A Pokemon's Forbidden Love

Story by Ryuzaki-Kai on SoFurry

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Okay, time for my stupendous return. As some of you may know, and many won't, I was the author of A Pokemon's Forbidden Love. Back in the days when it was basically illiterate. Here I am now, attempting to bring it back to it's former glory and continue with the story I know many people enjoyed when It was, shit, basically. So to all of those who've read this before, I hope you enjoy as much as you did before. And to all you new fellow's who are just reading this, please enjoy this story and keep watching for further updates! Tell me what you think, don't be afraid to critique as all I'm doing is attempting to become a better author. I can't do that if you just shut yer traps, can I?!1 :3

Disclaimer thingy: I do not own any publicly recognisable characters: Glaceon is a trademark to Pokemon, Nintendo, Gamefreak and is the use of Pokemon and all recognisable names/places, ect. Copywrited to Me, Ryu Foxx, Ryuzaki Kai or L-Foxx is the plotline of this story and characters personalities and names.


Pokémon; the Pokémon World; a vast landscape, ever growing with more inventing and ingenious Pokémon; New breeds, new people. Yet, why do we all think it's perfect? Why do we believe that, no-one steals in this world? How do we know that other Pokémon won't kill to survive in the wild? It's not perfect, and it never will be perfect; just as corrupt and filthy as our world. However, saying that. Our world can sometimes, in the right light, be magnificent. Glorious and amazing; with its beautiful landscapes, ingenious creative minds and above all; the love and passion we hold for things; whether they're objects, or other humans. So who's to say that in the Pokémon world, there isn't a good side to the shadows we never see?

Such is a story of that brilliant light which guides everyone, and the darkening shadows that the Pokémon world hides from you - a story of passion, gone wrong; on so many levels... Yet it's so right, so profound and so, perfect, that the shadows may have to be broken to keep it. This story is about love; his name, Buck - a lonely child who's lived his entire life without the comfort of friends, who just seem to abandon him right when he needs them. Buck lives in the Pokémon world; his aim is to become a Pokémon master - so naive, just like every other Pokémon trainer. He will never achieve this ambition; though this is what they all strive and aim for. With no income, no support many of them fail and end up working, just like everyone else - this is the harsh reality of a Pokémon trainer; there is no money involved; and just like our world, money makes the world go round.

Buck is an average seventeen year old boy; six feet in height, average build; slightly tanned; medium length brown hair. Yup, everything about him is average; but not normal. The reason why we're following him is because this young boy has a very interesting life ahead of him... Something that even he doesn't understand - but in due course, it will become apparent.

So for now I leave you with Buck, the beginning of his adventure and yours, and I do hope you enjoy his story. I know I did.

The sun beat down on the tiny cabin; its varnished wood panels shined happily against the sun's rays as it stood majestically against the brilliant green grass. It was summer here; flowers bloomed in a variety of colours, shapes and sizes; the grass thrived in the sun's rays, growing tall and blushing a deep dark green. To the right of the cabin laid another one, similar in size and shape, though its wood work was old and frail - almost crumbing. This cabin had lost its once majestic glimmer, and now stood in complete dull contrast to the brand new cabin, which stood handsomely beside it.

Dotted around were similar cabins, each with assorted sell-by dates; this small village was called Twinleaf; a village renowned for its ambitious Pokémon trainers- some reaching the elite's while others doing odd things, however, each to their own the village was host to a many famous names. None of them lived there anymore, as there was nothing in the village to keep anyone occupied - with its lack of entertainment. Well, if you like knitting classes or 'how to create wood sculptures with your Pokémon', then this village is just up your street.

The small, worn down cabin was home to Buck and his mother; his father, being one of those famous trainers, was no longer around. Inside the cabin laid worn furniture; wooden dressers cracking and breaking under the pressure mounted on top of them; while sofa's - aged and dated - sat comfortably on the old rug they partnered with since the day they moved into the house. It was only one tier with 4 rooms, playing host to Bucks bedroom, his mothers, the lounge and finally the kitchen - no bathroom, which was in the outpost outside.

All his life, Buck had lived in the small shabby house, and never once was he ashamed of the life he'd been given - but no-one lived in this cabin anymore. The walls sat dryly, aching under the pressure of the roof while the abandoned furniture longed for the voices of the humans again - but they would never return; the house was broken. All the fond memories that had been passed now left to ferment in the foundations of the building some people used to call home.

It creaked in agony as the wind hit hard against its side; its foundations wavering with the sway of the wind each time it picked up.

Opposite to Twinleaf was the town called Sandgem; a much more, interesting town which played host to the famous Pokémon Lab of Sinnoh. Its houses differed slightly, as the mixed foundations of bricks and wood, created a much sturdier house than could be found in Twinleaf. Here was where Buck had moved with his mother; into one of the more subtle small houses in the edge of the city. This one stood tall and proud, slightly aged though cared for. Inside the sound of a vacuum cleaner hummed, whirring over the stylish rugs inside; a stout woman guiding it across the carpet skilfully. Her hair was long and curly, while her physique matched that of a typical mother; stout, with round, rosy cheeks. She smiled to herself and she whistled along, pushing the vacuum cleaner happily across the rugs. It had been almost a month now that her son had left the house to go on his Pokémon adventure, just like many other teenagers had across the Sinnoh region. She didn't know how things were turning out, or whether Buck was okay or not, but she trusted him; waiting for the day that he'll return home and tell her everything he'd seen, all his adventures and stories. With that in mind, it kept her going each day.

Truth is, I'm Buck. I figured I'd let you in on a few things in my life before I went any further. As for where I am now, well, you'll see; but there is a few things I'd like to tell you about myself first, since we're going to be travelling together. I'm seventeen, a male, as you might have guessed. I'm just an average boy, and that's all I can say really - I like to cook, an avid collector of miscellaneous Pokéballs. But most importantly, who I am. You see, I'm not really the type to get jealous of people; I'm too kind, and caring as well. A sucker for love I can tell you - But there's something that I don't understand about me, which is the most worrying part. There's something inside me that, I just can't grasp; but it won't stop me from having fun!

Lately, I've been having a few problems... Trainer problems. A month ago, I started my Pokémon Journey with my best friend. Zhen - at that time, he was... How do I put it? Cool, alright? We'd been friends ever since we were kids, and so, starting my Pokémon Journey with him was probably one of the best things that could have happened, back then. But, he changed... Always talking about how, I was holding him back and that he didn't want to see me anymore; that I was a joke to him, and that I'm... A joke of a Pokémon trainer.

I couldn't believe it. And that's when I started having doubts about being a trainer; but what made it worse was, when my first Pokémon, Eevee... She started despising me. When Zhen left, so did her partner and she was heartbroken. Taking all her stress out on me... So, as you might be able to tell it's been difficult to gain her trust back, as she blames me for it. But we're nearly there now - we still have some issues, such as who's washing the dishes. No, I joke. I just hope, that in time, I'll be able to get things back on track; I don't want to quit being a trainer...

Anyway, that's all I've got to say for now. I'll be seeing you around.

"Eevee! Quick Attack now!"


A chestnut brown streak dashed towards its opposition; striking it swiftly in the chest, causing the small creature to hit the ground with a dull thud motionless. The brown streak hit the ground, landing on all four paws, poised and ready to strike; its eyes, a light blue colour, glared at the lifeless body on the floor, ignoring it's long fur as it swayed in front of its face while the wind picked up around them. The same chestnut brown fur covered its entire body and halfway up its paintbrush-like tail, where it shifted from brown to cream at the end; the same cream fur covered the fluffy mane around its neck.

There was a long whine from the small creature as it tried to lift itself up, but collapsed again - with no energy and no stamina, the poor creature was left to beg for mercy. A beam of crimson light hit the lifeless creature and covered it's body, engulfing it and dissolving the creature into a translucent pink light, which returned backwards towards its source; a small red and white Pokéball. Holding the ball was a frustrated looking trainer; his eyes raw with anger, though his physique and age caused him to only look like a whiney little brat.

"Alright, good job Eevee!"

The voice was masculine; tinted with care and compassion though strong and meaningful. Eevee, the small brown and cream Pokémon turned to face the human; noticing how she loved the flow of his long brown hair in the wind and the powerful gaze from his deep brown eyes. He wore a black leather jacket which bore a Poke Ball emblem embossed on the chest.

Walking towards the small creature, he beamed a smile down at her and chuckled slightly; lifting her up into his arms and stroking at her fur, his smile ceasing to remove itself. She chirped happily, nuzzling gently against Buck's chin, closing her brilliant blue eyes as she enjoyed the touch of his body against her silky smooth fur. There was a cough ahead of them, causing the two to look up ahead; their gaze now focused on the small bratty child, his face plastered with the sweet look of defeat.

"Okay, you win, Buck. Take it..."

He pumped his fist forward, face retort with anguish as tears began to stroll down the child's face. In his fist was a small pouch, and inside, all of his battle winnings. Buck laughed half heartedly and smiled at the child kindly, turning around and beginning to walk in the opposite direction.

"Keep it; you need it a Hell of a lot more than I do."

His fist lowered, face now shocked as he stuttered something, shifting around anxiously. He chuckled and shouting his gratitude towards Buck, who simply lifted an arm and tilted his hand to the side before placing it back.

"You did really well today Eevee, I'm proud of you. At this rate, we'll be able to challenge Snowpoint's Gym with ease. What do you say to a little treat?"

''Vee! 'Vee!'

