From Rider to Ridden (TF to Toothless)

Story by moolicious on SoFurry

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#6 of Something fetishy

This is a little different from the stories that I normally write. I promised a friend that I'd post it, as it was written for them. I hope you enjoy it, but make sure to check the tags!

Ren, an average college student, has a fixation on a particular ride involving everyone's favorite Nightfury. What lengths will he go to when the arcade that houses it shuts down unexpectedly? This story contains transformation and mind control themes. Enjoy!

Ren sat at an empty stone bench in a bustling mall. His tail swayed impatiently behind him as he nursed the empty soda cup that he'd purchased from the food court more than an hour ago. At this point, even the ice had melted down and made the drink a bitter watered-down version of what he'd originally ordered, but it had become somewhat of a nervous tic to suckle on the straw to avoid suspicion.

He wasn't trying to do anything illegal or anything, but he also didn't want any of his college friends seeing him. What would they think if they saw him?

The canine stood up and started walking in the direction of the arcade once the last customer inside had vacated. The otter who manned the service desk rolled his eyes and went back to pawing at his phone.

Ren blushed beneath his creamy tan fur, recalling that the otter had caught him in the act before. He was very glad that the otter was on the older side. It meant that he likely didn't go to his college nor cared for the social politics of people his age.

Most people who came to arcades nowadays were people his age hoping for a little nostalgia or young children whose phones were taken away while they explored the mall. He really didn't want run-ins with either because of his secret little guilty pleasure.

And there it was. Toothless. It was a coin-operated ride meant for young children, but it was much bigger than the others and therefore could still support his weight after all these years. This was his favorite ride ever since the movie had come out. At the time, it was a little strange for a teen of his age to still be interested in these things, and it only got more embarrassing as he aged.

What people didn't know was that it wasn't about the ride, but about Toothless. There some just something intoxicating he found about the relationship that he and his rider had. The ride let him pretend somewhat that he could have something like that too, even if it was just a fantasy.

Ren climbed into the saddle which rested on Toothless's back. When he'd first been here as a child, it had been difficult to mount the ride, but as an adult it was much easier. He would even argue that he fit it better now than ever. He placed a coin into the slot, giggling childishly as Toothless's maw opened in a simulated roar. Ren always enjoyed the sound of that roar, envisioning it blasting a path clear for takeoff. He then leaned forward, anticipating the slow rocking of the machine below him.

For the full minute length of the ride, he held tight to its shoulders. And before the ride could end, he seamlessly placed another coin into it. This was the life. He laid against the dragon's back and nuzzled at the statue's contours. How he wished that it was more than just a fantasy.

The next weekend, Ren's heart dropped when he saw a white plaster wall where his beloved arcade once was. Dejected, he knocked on what he thought was the door only to hear a hollow sound on the other end. The feeling of loss only intensified at the realization that everything in there was probably gone.

He went to the food court and ordered his usual, sitting at his spot outside of the arcade while he worriedly nibbled at his meal. He quietly let out a groan and slumped over on the uncomfortable table.

Maybe he could convince the former owner to let him buy the ride? He'd looked online many times before to try to find that same model, but to no avail. As far as he knew, it was the only one in the world that existed.

It was no use. He set his meal to the side and laid his face on the table. He wasn't even hungry. As he looked back over to the plaster wall, he noticed something different from when he'd knocked. There was a gap. Had someone gone in while he'd gotten food? If so, he needed to talk to them before they left. Maybe he could get the owner's info!

He leapt to his feet, leaving behind his tray as he knocked at the wall. "Hello? Ummm, is anyone there? I'd like to come in if that's okay."

There was no response.

Ren wasn't the naughty type. He'd never snuck into or out of anywhere forbidden. He'd never stolen anything. But he really wanted that ride. Before he knew it, his body moved on its own to fulfill its desire.

His paw motioned for the door and so swiftly did he push himself in that it shut securely behind him on the backswing. The loud noise rattled through the dark room of the former arcade and he let out a panicked yelp. "I'm sorry. I'm not here to do anything bad." Ren put his face to his palm as the words exited his mouth. Stupid, stupid, stupid.

