A cup of (tea?) with the therapist

Story by Xyln on SoFurry

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#6 of A cup of coffee with the therapist

Hey! This is the next part in the "A cup of coffee with the therapist" series.

Warning: the story will get more narrative and less porny from this point forward. That doesn't mean this is a clean story, and I know some of you won't mind, but I just wanted to let you know.

PS. This was originally going to be a much longer story, but I decided to split it in two to make it easier to read. I will post the next part, "A (bitter) cup of coffee with the therapist", on May 20th.

It was getting increasingly difficult to tell weeks apart now that Fosk didn't have his sessions with Kenneth. Even though, in the past, he had forgotten most of them - the black wolf still found it amusing when he thought about it - he had the feeling that he had structured his life around the appointments with his therapist, and now that they weren't there, everything felt... different. After all, it had been more than eight months since he had started visiting the white tiger. Fosk still found that part difficult to believe.

But the fact that their sessions were over only meant that Fosk's income was slightly higher every month. They still talked a lot with each other. After their last session, the black wolf had arrived home and had noticed that he had received a message from the white tiger asking him if he had arrived home safely. Of course I have, he had thought, smiling. He just wanted an excuse to talk to me, didn't he?

For some reason, that possibility made him feel butterflies in his stomach.

They talked a lot every night, even though it still took them a bit to meet again. Fosk had a lot of work to do and the therapist had several appointments to keep him busy, and whenever one of them was free the other wasn't. So they stuck to messages and calls for the time being, keeping each other company in the late hours of the night. During that time, the black wolf realized that Kenneth could be extremely sweet when he wanted to. Consequently, he found himself wishing that the day when they'd meet and... kiss again would come soon. He just couldn't wait.

So when they finally managed to find a free gap in their calendars they both jumped at the chance to see each other. Fosk was actually really excited. It was the first time he was going to see the therapist without an appointment and outside his apartment. The wolf was looking forward to meeting Kenneth in a completely different context, and he was wondering how he'd behave on... a date. He knew none of them had talked about it using that word, but that was clearly what it was.

When he saw the tiger walking out of his building, his heart beat a bit faster. However, there was a very specific detail that immediately caught the wolf's attention and made him greet him in an unusual way.

"Hey! You're wearing shoes," he pointed out, a bit surprised, as soon as Kenneth got near the bench he'd been sitting on.

"Well, surely you didn't expect me to walk barefoot around town," the therapist replied, smiling.

"I know, I know! It's just that I'm so used to seeing you like that," Fosk explained. Kenneth gave him a knowing grin and he felt that if they kept talking about that subject he'd inevitably blush. "So... how are you?"

He had the urge to hug the tiger after all that time, but he had the feeling that Kenneth didn't want that, or else he'd have hugged him already. Maybe tigers don't like hugs so much, the wolf thought. Felines could be a bit odd with their personal space, he remembered. He just wished there had been something he could do to spend those awkward seconds in which he just fantasized about getting some physical contact.

"I'm doing alright," Kenneth answered, shrugging. His tail swept the air left and right behind his back, calmly. "You know, the usual stuff. Just electrocuted someone because they liked that."

"Oh," Fosk vocalized. There wasn't much he could add to that.

"Yeah. It's been a few weird weeks. None of my current clients like hypnosis, unfortunately," the tiger said. He actually looked a bit disappointed. Then, he stretched and let out a soft growl. "Man, I've been spending too much time indoors these days. I really needed some fresh air."

"Any places you wanna go?"

"Hmm. Well, I was actually counting on you for that," Kenneth admitted, giving him a small smile. "I... don't know much about this city."

"Oh, really?" Fosk asked. He was genuinely surprised. "How so?"

"I moved from my hometown about two years ago, and I've been busy with work ever since," the tiger explained. "So you're very likely to know more about this place than I do."

Fosk considered his options, still thinking about his ex-therapist's last words. For some reason, he found it difficult to believe that Kenneth was the sort of person who simply stood home. He had even supposed the tiger had lots of friends and that he was used to partying... hard? It seemed he had been wrong all along.

"I can take you to one of my favorite places," he offered, finally. "It's not far, actually! But it's always closed when I come to visit you because, you know..."

