Pairs of Pumpkins Episode 06: The Sales of a Silken-Furred Sister

Story by Portia on SoFurry

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#7 of Pair of Pumpkins Stories

After a rocky start to Anya's adventuring career and the rescue of two more younger children, mother and daughter team up to infiltrate the ultra high-end whorehouse of Lucian LaCroix and slip away with his prized moneymaker: the mink-fox hybrid, Marina Pridemoon!

By Jess Faulks

"Mother, I look ridiculous. I'm practically naked."

"You're welcome to turn back, Anya. You're the one who wanted to come on these rescue missions with me." Portia Pridemoon glanced back with stern eyes and short patience. "Today, we're rescuing your sister from a brothel but you don't have to be here. I can do this alone."

"Not a chance, mother. You already made me sit out the last one. But this isn't what I thought rescue missions would be like."

Anya, the thick and towering, part-bear, part-vixen daughter of Portia was dressed in a short, white toga which popped against her dark fur. It came down to her mid-thigh, hanging off one shoulder and was cinched around her waist with a gold-painted rope.

The full-blooded fox stopped and turned to her daughter, raising a finger. "After what you pulled on the first one, you're lucky to be joining me on any of these, young lady."

"You've been my mother for six weeks and you're already young-ladying me?! Unbelievable."

"I've been your mother for your whole life and don't try to pull that string with me. You blew a giant hole in a fortress wall! People could've died!"

With a huff, Anya's eyes fell from her mother's face to her sternum and the magic-nullifying, metal charm of forged relagite hanging from her neck. Looped on the thin, silk rope, Anya's Ring of Fireball Casting jingled against the charm, safely inert. "Mother, we've been through this so many times! It was just property damage! Nobody died and we got out with Edgar."

Portia took a deep breath to steady herself before she placed her hand on Anya's shoulder. "You are a natural at this. You're my daughter and you've got the brains, body and heart to be better than me at all this someday. But we have to hold ourselves to a higher standard than just 'we succeeded.' It's even more important when you're getting started. Trust me, you don't want to live your life with innocent blood on your hands and we aren't going to get very far rescuing your brothers and sisters if we leave a trail of destruction leading to us. You have talent. You need discretion. You need training."

"Then train me!"

A pair of men walked past them at that moment, an otter leading a massively-muscled stallion, both giving surprised attention at their bust-to-bust conversation before noticing the unerotic tone of their quiet argument. They hurried along on their way, chuckling. "Yeah, train her!" the stallion called back and the otter cackled as they disappeared down the hallway.

Portia scowled before her attention snapped back to her daughter. "I'm trying! It just takes time and I have a whole lot of sons and daughters to rescue. This is never going to be easy, Anya. The people who bought my children from Zarron are some of the most rich, dangerous and corrupt people in the land. There are buyers on this list who frankly, scare the shit out of me to cross. But I'm going to cross them. We're going to make a lot of enemies doing this."

Something caught Anya's attention at the end and Portia followed her gaze with annoyance only to find two more men watching them. These two were different. Two stocky wolves in their late twenties stood shoulder to shoulder, dressed well in loose, silken pants over sandals with their muscular chests clad only in simple vests. Their entire air was different and it stood out sorely to the seasoned adventuress before she even saw the elegant daggers at their belts. No weapons were allowed in the brothel. These were the guards.

She flashed a flirtatious smirk, the kind she'd been breaking hearts with for decades but the men were nonplussed. They were guards at a high end whorehouse after all and they wouldn't be terribly effective if it was that easy to influence them.

After taking a moment to release her mounting tension, she turned to her daughter with sympathetic eyes and reached out to hold her shoulders, leaving no space between the collective volume of their prodigious chests. "This is a dangerous lifestyle and I'm doing my best to bring you into it but I've never done this before. Not the training and not this... mothering stuff." She pursed her mouth and sighed. "You're here with me now, right?"

Anya was not beyond empathy for the situation but kept her jaw tight as she whispered through it. "Yes mother. In a whorehouse."

"I don't need to tell you that this is dangerous for us. You're the only one I brought with me."

Anya laughed through her nostrils. "You didn't bring your seven year old son and your eight year old daughter along to the whorehouse. Well aren't you 'Mother of the Year?'"

Portia flustered. "I didn't bring Joseph either."

"Someone needed to keep an eye on the kids and he's still too young for this place." Portia fell silent for a long moment and her daughter took a deep breath. "I'm sorry, Mother but I want to be a part of all this. You could've brought me along when you went to free Evita. Given me another chance?"

A glance aside confirmed the guards had moved on in their attention and Portia gave a sigh of relief. "You not joining me to rescue Evita had had nothing to do with what happened with Edgar. That was always going to be a solo mission. I had to sneak into Erdlake Keep, convince an eight year old girl I was her mother and not some crazy person then carry her out most of the way. Your first stealth mission can't be to steal an abusive Duke's future wife in the middle of the night. It wasn't entry level stuff."

The taller vixen couldn't help but crack a smile. "Whorehouses are?"

Portia smiled and tugged her daughter by the wrist again. "We're two vixens with giant tits. If there was any place that girls like us can actually blend in, it's here. If someone asks for sex, just say 'no thanks.' Now come on. We've got work to do."

Portia led Anya deeper into the torchlit, mosaic-tiled corridor, turning heads more than people who blended in would expect to. Both vixens were striking, not only for their beauty and bustline but for their otherwise unusual appearances. Portia was an ivory-furred Arctic Fox, south of where her kind was normally found and her three-tone pattern and peppered markings were unusual even to those who had met arctic foxes. To those who were still more well traveled, her attire was also eye-catching: a fashion more befit of southern kingdoms of sand and minarets than the cold, dark North that her species came from.

She was dressed in baggy, gold-hued, sheer pants showing her lack of underwear to anyone looking closely. Her top was similarly loose and sheer, a purple, long-sleeve pullover top and it was cropped to expose what little of her midriff wasn't covered by the bottom of her formidable bust.

Anya was still more of a mystery, towering over six feet tall thanks to her one-quarter bear lineage, which would be impossible were it not for the in-vitro intervention of magic. She would be easy to mistake for a wolf except her fur was dark brown, with a beige belly, face and socks. 'Mutt' she had learned to answer when asked.

Marina, the daughter they were here to rescue was less of a fox than Anya was, according to her notes: fully one-half mink. She had been ordered by one Lucian LaCroix, who some research had discovered was the owner of this most extravagant and expensive of whorehouses. Marina was meant to grow up to be a prostitute, which told them everything they needed to know about Lucian LaCroix's character.

Navigating the hallways, they passed beautiful, young females and males of a variety so broad, that it had to be curated. Most were in their late teens and twenties. All were fit and breathtakingly attractive and every one was a prime specimen of their species. Among them mingled obvious patrons of all walks of life who made their wealth apparent through poise, jewelry and usually both, drinking, flirting and negotiating as if they owned the place. There were many doors, some closed but a surprising amount open and many of the open ones revealed acts typically hidden. Nudity was rampant and incense sconces tried to mask the overwhelming smells of sex and alcohol.

Anya froze at an open door and it almost tugged her mother off her feet before she noticed. "She seems like she's having a hard time with... oh Gods, don't look."

Portia glanced back to find Anya turned away and covering her eyes so she stepped back to peer in herself.

"What?" the older vixen shrugged, nonchalantly then turned to her daughter. "I warned you, you'd probably see some stuff you've never seen here. She'll be fine. That's grown-up stuff."

"I AM a grown-up, mother but I don't think I'll ever want to do that."

"Perhaps you just haven't met the right..." she glanced back into the room with a mischievous grin then back to her daughter. "...four stallions?"

"Have you done that?" Anya winced before her mother also did, and after a long moment's careful thought she spoke again.

"I've done lots of things. Some, I haven't. Come on. Let's find your sister," she said and took her by the wrist, leading her through the halls, turning the heads of the men and women alike who weren't caught up in other affairs and some who were.

They had been all around the first floor, down hallways and through a central grotto. Portia was doing the talking but the place was crowded and the sort from which people would often come and go.

"We're looking for a fox woman who works here, a bit like us?" Portia asked a fifth time with a bounce in her step and her chest that showed she was growing tired of it. They were asking a heavier-set, aging tiger now, who'd been leering at their chests from across the room.

"You're looking for the most expensive whore in this whole place: the Magnificent Marina," He said and Portia's face lit up.

"Is that really what people call her?" Anya asked with a cocked, curious head and the tiger chuckled.

"Well, no. I just like how it sounds. Hoping it sticks. So why are you looking for her? Some kind of boob-challenge?"

Portia glanced over to Anya pensively before her attention darted back to the tiger. She gave a small, aloof shrug as she asked: "would we win?"

The tiger reached out for Portia and she tensed reflexively. the adventuress had broken some hands in her years from unsolicited touches but she couldn't afford to blow their cover with violence. The tiger closed his hand before he reached her, brushing his knuckles over her cheek and he grinned at her flinch. "Marina's not the most expensive because of her beauty or her bosom, though both are remarkable. She's got the softest fur in all the land. You can't possibly imagine if you haven't felt it. She feels how a cloud looks. They say she can make men cum with just a back massage. People line up with a week's wage just to touch her hand. Supposedly, she's half-fox and half-mink but I don't know how such a thing is possible." He eyed Anya as he said it, with an intrigue she didn't like but was getting used, the more people with whom she met.

