spyro x cynder love and lies chapter 3

Story by foxvolt on SoFurry

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i cant believe i forgot to put this in! well i guess the first 2 chapters didnt have anything even referencing to anything to adult content so im safe. :D wel anyway, i dont own spyro, cynder, or any of the characters. thats all by siherra produtcions/corp/inc/whatever. im saying it in this chapter and im not saying it again, if you're not 18, leave. but then again, noone listens to this message, im not even 18 so, yeah... just a word of warning. enjoy! special thanks to frostdragon on sofurry.com for influencing this series!!!!!

Chapter three: "what else is new..."

cynder woke with a roaring headache. her eyes flashed about the surroundings quickly. From what she could gather she was in some kind of cage reinforced with laser bars and a titanium alloy base and roof. the cage was surrounded by icy plain, and nothing looked framiliar. she shivered slightly as her brain felt the cold shock of the certian wisps of wind thet found thier way through her scales.

she glanced to her immediate right, and spyro lay next to her. close enough so she could feel the warmth of his breath on her neck. given the circimstances she sighed contently. as long as spyro was there with her, they could pull through anything. she couldnt help but smile fondly as she thought of thier first encounter. in a volcanic refinery while he was trying to rescue terrador!

"cynder... stop.... hmmm" spyro said, spyro stiring from his sleep.

"wow spyro..."cynder said, a little taken aback. she could probrobly tell what he was dreaming of with that tone....

" cynder that tickles..." he said in a sleepy tone, before fidgeting, and pushing himself into cynder.

cynder sighed, relieved. she was sure thet he was sleep mumbling about them-

"cynder? oh, my head....." spyro moaned, squirming around a bit. he opened his eyes, and found the emerald green eyes of cynder staring straight back. thier snouts were pressed against each others. spyros' tail stood erect and his mouth opened slightly. blood rushed to his face, blushing his face beet red.

cynder just lay there, wide-eyed. they kept glancing from each other, to thier snouts, to each other again. neither broke the contact, but neither made a move, though both thier instincts screamed an almost irresistable urge to lunge forward, and express thier feelings for the other through an action as simple as a kiss.

"we should probrobly figure out how to get out of here... cynder" he said, shaking his head free and finally breaking the connection.

the moment shattered for them both, and they went about the cage looking for loose ends in the design. they never spoke a word. they looked everywhere, until they at last tried the door, which being left only half latched, swung open on contact with spyros paw. "that was too easy." he said, almost enough emphasis of suspicion in his voice not to leave the cage. "it might be a trap." he said.

"so, they capture us in a trap, let us loose, so they can re freaking trap us? brilliant..." cynder said, rolling her eyes.

"just being careful!" spyro snapped.

"well maybe we should just get out of here?!" she snapped right back.

"cynder i just want to protect you and be sure you're safe! i care about you and your well being, believe it or not! now come on!" he said, his head hung low after he finished." im sorry cynder... i just..."

cynder was a little surprised at his care for her, but she was hurt that he would snap at her.

"cynder... im sorry... im just really tense right now....." he trailed off, but motioned for her to follow him as he ventured through the snow and ice.

after hours of the two walking in silence, cynder had to ask, it was burning her inside. " spyro... did you mean it? i mean, about how you cared for me like you say you did..." she blushed fiercely, but her black scales and the slow fall of snow blocked all signs of it, and she was glad for it.

spyro stopped and kneaded his head gently with his paw. "cynder... i do care about you, i really do, but i just cant, i just- you- i-" he couldn't find the right words for his feelings, so he just started walking again, leaving cynder to stare at him with confusion and disbelief.


'cynder, please dont be mad at me...' spyro silently pleaded with himself. he stopped walking and glanced back at cynder, still sitting there, with here mouth hanging slightly.

"you coming?" he asked her. she still didnt move.

he sighed heavily. "lets camp up there, i think the forest should come into view soon enough." he spread his wings, and cynder snapped out of her daze, and followed suit.

spyro lifted himself higher from the ground, scouting ahead, and he saw the treeline coming into sight after ten minutes.

"HEELLLPPPP!!!!!!" a scream cut through the air, it pierced spyros' ears like a razor blade. he immediately altered his course from the trees to a sudden burst of light to his left. he tightened his wings and pulled them to tearing point, speeding him along to the cry for help at over eighty miles per hour.

as he neared the light, he saw it wasnt light, it was a huge fire!

cynder was right on his tail, and they tucked in thier wings, speeding like a bullet straight to the burning huts and buildings. just as they were to crash into the groung, they barrel rolled into the ground.

spyro and cynder were paralyzed by thier horrer. all around them were shadow creatures, and dragons. young and old, all were fighting. and the dragons were heavily outnumbered. "spyro... this is..." cynder said, and he saw a tear begin to form in her eye. he stared at it as it rolled down her dark face, across her cheek, down her chin, and fell. he heard nothing, it was all silent. the drop landed on a patch of ice, with a deafening *tink!* as it froze before impact. the small ice shard shattered, and so did spyros trance.

he turned back to the scene of destruction in front of him. "stop..." he whispered. "stop... stop!" he said, his voice rising to a yell, but noone heard him. "cynder, get out of here!" he yelled, as he plunged into the battlefield, fueled by the anger of all the slaughtered dragons he passed, it gave him the strength to fight.

"spyro!" cynder yelled, she sprinted after him despite his warning.

spyro dashed by dozens of shadows fighting other dragons, he dispatched each one in seconds, speeding to the center of the village. soon all of the shadow warriors sensed the presence of the purple dragon, and all abrutly ended thier fight with whoever they were in battle with, speeding toward the town center, the dragons running away, regrouping outside the village. spyro stood atop a small water feature in the center of town, and every way he looked there were shadows. cynder perched herself beside her.

"you're not doing this alone." she said, a tint of steel in her voice. her command left no room for argument.

"wouldn't have it any other way" spyro spoke softly, as the huge shadow mass started mobalising, he shouted, " CYNDER, TAIL!"

she wrapped her tail around his, and they jumped into the air, using thier wings, they hovered, and started spinning. all the shadows stopped and stared. what was this? they were spinning so fast, they were a blur of purple and black. spyro and cynder simotaniesly charged thier fire breath, the strength of it grew and grew. soon, flame was flowing out of both thier mouths. and then, they put thier heads up, and let it all loose, and flame erupted from the spinning duo like a volcano ejecting its magma and stones into the air, it rained down on the enemies in waves of fury, dissapating all it touched instantly.

the powerful waves of fire slowly died off, but the damage was done. already the enemy was breaking up, confusion engulfed them, and they scattered out of the town, and were picked off by the dragons surrounding the town. not a single shadow made it out.

cynder smiled at spyro, and he returned the smile. the moonlight shone off her face, and her beauty only intensified, seemingly radiating. they hovered there, with there tails intertwined, staring at each other.

spyro looked her over, her body had been maturing more over the past few months. her body was slimmer, and her frame was more toned. her wings now spanned point to point about 4 feet across. and, of course, her chest was fuller, and her hormones had been affecting her.

more than once spyro had to avoid her when her... 'time of the month' came around. she got edgy, and very... playful... but as long as he was able to stay by her, he would deal with it.


cynder let loose a fury of fire straight up. it rained everywhere, and the enemy numbers were decimated by the powerful attack. after, she could feel the last of her energy draining from her as she hovered. she smiled lightly, and wrapped her tail tighter around spyros... they stared at each other, hovering, understanding the other without a word between each other. suddenly, cynder passed out, and things got very complicated very quickly.....

why did she pass out? what next? questions? comments? concerns? IDEAS?!? comment!!!