"Our sessions are on Sundays. Yeah," the tiger completed, as his smile grew wider. He looked pleased that Fosk actually had some place to take him.

"I used to go a lot before I started my sessions with you, but I haven't been there in a while. Wanna go?"

Kenneth tilted his head.

"You haven't even told me what it is yet."

"Oh, well. Let's say I just want to make up for all the money you've possibly spent on coffee because of me," the wolf said, smiling back. "Let's get going, come on."

He began walking towards their destination, but then Kenneth's paw fell on his shoulder. The wolf turned around, a bit surprised.

"Hey," the tiger said. He looked slightly serious and Fosk suddenly feared he'd done something wrong. "I know you've been used to following orders for a while, but I don't suppose you need me to tell you to do the things you want to do, right?"

For a few seconds, the wolf didn't know what to answer. He wasn't even sure he knew what the tiger meant until the realization hit him.

"Oh... I just..." He cleared his throat. "I just didn't think you'd want a hug."

Kenneth's grip softened a bit.

"Well, I'm sorry if that was the case. I didn't want you to think that." He looked a bit uncomfortable for a few seconds and then gave the wolf a warm smile. "But please, if you want to do it, go ahead. I'd... I'd also like it, to be honest."

Fosk held the tiger's pure blue gaze for an instant and then got a few steps closer, holding him in a tight embrace. When the tiger hugged him back softly, he closed his eyes happily and rested his head on the feline's chest, feeling his arms around his body. Even though he'd never thought about it, he had to admit that Kenneth smelled nice. Not because he was wearing any deodorant or cologne or anything, but because the tiger's scent was simply... pleasant.

When they pulled away from their hug, Fosk had the feeling that he would have liked to stay like that for a while. He looked back at Kenneth's eyes and noticed that he seemed to have liked the hug, which calmed down a few irritating questions his mind had made up. He should probably stop overthinking.

"Okay!" he said, smiling. "We'll have to walk for a short while."

* * *

On their way to the place that Fosk had chosen, they talked a bit more about how their week had gone, even though they had been talking so much lately that they already knew. At some point, the wolf mentioned that Sophia and Fabio were getting married, and he chuckled when he realized Kenneth didn't even remember who he was talking about. Once he clarified that they were the reason why they had met each other, the tiger seemed to recall.

Despite everything, Fosk still couldn't believe that they were going on a date. He still remembered clearly the day he'd arrived at Kenneth's office and he'd thought he was too young and handsome to be a sexologist. Also, the way in which he had inwardly thought the tiger would never be interested in him. Life had proved him wrong, after all.

They soon arrived at the right street. Kenneth's house wasn't too far from the city center, but his neighborhood was generally calmer and less noisy that the place they were now. Cars and motorbikes were constantly passing by, and the avenue was crowded with people moving in different directions. It was obvious they had reached one of their city's main streets.

"What is this?" Kenneth asked, once Fosk pointed at a shop nearby. There was a considerably long queue waiting in front of its doors, although the corner where it stood wasn't as full of people as the rest of the street. "Is it a café? That's not very different from what we usually do."

"It's not a café, silly cat," the wolf replied, smiling. "But they seem to be... busier than I expected. Do you think we should find another place?"

He would have really liked to show Kenneth that place, but he couldn't ask the tiger to just wait there, especially since he still didn't know what they were waiting for. However, his ex-therapist seemed to guess what he was thinking.

"Hey, we can wait for a bit," he said. "It's not as if we have anything better to do, right?"

"Well, I guess you're right." Fosk felt slightly relieved. He didn't know many other interesting places to visit with the tiger. "Wait here and I'll get us a few menus."


It took the wolf a short while to come back. Kenneth noticed that, as Fosk moved towards him again, he was trying not to push people and was constantly apologizing. He couldn't help but smile at the sight of that.

However, when the wolf handed him one of the menus, he felt a bit confused.

"Bobba?" he read, out loud.

"Yeah! It's, er, bubble tea," Fosk explained.

"I don't think that helps me, sorry."

"Oh, well. I mean, I think this is the only shop in our city, so that's normal." The wolf pointed at one of the pictures in the menu. It looked like a regular smoothie, but there was something at the bottom of the cup. "These are... er... the bubbles. They can be jelly bubbles or they can be filled with juice. And you have aaaaaall these flavors to choose from, both for the bubbles and the juice, smoothie, frappe... whatever you want to drink."

