Fathers and Sons: Last Night at Cosmo Canyon

Story by Jarfox on SoFurry

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Heyyyy here's a little something short and lewd. I still don't really concider myself to be a writer buuuut...

This little fanfic tells a scene in which Red XIII from FFVII goes to meet his petrified father for the last time before leaving his home Cosmo Canyon to eventually protect the planet, hoping to gain confidence from doing this. Despite his father being just a statue, Red approaches and... well, things turn heated, he finds more than just admiration towards the older warrior.

Yep, the premise is a tad weird and maybe even morbid if you really think about it haha, a living(?) statue's son coming to lewd with the statue, but heyyyy... maybe someone will find something fun in this. I depict Red and his father mostly canine like with canine bits in this, knot and all that. Seto is also a tad bigger than in concept etc art, whoops

Themes and kinks and all that are:

  • M/M, incest setting

  • Ferals

  • Some light muscle worship stuff

  • Very light oral stuff, anal

  • Canine features, including knots

No prior FF7 knowledge required, but it helps. There's some spoilers for those who have only played the remake part 1.

Last Night at Cosmo Canyon

by Masterxvmon, FA - https://www.furaffinity.net/user/masterxvmon/

The world was threatened by a great force. A young soldier Cloud and his new friends had taken steps to save everything that was dear to them, having made their way to Cosmo Canyon, the home of a beast-like creature among their group, Red Thirteen.

Red Thirteen's... no, Nanaki's resolve to actually follow Cloud and pals in their quest was still building. He had hoped to stay at his home village with Bugenhagen, an old man Nanaki called his grandfather, but his dreams of calm had come crashing down due to many things out of his control. First being captured by a crazy scientist, and then getting mixed in with a group that planned to save the whole planet, this young canine beast's journey was unfortunately only at the beginning, Bugenhagen even requesting Nanaki to follow Cloud instead of staying there protecting village like Nanaki had used to before all this.

To find that resolve for everything yet to come, he had decided to return to the previously sealed off cave and the ravine after it near Cosmo Canyon one more time. It was only last night when Bugenhagen had let Nanaki and his friends to the cave, for the young warrior to meet his father, Seto, for the first time, for Nanaki to learn the truth about him. Well, it hadn't been much of a meeting, Seto had been turned into stone long time ago while protecting the village, the poison from enemy arrows having completely petrified him.

The first time Nanaki saw Seto definitely wasn't in any way watered by the fact that his father was a mere statue. It had been a powerful moment with Seto seeming to even shed tears despite his predicament, and even this time, while the young male still just approaching the ravine's cliffside where his father was at the end of the cave, he again had those powerful feelings return. Knowing what Nanaki now knew of him, it was difficult not to feel sentimental.

Before yesterday when he yet didn't know what Seto truly was like, Nanaki had hated his father and thought of him only as a coward who abandoned the village. However, having then heard from Bugenhagen how Seto had protected everyone from an opposing tribe, and seeing how mighty the warrior stood his last stance, Nanaki's view of his father was much different from what he had once thought of him. Any shame Nanaki might've once felt of his father had flipped upside down, into deep admiration and respect.

Like last night at the ravine, Nanaki found his way to a cliffside much lower down from the one with Seto's statue. He looked up and again was in awe, seeing his father against the dark purple night sky was a sight to behold. His father stood strong on all fours steadily enough for nothing to be able to make him move out of his position, not moving anymore, but with might enough to intimidate anyone. If his posture and strong body on their own weren't enough, the large arrows poking from all over his backside added to the gruff look fitting this mighty warrior.

"Father... I'm back again." he spoke softly while looking up at his father.

He was lucky to be there again, the group he was with had decided to stay at the village for a day longer than initially planned, Cloud and others wishing to learn more about the planet from Bugenhagen, with hopes to gain hints with their larger goal. The canine beast was alone this time, not accompanied by anyone, not Cloud, not Bugenhagen, noone else. It was only him and his father.

