Born for Loyalty Chapter 11

Story by Admiral Q on SoFurry


#22 of MLP 2

Dash finds out a dark side of Ponyville

With that last cloud busted Dash wipes her forehead. She needed that work out after the bad news she got the day before. Chores done for today she decided to check on the town. It was surprisingly empy for this time of day and then she noticed Twilight and Spike walking along so she dived down next to them.

"Hey Twi."

"Dash, I thought you said be in Cloudsdale for your monthly meet up with your family?"

"I was going to but got a letter from my mom saying Dawn had the feather flu so couldn't go." She looked around and then leaned next to Twilight.

"Why is it so empty Twi?"

"I don't know either." Both heard a ppssst and they look around and then saw Pinkie peaking out of Sugarcube Corner.

"Twilight, Dash, hurry." The pink mare said win a loud whipser, how that works she has no idea. The two of them walk over and just as they reach the door Pinkie pulled them in the darken main room of the cafe. Spike asked about Zombies for some reason and Twilight asked why she was hidding alone in the dark? Turned out their otehr friends were in the cafe to. Twilight expanded ehr question to why all of them were hiding in the dark.

"We were hiding from her." AJ said pointing her hoof out the window. There Dash saw a cloaked pony digging in the dirt with a hoof before sudden looking at them. It was werid, her eyes seemed to glow yellow. Applebloom asked if they saw somepony named Zecora.

"Applebloom, I told ya never to say her name." AJ quickly chastized her little sister. Both she and Twilight said the mare glanced their way and Pinkie jumped in.

"Glanced evily this way."

"Then the bunch of you freaked out for no good reason." Twilight said and Dash nodded her agreement. Ponyville had it's odd moments but this was a new one.

"No good reason, you call protectiing your kin no good reason." AJ responded, "Why as soon as I saw her i grabbed Applebloom and brought her here for safetly." She had a hard time believing AJ's story with Applebloom countering her. Element of Honesty not working today it seems.

"She's mysterious." Fluttershy commented.

"And spooky." Pinkie interjected. The group then looks back at the window to observe the cloaked pony when said point pulled back the hood of the cloak to reveal.

'Hey cool she's a zebra.' She thought as most of the others gasp in fright. She rolled her eyes at them.

"Will you cut that out." Twilight asked. Nice to see somepony else with some sense.

"Just look at those stripes, just garish." Rarity said. 'Have they NOT heard of a zdbra before?' She thought and Twilight explained what Zecora was. Rarity practically fainted when she heard the stripes were natural. Twilight aksed where she lived and she was curious too.

"That's it, she jsut lives in the Everfree Forrest." AJ replied followed by a thundering noise which was just Spike being clumsy.

"Really Spike?" She asked and he just sheepily shrugged.

"The Everfree Forrest just ain't natural. The plants grow." AJ continued.

"The animals care for themselves." Fluttershy continued.

"All on their own." They said in unison.

"ALL FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!" She had finally had it. " AJ, what you and Fluttershy just said. THAT IS NATURAL. What Equestria does is not. Think of it AJ I know you are smart. Not every nation in this world has ponies to grow crops or manage weather so how do they survive? Simple NATURE ALLOWS IT. Equestria uses magic for EVERYTHING, which even includes you AJ. Earth Ponies have the most stuble magic of us all. Your magic allows you to harvest mutliple times a year. Other farmers can only do it once a year unless they planted different crops." AJ looked confused for a second then scowled a bit.

"It ain't no magic, it's just good hard work with ma strength." She facehoofed at that.

"AJ, your strength is part of it. I have to work real hard to match you in strength. Earht ponies always have the edge in raw muscle and your ability to make stuff grow. We pegasi have our wings and weather abilities. Note i need magic to fly because these wings are too small to carry me otherwise. Unicorns have their raw magic abilites. Am I right Twilight?"

"Dash is right Applejack, all ponies have enate magical abilites." AJ looked shocked at this news and Dash decided to take control again.

"I was taught that in Cloudsdale school, Ponyville serious needs a revamp in schools if they don't teach something so basic. Also AJ the Princess use to live in that foresst so are they evil? Now back to the issue at hoof have any of you seen anything that Zecora has said or done to say she's a danger?" The other ponies minus Twilight look at each other and tried to find something. What they said caused her to facehoof and she slightly entertained by Twilight's sarcasm. In the end they had nothing.

