The Legend of Spyro: Origins_Chapter 17

Story by dragonshina on SoFurry

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#17 of Spyro Origins

Author's notes: Well, here is chapter 17. It took me too much time to finish this one. I hope that the wait you guy had is worth it. I also have been very busy, not leaving me time to write, and I have also not been in a writing mood. But I hope that will change with the next chapter. Also, I have had some troubles with the heavy rain that fell in my city. Water leaked trough a window in my apartment, and so much water got in, that a whole room was filled with water. You could 'almost' swim in it! Too me long enough (with a little sweat and some pain in my back) to get it all out. Well, here is chapter 17. Enjoy. *******************************++++++++++1+++++++++++++************************ ### The Legend of Spyro: Origins_Chapter 17 Spyro was visiting Cynder the next day when some very much expected and eagerly awaited supplies arrived at the city. A supply caravan had reached the city and one wagon of the many that got here contained crystals. Crystals were used as source of energies for dragons since dragons could harness their energies. The green crystals, that were used to give dragons energy when his natural energy had already ran out, were quickly put away and stored. As for the red gems that were used for healing, were immediately taken to the hospitals to heal the still injured dragons. A mole soldier, carrying full battle armor and a leather burst the door open and exclaimed loudly. "Good news!" he proclaimed loudly as he entered the room without any sense toward the respect of someone's privacy. Not that it mattered; science a human medic was doing a quick check-up on Cynder telling her to move somewhat to see her condition. But the mole´s grand entrance caught everyone's attention. "What's the news?" Spyro asked, somewhat annoyed and curious at the same time. "Red Gems!" he said again loudly. Those two words were enough for Spyro forget the rude entrance and welcome the small rodent. "Really?" Cynder pooped her head up from her forearms as the medic proceeded with his inspection. "Yes! Just arrived!" the mole once again exclaimed. "I have brought some for the dragons here on this hospital" "Thank you very much!" Cynder said giving the small rodent a small smile. Spyro knew that Cynder wanted to get out move. She longed to walk again. The mole removed his pack and placed it in the ground. He rummaged inside and procured a red gem. "Wow!" the human medic said barely loud enough to Spyro to hear, but otherwise remained quiet. "Here is it" the mole said as he approached Cynder, clutching the gem in his tiny hands. The rodent carefully placed the red crystals on Cynder's side. Cynder closed her eyes and waited. At first, nothing happened, but then, the gem slowly started to glow. Spyro had seen this process many times, having done it himself coutless times during his travels. The red crystal, reached a kind of comfortable glow, spreading warmth to those near it, and then, the crystals slowly started to move inside Cynder's body. It was absorbed into her body actually, allowing the healing energies of the crystal to mend any damage on the inside and outside of Cynder. These gems were very useful, but it could not heal a dragon with heavy injuries. After the crystal had fully disappeared inside her body, cutting the source of warm and light, Cynder moved in her bed a little bit. "Oh... I feel much better now" she said happily. She then stood up, something that she could not have done earlier. "What the...!" the human medic stood aghast at what happened as he looked at Cynder. Spyro then remembered that they were form a different world, and that most likely they never had seen a dragon use crystals before. "We use these gems to heal our injures" Spyro explained, but the human still remained frozen, staring at the standing Cynder. "Only dragons can..." "DOCTOR KELLYYYYYY!!!!" the human medic suddenly shouted as he left the room running at full speed, searching for the head of the human medics. Spyro, Cynder and the mole looked at each other, wondering why he had done such a thing. *******************************++++++++++1+++++++++++++************************ "Okay, on more time. How does the gem help?" Doctor Kelly asked once more. Incendio rolled his eyes. He had already explained to Kelly about the crystals with the help of Spyro and Cynder, but she still didn't believe them. Both young dragons had decided to see Incendio as he healed, so all there dragons could go out together and be off the hospital. Unfortunately, Doctor Kelly arrived with some other humans before the procedure could begin and started interrogation the three dragons. "I have already told you Doctor... we harness energies from crystals" Spyro sighted as he tried to explain once more. "But how?" "We don't know" he explained further. "We just can. We use the crystal, absorb it into our body, and use its energy to heal ourselves. Why is it so hard to believe?" "Because it is!" she exclaimed in return "All of our modern medicine cannot picture the idea of using a crystal to heal. It goes to against everything we have discovered" "But you are not on your world" Incendio put in somewhat annoyed at this entire situation. He wanted to be healed already! Just after he had said that, he felt shame on himself for saying that comment. He looked away from Doctor Kelly, who was watching him. That was a very rude, undeserving retort. She was only trying to understand how the crystals worked. 