Portia nodded. "It isn't possible but she sounds like who we're looking for."

"Well, she's special, whatever she is. She'd be upstairs, somewhere. The premium girls like her are all on the third floor. Schlubs like me aren't allowed past two without an appointment."

Portia reached out and traced a finger down his arm as they slipped away. "Thanks Mister."

"If there is some kind of boob-challenge, we'd very much appreciate it to happen down here on the first floor!"

They were gone. Portia walked with Anya, side-by-side and chest-by-chest at a casual pace to conceal their purpose. They navigated the building to the top of the final staircase, past a stompy rhinoceros, only to stop when they saw a corridor of ten doors before a tee in the hallway and exchanged glances. "This place is bigger than I thought," Portia said before turning back to the rhinoceros who caught up to them with labored breath.

"Hey there, handsome. Can you tell us which of these rooms is Marina's?"

The rhinoceros stopped and narrowed his eyes but an appraising once-over the pair of them left him disarmed. "She's the third door. I'm heading there now. But you're... you're both bigger. I didn't know there were bigger options."

"They're putting in a whole fetish area for us busty girls. They've got three of us so far," Portia said, thinking fast. "It'll be great but the price for us... well it doubled."

The rhinoceros puffed himself up, looking like he might fall down the stairs for a moment. "This is outrageous. Marina is already fifty an hour!"

"I'm afraid her price is a hundred now," Portia folded her arms in faux condolences, scooping her chest in a jostling presentation of soft flesh but the rhino huffed in dismay without averting his eyes.

"How much are you two?"

"Two-hundred," Portia didn't miss a beat as she gave a sympathetic wince and Anya was right behind her.


"You don't even look as soft as her." He blew out an outraged breath. "I have an appointment!"

"Effective immediately, I'm afraid," Portia said and draped herself over the bannister, mashing her chest upwards, almost to her muzzle.

The rhino stared for a long moment before shaking it off and stomping back down the stairs. "Such a ripoff. This place is getting so greedy!"

"Wow mother. You're good," Anya waited a moment to encourage and Portia patted her shoulder before leading the way down the hall and past a pair of rabbit lovers, brazenly coupling in the hallway and dragging away Anya's attention as they passed. "Mother, is fifty gold a lot? I never got to buy things."

"Fifty gold is three month's wages for a peasant and a month's for a tradesman," she explained. "I've never heard of such a rate for an hour with a whore but I've never paid so much to get into a brothel either. What I want to know is why everyone keeps talking about her fur. I mean, I'm soft? Right?"

Anya shrugged. "I think my fur is pretty soft."

"You are! I mean, you are part bear but..."

Anya reached out to rub over her mother's arm. "Are bears not softer than foxes? I haven't touched many but I don't feel a big difference."

Portia gave a small shake of her head. "No bears are pretty..." she paused and returned her attention, watching Anya fold her arms and brace herself. "...soft. Come on. We're both soft, we're both amazing and these people are ridiculous."

They arrived at the third door, an elaborate, tilework of engraving of ancient, feminine symbols. There was no handle and a push did not budge it so the elder vixen knocked.

The door opened by itself, presenting a crack half-wide enough for either vixen. Portia peeked in before opening it enough to pass through.

Draped over the foot of the bed laid a dark figure, slinky but instantly recognizable as one of her own. Light-colored spots peppered her face and neck down to breasts beyond all reasonable proportions yet not quite as big is any other daughter they'd met so far. She had hair that was full and dark in the light of the room's many candles, framing sharp features which showed the influence of her mink heritage but at a glance, she was a brown-furred fox with a thin build, more commonly vulpine than either her mother or sister.

The petite vixen's coat was curious, the longer they looked over it and it gave her enough time for her poise to change subtly from seduction to intrigue. She stood, her fur shimmering in the candle light. Nothing had ever looked so soft and almost metallic the way the light hit it, beckoning to be touched. Her eyes grew as she appraised the two familiar forms but her posture was still perfectly demure and feminine as if she'd practiced for a lifetime. She almost surely had.

The half-mink's eyes in the dim light were almost luminescent and eerily familiar: a vibrant green like Portia's own eyes, the first of her daughters to share her distinctly piercing, eye color.

"You're not my next appointment," she said with a voice as silken as her fur appeared and Portia stepped closer, Anya closing the door behind them. For a moment the air was ominous. Silence followed and Portia took a few steps closer, her eyes adjusting to the room and the silhouette that could only be her own bloodline. The girl wore a simple, white dress hung from her chest, sheer in the flickering candlelight, which also caught the shine of a silver ring on her left pinky finger.

Portia's hands held her own muzzle, covering a mouth that smiled at its corners. She glanced back to Anya, who had folded her hands in front of her, back against the door and watching with a restrained grin. She gestured forward with her muzzle, urging her mother onward.


"Why am I not surprised that you know my name?" the half-mink raised her pink nose and narrowed her eyes. Her eyes traced over Portia's form, eyes finding a zig zag of old scars which her fur mostly kept hidden. Her voice remained purely professional. "What can I do for you?"

Portia gave a nervous chuckle and turned up her palms. "I don't think I'm ever going to get used to this... Marina, do you have any idea who your mother is?"

The shimmering teen moved her hands to her hips and shifted her weight, contemplating for a moment. "I was told stories. It was in my best interest to not question them."

"What if I told you I was your mother?"

"I would ask if you gave miraculous birth to a child with another species, only to sell off your only daughter for a cask of wine?"

Portia twitched and craned her head aside, stifling a laugh. "No?"

Marina shrugged, content with the answer. "Of course not. Who would do that? They think I don't understand the value of things because I've spent my whole life in this place but any fool knows babies are worth a lot. Men had offered me fortunes to be their bride and have their child. They offered me fortunes to even try.."

"You'd rather be here?"

"I hear so many men complain about their wives as they lie with whores. No one has made it sound very compelling." She paused and shrunk ever so slightly. "Though it's not my choice anyway. I'm Lucian's property. His 'prized possession', he likes to say but I'm sure he complains about me. He says he'll never sell me but we'll see about that in five or ten years. Maybe then he'll try to sell breeding rights."

"Where would you like to be?"

"Well, are you actually my mother?"

"Yes. I'm Portia Pridemoon. And this is your sister, Anya."

"Anya Pridemoon." She nodded and confirmed while Portia restrained a proud smile.

"Marina Pridemoon." The svelte vixen considered the sound of it with some satsifaction before looking back to her mother. She gave them both another once over, her eyes lingering at both of their abundant chests and the peppered markings above them. "It would be hard to deny that we're related. I've never seen anyone remotely close to me and suddenly I've got the smallest chest in the room. And you: Anya was it? You're not a normal fox either. Tell me about my father!"

"Beyond that he was a mink, I don't know much."

"Really? Nothing?"

"I Never met him."

Marina's brow crumpled up and her head canted aside.

With a huff of a laugh as she caught herself, Portia nodded. "Right. There's a lot to explain. And I will! But we don't have much time."

Marina pushed her hands into her hips and shrugged. "Fine. Why are you here then?"

"I'm here to reunite our family. And to ensure that none of my children live in slavery." Portia moved closer, scooping up Marina's wrists in a gesture of matronly compassion. The half-mink drew back and Portia opened her mouth to speak but froze instead. Her jaw fell open as she squeezed fingers through her daughter's fur. "By the Gods, you ARE soft. I've never felt anything so soft. Anya, come feel your sister! This is unbelievable."

The bear-fox gave an apologetic shrug to her sister before giving in to her curiosity, stepping up and reaching for her, giving her the opportunity to deny her before a hand planted on her bare arm, plowing downy fur through spread fingers. "Oooooh wow. Wow! Holy... wow! You are unbelievably soft."

"I know! She's like, if sand was made out of silk!" Portia turned to Anya with a laugh of disbelief. Marina frowned.

"I see my family is no less handsy then my clients except they don't pay as well. You said something about time... mother?" the half-mink nearly choked on the last word. Her head dipped down to intercept her attention and Portia recovered from her moment of wonder.

"Right. Sorry. We've come to break you out, assuming you wish you leave. We know where the guards are posted and we've mapped out the fastest way out to the street. We can get you out of here then you can live whatever life you want to lead, either with us or with anyone. By yourself, if you chose! You don't have to be someone's property anymore. You won't have to sell yourself to make someone else rich and if you do decide to sell yourself, it's your money. We're offering you the choice."

Marina took a step back, slipping her wrists gently out from Portia's grasp and Anya's touch. "They don't treat me badly here. Not really. I'm not left wanting for anything and honestly, I like all the sex. Some people are surprised by that, like no one could do this job without hating it."

The half-mink took a few paces around the side of her bed. "On the other hand, I've never left this compound. Lucian tells me that no one outside these walls would ever accept me because they can't tell what I am. But you've been out there," she looked to her sister for guidance.

"Not for very long. It's getting a little old to have people constantly asking 'what are you' but that's about the extent of it, so far. They're curious but nobody has made a problem of it."

Marina smiled at Anya's answer and mused to herself again. "I'd like to see some of the places my clients talk about. Maybe the Southlands, where they dress like that," she said and gestured to her mother's outfit. "Maybe sail somewhere? I suspect if I got to keep my wages, I'd never need to work another day in my life."

"You make fifty gold per hour with a client?"