"I'll take that as a yes then! Alright, we'll head back to Celestic Town, eat up, rest up and get ready for tomorrow!"

And with that, a happy 'Vee!' and a few licks from the tiny Pokémon, they continued down the small pathway; following the jagged signs which pointed vaguely towards Celestic Town.


The sun beat down against the trees which surrounded a small village; Celestic town, which was well know for it's bizarre methods of healing, it's array of different spices and the legends, myths and prophecies that surrounded the village. Specialists from around the region travelled there to set up businesses as it was such a well known and diverse place; which meant, though small the village was, it thrived on a daily basis.

A simple archway gaped through the trees revealing a small and narrow pathway; down it walked a human and beside him, a small two-foot-high Pokémon - Buck and Eevee. They both made their way through the shaded trees into the brilliant sunlight; squinting as it dazzled both of them. Searching, Buck spotted the small restaurant he'd visited previously. He grinned, but didn't make his way towards it; instead, he turned to face a large building - white washed walls at the base while a brilliant red roof; at the front, a large 'PC' sign. The Pokémon Centre.

Two translucent doors slid open as Buck approached them, stepping through them with a welcoming stench of antibiotics and disinfectants; the usual Pokémon centre smell. This particular centre was small, with only a few desks and sofas to count, the reception desk took most of the space. Behind it stood a woman, her face heavily made up and her hair, which was bubblegum pink in colour, sprayed into an outrageous style. It wasn't her natural hair; she was Nurse Joy - famously renowned for running all the Pokémon centres... Until the family got imprisoned for incest and slavery... Quite disturbing actually, the males would be locked up as slaves and the females would 'breed' the males to keep the female 'Nurse Joy' gene alive - unfortunately, one of the males escaped and informed the police, so now we have imposters who try to look like Nurse Joy, in an attempt to make things normal - they fail.

What wasn't normal was her voice, well, his, I should say. Though his complexion seemed female, he spoke in a very deep male voice - very disturbing.

"Hello and welcome, how may I serve you today?"

It was strange, after all these years of the sweet Nurse Joy, now he was greeted by a transvestite.

"Uhh, hey Si... Ma'am. I'd just like my Pokémon to have a quick check up. We're going to Snowpo..."

He was cut off by the 'nurse' who simply pulled out a clip board from under the desk, slamming it on the table and clicked a pen.

"Alright then. Tell me your name, gender, age, date of birth and Pokémon Trainer Number. I'll also need the number of Pokémon you've got, their species, and gender if you know them. You can only do 6 Pokémon at a time."

And with that said, he swirled a piece of paper towards Buck, who took it and the pen and began writing in the Boxes.

**Name : Buck

Age : 17

Gender : Male

Date Of Birth : 01/11/92

Trainer Number : 98645378**

**No. of Pokémon : 4


Species: Eevee

Gender: Female


Species: Flygon

Gender: Female


Species: Absol

Gender: Male


Species: Charmander

Gender: Male


Species: N/A

Gender: N/A


Species: N/A

Gender: N/A**

He finished writing, placing the ink pen down next to the pad only for it to be flicked off by the 'nurse' as he shifted the clipboard around; typing something into the computer slowly, as if confused about the keys; staring at them as if they'd moved since he last touched them.

"Okay... I'll need your balls now."

Buck obliged, grasping the three Pokéballs that were clipped to his Trainer belt; placing them down on the counter before reaching to lift the little Eevee from the ground, placing her on the counter too.

The nurse grunted something, placing the little balls into a cardboard container and nodding at Buck

"Could you bring your Eevee, I'll have my hands full."

Once again Buck obliged, taking the small Eevee in his hands and cuddling her tightly to his chest. They made their way down a small corridor, where assorted doors were either closed or open; many of them contained trainers and Pokémon, where the Pokémon were taken in for intensive care - a road no trainer wants to go down.

They neared the end of the corridor, a few doors down, before the masculine nurse stopped them. He turned to a door on the right and opened it; inside was a large room. Bookshelves towered across the walls slightly, filled with miscellaneous books; empty potion bottles; thermometers. And others just seemed so foreign to Buck he didn't dare question them. In the centre of the room stood a few tables, and towards the back a covered over dusty machine; broken and un-used. The Nurse walked inside, placing the Poke Balls on the table and waved his arm to indicate that Buck should enter with Eevee; which he did, placing the fragile Pokémon down on the table.

She looked up at him, mewing cutely, but she seemed oddly worried; scared. No-one liked having an examination; however Buck simply smiled at her, leaning over and planting a gentle kiss on her forehead. She shied away, bowing her head slightly as she mewed a last time. Taking a seat outside, Buck waited patiently for the nurse to finish his examination; which didn't take very long.

He'd never seen how the nurse had done examinations before, though he imagined them to be quite distressing for the Pokémon; well, let's say he wouldn't like being probed and studied over - but it had to be done to ensure that his Pokémon didn't have an illness, which could be deathly on the freezing route to Snowpoint.

There was a click; the handle of the door slowly being pulled down, swinging it open to reveal the manly Nurse Joy carrying Bucks three Pokéballs; behind him trotted Eevee, who peered around the nurses legs, mewing loudly in happiness as she saw Buck. Once the nurse had handed back his three Pokéballs, Buck's lap was greeted by the exited Eevee; brilliant blue eyes now gazing affectionately into Buck's. The human chuckled slightly, scratching the little Eevee behind her ear as she nuzzled happily into his chest.

"I'll leave you to make your own way out."

Boredom tainting the Nurse's voice, he placed a small piece of paper down next to Buck and continued down the corridor. The paper was the examination results and against each of the 4 Pokémon were green 'pass' stamps; this was good enough, at least there were no abnormities.

After a few minutes of cuddles, Buck made his way down the corridor, Eevee following close behind. The main entrance was as bare as it was when he entered, only difference was, there wasn't a gender confused Nurse stood behind the desk this time.

The Pokémon centre door slid open silently, and Eevee slipped through, watching the free-moving object in wonder; she wasn't used to seeing things move on their own. Buck looked down at her, and smiled. "Feeling better Vee?" he asked softly, Vee being his affectionate nickname for the Eevee, to which she happily replied; before a grumble sounded from the small Pokémon. Buck chuckled, and ruffled the soft fur on the tip of her head. "You're hungry, huh?" His Pokémon nodded gently. Looking around, Buck's eyes fell on a small building, that had tables set out in front of it. The smell of fresh bread floated out from the restaurant, encouraging another growl from Vee's tummy. "Alright, let's get something to eat!"

Silver tables and chairs lined the outside of the small hut; there was no sign to indicate it was a restaurant, however the aroma of fresh bread clearly indicated food. Buck and Vee made their way towards one of the empty tables outside; but before they could sit they were greeted by a waiter, his voice low and dreary with boredom, while he stared down his nose at the two customers.

"Good evening Sir. Is it just the table for one?"

Buck nodded, and looked down at the small Eevee; her stomach growling in anticipation.

"I see. Pokémon are not permitted in the restaurant, so if you would like to take a seat outside." He waved his arm outwards, swaying to generalise the seating area outside. "Then I will come to take your order... Sir." With that said, the waiter made his way inside the small hut, disappearing through the swinging oak doors. There were plenty of tables empty, business must be slow this late; Buck simply pulled out the silver chair he was next to and sat down on it, his lap being greeted by the small Eevee again; she nuzzled gently at the side of his chin, mewing occasionally with happiness. Not too long after they had sat down, the waiter made his way through the swaying oak doors again; in his hand, a pen and a pad. "Okay Sir, may I take your order?"

"Just a serving of Pokéchow, small - and a glass of water. Last of the big spenders here!" The waiter forgot to smile at the terrible joke he'd heard a million times over, however Buck chuckled to himself, stroking Eevee gently as he did so.

"Very well Sir. I shall tend to your order immediately."

Slumping off towards some other customers, the waiter muttered something about useless customers and disappeared off behind Buck, who hadn't heard him; his mind was elsewhere. Staring blankly at the trees, watching them sway slightly with the wind; Pidgeys perching themselves precariously on the edges of the swinging branches, rocking back and forth. Leaves holding onto their stems for dear life as the wind threatened to ruin their existence. Something broke his daydream, a voice; male, it was familiar as if he knew what it was, yet deep down a feeling of bitterness grew.

"I'd like a serving of Pokéchow."

"Right away Sir, anything else?"

"No, that's all."

That voice. Was it really...?

The waiter hurried past Buck quickly, slinking away into the hut without moment's hesitation. Buck anxiously turned around, facing the direction of the familiar voice. "...Zhen?"

The human lifted his head up; lengthy blue hair streamed down from his head over his face, which slowly shifted as he lifted his entire head up; deep dark blue eyes, followed by a handsome face. This was Zhen, the trainer that Buck had started his Pokémon Journey with.

"Buck? Is that you?"

Buck nodded slowly, his gaze falling upon the small Eevee that now walked into view; he could feel his own Eevee tense her paws angrily, turning away from him and snuggling up into Bucks chest; who stroked her gently to calm her down. "My, haven't you grown! Fancy meeting you here, in Celestic town, of all places!" Obviously he had forgotten what he'd said to Buck before they split paths; this bitter feeling welling up inside Buck now strengthened. Someone who was his best friend now forgot why they hadn't spoken in a month? Tch.

"Yep haha! Right. So uh... What're you doing here then? I heard you beat the Elites... Doesn't that mean you can, you know, travel to all the different regions, catching new Pokémon?"