'And I snap at he_r' Incendio felt bad for this. '_She is only trying to help' There was a moment of silence after that comment, since it was out of place. "You got that right" Kelly sighted, making Incendio look at her with surprise at her words. He had expected some kind of rude remark, but not acceptance like this. "Well, if what you say is true, then I would very much like to see the procedure. May we?" "Sure!" Incendio exclaimed happily. It was the least he could do after she saved him. Then, the mole who had brought the crystals and been through the interrogation, stepped forward, presenting a red gem to the fire dragon. The same as with Cynder, the mole pressed the gem on Incendio's side and began to glow, giving a comfortable light and warmth. Then, the body absorbed it and the process was over. "I fell SO much better now" Incendio said happily as he tried to stand up. "Wait!" Kelly trusts a hand forward, placing in on his snout and stopping the fire dragon. "I want to see that wound first" she said. Incendio looked at her, smiling at her curiosity. He complied and stayed still. Kelly crouched besides Incendio and slowly peeled the bandages that covered his flank. Neither a grunt nor a hiss of pain came from him since he was already healed. He felt it! And Doctor Kelly would find out he was all right. "Unbelievable!" Incendio heard her whispered in a semblance of shock and wonder as she inspected the place where the spear wound was "What exactly happened?" "The red gems help the healing for dragons" Incendio explained her in a patient tone. "But... how?" "We just can" Cynder said her share, already wanting to get out of the hospital. "It's... well... amazing! Not even a scar!" she exclaimed. "And I got it on tape!" a doctor behind Kelly whooped in joy. Incendio saw him holding some kind of small black box in one hand, but he was waving it around too fast in his enthusiasm to properly see it. His joy was contagious and a smile began to appear on everyone present. "Well Incendio..." Doctor Kelly caught his attention once more, "looks like you are completely healed. You are free to go now" Joy filled Incendio's being as he stood up. He was finally free to go outside and walk and fly again. He longed to do these things. But then... a semblance of sadness entered him. He looked at Kelly, who was smiling at him. She had spent a lot of time with him during his stay here, and now that he was leaving, he felt some sort of void at the thought of not seeing her again. She had become a friend in the small amount of time he had spent with her. "Incendio, let's go!" Cynder yelled at him from the doorway. "I'll be out in a minute. I want to... do something first" "Well hurry up!" she said as she left with Spyro. The rest of the medics and the lone mole followed, including Doctor Kelly. "Doctor Kelly!" he called at the retreating human female. "May I have a word with you?" She looked back at Incendio, some confusion in her eyes. She looked to the turned to the humans who were waiting for her. "I'll catch up later" she told them and they left. She turned to the fire dragon and asked, "What is it?" Now that it was here, Incendio felt his throat muscles choke him. He tried speaking... but he couldn't. "Incendio?" she asked again, looking at him. "Doctor Kelly..." he began, "I wanted to... thank you" he said in a low voice. She gave a low laugh, which Incendio interpreted it as a dismissal. He didn't want that. "You are welcome. It was my job after all" she told him in a fatter-of-fact tone. "No, you don't understand. I really want to thank you after you did so much for me" "Don't think about it dear. It was nothing" she said again in a tone that didn't just didn't fill Incendio that she really understood. "No... you don't understand" he sighted and tried one more time. "When I was..." he began, a lump forming on his throat at the fear, the pain and the loneliness he felt when... "Incendio?" Kelly said in a worried tone, taking a step towards him. He tried again. "When I was injured... when I was there... lying on the street dying, strong sensations coursed through me. Fear... pain... regret... loneliness..." he explained to her as she remained quiet. "I thought I was really going to die that day. I was so afraid. I was so alone... lying on the cobbled stone of the streets... whishing for someone to help me... whishing for someone to be there by my side. But there was no one to help or comfort me; I was alone. All the war... all the fighting... all the deaths... the loneliness and the pain... it shattered me on the inside to the point where I wished to be death... to be over" Kelly stood completely silent, watching as the fire dragon explained his emotions. "But then you came" Incendio said as he looked directly at her eye. "You came. At first, I thought that you humans were going to torture me just for the fun of it, considering that the first dragon-human meeting didn't go so well. Then you touched me. At that moment, I began to feel all the pain that imbedded my body slip away as if you somehow had taken it away. That's when I first truly saw you. I saw concern... kindness... and care for other inside you. A soul striving to help another soul in distress. At that moment you gave me strength... the will to live again" Kelly eyes open really wide at that last statement. "Then you struggled to heal me. Everyone said I was a lost case; but you didn't care. You kept all your attention in me. Afterwards, you tended me and helped me recover. You were always there with me. I feel honored that you have given to me your friendship when I needed it the most. I don't want that friendship to end... I value it so greatly. You gave me back my life, Doctor Kelly; and I can't thank you enough for what you did for me" Incendio finished. Kelly just stood there, speechless. Incendio knew that it was a lot to digest in one go, but he had to say it. And now that he had, he felt immensely better. Doctor Kelly slowly moved his hand forward as Incendio watched. He stood motionless. She inched closer to him, and her palm made contact with his neck. The same feeling he had felt when she touched him the first time came to him. He felt that there was nothing wrong with the world, and that there only existed happiness and joy. It was such a wonderful feeling. A faint purr slowly escaped from his throat as he enjoyed the feeling of her small and delicate hand touching his smooth scales. *******************************++++++++++1+++++++++++++************************ "Spyro, Cynder! Glad you could join us" Terrador greeted him as the purple and black dragon arrived. The guardians had asked for their presence for something of great importance. It has been some days after Cynder had been healed with the help of healing crystals that arrived in a supply caravan. The same could be said for all the dragons that were injured in the battle. Incendio finally didn't have to sneak away from the hospital to take a little walk, although for a strange reason, he kept returning to it. The humans, astounded as they were with how the dragons had been healed, had asked for some gems to study them. They asked for a chance to study the crystals from which the dragons got their energies from. They were given some crystals, and the human's scientist immediately began to do strange experiments with them. "The guardians and I have discussed a subject which is a matter of concern. We were hoping that you could help us" Volteer continued. "Of course! How can we help?" Cynder said eager to do things after so much inactivity. "Come! Walk with us!" Terrador said as the three guardians stood on their legs and went outside the city hall. Spyro and Cynder looked at each other and shrugged before following the elder dragons. They exited the building and proceeded to walk on the streets. There were visible signs of the last battle. Some buildings were completely razed and many others held some kind of damage. Repairs were being done, but it would take a while. Moles and some cheetahs went about their business, shopping or doing their trade or repairing. All of them stood aside to let the guardians let trough. "We want you both to know how things stand as of this moment" Cyril said. "Yes. There are some things that are matters of concern that requires immediate attention" Volteer put in. "What is it?" Spyro asked. "First of all, there are the apes" Terrador said gravely. "The apes?" Spyro looked with a semblance of confusion. "Where they not cursed by Malefor into ghouls?" "Yes, but with the defeat of Malefor, the curse broke. They now roam free again. There are reports that the apes are amassing again. What is their intent, we do not know, but our guess is that they will try to take their former glory and power when they held all of the territory while in Cynder's rule" "So you want us to dispose of them?" Cynder asked, sure of herself that she would be able to do it. "No. They are leaderless without Malefor. For now, we will only remain on the lookout" Terrador explained. "If the apes are not a threat, then why we are here?" Spyro asked as they arrived at a courtyard. Some humans were around doing... whatever humans do. Some of the strange four wheel vehicles that the humans had brought with them were parked in the courtyard. When activated, it emitted a constant, annoying, animalistic growl. The humans called them cars or Humvees... whatever that was. These were armed with a big human's weapon that rotated to all directions, giving a big area it could cover. To Spyros surprise and delight, some dragons stood there, intrigued by what the humans were doing. Moles and cheetahs were also present, but not that great of a number. The tensions between the humans and the different species had finally disappeared, although some minor quarrels sprung from time to time. The humans had finally moved all of their equipment to the city and their base of operations stood in Warfang as well. They were doing some recon missions, tracking the remnants of the Darkmaster's army. These were mostly conducted by the armed military forces of theirs. Apart from their recons outside of the city, other humans, scientists by the looks of it, dig into the information the city itself provided. The dragons had allowed them some scrolls and books, which they happily read and studied. One topic of great interest to them was the magic. Spyro was amazed when he heard that in their world magic was only a fairly tale. Besides researching into everything the city had to offer, the humans studied and investigated everything they could lay their hands upon. Even the smallest things were of interest to them! The humans wished to see EVERYTHING in this world. Of course, it was a new world to them; Spyro would do the same if he were in their world. "Tell me, young Spyro. What do you see?" Terrador interrupted his train of thought, bringing him back to the situation at hand. "What?" Spyro asked, confused at what he was trying to say. "During our walk here, did you see anything out of the ordinary?" Confused by the question, Spyro tried to think of a specific answer he must give as if it was a riddle. Not finding an answer for the supposed riddle he told them what he saw. "I saw the city. It's citizens were working to repair the damage inflicted by the battle" "Good! Now, what do you see over there?" he pointed at the group of humans and dragons that were discussing together. Still confused, Spyro answered. "I see some dragons talking with some humans. There are some cheetahs and moles too" "Good! Now tell me, Spyro, what is this city called?" Terrador asked. 'Now this is getting werid' he thought, more confused now that ever. "This is the dragon city of Warfang" he replied truthfully. "Good! Now tell me, what is missing in this city now that you have identified how it is called?" Terrador asked his last cryptic question. Spyro, annoyed at this game but not wishing to say something rude, began to think of what Warfang was missing. What was Warfang missing? And why did Terrador asked he say the name of the city earlier? Did it have any relation at all? He was still pondering the enigma, Cynder spoke. "If this is the great 'dragon' city of Warfang, then why so few dragons?" she said in sad tone, knowing that she was part of the reason for this predicament. "Precisely young Cynder" Volteer applauded. "You deduction mind is amazing. It will help you solve many difficult problems in the future" Spyro turned back too look at the dragons that were talking with the humans with new eyes. The guardians were