Another Day in Limbo

Story by Spicy4k on SoFurry

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#1 of Fiverr Commissions

A goth, pent up wolf finds a rich twink at the club. They have some fun.

Contains M/M sex, hookups in the bathroom, pretty vanilla stuff.

I wrote this for a friend after watching him play through Amorous as an extremely goth, punk wolf. I tried to weave that idea into the story without it being too distracting.

If you enjoy my stories and would like to commission your own, you can view my prices and offers on Fiverr!


Another Day in Limbo

By Spicy

The scream of the subway track outside his window caused Ryan to stir. Not even half past noon this time. Getting better. The air inside his inner city studio felt as stale as a crouton, and as muggy as a swamp as the mid day sun dripped through the slotted blinds. His neighbors were onto their usual argue-cry-fuck cycle, and by the sounds of it, had just reached their third and final phase, before starting all over again in the evening.

Another gorgeous Saturday in Limbo, Ryan thought as he flipped onto his back, spreading his legs apart. He didn't even need to look down to feel how pent up he'd become over the past week. He'd been ignoring his own needs for far too long, and now along with the usual morning wood, Ryan was sure he could balance multiple shampoo bottles along his length.

As much as he felt the need to release some tension with his trusty right paw before going out in public, Ryan knew he'd need someone else to totally free himself of the emotional and physical weight stuck between his legs. Didn't mean he couldn't tease himself with the thought of intimacy -his jet black pads substituting for an attractive partner- just for a minute...

Almost on cue with the first hinting drip of moisture on his fingertips, Ryan's phone buzzed, breaking his trance and whisking him abruptly back into his disorganized bed. With a groan he flopped over, back onto his side and reached for the device, exposing his unadjusted eyes to the piercing LED screen. No new emails (thank Lion Christ for the weekend), 10 new headlines, and curiously, one new message from 10 minutes ago. His old friend Desmond.

"Heyyyyy, found a new spot you might like."

That fiery male Jaguar hadn't spoken with Ryan in months, or was it a year now? Ryan swiped open the message with one paw, pulling up his undergarments with another.


Desmond texted back fast, must've been something interesting at least.

"New club, scored there two nights in a row."

It was always about him, of course, but didn't explain why he was reaching out now.

"Good for you Des, what else?"

"Thought my homie Ryan might want to see it for himself. I know your type, plenty here for you to have fun with."

As awkward as an offer of hanging out with Desmond while trying to get a lay sounded, Ryan knew he'd probably just end up running into the cat sometime in the evening anyways. They moved in the same circles.

"Aight, when do you want to meet?"

The day went by pretty quickly after Ryan finally rose out of his sheets. His morning wood even began to subside, probably for the better. Shower, breakfast -or lunch technically- and even some topical reading all with "H0WL" playing in the background from his phones small speakers cranked up high. Ryan's favorite bands new album that had just come out, and sure it was quite literally just 12 tracks of 4 Hyena musicians trying their best to howl, but the bass guitar backing hit extra hard.

The 9 o'clock alarm came much earlier than Ryan anticipated. He hadn't even gotten very far into the new book a work friend recommended, but it wasn't quite the thriller that weasyl made it out to be anyways. He'd spent extra time on his signature smokey mascara and dark eyeliner, something he liked to think people noticed in the dimly lit clubs he used to frequent. Shutting off his lights and sliding on his black leather jacket, Ryan stepped out of his abode to find out what the night had in store for him.

Something felt right tonight. Ryan wasn't sure if it was the torrential downpour, or the glare from the headlights zipping past his spot on the sidewalk. This evening felt electric, and Ryan felt the frequency resonate throughout his entire body. He didn't even mind that his eyeliner began to bleed with his fur. Made it all feel so real. Popping in his earbuds, the black and white wolf made for the nearest station, anxiously awaiting the unknown that awaited him on the other side of the sardine canister of a metro.

He found the Jaguar hiding from the storm just outside "Miiiiiiiike's." Ryan could tell the name by the massive red tarp sign which seemed to still be bungee corded to the overhang of the building. It was sketchy for sure, but promising. Ryan could hardly hear Desmond call out over the rain and booming dance track emanating from inside

"Hey Ryan! How's my number one Hot Topic fanboy?

"Never better," Ryan half-yelled through his bleeding mascara, crossing the street to meet the big cat. "This the place you had in mind?"

"'Had in mind?' You've been out of the game too long, haven't you?" Desmond said. Ryan titled his head in interest. He wasn't offended. He knew he had been a bit of social recluse the past couple months, but was interested in getting back into it if it meant something new. Desmond took the pause as a opportunity to continue.

"Everyone who's someone knows about 'M3XI's'. From what I've heard, some billionaire's middle-aged son had a heavy wallet, and decided to buy out that dilapidating theater that closed decades back, and turn it into the ultimate mixer venue." Desmond clearly was getting excited.

Ryan glanced up at the old marquee above him. He remembered coming to this place when he got of out of school as a kid, but he'd quickly forgotten about it after it closed. "There's only been a few renovations, mostly for safety, but it still looks like a wreck, in a good way, not a bad way. I'm not very good at, uh, explaining things. You'll see when you get inside!"