Zhen laughed, at what seemed to be Buck's naivety. The waiter scurried out of the oak doors again, carrying a single steaming hot plate of Pokéchow.

"Here you go, Master Zhen. Is there anythin-"

He was cut off by Buck, who was now glaring at the waiter.

"Hey! Where's mine then? I ordered first."

The waiter turned around, facing Buck with a snobby expression on his face; head tilted backwards and looking down on Buck from the base of his nose.

"Do excuse me, yours will be prepared momentarily. I would appreciate it if you understood that Zhen deserves the top most of quality and service as he's a champion, after all."

Shifting his gaze from Buck and back to Zhen, he leant down and placed the plate down onto the table, forcing a smile across his stuck up face. Zhen reacted with a chuckle; lifting the plate up himself and placing it down on Buck's table.

"Bon appetite. A friend deserves exactly the same as what I get, wouldn't you say?"

Suddenly the bitter feeling in Buck's stomach loosened, he felt relieved that he hadn't actually lost his friend fully; though there was still doubt which hung low in him, feeding off every wrong glance Zhen gave him or anything he said wrong; but Buck ignored it, he wanted his friend back after all.

"Thanks... So, what do you do now that you're, you know, a League Champion?"

By this point Buck had shifted the dish from the table to his lap, allowing Eevee to eat from it silently; he knew she wasn't comfortable being around what was her ex; likewise she knew Buck was uncertain about his 'friend' Zhen.

"Well, if I'm honest with you Buck, new regions sound interesting and all that but, where's the fun in it? I mean sure, I've beat this league but I wouldn't be allowed to use my Pokémon over there, which could be fun. So, I figured I'd try the Battle Tower, just off Snowpoint. It's why I'm here."

Buck grinned to himself. "You're heading off to Snowpoint?" Zhen nodded, watching his Eevee carefully as it began to waltz around the table. "Mind going together? I need to get up there to beat the Gym leader."

Zhen laughed to himself again, smirking. "Yeah! Sure. I'll meet you by the route tomorrow at dawn; it's an all day trip... If you can't fly there."

The doubt grew as Zhen tried to insult Buck; he knew he was, but he wasn't going to say anything about it. Maybe. Maybe he was too immature? Still, at least he could possibly regain his friendship with Zhen once again... If, he turned up; another thing the doubt fed off.

Eevee had left most of the food on the plate, obviously not being able to eat with Zhen's Eevee around; out of kindness for her, Buck decided to take his leave; paying the snobby waiter and bidding his farewells to Zhen, he made his way towards the small hotel he was staying in; it wasn't much, well, he couldn't afford much but it sufficed. What was even more annoying was the fact he'd paid for an extra two nights which he wasn't going to use.


Tick. Tick. Tick. Tick.

The continuous metronome of a noise echoed around the still room; no other noise daring to break its continuous rhythm. Bare walls stood at all four sides, covered with what seemed like torn wall paper, though it was hard to tell in the lack of light; the only source being the green, electric alarm clock which stood illuminating the bedside table it crouched on; sending its beam across the floor and up the wall opposite.

Something shuffled, breaking the slight ticking noise of the clock, which almost seemed to keep time still, waiting for the noise to finish before it continued with its melody; it was the sound of sheets rustling, though extremely quiet. The clock no longer permitted to hold back time it continued its delayed ticking, which seemed to speed up slightly to catch up on time it missed; the green beam of light now breaking as something shifted in front of it - It was Eevee. Her tail swung out in front of the clock, blocking the numbers it displayed from view; she had shifted up the bed towards the top towards Buck. Something wet touched his cheek, then a slight, quiet mew slipped into his dream. Something was wrong, a wall doesn't mew...

"Eevee... Is that you...?"

His voice was dry and slow; obviously his brain hadn't fully woken up yet. Eevee mewed once more, this time nuzzling the human's cheek and licking at it softly. Turning around now, towards the centre of the bed, Buck yawned loudly, and sat up; he had no idea what the time was, nor did it matter. Flicking the lamp on, which hid in the darkness, caused him to wince in pain as the sharp beam of light penetrated his eyes, dazzling him for a moment. Eevee, who was sat on top of the duvet gazing up at the human; her eyes bearing tears which threatened to escape at any moment; and it didn't take long for Buck to notice this.

"Vee... C'mere. You really should stop getting yourself down like that over him..."

It was the fourth night in a row she'd woken up crying. Moving up towards Buck's chest, the little Eevee buried her head into his neck, crying every so often; her cold tears hitting Buck's skin as he stroked the little Eevee.

"Ssh... C'mon Vee, he's not worth it..." The little Eevee stopped nuzzling, holding back her tears as she whimpered slightly. "Don't forget you've got me Vee, I'll help you through anything..." He bent down, placing a small kiss on the Eevee's chestnut forehead; she whimpered again slightly, lifting her face up slowly to gaze into Bucks face; her brilliant blue eyes watching his deep brown eyes. She mewed again, watching him smile reassuringly. "I'll be here for you always, Vee. I'll protect you and I'll love you, Vee." The small Pokémon smiled to herself, only a small smile, but it had a big meaning; what Buck had just said was probably the only thing she wanted to hear, something that she really needed. Nuzzling the humans face again, and giving him a little, cautious lick on the lips, she removed herself from his chest and curled up beside him; Buck shifted himself back down under the duvet, switching the lamp off beside him casting the entire room in the pitch black light.

The small alarm clock began its rhythmical ticking again; it's numbers flicking from one number to another : 5:47am. The exact same time Eevee had woke Buck up the previous nights; was there a connection? Nah. There couldn't be.


"You're late."

There was a smug, almost disgusted expression plastered against Zhen's face, which Buck hated. He was poised against the trunk of a tree; one foot resting lazily against the tree's trunk, while he hung his head low; the hat he wore on his head covering most of his face when he kept it down. Anyone would think it was cool, but it just seemed a bit immature for a champion, after all, he does have to keep his appearance up.

"Sorry, I had a late night. Something the matter?"

There was an almost menacing chuckle which escaped from under the hat, though, maybe it was just Bucks imagination. Zhen lifted his head up; the long blue hair parting from his face to reveal a smiling complexion; a happy, almost childish smile... Maybe Buck was being paranoid. "Do you ever put that thing into its ball?" Motioning his head towards Buck's shoulder where Eevee sat cutely; her front paws holding on while she hung freely and comfortably.

"Does it matter?"

Shrugging, Zhen walked forward, muttering under his breath. Tch, old habits die hard, don't they? "We better get a move on; otherwise I'll be late for my ferry." With that said, he made his way through the archway of tree's, attempting to be funny by muttering 'or I could just fly and leave you to struggle on your own'; making no attempts to hide what he said. Buck was wrong, all too wrong; he hadn't changed one bit.

The journey was mostly silent; Zhen had taken Buck up a quick route to reach Snowpoint; a route that only the champions really knew. However, it was still pretty dangerous; powerful wild Pokémon used it as a retreat from civilisation, as no humans really wandered down it; if anyone did, they'd find themselves fact to face with an Ursaring or Tyranitar. This was a route Buck made a mental note to remember.

Signs that they were reaching the northern parts of Sinnoh were emerging; snow. Not a lot but enough to notice; it laid idly on the tops of leaves and branches. Another sign was the temperature; it was almost freezing; something that Buck had mentally prepared for.

Thick, bitter winds blew harsh against the trainer's faces; Eevee now burying her head into Bucks neck as she attempted to keep herself warm; any other trainer would return their Pokémon to their Pokéballs... Unfortunately for Buck, Eevee's ball was sat at home with his mother. Eevee whimpered as the wind picked up, causing her to shiver madly; it was too much for her, and Buck knew it. Stopping quickly for a moment, he pulled the little creature from his shoulder, opened up his jacked and placed her inside; holding her up and close to his chest with his arms. Zhen gave a small laugh, obviously he thought Buck was a loser; the bitter feeling inside his body grew sharper than the wind around them... It was too much though, he had to take a break.

Trudging through the thick snow they were almost burying in, Buck made his way through a thick bunch of trees; luckily, a small rock sat on the ground, half covered in snow. The tree's offered a slight barricade from the wind and the snow; Zhen was nowhere in sight, though, that might have been a good thing.

"You okay Vee?"

Her reply was weak, something was definitely wrong. Buck didn't notice the shadow lurking behind the trees; it looked like a human, but, it was too dark within the mass of the trees to tell. Then something rustled close by, shuffling the bushes... Was it a Pokémon? He noticed this one, pulling the weak Eevee from his jacket and placing her on the rock behind him; taking off his jacket to keep her warm.

The bush rustled again, this time, a long icy claw began to slowly expose itself from the bush; it brought itself down, slicing all the leaves in front of it. The Pokémon revealed itself; ebony fur ran the length of its body while at the top, a pink feather hung loosely. A Sneasel; common around the north of Sinnoh as they enjoy the freezing cold temperature. However, this one seemed a little too interested in Buck, and the small Eevee; it had smug, evil grin across its face. Buck could smell trouble... Instinctively, he dashed to the small rock, standing in between it and the Sneasel. It grinned menacingly... Swooping forwards, it was almost a blur; but maybe the searing pain in Buck's arm was the cause of that blur.