Marina spun back with sharp eyes and keen interest. "I do. That's a lot, right?"

Portia nodded emphatically. "That is a lot. I've got scars from jobs that paid less than you make in an hour. When I was younger, I mean."

Marina moved to her bedside and opened a nightstand drawer. She fetched a pouch from it, heavy with jingling coins. "I've had four clients tonight. They don't collect until the morning."

"If you have two hundred gold in there, you'll be set for quite a while."

"I'd be able to buy nice things? Fine clothes?"

Portia softened. "Well, it's never hard to get rid of money if you're trying. The nicer the things you buy, the faster it will go."

"But I'll have a family?" Portia and Anya both nodded. "There are others? Brothers too?"

"You have a lot of brothers and sisters. A LOT. And we're going to find them all, just like we found you."

"It sounds interesting." Marina folded her arms and softened her demeanor then appraised the two of them again. "Many siblings. You never met my father. I assume you're going to tell me a very good reason why I grew up in a whorehouse instead of your house?"

"I promise the truth but I can't promise you'll believe it."

"There's a good reason." Anya confirmed with a quick nod. "My story is kind of crazy too but mother came for me as soon as she knew."

Marina paused and pondered. "So I am really half-mink and half-fox?"

"You are," Portia gave a single, incredulous nod. "It wouldn't be possible naturally but yes, you are and Anya's one quarter-bear." Anya obliged her mother and presented her large hands, waggling black, claw-tipped fingers with faux menace. "The story, crazy as it is, is all kind of connected."

Marina gave a small shrug and a hint of a smile, still quite calm about the situation. "I'm intrigued. Let's do it. Mother. Sister."

Portia cracked a grin like a whip. "Grab your things. Valuables and essentials only. Clothes are heavy and cheap, jewelry is light and expensive."

It became quickly apparent and was entirely unsurprising that Marina packed like she had never been on a trip in her life. Anya had been in a similar situation just a month before but those few weeks on the road and sea had educated the part-bear Pridemoon daughter as what was truly necessary. Gold and jewelry were ransacked from the room by Portia and her newfound daughter while Anya selected a few of her more versatile outfits. She rolled them up in a bundle and tied them up with a dress for a rope, for the predictable absence of any bags, chests or luggage.

Marina made some protest as to not bringing more of her sheer, thin outfits but Portia reminded her that they were only a week into Spring on the northernmost peninsula of the mainland. It would be much more cold and wet outdoors and was enough to dissuade her. Less than twenty minutes passed from their introduction when Portia peeked her head out of the double doors of the room and with it clear of guards, she led the chain of her daughters purposefully down towards the second floor.

"There's a hidden, service door for the cleaners to the laundry room. From there, a corridor to take out the trash will lead us out to the alley behind this place. The alley is too small to have more than one or two guards. Follow my lead and don't stop for anyone."

Portia walked briskly, leaning Marina by her dainty wrist. Anya followed in the rear, doing their best to be nonchalant while turning heads as they made their way to the back corner of the brothel complex. Far enough away now that it was getting sparse and suspicious to be there, the mother vixen stopped and peaked around, finding a much more sparse hallway, where only a handful of couples cavorted and flirted, then through it, another around the next corner that was completely empty. Her attention darted between her daughters and whispered: "we're almost there," before leading them down it.

"Marina?" A man's voice bellowed from behind them, cutting through the distant chatter and music, echoing through the empty hallway.

"I said don't stop," Portia repeated, squeezing her daughter's wrist but the voice called out again, commanding attention.


The voice commanded attention this time and three vixens turned back to see a brown-furred grizzly bear towering well over seven feet tall, alone in the hallway with them. His sturdy form was wrapped in black leather shaped around embossed metal plates in a suit of armor, clinging to a broad-shouldered and powerfully muscled body that he held with a regal grace and poise. Over his shoulder was an ornate bastard sword that would be two-handed for any of them, even Anya.

Portia sized him up with suspicion. Were they caught? This man was not a guard. The whole place was rich with excess and opulence and the guards she had seen blended in better and curiously, were all wolves. This bear exuded wealth and power in the most unsubtle of ways and was almost certainly a client. But clients weren't allowed weapons. Was he someone more powerful than that? His eyes widened from a squint to their fullest extents as he drank in the sight of the trio, huddled in together. With a broad grin forming, he approached.

"Tell me that's not Lucian LaCroix," Portia muttered, squeezing Marina's arm but Marina shook her head and laughed.

"Lucian is an alligator. And hideous."

"My Gods, Marina. Where have you been hiding these two?! Were you jealous?!" the bear laughed as he spoke and he extended his arms out to his sides. Marina twisted away from her mother and hurried to meet him, jumping into his arms where he lifted her with ease and squeezed her, greedy hands groping in her soft fur like both Anya and Portia had.

"If it's not my favorite customer, Lord Ryo of Westerkerk!" Marina kissed his cheek before he set her down before him, giving her an admiring once-over and holding her shoulders as he towered over her, hands ruffling her irresistibly soft fur. "I didn't think you'd be back up this way for some time."

"They sent me to Erdlake to report on how Westerkerk's new cold-weather training center is going. Our King is concerned about the things he's hearing after what happened in Duncaster and wants to make sure our troops are fit for it, should any more trouble arise. Since I'm originally from the North, they chose me to check in and I couldn't come back to Erdlake without paying you a visit. I didn't make an appointment but I was hoping I'd catch you. I trust you've been well? They're still taking care of you?"

Marina's familiarity did not translate to comfort for the rest of them and Portia edged in front of Anya, glancing around the hallway for potential weapons. She knew the difference between the vanity fitness of the handsome women and men of this place and real, martial exercise. Lord or otherwise, this bear was a fighter and that was what she'd expect of a Westerkerky Lord. The city-state in the southwest had been the center of many wars in the past and was reknown for its superior army, armorers and weaponsmiths.

"I'm doing well. I just had a very interesting reunion with, well, my family!" she stepped aside and extended an arm, presenting them. "This is my mother, P..."

"Penelope!" Portia blurted out with a genial chirp and the bear stepped past Marina with his attention on her mother and sister now. He extended his hand as he drew near, his ursine muzzle crooked with awe and delight. She tensed before offering her hand to his just as he reached her. "Pleasure to meet you, Lord Ryo. We're in a bit of a hurry though."

The bear shook her hand with a grip that was soft at first then tensed into a more solid one, like he might shake hands with a man. His eyes narrowed with intrigue and interest while hers fell away to study closer the statuesque example of masculinity before her. His appearance embodied the fiercest warriors she'd known and fought alongside but he had the scent of a Lord with a tasteful perfume of lavender around him. The armor he wore was clean and ornate but looking it over, it was also practical and functional, right down to the two buckles that held closed a codpiece the size of a mop bucket except more attractively formed and engraved. Her eyes rested there a long moment, her body already battered by the relentless displays of sexuality throughout the brothel and her own, long-simmering frustration. He had all the indicators of a dangerous man and that only made him more attractive.

He held her hand longer than was prudent, watching her inspection of him. "No mystery where Marina gets her looks from. Nor her incredible bosom. Not her softness, strangely!" he said and Portia narrowed her eyes, snapping them back to his. He cracked a smile as he looked past her to Anya. "This must be Marina's sister. Another hybrid?"

"This is... Alice, my other daughter," Portia jumped in.

"I'm one-quarter bear," Anya said from over her mother's shoulder. "We're apparently very coarse-furred but you would know that."

The bear's head tilted with intrigue as her mother's eyes darted back to her sternly. "One-quarter bear? One half-mink? I'm intrigued by the capabilities of your womb, Ms Penelope. I never knew such cross-breeding to be possible." His eyes moved back to Anya with interest. "So you can bare bear cubs?"

"It was nice to meet you, Lord Ryo but we were on our way... to meet another client," Portia turned back with a nervous, genial nod. "We must be going."

"All three of you? What a lucky client. I would pay quite a sum for such an experience."

"I'm sure but we're booked all night. All three of us."

"I could pay them all off. I'm quite certain."

"They're very important men. Like you," Portia said with a head shake.

"Down here on the second floor? This is unusual for you, Marina."

The bear straightened himself out and turned back to her, where the mink-fox had followed him and stood now at his side. His glare was suspicious and found her lips pursed and pensive. Sharp, green eyes darted back to her mother. "He really is my best client and a decent man! Can't we spare twenty minutes? He'll pay well." He grinned and glanced back to Portia with a shrug before inching closer to her face.

"We have to go," Portia repeated, tugging at her daughter's arm.

The towering bear's smile collapsed and the sharpness of his eyes intensified. "I don't know what you three are up to but I've been coming here a long time and I've never seen you two. I would remember. You don't wear this like Marina does. You've picked a strange venue for a family reunion, considering that you two are obviously not whores," he explained in a quiet voice. Portia froze.

"Alice is doing an admirable job of hiding how terrified she is to be here and you, Penelope: you don't get scars, calluses, biceps and thighs like that just from riding cocks and jerking guys off. You're a fighter. You've seen battle. An arctic fox woman warrior carrying a chest like wine barrel," he mused for a moment before lighting up then with a sudden realization. "By the Gods, you're Portia Pridemoon!"

Portia was frozen, her eyes failing to hide that he'd guessed corrected and Marina looked to her with piqued interest.

"You're famous?"