If not counting his petrified father, Nanaki was the last of his kind. Him, like Seto, was a canine beast with much feline-likeness to his facial features. He had an almost mohawk-like mane that started from his forehead and reached to his upper back, red fur covering his body, and many tribal tattoos and ornaments on his body, while keeping most of his muscular frame bare. Being able to see his father's head from down below, it seemed like the older male had much more of a mane, and seemed to have more ornaments on his face, seeming to indicate maturity and rank in some way, Nanaki himself unsure of the symbolism.

He wanted to see his father up closer, for many reasons more than just wanting to see the differences the two had. Last time he hadn't even dared to think about it, the thought actually never crossed his mind when he first saw Seto. This time though, the thoughts of doing so, to go up to meet him had now filled the younger's mind. He had gotten curious, interested, feeling almost a need of sorts to see what a stronger warrior of his breed was like up close. Being the last of his tribe and race was difficult enough, especially since he was still relatively young with much to learn. Maybe when he could meet another of the breed up close he could find confidence in more ways than one. With guidance, he could maybe be like Seto.

He hesitated... was it okay for him to go up there and stand next to his father? He gave it a thought, concidering how this could be last chance he'll have any time soon, maybe ever. Honestly it didn't actually require him much debating whether to go or not, he was already jumping up from a rock to a cliffside and up on the highest bit of the ravine's formation, already looking at his father from behind, by now only a short distance from that muscular, yet petrified body.

Nanaki stood almost completely still, only his tail and it's flaming tip moving about. It might've looked like he hesitated again with how he stood there, watching his father, and maybe for the time being he actually did, not sure if he should approach further. Seto was much larger, bulkier, and overall bigger than his young son was. Nanaki couldn't help but admire... he didn't know those of their breed could get that big. Sure he had seen Seto from that cliffside below, but seeing him much closer like this was a different thing. He took careful steps closer, to stand closer to the other canine.

Nanaki walked next to Seto and looked at his hunched down head. The older canine had a powerful snarl on his face, not of pain, it was as if this death by petrification hadn't even fazed him. His gaze was directed in a direction opposite of their village, looking towards where the enemies of the opposing tribe had once attacked from. On Seto's face age, power, and might were all clear to see, Nanaki keeping his own head a tad lower while carefully inspecting the other warrior, the younger one as if showing respect and submission this way.

Nanaki soon turned his own head into the same direction as his father's. He stood strong like his father, trying to imagine what Seto must've been feeling when he made his final stand against the enemies, trying to be like his father. Every now and then he eyed at Seto's statue, like trying to see if there was something in that stance he was missing, to mimic the powerful look. Whatever hesitation Nanaki might've had just moments ago was quickly fading away. He wasn't equal... but he felt like one day he could be, daring to lift his head a tad higher up.

"I'm... going to gone for a while. You heard my words last time I was here with grandpa, right? I'm not... really sure what I'm doing. But I'm hoping you'll watch over me." Nanaki spoke out, hoping his father would hear him.

Nanaki looked at his father again, Seto ofcourse showing the same look on his face as moments ago, the statue not changing in expression or moving in any shape or form despite the younger canine's words. Nanaki then looked at the many arrows protruding on the stronger male's back, something that was rather difficult not to pay attention to. It made him think about his resolve again, could he stand against enemies the same way?

"I uh... I'm going to protect Cosmo Canyon like you once did. Well... I'm going to protect a bit more than the canyon actually. But, uh... I'm not sure if... I can do so. I'm not as strong as you, father." he then expressed his worries for the journey ahead while keeping his eyes on Seto.

Without really meaning to get so lost in what he was looking at, Nanaki now found it difficult to turn his gaze from Seto's body which the younger male was already admiring the moment his eyes moved lower down from the sturdy arrows. His father was clearly stronger than him, the bit of difference in height made that more than obvious, but on top of that there were muscles, fine features, scars, and any other ornaments of a seasoned warrior of his tribe. Some of the features like the scars ofcourse weren't as flattering as the others, but all of it came together to frame Seto as someone gruff and truly powerful.