"This is a bit... complicated, I think." The tiger was actually surprised. There were a lot of choices and that was only one side of the menu. He was also surprised he hadn't heard about those drinks before.

"Well, we had a lot of time to think about it. But if you can't make up your mind... you can always ask for a Special one," Fosk said, pointing at the corner of the menu.

"And what's so Special about it?"

"They... er, take a quick glance at you, I assume, and then make it so that it'll look like you," the wolf answered. He sounded a bit amused, actually.

"What? So they'll give me a smoothie that will look like a tiger?" Kenneth asked. He couldn't help but chuckle a bit at that idea.

"Well! I don't think it's that specific. I don't know. I've never tried that." The wolf paused for a second. "If you order that, I think I'll do the same. I'm curious."

"Yeah, sounds like a good idea. Really looking forward to drinking tiger smoothie..." Kenneth said, grinning.

"Kinky," Fosk noted.

"Sorry. That's my job."

They didn't have to wait much longer before they got to the counter and ordered two Specials. Just like the wolf had predicted, the workers just glanced at them for a second - not that they could blame them, taking into account how many people were waiting at their backs - and then prepared something really quick. After less than two minutes, they handed them two bubble teas. Fosk's was purplish, with black bubbles floating on top, while Kenneth's was completely white, with rectangle-shaped jelly bits on the bottom and something that looked like shredded coconut on top.

They both paid for their drinks and found a bench to sit on, a few streets away, where the noise wasn't so annoying and there weren't so many people. Fosk was looking intently at Kenneth as he took the first sip. The face the tiger made didn't look like he had particularly enjoyed it.

"It's okay if you don't like it," the wolf said, smiling. "But I hope you don't consider it a waste of your money."

"Hmmm." Kenneth stirred the bottom of his bubble tea with the straw. Apparently, he was looking for the words to say it. "Yeah. I'm sorry, but I don't like coconut that much and this... well, it's a coconut flavored tea with coconut on top."

"You should have said something!" the wolf exclaimed, feeling a bit embarrassed.

"Well, they looked really busy and I didn't want to bother them. Besides," the tiger glanced at him, grinning, "you don't like yours either."

Fosk was about to say something, but he closed his mouth, a bit surprised.

"You noticed?" he asked.

"Well, I've been seeing you for eight months so... yeah, I think you're kind of easy to read now."

"That'd be sexy, if I wasn't feeling so embarrassed now," Fosk admitted, tilting his head and blushing a bit.

"Oh, but I'm pretty sure being embarrassed also turns you on?" Kenneth insisted, giving him a charming smile and winking an eye.

The wolf felt his cheeks immediately getting hotter.

"Okay. Shut up now!" He wanted to sound a bit angrier, but he couldn't help but chuckle and when the tiger did the same, they just laughed together. "You shouldn't use that privileged information against me, you know?"

"Yeah, sorry. I'll try to control myself."

"But I think I know what we can do," the wolf said, looking at his practically untouched bubble tea. "Do you like taro?"

"... I'm not sure I know what that is, to be honest."

"Oh. I'm showing you a whole new world, aren't I?" Fosk teased him. "Here, take a sip."

Kenneth gave a questioning look at the purplish tea in the wolf's cup, but finally shrugged and decided that it couldn't be worse than the one he was holding. The taste was particular, but it wasn't unpleasant. When he felt some of those black jelly spheres in his mouth, he noticed he actually liked the contrast they made with the tea... although he wasn't sure what they were either. Those were two flavors he'd never had the chance of trying before, but at least it wasn't coconut.

"It's tapioca," Fosk clarified, as if he had read his mind.

"Oh. Okay. Thank you, Aladdin." Kenneth licked his lips. "Yeah, actually, I think I like yours way better than mine."

"Good! Because, er, maybe I haven't mentioned it yet, but I really love coconut," the wolf said. He looked as if he was about to say something, then stopped himself. Then he opened his mouth again, blushing. "So... want some wolf smoothie?"

Kenneth grinned.