right. This is the 'dragon' city of Warfang. But there were so few dragons in the city! Dragon-kind has suffered too much in the war against Malefor and their numbers had dwindled considerably in the war. "Is there any other dragon cities that might have survived the war where dragons still live?" Spyro asked. "Yes, there are, although Warfang is the most important city of our species" Terrador informed them. "We have already sent some messengers to those cities that we last knew still held some dragons in them. They have already returned, and the news is not good. Some cities had fallen before the end of the war. And those that remained, held few dragons left in them. Too few of us..." "Young dragons" Cyril stared to say, gaining their attentions, "currently this city house around seventy three dragon in this city, where it would normally hold many thousands. Even with the latest dragon addition in the city, that last battle killed a great number of our species, and our numbers are too few" "But we still know that dragons are still in hiding" Terrador told them. "So we must search for them now that the war is over" Spyro said with a new sense of purpose that he had not felt since the end of the siege. "We have to find them!" "We know of at least one group of dragons that are still alive and roaming in the lands beyond this city wall" Volteer said. "Shockwave's nomad dragons are still around and alive despite all the hardships and dangers that inhabits this land they are still alive. They had managed to survive despite the odds that were stacked against them. Now, Shockwave told us that around forty dragons were in that group and he informed us of its possible whereabouts" "Spyro, Cynder" Terrado cut Volteer to assign the mission to the young dragons, "we want you to accompany Shockwave to try and locate this group. Inform them of the defeat of the Darkmaster. If possible, try to convince them to come here; but your primary mission is to learn of their location... or locations where they usually dwell since they are nomads. Ask them if they know of other dragon's whereabouts. We must start to bring to light and find all of the dragons that are in hiding" "Yes sir!" Spyro shouted with determination. "When do we leave?" "Tomorrow... at dawn. Shockwave has already been informed that someone will accompany him to his nomad group of dragons. I suspect he will be delighted to find out who will join him in his travels" Terrador chuckled. Of course, Shockwave would be delighted and honored to have as a companion the purple dragon of legend. In fact, he held him in a semblance of hero status and worshiped him. It annoyed Spyro to no end, making him uncomfortable when Shockwave gave praised to Spyro. Having been brought up by a family of dragonflies, Spyro liked sometimes to pass unnoticed... unlike Sparx. "Meet us at the Western Gate at sunrise. For now, enjoy your day. OH, one more thing! It will be possible that some humans will join too... since it enters in their exploration plans" Terrador said before leaving with Volteer and Cyril. As they left, Spyro heard Terrador speak to the other guardians as he walked away. "Now, I want to see if Incendio is capable of managing some supplies that needs to be....." he said before he was out of earshot. *******************************++++++++++1+++++++++++++************************ "You wanted to see me, sir?" Lieutenant Parker announced himself as he opened the door where he was supposed to meet Flanning. He saluted the Colonel when he saw him and waited. "Yes, Lieutenant Parker. Come in" he invited him. Parker dropped the salute and stepped closer as he removed his helmet. He took a quick look around the building. This structure had become the unofficial command center of the human expedition. The stone structure stood strong and was spacious enough to hold a lot of technical equipment and technicians. The technicians were manning the equipments and computers they had brought with them. Windows gave a look at the outside, allowing fresh air to come through. All in all, it was not the best place for a command center, but it was good enough. He also noticed that Doctor Espinoza was there as well. She was talking with a scientist, Doctor McAllister if he remembered his name correctly. That scientist from Canada was really small and not at all that strong. What he lacked in stature and strength, he compensated with intellect and stubbornness. That man had published hundreds, if not thousands of articles of his discoveries, findings and everything of everything in scientific nature Parker could think of. He had the amazing ability to figure how thing worked about almost everything! He was the smartest guy in the expedition... and he knew it. That was why, he had developed and ego and a habit to make overly ambitious projects. Sometimes, they worked... the rest ended up in failure. That was why he needed Doctor June, who was approaching Espinoza and McAllister right now. Originally from Japan, she had a strange and weird name no one could pronounce... thus, she earned the nickname June. Her half moon glasses and long free hair gave her the appearance that she a highly intelligent beautiful woman... which she was. Doctor June was as smart as McAllister, but not overly ambitious, making her more social than her counterpart. She somewhat frustrates McAllister, making him want even more to have all the glory for himself when the 'big' discovery of this world comes. Scientist! Not the people Parker would like to hang out with. Higher ups in the United Nations decided to end some night brilliant scientist and try to find out anything that might be useful back on Earth. "Parker!" Flanning called for his attention. "Come, let's enter the conference room" Parker followed him and entered a small room that held a table and some chairs for one to sit. The table itself contained some maps that the dragons had graciously provided to them. It showed the Dragon Peninsula in which they resided. A small city with the label Warfang stood out marked by a