Fixing the Painting

Story by Argyron on SoFurry

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I couldn't decide if I wanted to name this a trip to the art museum or fixing the paint...

I couldn't decide if I wanted to name this a trip to the art museum or fixing the painting, so I decided it would be best to just use both names. I figured, if anything, that this might explode into a short story series about the young gay couple's adventures to the museum. I think the only thing cooler than it becoming a short series would be if an artist liked it and decided to make a short comic out of it.

Please do not read the following story if you are not of age or do not like sexual interactions between two male characters. I do not take responsibility for anything that you are about to read and this is your final warning to turn around. Otherwise, please enjoy and leave some feedback <3


A Trip to the Art Museum:

Fixing the Painting**

Calvin tilted his little pink furred head as he looked at the painting, a paw coming up to his chin as he lifted an eyebrow. His black tipped ears shifted about as he made sounds to symbolize his own thoughts running through his head. "You know Wesley; I have absolutely no idea what the hell this painting is supposed to fucking be!" The fox stepped closer and looked at the fine paints slashed in the most modernistic lines across the cloth backing, his eyes shifting from one spot to another.

The otter moved forward, snuggling his mate from behind as he peered under the canine's arm at the artwork hanging on the wall. "Isn't it obvious Cal?" The brown furred mammal chuckled as he looked at the white and black lines running across the painting, the yellow, red and blue spots and squares, and the donut shaped pink that made up the piece. "It's supposed to symbolize the anarchy created in our society when something that doesn't fit is thrown into the picture."

The fox scratched his chin now, pulling his head back as he questioned how his boyfriend had come up with all of that information. "You have to be shitting me, West. You didn't get any of that crap from the painting."

The other mammal stuck his tongue out as he pointed to the sign at the bottom. "No, but at least I was able to read it right down there." He chuckled as he ran a little bit away, only to find himself stuck as his large tail was grabbed by the fox.

"Hey, you aren't getting away that easily!" The canine pulled his mate back by the tail, listening as the otter's bare foot paws dragged across the floor until their bodies were close together again. "Now let's see, what should your punishment be for being a smartass to me?" The fox put his paw back on his muzzle and started to act like he's thinking again, although technically he knew what the punishment was going to be for any misbehavior before they had even walked into the museum.

The otter just chuckled and laughed, clinging to the pup as he nosed the other animal's chest. "No, please don't punish me," he teased as his paws already started pulling up the pink fox's white shirt, revealing his mate's white belly fur.

But the vulpine did not let go of his capture, letting the otter take the shirt off of him while always keeping a good grip on that tail. "Hmm... seems someone already knows what I have in mind for him," he said as the buckle to his belt clicked open and his jeans slid to the ground with a thump. He stepped out of the pants and then started stripping the sea mammal. First went the otter's tight pants, his cute black thong being revealed as the clothing came off of that plump behind. The fox tossed them to one side of the room and quickly grabbed the sea mammal's shirt, stripping that ridiculously small top from the fur, but the vulpine had had a plan as he took the shirt off, pulling it down the otter's arms and tying it tight behind his back. "There we go, that should keep those from touching anything. Now sit!" Cal then pushed the otter over and turned around, giving the other fur a good view of his underwear.

The sea pup landed on his butt with a little meep, the cold floor tingling against his bare rump as the thong offered no protection from the freezing tiles below. For a few seconds he squirmed about, trying to get comfortable on the hard, icy surface. Then his eyes drifted up as his mate turned around. He watched as those two pink paws with black finger tips slowly started to tread around the top of the underwear, sliding under the tight waistband that read Calvin Klein. "You know, I wish you'd stop putting your name on your undies."

Calvin laughed aloud to that, shaking his rump a little to give his mate a show. Even though they both knew who was the dominant party in their relationship, they both seemed to have tendencies to do things that weren't particularly something a normal top or bottom would do. This was one of those things that the fox loved, dancing and showing off his body to his mate. He gave the otter a show too, letting his lithe and muscular frame make quick body juts as he showed off all he had to offer; and all the while his paws continued to dance around in that waistband, holding there to tell him it might come off at any minute. He turned around and showed off the bulging front, the shape of his member outlined on the black material and two balls perfectly shown right below. There was a blotch of pre staining the front of the black undies at the tip of his prick, but he didn't mind getting a little wet before the real fun began. Then his paws started to pull the waistband down, giving the otter a view of that cock as it quickly sprang up through the opening and slid out all the way now that the confines were gone.