"I know who you are!" he laughed, a bit louder now and glanced behind him, suspiciously. "I've only seen a chest as impressive as Marina's on Marina until tonight but I've heard stories about a white-furred fox adventuress of similar endowment. Greater, it turns out."

The half-mink sighed and folded her arms under her heavy bosom, scooping them up with her forearms. "Well, this is going to be a thing."

"It makes perfect sense that Portia Pridemoon would be Marina's mother, I just wouldn't have thought it possible! I have so many questions but... " The towering bear noticed that she was silent and tense, fingers balled up into fists. His broad grin returned and he continued with a shake of his head and a chuckle. He took a small step back and reached over his shoulder to grab the sling for his sword scabbard. He lifted it off, over his head and set it against the nearest wall.

"You can relax. I don't work for the brothel: I'm a client. I've tried to convince Marina to leave with me but she says she can't and perhaps she wouldn't if she could. Regardless of how she feels about me, I care deeply for her well-being. I assure you that we both want what's best for her."

"Alright." Portia nodded slowly but did not relax. "So where does that leave us?"

"You can go. Do whatever you like." She nodded again, taking a daughter by the wrist in each hand but her posture remained tense and guarded. She started to back out of his space before he continued. "But Marina is right: I am very rich and for a once-in-a-lifetime fantasy of mine, I could pay staggeringly."

At the corner of her vision, Marina stood between her and the bear. "He can," the mink-fox nodded. "I'd be much more comfortable if I was leaving here with more money than just two hundred gold."

"Just two-hundred?!" the bear popped in disbelief. "Oh no, that's not going to work at all. I'll double that even you say no, just out of pity! "

Sharp features whipped back to Portia and the nostrils of the half-mink's pink nose flared. "You said that was a lot of money."

"For most people, it is," the vixen said as she clenched her jaw with a glare to the towering Lord. "Most people don't have the tax coffers of a military state to raid for whores."

"Well, Lord Ryo does. He's an amazing lover and just look at that thing!" Marina reached out and flicked the bear's enormous codpiece with her claw tip. "It's quite an experience. I'm not leaving without hearing him out."

Portia's brow perked at that, even as she simmed and it was not lost on the bear's attentive gaze. "That gets to the fantasy, Portia: I want all three of you. I can smell that you're thinking about it too."

"Like, sex? No! Absolutely not," Anya balked and shook her head. Ryo stared with a smug smile for a long moment before he nodded in concession.

"This one is innocent. Fine. She's off the hook. But you two aren't. What do you say? Mother, daughter and me."

Portia craned her head aside with tension. "I don't know what kinds of stories you've heard about me, Ryo but any involving whoring are definitely not true."

"You say that with such judgement of your daughter's chosen trade. I'll give you one-thousand gold."

Portia froze for a moment at the number but scowled as the rest of the comment sunk in and her attention turned to Marina. "She didn't choose this life. It's why I'm here."

"A thousand gold, Mother! Ryo used to pay me double until I told him that I don't get to keep it. He's a very generous man."

"He's a very rich man," Portia snapped before she looked back to Anya, who was squeezing her wrist now.

"We are going to need more money. We're getting more and more mouths to feed. Whatever you want to do mother, don't let me stop you. Remember, I grew up under the leering eyes of a bear his age. I'm not so innocent and you're a grown woman."

"Thank you, Anya but that isn't the issue. I will not pay or be paid for sex. Ever. Period. It's a principal." She looked back to the bear with a shake of her head. "You people have too much money but you can't buy everything."

"Five thousand then." Ryo made his counter-offered without hesitation or shame. "In diamonds, so you can actually carry it."

Marina's wide eyes darted up to Ryo. "What can five-thousand buy you?"

"A small warship? A modest keep?"

Marina and Anya exchanged disbelieving expressions before looking to their mother.

"I am not. A whore," she repeated firmly but the bear only grinned, reaching down to unbuckle his codpiece while Marina threw her hands out in disbelief.

"Are you a fool, Mother?! Or are you that disgusted by what I do? "

"I'm not disgusted by anything about you, Marina. But I have rules about people like him using the rest of us."

Ryo seemed only more amused by their dynamic. "I respect your integrity, Miss Pridemoon. Being a role model for your daughters and all. You have an interesting moral compass. Five thousand then, for one last fling with Marina. Twenty minutes and she can live off that comfortably for... well, for her whole life if she plays it right. All you need to do is watch. Both of you. With your tops off. That's reasonable, right? I simply must see those magnificent breasts!"

The second buckle slipped free and his codpiece fell to one side, a dam pushed aside by the avalanche of cockflesh behind it. It spilled out and down from where it had been balled up in the prison of his armor and settled into a fat, swinging pendulum down to his knees, with a girth like his forearm and his cockhead like gigantic, balled up fist. She witnessed the angry veins that wrapped it, throbbing as it surged to life, resting over testicles like cantaloupes.

Marina was young but clearly not naïve in such matters from the experience of her trade: Ryo's cock was massive, comparable to the most gifted lovers Portia had ever known and in twenty years of traveling the land and rampant promiscuity, she had known many. Her mouth fell agape at the presentation, betraying her stoic tension. She stared at it for a long moment before turning to Marina, who was pulling her dress off over her head, casually presenting her sleek, naked body. "You can wait twenty minutes, Mother or you can go without me. I'm not leaving this place poor."

"I'd like to stay dressed," Anya said quietly through a locked jaw and Ryo chuckled.

"Fine, I'll use my imagination. But you have to watch. And your mother? Top off. Non-negotiable."

Marina slipped up against Ryo who was unclasping the last buckle of his codpiece before it fell carelessly below him. The naked, slinky half-vixen threw herself at him once more, this time meeting his muzzle in a hungry kiss. Her hand dropped down to start stroking his cock toward a full, tree-trunk-like erection while the bear's giant hand mashed into Marina's breast needfully, his grip of a scale that complimented their size difference. Her foot swung out to lightly kick his codpiece aside and out of the way.

"You're going to do it right here?!" Portia peered past them, finding this side hallway still empty for the moment but anyone was free to come and go as they had.

"Do you want to go all the way back up to my chambers and hope we don't run into anyone else on the way out?" Marina spoke over her shoulder, nonplussed by her nudity or exposure.

"We're in a whorehouse hallway, Portia. People fuck here all the time," Ryo said with a chuckle, half-muffled with his muzzle buried in the nape of Marina's neck. "I suspect you've seen stranger things in your life of adventure."

The mother vixen sighed and averted her eyes before glancing back to Anya with a wince.

"Show me those great, big tits Portia. At least let me see them while I fuck your daughter." He lifted Marina higher off the ground and rolled his face against her chest for a long, groaning moment, finding luxury in their softness. After a long moment of lavishing the half-mink with attention, his head turned to the side and hungry eyes darted to Anya, first her face, then her chest.

"Don't you dare," Portia warned and Anya edged behind her.

"It's not fair that the shy girl is the biggest. A hundred gold if you just take off your top."

She threw a glance to Portia then back to the bear, flattening herself against the wall. "No!!!"

"Nnnnngggghh!" he growled as Marina chewed at his ear, tugging playfully, her hand down between them, stroking his cock brazenly before wandering over the rest of his sturdy, leather-bound body. "two hundred!"

"You stop it," Portia stepped up between him and Anya before she pointed a stern finger to the towering bear. "If you're trying to turn me on, you leave her the fuck alone."

Ryo mused but took a moment to choose his words. "Show me yours then. That's part of the deal for Marina to get paid."

Marina's sharp attention whipped down from Ryo's grasp, expectant daggers cast at her newfound mother, waiting for her to oblige him.

"This is ridiculous," Portia shook her head before crossing her arms at her midriff and tugging off her sheer top, revealing the elaborate wrap that both concealed and restrained her bosom. She reached behind her to unclasp them but paused warily and raised a stern finger. "You do NOT proposition Anya for sex at any point. Regardless of price. I don't care how much money you have. You rich people don't get to do whatever you want."

"Fine. I'll just fuck Marina and you."

"Keep dreaming," she said matter-of-factly before unclasping the bindings of her wrap which went suddenly slack, her bosom swelling and dropping without the tight restraint to their full, tremoring softness.

"I'm not offering you money, Portia. Just a good time. I've heard you like to push your limits and I think maybe I'm right about at the edge of what your little fox pussy can take. If you don't want that..."

"I don't want that," she repeated before tugging away the wrap until her enormous breasts were freed, white-furred and naked while a tangled mountain of wrap fell, discarded at her feet.

"What's with this puritan act?" Ryo slipped Marina around to straddle his side, where he carried her with ease as he stepped closer, his free hand now stroking his towering erection beneath her daughter's own hand. "I know stories about you and not just the heroics. I can barely smell all that cold sweat over your soaking, wet pussy. Look how hard your nipples are. You don't want your daughters to see you all fuck-crazed but I see you, Portia."

The remaining distance between them was closedthen. The bear towered over her and his hand left his slick cock to rub roughly over Portia's muzzle, smearing his wetness and scent all over it, his giant palm muffling her sucking gasp. With her fur clumped and matted now with his musk, the vixen took deep, hungry breaths and his hand fell down to mash into her breast ungently, pushing her into the wall behind her. He lifted Marina higher and buried his wet, black nose into her cleavage before giving his head an excited shake. "Help yourself, Portia," he said while jockeying his hips to bat his heavy penis against her bosom, leaving wet dimples in her downy fur. "Before I stick it in your daughter."

