Sentinel of the Concrete Skies Pt3: Snout to Snout Showdown!

Story by Shinkada on SoFurry

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#3 of Sentinel of the Concrete Skies

Sentinel of the Concrete Skies

  • * * Chapter 3: Snout to Snout Showdown! Notes: 10 points to anyone who can pick up on the Old Warehouse Number 8 reference. The darkness. That's the first thing I remember after I woke up - That and the fact that I was bound with some kind of rope. There was a small amount of sunlight filtering in from above me somewhere - a tiny window I'd say - and eventually my eyes adjusted enough for me to figure out that I was sitting on the cold concrete floor of some kind of warehouse. Most of the place was cluttered with shelves and boxes of computer parts and other electronics. A slight movement from behind my back alerted me to the presence of my brother and Anubis, the both of them tied up the same as me - although they were still very much out of it. I was very glad to see both my brother and my new friend alive and I would later thank them for the company over the hours. There didn't seem to be much trace of the man from before... who ever he was. The only proof I could find that anybody else had been there was a bit of food nearby, though I wasn't quite hungry enough yet to attempt what I'm sure would be the difficult and inelegant process of attempting to eat while bound. So many thoughts were going through my mind then... The other two seemed to be okay, but were they really? How long had we been there for? What would I do if that guy came back? What had happened to Kyo?... And then nothing else seemed more important. *** There was something very unusual about my trek over to the dock district, and it stemmed from the fact that I'd never been so angry in my life. You see, normally, my brain just doesn't shut up. Every second of every minute of every hour, so on and so forth, I'm thinking. Analyzing. I can have about 3 thoughts prevalent in my head, although in the background there'll be another 20 or so. But at that moment I was so angry, I only had two thoughts, and no background noise. Well, there was background noise, but it was all the same thought, instead of, "Alright, meaning of life is..." "Man I'm hungry." "When's that project due?" "What should I do today..." "That chick on the tram is cute." "Shit, my balls are huge," so on and so forth. The only two thoughts I had, that all the voices in my head were chiming in with, were the main one, "I'm going to tear his wings off like a freaking bug," and a few voices reminding me to drop by home. Luckily my house was between Alex's and the city (I live so close to the city it may as well have been IN the city), and it would be pretty hard to walk by my house and not remember I had a few things I needed to pick up. "Home," I said softly, looking over the front. I'd lived in an extremely small-but-homely house since I was 14. I'd scraped by with rent with a combination of a cash register job and busking whenever I had the time (which was actually better money than I'd expected), after I'd been literally kicked out of the orphanage. I have a tendency to debate every rule that even slightly doesn't make sense to me, and in the 'Shut up, roll over and just take it' nature of, well, pretty much anything, that didn't fare well. With a soft sigh, I scratched around for my keys, realized they'd gone the way of my wallet, and simply kicked the door in. "Old splinter piece of..," I mumbled, closing the door again and mentally telling myself to put a table or something in front of it when I left and go out the back door. First I moved over to my 'Renaissance Closet,' as I call it. It's actually a room, one of only very few real rooms in the house (other than this I had a bathroom, kitchen, bedroom and the hallway I was in), but oh well. Yeah, I'm a nerd, I love RenFairs. Although right now I definitely wasn't regretting it since it would prove very useful. I put on a light pair of chain mail leggings under my regular pants, wanting a bit of defense there but not enough to hinder me, and put a chunk of light platemail on my top. It was practically just a thin sheet, I didn't want to be slowed down, but it would protect from any direct swipes to the front and back. I slid a shirt and one of my other trenches over my top (I have a few), and closed the door, moving towards my bedroom. Most people comment on the massive twin swords I have over my wall. They're Willow Leaf swords, to be precise - Chinese two-handed swords, although they're much lighter than Western two-handers. While I usually used weighted blades to train, I occasionally got out these two if I was in a good mood. I'd imported them a while ago, had legally gotten a license for them, and they were definitely sharp. And I mean, if I dropped one it'd probably fall down and back to China, sharp. I sheathed the blades and strapped them to my sides, under my coat. Just 'cus I had a license didn't mean taking them out in public was legal. Finally, moving quickly as my lack of time had started to make me rush, I moved to my bedside table, dug about in my underwear draw, drew out a custom Glock 20c (complete with acc rail and laserpointer) and moved my coat aside, slipping it under the waistband of my pants at my left side, taking out a few (and by few, I mean, about 10) spare clips along with it and putting them in my left pocket. "I'd prefer not to resort to this, but let's face it, I'm fighting a freaking dragon as a human... He knocked me out bad enough when I had scales," I said as I ran a hand along the hilt of the pistol, having always been partial to talking to myself, before leaving my house ('Yes, through the back door brain, shut up,' I'd said to myself), and the second thought in my mind gave way to first. "I'm going to string that bastard by his tail then pluck his damn scales off." *** "I don't know how much later it was, but eventually He came back. Or rather, he just was back - I certainly didn't see him open a door and enter, but a gust of wind rushed through the warehouse and there he was, standing half emerged from the shadows. He looked human enough, but the sense I had of the Draconic aura surrounding him was so strong, I could almost convince myself I was seeing it. This was the thing that had knocked me and my friends unconscious, tied us up for hours, and done who knows what with Kyo. But though I glared at him with as much ferocity as I could manage, I somehow couldn't bring myself to hate him. At the time of the events that had me completely confused, though I did understand soon enough. He approached us, stooping mid-way to pick up a piece of the uneaten bread. He stopped just in front of me, his expression unreadable as he held the food in front of my mouth. I turned away from him, though the only real effect that had was that now I was attempting to glare an innocent part of the floor to death. Out the corner of my eye I saw him slowly shake his head. "Having to use your feet is no way for a lady to eat." He said, sounding for all the world like just another everyday middle-aged man. "Don't you think it's a bit pointless - trying to act all chivalrous now after kidnapping us?" I had retorted. He held the bread there for another moment, before silently walking off. He came back three more times to try and feed me - with no success I'm proud to say - though each time he returned that nagging part of me that didn't want to hate him got a little stronger." *** I'd arrived at the docks with little more unusual looks than I normally get, glad that the armour beneath my clothes wasn't easily discernable. I'd been traveling for at least two hours now, and it had moved from late afternoon to night. The sky was free of clouds, yet even then, the city left little stars in the air. The only thing left was a giant, full moon, that lit up the streets as if it were still daytime. The Old Warehouses were at the back of the docks, and were completely sealed off and not in use. At least, that's what they claimed - the fact that there were at least 10 security guards on patrol in their area told me very thoroughly otherwise. Avoiding the main gate I used a pile of various crates and containers to climb up, throwing my coat (thankful I'd brought one of the ones I didn't like too much) over the barbed wire to protect my hands, climbed over and grabbing it on the way down, pulling up a bit and managing to get it loose without any serious damage to it. I quickly ducked around a corner as I saw a guard in the distance, knowing a single