My Last Sights

Story by furcenary on SoFurry

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My last sights

I haven't realized until this moment that my choice in guys would lead to my demise. As my boyfriend came over he looked a little tense. When I asked him what the problem was he didn't reply. He just showed me his paw which had a huge gash stretching horizontally across his pad. He had effectively covered up the wound with a rag that is now drenched in blood. He approached me and asked me how much I loved him. Without hesitation I replied "more than life itself".

In the background we heard sirens wailing and homing in on us. I grabbed Rex firmly and asked him "WHAT DID YOU DO?". He hung his head low and said "I murdered my father". "What the hell is wrong with you?" I screamed as I shook him furiously. His father had always been abusive to him so it was just a matter of time, but I just had to ask why he would even consider this. "Why did you kill him?" I asked, he told me that his dad beat his mom unconscious with a hammer when he came out to them and his dad threatened to harm both of them if he didn't leave. Rex refused so his dad tried to assault him with a knife. Rex had apparently turned the knife on him after getting nicked by the sharpened blade on his hand. "Why don't you say it was in self defense?", I asked. Rex told me that his mom was a witness, of whom he told that he was going to kill his dad a day ahead of the crime, and not only that but since he told her that he was gay that she would see to it that he gets what's coming to him. After that Rex ran to me as his mom phoned the police.

As the squads approached my door a familiar face reared into my sights, my childhood friend who shunned me when I came out to him years ago. I told Rex to run as I prevented my old pal's entry into the house. Eventually he shoved me aside and ran straight to Rex. Rex pulled a knife to the officer so it forced him to draw his handgun. When I saw the shiny piece of metal gleam I panicked and pounced on him. and reached for his gun. Within a few seconds both of us had our fingers on the trigger. I tried hard to fire off all of his rounds in a different direction from Rex. I ended up firing off two rounds into my own gut to prevent any bullets from reaching my love. Rex kneeled down to my level in tears, he didn't expect me to die for him and instead of trying to flee he just knelt there holding me tightly. My friend looked down on me in shock as if he couldn't believe what just happened. My friend just dropped to the ground and gave up trying to apprehend Rex, he knew damn well Rex wasn't going anywhere. My boyfriend was willing to sacrifice any chance at his future just to spend a few more minutes with me. As he comforted me time seemed to slow down. I'm no expert on anatomy but I knew I was done for, even if an artery wasn't ruptured I would've bled out before an ambulance made it. Soon enough the rest of my friend's squad started wrestling Rex into submission. He held onto me as long as he could knowing both of our futures were grim, and kissed me. When we broke it off it became my last known vision, or memory, or brea...........