pin, indicating the city in which they resided. Flanning motioned to one chair for Parker. The lieutenant obliged without a sound and sat while Flanning still remained upright. "Parker... I want you to go on a small recon mission" "Yes sir. Where to?" he said eagerly at the chance to be on the move again. "Northeast of where the portal used to be. Your mission is to go and search for some dragons" "Sir?" Parker asked confused. Go searching dragons? What was the Colonel thinking? "If you haven't noticed, there are around sixty or so dragons in this city. The Dragon Guardians have told us that their number had dropped considerably after a long war. Are you familiar with this war?" "Yes sir" Parker answered. It was the same war that Spyro fought in and that humanity had ended with their grand entrance... apparently. "Well, to make long story short; Doctor Maria Espinoza overheard the Guardians talking about sending a group to find dragons that are still hiding from the war. Shockwave's group to be precise. She wants you and Ramirez to take a team and help in their search... as a token of goodwill" "Me? Did she ask for us specifically?" "She wants you both because it was you and Private Ramirez that made first contact with the dragons. And on a more personal wish, I want Ramirez out of the city for a while. He has already begun expanding his smuggling and contraband operation in the city... and I want him to do something rather than...... that!" "I see" Parker sighted deep in thought. Helping in the search would certainly help improve the relations they had with the creatures in this world. And Ramirez... well, he had already established a foothold of his 'market' in this city already, so it was too late to stop him now. "You will take some Humvees and search for these hiding dragons with the help of a small dragon team" Flanning told the Lieutenant his mode of transportation. "That is your main objective! The secondary objective is to start friendly and diplomatic relation when you find such group. Also keep an eye out for any grubling or ape activity that you come across... as well as anything of interest. "Yes sir. When do we leave?" "Tomorrow at dawn. Meet me at the Western Gate" "Yes sir" "And Parker... don't let Ramirez do anything foolish" *******************************++++++++++1+++++++++++++************************ Spyro and Cynder were returning to their open rooms in the city hall to pass the night. They had spent the day walking around the city, visiting friends, taking a nap in the gardens, introducing some human friend to Cynder, taking a meal together... a good day in all.. Now was the time to retire and sleep after a hearty dinner. "*Belch* I´m full" Sparx said as he flew next to the two dragons. "That was disgusting Sparx" Cynder scolded him. "It's not my fault that my food was delicious" he shot back. "At least you could have dissimulated it" Spyro rolled his eyes in a semblance of mild amusement and annoyance. There just was no end to their incessant quarrel. Sparx had joined in their day off some time during their day. He had been an annoyance sometimes, but it was still a good day. Spyro walked in silence as the pair continued to shot remarks at one another. The sun had settled on the horizon and the stars were beginning to appear on the sky. "SPYRO!" he heard a voice calling him. The group turned around and saw Glacia coming at them at a trot. Spyro faintly heard Cynder gave a low growl in her throat. Spyro sighted in his mind. The ice dragoness had stalked Spyro for a while now. She had spent a lot of time next to Spyro, accompanying him wherever he went during those days. Spyro, not wanting to hurt her feelings, said nothing to her and tried to enjoy those times. "Hi Glacia" he said without enthusiasm. "Hi there Spyro" she greeted him with a low and teasing tone. "Do you want to take a walk with me?" "Umm..." Spyro thought fast to try and give and answer. "I... I just came from a walk with Cynder, and my paws ache" he told her a small lie. Spyro gave an apologetic look at Cynder for saying that. "Oh... well then, maybe we can be in the garden and watch the stars" Glacia pushed further. "I..." Spyro tried to think of something to say again. "Come on! It will be fun!" Glacia urged him. But before Spyro could say anything, Glacia´s tail wrapped on one of his forelegs and started to tug him. She went at a past pace, making Spyro joggle after her. "Glacia..." he tried to talk to her, but she only giggled. "Glacia!" he tried again as they rounded a corner in the street. * * *


  • * * Cynder stood there, speechless. Everything had happened so fast! That annoying dragoness, Glacia, suddenly came and dragged Spyro away. Cynder gave a low growl of annoyance. Glacia had ruined many moments when Cynder was having a good time with Spyro. And like today, she would just come unexpectedly and drag Spyro away before she could even realize what was happening. That annoying, meddling, full-of-herself dragoness was starting to get on her nerves. It would not be long before Cynder's temper exploded. "Looks like someone is getting angry" Sparx told in a mocking voice. Cynder turned sharply at Sparx, giving him a hateful glare and a murderous hiss. "Whoa, calm down!" he urged her, holding his small arms up in defense. "I don't like her either if it makes you feel better" he said, trying to calm her down. "It kinda does actually" she said. "It just that she is so annoying!" "Yes, she is" he agreed. "Don't worry Cynder, you just go to your room and rest... I'll take care of everything" he said with a mischievously smile and rubbing his hand in anticipation. Cynder gave the dragonfly a curious look, wondering why he was doing that... and what he was up to. "I made a promise to you that I will help you" Sparx explained her. "And I intend to do so now". "How?" "I'll do what I do best... annoy people" he said with pride in his voice. Before Cynder could say anything, he flew away, going after Spyro and Glacia. * * *


