Vengeance Set 1 (1-5)

Story by The Truth is a Furry on SoFurry

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#1 of Vengeance

Vengeance 1: Arrival

The tale begins with a boy named Matthew. Though he went by Matt. He was surfing the web for more composite pictures. They were for his CGI Renamon, he had built it from pictures and movies on the internet. He was nearly complete. He found a high resolution pic of Renamon's cloves close up. He then matched the color on his pallet and began shading the CGI cloves.

Matt: Man this will be awesome! After a month of work she's finally done! If only she was real.

Finished, Matt clicks the create button so he can start to work on animations. Yet when he does something strange happens. Three words flash across the screen! 'HELLO MY TAMER' As the words fade two miraculous things happen. The first thing is that his Ipod, that was hooked up to his computer, starts to glow. It starts to morph and enlarge. The light fades and all that's left is an orange device. Then miracle number two starts. His computer screen shines like his Ipod and his CGI Renamon dissolves into zeros and ones. Which stream together and melt, this 'glob' starts to float towards the screen.

Matt: Crap! My Ipod! Wait a minute is that a d-ark?!? What the hell's going on!

Just then the the code hits the surface of the screen and the it starts to bend. Then it bursts and glowing energy is coming out of the screen. The energy starts to shape a triangular head and then it reaches out . . . a paw? The energy then completely bursts out of the screen and it forms a figure about five and a half feet tall. The glow fades and there standing in front of Matt is a perfectly formed and proportioned Renamon. Matt shakes his head, rubs his eyes, and pinches himself.

Matt: Owww! I'm not dreaming? What is this!?!?

Renamon: Hello my tamer, my name is Renamon. What is your name?

Matt: Um, it's Matt? And what with the formality?

Renamon: Well Matt. Our first tester, Agumon, has appeared.


Renamon: Well he can wait. I guess I'll explain what I'm doing here. I am Renamon and, you, are my Tamer.

Matt: Me a tamer! BAKA-SAN, that's impossible.

Renamon: BAKA-SAN? Never mind. You have been hand-picked to be my tamer, so it is possible.

Matt: But why me?

Renamon: Well we selected you for a few reasons. One, you have an immense imagination that is rare these days. Also you are in the right age group. Other than that I had a feeling shrug.

It took a few minutes for all of this to sink into Matt's head. After considering for a while he decided there couldn't be any harm in going along with this.

Matt: So what now?

Renamon: Well we should fight Agumon now.

Matt agrees and they precede to go into Matt's back yard. There they found Agumon laying there watching the sky.

Agumon: Took you guys long enough. sigh You ready kid?

Matt: As ready as I'll ever be, I guess.

Agumon: Alright then! PEPPER BREATH!

Agumon shots a ball of flame right towards Renamon. She jumps and curled into a ball.


She uncurls and forms a wall of energy. She punches the wall which shatters, the shards rain down onto Agumon.

Agumon: AAAWWW! That fuckin hurts! I mean come on! They hardly need a tamer to beat me.

Renamon lands near the Agumon and kicks him in the face.

Agumon: And why do they always in the face!

Renamon: Oh ya! Matt here's your first card! Go get the d-ark!

She tosses Matt a card and he catches it. It had the words 'SUPER SONIC' written on it. He shouts "Got it!" Over his back as he runs inside. He grabs his d-ark and runs back outside. He scans the card.


Renamon: It's over! SONIC CLAW!

Her paw glows a bright orange and she rushes at Agumon. She accelerates past the perception of the naked eye and slashes Agumon. Then she materializes on the other side. Agumon is suddenly covered in orange tracks.

Agumon: The first test is over! Here are the next five cards! The next tester is Stingmon, good luck!

He dissolved into data.

V2: Stingmon

One month later . . .

?:Matt, Matt.

Matt feels something poke him in the ribs.

Matt: Just a few more minutes:

He feels something poke him in the rubs, harder this time. He bolts up.

Renamon: Finally up! Stingmon will be appearing in an hour!

Matt realizes what happened. Renamon had woken him up, again! Over the last month Matt had learned many things. One, while Renamon had the personality and physic of a teenage girl, she was a ruthless bitch in battle. Two, she was, oddly, both a night owl and an early riser. That was driving him insane. Three, the AFT. He had learned of the AFT on the third day. The Administration For Tamers, or AFT, was the group that lead the digimon. They had selected him and sent Renamon to him. They also organized the Tester battles and the daily battle sessions. A daily session was one digimon released to his backyard at 9 AM. To help train them.

Matt: So today's the day of Stingmon.

Renamon: Yep!

Later . . .

They were waiting in back and a green portal appeared. A large Stingmon steeped out of it.

Stingmon: Ready?

Renamon and Matt: Yes!

Stingmon: Alright then! GO! SPIKE STRIKE!

He's right spike glowed a deep purple and he shoot at Renamon. She jumped over him easily.

Matt: Let's get this over with. 'SUPER SONIC EXECUTE!'

Renamon shoot past Stingmon, cutting as she went, but to no avail.

Stingmon: That tickled!

Matt: Alright then! Try this on for size! 'TRI-EXECUTE; ENERGIZE, EXPLODE, IMPACT!'

Renamon's right paw glowed . She hit Stingmon in the back but this time it did something. His back dented inward slightly. Then it exploded. Leaving a large hole in Stingmon's armored exoskeleton.

Matt and Renamon: Yes!

Stingmon: Not so fast! Like I'd go down that easily, taste my next tech! SPIRAL SPIKE STRIKE!

Both of his spikes glowed purple. He placed them together and started flying in place. Then he began to spin. Then he launched himself at Renamon. She started to guard but he angled around at Matt. It caught him in the stomach . . .

