the story of the SKULLS YELLOW SKULLS story

Story by mugman on SoFurry

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Oh hello, you just caught me I was about to hop around the would for cancer research U.K. Okay my story I wasn't like this a good 10 years ago no, no I was fat and very big my excressise was getting out of bed or trying to find the television remote control, my diet was bad too I ate nothing but chips, chicken, surgery drinks, I was so lazy I would use a pointy stick to dial for a pizza! But then one day I had a heart attack! Es I woke up fixed my self an English break-fast and soon ate it but after that I had a tight chest it hurt I hit my chest as I thought it was just something going though the wrong way, but no after this I got tighter and more tighter I walked/ran to the phone that really tried me out, I dialled 999 and they came to me in about 5-7 minutes they then put me on a life machine! Then I had an operation on me they removed 5 stone worth of fat that was clogging my heart the fact I smoked as well wasn't very good as well. After this the doctors came in and told me what they had done I cried and then I said to my self no more I will become fit and healthy, so after a few more weeks in the hospital I was free to go I started off by giving up smoking boy after about a week or so I was more better breathing was easy I was more active although I did suffer I ate a lot but then I changed that, I started to eat more healthier foods and not so much fatty foods I also got up in the morning and started jogging with my walk-man I have loads of un-listened to cassettes and I felt great! I then started to get excosize tapes (VHS ones) and that made me more fitter my clothes too went down in sizes I was XXXL after a mouth of this I was down to XL then L then M and then after 7 mouths I was a S but not too small I'd lost so much weight I felt great the thing is though I do still eat fatty foods but only with friends not by my self I'm in a fit club and once a mouth we treat our shelf's to a big bucket of KFC before I would have eaten that by my self but now I share it my life has changed since then, oh got to go now thanks and now you know my story! Bye! Hops off with others.