Ninety Nine Vixens

Story by ANTIcarrot. on SoFurry

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Song & Silliness Copyright 2002 ANTIcarrot

Disclaimer: These vixens are professionals - do not attempt to imitate them!

Ninety nine bottles of beer on the wall

Ninety nine bottle of beer

You take one down and pass it around,

Ninety eight bottles of bear on the wall.

From such innocent beginnings...

Ten vixens a-perch on the wall,

Ten vixens a-perch.

The scene is set for a lovely orgy,

But enough with the prequel,

On with the story!

Ten vixens a-perch on the wall,

Ten vixens a-perch.

Here comes a todd,

With a big rod.

With a manhood like that, she'll soon scream out, "God!"

Nine vixens a-perch on the wall,

Nine vixens a-perch,

Come comes a furr,

With sexy purr,

And a strange little wand that can rumble and whirr.

Eight vixens a-perch on the wall,

Eight vixens a-perch.

What hey, a vix who's gender confused,

At least she'll make sure,

That their tongues are well used.

Seven vixens a-perch on the wall,

Seven vixens a-perch.

Here comes a chakat, with a big tool,

Taking two at a time,

This herm is no fool.

Five vixens a-perch on the wall

Five vixens a-perch.

Here comes a wolf clan

With a fiendish plan

Better wait till the next verse,

'Cause this one over ran!

Three wolfish hunters encircle the vix,

Then as one they pounce!

A vixen is gone,

What awaits her I fear,

A few muffled yips, is all that I hear.

Four vixens a-perch on the wall,

Drinking to extreme!

"But where's the sex?"

I hear you scream

Just wait half a second and you'll see what I mean.

Four vixens a-perch on the wall

Four vixens a-perch.

Oh dear - don't look!

They love the wine,

But one's put the bottle where the sun does not shine!

Three vixens a-perch on the wall

Three vixens a-perch

Two tipsy vixens just fell to the ground

Now each has buried their tongues,

In the other's wet mound.

Now as we close the scene on this lovely orgy,

You'll notice it's getting really quite noisey.

By oh! What's this - there's one vixen left,

A-perch on the wall and rubbing her cleft.

One vixen a-perch on the wall

Only one vixen a-perch

And now just for you,

Without further adue

Out of all of these vixens,

This one is for you!