Portia flattened herself against the wall, nostrils flaring with trembling breath but she averted her eyes from the towering bear and his dripping cock, even as he smeared more of his pungent scent into her fur with it.

A quick glance over his shoulder found Anya watching the whole thing and he smirked before looking back to her mother. "This family is so fascinating. You sure none of you want to come back to Westerkerk with me?"

Marina squealed in abrupt pleasure, holding Ryo around his thick neck with both hands, her rump cupped in his palm. "Let him at least use his hands or his mouth, Mother. He's very skilled."

Portia whimpered on the edge of control, her thighs pressed together as her brows had and the side of her mouth curled in a wince. Her fur was damp with sweat now. Her pussy was on fire, desperate for attention and Ryo let go of her breasts to hover his saucer-sized palm over her groin, enough for her to be aware of his warmth but just beyond his touch.

"Everyone be quiet," Ryo found a moment's calm to look between Portia and Anya, who was now several steps behind her along the same wall. "I want to make sure you can hear the sound of my cock going into your daughter." He pulled Marina back around his front before lifting her high up along the wall, her pelvis level with his rib cage, holding her by her side with one hand and using the wall to support her. "Lift your leg. I want your mother to see it too." His hand moved from the mother vixen to her daughter's thigh, lifting it high to expose her. "Open your eyes, Portia. Open your eyes and watch me fuck your daughter!"

Her eyes cracked, unable to resist. Ryo's cock was nestled against Marina's folds and he eased her down deliberately. He held his breath behind a scoundrel's smile to not drown out the quiet smacking and squelching of his thick bear cock creeping up into the clenching wetness of the most petite of the Pridemoon girls. With a dramatic squeal of ecstasy on the edge of pain, her body accepted his girth like a snake distending it's jaw to consume some massive prey. The svelte, half-vixen closed her eyes and moaned dramatically after that initial squeal but Portia could tell she was straining at his girth. She knew exactly what that sound felt like.

"Are you alright, Marina?" Portia reached out and grabbed her hand, intertwining but the straining girl nodded and laughed.

"It feels amazing, mother. Right on the edge of what I can handle. You should try."

"I've never seen a girl take a cock like Marina can. I'm sure all the big boys love her." Ryo's eyes drank in his view of Portia excitedly before his eyes fell to Anya again. "I mean, where does it all go?! You two have a little more meat on you but Marina here? So skinny but so... unghhh!" Sinking deeper, Portia watched the cracks in her daughter's defiance, refusing to protest any strain or discomfort. She knew the feeling all too well: after her strict upbringing, being told what she could and couldn't do, she'd come to relish a challenge. Even from her days before picking up a weapon, she'd taken any opportunity to prove herself to others and that developed quite an appetite for intimidating endowments. Her brow crinkled in concern for her daughter, who was seemingly not so different from her.

"I said I'm fine, mother. I like a huge dick like Ryo's. It's about as alive as I get to feel in here and I cum easier with them. Especially with him."

"Mom likes them huge too," Anya stepped up and slipped her arm around her squirming mother, who whipped her head back to her attention, whites surrounding the green of her eyes. "Don't be upset, Mother," she said warmly, taking her mother's hand blindly, somewhere under all their combined breast mass. "I know you sneak out after we're asleep. And I think you have a type."

Ryo's attention didn't miss their newfound closeness and stared as enormous, mother-daughter breasts smashed together unwittingly. He gave an enthusiastic thrust and Marina, another impassioned chirp. "Now this sounds interesting!" the bear grinned while Portia froze in some small amount of terror.

"Just how much do you know?!"

Anya's smile broadened and took a deep, pregnant breath but instead of words, a melody followed:

"I saw you sneak off with that barman, when we stayed at Riverdeep

And when we shared a campsite with those soldiers, well I wasn't quite asleep.

That city watchmen in the alley

I swear I'm not keeping a tally

But what you want and what you need, are not secrets from me you ought to keep!"

All three of them froze and turned to Anya in various degrees of disbelief, even as Ryo was halfway inside Marina, holding her against the wall. Portia was the first of them to speak, turning herself towards her quarter-bear daughter. "Did you just write a song, on the spot about what a slut your mother is!?"

"I don't think you're a slut, mother. I think you're an independent woman who thinks for herself and does what she wants. While I may not choose to follow in your footsteps, I think your emancipation makes you a better role model for us than pretending you're something you're not or denying yourself what you need."

Portia was still, her face incredulous and her darting eyes embarrassed. "It's more complicated than that. I've been sexually frustrated for a long time now and I'm getting a little... "

Anya pressed her finger over her mother's muzzle with a comforting smile and gentle shake of her head. "You don't owe me any explanation, Mother. Just be honest with me. And with yourself!" Portia's smile broke through her body's tension and she melted into her daughter with a hug.

"Oh my Gods," Ryo groaned and rolled his eyes back with his head. " It was previously beyond my comprehension that the two beautiful foxes with enormous breasts could put my erection in jeopardy but... do you mind? I'm trying to fuck your sister!"

Anya lifted her gaze to him, slow and challengingly, hinting at her canine fangs inside her muzzle. "Can't you see I'm helping you?"

Portia raised a suggestive brow, reaching out to cup his heavy, taut scrotum that made her hand seem childlike in scale. "She's helping you."

Ryo's eyes flashed with fire and he pushed his hips into a thrust, letting Marina drop down against the wall, sinking more of his length into her still. Marina groaned again in pure and vocal ecstasy, her body now low enough to throw her arms around his thick neck. His fiery gazed consumed the mink-fox with admiration before darting back to Portia then Anya. "Fifty gold to grab your mother's tits."

Anya's hand slapped down on Portia's right breast before she could look back at her and shake her head. Anya shrugged with a chuckle. "Fifty gold for this?" she lifted her breast from below and gave a shrug.

"Ah, so you can be tempted," he noted to Anya before turning his attention to her scowling mother with a wink before he planted his palm against the front of Portia's pelvis. She straightened out against the wall again and groaned out in delight when his middle finger pushed up inside her effortlessly, wrapped in the fabric of her loose pants. "My Gods, Portia. You've got some real self control to say no to me for so long. This pussy is this starving for a dick." He slid up next to her, bringing a barely-coherent Marina with him, her silken fur sliding against her mother. The mink-fox was almost hilted on his massive shaft by then, hanging on him with her legs around his waist, watching the exchange with her mother with some amusement.

The bear slid his other hand from Marina's rump to the back of her head, pulling in the mink-fox's muzzle for a hungry kiss while his eyes remained wide and alert, their attention on her mother. He pulled reluctantly away, bridges of saliva linking muzzles for a moment before he leaned aside and brought his muzzle to Portia's.

Her hand reached out for his side while her mouth opened to accept him and filled with his thick but deft tongue before their mouths could connect. When they did, her body melted into his, pulling him close, forming a triangle of him, her and Marina. As they came together, her daughter's incredible softness brushed her mother's nipple that peeked through her fur, sending a forbidden shiver through her, ending in a pleasant but embarrassed chirp from her muzzle.

Anya was behind her mother, still holding her shoulder in one hand, the other having fallen to her hip once it was clear Ryo was distracted. He was kissing her mother with simmering lust then started to hammer his hips into Marina, fucking her against the wall to delighted chirps and shrieks.

He broke the kiss first to take a deep, sucking breath, nose-to-nose with the vixen matriarch, still fingering her eagerly. "Okay, NOW I'm fucking horny," she admitted.

A victorious grin broke his muzzle. "I know."

"Look Ryo: I REALLY to cum. I've had a whole lot of bad sex these past few weeks, trying to get off and I need a lover who can get me off. Think you're up to the challenge?" Her eyes were as needful as they were deadly serious.

Ryo only smiled a scoundrel's smile. "Hang on to me, Marina. Tight as you can." She nodded before he pulled her off the wall and stepped back and in front of Portia, almost to the opposite side of the hallway. With care, he squatted then lowered a hand on the floor. He released Marina, who cinced up tighter around him before he reached out with the other hand, down on all fours. With Marina now hanging from him, he crawled the remaining few steps between them, the mink-vixen squealing with each step as his bear cock moved inside of her. At Portia's feet, he yanked her pants down, brought his stout muzzle against her crotch then shoved his tongue up inside her.


The mother vixen closed her eyes and groaned as the bear penetrated her so abruptly, digging up into her with boyish enthusiasm. Her hand reached down below her line-of- sight, reaching around blindly under the shelf of her prodigious bosom before finding his headfur and seizing it in her fingers. She pulled him closer still while her free hand, still warm from holding his scrotum doubled up to her shoulder, her fingers entwining with Anya's for support. She arched her back against the wall with a sucking inhale, her eyes opening above a fresh, gaping smile and it was apparent that the bear was more experienced than the young lovers she'd been picking up along their way. Most of them had been young, hadn't they? Like Joseph was. Some probably a little too young and all inexperienced. That must've been the problem! Just bad luck. Ryo could be the one to break her streak.

His tongue lashed and pushed inside her, aggressively but with informed intention: he knew exactly the kinds of things that should work. His pressure and cadence varied from quick flicks of the tongue to hard pushes against inner walls that he'd learned made his lovers squeal when he'd touched them, while his broad, nose nose mashed into her clitoris when his tongue wasn't on it.

