as it could go. At that point I was so caught up in the emotions that I couldn't even tell if it hurt or not, though I was pretty sure it didn't. The good outweighed the bad in my mind by a considerable margin, and I just wanted her to keep going.

"Like that?" Auguste began to tease me about my predicament, though hardly in a mocking way. "Heh, you like getting fucked silly, don't ya, you buttslut?"

"Hah... hah... yeah... I love it... keep doing... it..."

I could tell Auguste was enjoying my reactions, so I was happy to provide her with more. There was a great pressure building in a certain someplace, one that I was all too familiar with from my evenings looking at porn. Just as I was noticing this, Auguste seemed to slow down slightly? I wasn't sure what that was about, but I started to think about it could mean. Maybe she was egging me on, trying to goad me into reacting a certain way? Did she want me to beg? Because Arceus above, I was more than willing to beg.

"Unff, I'm close..."

"Come on, then. Tell me you want it."

"I... I... please! Please, make me...!" I found myself yelling words I'd never strung together before in my life. "Fuck me until I start feeling sore!"

It seemed that was enough motivation for Auguste, as before long she was recklessly plowing me. The only noises I could make were the occasional moan, higher pitched than even hers would probably sound. There was a bit of precum coming out, but I needed the full deal, and clearly, she did too. My arms were sprawled out, my legs were still in Auguste's hands, I was completely and totally at her mercy, and I loved every second of it. That pressure continued building, and I wasn't sure if I could take it for much longer. I cried out, letting her know that I was ready for release.

"I-I'm gonna...! Come on, I'm gonna...!"

"Come on, then...!"

With a few more thrusts in me, the deed had been done. I felt an intense relief as the condom I wore slowly filled with my cum. There was a loud moan that I could barely place as my own yet couldn't have come from anywhere else. Auguste went back and forth in me a few more times to make sure this drew out for longer, but it was clear that I was just about done. With a few spurts of cum filling the bottom of the condom, all I had left in me was the occasional drop that would run down from the tip for the next couple of minutes. I was firmly and utterly exhausted.

"Hah... hah... hah..."

"Tired, are ya? Here, lemme take care of this for you."

Once there was no cum left, Auguste grabbed the condom off of me and walked off. I was left alone with my thoughts for the next few minutes, just trying to make sense of everything. So, this was who I was, now? I was some kind of mostly straight femboy cat thing? I know I've gotten used to it by now but, at the time it was still all kinds of surreal. Well, at least I had my girlfriend to get me through it all. Speaking of her, she finally came back after a few minutes of doing whatever she was doing, no longer wearing the strap-on, and sat down next to me on the bed.

"Sorry, was having a hell of a time tying that thing up." Auguste plopped down onto her back, sighing. "God, I'm tired, wanna watch a movie or something?"

"Hehe... sure thing. I'll let you pick." I wrapped an arm around her shoulder, still exhausted as ever. "I don't think I'm in any shape to be making hard decisions right now."

With a laugh, Auguste grabbed the remote and turned the TV on. From there, it was as simple as pushing buttons until she landed on some corny romantic comedy whose poster looked the same as every other romcom I'd ever watched. We mostly just liked laughing at these kinds of movies and joking about how the couples in these movies always had some forced temporary breakup in the third act for about fifteen minutes. The reasoning was always something that could be worked out if they just bothered to sit down and talk to each other about their feelings. Speaking of sitting and talking about our feelings...

"Hey, Wally." Auguste ran a hand through my hair. "You still okay with this body thing? I know it's gotta feel like a huge change, and I know you were okay with it before and during the changes, I just want to make sure you're feeling alright now."

"Huh? Yeah, I think so..." As far as I could tell, I was pretty sure I was feeling okay. I wasn't feeling like some sort-of imposter in my own body, or anything, I still felt like myself. Hell, I still even had my glasses with me, and I was pretty much nobody without them. "Don't worry, this transition shouldn't be too hard. As long as we're together, at least."

"Aww... you dork, Lord Arceus I love you."

Auguste rested her head on my shoulder, which was where it would remain for the rest of the movie. The fur on fur was extremely cozy, like a... well, I know I already used that blanket simile earlier, but it still fits. I just felt totally safe and comfortable as long as I was around her, even in these strange times I found myself in. And hell, if the sex was going to keep being this good, then that was just the cherry on top of the sundae. I wasn't sure how far I was going to have to go to convince everyone I was still... well, me... but I was confident that however long it took, I was prepared for it.