Nanaki took a few steps forward, closer to the edge of the cliff, managing to view Seto somewhat from the front. Their eyes didn't have a chance of aligning with the direction Seto was looking at and the cliff not reaching far enough, but the younger still looked at the other's petrified eyes intently. He soon gave up, maybe even intimidated some by their powerful look, shifting his own gaze lower down and noting his father's strong features again.

"How can I be like you...? How did you get this strong...?" he pondered with a soft voice, looking at the older warrior's steady legs.

Without any hesitation for his next action, Nanaki brought a paw against Seto's foreleg. He would've thought about this much more carefully had the other been clearly alive and moving, but his father was just a statue, one that didn't answer or react to anything Nanaki was doing. The first time Nanaki was here he had heard, maybe even seen tears fall down from the statue due to how emotional the meeting was for them both, but this time Seto didn't react in any kind of way like that. It probably wasn't tears then, right...? Maybe Nanaki had just imagined it, Seto was definitely just a statue.

Not that Nanaki even went through any of those thoughts, he was already brushing a paw intently against the statue's shapes, soon lifting a paw higher up on the leg before rubbing it downwards along then the shapes again. Lifting his paw higher again Nanaki now reached to Seto's shoulder, more precisely to it's swoll muscles. The younger canine carefully inspected, brushed, massaged, used his claws to try the strong features so clearly visible on the other's body. The fur on the older warrior for the most part hadn't petrified all spikey, it was all rather smooth to touch except for the mane, like it was sculpted this way from the start. Maybe it had erroded that way as time had passed, but whatever the case was it sure worked in Nanaki's favor.

"Were the others of our breed this powerful...? Am I still too young?" he wondered while admiring the other, thinking he wasn't as powerful as the larger male.

It was all quite impressive for the young warrior. Nanaki had good looks and strong body himself sure, but seeing one probably the prime male of their breed, was quite something. By now the thoughts of this statue being his father had seemed to fade away as Nanaki clearly got more and more curious and handsy with how he tried the other's features, the other forepaw reaching off the ground and to Seto's chest, now almost as if hugging the larger male as he leaned and pressed against him.

"You're so much bigger than I am... so powerful. No wonder noone's threatened us with you standing here..." Nanaki complimented his petrified father, paws carefully starting to worship the powerful body.

As wrong as doing something like this ofcourse was, any moral limitations clearly weren't there for the young warrior, not any longer atleast. Pressing his body closer he brushed his cheek and his muzzle against the other's backside and carefully looked at the other's body all up close, even letting his tongue drool out against the statue shamelessly. Wherever his paws found their way he seemed to find more to admire, the young male even huffing out silently, it was clear it was all turning out to be quite a turn on for him, had he expected to start feeling that way or not. Other than having spent some "me time" every now and then he hadn't really thought about his sexuality much before this, but it was clear males atleast were quite a turn on for him...

He slowly moved more through the body and it's features, having started from the front and all it's strong shapes and from there proceeding towards the other's tail and hind legs. Nanaki stayed on his back paws throughout all this, using his fores much like hands on humans, taking his time sweet time rubbing the hardened muscles on Seto's stone body. Before getting his paws on them he hadn't thought the thing he would be so enchanted by would be muscles, finding himself touching everywhere he could, especially where he could see and feel those thickly built shapes, hardened to stone. In his mind the powerful manly build of Seto's was... to shorten it into a one word: hot. As he kept moving he soon reached near those sturdy legs.

"Nfh... Seto... your legs are so large... like everything else about you is..." he commended the other's features again while eyeing his back limbs.

Even mumbling his father's name didn't seem to halt the young one from moving his paws to the older's rear end, one of them already next to Seto's tail. From there he brushed downwards along the larger male's hindleg, carefully rubbing across the thick muscles in the other's strong thigh and slowly moving down towards the foot. The admiring massage of his paws was by now rather sensual...

"I want to be this strong... huff..." he dreamed of similiar body with a voice hushed enough to be a whisper.