"So you just don't like her because she is not a pony.' She shook her head. "I thought ponies were beyond this well I guess I am wrong. I am so dissapointed in all of you and I'm going to give Zecora a proper Ponyville welcome." AJ and some of the others tried to stop her but she was already out the door.

She walked up to Zecora and introduced herself.

"Hi, my name is Rainbow Dash but I prefer being called Dash." Zecora looked at her with a curious bu warm smile.

"Thank you pegasus of blue. I am Zecora of Zebrica."

"Nice name, I like to apologize for the actions of my fellow town ponies. They are being idiots so what are you doing in town today?"

"I came to get ingredients for my brew which cannot be grew."

'Does she always have to ryhme?' She thought but aloud she said. "You have a list?"

"Indeed it has everything I need." Zecora hoofed over a piece of paper and she looked over it.

"Seems simple enough." The nearest item on the list was in a shop down the block. "Have your bits ready." She walked over to the shop which was closed up of course. She rolled her eyes and knocked on the door. "Hey open up you have a customer!" The door open a bit and the mare in charge of the shop looked shocked to see Dash and Zecora.

"Rainbow Dash why are you with her?" The mare asks.

"Because of how you repsond to her. She has some thigns she like to buy." She show the items on the list Zecora made and the mare look at it.

"Yeah I have those but.."

"But nothing, get them and Zecora here will pay you." Dash turned to the street and yelled out loud enough. "This is supposed to be the friendliess town in Equestria and you are horribly failing. I have never been so dissapointed in my life!"

* * * * *

She got Zecora all the stuff she needed and the zebra seemed like a nice mare if a bit annoying with the ryhming. She was more annoyed at Ponyville. She thought they had gotten past this sort of thing centuries ago. Well she guess wrong. Good thing they don't know her true origins. She left Zecora at the enterance to the Everfree Forrest and took to the air to fly to the clouds she left behind. She didn't want to be in Ponyville right now. However she saw her friends rushing towards the forrest. She flew low and asked.

"What are you guys doing now?"

"Applebloom has gone an dissappeared! We think she went after Zecora!" She wasn't happy with her friends right now but Applebloom shouldn't be in Everfree.

"Alright let's go find her." The group heads in and after a few minutes find Applebloom in front of a bunch of blue flowers with Zecora on the other side. Applejack raced to her sister hugged her with one forehoof.

"Beware, beware ponyfolk. Those leaves of blue are not a joke?" She was trying to understand that one when Applejack yelled out.

"Ya just stay away from us you hear. Ya keep thoses curses and hexes to yerself." Dash hit Applejack in the back of the head as she landed in the blue flowers that Applejack was standing in. "What was that for?"

"Applejack, shut up. I 'm sick and tired of this already. You guys fear just because she's different. She hasn't done anything to warrant this hatered from you or the town. If anything that sounded like a warning." She then looked down at the flowers she was in. "And I probably shouldn't have landed here."

"That was a curse if I've ever heard of one." Applejack retorted.

"THIS ISN'T A CURSE OR A HEX! THOSE DON'T EXIST!" Rolling her eyes She flew over to Twilight.

"Twilight, considering that Nightmare Moon was supposed to be a myth that is true you shouldn't be so dismissive of hexes or curses." She then flink Twilight horn.

"Ack!" Twilight yelped and then scowled. The group soon dispersed and she was glad to head home after today.

She could never tell her friends what she once was if they respond this way to a zebra.

* * * * *

Dash yawned as she got up the next morning and strecthed her wings. They felt a little odd, maybe moring stiffness. She goes and has breakfast of eyes and haybacon. Who would have thought they make a non meat version of bacon taste so much like the real thing. After breafast she was ready for anotehr day of Ponyville.

Or so she thought.

When she tried to take to the airs she completely lost control and crashed onto the ground below her house.

"What the hay was that?" She asked aloud and went to her wigns. She wasn't really hurt but that was odd. She preened her wings just yesterday so they should be good for most of the week. What she saw shocked her.

Her wings were on her upside down.

"How did my wing....AAAWWW the darn flowers I landed in. Zecora knew about those thigns somehow. Got to get to Twilight's, she's got to have a cure in the library somewhere." She galloped to Golden Oaks and knocked on the door. Spike opened the door.

"Hey Dash." he greeted her.

"Hey Spike, need to see Twilight." She saw Spike force down a laugh.

"Come on in." Spike let's her in and then call aloud. "Twilight, Dash is here!" She went in and then saw Twilight and she couldn't help herself.

"BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" She fell onto her back at the sight of Twilight's limp horn, it look so much like a dick that way and she couldn't help it. It took her a few minutes to clam down. "Sorry Twi, but that was just too funny."