They exchanged their cups quickly, and when they spent a few minutes silently drinking each other's tea, it soon became apparent they had made the right choice.

"What do you want to do after this?" the tiger asked, after a while. "I'm not sure, but I think there's a park nearby? Maybe we could take a walk away from all this noise."

"Yeah! I'd love that," Fosk said, slurping at his cup of tea to get the last bits of jelly.

So when they finished drinking, they threw the empty cups into a waste bin and set off towards the park. Just like Kenneth had said, it wasn't too far from there and, less than five minutes later, they were crossing the old iron gates. It had rained the day before and the gravel path that went through the park and between the birch trees was humid and crunchy under their footpaws. They walked in silence for a few minutes, enjoying the absence of noise. Fosk couldn't help but look at the white tiger from time to time, still finding it difficult to believe they had ended up in that situation.

After a while, Kenneth spotted a lake between the trees and both left the path - Fosk wasn't sure that was allowed, but he didn't say a word - to reach its shore. At that place, it almost looked like they were hidden from the rest of the city. The orange light from the skies reflected on the still waters creating a mesmerizing spectacle, until the white tiger grabbed a flat stone and threw it to the lake with a sudden, calculated movement. The stone bounced on the surface a few times before sinking to the bottom.

"Oh, you're pretty good at that," Fosk observed. He had seated near the shore, in a stump that still seemed to be in a pretty acceptable state.

"Thanks!" Kenneth was smiling. "I came here once. When I had just moved to this city. I thought this place was really beautiful."

"It is," Fosk agreed. "Although I've only been here a few times, and I don't think I'd ever seen this lake." He made a short pause, thinking whether he should ask or not. "When you came here... did you already know what you were going to do?"

"You mean, if I knew I was going to be the kind of sexologist that seems like he was taken from a very bad porn story posted on the internet?" the tiger asked, grinning. He shook his head. "No. I didn't. At first I wanted to be more... conventional, I guess. I had studied for a long time, was familiar with the standard procedures..."

He grabbed another flat stone, weighed it on his paw and then threw it to the lake. It bounced exactly eight times before the waters swallowed it.

"So why did you change your mind?" the wolf asked, curiously.

He was just beginning to realize there was so much about Kenneth that he didn't know. It was actually a bit scary now that he thought about it, especially taking into account how much he had trusted the white tiger after their first encounter.

"Things weren't going alright. Economically, I mean." Kenneth shrugged. "So I thought about doing this and said to myself 'Hey, it looks fun, might work'. And well, apparently I was doubly right."

"Yeah, it seems you were," Fosk agreed, smiling at him.

"It can be very rewarding when you're successful," the tiger explained, still smiling. "I mean, you're basically fixing someone's problem by doing something you like. Well, most of the times, sometimes I have to push my comfort zone a little. But I think it's amazing, you know? When you can help someone through this, it makes you feel really..."

"Fulfilled?" Fosk suggested.

"... powerful," Kenneth completed, calmly.

The black wolf scratched the back of his head and then turned to the lake again. He thought he could understand what Kenneth was saying, even though he clearly couldn't fully put himself in the white tiger's shoes. Clouds were passing by and Fosk could see their reflection in the water. It was clean and calm and he could see a few little fishes swimming under the surface. In the distance, birds were chirping, but that was everything he could hear.

The tiger got slightly closer to him and grabbed another stone from the ground. This one wasn't flat. He weighed it on his paw again for a few seconds.

"Of course, it doesn't always work," he said. "Sometimes you have people calling you a fraud, or a 'degenerate pervert'. Even though you warn them beforehand that sometimes there's not much you can do for them." The tiger smiled. It wasn't a happy smile. "So, even though it feels really good when things fall in their place and everything clicks, it can also feel really bad when you... fail."

He dropped the stone into the lake and there was a big splash. It just sank to the bottom, zero bounces, and Fosk watched as the vision of the sky on the water's surface shattered in a million pieces.

* * *

They had dinner in a noodle restaurant. It took the wolf a couple of attempts to worm out of Kennet if there was something specific he'd like to have for dinner, and the white tiger finally gave in when Fosk began getting really insistent.