shine from a flashlight would mean my end for the day. I didn't come across any problems until I got to Warehouse 8; there was a single guard blocking the only entrance. His flashlight was pointed straight ahead, not looking either side, at least for now. I pondered for a moment, before reaching into my side pocket and pulled out one of my spare glock clips. I pulled two bullets from it and put it back into my pocket and, aiming carefully, I threw the first bullet up in the air, then quickly threw the second at a metal container. The second bullet arced over his light's, er, light, not grabbing his attention immediately, and rebounded off the metal crate, hitting the guard in the side of the face, drawing his awareness in the opposite direction to me, just before the first bullet landed, creating a small noise. The guard pondered for a moment before calling out a standard "Who's there?!". I bit my lip as I waited, before he walked off in the direction of the bullet I'd thrown. I smirked in relief, glad he hadn't checked behind him, and snuck up, opening the warehouse door as quietly as I could, and slipped in. *** "When he returned for a fifth time, I really wasn't sure if I'd be able to keep being angry. But this time it was different. When he approached close enough for me to see the friendliness in his eyes he froze, dead in his tracks. I could just barely hear somebody calling from outside, and reflexes made me look up to see who it was though nobody entered the warehouse. There was a brief pause before the man reached a decision about the new situation. "I'll be right back, my dear. I have something to attend to." He said, then exited the warehouse. I watched the door close behind him for a few seconds and mumbled one word around the gag in my mouth. "Kyo..." *** I looked around the warehouse - empty. Well, empty of people. Just like all the other warehouses, the place was covered with shelves and shelves and boxes of various things - in this case, computer parts. I walked into the middle of the room, looking over the dully-lit blue-tinted (from the moon) walls, only just lit from the moonlight which caused just as many pitch-black shadows as it did any of the eerie blue light. I only had to wait for a moment before the door of the warehouse opened behind me, then promptly closed. I waited a moment for dramatic effect, before I heard a gust of wind, and before I knew it he was standing in front of me, a few meters away. He waited a small moment, and I had enough chance to look him over. He was wearing a tuxedo top, looking all the part like a rich business man, and dress pants, although they were extremely baggy, almost comically so, making him look like some idiot rapper whose gimmick was being classy. "Glad you could come, Kyo. A bit late, but I suppose you didn't exactly have a way to get here quicker, did you?" he asked, his voice having gone from its previous deep bass of a Dragon to a light baritone, even more enforcing how much he wanted to come off as classy. Silence. "Ah yes, the mysterious, silent hero. Then I shall save you the trouble of talking, and do it for you. My request is simple. I do not care about your ladyfriend or your other friends. The only thing I want is you," he said, staring at me seriously. I was tempted to make a pedophile remark before he quickly resumed his speech. "And no, not in that way. I'm sure you've already realized using whatever combination of senses that we're related. I'm your uncle, to be precise. And us two, we're the last of our kind." "Go on." He grinned at this. "And I shall, not-so-silent hero. My name is Arthur, by the way. I'm also sure you're culturally aware enough to know that Lindwurm does in fact mean Dragon, in Austrian, German, and Swedish. Or should I say that Lindwurm means us? Or that we mean Lindwurm? We are the clan that the name Lindwurm was named after, one of the original Dragon clans, and the strongest." "You talk too much Uncle, get to the point. I already know this," I said. I had indeed worked out, using a combination of common sense and the animal senses that came from being a Dragon, that I wasn't human, that the 'Lizard' DNA was in fact just my own. "Good, you're quick. Either way, the point is, our clan has stretched back for thousands of years. 'The Lindwurms,' hahah, those were the days. We were the rulers. That was it. We ruled this planet, it was undebated. We were kings." "You speak as if you were there," I said calmly. Still, I hadn't moved, although I was ready to throw off my coat and grab my swords at any time. "Well, my dear boy, that's because I was. You see, us Dragons live for a very long time. It's unknown just how long we live for because no Dragon has ever been given a chance to live its full life to our knowledge. You see, we're only a new species, despite what some think. We were suddenly born after the ice age, when the dinosaurs died out, it's believed we're a very complicated hybrid... Either way, we ruled from then until about the 1500's, when the humans finally began to fight back." "That still makes you a few thousand years old. Wouldn't your human age reflect your dragon age?" "Wrong again. You haven't even begun to tap into the abilities your Draconic blood gives you, and I'd prefer it to stay that way. Moving on, the point is, humans aren't ready for us. Eventually they found weaknesses in us and they moved swiftly. They swarmed us. Us dragons may be strong, but we're not numerous. It took them only a few days before they'd hunted and slain most of our number. And even now, the government secretly continues to hunt and kill us. Their job is almost done." "Just us, huh?" "Just us. Your father was killed just after he'd impregnated your mother with you. He never knew of his Draconic blood, so he was an easy target. Your mother was hunted and also killed, but only after she'd had you was she found. As I'm sure you remember, your mother was killed when you were visiting your grandfather. Your mother's grandfather that is, since your father's family is all dead." "Get on with it before day breaks, Arthur." The old man in front of me sighed and shook his head. "I just thought you'd like to know your father went out in a blaze of glory. His blood reacted in his last moment, and he managed to kill many of the team before they finally dragged him down. In his last valiant act, he cried out your name and engulfed the entire building in a gigantic ball of flame." "GET ON WITH IT, ARTHUR!" I yelled. I was glad for the information, but I was becoming incredibly impatient. Arthur simply guffawed, furthering my anger, before I saw him reach beside him. Although my vision was obscured by a shelf, there was a dull red glow from behind the shelf, before he drew back an extremely fancy, slim, pure silver rapier, took a fencer's stance and pointed it at me. "Well, plain and simple. Humans will never be able to accept us. We're too good for this world. So I'm going to remove us from it." I couldn't help but let my mouth twitch into a half-snarl as my hands impulsively went to my sides where my blades hung, out of sight. "You'd honestly give up that easily? You fool. My 'ladyfriend', as you put it, already accepts me, as does her brother, and my best friend. I'm sure anyone else I hold in high enough esteem to call my friend, and I would feel privileged enough to tell, would also accept it." "Those are all individual people," Arthur snapped back, obviously getting angry himself now. "You will be hunted by the government your whole life, as will your children, and any after that. Is that honestly the life you want to live? And to force them to live?" I shook my head, still snarling. "I can get through it easily, and anything I'm strong enough to get through, my offspring will be MORE than strong enough to get through. I will gradually raise awareness until the government has to notice me and mine, and when they do, there'll be enough people to support me to start a movement. You know well about furries." At this, Arthur raised an eyebrow. "Furries?" he simply asked, his rapier wavering. I rolled my eyes. "Damn old people. They're a bunch of people on the net who're into anthropomorphic animals... Look, the point is, humans aren't as closed minded as you think. If I fight for support, I'll get it. I won't 'rule as a king' like the 'good old days,' but I'll at least be able to live with humans." Arthur sneered as his rapier went back into position. "And when the mother of your children dies long before you've even reached what would be considered puberty for a Dragon?" "You