Clearly in arousal, breathing heavier, Nanaki backed both paws off Seto and stood to the side. He took a step back and looked all across Seto's body to see it all in full view again, looking back and forth the front and the back as if contemplating on what he should move to next. Surely he wasn't done yet, this was possibly the last night he had at home and he couldn't let it go to waste just like that. He wanted it all to last, he wanted more.

To get a different view he started taking steps to go around the statue. After just a few steps the curious canine couldn't help but take a peek under the warrior's tail and sure enough he could see the older male's orbs, hefty testicles in a rather clear view despite the tail partially blocking what there was to see. Like everything in that body, the balls too were stone, though that ofcourse was no surprice. To the younger male's delight though, the stone there too was quite smooth aswell.

"Wow... huff... bigger than me, again..." he gave a lewd smile, impressed of the size.

Nanaki took a couple of steps closer and boldly brought a paw to those testicles. Like with the rest of the body he moved his paw all across the shapes wherever it could fit between the rock hard shapes, trying to sneak a paw between the balls and one of the legs but having no luck with it. So instead, he moved his paw across the balls from their back-most bits to under them, and from there hooked his paw upwards and cupped them upwards, moving that paw of his everywhere he could reach. He massaged those intimate shapes adamantly and without a thought of stopping, at the same time as if comparing their size to his own, ofcourse quite familiar with the size of his own testicles.

Soon he even brought his muzzle closer, hoping he could get a wiff of the warrior's musk, without any luck. The young warrior didn't let that stop him frop doing his next step and gave those testicles a slow, hefty lick. On the same go he looked higher up from the orbs, trying to see Seto's hole, unfortunately completely hidden between his butt and tail, stone blocking even the slightest glimpse of the enterance. He let out a sigh and pressed his muzzle against the balls, closing his eyes for the moment.

"Nfh... if only... you weren't a statue... these are amazing. Really..." he mumbled, huffing his heated breath against those orbs while imagining what they must've been like once.

Nanaki started to think... what about below these orbs? Ofcourse it would be all stone, but he was still curious. Pulling his muzzle back he finally made his way to the other side of Seto and looked at his powerful body again before then dipping his head down below, taking a good look at the warrior's underside. Sure enough, down there he saw what he was looking for, he saw the male's canine shaped cock, or more accurately his sheathed manhood, the now grey red rocket itself only ever so slightly peeking out. Seto's tip was in rather nice view and that if something caught Nanaki's attention.

He tilted his head while moving it under Seto's gut, looked all around those intimate bits and thought to himself about Seto: what a male he truly was. Nanaki was real aroused about all this, his own cock had slid out of it's sheath by the time he had finished massaging Seto's balls, much more than just poking out slightly like Seto's was. The more Nanaki looked at Seto's though, the more he got naughty ideas... it sure as hell seemed to him like his father was quite well packed.

"You're... really hot..." he spoke out past his heavier breathing, not just whispering those words. If Seto's ears still worked, Nanaki wanted him to hear it.

With his muzzle already so close to Seto's cock, Nanaki again went to use his tongue, already lapping, suckling about the male's exposed tip. He again closed his eyes, imagining what it would be like if the studly male was alive, how juicy his cock would be, and how much good he could be doing to it. He kept at it for a good while, letting out silent, lustful moans and mumbles, his drool covering and his breath warming up that petrified cocktip.

Nanaki then backed off his muzzle and head, licking his chaps clean and turning around, facing towards the same direction as Seto. He wasn't done with that groin though, he was going for the yet next step... Nanaki lowered himself down and started crawling, moving much closer to Seto, and then completely below him, fitting snug but fitting regardless. Nanaki then raised upwards and let his backside press up against Seto's hardened underside. He let out a good huff, and then started to lean his bottom back.

"Nffh... if only I could... really feel what you were like..." he wished while adjusting his butt into a position quite lewd.