The place they went to was slightly crowded and the noise was unbearable compared to the park they'd just been, but they managed to talk and laugh a bit as they compared the spiciness levels in their respective dishes. Fosk asked for a dessert that never came - and then Kenneth joked about how he was going to hypnotize the cook into baking a whole cake for the wolf. As soon as he realized that Fosk was getting slightly flustered by that idea the tiger pushed it a bit further and even pretended to stand up - the wolf's heart skipped a beat when he saw that. Fortunately, a waitress appeared right at that moment with his cake slice. They had it for take away.

When they left the restaurant a few minutes later, Fosk's cheeks were still a little red.

"So, back home?" the wolf asked.

Kenneth pretended to think about it, with a teasing grin.

"Well. I mean, you showed me one of your favorite places, then we walked by the park together until we found a romantic spot and finally we had dinner by candlelight."

"There wasn't any candlelight in there."

"Whatever. What I mean is that I think this was quite a successful date, don't you think?"

Fosk chuckled a bit, trying to hide his own nervousness. None of them had used that word up until that very moment, even though it had been clearly a date.

"Yeah. I guess you could say that," he agreed, walking slowly behind the tiger.

"'You guess'? Is there anything else I have to do for you?" Kenneth asked, turning and giving him a long, playful look.

The wolf forgot to breathe for a second when his gaze met those deep blue eyes.

"Well, you could..." he muttered. "You could accompany me back home."

Kenneth blinked a few times. He looked surprised, as if he hadn't expected the wolf to answer back.

"Don't make me repeat it, please," Fosk asked, a bit embarrassed, when the tiger opened his mouth to say something.

"I wasn't going to do that," Kenneth reassured him, with a smile. "Okay. Let's go."

"I mean, you don't have to," the wolf began, feeling a bit nervous all of a sudden. He didn't want the tiger to feel forced to do anything in their first date, and that last sentence had sounded a bit imperative. Had it? "But I thought it would be nice, only if you wanted to..."

"Believe me, Fosk," Kenneth said, with a smirk. "I'm a lazy cat. I don't usually go out just because of how lazy I am. If I didn't want to walk home with you, I'd let you know immediately."

"Well, that's a relief," the wolf answered back.

He was still blushing a bit when he began walking through the streets, followed by the tiger and still carrying his dessert with him. He couldn't remember when it had been the last time that he'd taken a boy home. He wasn't even sure his room was tidy or not, since he'd been rather busy those last days and he usually didn't worry too much about keeping it clean. Hey, he only agreed to come back home with you, a nervous voice noted in his head. That doesn't mean anything, so stop freaking out over things that are probably not even going to happen.

But when they were finally in front of his building, he could practically feel the question floating in the air, filling him with the need to say something about it. Unfortunately for him, that feeling clashed with his natural shyness.

"So... uh..." he managed to say, looking down as he took the keys out of his pocket. He needed to find a way to ask the question, even if it wasn't directly. "What are you going to do now, Kenneth?"

"Well, I'll probably walk back home and then complain about the unbearable pain in my footpaws because of how much you made me walk," the tiger said, crossing his arms on his chest. He almost looked serious for a second. Fosk was about to come up with an apology when Kenneth added "Of course, if you invited me over, I wouldn't have anything to complain about."

The wolf looked at him in disbelief.

"How much did it take you to come up with that sentence?" he asked, after a few seconds. "Was that what you were thinking on our way here?"

"Yes. No. Maybe." The tiger shrugged. "So what's it going to be? Do I have to walk home from here? If I have, I should get going."

"No, no. I mean. I want you to stay," Fosk clarified, with a shy smile. "I just didn't know how to ask you..."

Kenneth gave him a warm smile and stepped closer. Again, the black wolf got lost in those blue eyes and he felt as if his heart forgot to beat for a second. Then, he felt one of the feline's paws moving to his lower back, bringing him closer. Fosk felt as if he was about to stumble for some reason and he looked down nervously.

When he raised his gaze, Kenneth's face was barely a few inches away from his.

"I think I already told you," the tiger said, with the soft, velvet-like voice that he'd sometimes use in their sessions. "You can tell me if there's anything you want to do. This is a date, not another appointment. You're free to let me know."

"I... I know," Fosk said, blushing a bit.