underestimate me. I will be sad, surely, but I shall not be struck down by something as trivial as that. I could probably grow to love Alex dearly, but nothing comes before me. Ever." At this the old man shook his head, still in his ready position. He paused for a long moment, before speaking. "I commend you. You have the strength that I did not. But that doesn't mean I shall give up this fight. We duel, to see who deserves to... Trial their theory." I rolled my eyes. "So much melodrama, Arthur. Are all people over a few thousand years old this stubborn? Fine. I'm obviously not going to persuade you otherwise," I said, half glad as I finally began to let down my coat, showing the two blades at my side and the loose shirt underneath my coat. Arthur shook his head. "No, you're not," he said as his stance lowered. "And I'm not going to change yours either." "No, you're not," I said, mimicking his words. There was a long few moments where the only movements in the room was the natural rise and fall of our chests. I think we stared each other down for about five full minutes, until I finally made the first move, unusually for me. (Author Note: This scene is best read with cool, dramatic fight music in the background. I personally prescribe, at the moment (since my mood changes so often, and this was the song I ended up writing this scene to), Keine Lust by Rammstein. :3... Or Benzin. Or pretty much anything from the Rosenrot or Reise, Reise albums, really.) Spinning, I literally threw my coat between us. It flapped open as I thought it would and, sprinting after it, I drew both my blades simultaneously, beginning a spin just before I jumped and slashed through the coat with the first sword, continuing the spin in mid air as I used the second sword to slash at where his rapier was previously; I felt it knock the sword aside and still continued the spin, landing on my feet now and finishing it with a quick twist, my first sword now coming back around in an arc aimed straight for Arthur's chest. He managed to jump back just in time, the blade searing over his chest and cutting the material of his shirt with zero effort. I stood there for a moment, legs entwined around each other and body low, before I slowly uncurled myself, drawing my right leg back and going into a traditional Bushido dual-sword fighting stance, glaring at him. Arthur glared back for a moment before smirking, running the back of his sleeve over his forehead. "Very impressive. I expected no less natural talent from a Lindwurm. Let's see what else you have in your bag of tricks," Arthur said, finishing in a growl as he leapt at me, keeping the fencing stance. I moved my parrying blade to, well, parry his strike, but he drew back before the blade came into contact and thrust again. I was forced to use my offensive blade to parry this move, which he yet again drew back. A frantic parrying match ensued, me only just keeping up with the small, lithe sword, before I got frustrated and instead of parrying aimed a slash at his sword, catching him off guard and knocking it away for a moment, spinning to aim a second slash right at his neck. Again, he backstepped, but I was on the offensive this time and immediately pursued, leaping after him with a Capoeira-inspired mid-air flip, tilting my body diagonally and spinning only my legs to land right in front of him and slash downwards, mixing some Korean sword arts into the mix, catching him immediately off guard. He had no choice but to sidestep the quick blow, which I was long past anticipating, landing on only one foot and spinning the other behind me to go into a ballet-style spin, slashing with the blade parallel to my leg. Like most, even Arthur was caught off guard by the style of an improvised Sworddancer and I got a good slash on him across the chest, leaving no time for parrying as he quickly jumped back again, only to have me do a few Capoeira-based feints and end up behind him, blade already headed to his neck for the killing blow. The arc of the blade was cut short when his tail burst in a bloody spray from his rear and knocked me back, smashing loudly against my breastplate but still sending me flying a few meters into a shelf of electronics. I let myself lie in pain for only a few moments, feeling blood begin to drop from the various cuts that both the shelf and computer parts had created, my left blade having been lost somewhere in the rubble, and in a lightning-quick movement I drew out my glock, switching it onto auto and firing about 6 shots at Arthur. I heard six rapid metallic clanks as I got up, seeing Arthur wide eyed and glaring, the bullets having created a few small dents in his scales - he was now in his full dragon form. 'Enough to hurt him at the least,' I thought to myself. "You... Who raised you so improperly that you would bring a gun to a swordfight?! And not only that, but platemail under your clothes!" I laughed off his anger and re-pocketed the glock, searching for just a moment before finding my lost blade and picking back up, gathering myself for a moment before getting into a modified Tai Chi stance. I couldn't help but notice, at this point, that my skill in martial arts had increased to insane levels. 'Emotion or Draconic blood? Who knows.' "The same person who raised me not to put honour in front of survival. I'm fighting a Dragon here. I think I deserve a couple of handicaps." This seemed to only make him angrier as he sprinted at me, and I barely even had enough time to react, dropping to the side in a roll and slashing upwards just as he got to me. Even his reaction time seemed to improve, as he effortlessly moved to slash down, parrying the blade with massive claws. The blade managed to cut into the soft scales between his 'fingers', causing him to snarl even angrier, having abandoned the rapier the moment he turned Draconic, and slashed down at me. I rolled out of the way barely in time, slashing at his arm as I did. Although it hit cleanly, it mostly just bounced of the scales, only just managing to make a tiny imprint, and seeming to do little harm to him otherwise. I swore under my breath. 'Sworddancing is too inaccurate to hit his critical points. Bushido is too slow to keep up with him. Crap.' I had little time for more thought than that as the massive Dragon, now growing to his previous size of about 15', pursued me, roaring and shaking the building as he made one thunderous footstep towards me to instantly close the distance. I slashed with one sword as he lunged, aiming at his wrist, but he was a bit too fast and simply grabbed the blade, in a single move crushing them it in the middle, the blade falling in on itself, as his other claw flew at my face. I was worried now, and I did the first thing that came into my mind. Abandoning my ruined blade, I dodged to the side and grabbed his wrist with both hands (one obviously kind of half grabbing to keep the blade in my hand), and using his momentum against him, I spun him around twice, surprised at my own strength as I managed to lift him off the ground in the swing, and threw him straight back a bit left of the direction he came from. He yelped out, a noise that would've been amusing if not in the heat of the battle, and smashed through at least twenty shelves before slamming into a wall, almost breaking right through it. Just as he turned around and was about to come back at me, I pulled my glock out and fired the rest of the clip in his general area. Most of the shots hit around his neck, most denting the scales, although one hit in the same place as a previous one and dented it almost to breaking point. Immediately when I heard the clicking signifying I was out of ammo, I released the spent clip, throwing the gun into the air, reached into my pocket to produce another clip, likewise threw it into the air, caught the gun and, swinging the pistol, caught the clip in the butt, an extremely fancy reload I'd practiced often, and began spraying just in time for him to be in front of me. I waited until the last moment to drop onto my back, shooting all the while and spending the full 15 shots into his neck and upper chest as he flew right over me and into another few shelves - he was practically blind with rage now and may as well have been throwing himself around the room. He was up and again in a flash, thankfully by the time he was around I had already reloaded again. This time as I sprayed, two bullets finally punctured the scales, but only got in far enough to split the scales, making him bleed a bit but not coming anywhere near the stopping