The young canine let his rear press up against Seto's peeking, drooled up cock. He closed his eyes and already started to do rhytmic, more than just sensual movements, grinding his ass lustfully against the tip of Seto's cock that was in view. Nanaki wanted to feel more, but that would obviously be impossible... but even so he didn't halt the grinding, softly growling and huffing as he let the sensations take him. He had positioned himself like a bottom, gladly taking this role for a larger male.

Nanaki's needs went skyrocketing in no time, he didn't even think about the male's statue above him being his father at this point, it was definitely difficult to even keep that in mind when the other was just made of stone and didn't react to anything. So, instead of feeling or thinking of this as taboo, he kept pushing his rear firmer and harder against that cocktip, desperately trying to take the other.

"Huff, huff... If only you could... take meeee..." he begged with lustful voice.

Nanaki tried harder... and sure enough, even with what little of Seto's size there was to work with, he managed to make it push and slide into him. With just the tip it was difficult to get enough satisfaction, if any... but Nanaki didn't give up, he moved his rump forward and then back again, adding power to his attempts in lifting his rear against Seto's groin. He could feel a tad more able to sink into him and then performed the movements again.

"Nrrrffh... that's iiiiitt... huuff..." Nanaki groaned, partially in desperation to feel more of the warrior's manhood.

He kept up with the heated movements and could feel himself being able to take more of Seto's groin. It was probably the shape of his sheath and not just the cock, he thought when lifting his rear again, thinking he'd just take whatever if that's how it was. He lowered his rear again, but this time Seto's cock didn't seem to leave his hole as quickly as it used to just a second ago despite Nanaki moving like usual. With a little questioning "huh?" sound he performed the motions again, slower this time, and sure enough that cock now seemed to push deeper inside Nanaki, spreading his enterance. The young warrior noticed this clearly, letting out an audible moan in response to Seto's size.

"A-ahh... w-what...? Are you...? Nffrfh..." he stumbled on his words past the moaning and panting.

Nanaki was sure of it: Seto was clearly getting... well, aroused, there was no other explanation. Despite being a statue, he, like with the tears the first time they met, showed signs of being alive in some way inside the rocky exterior. His cock felt just as rock hard as moments ago, all stone-like, but it was now clearly larger, thicker, bigger... it twitched, throbbed, grew larger as it pushed out of it's sheath, the seasoned warrior's manhood was making it's way inside Nanaki more and more each passing moment, stretching the young male's enterance wider, the younger warrior not trying to leave his position, instead taking it all into him.

Nanaki wasn't really sure what to think that moment, the thought of this statue being his old man hitting his mind again... but hell, Nanaki knew he was into it, and even with his thoughts messed up kept up with the movements as the statue's cock was reaching it's peak arousal, Nanaki taking the size rather well. He did then however halt for a moment, shifting his position by raising his tail end and pressing his chest against the ground. From there he started pushing his rear snug, tight up against that groin, staying still for now. This allowed him to clearly feel it... Seto's cock growing, pushing in, pulsing, throbbing inside Nanaki. Slowly he then started to feel a canine knot at the base of the manhood slightly swell up and decided to start moving back and forth again, quickly picking up in pace.

"Nrfh... can't believe it... huff! Take me! Mark me! With your... everything!" he almost commanded the other before his words were replaced by heated groans.

The young male male already longed for the climax... and sure enough started to work towards it, going to need to work fast before the knot swelled up more. Ofcourse he would've loved if the male above could've done the thrusting and taken control, but if this is how it was then so be it, Nanaki wasn't going to be lacking in power to keep these motions going. If showing his readiness and resolve for the adventure to come meant taking that cock and releasing his father's pent up pressure, he would gladly do that. That was the narrative the young warrior had running in his mind - it was his duty to do this.

Nanaki clearly didn't have to hold back either, the statue wasn't moving even the slightest bit from any rough motions and pushes. It was probably heavy enough on it's own, but on top of that the paws were clearly as if glued or partially melted with the ground in some way, not moving at all even when the young male brought his forepaws to Seto's and tugged on them for support. Through the moans from taking his father, Nanaki's own cock was throbbing hard and already leaking on the ground below the two, swinging about from all the power-bottom thrusting.