The sea pup's own member was filling up his own sheath quite quickly while the tip started to peak out of the fuzzy opening, giving the inside of his thong a nice paint job at that exact moment. He could not help himself; the way his mate's hips moved turned him on. "You are such a good tease, you know that?" He let his tongue roll out of his maw, breathing heavily as his mate suddenly turned around and bent over to give that butt a nice, round, and firm look.

"Well, I learned all of this from watching you walking around," he smirked as his paws slipped the undies down farther to reveal the pink pucker of his backside. He did not let this stay the main attraction though, as he quickly turned back and pulled his underwear down a bit farther to show off what his cock and balls looked like with the material stretching between his thighs.

The otter's eyes stared deeply into that groin, as if he was trying to get a picture implanted into his mind so he would never feel like he was without it. The slightly redder than his fur maleness, the white sack below, and the white belly fur all had come together as he drooled over it, wanting to taste and lick every little bit. Then his eyes drifted just a little up as he spotted something brand new in the region, a black paw print on the vulpine's thigh. "Hey, when did you get that?"

The canine laughed as he pointed to the new marking. "What, this new print?" He looked down at the black fur and ruffled it a bit, as if still astonished he had gone through with the idea of getting a tattoo himself. "Well I just thought it said manly with all this pink fur I have, let everyone know who the real boss in this relationship is!"

The otter suddenly bawled out laughing, falling over onto his side as he closed his eyes and bellowed out loudly. The chuckles echoed down the hall and tears began to well up in his eyes, which if he had left open he would have noticed the fox's annoyed look and splayed ears. Slowly he stopped squirming and his laughter died down as he said, "So you thought you'd get a paw print?"

The fox pulled his undies off and tossed them on the other fur, hitting his mate right on the nose as he started to walk over. "Yeah, well what about it," the annoyance coming out clearly in his voice.

Wesley breathed in the deep musky scent on the undies while trying to catch his breath, the musk making him murr as he shook the clothing off of his face and squirmed to try and sit up right. "Cal, a paw print means tap this..."

But before the sea pup could finish, the vulpine was on top of him with his cock bouncing on his nose. "Well then you get to work and drink from the tap!" He grabbed his mate's maw and put his lips right up against that throbbing member, which had been leaving trails of his clear pre all over the other mammal's face before smearing the liquid on his lips.

The otter rolled his eyes as a grin escaped his muzzle, still chuckling on the inside at thinking what the fox had done, as he let the tapered tip slide into his mouth. The cock slide across his tongue and towards the beginning of his throat, the salty flavor covering the insides of his maw as pre leaked like a broken faucet from the tip. He closed his eyes again and breathed in deeply, getting the delicious flavor of vulpine musk up his nostrils as a paw gripped the back of his head. Slowly, the pole inside of his muzzle started sliding back and forth, gently working into a nice rhythm as his mate fucked him slowly.

Calvin had closed his eyes as well now, enjoying the feel of that tongue slathering over his member as he slowly rocked his hips back and forth. When he felt the muzzle start gulping around his member, the tongue pressing against his maleness hard to swallow, he pushed forward a bit more and moved down the otter's throat. He didn't go fast, he wanted to make sure the mammal knew his place was not just to be another cum bag, and so he face fucked his mate gently.

The way the sea pups throat stretched around the canine's member hurt a little, but he just laid still and let his mate force more and more of that long pole down there. He was battling his gag reflexes too, still not exactly an expert at taking dick down his muzzle, but he figured the small coughs only helped lube the member more as it slid in and out. Other than the occasional gag that caused his head to leach forward, ironically sending more cock down it, the only other portion of his body that moved was his tongue twirling around the length.

Soon the fox had put his length all the way in, the cold otter's nose pressed against his groin. He held the sea pup there for a few seconds and just reveled in the tightness, letting more strands of pre leak directly into the mammal's stomach. Then he pulled back and all the way out, letting the warmth of the maw leave and the cool air of the museum to return. He slowly opened his eyes and looked down, chuckling at the long strand of pre and saliva still connecting his member to the otter's muzzle. "Now how was drinking from the tap?"

The sea mammal opened his eyes too, a digit from the fox's paw snapping the bridge of liquids and pushing them back in his maw to be cleaned off. He suckled on that finger and groaned happily before letting it pop out of his mouth. "I wish I could have gotten a longer drink."

The fox got back up off of the floor and lifted his mate up off the cool tiles as well, his paws slipping down to feel that thong overfilled with otter cock and balls and wetted down with a familiar liquid. He groped and gripped that member through the thin fabric as he kissed his mate passionately on the lips. Their tongues began wrestling and dancing, and the vulpine even got a taste of his stuff.

