cynder x sprro love and lies chapter 4

Story by foxvolt on SoFurry

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chapter four, " feeling lucky are we?"

cynder awoke some time later in the dragon temple, laying in her bed. she stirred enough to make out the forms of objects scattered about her room, it was neat and orderly and spotless, as always. but netherless she could only think 'ive got to tidy up...'

so of course, ignoring her several scattered bandages, and ignoring the slight discomfort in her rear right leg, she stood and jumped off the bed, with a muffled *thud* , compliments of a personalized carpet. she tidied the top of her dresser, rearranging it so it looked sickly neat. she smiled with her work, and her door slid open.

"cynder?" spyro asked as he started to poke his head in.

"NO!" she yelped, ramming into him, and tumbling out into the hall on top of him.

"spyro, im sorry- i just" she stammered, a little startled with herself.

"what the hell??" he said, but understood there was something she DIDNT want him to see, as she whipped the door shut with her tail swiftly.

spyro thought for a fleeting moment he saw a shade of pink.

" are your walls painted-"

"white!" she said, a little too loudly for natural.

spyro shifted uneasily under her, it was an akward position. "cynder..."

she didnt respond


"y-yes?" she said nervously.

"could you... ya know...." he said, trying to tell her to get the hell off him fast without being rude, he could start to feel a pressure build between his hind legs and it wasnt going to be good if she saw that. (its not gas, and if u dont know what it is you're too young to read this and shame on you... no yiff comes this chapter, just some romance.)

"oh!" cynder said, falling backwards onto her butt.

they sat on the opposite sides of the hall. cynder with her back propped to the wall, indian style sitting so as not to show anything spyro shouldnt see. and spyro half laying down to hide his 'excitement'.

cynder smelled something different. she tilted her head and sniffed deeper... it had a tinge of spyros scent to it... but stronger... she couldnt put her finger on it though.

after spyro was satisfied that he wasnt erect anymore, he escorted cynder to a lunch of bloody sheep meat... very fresh, bloody sheep meat...

after eating thier fill, they decided to take the day to themselves. they needed a break from the vigrous training and tough work of saving the world.

suddenly something hit spyro. he was just another dragon, living an ordinary life now. no more exciting adventures... no more risking his life for others... no more... anything. what he had always seemed to want had finally come to him, but now it seemed less sweet than he imagined it to be...

spyro stole a glance over at cynder as they walked toward the garden. the bright sunlight gleamed off of her black scales. it might have been a trick of light, but he could have sworn for a minute he saw a tinge of purple in her scales, but rejected the idea as his imigination.

once at the garden they strolled toward the center, idly chatting.

"did you see terradors face? cynder that was classic!"

"yeah, and after cyril- eep!" cynder shrieked. spyro had caught a spider and was dangling it right next to her face. "s-sp-spyrooooo..." she said in a moaning voice, as if the spyder could hear her. "i -c-cant s-s-tand sp-spiders!" she said, cowering in fear of the tiny creature.

"cynder, hes way more scared of you at this point." he said, motioning to the spider dangling from a web, going crazy from the shriek. it decided to take its chances and drop to the ground, scurrying away fairly quickly.

cynder sighed her relief. "spyro..." she said with a glint in her eyes. now it was spyros turn to cower.


"run. now."

spyro was happy to oblidge, and ran for the center of the garden, which happened to be a huge maze. how fitting.

he rounded into the first corner, full pace, almost dropping another dragoness who was passing by. "sorry!" he yelled, as he thought about just flying to the center. he heard cynder gaining on him a few rows away. "spyro, im coming for you!" she yelled, laughter filling the air from the both of them.

spyro came to a four way intersection, and went left.

cynder came to a four way intersection, and went straight.

spyro came to a fork in the road and went left, looping to the right, coming back to the four way intersection. he went straight.

cynder came to a fork, and went right, leading her back to the first intersection, she went right.