  • * * Spyro was sitting on his haunches watching the stars. He was in a beautiful garden, and Glacia was right next to him. In fact, Glacia was reclining against him, trying to make contact with his body as much as possible. Unconsciously, Spyro was leaning away from her. It was uncomfortable for Spyro, but he said nothing. "It beautiful, is it not Spyro?" she broke the silence in a whisper. "Yeah" Spyro croaked, wishing to be out of here. It had been some time since Glacia had aken him away. Glacia sighted in contentment and silence again began to reign in the gardens. But not for long. A soft light suddenly appeared around a building, causing a disturbance in the darkness. This soft light started to approach and Spyro could identify it one it was close enough. "Sparx!" he called for his brother, silently thanking his foster brother for his arrival. "Hey there purple guy" he greeted him with a cheerful voice "Whatcha doing here?" "Excuse me" Glacia called for his attention, annoyed at having her evening interrupted. "We want some privacy, please" "More reason for me to be here. I gotta make sure my brother here doesn't do anything stupid" "He will be fine" Glacia said in a more forceful tone. "Nah nah nah! Spyro is my younger brother and it is my responsibility to see he is safe" "He will be perfectly safe with me" Glacia assured the dragonfly. "Not that I don't trust you, but I have to see it for myself" "Listen you little insect..." Glacia growled. "Sparx, what are you doing here?" Spyro asked before things got out of control. "Looking for you! You have a big day tomorrow, and the guardians asked me to make sure you are at your top shape. Come on... time to sleep big bro" Spyro stood a little too fast in his eagerness the get out of here. "Just a few more minutes" Glacia pleaded once she felt Spyro rise next to her. "Sorry sis... but hero boy has to rest" Sparx told her in a annoying and teasing voice that the intention was to get her angry. "Come on Spyro, it is time to stop flirting with this girl" "He is not flirting with me" Glacia said indignantly. "Whatever" Sparx said dismissively. "The fact remains that both of you were way too much close to one another and that Glacia was nuzzling under your chin Spyro" "What... how did you... were you spying on us?" Glacia asked threateningly. "Did I said that out loud? Well, I guess it's out now. Yes, I saw everything you tow did together. I can't imagine a how boring it must have been, just sitting there..." Glacia snarled menacingly at the inappropriate comment from the small dragonfly. "AAAhhhhh!" Sparx screamed when she showed her teeth in the snarl. "She wants to eat me!" the dragonfly pointed a small finger in accusation at Glacia "Just like Cynder! She is just as bad as Cynder! Honestly Spyro, you should look for an improvement in the quality of company you usually hang around" That comment, of course, annoyed Glacia even more. The ice dragoness tried to swat away the dragonfly with her paw. "AAAhhhh!" Sparx screamed as he evaded the paw and flew behind Spyro's foreleg for protection. "See? "She is even worse than Cynder!" "Enough!" Spyro said loudly to stop both of the antagonizing parties. Spyro looked at Glacia and Sparx before addressing the dragoness. "He is right. I have an important day tomorrow. I should rest" "But Spyro...!" she tried to plead once again, but stopped short, not really knowing what to say. "We will see each other around" Spyro said and left the ice dragoness in the garden. Sparx went after Spyro and rested atop his head. "As an older brother I have the obligation to tell you... that dragoness is nothing but trouble. You should stay away from her" Spyro sighted as he walked towards his room. He had tried to console Glacia with those words, but he didn't want to make a promise of going out with her again. He was a friend, and sometimes enjoyed her company, but sometimes she just... just... paid too much attention to him. She held him in an elevated position... kind like a hero. Spyro smiled at that. He was a hero. He defeated Malefor and helped save the city that had been besieged for months. That elevated him to the position of hero, and everyone thought that he needed special treatment and respect. Many citizens stared at him in awe as he passed by the streets, and other citizens gave him some kind of gift. Specially Glacia. But it was too much! Only his friends and the guardians treated him as himself, but there was still the underlying awe and wonder and respect for him being the purple dragon. Many people treated him as a hero. A great many saw him as the savior of the dragon realms. Everyone saw him as the purple dragon of legend. Everyone... except for Cynder. Cynder saw him in a very different way. She saw him as a friend. She saw him as a fellow dragon. She saw him as... Spyro... just Spyro. She saw him for who he was, not what he was. And that made her different from the others. Only she... *******************************++++++++++1+++++++++++++************************ It was morning and the sun was starting to rise on the horizon. The morning dew covered every building in the city, making the sunlight be reflected by the countless water drops. The city was still silent, the residents preparing in their homes for the new day or just rising from slumber. Spyro was walking with Cynder towards the Western Gate at that time. They had been woken by a mole at an early hour and had breakfast. As they approached the gate, Spyro noticed that the guardians were already there, along with a dozen humans. "Spyro! Cynder!" Terrador greeted them. "Sleep well?" "Rested and ready!" "Good. These are the humans that will accompany you" Terrador inform him as he pointed at them with his wing. Spyro turned to look and his face lit up when he saw Lieutenant Parker. Apparently he was going along with him, along with Ramirez and the black skin human, Jackson. There were others there too, but he didn't know that many humans. "Now, all we have to do is wait for Shockwave" Cyril said. Spyro nodded and both he and Cynde went to where the humans were talking. "It