blows I needed. I suddenly wished I had've been a stereotype and bought a Desert Eagle. He looked down, even more within his fury now, and sprung at me once more. I didn't have enough time to reload now, so I fainted a reload, throwing the pistol above him before he got to me then spun to the side. He wasn't expecting it, having thought I would duck again, and as I spun, I put all my strength into my blade as it spun over my head, before slashing with as much power as I could muster, aiming it straight at his neck. The blade caught on a few of the heavy dents, and spread it like a crack, a number of scales splitting and a decent amount of blood finally sprayed forth. I quickly threw another clip into the air, caught the glock and reloaded again, switching it to semi-automatic and taking aim. When Arthur got out from another shelf of computer parts, I aimed directly at the crack in his neck and fired off about four shots. They served to spread the wound, more blood pumping forth, and I could tell from his slight swagger that the blood loss was starting to get to him, even with the adrenaline he was undoubtedly feeling. But I could see him also regaining a bit of control. I wouldn't be able to dodge another attack from him. I switched to auto and fired the rest of my clip at his neck, although it only served to quicken him. I quickly reloaded just in time for him to charge again, and attempted to parry his claws. He knocked the blade out of the air without a problem and swung one massive claw at my chest. I braced for impact and hoped, and although I felt the sharp blades dig into my flesh, they only dug in a little - the breastplate prevented anything more than a deep-but-treatable wound. Snarling he almost immediately turned around, only for me to now take my turn, charging the huge dragon and stabbing the blade right into the crack in his neck. Yet again, I'd caught him off guard, and all's he could do was try to stop himself just before the edge pierced the soft insides of his neck. He roared as best he could with a blade lodged into his throat before stumbling back. I gave him the best kick I could and sent him stumbling back further, into a wall, holding my blade to slide it out of his neck. He was a mere moment from jumping up before I unloaded the entire clip into his neck, blood splashing from where the bullets impacted the sensitive flesh inside, before, using my last trick, I spun and threw the blade right at him. Too drowsy to even dodge it, the blade lodged itself into his neck. There was a long moment afterwards as the blade emerged from the back of his neck and pinned him to the wall, where he struggled. But even the air told me the battle was over, my shoulders had already relaxed. He gave me one last battle-lust-filled look, before coughing up a huge amount of black blood, and fell limp. Finally, I felt the tension drain from my body completely, and dropped the glock, not caring about it. I looked around the room - it was covered in blood and was an absolute mess of computer parts and broken shelves. I shook my head, knowing I probably didn't look too great either after such an exhausting battle, and stepped outside without another word. *** "I don't know what it would have been like to see what was going on, but it can't have as bad as it seemed just with the audio. The gunshots... Kyo must have emptied about six clips from some kind of machine gun or something. Then there was the roaring, the crashes, yelling... and then the worst of it all by far: the silence. When the last crash and few gunshots had rung out and there was nothing afterwards I really knew what fear was." *** There was a guard waiting outside for me. His eyes almost fell out of his head when he saw me - I guess he was expecting otherwise, before he shook his head. "Congratulations on your victory, Sir Lindwurm. I'll lead you to your friends," he said simply, obviously just a messenger. I couldn't help but wonder what kind of expensive conspiracy my uncle had going on here, but followed him anyway, too tired to question. *** "I could very easily have died when I saw Kyo. Except of course that would have made the whole surviving for him to rescue me kinda pointless. I do try to stay tough, but at that time there was nothing anywhere strong enough to hold back the torrent of tears." *** --- Technically Friday Inner-City 3:21am --- It wasn't until I'd seen Alex and power-walked to quickly untie her and hug her that I realized just how exhausted I was. I almost fainted on the spot. SE and Anubis conveniently woke up shortly after the rescue, and I checked Anubis' watch - about 2am. The fight had gone on for, I have no idea how long. At least a few hours. Anubis and SE, both refreshed from their beauty sleep, thankfully let me lean on their shoulders, half carrying me. None of us had any money on us, so we decided we may as well walk back to my house since it was closest. "So, I take it the fight went well, eh bro?" Anubis was, typically, as cheerful as ever. "Well, yeah. I'm a bit beaten up but I'd say I owned him pretty hard." "You're going to have to tell us when you've rested up. Shit, beating up a Dragon in your human form without even an Ancient Blade or a rocket launcher, that's impressive stuff." "Heh... Thanks," I said, honestly thankful for his congratulations. He had a weird way of saying it, but in Anubis' language, that practically meant, 'Wow, that's practically superhuman. You're incredible.' In Anubis' language anything other than 'Fuck You' pretty much meant 'You're Incredible.' "Well, I did cheat a bit. Two swords, a glock and body armour? Hah. Take that, Mega Demondrug," I said, scoffing overly loudly in my exhausted state - I tend to become more loud than usual when I'm tired. "Whoah, I didn't know you had a glock! What model?" More of Anubis' warped respect. I was saved by Alex. "Does it really matter? God, even with that rocket launcher I would've been impressed from you killing a Dragon," she said, adding a laugh on the end. I joined her, although softer, and shook my head. "Yeah well, I only copped a few flesh wounds in the process so it's all good." We were roughly smack in the middle of the city when I heard a noise that made me want to throw up... A roar. My first instinct was to look behind us, although all's I saw was a small shadow on the ground. I looked up just in time to see Arthur swoop down, knock SE and Anubis to the side, and grab me under the arms, lifting me straight into the air. I heard Alex scream for just a moment before it was drowned out from the sound of rushing air. I clenched my teeth as Arthur almost instantly shot to an insane speed, the ground disappearing beneath us in seconds, feeling what I knew Alex must've gone through not long ago as my face felt like it was re-adjusting itself. "WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?! NOW WHO'S DISHONOURABLE?!" I yelled out to him. When he looked down at me, I saw only bloodlust... The look of a pure Dragon. I clenched my teeth, eyes widening before snarling up at him. I had to do something. It couldn't end like this. A dragon on a killing rampage like this could easily nuke a good half of the city before he was taken down. If he was taken down at all. SE. My mind flew back to what Stun Edge had said when I was first transforming. "Meaning, in about two hours he'll turn into that big... Lizard thing he was before, and stay like that until he can control it." Control it? How was I supposed to control my blood? The previous transformations... Each time I'd needed it to happen. "And I NEED it to happen now!" I yelled to myself, but not loud enough to Arthur to hear around the air flow. Alex. I felt a fire burn in my stomach. That was it. Snarling, I did everything I could to shut up the million voices in my head, shaking in my attempt to concentrate on her face, her smirk, that simultaneous flick of the hair and roll of her eyes she did when I said something corny to make her laugh. If I screwed up now, that would be it. Arthur would incinerate the city beneath us and Alex would be dead. And the only way to do that... I NEEDED it right now... And I felt it. I felt the initial sensation of the Dragon DNA fighting back the human half, shoving it out of the way without a moment's thought and spreading through my body. I built on it, not letting up, almost grinning when I saw the red blur around the edges of my vision of a Dragon pumping with adrenaline. I didn't have time for a lengthy part-by-part thing, and I clenched my teeth as hard as I could as I felt everything