Anya held her mother tightly by the hand and shoulder, feeling her every hopeful writhe and convulsion while Portia pushed her hips out to meet the hungry bear's muzzle. She tugged his head like he was trying to pull the whole of him inside her, desperate with need and ecstatic with hope. He knew how to pleasure a woman but she still wasn't cumming yet.

"Is it working, mother?" Anya asked at her ear, her voice full of hope.

"I... I'm close. I think? I'm close!" she stammered out, looking over at Anya with an uncertain shrug. Her words were to Ryo's encouragement, his attention consumed with her reactions, his hips still thrusting but without direction or purpose. His tongue was a thick piston of flesh, pushing in and out, studying her every reaction and countering it in a dance of her body versus his.

"This might be... too acrobatic for me," Marina said from beneath the bear, all but invisible beneath his bulk but for thin arms and legs struggling to stay wrapped around him. Her voice was straining in a different way now, with a hint of controlled panic.

Delicate hands slipped first, having only a tenuous grip on her opposite wrist and her torso fell to the floor with a less dainty grunt than most of her noises had been until now. Hanging half-upside down from her legs around his waist and the cock buried inside her, her breasts rolling back to bat against her muzzle.

Keenly aware and compliant to her client's shifted attention, Marina started to roll herself over, careful but limber, tucking one leg up along herself. She slid it along Ryo's waist then belly, twisting herself until she could plant her hands on the floor, then her knees, fully facing away from him then. She lowered herself to rest her cheek and chest on the floor freeing a hand to reach back and touch herself. Feeling her braced position beneath her, the bear thrust hard to fill her again. She cried out as he wedged himself deeper than before, the gap between them closing entirely.

Though hidden from all their views, the mink-fox's pleasured cries were escalating and the effort was encouraged with harder thrusts from Ryo, which rippled through his mouth and tongue. Marina was cumming now, loud and boisterous like her clients must have loved and Portia clenched her face, wincing with frustration.

"Are you okay, Marina honey?" Portia craned her head around to see but her petite daughter was obscured beneath him, panting loudly in recovery.

"I'm wonderful, mother but I think you have his full attention now."

"I know, these things are always tricky. I'm sorr..."

Marina interrupted with silken calm in her voice. "Mother, I fuck for money. I know how this works."

Minutes melted away without change and the bear pulled away with a gasp, showing his first signs of fatigue. He came upright on his knees, still inside her daughter, stretching and rolling his jaw with a forced yawn. "By the Gods, Portia. You're a tough customer! My tongue is all cramping up. Let me fuck you. You'll be fine when you're on this dick," He adjusted his posture to squat and plant his hands on Marina's ass before drawing his hips back, reeling his massive shaft from the petite girl until it sprung free with a lazy sling of liquid across her back.

Marina exhaled with relief. After a moment to gather herself, she came up on her elbows before crawling aside then rolled over to sit down for a moment while Ryo stood and stepped past her, up to her mother.

He took her by the hips and after a pause for her approval, spun her around toward the wall. He pushed his palms against her cheeks to spread them, groping with huge hands that could hold them. "Oh my Gods, this ass..." He squatted lower to drag his erection between them.

"Fucking make me cum!" she commanded impatiently, with her hands now planted on the wall. He nodded before obliging , fumbling to line his cumbersomely long bear cock to her sex. With his blunted head finding wet and easy purchase, he pushed his hips toward her, closing the gap between them with groaning ease and a wide-eyed, sucking, almost choking gasp from the vixen.

He was impatient with his eager entry and his brutish size flattened her into the wall, her cheek to the cold tiles. Giant, fox breasts ballooned out to her sides and she yelped shrilly with strain and surprise as his hips neared her rump, digging upward with most of his length already buried inside her.

His cock felt every bit as enormous as it had appeared, holding her open with a burning sensation past the point of comfort and into the thrill of a challenge though beyond it felt like it might split her in two. Organs hung, pushed aside and crushed by the deep penetration while her insides took the shape of his ursine dick, making sure every last nerve could envelope the veiny shaft. Her tightness carried the weight of his shaft, moving her body with him. It was a challenging intensity which made it all the more promising for the desperate vixen.

"How's that?" he rumbled in restrained lust and she nodded against the wall, straining but the sensation was familiar enough for her. Big, bear hands gripped her hips and drew them both back, allowing her to plant her hands on the wall again.

"Marina, come up here and help Anya hold your mom while I fuck her," he said looking back, unable to find her for a moment but she stood with an obliging nod, coming around to stand at Portia's left then brought her hands to help stabilize her mother's arm. Anya watched them all before doing the same thing at her mother's right side. Ryo's eyes wandered greedily over both daughters' chests before he sunk himself in their mother again.

Everything was fine, Portia concluded from her momentary pause, remembering the extremes of sensation from a long history of challengingly endowed lovers of hers. Her body was reacting to him more than her recent string of lovers and it was surely more than just his intense size. This was going to be okay. She was finally going to climax.

Her groan was less surprised and more delighted as he thrust again but the strain in her voice persisted. When his hips nestled against her rump, he draped himself over her, dwarfing her with his size. Her reached his huge paws around to hold her breasts, fingers splaying but the vixen was too gifted for them to be contained, even by him. "Mmmmm... so this is Portia Pridemoon's pussy. Amazing. I've never fucked a mother right after her daughter before. My dick is still slick from her. You're a dirty one!"

"You have no idea," Portia groaned in delight, strain and relief all at once as the bear thrusted his hips, filling her with his length, again and again. He was less delicate with her than Marina, perhaps for her stouter build or perhaps from whatever rumors that he'd heard. He held her hips and fucked her, his head held high and proud.

Portia snarled in defiance as his tremendous thickness slid in and out of her from brutish, pistoning hips. She let out a long sound somewhere between a growl and a moan as pulses of familiar, straining pleasure showed some teasing promise in getting her off.

"Are you okay, mother?" Anya reached out to hold her shoulder now with concern, her other hand still bracing her arm.

Portia nodded sharply and released her clenched jaw to gasp and reach for Anya. "I'm okay, honey. He's fucking enormous but I can handle it."

"I bet you can handle it in your ass too, Portia," he rumbled into her ear.

Portia gave a stern shake of her head. "I told you to make me cum!"

The bear took it as a challenge and squatted lower, hips drilling into her faster and harder with all the vigor of an attack. The softness of her body jostled with his rhythm as she braced herself against the wall with the help of her daughters, her feet spread well apart.

With a mischievous flash of a smile that only Anya caught, Ryo tugged her wrists off the wall, drawing her back only to plant them against her daughters' breasts and release them. "Hold on, Portia!" he laughed as her fingers mashed into Anya's mammoth bosom on one hand and Marina's silken suppleness on the other. He thrust solidly to keep her hanging on for a moment while Anya winced and Portia scowled over her shoulder. "These are my daughters, you fucking pervert!" One hand returned to the wall, then the other as Ryo laughed and only Anya seemed offended by it.

"Sorry, I had to see."

She was going to cum. Soon. Just not yet. She grunted and groaned, wailed and winced as the bear mated her relentlessly, his head high and proud with his demonstration of strength and the longer he lasted, stamina but soon it would fall back to stare at her daughters' chests, tremoring as they helped her absorb the impact. Sweat started to build in his fur, masculine and fragrant as time passed but little else changed. While both daughters checked in with their mother, she'd nod and groan just as she had before. Time was passing but the bear did not relent, despite showing signs of exhaustion, long after most men would have collapsed. She was not going to cum.

"I don't think this is working," Anya finally said, watching her mother and it drew the bear's attention. For a moment, he took clear offense at the suggestion but Marina's expression was similar. The bear stopped to catch his breath.

"She is a difficult one! Try something else?" he panted and Portia looked back again, nodding.

He pulled out of her and she gave a sharp gasp before he spun her around to face him. "Girls, lift your mom by her ass and shoulders." Confused looks were exchanged but he instructed them until Portia was lifted between her daughters with theirs hand crossed under her rump and again at her back while her arms draped around both of their shoulders. Their new position presented to Ryo six, giant vixen breasts mashed together and he stepped up, fraying at the edges but still in the fight.

"You don't need to be fucked hard. You need to be fucked good," he prescribed. Marina observed with interest and Anya did in shock as the bear's slick shaft lined up at her mother's sex, massively out of scale for her.

Portia gasped as he pushed his hips forward with a flourish, sinking into her again with a small ripple through her abdomen. His bulging bear cock seemed like it shouldn't fit at all but in a moment there he was, every inch buried inside her again.

A proud smile cracked at the corners of his open mouth and he took Portia by the hips, writhing his own in an almost dancelike gyration, slow and sensual. His eyes moved up to Portia's face, finding her chest heaving with labored breath, squished pleasantly between both of her daughters' young, full breasts. His hips dropped lower before he thrusted, angling himself up as he sank the last inches into her at a much more sensual pace. "This better?"

With her head tipped back, Portia sucked in air through her nose and out through her mouth before giving a quick nod. She groaned with his every thrust, pleasant but straining and an occasional wince of discomfort at his size. He pushed this way or that but there was no escalation, just steady moan after moan. Eventually, her eyes latched on to his with pleading desperation.

"Oh yeah, this is going to do it for sure," he said but without the strength of his earlier conviction. His focus returned to her face, making subtle adjustments to the way his hips proficiently snaked, hoping for different effects.

