david's college days part twenty eight

Story by mugman on SoFurry

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Ten mouth's had gone since David got amber the new female horse, Joey had been mating with her for ages but after a couple of times he got board and left her alone or was it for that reason?

Upon opening the door to the stable David found that amber had given birth to a little foal, okay it was a nice foal but the owner of amber said

"She can not bring up youngsters"

David was soon on the phone to the vet and calling him down for a check on the foal.

The vet arrived in good time seeing as amber was not feeding her foal or looking after it so the vet had a look over her/him it was a nice little girl foal but she was weak and needing milk but mum was not giving any.

The vet placed a drip on her to replace any lost water and to make her more lively and after a few minutes she was on her feet but mum amber would not touch her she kicked her foal away soon the foal was cold and weak again so David took it inside to warm up by the fire.

It was so light weight David and the vet carried it into the living room and placed by the fire, the vet said she is sleeping at the moment so only feed her when she is awake David nodded.

The vet left and said he'd be back the next morning to check on her, now David watched the foal sleep he wished he could go to sleep but he couldn't it was now 7:00 am and David had been up since 5:30 so he was very tired, soon the foal woke up and was trying to get up David got up and went to get some milk for the foal in a bottle.

David and Sarah both liked milk but David had some powdered milk just in case the milk went off for any reason and David had soon made up some warm milk for the foal.

The foal was unsure at first but soon drink it all just then Sarah walked down and saw the foal.

"Aww, it so cute" Sarah said

"Shhhh! I've only just got it to drink some milk and now it is sleeping"

Sarah slowly made her way to the kitchen and made breakfast and was thinking of what to call the new foal and making food.

David was now looking on at the foal and checked it over and went into the kitchen to tell Sarah what had happened.

After telling Sarah they went out to see amber and found the scar was only a old injury from something that had happened a long time ago, so now they had a new foal and had a new problem the stable could only have two horses, so David and Sarah said let the foal stay in the house it would be more easer on the foal seeing as dad would try mate with it and mum would just kick it away if it tried to get a drink of milk.

As they came back in the foal had gone from the fire place but it was easy to follow just follow the muddy foot steps up the stairs and into there bedroom where the foal had got onto the bed and fallen asleep and seeing as it was a Saturday there was no need to wake the foal so they left it and thought of a name for the foal and what to do with the new feeding machine, seeing as it was going to cost a small fortune to keep it so they name it pink after the record pink Floyd dark side of the moon and the named stickled but now where to put pink, seeing as Joey was 4 and amber was 5 and now this little 9 hour old horse was going to bullied by mum so they kept it in the house they had a spare room and what they did was ingenious.

The room was full of more dust and stuff from there mum and dad's house so the moved that into the other, other spare room and said

"We must sort through that stuff and find places for it".

And after a long time of cleaning and washing they made it look like a stable.

They brought a water trough and filled it with water and had a spare feed bucket and drilled it into place on the wall now it was time for the floor the wooden floors where no good for a young foal seeing as it would wee and poop on the floor they got some floor tiles and placed then on the wall and floor seeing as it would try and bite the wood on the side and after a day it was ready.

The new foal was now up and about and wanting to go out side so David took it for a walk around the block and that soon tried it out, in the main time Sarah was putting the hay down so it had some where to go and have a lay down and after a few minutes it was ready and pink soon went in there and settled down and so did Sarah and David but in the night there would be a coming together as well.

In the night about 11:00 pm David was just turning off the telly when pink came and laid down by the fire and fell asleep when David went into the room, my god was it cold the window was very cold and was not shutting good and the fire place was the biggest cold thing, even with the wood closing the gap but it was still cold so that night David got one of the caravan's cushions and laid down next to the foal and placed the quite on the foal and fell asleep in front of the fire and David knew what to do the next day fix the room up even more.

The next day David and Sarah set about fixing the room so it would be more wormer and nicer first they made a new window fit in were the old one was and then set about the fire place it was to risky lighting the fire so they destroyed it and then bored up the top half and plastered over it and now it was time to fill in any holes or anything else that made a draught but they was no other draughts in the room and David put a wall mounted fire up and that made the room more wormer and that night pink slept in the room and now there was three horses Joey the male horse, amber the mare and after a quick trip to the vets to remove her reproductive organs she could mate with Joey and they never have to have another foal and as for pink well she is a house horse she like a dog but bigger and more better behaved.

David brought a horse box for going to shows seeing as the car would only just take the little horse box so he went out and brought a big horse box.

It was good one too it had a living place for David and Sarah and also had a two horses bay and with feeding nets and water butts it looks nice.

They have won lots prizes at shows and events with all three horses, Joey is an expert jumper now and so is amber and little pink is a nice riding horse.

After a lot of years winning stuff Joey and amber where getting too big for the ground on witch to graze so Joey and amber had been sold to a nice little horse place so they only have pink but she's only 3 years now and she still sleeps in the house the old stable that David built has been destroyed seeing as it was falling to pieces and was now gone.

The horse box is still running it now only goes to the odd show with pink and Sarah it is still nice to go a show or show jumping event also pink has won lots of ribbons and cups for various years but now it is a case of what to do now they still love each over and now they are happy with pink the shire horse.