He took in a deep breath and rephrased. "Is anyone in here? I need to talk about one of the games in here."

Once again, there was no response.

Ren was almost relieved. He'd never been anywhere that he wasn't supposed to be, and he didn't want to start today. He just wanted to talk to whomever owned that ride. He reached back for the door handle only to find none. Groping around in the dark, he only felt smooth wall.

He reached into his pockets for his phone, turning on the flashlight towards the wall. He saw the seam, but there was no handle. He'd pushed his way in here and he couldn't dig in his claws to release enough of the lip to pull the door free. Maybe there'd be a rear exit? He hoped it wasn't one of those fire exits that alarmed when you used it.

The canine directed his phone's light to pan the room, searching for a switch. "There it is!" he cried in success, flicking the switch to reveal a mostly empty room with an almost too-good-to-be-true exception. The Toothless ride was still there, anchored to the ground like normal, but there were some additions. Why was it chained down? A single one would've done, yet each of its four limbs were chained down while its tail and neck were chained to the ceiling.

Ren continued his inspection of the room, putting his phone back away now that there was sufficient lighting. "Adult arcade?" he pondered, looking at the various posters that decorated the walls, depicting furs in all manner of sex gear.

Then it clicked. "We've got to get you out of here, buddy," he said to the inanimate Toothless statue. He didn't want to bear the thought of people using his beloved ride for something so perverse.

But how? The ride was bolted to the ground. First thing was first, though. He needed to get the chains off the thing. Sitting on the saddle like he'd done so many times before, he yanked at the chains, trying to pull them off or at least find out how they clasped shut. He was inexperienced in this sort of stuff. They didn't even seem to have keys. They had to open somehow, right?

It was no use, though. They were stuck fast. No matter, though. He could just wait until someone showed up and explain the situation to them, right? "Yeah, right...they'll be totally understanding of me wanting to buy a children's ride for myself," he said, laying forward in the affectionate way that he always had.

The cold metal of the chain greeted the underside of his muzzle and the stark reality of the situation disabled him from really immersing himself in his former fantasy. His eyes welled up with tears and he began sniffling, holding Toothless tightly.

"I'm really sorry, buddy. I don't know what I can do. I wish I could stay with you forever, but...that probably can't happen. The least I can do is one more ride...I hope you've enjoyed them as much as I have."

Ren pulled out his sack of quarters and inserted one into the machine, hearing the telltale roar of the dragon as it began the ride. "Me too, buddy. Me too."

His eyes closed, still wet with tears as the cold metal chain dug into the underside of his jaw uncomfortably. It was only a mild discomfort. This would probably be the rest of his friend's life. He would bear with it.

After a minute, the ride was about to end. Ren reached down for his sack of quarters but halted. No. It was best that he didn't do that. One more ride was what he'd said. His arms instead moved to push off the ride so he could right himself. Except...they wouldn't move at all.

"What-what's happening?" he cried out, turning his muzzle as far back as he could to see that black tendrils had extended from the ride and grabbed onto his arms, holding him fast. He heard a riiiiiip as those tendrils made quick work of not only his shirt, but also his pants and underwear, leaving him naked atop the ride.

He started to cry out when a tendril entered his mouth, silencing him. His mind began to muddle as soon as the thing entered his maw, and he began to forget why he was here.

"Warm, so warm," he thought. The form of the Toothless ride began to shift into a more amorphous state and Ren began to sink into it, starting with his legs.

Trying to stand was no use. He heard his phone and wallet clatter to the floor but could do nothing to reach them. Not that he was of any mind to stop. His brain was inundated with thoughts of a warm meal while the black goop began to invade his body further.

In astonishment, he watched as his fur began to grow black and hard, like the shimmer of scales yet shiny like the rubber that covered the ride. He felt no pain, even as his legs began to grow thick and merge into the matter of the ride itself. He felt the cold metal of the chains immobilizing him even as the warm goo continued to change him, now climbing upwards.

