We Hunger

Story by Looksfar on SoFurry

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We hunger

The prey is scented

We are alert

We are ready

We move and the many become one

We quicken, the wind from our passage flowing through our fur

We slow as we near the prey

She has not caught our scent yet

Keeping the wind in our noses we surround the prey

But just as the circle closes she catches our scent and is off

As one we race after her

The blood races through our veins

Our hearts quicken in time with each other

The prey stumbles and slows for her leg is lame

This is why we chose her

Quickly we catch up and surround her

Tightening the circle we nip and bite

Here and there weakening her

The sweet tangy scent of blood fills our noses

Blood flowing from many wounds she stumbles

The strongest of us tears at her throat and she falls

Quickly the sweet still living flesh and blood fills our hungry muzzles

We hunger no longer

For now