happen at once. My skin burst from my body, instantly shredding both skin and the breastplate and chainmail I wore, as well as my shirt, although as usual, the pants stayed intact. Wings tore from the flesh, as did my tail, claws split the skin, horns erupted from the rapidly growing scales, all in a massive shower of blood and shredded flesh. The entire thing was painful, but it was nothing compared to the anger and adrenaline. Arthur looked down at me with a shocked stare just as scales almost practically blew up my arms, the thickened width catching him off guard and giving me enough time to pull out of his grip, giving a huge flap from my wings and, in a trail of blood, spun from his claws and gave him a right hook to the snout so hard that I felt his jaw snapping under the pressure. He continued flying from momentum for a moment, gripping his jaw with a pained roar, and I quickly stopped myself in mid air, staring at him with a death glare that had to have hurt as much as the punch. He rubbed his jaw for another moment, and when he saw me, I saw just a brief glint of fear. A Dragon, regardless of being half his size, covered in blood and quivering with rage? I must've looked like a demon. It didn't last, and his eyes almost seemed to glow red in fury as he suddenly stopped attending to his jaw and flew straight at me. My increased perception and speed made it no challenge to duck out of the way and spin in the air, tucking my wings up to avoid a cheap blow from him, and aimed my claws right at his neck. I heard a strangled yelp as I felt scales part and blood spill, and dragged them straight down his front as he flew past. I flicked my wrist, shaking the excess blood off (not that it mattered since I was already matted in it anyway) as I stared over at him. "Try recovering from that one," I said simply, opting for a nice cheesy one-liner. When he turned to me, this time his eyes really were glowing red. I withdrew slightly, although what with me flying I didn't really move back much, as a red glow poured out of the massive gaping hole in Arthur's neck. A few seconds passed, and the glow was covered by scales again, nearly making my jaw dislodge itself. "Do not... Underestimate a true Lindwurm," he said as he leant back, obviously about to charge again. "I told you, you know nothing of our potential!" Arthur snarled the last word before launching at me faster than I could have thought. Snarling right back, I welcomed him, catching him completely off guard, grabbing his wrists as he flung them at me and pulling him closer, leaning back a moment before he was close enough then swung my entire body weight forward, hitting him dead in the forehead with my crest. A word of caution: While Dragon's scales are naturally strong, the exact crest between the horns is quite possibly the strongest surface in the world. Arthur's eyes almost instantly glazed over from the impact, which created a crack so loud I'm sure Alex and the rest would have heard it. While I was shaking from the vibrations of hitting something that was going at at least 400mph, I wasn't hurt, and grinned down at him. He looked up at me, I could tell I'd seriously damaged his skull and probably his brain, before I unhinged my jaw and enveloped him in a flame that would've lit up the streets below like the Fourth of July in the US, before letting him go to plummet to the ground. I was almost assured of my win before that red glow enveloped his entire blackened (more than usual) body, concentrated on his skull, and shook my head, all I could do to stop from throwing up. "That stubborn son of a..." I had no time for further thought as he charged at me, still mid-healing, and wrapped his paw around my neck. I struggled for only a moment before a red glow enveloped us both. I only realized what was going on when I looked around and we were above desolate ocean, and Arthur was no longer grabbing my neck. However, other than my head, I couldn't move at all. My wings were lightly flapping, keeping me up, but they were doing so without my consent. "What the..." "I told you, nephew. The Lindwurms, while still strong, are nothing without their mana. And that makes you nothing. There's no more time for chivalry. I see what you're doing. You're using the thoughts and encouragement of that girl to fuel your mana. You don't even realize it, but your link with her is what's fuelling you... So, I'll do the obvious. I'll kill her. And you'll be your same old mana-less self." My eyes widened. He'd gone insane. Killing Alex would just make me angry enough to finish him in half a second... But it would also lose Alex, and there's no way I was having that. But whatever was holding me back was firm, and I couldn't move an inch. Arthur laughed, a horrible sound that hurt my ears, from a combination of insanity and exhaustion, and leisurely (about 200mph) flew off back in the direction of the city. I looked after him, seeing he'd brought us almost to the next damn country. I continued to struggle, but had no luck. I could look down far enough to see my body covered in his red glow and snarled. 'Kyo... Please be okay...' 'I hope he's alright...' 'Come on you retard, get it together...' My breathing steadied as I realized Arthur may not have been so far off. *** "Wh-... Where'd they go?" I shook my head, trying to figure that out myself. "I don't know bro... They just disappeared in some big red light..," I'd finally replied. "He'll be fine. The only person who beats Kyo in fights is me, not some other idiot kidnapper pedophile." I scanned the horizon for some sign of either of them, and soon managed to pick out a speck that was quite clearly Dragon appearing from the distance. My brother and Anubis followed my gaze, and I'm sure noticed the same thing I did. "He's... Too big..." Within seconds the dragon was close enough to confirm this thought. Arthur flew directly toward us with an insane glaze to his eyes. I guessed that he was moving slowly for a Dragon, but still at an insane speed for anything else. And his eyes were locked directly to mine." *** "Al... Most... Got it..." I snarled, teeth grinding against each other as a secondary layer of red slowly crept across the first. Occasionally the original glow fought back, pushing the top layer away, but I was just stronger than it. Another moment and I was completely covered. A split second later and both glows disappeared simultaneously, my mana canceling out Arthur's. Now, my eyes red with overflowing power, I wasted zero time in turning towards the city and giving a huge flap of my wings. I didn't care about anything else but going as fast as I could now, and I felt my wing muscles begin to strain as I picked up speed. All's I knew is that I was going well above the 400 I'd gotten to earlier. 'Alex. Alex. Alex. Alex. Alex.' My mind had gone into single-voice again now, and all's it was saying was to catch up. Images of Alex's throat being slit by a crazed Dragon filled my mind and just made me go all the faster. Seeing the city begin to catch up on the horizon, I just clenched my teeth tighter, almost cracking my fangs, and gave a massive flap from my wings that instantly made my muscles ache. I didn't care. Another flap, and I heard what sounded like a gunshot, although it drowned itself out in an instant, and I was left without any noise. I'd played enough games to recognize a sonic boom when I heard one. A grin spread across my muzzle as my confidence soared, although I didn't let myself slow, now racing just ahead of sound. I was just above the level of the taller buildings in the city, and had to stop almost as soon as I'd gotten in and got to where Alex and the group were - the impact of suddenly flapping my wings against my direction while going over 750mph almost outright tore them right then, and I was glad they were stronger than people had believed. (Being a DnD fan, it's my job to know the physiology of dragons.) Without another thought I dived down just as sound caught up to me, actually hearing the sonic boom finally catch up, and dove straight for the black patch I saw below. *** "Arthur's grip on my neck was quickly choking me. I couldn't breathe. The sounds around me were getting jumbled together. My vision was getting cloudy - though I could still see enough to recognize the giant claw that wasn't around my neck approaching fast. "This is it then..." I whispered to myself. Closing my eyes tightly I found myself with a familiar thought to comfort my last few seconds. "Kyo..." *** ... And was just in time to grab Arthur's wrist just as it began