will work!" a small human with a white robe said. "How can you be so sure McAllister?" Parker asked the small one. "Because it's me we are talking about!" he said in a voice so full of himself. "And why do you have to do with this?" "Because I did it! If you doubt of my works, then you doubt me!" "What's going on?" Spyro asked as he approached the group. The group turned to see the newcomer, and Spyro noticed a small smile appear on Parker's face. "Ah... Spyro. I should have known it would be you coming in this mission" "So, what is all the commotion about?" Cynder asked. "Well, Professor 'I-know-everything'" Ramirez explained the, as he pointed at the small human, "made some modifications to the vehicles we are going to take on this mission" "What vehicles?" Cynder asked, looking around for such vehicles. As if on cue, the four wheel vehicles of the humans appeared from a street and entered the courtyard. There were only two of them, and they stopped next to the group. "Those" Ramirez said. "Well, problem is..." Parker continued, "our vehicles can take a very long trip without running out of fuel" "Fuel?" Spyro asked, confused. "Think of it as food for the machines" "Oh!" "Anyway, we can't take a very long trip. So, Doctor McAllister made some adjustment to the vehicles to greatly reduced our consumption of fuel" "So, what's the problem?" Spyro asked confused at the situation. "McAllister tend to do rush 'simple jobs', and those jobs that rush, usually ends in disaster. So we are a little reluctant to go on this mission without testing the equipment actually works" "My works are fine" McAllister said in a huffed tone and annoyed at the same time. "And I do these 'simple jobs' really fast because they are simple and because I have better and more important things to do. I can't believe that Doctor Espinoza actually asked 'ME' to do such a thing" "Quit your whining McAllister!" Ramirez almost pleaded what everyone else wanted to say. "At first it fun, but later turn annoying" They continued arguing for some moment, mostly talking about supplies and equipment they will be taking until Ramirez suddenly called for Spyro. "Spyro!" Ramirez called for his attention. "Here, take this" Ramiez put his hand into a pocket, and extracted some sort of tiny device. He then he offered to Spyro. "What is it?" "A radio. Put it in your ear hole so you can listen to us. You just speak into this, and we will hear you the same manner you will hear us" Spyro took the tiny device form the human's hand with his claws and inspected it. It had no shape he could make out of it; but he identified something round, and a long stick protruding from it. "Uh... how do I...?" "Oh! Sorry! Here, let me" Ramirez then took the device from his claws and tried to place it in his ear hole. "You know, I had to have this modified so it can fit into a dragon, you know?" Ramirez informed him. "And I wonder how you managed to bring that to this mission" Parker said in a somewhat accusing tone. Ramirez shot him a guilty smile and continued to try to place the radio on Spyro. Parker continued speaking. "I won't even try to think what else he might have smuggled in this mission" "There!" Ramirez said triumphantly as he took a few steps backward to take a look at his handiwork. Spyro felt the small device in his ear hole. It was a strange sensation, but not uncomfortable. He moved and shook his head lightly to see if it would hold on. It did not fall. "Don't you have another for Cynder?" he asked as he looked at Cynder, who was giving him a small smile. Whether it was for happiness of because he looked strange with this device, he did not know. "Sorry buddy. Only had time to make one" "Thanks okay" Cynder reassured him. "Okay now..." Ramirez said as he took several steps backward. "Testing testing. One two three. Spyro, can you hear me?" Spyro head Ramirez voice come from the small device he had in his ear, "Yes, I do!" Spyro shouted to Ramirez who was away. Ramirez immediately flinched in pain and put his hand to his ears. "Do not yell! Mierda. My ear... god, that was loud!" he complained as he made his way back. The rest of the humans were trying to laugh under their breaths. "What happened?" Cynder asked to Ramirez, who was having a finger massage his inner ear hole. "When Spyro shouted, his voice carried thought the radio. It was as if he had shouted in my ear" he explained. At this, the rest of the humans burst out laughing. Spyro and Cynder also gave a few hearted laughs at the situation. It wasn't long before Shockwave arrived walking at a fast pace. "Sorry I'm late" "Do not concern yourself young dragon. You are quite on time. Your group is ready to depart" Cyril said. "Thanks. So, who are the dragons who will accompany me?" Shockwave looked around, stopping a few moments when his eyes passed on Spyro, but not really that long. "Who will come with me, because I only see you, guardians, Spyro and Cynder" "Young Spyro and Cynder will accompany you in your travels" Volteer said, with a faint smile in his face. "WHAT?" Shockwave shouted in disbelief, drawing everyone's attention. He then started to laugh "Yeah, right, I almost believe it. You said it in a very convincing manner Master Volteer that it actually fooled me for a moment. I was a fool for believing that Spyro will accompany me. Surely the great purple dragon has more important things to do than come with me" That statement was only met with silence as Shockwave continued chuckling by himself. The guardians gave him a disapproving look before shaking their heads lightly. No one told the young electric dragon how wrong he was. Then Terrador went to where Spyro, Cynder and the humans were. All turned to look at him, waiting for a last word of advice. "Well then. Your group is ready to depart. Stay safe" "Right" Parker agreed, becoming the cool headed leader he usually was. "Sergeant Jackson, ready the men" "Yes sir. MOVE IT YOU BASTARDS!" he started shouting at the human soldier that were around him. "I WANTED EVERYONE ON THE HUMVEES WITH YOUR SEAT