spyro came to a fork, he went left, and it was a straight track with a few obstacles, easy to pass. flaming hoops, brick camoflauged walls, steel foot grabbing traps in the ground. easy stuff.

cynder came back to that first fork, going left instead, and avoiding many traps, made it to a straight runway, and saw spyros tail flick past corner. "ill get you!" she laughed, speeding up.

spyro heard how close she was. there was a dead end ahead. 'what now???' he said. 'only one thing now. he plunged through the wall of grass and vines, and it gave way easily, once he was through, it reconcealed itself.

cynder counded the corner to a dead end. certinly no purple dragon here. she looked around. here werent any trails on the pavement. then she saw it, a single leaf fall from the wall ahead. "you sneaky little..." she mumbled, as she plunged through the wall, straight onto spyro.

they tumbled around each other playfully. eventually spyro had her pinned beneath him, and held her there. shey both smiled at each other, panting heavily after thier game.

the clearing was perfectly circular, and a few yards around. carved ornate white marble benches, lamps, and a grand fountain were all fit in there. it was a tight squeeze, but the boldness of it was simply grand. a single tree stood proudly in the center of the clearing, its white bark complimented its full petals of pink growing from all branches. a strong wind blew and some of the petals flew in a swirl around the two. cynder looked around her at the scene.

"beautiful..." she said, breathless.

"yeah, it really is..." he replied. but he was not looking at the scene unfolding around him, he was staring at the black dragoness beneath him.

she sensed something in his vioce that pricked her interest. "you okay spyro?" she asked, cocking her head.

he nodded his head, smiling lightly.

"spyro... this is just... great." she let her head fall to the ground, savoring the moment. "thank you."

spyro was in a daze still. 'should i tell her? should i admit my feelings? no, if she dosent feel the same way then it might tear our friendship. but then id be lying...' he was torn... what should he do? ignitus wouldve known...

cynder was caught in the extacy of the moment. she absorbed every second. ' i should tell him.. hes done so much for me... but, what if... what if he dosent feel fhe same? no... but...gah, i have to! but maybe not verbally...' she turned her attention to spyro, who was staring into her eyes deeply.

spyro couldn't figure out what he should do, just when he was about to step off cynder, she did something unexpected.

"screw it! c'mere you purple dork!" she extended her paws to full extent, causing spyros to expand out, dropping his body on hers. the second his body was flat on hers, he started to feel that pressure between his hind legs. 'no, no! not now!' but in that split second, cynder loosed her front paws, hooking then around his neck, and pulled him towards cynder, into a deep kiss.

spyros eyes shot open, while cynders slowly closed. his tail shot out straight, and the pressure between his hind legs skyrocketed.

cynder felt somehing suddenly push against her inner right hind leg, but didnt register it, her mind stopped working. being this close to spyro, kissing him, was already releasing her hormones. her scent was expelled straight into spyros nostrials, making it about 3 point infinity billion times harder to restrain himself from mating her at that very second.

after about 10 seconds, and about half of his magic, he surpressed all his hormones, and his dragonhood retreated back inside him. now he could enjoy this moment with cynder, and he closed his eyes, returning the kiss with passion.

cynder, on the other hand, hadnt even thought of her hormones when she kissed him, she was too busy playing with spyros tounge with her own. she decided to make it a little more exciting, and blew a timy bit of fire into thier mouths. spyro dug his hind paws into hers, but after a minute returned the favor with a hint of static. she clutched his neck, and pulled them both completely to the ground. she wrapped her hind legs around his torso, and covered them both with her.

the pink petals fell all around them, as they continued thier act of passion toward each other.

heres a guarantee, the next chapter is gonna have yiff! but its not mindless s*it, itll be plotted, organised, and have a sense of meaning and idea. so all you out there who want mindless s*it like that, i despise you and you are not welcome here. if you are under 18... screw it, if youve read up to here you're not leaving now.... enjoy i guess:/