a downwards descent towards Alex's neck. He snarled back at me, but I was already behind him, and slashed my claws down his other arm to make him drop Alex. She collapsed in a heap on the ground, gasping for air, and I quickly turned Arthur around and gave him a lightning quick punch to the face, concentrating on the fire that was burning inside me and visualizing it running through my arm - just the quick, weak punch had broken his snout with as much mana as I had put into it. He instantly drew back, grabbed his snout and roared, but I gave him no time to recover. Instantly I grabbed his arm and threw him with as much normal strength as I could into the air, sending him whirling. After he'd healed his snout and gotten his wings back into motion, he was already well into the air, however I was already right behind him to send a foot into his gut, denting the scales further and sending him flying back once again. I continued to pursue and knock him back a few more times until we were both a few hundred feet in the air. I flew up beside the disoriented Drake and, spinning a few times in the air, I worked up a decent movement speed for giving him a skull-cracking kick to the head, sending him shooting off across the skyline. As soon as I'd stopped spinning, I drew back and tried to create a fireball... Before I realized something. There was a second fire in my stomach. I grinned as it quickly dawned on me what it was, and continued arching my body back, feeling both the heats entwine and merge, traveling up through my throat. A few seconds later and the energies began to gather. I unhinged my jaw again, a steady flow of a glowing red mix of fire and mana emerged from my mouth and slowly gathered into a ball that would've made Goku proud. Knowing that I wasn't quite at the ridiculous level of Dragonball Z, I stopped when I began to grow slightly tired, ending up with a ball about the size of me and, aiming it where Arthur was slowly gathering himself, I spat it out, just the severing of its connection to my own mana sparking a kinetic reaction and sending it flying out at an impressive pace. Sadly, Arthur recovered just in time. Looking up, he snarled and broke his trajectory, dodging to the side and just barely avoiding the huge ball. "NICE TRY, KYO! I'M IMPRESSED! BUT NOWHERE NEAR GOOD ENOUGH." Arthur's taunts were cut short as I (admittedly flukily) used my mana to dis-assemble myself and re-assemble in front of him, giving him a death glare right in front of his snout. I gave him no time to react as I put a good deal of mana into a kick to the gut, sending him flying slightly to the left, much faster than the energy ball was moving. I teleported again, into his trajectory and a while back, and flew towards him rapidly. My muzzle and eye ridges were set in stone in a death glare that would've made Jimmy Carr proud. I could almost hear his scream as I put all the remaining energy I could into a final spinning kick, coupling it with a near primal roar, doubling his speed and sending him directly into the path of the mana-charged fireball. I could just see a look of terror in his eyes as the energy engulfed his body and exploded into flares, the mana creating a pretty decent explosion and a wave of energy similar to a planet's core collapsing. I turned slightly to shield my eyes with my arm, waited for a moment, then lowered it again, the heat having no effect on my scales although it probably would've boiled a human. There was zero left of Arthur. "Damn Majin Buu wannabe..," I grumbled, and quickly descended to the ground. A few flaps in the opposite direction and I landed with a soft click in front of Alex and the rest, who were all looking at me like I'd just returned from the dead. "Tenkaichi 2 nothing. All in... A... Day's..," I managed to get out, before the loss of mana made me lose consciousness. *** --- Sunday ??? 11:44am --- ... Awake. I lied there for a moment, not moving, not even breathing more than deep, sleeping breaths, before I let out a huge, deep groan and began to sit up, eyes clenching. "Why is it that for the last week I've done nothing but wake up with no idea where I am with a headache like I just got headbutted by Lao-Shan Lung?" "Because you keep picking fights with dragons, stupid." I blinked my eyes open, blinking slowly a few more times to clear the blurriness, even though I already knew who it was. "Fine way to speak to the knight in shining armour, princess." Alex. Changed into fresh clothes, hair slightly damp from a recent shower, glasses off and in that unique clothing style of a mix of a hoodie and casual pants that only Asians can really get away with. "Some knight in shining armour, you're as scaly as the other bastard." We both laughed softly, for a moment, until I had to ask. "Arthur IS gone, right?" "Yup. Vaporized into... Vapor," she said, doing a surprisingly good imitation of Murphy's voice, for a girl, electing a chuckle from me. "Not bad, not bad... The others?" "Strict instructions to piss off and let you rest." "So... Everything's okay?" "Yup. Everything's okay. Well, now it is, you were out for like three days." I sighed in relief before I fell back down, closing my eyes again and shaking my head. "Finally," I murmured. The feds would probably still be on my back, but with my dragon form they would be no issue. It was the elder Dragon that was a real problem, and with him gone, everything was, for the time being, A-OK. I was properly back in my house for the first time in over a week, and I couldn't have been more relaxed as I leant back against MY pillow and closed my eyes lightly. My heart beat its way right into my throat, however, when I felt two legs slide down either side of my form, and opened my eyes to see Alex straddling my waist. She grinned widely at me, adopting that sly, evil look that sent shivers up my spine so often. "Well, the knight always gets the girl at the end of the movie, right?" she asked innocently as she rubbed against me slightly from above the sheets - I'll admit it didn't work as well as it did when I was human. Wait, what? I was reminded by both the fact that I had a sheathe and the very slightly annoying presence of my wings and tail behind me. I looked over my form, noticing for the first time that I was still in my Dragon form. My eyes widened a bit and I looked up to Alex, raising my eye ridges. "Uhh... There are two problems with this scene," I said, smirking a little, but otherwise staying still and shocked. "Oh? And what're they?" Alex asked as she leant down and gently kissed my scaly lips. For definitely not the first time, I thanked my scales for hiding my blush. "Well... For one thing, I'm very tired, and very sore," I said with the best innocent smile I could manage in the situation. "Tired enough to pass this up?" she asked, giving me an equally innocent gaze. Pause. "Good point. Okay. Second problem. I'm covered in scales," I said, getting a laugh from her. "Ah, that's right, I was never able to finish what I was saying over at that little waterfall of yours," she said, huskily, taking on the voice she'd taken on the roof those nights ago. "You see, the reason I was so nervous around your dragon form is... Well, you know those... Furry, types? Online?" I considered slapping my head for a long moment, then decided I couldn't resist and did so. I opened my eyes again to see Alex looking at me, genuinely worried now. I blinked a moment, before shaking my head and pulling her down to kiss her, lightly, more a friendly notion than anything else. "No no no, I don't mean it like that. Hell, I hang around with furres often, it's just... Extremely, extremely ironic," I said with a chuckle. Alex looked at me with wide, innocent eyes for a moment, before she laughed lightly and smirked down at me, pulling the covers from me a moment so that she could run her hands over the scales on my chest. I gave a soft churr, leaning back and enjoying the sensation. She gave me one last sly wink, before she reached down, and slid her hoodie over her head. *** And that's my story. Let's just say after that things got a little, ah, personal, hahah. There's plenty more, but this is just my journal for the science lab. They wanted a documentation of how I grew into myself to go with the DNA I willingly provided. So for now, that's it. Hell, I've led an interesting enough life, maybe I'll document some of the other miscellaneous things that've happened between then and now. Like when they finally stopped beating around the bush and released that damn flying car. Not that it effects me. But