Going to keep up at this until he'd get the other to cum, Nanaki wasn't sure how much of Seto showed these signs of life at that moment. Was it just his cock or much more of him? Everything else about Seto he could sense with his body and his forepaws, it was all still completely stone, yet that cock felt more and more alive with each firm thrust. The young canine longed for more and worked hard towards it, drooling past all his moaning and panting. He didn't even question if Seto would be able to cum, knowing he would. He wished it would also bring life to the entire statue, but hell, taking his load would be more than enough.

"Cah- come on...! Fill me... nrfh...!! I'm taking your... knooot... rrrfh- right now!" he roared while now allowing the edges of that knot continuously press against his ass.

Nanaki went for the final push, gritting his teeth as he pressed his rear back hard, letting that paritally swollen knot first spread his enterance, then force it's way inside. He pushed, about to have the limits of his backwards thrusting be met as his butt was already squished against Seto's stone legs, not allowing for much more room to work with. Nanaki didn't let it stop him, with a loud moan and a popping sound the knot disappeared and his ass squeezed tight right behind it, adding pressure like a firm cockring and quickly making Seto's knot swell up to it's final size and locking tightly. It wasn't just the pressure making this happen, but also the fact that the old warrior was already right at his edge, the knot swelling being a warning - "I'm cumming!"

The sheer size of that massive cock inside him, the firm pushing and throbbing against his prostate, it made the same reaction happen to Nanaki's knot, swelling, throbbing hard as the younger warrior too reached his edge. Nanaki felt both the pain from the size he wasn't truly ready for after all, but also the deep uncontrollable pleasure, paws widgeting around, a snarl on his face. Both their manhoods pulsed about firmly, Seto's cock starting to shoot it's load - clearly all liquid - into his son's depths in heavy heated spurts. Just the slightest moment after that Nanaki's own started to release all the young one had built up from not having a moment to himself in a long time, quickly reaching his own paw to his groin and jerking himself, pushing his cock to the back and enjoying the moment, his father, to the fullest, moaning out with his cheeks deep red.

Nanaki was then rather stuck down there, that large knot of the seasoned male tied him tightly, the statue-formed body making it difficult to move much, and the mere sensation of all of it making it difficult to do anything but moan, groan, and grit teeth as he tried to handle it all. He had taken males before, but noone of this caliber and it was... well, quite much for the young canine. And oh, he was loving it.

"Nfffhhh Setoooh... oooh..." he started to calm down, chanting his father's name a couple of times.

The young warrior's body melted to the ground as he started to run out of steam, just his ass up and against Seto, the position turning out to feel a tad uncomfortable when the top didn't adjust at all. Nanaki endured it though, doing a few last jerking motions to his own cock, feeling Seto's still throb inside him.

For now, the two... or atleast Nanaki, rested. The younger male had power-bottomed, made the other mate with him, and now that he had a moment to think about what he had done, he did feel shame, having let his lewd desires and needs take control. He then thought about Seto's cock, how come it was so... alive? And then he thought of the worst case scenario as a follow-up: hopefully it wouldn't harden to stone again while the two were tied.

"Nrfh... don't forget... I have... a planet to protect. Huff..." he softly spoke while clearly slowing down in every regard, eyes closed as he took deep breaths.

Nanaki spent the rest of the night below Seto, even when, to his relieve, he was finally released by the knot's swelling easing up. The young male soon ended up falling asleep, and by the time he woke up and crawled out to check the situation and the aftermath, Seto's cock had returned to it's initial state, with just the tip poking out.

He thought... had he dreamt all that? But no, he quickly noticed that tip was still slightly covered by cum, prompting Nanaki to start licking, to clean up, to not leave Seto's statue dirty. A warrior who had protected his village had to look the part, statue or not.

"Sorry, father... and thank you. I'll be back. Keep watch until then."

Nanaki swore not to tell anyone of the moments him and his father had shared that night, he was going to keep this precious, forbidden memory of his father all to himself.