His mate groaned into the forceful kiss, his mind stressed with wanted to get his member out of the tight confines of his thong, and he did not even notice that the vulpine was once again dragging him across the floor. However, when he felt his back slam into something, he knew he had been moved and opened his eyes to see where they were, only to find the fox pulling back at that moment.

"I hope you don't mind," the canine said as he twisted the pup around and gripped him by the shirt still tied behind his back, "but now I want a taste." The vulpine slid down the otter's body, his claws tracing red marks under the short, brown fur as they trailed down. He left one paw up to hold the other mammal's paws, clenching the shirt that kept them bound, while the other one acme to those two pump and luscious cheeks. He groped and kneaded the tender butt, earning himself some groans as he looked it over with lust, before spreading them apart and pulling the back string of the thong to the side as best he could with one paw. He wasted no time once all that was done, quickly burying his muzzle.

The sea pup suddenly opened his eyes to let the two orbs roll around in his head, a high pitched squeak coming from his throat as he felt that tongue press right up against his backside. His tongue lolled out to the side and he pressed his head firmly up against the painting they had been admiring only minutes before, rubbing his muzzle against it as the mouth muscle pressed against his sensitive backside.

The vulpine was not to be denied access to all the flavors of his otter pops, his paw moving around to grip the other mammal's hips as he pulled him back and pressed his tongue forward. With a quivering pucker and a loud moan from his mate, the tight orifice opened up and his tongue slide inside to get a better taste. He slithered his tongue around and murred at the delicious taste, letting his paw slide up and down the sea pup's thighs. He took in a deep breath, getting all male musk to cover his senses, which only pushed him to work that hole harder as his paw snaked up and groped his mate's front package.

Wesley was moaning louder with each sensitive lick to his special spots, his toes clenching up and his legs wobbling about. He wanted oh so bad for his cock to just be let free from its confines inside his black thong, but all he got instead of was more torturous treatment as the pup started fondling his package. "Oh God," he moaned out as his hips started to push back into that muzzle just to get away from the paw playing with his special bits.

A chuckle escaped the fox's muzzle as he slobbered and slathered the insides before slurping his tongue back out. He breathed in the musky scent of his mate one last time before getting back up and his feet and pressing himself up against his mate. "What, does someone want out of this tight thong?" His paw continued to fumble around with the otter's special stuff, pulling back on it and toying with the sea pup. He pressed his body firmly up against his mate too, which meant that now he could let go of his grip on the shirt. His paw trailed down the mammal's body, the claws once again sliding through the fur to touch the tender skin underneath, until his hand found the spaghetti strap side of the thong.

The whole body of the otter was pressed up against the painting now, rubbing against the cloth that had absorbed all of the colorful liquid as he squirmed to be let free. "Yes, yes!" he moaned out as the hand continued groping and rubbing him through the thin piece of clothing. He felt the other paw slide under the waist strap and wiggled his butt a little in excitement, but nothing happened.

The canine chuckled as he watched the squirming mammal try and escape his clutches. "Well maybe this will remind you who's in charge," he coolly replied as he snapped the thong and listened to it slap against the tender otter's behind. The fox laughed under his breath as he lowered his head to the sea mammal's neck, nibbling on Wesley as he continued to tease the poor fur below him.

His mate was about to snap, the paw on his groin driving him insane with lust and the snapping of his thong only causing him more torture as he squirmed and whimpered. "P-p-please," he moaned out between breaths," j-just let m-me free!"

Calvin had his mate right where he wanted him now, squirming and begging him; he knew the otter would do anything for his freedom from the tight confines his thong was not proving to be. "Okay, but you remember this next time you try and tell me what that paw tattoo is for." He stopped groping the poor mammal for a second and slid both his paws under the string before pulling it down.

His cock sprung free and slapped hard against the canvas, the clear liquid splattering out across a white line and a red square. "Oh thank you," he moaned as he started to breathe a little easier.

"No, don't thank me," the vulpine chuckled as he quickly pressed his body back up against his mate's, "'cause I'm gonna fuck you raw!" One of his paws suddenly gripped the otter's tail and pulled it out of the way forcefully, his hard and still slick cock quickly nudging between those two plump mounds of otter ass. His other paw gripped the base of his shaft as he directed it up to the tight, black backside of the otter. With a quick bite on the sea pup's neck, he forced his member in with one hard push.