Cringing in pain, Buck collapsed to his knees on the ground; one hand covering the wound that was now gushing his scarlet blood; then something touched his chin, something sharp... The Sneasel's claw was pulling Buck's head up, forcing him to face him otherwise his claw would penetrate his chin; almost face to face, a dominant grin was spread across the Sneasel's face. Raising his spare paw high in the air ready to strike Buck's face; just before it struck, a small black ball hit it square on the chest; causing the Sneasel to collapse on the ground; recovering soon afterwards.

As the Sneasel fell, his claw punctured a small hole into Bucks chin, digging a deep scratch across his chin and up his lip; he couldn't feel the pain, as the snow beneath him numbed his jaw as he collapsed into it. It was cold, freezing actually; Buck laid there in the ground, his breath rasp in the snow while his body shivered uncontrollably. He managed to lift his body up slightly, rolling over so his face was no longer in the snow.

Blood dyed the brilliant white snow beneath Buck; his arm and face now searing with a sharp pain. He didn't have enough energy to move, the freezing cold snow made sure it had drained most of it... But he could feel something, something inside him which growled and ripped his insides; what was it that attacked the Sneasel? Rolling his head around slightly to look behind him, and sure enough, his worries were correct; stood atop of the rock he'd left her on, Eevee balanced on shivering paws; her face contort with pain, she had an eye closed for some reason. Buck tried to speak, but nothing came out... Then he heard it. The Sneasel; pouncing from the ground and landing on the rock behind Eevee, who attempted to turn around. Not fast enough. She was stricken with a slash across the side of her body; and it was deep. Scarlet red droplets fell across the rock, staining it with the innocent creature's blood; she let out a slight gasp of pain, but she was far too weak to actually make much of a sound. She hit the ground, body lifeless and motionless; the snow beneath the creature's body becoming painted a deep red colour, and fast.

He couldn't describe it, what Buck felt on the inside was just a numb feeling. Doubt, perhaps, that this hadn't happened. What if Zhen was nearby? Maybe he could have helped? No, it was all Bucks fault for going off like that! Why did he have to go away from Zhen! He knew the area was rough!... And for his mistake, he'd lost his precious Eevee. The only creature he'd ever loved, his partner though all the tough times, and the one to make all the good ones, the best. No more of that, she was dead; he was convinced of it.

Something landed behind him, though, he was too weak to turn around; an ice cold claw scraped against his numb flesh, cutting against his arm causing him to whimper in pain; he couldn't do anything. Then it reached his neck; it pushed down hard enough against his neck so he could feel it; not his claw, but the fear of death; the fear of being powerless and knowing that he was going to die. His shivering picked up, mainly out of fear now; he could swear the Sneasel was laughing at him, which made it all the more pitiful. He couldn't use his dying breath to save someone he loved, which pained him to no extent.

I'm sorry, Eevee...

"_ What're you sorry for? _"

That voice... Cold, icy cold yet so reassuring. It warmed him up slightly, destroying the worry, the anguish in his stomach; he felt reassured. Something that he never thought he'd feel again. The claw which threatened Bucks life released itself; having his eyes closed in expectation, this just brought all the worry back. Maybe he was preparing to strike... Yet he didn't care; that voice set his soul at rest. The strike didn't arrive... Instead, what he felt was the footsteps behind him... Not getting nearer, but, further away; was the Sneasel retreating? Slowly, Buck opened his eyes; the brilliant white snow causing his eyes as much pain as his arm, but they adjusted slowly. There wasn't anything in front of him; which was worrying, since that was where Eevee had landed... Had he dreamt it all? Did he just collapse due to the cold? No... He had the wounds to show, and the Sneasel had just backed away.

Thanks to the warmth that ran through his body, Buck could move slightly, but not a lot; shifting his gaze to look around, there was nothing above him, but, in front of him stood another creature. The first thing he noticed was it's beautiful radiance; how it's fur dazzled and shined against the snow, it's brilliant blue colour; it's eyes, strangely familiar yet so caring, so loving; a beautiful pair of eyes he could gaze into, which reminded him of the stars. Its figure was that of a canines; 4ft-5ft in height, standing on all fours where dark blue socks covered it's paws; on its head, two tassels fell elegantly from either side of its head dress; complimented by two long diamond shaped ears.

It turned to look at Buck, smiling an elegant yet cute smile, before facing the Sneasel it stood opposite; then Buck noticed it. Its side; a deep scratch wound, which dripped blood continuously; the same scratch Eevee had, on the same side too.

Mustering enough energy to speak, Buck stuttered something towards the creature. "Eevee...?". It turned again to face Buck, another caring elegant smile across its face. Then he heard it, that same, beautiful entrancing voice.

"_ I suppose I was... But my names Glaisha now, Buck. You can still call me Vee though _."

He couldn't believe it... No, he really couldn't. Was he daydreaming? Did he really pass out? No way could a Pokémon talk... Yet it's voice seemed to real; seemed to warm him up the moment he heard it, give him energy he'd never felt before and above all, a deep feeling in the pit of his stomach; something he'd never felt before; a fuzzy feeling...

Grunting once more, Buck lifted himself up, sitting up against the rock behind him; one arm supporting the other, pressing against the scratch wounds to prevent blood loss. The Sneasel was cowering for some reason; it seemed scared; trembling in fear. Buck couldn't see why, Eevee, well, Glaisha was so beautiful. Why would anyone be afraid of such an elegant creature? The voice returned, oh and not soon enough either.

"_ Do you know what I do to traitors? _"

Sneasel shook its head slowly, never taking its eyes off the creature once.

"_ I'd kill them, wouldn't you? _"

This time it didn't move, probably wondering whether or not to tell the truth or lie and beg for mercy; it decided to beg.

"_ Wrong answer... _"

As quickly as the Sneasel had fell to the ground grovelling, a short, swift beam of light hit the small creature; a powerful beam known to the humans as 'Hyper Beam'; and for it to hit this close, meant the Sneasel was either dead, or disintegrated; the latter was probably the more humane option.

Glashia didn't let up her Hyper Beam; instead she continued to pile it into the already lifeless body; gushing more power out than before; causing the creature's dead body to shift, slide across the snow and slam into a tree; burning the image of the Sneasel's carcass against its trunk. Then she finished; the beam narrowing down to a single, small strand, before disappearing; Glaisha smiled at Buck, her eyes closing slowly as she collapsed into the snow; the wound on her side bleeding worse than before.

"G... Glaisha!"

She didn't stir; her body laid lifeless just like the Sneasel's. A sickly feeling ran through Buck's veins, his body coming out in a cold sweat as he watched the lifeless creature on the ground. She shifted, but only slightly; enough to drag Buck off his feet, scurrying towards her.

"Glaisha! Don't worry, hang in there I'll save you!"

Ignoring the searing pains in his side; the lack of energy he had and the bitter cold wind; Buck scurried to his feet; taking the Jacket he previously placed around his once small Eevee and picking up Glaisha. She was significantly larger, and heavier; usually it wouldn't be a problem, but being in Bucks weak condition, it pained him to lift the blue Pokémon.

Collapsing to the ground, Glaisha still in his arms as his Knee's fell through the thick snow. Icy cold teardrops swelled at he base of Bucks eyes; useless. Pointless. She saved him, why, why couldn't he do something to simple as save her back? Too weak!

"_ Thank you Buck... _"

That feeling; warmth, the energy... It was enough to pick himself up, enough to stand and hold Glaisha up close; he didn't understand. Why? Why was he reacting to her voice so much?

"Don't worry Glaisha... Everything will be okay..."

He didn't sound too sure of it himself, yet he saw Glaisha smile; her face so calm and so beautiful, how could she keep that calm when she had such a deep wound in her side?

"_ I'll tell you a story, Buck. _"

Besides everything that was already happening; all these weird foreign emotions he was feeling; the deep fuzziness in the pit of his stomach which mixed with the worry and anxiety, was now greeted with confusion. Why a story...?

"_**It's a story about my name... There once was a Princess, a human. She ruled the land of Sinnoh, leading the region into bigger and better things... This was a thousand years ago. Her name, was Princess Glaisha; she lived in a huge ice fortress above where Snowpoint city is now. She was known as the Ice Princess; beautiful and caring.

Her guardian was a Pokémon the same as me, A Glaceon. He was brave, strong and above all, he always managed to protect the princes.**_ "

She stopped for a minute; breath heavy and voice weakening, she didn't have much longer; however Buck was sprinting, he made no attempt to hush the Glaceon, what was more important was getting her to the Pokémon Centre immediately.

"_ My name, Glaisha, was given to me by my mother; because my eyes reminded her of Princess Glaisha's. What happened to her was terrible; she died, with her Glaceon companion... Not without sacrifice, of course. There was a battle, with a creature named Darkrai; he tried to manipulate the princess, making her believe that she had to destroy the city, and make him king... " Whimpering slightly from the pain, Glaisha cringed and shook rapidly. She'd lost a lot of blood, too much... " But her companion saw through him... Forcing him out of the kingdom, when Darkrai swore he'd get his revenge one day... And then it happened; after months of nothing. The castle was stormed with troops of Pokémon, many of them just foot solders while others, the stuff of legends. The city was destroyed, however the princess had managed to escape; hiding in a cave near lake Aculity... The legendary dogs arrived, fighting off the most of Darkrai's troops. But, he was too much... He fought off each one, almost beating them with ease. And then he found them... They died in that cave together; but justice found it's way. Darkrai was trapped inside that cave; Entei managed to put a seal on the cave that so long as blood was on his hands, he'd be forced to live in the shadows of the cave. The only way he could be released, was if the blood of Glaisha fell again in that cave... _"

She was far too weak to carry on, but he was nearly there; the entrance, or exit, was just in front of him; legs buckling under the weight and the strain; he knew he couldn't go any further but he had to save her. She was all he had left.