BELTS FASTENED FIVE MINUTES AGO!" Jackson barked at everyone who still hadn't moved. The guardians looked with wide eyes at the black skinned man as he continued to inspect and reprimand anything that he didn't found satisfactory. "Does he always do that?" Terrador asked Lieutenant Parker, who still hadn't moved from his place along with Doctor McAllister. "Always" Parker answered. Spyro turned to look at the humans when he said that, and he barely saw a faint amusement smile. "Well, at least he get them moving. But do you permit such treatment to your troops?" Terrador continued. "Do not be concerned. Sergeant Jackson loves to shout. It makes him appear a badass" Spyro's face turned to confusion at that. He wondered what badass meant. He could see Cynder, and the guardians having the same look Spyro had. "Well, since you have no need of me anymore, I will take my leave and put my brain to real use" McAllister announced with and exasperated tone. "Now that you are leaving our presence, may I inquire about your activities for the remainder of the day?" Voltter asked. "I still have to study those crystal you gave us. We have been doing some research on them, but it is still too early to say anything" "If you require any assistance, I would like assist in your research of the gems we have provided. Although dragon understanding of how we are able to harness the energies of the crystals, is still a mystery to us how to allow other creatures to do so. No physical, magical or natural law that we have uncovered helps in any way whatsoever to achieve this goal. Perhaps with your equipment we might finally be able to find out the thing that has eluded us for millennia" Terrador, Spyro and Cynder gave a small smile at Volteer's energetic speech. Parker only lifted an eyebrow while McAllister stood there frozen. "Well, a dragon might help in our understanding of the crystals" "I vouch that he will" Terrador announced with a smile. "Volteer here is the dragon with the fastest tongue, largest vocabulary and biggest brain that I have ever met. If anyone can help, it him" Parker gave an amused snort. "Looks like you found your counterpart McAllister" "Very funny Lieutenant" Doctor McAllister gave an annoyed looked at Parker "Comparing me with a dragon" "Do not let Volteer's looks deceive you" Terrador told him. "He may not look like much, but I assure you, he is quite the intellectual dragon" "Master Terrador... you flatter me" Volteer said to the earth guardian. He then turned to the doctor. "Let us proceed to find the mysteries that have yet to be uncovered good doctor" "Fine! Come, this way" McAllister sighted and left, Volteer hot on his heels. "I think those two will get along juuust fine" Parker said. "Indeed" Terrador mused. "I have not seen Volteer act that way towards another creature" "HEY! Where do you think you are going without me?" a sudden voice cut them short. A much molested Sparx flew toward Spyro and floated in front of him. "What happen to the 'best friend belong together'? I thought we were friend... pals... chums. And after all this time together, I thought that you would have learned by now that I will go with you" "Sorry Sparx! It all happened very fast and I forgot to tell you" Spyro apologized. "Meh! Just make sure it doesn't happen again" Sparx said dismissively with a hand. Suddenly, the animalistic growl that so greatly characterized the human's vehicles, rumbled to life. The humans were ready to depart. "You should leave now" Terrador told them. "Shockwave!" he called for the young dragon, that was still chuckling to himself for believing that Spyro would accompany him. At the sound of his name, the electric dragon, turned his head and walked toward them. "Yes Master Terrador?" "You should leave now" "But sir, where are my companions? I was told other dragons would accompany me" "They are already here" the guardian said to the very much confused dragon. He then turned to Spyro and Cynder. "Young dragons; follow Shockwave until you find his nomadic group of dragons. Try and pick an easy route to allow the human vehicles to travel and remember that you must try and find as many dragons as you can and inform them of the news. If possible, bring them here. Be careful and stay safe" "Right" Parker said as he walked toward the vehicles that were already waiting. "So... you are coming with me?" Shockwave asked, his voice and his face spoke volumes at his disbelief and wonder at the situation. Spyro and Cynder smiled at the naïve dragon. "Come, we haven't got all day" Cynder said in a soothing and calming voice. Shockwave's expression transformed itself in the blink of an eye to that of utter joy. "You are really coming with me!" it was no longer a question, but an affirmation. "This is incredible! I am going in a mission with The Purple Dragon! This is like a dream come true!" he said. Spyro smiled at Shockwave. It was surely going to get some time used to his eagerness. Spyro turned to look and Cynder and both of them looked in the eye. Spyro jerked her head toward the sky in an invitation to start flying. Cynder smiled a toothily gin and without further word, sprang into the air, touching Spyro in his side with her tail before she left. A moment later, Spyro launched himself after her, trying to have a little payback for her unfair start. Sparx followed an instant later. "What? HEY, WAIT FOR ME!" Spyro heard Shockwave cry on the ground below as he noticed that he had been left behind. *******************************++++++++++1+++++++++++++************************ ### Author's notes: Well, it took me long enough to get this chapter done. I hope you really like it enough to be worth the time it took me. The next chapter will contain more action... promise. Also, Doctor McAllister is based on Doctor Rodney McKay from the tv show Stargate Atlantis. As always, I love and appreciate the comment and reviews you guys leave me. They are the fuel that keeps me writing (so if I don't get comments, the fuel is going to run out... if you know what I mean.. hehehe).