still. The point is, until (if) I write again some other time, that's the end. I hope this stor-... Er, documentation... Is as useful to the various people as it is to the scientists I'm giving the official copy to... Which they're also quite handsomely paying out the ass for, those brilliant bastards. ...Oh come on, you didn't honestly think I was THAT much of a tight ass, did you? A grin crept across my muzzle as Alex removed her hoodie, showing off what I later found out to be a 12D cup size. She smirked down at me, raising a brow as if seeking approval and buffing out her chest a bit, not that she needed to. I looked over her form as I clicked a claw against my muzzle, eyes lingering for long enough on the large twin mounds practically caged beneath the black lace, giving a look that you might see at in a wine-tasting group. "Hmmm... Distinct, definitely appealing... A good year, too... But it feels almost, I don't know... Fake," I said before breaking out in a huge grin. She listened with innocent eyes until the last word, when she instantly glared at me and slapped me over the head, making her chest jiggle just a bit. She was about to say something, before she closed her mouth and shook her head, reaching down to take my paw, and brought it up against one of her breasts. I gave a none-too-gentle squeeze, instantly getting a groan of satisfaction from her. My grin hadn't stopped from my last sentence, and if anything it widened - my claws had, luckily for Alex, retracted since I'd woken up (Dragon claws, just like our tunnel vision and most everything else battle related, is triggered by adrenaline and goes away during the normal course of the day). I slowly rubbed my palm scales over the top of her breast that wasn't covered, knowing from experience how good the scales felt, and earnt a shiver from her. Seeing a good reaction, I reached up to repeat the actions on her other breast, almost coming out of my sheathe just from the facial expression she had, and the feel of the soft flesh now under my paws. I continued these movements for a moment longer, before I stopped suddenly, and a single claw just barely poked from each of my index digits, enough to cut both of the bra straps, then quickly cut the middle, so that her bra simply fell off. It took her a moment to realize what I'd done, feeling simply like a gentle scratch across her skin, before she looked down and blushed, impulsively covering herself. "H-hey, that's not fair, you can't use claws!" Retracting my claws again, I gave her the saddest face I could, the expression enough to make almost anyone laugh (Alex definitely being no exception) and batted her arms out of the way, taking note that despite the size of them her breasts were extremely well shaped. I both pulled her closer and half sat up to run the flat of my thick, but incredibly long tongue along the surface of her breast, getting another drawn-out groan from her as I easily wrapped my arms around her form, leaning as close as I could to get more of my tongue on her (it's a little over two feet long, mind you), grinning a bit that I managed to re-enact your average tentacle movie and wrap my tongue around the circumference of her breast, squeezing lightly. This got another groan from her, and a wider grin from me. I parted from her after a moment, earning a disappointed look, and looked up at her with a smirk. "What, the way you're going you'll submit so much you won't do any of the work, can't have it feeling TOO good," I said with a laugh, getting a slightly embarrassed blush and a half frown from her, although she returned the laugh. "Okay, I'll do some work then," she said as her blush faded, showing the semi-dominant side of her that I enjoyed so thoroughly, and grabbed the blankets of my bed, bouncing a bit on the bed to instantly slide them out from under her and away from me, throwing them to the side. She leaned down to kiss me properly this time, notching her head to almost fit her mouth to my muzzle. I returned her kiss, my tongue slipping from my muzzle to just move a short distance into her open lips. I could barely see, with her face so close, as her hand moved between my legs and felt more than saw as her palm began to rub against my crotch. Although it wasn't yet enough to get me from the sheathe, it was a very soothing feeling, and it got a churr from me. I noticed her blink a few times, before she drew back, looking down at my crotch with a slightly worried gaze. "Wait, you've got a sheathe and everything now?" I raised a ridge and notched my head at her. I'd not had a chance to tell her of my realizing my full heritage. "It's a long story. I'll tell you later. But yes, I do," I said, grinning a little. "That a problem?" Alex visibly gulped, and I think her face may have paled slightly. "Uh... So... EVERYTHING changed?" she asked, eyes still moving between my crotch and face. I grinned, realizing just what she was getting at. "Indeed it did... Perhaps you would like me to change to my human form, so that I don't break anything?" I asked while my grin widened. She blushed at this, going into shy mode for just a moment, before it almost completely faded and she gave -that- smirk up at me. "You underestimate me," she said in a voice so incredibly sexy that I had to actually concentrate not to grow out of my sheathe, and leant in to kiss me with at least twice as much passion as before. I was caught off guard and pushed back a little, although she followed right after and practically pinned me against the back of the bed, continuing the kiss whether I was taking part or not. I quickly gathered myself and pressed back against her, although the action of being pinned to the wall finally sent me far enough for my tip to poke out. Alex must've figured that would happen, because almost as soon as I'd even slightly emerged from my sheathe her hand was back down, lightly rubbing against the sensitive tip. I gulped softly, eyes reflexively closing, almost feeling the shift in power as Alex sat up a bit more atop me, now practically above me, as her hand coaxed out my shaft. As soon as it started she gave me no chance to turn back, quickly wrapping her hand around my width from above my pants and roughly moving over my length. "Now who's doing all the work?" I blinked open my eyes to look back up and her, and frowned playfully, almost instantly moving my paws back to her chest to squeeze the mounds of flesh. "Yeah well, you're the one who went all dominant on me." "You went dominant on me first!" I held back a laugh and pouted heavily, giving her the kind of wide-eyed sad look that only animals can really give, and squeezed a bit more roughly. She let out a soft groan, eyes half-closing, as she likewise increased the pressure of her hand. We continued this for only another moment, before, when I next breathed in, I first smelt her scent. It was only faint now, but my animal senses made it enough for me to almost instantly grow to my full length, making Alex's eyes visibly widen. I couldn't help but grin at this. "Having... Second thoughts, dear?" I asked, running the tip of my tongue over my fangs. She paused a moment, before her confidence returned. "Hah, yeah right," she said, although her blush made it obvious she was a little worried. My confidence was cut a bit short as Alex moved her hand, stopping the rubbing, and moved her other hand down to delicately undo my pants. (Just a note, the metallic jingle of a belt buckle coming off is quite possibly the best sound in the world.) A moment later and she had them undone, breaking the kiss so she could watch as she finally slid my boxers down. We both blushed a bit as my length sprung free - me at being watched so intently, her at the sight of it. She was the first to recover, and without another moment's warning, she shifted back to straddle my legs and leaned down to, at once, take a modest half of my length into her lips. I had to clench my teeth to not immediately roar, instead managing to lessen it to a growl, clenching my eyes shut as a steady flow of my precum began to leak into her lips. She lay still for a few moments, making me have to bite my lip (and almost pierce it) to prevent the primal urge to thrust into her, shifting back further so she could look at me, before her lips puckered, sucking heavily, and she pulled back, almost painfully slowly, lips sliding back up the overly sensitive flesh. Now moving her hands to the base, one hand not quite getting around my width and having to use two. (I'd later give her a good tease about her small hands, mind