my new beginning

Story by Hex92 on SoFurry

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#6 of Digimon

" I was hoping she would tell me... but she says im a digidestion. But what is a digidestion?"

" not many kids are picked for this task , the reason why you were chosen was because of your courage. "

" my courage what do you mean?"

" not only were you able to save Sunmon, but you also saved my daughter. And for that you are now part of the Digidestined" said Ophanimon

" vex tell me do you think you're ready for such a hard task ?" She asked

" well i -"

" the adventure you're going on will not be an easy road " that shocked vex a bit when he heard that

" she's not lying, its kinda hard to believe to be telling you the truth. But I grown to like it because I'm always with Dorumon , and that's all i need to keep fighting " said tsume with smile as a purple light started to former around her

" what is that light " asked vex

" its her crest. Tsume has the crest of loyalty , because of her love and bounding with her digimon her crest shines brightest "

"do i get one ?" Asked vex

" yes ....but you have to earn it " said tsume with a smile

" how do I earn it?"

" I cannot tell you how you would be able to receive your Crest that would be for you to discover on your own"Ophanimon told him

" how cool"

" vex ... You have to tell me truthfully, are you ready to stick by my side and actually find a purpose you're looking for?" Asked tsume as she was holding his hand

" well....i uh....yes i am"

" do you accept the Fate and danger that you might a cross in your adventure ?" Asked Seraphimon

" yes sir"

" well then in that case I granted you full approval with my daughter. I hope you will protect her at any cost "

"Ew , Dad we're not dating so don't go there"

Tsume said as vex smiled

" don't worry I promise I will" said vex

"aw vex i can't wait!" Tsume said happily.

" Tsume do me a favor and try not to over do it like you normally would" Ophanimon said

" Mooooom . Come on im so not like that"she said crossing your arms

" you know exactly what I mean tsume"

" its been a long day tsume so why don't you take him to his room" tsume nod and grab his hand and showed him to a room that kinda look like tsume but different

" this is your room and don't worry my room is 3 doors down if you need anything coming to get me" she said as she walked off down the hall vex walked in the room and close the door as he took off his shoes then laid on the bed ( am i really ready for this , and why do i feel ok about how things are going . Its weird how it started, one minute i was fighting with my mom and now im here ...tsume doesn't seem to be bother by this world at all . Oh well im sure that i will soon to like it to , but why do I get the strangest feeling that something bad will happen?)" Vex said to himself to as he slowly fell asleep with Sunmon by his head