He really felt like kissing Kenneth at that very moment. Hadn't the tiger said he had to share that stuff? Why was he keeping it for himself then?

"I really want to kiss you," he said, with a thin voice. Even though he knew there wasn't any hypnosis involved, those blue eyes kept him fascinated. "Please."

"I really want you to kiss me too," the tiger said back. His voice was still calm and soft, but it was at that specific moment that Fosk noticed the feline was also looking intently into his eyes, as if he also found them beautiful. "I'd love it if you took the first step this time, cute wolf."

Fosk smiled a bit and gulped. Why was he so nervous? They had done that before, it wasn't as if that was their first kiss. It was very obvious that the tiger wanted that to happen and he definitely was craving it, so why did he feel as if he was going to mess things up? His mind moved back and forth between those questions and others as he kept staring at the tiger.

Then, he took a step closer, placed one of his paws on the tiger's chest and kissed him tenderly. As much as he'd expected all those anxious thoughts to vanish, they didn't. Instead, they moved to a secondary place in his mind where they were less audible and important - they were still there, of course, but he didn't have to pay them so much attention. He felt the tiger's tongue trying to get into his mouth slowly and carefully, and he responded with his own, trying to be slightly more active than he usually was and looking for a way to make the tiger enjoy it. He felt Kenneth's paw moving up his back and caressing every centimeter slowly with those pointy claws, and he stroked the tiger's chest gently, his paws moving across the thin fabric as he felt the warm body underneath.

They stopped kissing a few seconds later and then they stared at each other.

"I think we should go upstairs," the tiger suggested. He looked affected by the kiss - maybe not as flustered as Fosk probably was, but the wolf could feel his chest rising and sinking fast in agitation.

"Yeah, good idea," he agreed.

He opened the door behind them and walked into the vestibule. He had barely taken a few steps when the tiger gently grabbed him by an arm and kissed him again. Fosk let out a soft moan, taken by surprise, but he soon kissed Kenneth back as they both made their best to move towards the elevator. It wasn't easy, but the wolf knew the hallway well enough so he could find his way without crashing with mailboxes, stairs, trash bins and the rest of things all around them. He pushed the button without looking, then pressed another to send the elevator to his floor and they were kissing all the way up, pausing occasionally to look into each other's eyes for a second.

When they got out of the elevator he was still kissing the tiger back passionately and stroking one of his arms, but he had to open his eyes to find the key to his apartment and open the door. Once they were inside, the wolf guided Kenneth towards his room without ever separating from him, he left the bag that contained his dessert on his desk and then pushed the feline towards his bed. He had forgotten to make the bed that morning and blankets and cushions were lying on the floor, but the sharp embarrassment only lasted for a fraction of a second.

He fell on the tiger, looked into his eyes and held his breath for a second. The window in his bedroom was wide open and the moonlight lighted up Kenneth's face, so Fosk could see his features in the half-light. Now that he was looking at him, and that the tiger had gotten rid of his usual cool attitude, he had to admit... that he was even more handsome than he'd ever thought he was. The wolf caressed his cheek slowly, still enchanted by those blue eyes, and Kenneth rewarded him with a soft purr. So adorable, was all he could think.

But then, the tiger grinned and grabbed him by his shoulders. Applying just the right strength, he forced Fosk to roll around and then pinned him down, giving him a triumphant look that the wolf thought was adorable too, in its own way.

"Gotcha," Kenneth said then, winking an eye.

Fosk giggled softly. It had been a long time since he'd been in a situation like that, but so far everything was flowing naturally and all his concerns seemed pointless. The tiger leaned closer, playfully sniffing his neck before giving it a long, tender lick. A shiver went down Fosk's spine and he gasped a bit, surprised, as Kenneth moved up to his ear.

"I can stop whenever you want, okay?" he whispered then.

The wolf nodded and the next thing he felt was the feline's fangs slowly caressing his ear before nibbling it teasingly. One of the tiger's paws moved down his shirt and caressed his stomach with so much gentleness that Fosk shuddered when he felt the soft touch, making his skin tingle under his black fur. Kenneth was purring softly and he could feel the vibration in his ear as the tiger kept on biting. His warm body was everywhere and the wolf held the feline closer, placing his paws on those firm shoulders.