The otter moaned out as his body suddenly slammed hard against the painting, his tailhole being stretched open and filled with vulpine meat quickly; and although none of these actions hurt the mammal too much, the forceful entrance still burned a bit. Wesley was soon to forgive and forget though as that rod pressed hard up against his special spot and caused him to jut pre all over the painting once more.

Calvin was moaning into that shoulder; he loved how tight that hole gripped his member and the feeling of the otter's silky insides gliding around him. When his hips slapped hard against those two mounds, he was very quick to pull back and start a nice, quick rhythm of fucking his boyfriend. Meanwhile, one of his paws slipped around to the front of the boy and gripped his hips to help pull the sea pup back with each thrust in.

The otter felt that paw and took it as a hint that he needed to start working his body too, so he began sliding himself along the member back and forth. He went at the same pace of his mate, letting his insides clench and glide across the maleness stuck up his ass in time to meet the thrusts, but more importantly this caused his own erection to throb harder because of how the fox's cock jabbed hard against his prostate. He moaned out and closed his eyes, drooling a bit onto the painting as he was fucked.

Their bodies continued to smash into one another, groin pressed hard up against ass, and they both were really enjoying the feelings. Calvin took the entire situation as a hint that he needed to be fucking even harder, pulling himself out of that hole to the very tip before slamming back in hard. He loved the feeling and bit a little bit harder on his mate's shoulder, moaning louder into the fur as he pumped in and out. This in turn cause the otter's body to press up against the painting more and more, his dick now sliding across the artwork with each thrust and leaving a slick stream to move across. The motion sent electricity down both their spines.

But Calvin was quickly noticing he enjoyed something else as well, pushing in hard and grinding his precious into that hole. While doing so, he would pull hard on the mammal's large tail, causing the otter to clench his opening tighter around the member pushed up and in it. He released his love bite and nuzzled his partner, pulling his body back to watch the action.

Wesley was yipping with each tug to the tail, but the feeling of his appendage being pulled on did not cause him pain as much as it caused him more pleasure. He could feel his balls already drawing up close to his body and the way that throbbing cock pressed against his pleasure knot. He wasn't sure how much longer he would last. "I-I'm gon-gonna blow!"

The words went unnoticed though, for the fox was watching that tight sphincter slide back and forth over his member. His knot was starting to form at the base of his cock, and it sent shivers up his spine to watch the tight tailhole have to stretch a little bit more each time that bulb slid inside. "God damn you are tight," he moaned out as he continued to watch the throbbing, red prick move in and out with his thrusts.

The otter suddenly started moaning loudly, his toes once again clenching up tight, and his erection jutting. He emptied his entire load all over the painting, adding some new, white paint to the modern artwork as line after line of his cum leapt from his tip and up the canvas. His clenched down tight and held on as all of his sensitive spots were continually pleasured as he spewed his seed.

The fox suddenly leaned forward as his knot puffed up even larger with blood, the gripping backside holding him in now causing his member to throb and leak more pre. He could not pull himself out of the sea mammal anymore, tied to his mate, but he could still thrust his hips about an inch or so. He continued motioning himself in and out even as that gripping anus tugged at the back of his knot. His own balls drew up close to his body and he started to yip loudly.

The next thing that the sea pup felt made him clench his toes as hard as possible and close his eyelids tightly. His whole body clenched up and he froze into place, grinding his teeth as a torrent of fox seed was unleashed deep inside his back passage. He gushed and filled him up further and further, each spurt of the fluid delving deep and filling all the cracks and crevices his hole had. He had almost finished with his own orgasm too, but the new sensation sent him back up to the edge once more as his balls churned in place to create just a little bit more seed for him to spew across the painting.

The vulpine continued to yip with pleasure, his body making small thrusts to push his member as deep as possible while he came. His head felt like it was floating in the clouds and he just continued to press harder up against his mate and force more of his seed up and into that ass. He was in such high pleasures that he did not even notice when the liquids began to gush out of that hole and run down his balls or both of their thighs.

And then the pair turned and slumped up against the wall with their shoulders, breathing heavily and living in the heavenly afterglow of what they had just done. The two were so overwhelmed with the sexual tension that had been relieved that they slid down the painting and onto the floor, curling up together as the fox sat with his pink back against the wall and an otter in his lap. When the pair came out of their joyous euphoria, they looked softly into each other's eyes before kissing on the lips with a murr o fdelight.

That was, they enjoyed the pleasure of each other's company until a paw came to rest on their shoulders. Looking over at whose paw it was, they saw one of the art museum police officers looking back at them. The tiger had a stern look on his face as he smirked...

To be continued??