V3: Work

Matt felt the sting of the spikes as it punctured his stomach. He looked down and . . . he bolted up right in his bed. He was breathing hard. He closed his eyes and allowed his pulse to slow. He had been dreaming of their battle with Stingmon.

Matt: Holy crap! I thought my stomach was getting ripped open . . . again!

Since that time almost two years had passed. He thought of his accomplishments. He had gotten through the five testers with only a few scars. He looked down and admired the tangle of scars that was his stomach.

Matt: Man! That was a lot of fun! Blood and guts all over the lawn!

He also remembered all the time he spent at the AFT Academy. Learning and training, he also remembered the troubles he had there. He also remembered his the times in the digital world. He was surprisingly good at it and he brought peace to the Digi-World. He was even affectionately named the Savior of the Digi-World.

Matt: Savior of the Digi-World! Ha!

He rolled over and pulled Renamon closer. This was easily the weirdest part of what had happened to him. Strangely they had fallen for each other. Even stranger the AFT would marry a digimon and a Tamer. So basically he, a 16 year-old human, is marrying a 5 year-old data being. It made his mind turn inside out with it's insanity. Matt poked Renamon in the ribs.

Matt: Revenge! poke Renamon it's time to wake up!

Renamon: Just a few more minutes.

Matt: Poke's harde r. Oh ya I couldn't sleep in two years ago, but now you can! Punch!

Renamon: Ok, ok I'm up!

Matt: Oh defiantly, "Matt, Matt, WAKE UP! No Matt let me sleep in!" You hypocrite.

Renamon: Fine, just get dressed!

They got up and dressed. Matt puts on regular clothes but also an orange jacket with an AFT name tag. Renamon put on her purple cloves the only difference was they had AFT stamped on it. Matt pulled out his d-ark and clicked a button. An orange portal opened. They stepped through it. They appeared in what looked like a business office. Except it was filled with digimon.

Matt and Renamon: Hey Stingmon.

Stingmon: Hello! Good to see you two! Oh and I heard the news! Good job Matt! That ones a keeper! She may have fractured my spine, but hey, she'll still make a good wife!

Renamon: blush Don't talk like that!

Matt: Um, thanks?

Stingmon walked off. Even though he had gored Matt he was a close friend. They didn't see him much though, he was always on missions. They walked to the main chamber saying hello to the usuals. They walked through the main doors and into a chamber.

?: Hello! It's good to see you Renamon, and you to Matt.

Matt: Good to see you too!

?: Anyway down to business. At the Guilmon Village when a warrior was evolving to Dukemon, he showed his true colors. He then became a Megidramon. Your job is to exterminate him.

Matt and Renamon: Yes sir!

They left the chamber and walked towards the main gate. On the right there was a gate with a human and a digimon crossing wands of some kind. With a plack saying "Only You Can Protect What Matters." While on the left their was the same statue but with swords.

Renamon: The twin gates.

Matt: The right as usual.

They stepped through the gate with the the wands looming over them.

V4: Gramps

They appeared in some kind of desert. The gate behind them closed.

Renamon: breaths in Ah! I love the digital-desert! Its so warm and it feels like home.

Matt: To bad your were born at the AFT.

Renamon: True, but this is were my parents came from.

Matt: Whatever. We should go. Do you mind?

Renamon: Nah!

Matt: Okay.

Matt pressed a button on his d-ark. Three ring of orange energy shoot out it.

Renamon: "Matrix Evolution!"

She was consumed by the rings. The rings meshed into an egg and then faded. Where Renamon stood a Kyubimon now stood.

Kyubimon: shake Good to be back in top form!

Matt jumps onto Kyubimon's back. Who jumped twenty feet into the air. Leaping forward they went out into the desert.

They arrived at the Guilmon village about half an hour later. It was nothing more than a collection of huts surrounding a well. It was deserted.

Renamon: Where is everyone?

Matt: I don't know. Wait a minute, look!

Matt was pointing at the window of a hut. They could see figures shuffling inside.

?: They think your like Megidramon.

Matt and Renamon whirred around, fists, and paws, up. They were expecting an enemy but it was only an extremely old Growlmon.

Renamon: Who are you?

?: I am the elder of this village! Call me Gramps everyone else does.

Matt: Ok?

Gramps: Before you ask, if you want to find Megidramon go talk Dukemon.

Matt: How'd you know we were here for that?

Gramps: We old people just know these things. Oh, and Dukemon's hut is on the outskirts of the village.

Renamon: Um, thanks?

Gramps: Your welcome! Goodbye.

Matt and Renamon: Bye!

Matt: What a strange old man.

Renamon: Looks can be deceiving.

They started out to find Dukemon.

V5: Dukemon

They arrived at Dukemon's hut and Matt went to knock on the "door". Right as he reached his hand out a spike protruded from the hut.

?: Not today Megidramon!

The hut bursted outwards revealing a Dukemon.

Dukemon: Die!

Matt: Stop!

Dukemon stopped his lance inches from Matt's face. He pulls it back realizing who he was attacking.

Dukemon: Savior of the Digital World! And his partner!

Matt and Renamon : How do you know who we are?

Dukemon: Your faces are plastered all over the Digiworld!

Matt: facepalm Sorry, still getting used to that.

They explained why they were there. Dukemon nodding solemnly.

Dukemon: Well I think I'll test you before I let you know my secrets! Ready? GO!

He charged directly at them. . . . Renamon phased right behind Dukemon. He dropped like a sack of potatoes.

Dukemon: Your title's well deserved!

Renamon: DAMN RIGHT!

Dukemon: Heres my advice; watch his tail, his fire's heavy, and remember he hasn't lost his mind.

Matt: Heavy fire?

Matt's question wasn't answered though, as Dukemon had passed out.

Renamon: Well, let's just go.

Matt: Okay.

She digivolved into Kyubimon and there ran into the distance.