" Glaisha... No matter what I'll save you..."

She winced again, her fur almost covered in her own blood; breaths short and ragged, there wasn't much time, and she could tell that.

"_ Buck if we don't make it, know this... I'll always protect you... I've never meant to hurt you in anyway... Your the only human... The only one, for me... Buck _."

Part of him didn't understand, yet another part thrived with Joy and happiness; but he didn't get it. There wasn't enough time to mull it over, the Pokémon centre was only a few feet away now... Just a little further to the....


"Ah shit that fucking hurt!... Nurse! Nurse Joy!"

It was late, definitely too late for the Poke Centre to be open, but he had to try at least; there was still a light on, and a little flicker of hope as he noticed the door behind the reception open. The next site could probably have been better; a chubby half naked man strolled out of the door; wearing only his briefs and a vest. But that didn't matter; he was the only one that could save Glaisha now.

The door unlocked, sliding open as Buck sped inside, almost throwing himself on the admin counter; his legs ached with pain, searing with heat, which caused him to collapse on the floor crying out in pain. The nurse ran around, a worried expression on his face.

"Don't worry about me! Save her! Please save her!!"

He took quick gasps; he was out of breath. Vision blurry, the pain in both his arms and legs was too much - He was out, nothing but blackness and the same thoughts running though his head; her voice, that thing she said to him... Repeating it over and over.

_ 'The only one, for me... Buck.' _


_"Will he be okay?"

"I don't know, we hope so. He sustained severe lacerations to the arms, legs and face, they're treating him now."

"What about his Pokémon?"_

"It's difficult, to say the least. She won't move from his arms. But her wounds are healing nicely, Pokémon heal quicker than humans."

She's okay...?

_"Quick! To the Emergency Room!"

"What's happening doctor?!"

"He needs to be seen to as quick as possible!"_

But I feel fine... Where's Glaisha? Who are these people...

_ "Buck..." _

Huh?! Glaisha...!

_ "Buck I don't know if you can hear me right now, but hold on, please... I'll be right by your side when you wake up...." _

I don't know what's happening, but, your okay... That's enough to pull me through anything.

"He's stabilising... He's going to be fine, he's gotten through the worst of it."


I don't understand what happened... Why can I only hear people, and not see them? Is something wrong with me? It's been a while since I heard someone though... It was Glaisha, her voice just stuck in my head, like a magnet; it gives me this feeling inside, whenever I hear it, it makes me wanna scream out in happiness, and I can't help but want to smile... But I can't, I feel like I'm sleeping and I can't do anything... I guess, if I am sleeping, it'd be quite easy to wake up, wouldn't it?

Silver light penetrated through the leaves of the tree outside, casting the shadow of its leaves against the walls of the small room it stood guard; its silver intruder's beams hitting against the small bed in the corner of the room. Laid beneath the sheet which covered the most of him, was Buck; his body almost lifeless; face tranquil and peaceful. Around his right arm was a sling, inside a stained bandage; beneath laid a beautiful blue Pokémon; Glaisha.

The human muttered something inaudible, his body shaking slightly as he tried to move, but it was too much; legs ceased up, arm aching in pain; the only thing he could do was wince and screw his face up.

Hold on... pain?

A flicker of the eyes; lids opening slowly as the human groaned loudly; his arm aching and eye sight blinded by the mixture of moonlight and darkness. But at least he could see, after what seemed like an eternity of waiting; and feel again, the brush of cold air against his face and the feeling of soft silky fur against his aching arm. Which lead to the first thing he focussed on; Glaisha. Her petite, perfect body; elegantly curved up close to Buck, cooling him down to an idea temperature under his bed sheets. She was cold, almost freezing but not quite, just cold like snow. Buck smiled to himself, just a small smile as he couldn't muster much energy; the monster in his stomach murring happily to itself, content knowing Glaisha was safe.

Small tears began to roll down Bucks face, though smiling and happy to see Glaisha, he noticed the healed up wound from the attack; believing that it was all his fault she got in such a state. Not caring for his own well being at all; that was un-important. She was all that mattered now; he just knew it, felt it. He needed her.

"I'm so sorry, Glaisha..."

His voice was weak, rasp and broken; but he pulled if off. Hyperventilating as he started to cry lightly, trying to be as quiet as he could but his voice, not under his control, came out in loud huffs and hurrs.

"_ It's not your fault, Buck... _"

That caring gentle voice; almost forcing Buck to stop crying. It was like a wind charm, so, soothing. Buck simply stopped crying, though he still couldn't help but think it was his fault. Glaisha shifted, rolling onto her back and laying almost head to head next to Buck; her eye's opening sleepily, though, she still managed to pull if off gracefully. It must come naturally to her. Watching her beautiful blue eyes that seemed to glimmer in the moonlight brought butterflies to Bucks stomach, not once did he think it was wrong to be in love with his own Pokémon; which brought on a question.

"Gla..." He chocked slightly, mouth weak and tongue sliding back into his throat, though he positioned himself forward to stop the choking, staring at the bed cover as he pulled himself back together. "Glaisha... What do you think of me?"

He already had an answer to this ready for himself; a lonely worthless trainer who's never amounted to anything decent in his life. He didn't expect her to repeat that word for word, but, that's what he was expecting.

"_ Buck, I don't know how to explain this to you, but your amazing. Ever since we started our, what seemed, almost hopeless journey, I've always liked and trusted you as a trainer. Even now, your kicking yourself for something we couldn't have helped; but you saved me, Buck... I was expecting to die, and you saved me and... And for that, I'm forever in your debt. It's one thing to bring life into this world, but it's another even more outstanding to save someone's life... " Buck muttered thank you very lightly, obviously blushing and embarrassed slightly by her modesty, but it didn't stop there. " I... I think, for a long time now Buck, there's been something I've never really quite understood. Something about me, and... You Buck. When I see you I feel like I could just stare at you all day, gaze into... " She blushed, shying away slightly. " Your amazing brown eyes, and... Your handsome face... Buck... That's not weird, is it? _" Buck simply shook his head, smiling a stupid smile; he couldn't focus on any of his emotions right now, there was a mixture, mainly confusion but there was one thing he was sure of; he was happy she'd said that, and if felt like a certain part of him had just won the most important race of its life. Glaisha giggled slightly, noticing that Buck was blushing, quite heavily actually. She didn't know how he felt, but, she was glad that he, at least, didn't think it was weird; the best part now was, she could be really suggestive and get away with it. There wasn't any doubt in Glaisha's eyes, she wanted to be with Buck forever, whether as his Pokémon, or, partner - even if they couldn't pro-create, that didn't matter to her.

"Glaisha..." Her thought track was suddenly broken by Bucks weak voice, she looked up at him, watching his face carefully as he shied away slightly. "Thank you for what you said, but you're wrong..." She cocked her head to the side slightly, tassels following her and leaning slightly over her face. "My eyes aren't amazing. You're the one with amazing eyes, Glaisha..." He turned to look at her, a half confident smile spread across his face and cheeks a rosy red colour. She was taken a back slightly, blushing heavily at the compliment; just before she could reply, Buck began to speak again. "And I've always loved looking into them. They're amazing, and now, in your new form, they're even more amazing... Like stars... Are you sure you didn't steal them from the nights sky?" They both chuckled together; Buck's a half hearted ' I know I cracked a corny joke' laugh while Glaisha giggled in embarrassment. She loved it. "And... Your face, so beautiful... Your figure is perfect, and I love your soft fur! I... I really like this new form Glaisha, it's like I'm staring at an Angel, the Pokémon equivalent..." He shied away this time, watching Glaisha from the corner of his eye, still smiling. She giggled and rolled back onto her stomach, lifting herself up; she was big, much bigger than the small Eevee Buck remembered; her long tail swayed gently as she shifted herself towards Bucks face, nuzzling him slightly for attention. Turning to face her, Buck almost hit her in the face with his swift head movement; she giggled, this time nuzzling his nose, not attempting to hide the blush he'd given her.

Buck began to talk, but she interrupted him; he made no argument against her, just happy to watch and gaze into them beautiful eyes. "_ Thank you... You don't know how perfect you are Buck. Don't ever change... _" He didn't know what to say; but he did know one thing, she was talking as if she was his partner. Which he loved. "And don't you ever change either, Glaisha... You're perfect... C'mon I think we should sleep now, I'm getting tired..." Nodding in agreement, Glaisha gave Buck a single lick on the lips, blushing madly as she turned and curled up on the bed sheet next to him; watching as he slid back down into the sheet.


"I see you all better now. Quite a nasty wound you two got there, don't go fighting with Ursaring again will you?"

Shaking their head in agreement, the pair smiled at Nurse Joy before waving their goodbyes to him; though strange, odd and anti social he was, he knew his stuff. The translucent doors flew open as they approached, closing after they had both walked through; Glaisha still fascinated at the moving object.

"_ So where to now? _"

She spoke quietly, almost so quiet Buck couldn't hear her; which was perfect, and she didn't need all the attention she'd get if people saw a talking Pokémon.

"Back to that Hotel room for the night, then we'll go see my mother and stay there for a while. I don't fancy camping when I've a sore arm and legs. Besides, I forgot to hand in the key."

He chuckled to himself, watching Glaisha who smiled nervously. Why was she so nervous? She'd been like this all day.