Ryan grinned through his wet fur. He could already tell he'd fit right in at a place like this. The line for entry gave Ryan and Desmond plenty of time to catch up. They'd become unlikely friends in college through a shared arts and humanities course "Inside the Monkey Cage." Weird course, but at least he'd made a connection from it. They caught up on all the relevant topics. New music, concerts they'd been to, movies they'd watched, and in Desmond's case, chicks he'd banged.

"I'm telling you, I thought I was going to suffocate, lights flashing before my eyes, until her sister walked in on us, and believe me, she was PISSED we screwed up her order just hours earlier. Vegans are just like that."

"Facts," Ryan replied, they'd finally reached the front of the line. The rest of the partygoers seemed like they weren't dressed for the rundown, stingy venue Ryan anxiously anticipated. Desmond wasn't either, coming to think of it. Ryan had a sinking feeling he'd come to a party much more mainstream for his own tastes.

Indeed, as the two entered the old theater, Ryan couldn't spotted anyone who had the same taste in mascara or even clothing as himself. Sure it was a mostly college aged folks, but no one who resembled him. Desmond quickly got lost in the crowd, loudly announcing his arrival to the entire club, which was met with cheers from a few. Ryan found himself on his own once again.

He made his way over to the bar and started out light with spirits. The canine tried to flirt with a few stool jockeys, a cute mouse who he thought was looking his way, and an older blue macaw, none caught a spark though. After a couple hours of failed connections (please don't be the bleeding makeup), Ryan left his stool at the bar to find a restroom and maybe call it a night.

On his way across the floor, a smaller male lynx intercepted him, or perhaps accidentally bumping against his chest.

"Sorry buddy," the lynx shouted over the music. Only after did the lynx actually spin around the make eye contact with the wolf. "Wow, haven't seen a fellow like you around here before. Where you headed in a hurry?"

"Uh, I was just headed to the restroom," Ryan knew it sounded awkward. Clearly the lynx was into him, but had no idea what to say. He was used to being the initiator, not the other way around.

"Alright, mind if I follow? These legs need a break from dancing anyways."

The two entered the cramped and dimly lit washroom, music still pounding through the walls. The entire room's scent was flattened by cigarette smoke. Ryan led the lynx into one of the stalls, shutting the door behind them.

"So, what's moody-looking wolfy really doing in here, huh? Not had the best luck tonight?" The lynx teased, but Ryan didn't particularly mind.

"Yeah, not exactly. Was hoping not to leave this place alone if you follow," Ryan replied. The lynx was smirking at him from the other side of the stall.

He wasted no time in lighting up a cigarette he pulled from his back pocket. Ryan knew his game. This was more than a smoke break for him. He was giving Ryan time to check him out, and he did. The feline's grey and black markings matched Ryan's own, especially around his eyes. He had gold piercings through his ears. A taste for luxury indeed. Besides that, he had dressed himself in tight and revealing mesh tights and a loose fitting black tank top, something that wouldn't be hard to remove if needed.

"Eye-fucking me already? Thought you'd ask me out to dinner first," the Lynx mumbled between puffs. Ryan looked away, slightly embarrassed out of common courtesy, even if it was the Lynx's idea to meet him in the stall in the first place.

"Relax, I'm kidding. I know what you're here for stud," putting out his smoke, the lynx slowly pressed himself against Ryan's chest. "I think we've got the same goal tonight, and you're just my type. A little shy at first, and I know what you're thinking: 'Just wait until I have you in bed!' Yeah, that's what gets me excited about boys like you."

The lynx reached his paw down to Ryan's growing arousal while he spoke. "This okay?"

"Y-yes, please." Ryan's heart raced. He struggled to keep focused on listening for the door while the feline groped him through his pants.

"What's your name, stud?" The Lynx almost whispering directly into Ryan's ear.

"Ryan... your's?"

"I'm Azin, nice to meet you Ryan," the feline continued in hushed whispers, his digits pressing into Ryan's manhood. "How about we take this back to my place?"'


The lift back to Azin's place was nice. Ryan asked a few personal questions, to which Azin provided answers to varying levels of detail. It was just a one night stand after all. Turns out Azin was a pretty successful agent for a professional football player, couldn't say which one, but mentioned it was more than just a professional relationship.

Azin's place was in an up and coming area of town, part of an upscale unit of apartments. Ryan wasn't too interested in what the town had in store for him tonight, not at this point, as the elevator door opened onto the 31st floor.

Once inside, the door shut behind him, the lynx turned and pressed Ryan up against the door frame, resuming what they had left in the stall half an hour ago. This time Azin went for more unzipping Ryan's pants, and helping him out of his jacket.

"You like being touched, don't you? Haven't gotten enough of it lately?" Azin chirped.

"I need it more than you know." Ryan said, briefly pausing to regret how long he'd waited to get back times like these.