you.) She went back down over my length once more, hands squeezing the base and coaxing more of my liquids forth, before pulling up again and removing herself. By now her scent was so strong I was practically panting to try and breathe more of it in. I had to actually concentrate to gather myself - the combination of Alex's actions and her scent was driving my animal side insane - but I managed to eventually growl and sit up, pushing her onto her back as I did, before pinning her by her shoulders, earning a cute, surprised yelp. We both paused for a moment, then. Alex was even more cute than usual in a defenseless state, and I couldn't help but stare for a moment, before a grin snaked across my muzzle and I moved back, sliding what remained of her clothes down in one movement before leaning in, being just as quick as she was earlier and gave a long lick to her already well-moist slit. Alex gasped at this, I could see in my peripheral as she was about to sit up then just laid back as I licked, eyes blinking at the ceiling for a moment before closing. I chuckled lightly and began to give her a few leisurely licks, starting about a foot up the length of my tongue then licking up until I flicked the tip just a bit inside of her, then over her clit, getting a twitch and a soft whimper from her each time. After only about half a minute of this, Alex was sopping from our combined fluids, and I stopped, getting a now disappointed whimpers from her, before I slid back up to her, letting the tip of my shaft press against her opening as I leant down to lightly press a kiss to her lips. I could see her eyes widening even though she returned the kiss, and after a short moment I parted from her, grinning as evilly as I could (which, in a form this intimidating, was almost enough to make kittens cry), and whispered to her, "For someone so confident you sure do look worried..," voice taking on a bit of a lizard quality and hissing just slightly. Once again, still defiant, Alex glared up at me, only serving to widen my grin once again. I pushed my hips forward, just a fraction but enough to part the folds of her slit, instantly dissipating her defiant look and forcing a worried yelp from her. This only widened my grin further, and I paused for a short moment, before I pushed just enough to get my tip inside her, a rumbling growl forcing itself from my throat at how ridiculously tight she felt. I stopped after I'd just entered her, however. Games or not, I could tell this was hurting. Leaning down, I scritched a paw gently through her hair, causing her to unclench her eyes and look up at me. "Alex... Are you sure you don't want me to go back into my human form for this? I really don't mind, y'know," I asked in the softest voice I could, smiling lovingly at her. She seriously considered it this time, but not for too long, before her defiance returned and she pouted a bit - she looked like a stubborn little kid, and I had to catch myself not to laugh. "Yeah, I'm sure. Hah, you should see what I practice on! Just... Be gentle, the real thing's more difficult than a fake... So be slow..," she said, starting off in that confident, assertive voice, and dying down gradually into a near-whisper. I couldn't help but chuckle at this, and nodded to her, giving her a light kiss on the lips before, as slowly as she'd asked, I began to move my hips forward. Right then, was the hardest thing I've ever had to do in my life - not thrust. Dragons are a bit more primal than humans, it seems, and the need to just pummel into Alex was so bad that I was growling and snarling just to hold back. Of course, it didn't help that she was so tight around me that it felt like about 1/3 of my width was being compressed. I held out, however, the sound of her whimpering helping me ground myself and force myself not to hurt her, and kept pushing slowly until I felt her back wall. I let out a light snarling groan as this happened, the claws of one paw shooting out and ripping into my bed's sheets, chest rising and falling as I looked down to Alex with barely-open eyes. She just panted up at me for a few moments, eyes glazed over, before giving a light nod and a weak smile. I frowned for a moment, a bit in concern, before drawing back a few inches and gradually pushed in again. Alex whimpered again, although I could feel from both her body heat and her noises that she was gradually getting accustomed to it. I gave a few more slow, steady thrusts, before I felt her loosen up significantly, and her whimpers had turned to light moans. My grin returned, and I saw her eyes go wide as I drew all the way out of her, then in one quick thrust (not TOO rough, but much quicker than before), I hilted myself, able to slide all the way in now that she was more excited. She tightened even further around my cock and instantly came, eyes glazing over once again, not even moaning as I pulled out and, just as she was about to recover her senses, thrust in again. While she didn't cum again, she did moan loud enough for my ears to instinctively fold back, getting a chuckle out of me as I now began a steady rhythm in and out of her. I had to admit to myself - I wasn't going to last long, considering how tight she was, but she'd already came so I didn't feel too guilty. She was digging her nails into my arms now, if I didn't have scales I would've been bleeding pretty badly, and after a few more deep thrusts she came again, further soaking both of us and my bed. Retracting my claws again, I roughly grabbed her chest, grinning once more, as I moved back and down a bit, sliding so that at each thrust the tip of my cock dragged along the roof of her insides, rubbing straight along her g-spot each time and she came yet again. Pretty proud of myself now, I barely noticed before she had already pushed me over, rolling me onto my back, and immediately followed, taking only a moment to align herself before in one fluid movement she slid down over my cock, drawing loud moans from both of us. Snarling a few times, now panting, I looked up at her with half-closed eyes, teeth glinting in the room's light. "God, Alex, you're too tight... I can't hold back any longer..," I growled, and she got the message. Sliding off of me, in another quick, fluid movement she was leaning down, pressing her tits roughly around my length and swallowing what was left over. I had to hold myself back not to roar, and it took only a few moments of her sucking hard and running the flesh of her breasts up and down my length before I finally came. I almost managed to laugh mid-orgasm at the look on Alex's face as I came into her lips, repeatedly shooting rope after rope of the thick liquid into her open maw, filling her mouth up despite her obvious attempts to swallow until it began dripping down both her chin and my length. Eventually Alex had to remove herself, letting the last few shots splash against her face, before the sensations finally died down and I practically collapsed back onto the bed. Of course, there was also how unbelievably sexy she looked with dragon seed dripping down her face and over her generous breasts. There was a long moment of silence as I watched her looking over herself with a near-despairing expression, before she glared up at me. "You could have WARNED me you came like a freaking firehose!" "You didn't ask," I said, with the most carefree smile I could manage, and, after she'd knelt up to try and gather herself, I casually grabbed her arm (earning a confused squeak), and dragged her into the shower. And THAT'S the end! (Final Author's Notes: And if that doesn't prove how overboard I go when I just sit down and do a proper sex scene, then NOTHING does. Beware me in Yiffchat, for my average time with a partner tends to be around four hours. XD Well, I'm relieved, because that's the first story I've ever actually finished. Yup. The first one I've written the whole way through. Not quite as serious as LiM, but I enjoyed it a lot, and I hope the readers did too. A special thanks to Doriima for doing Alex's monologues. It added a nice touch, I think, to actually have someone else (and a female, no less) speak Alex's mind. Also a special thanks to Alevva, for being a sexy bunneh and being supportive through those last few paragraphs when I felt like I just couldn't be bothered. And that's it. I highly doubt there'll be any more Sentinel of the Concrete Skies stories, because I like having an actual finished product under my belt. Unless people ask me REALLY nice, AND I feel like it. So, adieu from Kyo! Next on the hitlist: LiM Chapter 9!)