Then, before he knew it, they were kissing one more time, but this time it was deeper, and softer, and slower, and more affectionate, and overall better. Fosk felt as if he was drowning in an ocean of good feelings and Kenneth had grabbed his paw and was leading him to the best places underwater, showing him a world that he'd never thought he'd get to know. The terrible thought that his former boyfriend had never made him feel that good went across the black wolf's mind, but he quickly got rid of it once he realized how inappropriate it was. And then, Kenneth bit his lower lip and he moaned and forgot about it.

He was getting so aroused. The white tiger was pushing all the right buttons and, even though he'd had enough time to know him, Fosk had never realized until that very moment how much Kenneth knew about his tastes. Not the list of kinks he had included in that crumpled paper necessarily - but all the other minor details, the little things that one could only know after months of observing, analyzing, trying to find what it was that he liked better. That claw slowly moving down his back from his neck, tracing an invisible path until it reached his tail. The soft purring near his ear as a breath of warm air made him shiver helplessly. Those silken paws moving down his stomach, getting closer to a critical area, teasing just enough to make him lose his mind and then simply moving up again, going back to his chest.

Kenneth had watched and had learned, and now he was showing off. He was proving he had all that knowledge, and Fosk could only melt under those careful, personalized attentions.

When the tiger helped him take off his shirt - at that point the wolf was already gasping, cheeks red with arousal and embarrassment - the wolf looked up at his ex-therapist and instantly knew that he'd never felt better, or luckier. When Kenneth removed his own shirt and the moonlight revealed his torso in the shadows, Fosk thought that all he wanted to do was hug him tight, bury his head on the tiger's chest as he felt their warmth combining for an exquisite second. But then he also thought that he wanted to do more, more, so much more - he didn't know what, but there was a fire inside the wolf and it was killing him and making him feel alive at the same time, and Fosk wasn't sure what it needed to keep burning, but he would have done anything in his paw so that he could be consumed by its flames.

Except, maybe, for the things that anyone would have done.

Bad thought. He tried to get rid of it.

"Everything okay?" Kenneth asked, gently. He was nibbling on his neck now and his face was so close that one of his ears was right in front of Fosk's eyes.

"Y-yeah..." he answered, still gasping a bit. He scratched behind one of those ears and the tiger rewarded him with a deep, pleased purr and a slightly stronger bite on his neck. "A... aaaahh..."

"You seem pretty tight down there, cute wolf," Kenneth said then, one of his claws slowly moving down to the waistband of his jeans. "But I won't take that step unless you ask me."

"Hmmf... please, do," Fosk moaned, closing his eyes. His face felt so hot. "You can... do that."

"Good," the tiger purred. The black wolf had the feeling that Kenneth had been looking forward to that even more than he had. "I'll keep it to the bare minimum, but..." The paw slid down, skillfully moving under his underwear and caressing his erection so slowly that Fosk let out a loud moan. "... I'll make sure you enjoy it even that way."

The black wolf had the feeling that he was supposed to say something, but he simply couldn't find anything to say. Kenneth's expert paw was cupping his testicles now and it felt as if that mere touch was enough to send bolts of pleasure through is body. When it slowly moved back up and began stroking his throbbing member up and down, Fosk couldn't help but moan helplessly, but then that sound was muffled by another tender, deep kiss that turned his moans into soft growls and the pleasure practically into ecstasy. The tiger's other paw was moving up and down his body, claws scratching his skin either fiercely or carefully, but always making him squirm a bit. Kenneth paused for a few seconds to remove the wolf's jeans and every single second without feeling those wonderful paws on his body felt like an eternity.

But then, when he started where he'd left off, his body was closer and warmer than ever and Fosk's paws moved to the tiger's back, feeling every single inch of soft fur and firm muscle. He wanted to keep him there forever. Kenneth's skillful paw began masturbating him again, this time rubbing his glans teasingly with one of those strong, yet gentle fingers. The wolf simply melted when he felt that happening, and then the tiger's fangs were marking his shoulder and he moaned even louder, and then he was lost in a cloud of fur, warmth and pleasure and his mind forgot about everything that wasn't that moment, right there and right now.