Marina gazed on with admiration as she strained to help with her mother's weight. "It's kind of weird, watching you fuck my mother," she said, looking between the two of them before she glanced across to her sister and smiled at her obvious inexperience.

Anya was quite fixated on the joining of their bodies, having apparently never been so close to the act. The way Portia's sex would stretch and conform to the shape and girth of the bear's forearm-sized cock, a subtle ripple in her abdomen above it only to shrink down to petite discretion when he'd pull all the way out.

Portia's gaze rolled back from the bear to stare at the ceiling, watching it move as he fucked her sore, her mind a rush of conflicting and disappointed thoughts. He was a skilled lover by all measurable means! He used his tongue with clear experience as to how to please a woman and despite his brutish size and breast-fixation, he moved in ways to please both himself and his partner. He was older and more experienced than most of the men she'd been with recently, perhaps a decade older than her but in prime, physical fitness. Months ago, she'd have been squealing and cumming on him with ease. Never had she had such a difficult time with sex in her life until the incident with Joseph, Zarron and the discovery of her family. Was this some, subconscious punishment for having accidentally gone too far with her perversion? She hadn't known!

Thoughts drifted to the relagite charm, dancing in her cleavage: the tiny bit of anti-magic metal that protected her. Was relagite also effective against hexes? Had Zarron cursed her to a life of bad sex for stealing Joseph away from him?! Was there another force punishing her for her crime of incest? Or was it something that shifted in her head, with nothing to do with the accident itself? She hadn't truly cum since discovering she was a mother. Had her strict upbringing surfaced in her subconscious and was now demanding she act like a responsible parent and not a freewheeling layabout?

Portia was snapped out of her wandering mind by the sudden emptiness that was not followed by a thrust and her feet were lowered to the ground, with only Anya supporting her now from behind. Marina was bent over, against the wall beside her now, just as she had been before. How long had she been lost in thought?!

Marina straightened up and groaned in delight as Ryo pushed himself inside her again. "Daughter!" he grunted before pulling out and pushing back into Portia. "Mother!" He repeated the pattern joyfully several times, drawing his hips back from Portia and forward into her daughter. "Gods, your pussies even feel the same."

She turned her head over her shoulder with clenched teeth, her eyes welling with tears of frustration. "Are you giving up?! Stop fucking around and make me cum!"

Ryo pounced right into the challenge despite his now ragged demeanor and spun her around once more, bending her over toward the wall, making a bow of his body before draping over her, burying his cock in her ungently and completely. She cried out in surprise and strain while his every muscle fired and thrust, ramming her against the wall, filling her sex and pushing her nerves teasingly near orgasm again. But each time was no closer than the last and after some time Portia's head dropped, defeated, her swinging breasts battling against her jaw.

The bear's sexual attack was ferocious and feral with angry, selfish thrusting. He had tried his best but if she couldn't, he still could. His breath was deep and labored, his fur fragrant with sweat. His thrusts quickened with a second wind of energy that was clearly not going to last long, drinking in the sight of jiggling breasts and the effects his thrusting had on them. "I want to cum all over you! You especially!" his gaze locked on Anya's chest.

"Ryo!" Portia snapped, still coherent but it didn't stop him this time.

"Two hundred to cum on your tits, Anya."

"Gross! No!" Anya hissed.

"Five hundred? A thousand!?" Portia was an accessory now to the distracted bear as Marina had been while he'd gone down on her, her body bucked against the wall rhythmically.

"I said no!"

"I love it! You're a fighter. But Everyone's got a price! What do you want, more than anything?"

"Stop it, Ryo!" Portia said again but something about the offer clicked with Anya and she froze.

"Does the Academy at Westerkerk really make the best fighters in the land?" Portia's heart sank. She had chastised her daughter for her inexperience on her first mission rather than supported her and now this was the example she was setting!

Ryu's breathing was heaving now wand his slapping hips were louder as they slowed down from exhaustion. "Second-to-none."

"I want in. You can make your gross mess if you enroll me." Her voice tried to hide her defeat as her thumb slipped under the toga at her shoulder, teasing it's removal.

"Enroll her and I'll let you stick it in my ass," Portia blurted out and in too quick of a moment, he did, his attention at once consumed by her again. A shock rippled through her body, a pain like an arrow or a knife blade. For a moment she felt like her pelvis had cracked but the pain soon singled around his aggressive penetration, the entirety of the bear's mercifully slick cock suddenly past it, straightening out her insides and her lower spine. The vixen howled out in strain but not without some forbidden please in her undertones.

"Careful!" Anya pleaded and reached for her mother again, taking her by the shoulder.

He didn't give her the moment to adjust, instead fucking away triumphantly while Portia braced and endured him, using her strength to keep herself from flattening against the wall. "You cum yet?" he finally remembered to check in, hardly able to make a sentence anymore. She shook her head. "Really?!" the bear was wounded, torn between his pleasure and pride

"Marina! Go down on her. Marina makes everybody cum."

"She's my mother," the mink spoke curtly as if the bear didn't already know.

"A thousand more."

"Twenty percent more to do THAT? No. Double it."

"Fine!" He was grunting more than he was speaking by now, his time soon to expire.

"Marina, don't!" Portia shook her head but her daughter was gone and before her words were finished, the bear's thrust was joined with a new rhythm, an electric pressure against her clitoris and she could feel that divinely silken fur surrounded the mink-fox's cold, wet nose. "Marina?!"

It was clear from the sensations that her daughter was as sexually proficient as she was relentless, lapping lines that had never been drawn on flesh that was all but undiscovered. The entirety of Portia 's nerves throbbed to life with renewed possibility and her eyes widened with disbelief. This wasn't the teasing promise of his grand penetration but a slow, steady lifting of a curtain that concealed divinity. The intensity was rising like a flood and not stopping. Was this going to work? Portia didn't speak in protest again, nearly stunned by the possibility.

Marina was patient but didn't need to be as things escalated quickly. Listening and adjusting, she led her mother directly to and past the degree of pleasure of her ursine lover and all the others since the accident with her son. Higher and higher, like she was dragging her with her silken hand, Portia emerged into the warm, loving, nearly forgotten embrace of orgasm.

Every nerve in her body vibrated as a flood of joy and warmth overcame her. Her tail writhed behind her in an excited wag that buried Ryo's face for a moment. Her gaping jaw jerked as the corner of her mouth turned up into a smile of disbelief, her entire body convulsing for a moment. "I'm cumming!!" She cried out while wide eyes clenched closed and her head shrunk between her shoulders, moaning out in delight as Marina sat below her newfound mother, attentively lapping and licking at her through it all.

Dancing on the edge of restraint for a moment, the bear held himself back until her declaration then slumped with relief. His honor had not been soiled by failing to deliver on his promise and so he spent his final moments in selfish indulgence "Your asshole is so tight! So... " His tense expression melted and he gave one more thrust, gushing a heavy, ursine load up into her intestines. Gush after gush painted her insides, a warmth of life blasted into the vixen, still in the throes of her own orgasm.

Anya had stepped back again and now looked on with some horror, covering her mouth. Before her, her orgasming mother was sandwiched between the sodomizing bear's orgasm and her newfound sister's muzzle.

Awestruck and slack-jawed with joy and relief, Portia struggled to hold herself upright and Anya rushed back to support her. Her hulking bear lover collapsed against the wall above her, panting and heaving from the labor but she was all but oblivious to him and his deep, thick presence inside her while she simmered in the remnants of her orgasm, the comforting reunion with an old friend. Time was a blur after the bear's relentless marathon but the electric excitement of climax lingered impossibly long, an apology for its extended absence. It lingered as it slowly waned, leaving the exhausted vixen returning to coherence.

"Marina!?" She was cross again as she remembered how this had happened. Her hand pulled away from Anya and the wall to try and see below her but the mink was already on her way back to her feet, wiping her mouth with her forearm fur. "I'm your..."

"Ten thousand gold, Mother. Now I'm not worried about money and besides, it was just oral. It's like kissing. Not like you had sex with one of your kids." Portia's eyes averted, swallowing.

"Everything alright here?" a deep, male voice that was not Ryo interrupted them and all heads turned to see two wolves had joined them in the hall: the same two guards Portia and Anya had seen downstairs.

Adrenaline tried to surge but the vixen was exhausted from the sexual marathon. She was stuck against a wall and on a bear and for the moment she could only look at them, slack-jawed.

"Everything is fine," Ryo said with a hint of menace in the distant thunder of his voice. You know who I am, right?"

The wolves glanced at each other before nodding together. It was clear they did and chose their next words carefully. "We do, Lord Ryo. Miss Marina is not usually allowed out of her room," one spoke after the other nudged him with an elbow.

"We're almost done here. I'll escort her back."

The wolves were visibly dissatisfied with the answer but it was enough for the moment and they nodded and scuttled off.

From between them, her mother and sister, Anya turned her attention to the towering bear, hunched over Portia, looking ready to collapse at any moment. "I think we need to go, Ryo. I hope it was worth it." An open palm reached out to the panting bear, who gave a chuckle as he stared down at her hand. " I think you got a lot more than twenty minutes." Portia looked on in proud disbelief as her more sheltered daughter handled him so matter-of-factly.

