The beginning of the end

Story by Dave-8ball on SoFurry

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#1 of Anniversary Ruined

Okay I know its a lead off of my main series But, I had an idea and had to do it, so here is the start of it, Now it is clean but its about the only chapter that will be so, any kiddies wanting to read it, don't really bother you'll only get to read one of three or four parts; un-decided how many I'm going to have.

And last thing, Characters ;

Tiger and Dave are My characters DO NOT! use them without my consent and if you do so and I find you doing so I will have to report it, sorry but I am pretty attached to them, same with other characters in the other Series [A Friendly Group] so again no using without my say so but if you wish to do something THEN run it by me fair enough but DON'T post before talking to me, Enjoy ^^.


A Sunset can signify many things; The end of a day, maybe romance in a relationship, even the end of a day battling in almost middle earth, in most cases its one of the first two but for one tiger, a white tiger with the typical black stripped patterning, it meant the start of the worst night in his lifetime.

Sat on the hill his black dabbed tail flicked back and forth gently as he thought of his boyfriend in the warm final rays of the sun, his azure blue eyes looking off into the distance imagining various scenarios, one of which was Tiger, his boyfriend, running up the hill towards him, late but so fashionably...yes fashionably late the only lateness where it's amazing to be. In his strong but gentle grip was a anniversary cake, it was only a simple chocolate cake but it was one of his favorite.

The two would then be together for the sunset the next day, go home and exchange gifts, for Tiger a new Deck hidden in a locked cabinet with a card on the top the key to the cabinet was hidden under a loose floor board at home only he knew about and it was going to stay that way, he'd saved up cash for almost a year to get the Deck and he was sure Tiger would love it.

The thoughts began to fade as the sun did the top of it disappearing over the horizon at that point Dave decided he'd go home and sleep if he could get over the excitement for tomorrow. He walked down the hill everything to him was perfect, a decent job, a great life and a perfect boyfriend, walking down the alley it was a three passage one he often used although it was dank and dark it cut at least five minutes of walking from his journey, that's when it happened a large clawed hand came down on his muzzle, holding something a cloth of some sort. It only took a few seconds for him to pass out going limp in the black dragons arms, the Dragon then proceeded to carry the tiger out to a van parked down the end of the Alley placing his prize in the back and driving off