"I warned you it was a curse!" She look towards the voice and saw a tiny Applejack standing on her sister's back. She got close to them andchuckled.

"Hey, Applejack, you're like a toy." 'Like a my little pony toy....toy' She froze up and she made connections. 'I'm living in a world where those girly toys are REAL!?' She remembered her human sister watching the show in the 80's. This ephinay made her miss the otehr girls coming in only noted that Pinkie's tongue was polka dotted and Rarity was a mess and looking like Cousin It from the Adams family. Flutters looked normal.

"Sugarcube, ya okay?" Dash shook her head.

"Yeah, just a horrible thought. Anyway Flutters you seem normal. Were you affected?" Flutters nodded her head. "So care to tell us?" Flutters shook her head.

"So you're no going to tell us?" Twi asked. Flutters nodded. "So yes you are going to tell us or no you're not?" Before Flutters could answer Aj ran up to her.

"Good gravy girl! What's wrong with you?" Flutters looked away before answering.

"I don't want to talk about it." Dash stared at her friend for ten seconds as her shy near whipser voice had been replaced by a deep man's voice. She put a hoof to her mouth, went over to the table island and wrote a quick message saying. 'Flutters I'm Sorry.' She hoofs it to Flutters and raced out the library. As so as she was out the door she let it loose.


It took her about five minutes to calm down enough to reenter the library. She put a hoof around Flutters neck.

"I'm sorry Flutters but that was just too funny."

"I forgive you Dash." Flutters replied with the man voice. It took all of her will power not to break out laughing again.

"Well with that taken care of darlings we can move on now, where is Applejack and Applebloom."

"We didn't sit on her did we?" Flutters asked. The look Twilight had on her face was priceless. But she checked her rear just in case and no smooshed AJ. Pinkie checked Rarity's crazy hair then shook her head no. She rubbed her muzzle in thought.

"Twi, let me guess you don't have a cure for this?" She asked.

"Nope, search all the relvent books and nothing."

"Then I guess they went to find Zecora, she did warn us of that flower so maybe she knows one. Let's go." They head out with Rarity tripping along the way on her wacky hair.

* * * * *

They were in the Everfree Forrest when Dash her cursing in a high pich voice. Following she found Applejack on a branch unable to get down.

"How did you end up here AJ?"

"Trying ta stop ma sister from going to Zecora's! But she put me on this here branch and walked away."

"Well since Twi has no cure Zecora is a good bet but she did not put this on us. I'll let you ride me but i want your lips zipped when we get to Zecora's.....GOT IT?" Aj fumed before agreeing. She extended a hoof and AJ hopped on and settled ontop of her head. The group found a hut carved into a tree. While the girls were heading to a window to peak inside she decided to be more direct. She knocked on the door. The door opens to receal a curious and surprised Zecora.

"Hey Zecora, nice place you got her. I was wondering if you knew a cure for that plant I landed in yesterday?" She shows Zecora her upside down wing.

"Indeed I do my friend in blue, let's see what my brew can do for you."

"WHAT HAVE YOU DONE WITH MA SISTER!?" Applejack popped out of her mane and glared at Zecora.

"APPLEJACK APPLE. SHUT UP!" She stated while trying to look at the little pony before looking back at Zecora. "Have you seen her sister by chance? She's a yellow filly with a red mane and a pink bow."

"Ah yes that is dear Applebloom, who has come to remove your gloom. She is about and working to help you out." Just then Applebloom did come in with the rest of the girls.

"See Applejack, she's fine so calm yourself." She said to her miniture friend.

"So you have the cure for what ails us? I couldn't find it in my library." "I do have a cure for you and in my brew for you. Here is the book of cures, shame it is not among your tomes."

"Supernaturals: Natural cures that are simply super. I actually have that in my library but dismissed it when I saw the title."

"Maybe next time you you will take a second look before judging the cover of a book."

"Hey Zecora, do you have any ice? I think Twi needs some afte that BURN. Also how do we take the cure?"

"The book says a bath, but we need one big enough for all of us." Twilight responded.

"We could try the spa I go to?" Rarity suggested. We all looked at each other.

* * * * *

_Dash here, just got back from the spa and it's nice having my wings back in their proper alignment again. Zecora is a cool zebra though the rhyme can be annoying, just wish she was treated better then she has in the past. Hopefully that will change now. But one thing I did learn through all of of this.

They can NEVER known about my past life._