At some point, Kenneth stopped biting and moved his face near the wolf's ear, who was trembling and sweating in pleasure at that time.

"Hey, cute wolf," he growled. That dominant, suggestive voice was enough to make Fosk's member throb more, but it didn't sound like the Kenneth he'd been hearing until that time. "I can tell you're pretty close. Go ahead and cum for me, will you?"

Fosk wanted to answer something, even if it was just a few disjointed sounds, but then the tiger began moving his paw up and down faster, and the wolf could feel himself slowly reaching the edge. One of his legs twitched and he closed his eyes, moans and growls escaping his throat as he felt the inevitable climax building up, wave after wave of pure pleasure making his whole body burn.

It took slightly longer than it would have taken him if he'd been under Kenneth's hypnotic influence, and the wolf felt as if he was making the feline wait - but, in the end, Fosk let out a louder moan and came.

The sensation of pure, deep pleasure lasted for a few glorious seconds as warm, sticky spurts of semen fell on his stomach and chest and he trembled, lost in the orgasm. Then, the flames receded and Fosk felt himself slowly sinking into the hazy, comfortable ashes of the afterglow.

He took a nice deep breath in and let it out, and everything tingled.

The wolf lay like that for a few seconds, breathing and letting his body get used to the calm again. Then, he opened his eyes, still feeling amazing.

There was a weird gleam in Kenneth's eyes when he looked at him, but it soon faded away once he held his gaze for an instant.

"Did you like that?" the tiger asked. His voice was back to his normal tone, although there were still some remnants of that growling, dominant self he'd become at some point, mere minutes before. "You look very satisfied."

"I loved it," Fosk sighed, giving him a shy smile. "I... I mean it. Thank you..."

"You don't have to thank me," Kenneth replied. "I also liked it a lot."

The wolf couldn't see his face in the shadows, but he thought the tiger would be smiling back at that point. However, there was something else he could clearly feel - because it was rubbing against his stomach in a very obvious way. Apparently, Kenneth hadn't been lying when he'd said he'd enjoyed that.

Fosk moved his paw towards the tiger's erection, but he had only showed signs of his intentions when Kenneth stopped him. One of the tiger's paws closed firmly around his wrist, and the wolf looked up, puzzled. There was... something weird, although the dim light wouldn't let him see what it was. Kenneth's grip loosened for a second, then tightened again, as if he was hesitant.

Then the tiger shook his head and Fosk could see those blue eyes in the moonlight. The black wolf could have sworn they had a strange gleam, or shadow - something he'd never seen in his ex-therapist, but it almost looked... predatory. It was there for a few seconds and then it faded slowly, until the feline's expression softened a bit and he caressed the back of Fosk's paw, which he was still holding, with one thumb.

"You don't want to do that," the tiger said. It wasn't a question.

"I don't know what I want," Fosk answered. It wasn't a lie.

Kenneth sighed, and he let go of the wolf's wrist. He opened his mouth to say something, he seemed to think about it and then closed it again.

"I enjoyed this a lot, cute wolf," he whispered, after a few seconds. "I don't need you to 'repay the favor' or any of that nonsense."

"You sure?" Fosk asked. He couldn't help feeling a bit guilty.

But now that the mists of the afterglow were quickly dissipating, he realized that, in fact, he didn't want to do that in the slightest. And thinking more clearly about it, he probably never had. Instead, it almost felt as if he had intended to do it like some sort of standard - a learned ritual that he felt himself forced to do automatically, rather than because he wanted to.

How could have Kenneth seen that before him?

"I... I think I should take a shower and clean myself up a bit," he said, not wanting to think more about it. "You can sleep if you want to. I'll come back in a short while and... find a spot in the bed."

"Close to me, I hope," the tiger said, with a smile.

Fosk smiled back. That was sweet, he thought.

"Thank you. Again," he said, as he left the room and headed to the shower.

He still couldn't believe what had happened. That whole day with Kenneth had been like a dream, and he couldn't shake the feeling that he'd wake up at any point and find out that's what it had been, exactly. But as he walked through the corridor, all he could think about was that he was... happy. Really happy. For the first time in years.

If he had looked behind then, he would have seen the white tiger lying on his back, arms folded behind his head and staring at the ceiling.

He wasn't smiling.