"You're always worth it, Marina. This was... phenomenal. Worth every cent." His attention turned to Marina as he spoke, reaching out to hold her cheek while his other hands fetched a small coin purse that rattled instead of jingled. He handed it to her, with a sideways smirk thrown back to Anya. "Keep the change. Buy sexy clothes for your family. Live a nice life. Just give me a minute to..." He started to tug on Portia's waist, drawing slowly back while Marina opened the pouch and both her and Anya appraised the diamonds inside, one with professional approval and the other with awe.

With clenched teeth and labored breath, Portia strained as the bear's cock tugged at her insides but her mind was elsewhere. Her body surged with a vigor it had all but forgotten, the excitement of true intimacy and the ecstasy of a skilled lover. All that sleep she'd been missing in her restless nights promised to return and yet her mind couldn't forgive the casualness of her own daughter and the ease in which she'd made her cum. Another of her own children, bringing her a pleasure she hadn't felt since the last! A wince marred her expression, hidden in the discomfort of the bear's slow withdrawal of his cock from her ass while her mind started to explore the possibilities of what it could mean. This must be a cruel coincidence. Marina was a professional, of course she'd made her cum. But she'd met far lesser men than Ryo over the years and never had such issues until the last two months. Something had changed. She gave a reflexive, sucking breath as the bear's long cock pulled free.

The open bag full of diamonds, jiggled before her eyes, shaken in Marina's hand, guided by Anya's. "Mother? You would know: these are real, right?" A welcome distraction, that she appraised with a cursory once-over then nodded.

"Of course they're real. I told you: Ryo is very rich." Marina pulled the bag back and drew it closed.

Anya dismissed it quickly enough. "Are you all ready to go? Those guards will be back, won't they?"

Portia's daughters were at her side, expectantly while Ryo was somewhere else, no longer inside her. Marina had dressed herself at some point in the blur. When? Anya spoke while she gave her shoulders a shake and a tug.

"We really need to go, mother."

Portia looked to her half-mink daughter with some disbelief, her muzzle still glossy with wetness. "What is it?" the half-mink shrugged blankly back at her mother. She didn't know.

Anya did. Her eyes were large with concern, darting between her mother and her silken-furred sister with her casual demeanor after such an act. Anya had been raised in isolation but Marina was raised in a whorehouse and they would need to expect a different normal from her. "Mother! Snap out of it. The service door?"

"The guards?" Marina added.

Portia nodded quickly, finding her focus. She looked for Ryo and found him over her shoulder, slumped against the back wall, panting with an exhausted grin. "That was the stuff of legends, Portia. You're your daughter's Mother. Good luck with whatever all this is," he waved a limp hand towards them. "I'll make sure no one comes down this way for at least 10 minutes."

Marina rushed to the panting bear, scooping up his cheeks and he took her by the waist. "Ryo, if they know you aided my escape, you'll never set foot in here again."

"They can't kill me without starting a war." His eyes locked to hers and his smile broadened. "And if you're not here, why would I care to come back?"

The fox-mink lit up and laughed, slipping her arms around his shoulders to hug him. He squeezed her back, watching Portia and Anya over her shoulder, aware of their impatience.

"There are only two guards who work the cleaner's door. They're good men with families. I know you can handle them, Portia but please don't kill them. Leave marks though. Obvious ones. They're going to be in deep shit when Lucian finds out his prized attraction escaped. Those wolves saw you though. I suggest you get out of town in a hurry."

Vixen hands planted and walked up the wall until Portia came to stand on wobbly, sealegs before she turned to face him, and shook her head in disbelief. "You're... something else, Ryo."

He gave a small bow with his head. "I realize I only met your challenge on a technicality but at least I have the honor to lose to a legend. I am humbled by this experience yet I will cherish it always. I didn't think it would be quite so... difficult." Portia bit her lower lip. There was no fast way to explain her troubles and this bear could handle the blow to his ego. She kept quiet. "Your mother is something special and I think she'll take care of you. You should know that I'm quite in love with you, Marina."

The silken-furred vixen-mink smiled and melted against him. "I do know. I'll miss you, Ryo."

"You're welcome to come and marry me anytime. You'll live like a Queen."

"I think I'm going to give this whole 'having a family' thing a try. I'll let you know if it doesn't work out."

Ryo's grin widened. "You girls are all so independent. I love it." He looked directly to Anya then, who braced skeptically for his next words. "The next class at the Academy starts in three months. Show up in Westerkerk at the Autumn Equinox and give them this." He reached into his pocket and offered her a coin. Her eyes moved between his face and his hand before she leaned out and snatched from him, like he might take it back if she waited. Curious eyes inspected the coin then, finding it minted with the image of a roaring bear. She lifted it, surprised with its weight, some kind of heavier metal she didn't recognize. It felt valuable and her eyes darted between the coin and Ryo.

"Tell me this isn't a coin with your face on it."

With a chuckle and a churlish smile, the bear did not answer. "The stories about your mother are many, Anya. I'll expect great things from you."

Anya straightened herself and mostly hid her smile with an untrusting scowl before she turned and shook her mother again. "Let's go!"

Portia nodded and took her first step with a wince, rising up and bowing her back. "Fuck. I don't know if I can run right now." Ryo's broad smile beamed and the mother vixen gave a stern but forgiving glare.

"You'll be fine," the bear leaned back and folded his arms, his thick but softening cock drooling on the floor at his feet. "I was only rough because I knew you could take it. You're basically a legend. At least among my men." She only glared.

The balled-up, sheer blouse and gathered wrap she'd worn was presented back to Portia from Anya. "I don't think you have time to re-wrap mother." With a sigh, she took back her top then tugged it on, leaving the wrap with her daughter.

With one last look back to Ryo with Marina still hanging on him, she reached out and took each of her daughters' hands in hers. "C'mon girls. Let's get out of here."

The mink-fox stood on her tiptoes while the massive bear leaned down to meet her and they kissed deep and finally, permitted for a long moment before her mother eased her daughter away. The bear stepped out into the hall, watching as the three vixens rounded the corner and out of sight. With a contented sigh, he draped himself down, across the floor.

Portia cleared her head enough to focus on the safe escape of her daughters and led the way as she'd planned. They snuck through the extensive laundry room, hiding behind towering, boiling pots then through the cleaning door into the alley, where two guards loitered. Her head canted aside as she sized them up from behind. Inside, every guard she'd spotted had been a wolf but out back, there were both alligators, thick and hunched down, most of their tough hide wrapped in winter clothes heavier than the weather would warrant for a mammal. Long snouts turned over their shoulders once they heard the door open.

Despite her impairment, Portia lunged right at them, knocking one to the ground and kicking the whistle from the other's hand. With a few impressive kicks and punches, they were immobilized enough for Anya to tie up and gag with the wrap her mother had worn before.

She waved her daughters to follow, once it was clear. They obliged, with the mink-fox surveying the scene then sniffing the air with disapproval. "I hope an alley full of violence and sex garbage isn't what freedom looks like."

Her mother winced as she walked back to meet them, taking her frail daughter by the wrist. "You could retire off all the money you just made. Sail around the world. Buy a cute house somewhere remote, maybe by a beach? Whatever you decide to do, even if it has nothing to do with us, I don't think you're going to regret this."

Marina gave a sliver of a smile. "I don't think so either. And I'm too young to retire. Let's see how this family thing works out."

"Can we hug now?" Anya stepped up beside them, a crooked smile under eyes that darted between sister and mother. "I don't think we've properly hugged yet." Marina looked to her with a sharp nod of approval before the part-bear vixen swept up her mother and her sister in a triangular embrace, awkwardly for their extreme proportions, colliding breasts ballooning out, up and down.

Portia's hand sunk into Anya's short hair, holding her scalp and pulling her back enough to look into her eyes. "You actually want to train in Westerkerk?"

"I want to be a part of this life, Mother but not as a burden to you. You have so much responsibility and I see it now. You need to focus on saving our sisters and brothers. I'll focus on training. When I come back from Westerkerk, you'll be able to trust me to have your back and that is what I really want. By then, this family is going to be a lot bigger. You're going to need more than only you to keep us all safe."

Portia let her hand fall slightly as she craned her head aside, lower lip pushing up in a proud smile before she pulled her daughter's head down to kiss her forehead. "That's my girl."

Marina's gaze moved between the two of them with a restrained smile. "I don't want to train in Westerkerk. I don't care for fighting or weapons or war or even adventure but I like the idea of having a family and seeing new places. Plus I'm rich." Marina paused and looked between them again. "I'm rich, right?"

"Yes, you're rich, Marina," her mother nodded and reached out with her other hand to mess up her thick, dark hair. "And you're also my girl. In different ways."

Portia caught her scent on Marina's muzzle and tugged them close enough that none could see her smile melt into a wince. She couldn't blame Marina for it, not after being raised in such a place and lifestyle. They'd barely met and Ryo had offered her a small fortune for a minute's worth of work. A real mother would have stopped her but it had all happened so fast but that wasn't the hardest part to cope with.

The hard part was that it was so good. Her first orgasm in seven weeks had come so easily after all manners of trying with random men to cleanse her palette of her transgression. It was clear from the way Ryo handled Marina and at first, her that he was a skilled and experienced lover but he couldn't satisfy her, where for most of her adult life, it had been fairly easy with men. Now all it had taken was the skilled tongue of another woman: her own, teenage offspring.

With her daughters heads huddled blissfully unaware below hers, her brow crumpled and her eyes darted about, her mind racing with the implications. Something had changed.

The End