"Well, let me assure you, I'll take good care of you." Azin said, pulling Ryan's dark jockstrap down, allowing the solid maleness inside to swing free. Ryan moaned as the lynx wrapped his palm around his hardness, slowing jerking him off while nibbling his neck. He instinctively reached around the grab Azin's ass, which there was plenty of.

"I can't wait on this any longer," Azin spoke with a little bit of frustration coming through. "I need you in me now."

Azin pulled away to Ryan's disappointment, and turned, walking through the well-organized and modern apartment to head towards the bedroom.

"Get undressed out here. I need a few minutes to prepare," Azin said, shutting the door behind him.

While he waited, Ryan pulled up his usual batch of porn to keep himself hard. It didn't take much of course, Azin was incredibly hot, and very much his type. The minutes went by painfully slow, however, and finally after in eternity Azin called out that he was ready.

Slowly opening the door to the bedroom, Ryan had quite the display laid out before him. The lynx sat on his knees on what looked like a king size bed. Ryan's eyes of course were drawn to the lynx's bare chest, golden nipple piercings, proud erection, not as impressive as his, but still notable, and the golden bands along the cat's naked ankles, matching his ear piercings.

"Do you like what I see?"

"I don't have the words to describe how beautiful you look, Azin." Ryan replied.

"Then show me instead." Azin cooed with a wink. Corny, but Ryan was loving every moment.

Ryan climbed atop the bed, and grabbed Azin by both sides, eliciting a small yip from the cat, befrom Ryan pressed him down into the mattress, making out. Ryan enjoyed feeling their naked bodies collide and erections spar, engaging in the sweet gay rituals he had missed so much, and there was so much more to look forward to.

Leaning back into the pillows, Ryan relaxed while he watching the lynx get to work on his cock, giving it the oral treatment he had so desperately been missing. The lynx's work was the mark of a professional, carefully tending to each part of Ryan's maleness independently, before taking the entire thing into his mouth. Ryan felt completely at ease, in the home of some rich twink, getting his rocks off in a bed much more comfortable than his own.

Oral of course, was just a stepping stone. Before he got past his peak, Ryan signaled Azin to give it a rest. While Ryan regained some of his stamina, he helped Azin by returning the favor and getting his ass nice and warmed up.

Rimming Azin was an experience. With each press of Ryan's long, meaty canine tongue into the feline's needy hole, Azin let out varying levels of moans mixed with purs. The symphony of sounds, Azin moaning like an instrument being tuned, and Ryan's soft lapping at the cats tailhole, finally took a pause when Ryan felt the cat's opening was wet enough. Ryan ponied up to the cat's behind, letting his dripping cock rest on Azin's soft fur. He could hardly contain his need at this point, but he'd need to last as long as he could if he was going to satisfy this cat.

"Take me, goth boy," Azin cooed, his face pressed into the mattress, ass high in the air. "Make me whine like a kitten. Satisfy yourself in me."

Ryan didn't need to reply, as he began to thrust his cock inside the warm opening. He went slowly at first, letting the cat adjust to his impressive girth, but it didn't take long for Azin to start whining for more, so Ryan responded with a volley of high powered thrusts making the smaller cat moan out in pleasure.

Ryan continued, unopposed, undeterred and encouraged. He slowly became more dominant, taking control of how quickly he fucked, grabbing ahold of the cat's tail to give gentle tugs, and pressing the cats face even further into the mattress. Azin was in love with the rougher treatment. Ryan could tell by how much he was begging for more, and how much pre was dripping onto his own sheets bellow.

After 20 minutes, Ryan couldn't go any further. The pressure in his loins was too much to resist. Every nerve in his body was screaming at him to hilt and unload everything he had stored up into the needy twink beneath him.

"Where do you want it?" Ryan managed between heavy breaths and thrusts.

"Inside! Put those pups in me!" Azin replied almost frantically, he had to be close as well.

With a few final desperate thrusts, Ryan hit his climax. He gripped both sides of the lynx and thrust as deep as he could, making Azin scream in pleasure, as he began to empty his balls out inside of the feline. He could feel his testicles churning, spunk flowing through his shaft and into the warm chamber at the other end. Azin also peaked, moaning through his now raspy voice and firing an impressive volume of semen onto the sheets below him

Ryan and Azin both breathed several sighs of relief in the afterglow. Pulling out of the well-used hole, Ryan marveled at his handiwork, his own cum leaking from the lynx's opening. Ryan helped the exhausted feline flip onto his back to get more comfortable as the two settled in.

"You want me to get cleaned up tonight?" Ryan said after awhile, sleep already setting in.

"Don't worry about it, stud. We've both done enough today," Another long pause as the two laid quietly, Azin finally coming back. "I know this is a one night stand and all, but I wouldn't mind if this wasn't our last night together."

"Agreed." Another long silence. Ryan was the one to break it this time. "Hey, when do you want me out of here by?"

But it was met with silence, only the sound of the lithe cat dozing off. Ryan decided that meant he could stay the night at least, Azin had never said otherwise. As he too drifted off, Ryan considered where he needed to be next, and what the next day help in store. This one he hoped to remember. Such an incredible day in limbo.

Story by Spicy

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