"Alright Sonny. Thank you for returning my key but the rooms already booked I'm afraid."

Behind the solid wood counter stood a large, fat man; his hair was receding and clothes struggling to fit around his large stomach. He stood in what seemed like a small lodge room, the desk in front of him curved round, varnished mahogany wood with a golden trimming. Buck huffed to himself, pondering.

"Have you got any other rooms for the night? I just need a night, that's all." The fat lodger pulled out a large black book, flipping through the pages; he frowned as he scanned the page. "Nope, none available I'm afraid... Oh wait. Nope..." Buck stood there awkwardly, muttering 'oh' every so often, before looking down at Glaisha to speak. "I guess we'll have to stay out on the streets tonight, all the other places are booked... Shame my tent got burnt in that camp fire, isn't it?" He grinned slyly at Glaisha, who almost chuckled loudly. "Awh shucks, don't tell me that! I... I guess you could stay in this room for the night. But, you'd have to be gone by 9am tomorrow, people are comin' you see..." He frowned slightly, cursing his soft side. Buck thanked him, and passed over some extra Poké for the room in exchange for the key; room R4. Great. 4 flights up, and no elevator.


Huff... Huff...

"Almost there..."

Huff... Huff...

"Just a little..."

Huff... Huff...

"I'm coming!"


"Yes! I can finally sit down!"

Buck stumbled into the small room; its walls half covered by a vulgar pink flower wall paper; complimented by a vile green carpet. But that didn't matter, what mattered was Buck and Glaisha had a place to stay for the night.

Almost crawling to the sofa, Buck slumped down on the burgundy fabric; the years of use caused the sofa to plunge Bucks rear into the depths; but it was comfy at least. Glaisha made her way towards the sofa, leaping up; she didn't make quite as much of an impact as Buck, but she still dipped down slightly. Buck had a tendency to, pamper her, so she was quite chubby, but he loved that; and she didn't mind, she liked her food too much to mind.

"_ Can I speak now? _"

"Well what're you doing?" She giggled slightly, nuzzling Bucks face. "_ Sorry. I don't like not being able to talk... But I understand why I'm not. " Buck frowned slightly, smiling sympathetically at Glaisha. Then he noticed her fur; matted, mixed with blood and soil. She was filthy, and could do with a good groom. "Glaisha, would you like a relaxing bath and groom? My treat." She almost squealed in excitement, jumping off the sofa and making her way towards one of the three doors the room had; the one she thought was the bathroom. Buck stood up and walked towards the door, opening it to reveal a tiny wardrobe; a vacuum and a few coats hung up inside. "This is a closet. Not a bathroom. I don't think we'll be able to do anything in there." Glaisha giggled to herself, looking up towards Buck with a grin on her face. " I can think of a few things we could do in there. _" Buck blushed heavily, smiling awkwardly at Glaisha as he shifted towards one of the other doors, opening it to reveal a small bathroom.

"Alright. I'll get the bath running."

Water poured out of the silver taps, gushing out like a controlled waterfall landing in the basin below, almost filling it up to the top; the taps water flow began to stop, it's crushing fall slowly stopping to a pathetic dribble as Buck removed his hand from the control valve. Steam rose from the translucent water, coiling in the air as it hit the tiled walls and ceiling; condensing into little water droplets which hung loosely against their cage of a room.

A single, deep blue paw dipped into the steaming water slightly; more coils escaped from the water as it seemed to react to the paw intruder. It was greeted by the same paw, followed by the leg and a body; steam erupted from the water as Glaisha stood inside the basin, her face relaxing as she sighed to the heat; despite being an ice type, the caressing heat relaxed her perfectly.

She Gazed up at Buck; eyes closed sleepily as she watched his deep brown eyes. Maybe it was just the water, but something inside her churned and heated up; sending a warm fuzzy feeling around her body when she looked at Buck. Yeah, it was probably the water - she kid herself; it was most definitely Buck. His kindness, loving care and how he treated her. There was something inside her for him; probably too much for him; so much that it began to get obsessive and needy. She didn't realise he was almost everything she thought of; every time he laughed she felt like someone was sending bubbles up her; and when he spoke to another girl... Jealousy. She was, despite everything, completely and defiantly, madly infatuated with her Trainer.

Sighing to herself as she felt Bucks heavy hand against her fur; caressing her fur gently, massaging in the steamy water with her fur. She murred to herself, allowing Buck to slide his hand across her back, sides, front paws, chest, stomach; she whimpered slightly while Buck ran his hand across her stomach, it was sensitive; not because of the attack and the cuts and bruises, but sensitive in a different way. The heat had gotten to her on many different levels; unaware to Buck, he was slowly beginning to arouse Glaisha. Badly.

His hand caressing her tits, sending vibes of pleasure through Glaisha; Buck was completely unaware, smiling happily to himself as he began to clear all the dirt and grit from Glaisha's fur; returning it to the silky smooth blue fur it should have been. As he slipped his hands around Glaisha's back legs, she whimpered, a little louder this time but still inaudible; too scared to let Buck notice, in case he stopped. His hand slid from her paw, up the side of her leg and hitting her stomach gently, rubbing around the crease of her leg and stomach. A naughty thought dashed through Bucks mind causing him to blush heavily; he knew he shouldn't but, there was no harm in thinking it and, having a quick rub, maybe.

Slowly lifting his hand up over Glaisha's back, sliding down towards her tail he began to rub at the base, sliding his hand down the back of her legs and back up again; pushing his fingers against the base of Glaisha's stomach. Behind her legs was warm, and considering the temperature of the water, Buck blushed furiously as he realised Glaisha must be slightly aroused too; which made what he was about to do all the sweeter.

Taking his hand through Glaisha's legs and placing it against her stomach, he rubbed again, this time focusing on her six tits; she sighed and whimpered, much louder this time as his teasing became apparent. Now swirling one finger around a single tit, he shifted down to the base of her stomach, swirling his fingers around her chubby curves around her legs and comfortably placing a hand across it. Buck loved it; the feel of her thin fur and pudgy stomach; something he could quite happily stroke and caress, but, he had something else in mind right now. Hand manoeuvring further upwards, following the curve of Glaisha's stomach to her rear; fingers laid idly across the two moist, hot lips he'd been thinking about. Despite never actually touching someone, or thing, in a sexual manner before, Buck knew enough about it to realise Glaisha was horny; very, very horny. She groaned at the sensation of Bucks warm fingers against her lips; her body acting almost on its own, ignoring her minds attempts to stop her from doing anything rash; she was far too horny to stop herself now, not when Buck had made it clear to her that he wanted to tease her.

They both carried on in silence; Glaisha pushing her rear now against Bucks hand which slid up and down against her pussy; catching her lips and spreading them out as he rubbed harder against her. It was only a matter of time before Buck; face almost red with blushing; coughed and spoke for the first time. "I think your all clean now Glaisha, c'mon, let's get you dried and have an early night." He didn't want to let it on too much, but somewhere in the back of his mind he didn't want to stop just yet; just, not in the bathroom. Glaisha groaned to herself, smirking slightly; whether he didn't want anything or not, she was going to give him something; to repay him, and maybe, finally show him how she feels. Even if she didn't want to do it this way.

Water dripped from Glaisha's fur, landing on the garish green carpet; dowsing it to a darker green colour. Wrapped around her was a dark blue towel, which caught most of the water droplets. They had shifted from the Bathroom, this time into the single bedroom; it's walls half covered by peeling wallpaper, underneath lay a brown undercoat of paint. The horrible colour scheme didn't bother either of them, as they'd stayed in much worse places before; this room in contrast was a palace.

Sat on the end of the bed, leaning over with his hands contently busy inside a rucksack, was Buck. He was shuffling around furiously for an item, before pulling his hands out and kicking the rucksack; it's contents shuffling around inside, and the sound of a large crack emerged, though this didn't bother him. Glaisha frowned slightly; she didn't mind the chilling icy feeling of the water against her body, it was the wet fur that bothered her most. When she was an Eevee, the freezing cold water would have bothered her to no end, but now, it was rather enjoyable; Heat didn't seem to be a problem now that she was a Glaceon, as the heat felt nice and relaxing and the cold didn't bother her. Something was running around inside her head; all these feelings, and the confusion.

"_ Buck... _"

He looked up with a 'hmm?'; hands buried again inside the rucksack; then he noticed her expression; she seemed to be looking down at the ground, yet watching him out of the corner of her eyes. "_ Buck... I need you, you know? " She was blushing, still shying away slightly. Buck didn't know what to say, he simply smiled and walked towards her, ignoring the rucksack as she was more important. Kneeling down, his face was directly next to hers; a smile spread across his lips. "Glaisha. Whether you need me or not, I need you and no matter what you say, I'll always protect you as if you were my partner..." She smiled and chuckled, turning her face to the side and looking at him out of the corner of her eye. But Buck wasn't finished. "Glaisha... I know this might sound weird and you don't have to say anything if you don't want to. But... Well what we have is really special, isn't it? And lately I've been noticing a lot of things about you... Things I like, things that, normally, if anyone else had done, I'd go head over heels for them. Only difference is, I've always been head over heels for you. And it's only now I realise that I feel this way. So, what I'm trying to say is..." " Yes, Buck... Yes and please and, I feel the same way... I think I took what we had for granted but, I want it to grow. I want you to be my, my mate, and I don't care how strange that is to anyone. I never will care because you're all I want in my life Buck.. _." By this point, she was almost fully shying away; cheeks keeping that rosy red splendour while she smiled to herself. Finally able to tell him...