Not processing the change, he watched his penis get enveloped by the amorphous substance. Momentarily there was a feeling of loss from deep within but the instinctual cry of panic transformed into a moan as it invaded the confines of his sheath, seeping into the crevice inside and coaxing it out of its hiding spot. He couldn't help but open his maw wider in an attempt at a pleasureful cry. This allowed the blackness to invade his muzzle further, the bridge of his nose flattening to match the curvature of a dragon's.

The goo took it's time, almost as if it was measuring the size of his penis and guiding it to its full length. And just when he thought he was about to cum from the indescribable warmth, the goo solidified all at once, forming a draconic slit upon which only the very tip of his canine penis was visible before that too slunk back inside.

It then began to pull his upper half, like sinking into quicksand. He now felt the cold metal against his transformed legs but now over his arms and neck. But moreover, he could no longer move any part of his body. His entire form was like that of the statue and only the warmth of the goo pulsating around his body. He could still see. and somehow his ears still functioned.

The tendrils left his maw as the sound of footsteps approached. His mind cleared and he once again remembered who he was. He wanted to whimper, but no sound came forth. Maybe if someone saw the wallet, they might figure something out?

"You're a good dragon. A good dragon. You need a rider," a voice cried in his head.

"T-Toothless?" he asked internally, feeling the foggy feeling in his mind once more momentarily.

Ren couldn't combat the words, as intoxicating as they were. His head felt heavy and full and his penis throbbed with every syllable that the voice intoned.

"I-I want a rider," he responded to the voice in his brain.

"You're in luck," it replied, silencing the buzzing in his head to hear that the footsteps had reached them. A pair of work boots.

He heard a metallic clink as a coin fell into a slot. His body stiffly moved without requiring his say so. Back and forth. Back and forth. He felt his genital slit open and be invaded, a penis fucking his insides. He let out a roar that wasn't his own.

The warmth of the black goo returned once more around his penis, forming a fleshlight that transferred the vibrations of the man fucking his new slit to his own penis trapped inside. Ren had never considered himself a gay man, but it was utterly intoxicating to be used in this way.

That's right. He is Toothless. He was a dragon meant to give rides. Back and forth, he fucked himself against that penis like a dragoness in heat, allowing his rider to use him as he saw fit.

There was a grunt of pleasure and warm liquid traveled down his draconic slit to the hidden canine knot beneath, still engorged and trapped in a needy state as it twitched longingly from the stimulus. He heard a button nearby depress and the back and forth motion ceased, forcing the transformed Ren to inwardly grumble in reluctant acceptance.

A large chubby rat came into view, fondling his leaking member. His shirt read "Duke City Maintenance." The rat grinned widely as he pawed at Toothless's still face with his still cum-covered paw "that end works just fine. Now for the other one."

The rat placed another coin into the machine, and unable to do anything other than the motions of the ride, Ren heard his new voice roar. Once more, the programmed back and forth motion resumed. The greasy rat began spreading his cum and musk-covered penis over Ren's recently transformed draconic maw.

the voice in his mind encouraged him once more with suggestions that he couldn't resist. "You are a good dragon. A good dragon. You need a rider," it repeated, just as before.

"Yes-" Ren replied to it, feeling an immense pride well up within him whilst the Rat continued to smother his cock all over his maw. It felt right to clean the rat's cock off after it had been inside him, his rubbery tongue catching the sticky and manly mess before he pulled back.

"Hmmm. Not every day that I get a job this fun. It's so lifelike." the rat said. "I might just try to take you home if this 'adult arcade' doesn't work out."

Moments later, the rat pulled up his pants, pressing a button that closed Toothless's maw once more, trapping the taste of cum and musk even as his member begged for release.

"Huh, what's this?" he said, picking up some objects from the ground. "Must've been left by some kid. Whatever. It's mine now," he smirked, pocketing the phone and wallet.

For Ren, he didn't register the significance of this. He only awaited his next rider. "I am a good dragon. I am a good dragon. I need a rider."