"Thank you... I, uh, guess that means, we're partners, doesn't it? Heh, it's kind of strange but I love it... C'mon, I'll dry you up as much as I can." He began to rub the towel around Glaisha's wet fur; not really paying attention too much to it as he was busy watching her face, which was watching his in return. Despite the strange 'this shouldn't be happening' feeling inside him, there was a much larger, more perfect and completed feeling mulling about inside them; taking complete disregard for all the rules of society; all of the things that each human and Pokémon stood for... Love was too strong to stay within the species boundaries. You can't help who you fall in love with; and that was just it. Glaisha had fallen in love with her trainer, Buck, who had fallen for his Pokémon. It just seemed so perfect...

Before he knew it, Glaisha was dry; though her neck and rear were still wet, she didn't seem too bothered; mainly because she was more interested in Bucks eyes than herself. Throwing the damp towel to the side, Buck indicated towards the bed; which triggered something in the back of Glaisha's head. A naughty thought. She leapt onto the bed, rustling the sheet slightly as she shifted towards the pillows; she was much larger than before now, so sleeping on the pillow would be unfair on Buck as he'd have nowhere to place his head.

"So tomorrow, nice and early, we can get to Jubilife in no time and then we can see mum!" He didn't sound too certain, but he'd been putting off visiting her for a while, but after the previous encounter up to Snowpoint, he needed a break from this trainer lark. "_ Are you going to tell her about us? _" The question was a bit rash, and took Buck back a little. "Uh, well I'll see what she thinks on the matter, then depending on that, we'll see if she can take it. She is rather old remember, and back in her days, a human and a Pokémon, like us would probably have been hung... Or drowned." He shuddered at the thought, giving Glaisha a reassuring glance that he wasn't prepared to give up what they had just started because of it.

Slipping into the white bed sheet, Buck rested his head gently against the pillow, facing Glaisha who he'd pulled under the cover; she thought it was sweet he wanted her under there with him, as she'd never slept under the cover before. They both blushed at each other, Buck shifting his head closer to Glaisha's; wrapping his arm around her body as he did so. Her fur was much softer than before, a much silkier feeling which sent tingles through Bucks fingers as he stroked her back gently. She giggled and nuzzled his nose with her cold nose, a silly smile spread across her face. Buck fidgeted nervously, beginning to talk and then cutting himself off, saying it didn't matter afterwards; it was only when Glaisha gave him another nuzzle, and a very gentle lick on the lips, that he pulled up enough courage to actually finish a sentence.

"G... Glaisha... did you enjoy your bath earlier?"

Was this just a bad attempt to try and bring up the subject of sex, or... A genuine question? Either way, Glaisha already had her answer. "_ Yes I did, particularly towards the end... But I don't think you washed that part of me properly Buck, you're going to have to examine me to make sure you did a proper job.. _." He chuckled to himself nervously; why was he so nervous now and not earlier? Regardless he smiled at Glaisha, who had already taken control of the situation; she was much more confident than Buck. He began to slide his hand across from her back towards her stomach; feeling it curve gently leaning against the bed comfortably; it wasn't large but she was definitely chubby, which Buck loved to pieces. He'd hate not having something to hold onto; to rub and caress. He made a mental note to squeeze Glaisha at some point, but right now, he had something more important to do. Shifting his hand so that it was placed once again against her stomach, over her tit's; he began to rub them gently, swirling his finger around each one before shifting to another. He could feel them getting harder when his finger rubbed up against them, which gave him a much better idea than rubbing.

Nearly throwing the sheet off the bed, Buck rolled Glaisha onto her back; her front paws hanging in the air aimlessly while her back legs opened up wide, revealing her moist sex to Buck; it was the first time he'd ever really taken a look down there with interest; noticing how her pussy was a darker colour skin than the rest of her, and watched how it contracted and pushed out gently, exposing her red insides. Around her pussy's lips was a thick, stringy white substance; her cum, readying her moist self to be penetrated. Buck looked back up at Glaisha, who was grinning hornily at him; her eyes slanted and tongue hanging out of her mouth idly.

Chuckling to himself, Buck shifted his hand towards the base of her cubby stomach, rubbing slightly at the sides of her legs and teasing her as he brought his hand over her pussy, allowing his fingers to rub carefully over her pussy; picking up the thick stringy cum on his fingers. He took his hand to his face, taking his tongue to his fingers and licking off her cum from his fingers; it was a very distinct taste, something Buck wasn't too sure on, yet, there was a tang to it which he thoroughly enjoyed. Glaisha shuffled uncomfortably, he was teasing her far too much; enough for another round of her thick cum to moisten up her red and ready lips.

Manoeuvring himself now lower towards Glaisha's stomach, Buck ran his tongue slowly from the top, over the three of her nipples at one side and stopped towards her leg; the reaction he got was a moaning Glaceon; a loud whimpering moan and an arched back as the pleasure ran through her body like ecstasy. She whimpered almost frequently as Buck simply rubbed at her tits again, teasing her with a lick once or twice; he had something else in mind for his tongue. Swinging his leg over the top of the Glaceon, so that he was stood on all fours above the Glaceon; she groaned as she noticed the large lump swelling up in Bucks jeans, cursing to herself that he didn't sleep with just boxers on; but now it was her turn. She lifted her head up, placing her muzzle against the thick, large lump under Bucks jeans; then, she slowly took a lick around the lump, pushing her muzzle against it roughly so his cock got the full feeling of her caressing maw.

The treatment almost made Buck moan, but it spurred him on even further to do what he intended; shifting his tongue from her hardened nipples, he slipped down her pudgy stomach towards the bottom. Her smell, the thick musky smell of her pussy threw him off; almost sending him crazy with lust. Glaisha bit gently through his jeans, causing his cock to throb heavily, needing to feel her treatment around him; but Buck didn't allow it, he wanted to treat Glaisha first with his tongue. Sliding his tongue down, he reached the tip of her red, moist pussy; and licked. Her thick tasty cum treating his tongue once again, as he began to lick slowly; parting her lips to the side and allowing his tongue to slip through gently. She groaned into his jeans, whimpering each time his tongue reached the base of her pussy; she knew she couldn't last out long with that kind of a treatment, but it felt too good to stop him. Glaisha began to push her pussy against Bucks tongue, willing him to go deeper; the lust and need to orgasm taking over her body and she trembled at the feeling of his warm, silky tongue inside her.

The sheer pleasure Glaisha was expressing was enough for him to push his tongue in further; attempting to collect more of her thick cum on his tongue; her silky walls clenching down around him each time he probed further and further into the Glaceon's icy depths. She whimpered loudly, groaning and muttering something through heavy gasps. _ "B... Buck... S... Stop... _" Stop? He slid his tongue out of her gently, enjoying the taste of her cum against his lips; but if she wanted to stop, surely he wasn't doing something right, right? Wrong. He was tricked; Glaisha lifted up herself, turning around underneath Buck and locking his mouth in a passionate kiss; her muzzle pressing hard against his, tongue wrapping itself around his and probing the inside of his mouth. She could taste herself against his tongue, which aroused her even further; she loved tasting herself inside him, which only aroused the two of them further.

Buck shifted slightly, reaching down towards his jeans and unbuttoning them; an opportunity for Glaisha. While still locking him in a deep, passionate kiss; she waiting until Buck had pulled his jeans down further; his cock bouncing forward and curving against the fabric of his white, pre stained boxers. Glaisha pulled away from Bucks mouth; their saliva trailing in a thick line from each of their lips. She gave him a single look, with a smug smirk, before disappearing beneath him; presenting her rear to his face as she nuzzled gently at his boxers. Nothing was going to stop her now, she was going to make him explode inside her mouth for getting her that close to an orgasm, without even kissing her first! It was sweet revenge in her eyes.

Taking one, long lick against the head of Bucks thick, long member; Glaisha got a taste of the cum she was aching to feel slide down her throat. She bit again gently at the length of his cock, licking roughly and kissing before biting; Buck couldn't take the teasing, nearly throwing his boxers off to reveal his length to Glaisha, who murred hornily at his size; roughly eight inches in length, and shaven. "_ I didn't know you shaved... " Buck laughed nervously, starting to feel a little awkward knowing she was examining him now. " But you're one big boy Buck... I can't wait to feel that beast inside me. _" And suddenly, the awkwardness disappeared; he could feel his cock throbbing in anticipation, almost needing to feel her around his cock. A small amount of pre leaked out, dripping down his cock slowly, only for it to be lapped up happily by Glaisha who murred happily at the taste; it was sweet, yet salty, and she loved it. Almost instantly, she began to lick hard against his head; pushing her tongue around it and taking it inside her muzzle. She almost struggled to get her muzzle all the way around his cock, yet she managed and began to suckle on him happily; ignoring the jaw ache as it was worth it for the sweet pre she was treated with, and what made it even sweeter was Buck's moaning. He was moaning almost as loud as she was; muttering 'oh fuck yes' every time she coiled her tongue around his head and licked roughly. It was bliss, for both of them; Buck had never experienced anything like it before, and what made it all the sweeter and naughtier was he was doing it with his Pokémon, who was such a horny creature; who knew what she'd do or make him do. The thought just spurred Buck on even further, causing him to thrust into Glaisha's mouth; pushing more of his length into her small muzzle. It was too much, sooner or later he knew he'd end up thrusting too hard into Glaisha's muzzle... So, he had another idea...

Pushing himself away from Glaisha, standing up behind her Buck held onto the sides of her body; his hands pressing hard against her chubby stomach as he held her in place. She didn't turn around, or protest; if there was anything she wanted more it was to be pummelled by Buck in any way possible; the lust had completely taken over her body now; pushing back against Bucks lap and sliding her moist, wet pussy against his hard cock. He shivered slightly, feeling her cold cum run down his length; he needed to be inside her, to feel her walls clench down on him and to feel her milk him like the dominant Glaceon she was.

Positioning himself so that the tip of his cock was rubbing against Glaisha's pussy; He was going to ask her if she was ready, but she gave him his reply before he could mutter a word; though he did manage to say something. "Ooo....Ooooh yeah... Fuck you're so tight...". Glaisha looked behind her to see Buck in complete ecstasy; not to mention how she felt. Bucks thick cock stretched her insides, causing her to moan as she pushed down on each and every inch of his penis. It was pure bliss, the feeling of Buck and his huge cock inside her; well, huge compared to Eevee's little prick of a cock. It was amazing.

It took Buck a moment to adjust to her size and position; with is hands placed against the Glaceons pudgy stomach, he began to pull his length out of her slowly. The feeling was immense for both of them; her tightness and wetness almost threw Buck over the edge as he almost pulled his length out of her; needing to push it back inside her to feel the warmth of her around him again. For an ice type, she was damn hot. So he did, sliding his hard cock against her rear; almost slamming himself into her. She whimpered and whined in delight; drool escaping her muzzle as it fell to be bed in large quantities; she wanted nothing more than for him to treat her like a dog - to fuck her as hard as he could and not give a shit about her; the idea almost threw her off the edge. But she couldn't tell him, her voice was too busy whimpering and whining every time she felt Bucks length slide out of her, and back in; his balls slapping against her stomach and lap as close up against her rear as possible. It wasn't deep enough, she wanted, needed more of his lust; pushing back against him now when he slammed himself into her.

Buck grunted to himself; speeding up each thrust and slamming himself into Glaisha; her tight insides just spurring him on even further. She felt so good, too good; it was almost too much for him to take. The feeling of her cum wrapping around his cock, dripping onto his balls which slapped at her tits; the mess she left on his lap. It was too much, he was about to climax.

Groaning to herself in pure lust, Glaisha felt her own climax nearing... With each and every thrust it began to get closer, and better; her insides tightening up around Bucks long cock as she whimpered slightly. Breathing deep and heavy, mouth watering as she whined and moaned at the same time; her thick cum wrapping itself around Bucks thick cock; her insides clenching down on his cock, not allowing it to escape. But she pulled him out of her, the feeling of him leaving her sending her off on another orgasm. She whimpered and whined, turning around to face the dissatisfied Buck; only for her to take the head of his cock back inside her moist mouth. Treating him to a rough and vigorous sucking; her eyes fixed permanently on his long length; eyeing it up hungrily. She swallowed her thick cum from him, enjoying it far too much and sliding her muzzle further down his length to collect more; the taste of herself mixed with his pre was amazing; it sent her crazy with lust.

Buck couldn't take the warmth of her muzzle, enjoying her feeling of her swallowing more and more inches of his length; but it wasn't enough. He shifted his hand to her head and began to push down, forcing her to slide his thick cock further down her throat. Glaisha, who's pussy was dripping with her thick and heavy orgasm, moaned as she swallowed more of his length; loving how rough Buck was treating her. It was almost too much for Buck, he could feel himself on the verge of climaxing, and was prepared to feed Glaisha as much cum as she deserved. He pulled her head up to the tip of his cock, pushing her back down as hard as he could; almost forcing his entire length into her throat. She whimpered and whined as Buck forced himself into her; feeling herself almost climax for the third time in one night.

Head leant back, arms forcing Glaisha's head up against his lap; Buck moaned and whimpered as he climaxed into Glaisha's muzzle. His thick cum pouring out in long streams down her throat; she brought her head up gently, lapping away franticly at his streams of hot cum. It wasn't the taste she loved, it was the texture; she loved how his thick strands stuck to the top of her muzzle and drooled down; how she could swallow as much as she wanted, and still come back for more of it. It wasn't long before the streams began to die down; turning into short, small spurts. Glaisha slid his cock out of her mouth mostly, sucking and licking his tip as she attempted to scavenge all of his cum. Buck grinned down at Glaisha, who looked up at him, muzzle still wrapped around his cock. He could see her pussy still dripping wet with anticipation, and despite him being out of cum, he was sure Glaisha had another round left in her.

Sliding away from her and laying down beside her, he lifted her over the top of him and placed his hand over her moist pussy. Her juices dripped down onto Bucks face, but he wasn't interested in that right now; taking his two fingers he shoved them inside her tight pussy. Glaisha moaned loudly in pleasure, her walls clenching tightly around his fingers as Buck slid them in and back out again, repeating this once or twice before widening her to three fingers. She moaned in ecstasy, loving the feeling of him widening her up; but he didn't stop at three. Slowly he began to push his fourth finger inside, stretching her out as wide as she would go; then, he began to rub at her walls; caressing the sides of her moist sex with all four of his fingers. She loved it, murring and moaning in pure pleasure as Buck ran his fingers across her G spot; she could feel her climax approaching again; Buck filling her up with lust made her crave for more. She began to push back, whimpering and whining for more of him inside her. She needed him, wanted to cum all over him and lick of her juices.

He got the hint, shifting his other hand up against her widened walls he pushed more of his other fingers inside; wriggling them around and rubbing her walls with all of his fingers. Buck was impressed, he didn't think she'd stretch that far. Then he got an idea.

Shifting upwards so that his body was sat upright, Buck stretched Glaisha's pussy out wide with both his hands, sliding his tongue in-between them and licking at her hot juices. He began to love the taste of her, lapping up even more and pushing his tongue against her sides needily.

It was too much; Glaisha moaned loudly, almost screaming as she orgasmed heavily; her legs almost collapsing and her breathing heavy and raspy. She couldn't hold out; her front paws collapsing down and her rear forcing itself up so Buck could lick out her insides. His tongue still felt amazing inside her despite the fact she'd orgasmed. As for Buck, he was enjoying the taste of her thick cum; lapping up as much as he could reach inside her stretched out pussy.

Falling backwards onto the pillows behind him, Buck gasped for breath, grinning to himself contently. Glaisha laid her hind legs down on top of Bucks stomach, turning around to face him with a tired smile spread across her face. He grinned back, face covered with the thick cum she'd treated him to. They could sleep there for all he cared, but after all that, he'd prefer to just snuggle up with Glaisha. In fact, he lifted the sleepy Pokémon up gently off him, rolling to the side from underneath her. Grabbing the single pillow, he hoisted himself up and laid next to Glaisha, who greeted him with a long, passionate kiss, before speaking. _ "Would you do that to someone without even kissing them first? _" He laughed and kissed her again, nuzzling her nose as he pulled away. "No, you're the only one I'd ever do that to, Glaisha." She felt butterfree's fly around in her stomach; all the lust had left her now, and what was left was a beautiful warm, fuzzy feeling; which grew each time she looked into Bucks magnificent brown eyes. She had nothing to say in reply, other than a deep red blush.

"Okay, so much for an early night. Let's try and get some sleep while it's still dark, yeah?" Glaisha simply nodded, smiling to herself as she enjoyed every moment she spent with Buck; after that, spending forever with him would be amazing. Yawning sleepily, she curled up next to Buck who wrapped his arm around her; holding her body close to his. They both fell asleep with their heads bowed next to each others, a smile spread across both of their faces. Buck muttered something in his sleep, which woke Glaisha up slightly. _ "Buck... What's the matter _" He grumbled again, muttering. "Nothing Glaisha. Goodnight, I... I love you." Despite being half asleep, he still managed to produce a deep blush, which Glaisha matched. She smiled to herself, replying in her sweet voice. _ "I love you too, Buck..." _.

_'Buck... Buck...'

What was that? Who was speaking to him? It didn't sound like Glaisha, nothing like her... It was male, a raspy weak voice. Buck tried to open his eyes, but he couldn't. All that surrounded him was complete blackness. Then something fell in front of him; a silver water droplet. It hit what seemed like the ground, which rippled silver lines. Then he realised, his eyes weren't closed, they were open, but the room was pitch black.

Silver ripples hit against his feet; casting the shadow of his body behind him in the ripples. Then he noticed in front of him; the ripples were breaking to create the form of what seemed to be a human of similar height; though all features were hidden due to the lack of light. The figure shifted its arm, the shadow of it seemed to be pointing towards the left. So Buck turned, facing the direction in which the figure was pointing. There was nothing there, just the feeling of agony. Why, why could he feel the agonising pain; it felt like something was tearing out his insides, breaking him apart limb from limb. Silver teardrops began to slide down the side of his face; dropping down onto the floor and creating their own silver ripples which hit against the continuous ones. Then he heard the voice again.

'Buck... You will soon know and understand all... Come and find me, and when you do, I'll make that pain disappear. I'll turn all your despair into happiness... Buck... '

He tried to reply, but to no avail. The tears of agony still rolling down the side of his face. He felt like weeping, but even that wouldn't be enough; it was terrible. Why did his heart hurt so much, and why did he feel betrayed?

The silver droplets of tears fell against the floor, rippling out over the top of the original ripples, disappearing off into the abyss of pitch black light._
