Chaos and Taffy

Story by Philisophical_noone on SoFurry

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#9 of World of the Fearless

As Taffy pulled away from Yoko, she found that a big smile had planted itself on her face. She felt comfortable around Yoko, and in fact this was now the only time she could be who she really was. Taffy leaned up against Yoko's shoulder and hugged her tightly. The scenery was just wonderful to look at, so she could care less about her troubles. Or so she thought.

After only a few minutes of peace, a member of the Lilith ran towards them, panting and wounded, "Sacred! We... need your help... a woman... she's killing..."

Taffy stood up, "What do you mean?"

The man fell to the ground, "She's... killing... everyone..."

Taffy's eyes went wide in horror as the man fell into a deep sleep. However, another part of her welcomed this challenge. After all, this was her chance to prove herself to the Lilith while saving the people who cared about her, "Yoko, try to get everyone to safety. I need to help."

"Wait! I can help to! I can-"

Taffy shook her head, "No. I need to do this by myself. Now hurry!" Taffy ran down the hill in the direction from which smoke was rising. She needed this, more than anything.

When she finally reached the area in question, there was only a single woman wearing a few ragged scraps of canvas to cover her body and very loose fitting boots. She had long blue hair and carried a long metal pole with a point and a large axe head at the top. Taffy had never seen anything like it before. The woman smiled, "Oh goody. Maybe you'll be a challenge."

Taffy pulled out her winchester, "Who are you?"

The woman smiled, "Me? Oh right. I forgot about introductions. Being in a computer for most of your life will do that to you." Taffy felt a lump rise in her throat, "I am Chaos." she bowed.

"B-but you... can't be..."

Chaos still had an evil smile, "Well, I didn't think so either. Looks like my father was smarter than you people gave him credit for. But now is not the time for long stories. Time to die!" Chaos charged at Taffy, much faster than she could see. Chaos had tried to impale her, but Taffy had just barely dodged. Then, she spun her weapon and tried to cut Taffy in two. Taffy thought fast, put her hand on the flat of the blade, and pushed her body over Chaos'. As she flipped in the air, she cocked her rifle and fired.

Chaos slid her feet on the ground, as though another force was acting upon her body, spun her weapon around, then swung it in a high arc. Taffy used the butt of her rifle and knocked the blade to the side, but this also made Taffy spin uncontrollably. However, she was quick enough to aim, and therefore, fire.

She readied her weapon and fired on each rotation, but Chaos was always fast enough to dodge. Even though Taffy was focused on the fight, she couldn't help but notice how elegantly Chaos moved on the ground, as though she was dancing. Even more amazing was how she could move like that with such a large weapon. However, Chaos still had to die.

Taffy cocked her rifle once more, but Chaos was ready. She grabbed the pole tightly and started to thrust it in the air at Taffy. Since the point was so narrow, Taffy couldn't parry and she could only dodge for so long. Eventually, Taffy saw a break in Chaos' assault, and decided to fire. However, the pointed end on her weapon fired out with a spark and cut the side of Taffy's face and hood. She landed and hopped back a few times to get a safe distance.

She felt the large cut on her face, and the hood which was now more of a hazard because it was flopping around, "Impressive. You've survived much longer than the others, but I guess that's because I'm just like you. "Can't hurt a sacred,' such a foolish law. I'll just slaughter you all, and then make this place perfect. But, I have a question: why are you attacking me?"

Taffy wiped the dripping blood from her cheek, "Because... I'm gonna protect these people. I have a reason. I don't care if you happen to be a sacred or not," Taffy tore off her hood, "I will kill you!"

"Oh goody! I was afraid all of you Lilith were such cowards. After all, even the Lilith, with all of their rules, have a price. I was able to buy off a few of them, what makes you think that I can't buy off the rest? Seriously, they are-"

Taffy roared, "Shut up! Not everyone is as weak as you say! I will protect..." she lowered her voice to a whisper, "... her... even if it costs my life..."

Chaos had an odd sense of satisfaction about her, "We have a lot in common, you and I. More than you know. But, if a fight is what you want, then a fight is what you will get." She started to walk towards Taffy.

Taffy knew that she didn't stand a chance against Chaos. She had years and years to absorb knowledge from all over the world. She knows almost every martial arts technique, every way a weapon can be used, and therefore, the limitations of both. Taffy had some basic knowledge of guns, a borderline supernatural aiming ability, and a scrapper style of fighting. But, she could stall, give a chance for Master and the others to find their way back here. That was something she could guarantee.

Taffy ran forward and fired at Chaos' feet. He jumped to dodge, but this was as planned. Taffy fell to her knees and slid under Chaos while firing. Unfortunately, Chaos was able to block most of the bullets with her weapon. One did get through though, and hit her just below the ribcage. There was no celebration to be had, as Chaos spun in the air and slashed at Taffy repeatedly. She was able to use her rifle to block as she escaped the whirlwind, then jumped up to fire again. Chaos knew that she couldn't stop spinning, so she lower her weapon, pointed it at Taffy, then fired the spike.

Taffy was ready, and kicked off of Chaos' weapon to gain distance, then fired again. However, the spike was aimed directly at the barrel of the rifle. It made contact as soon as the bullet was about to leave the barrel, and the combined force caused the bullet to explode and jam the gun. Taffy was scared for a moment, but she knew that she didn't have any time. She pulled her rifle back, grabbed the barrel, and decided to use it as a club. Chaos smiled through the pain and stuck a leg out to land. As soon as she did, she spun her weapon above her head and then tried to get Taffy with another high arc.

Taffy blocked the blow, but unfortunately it knocked her back to the ground forcefully. Her knees buckled as she watched Chaos swing her weapon sideways. Taffy fell flat on the ground and watched as the blade missed her by about an inch, and just as it passed, she hopped to her feet and wen ton the offensive. She swung her rifle and struck Chaos on the shoulder, making her wince. Taffy saw that she hit some nerve as Chaos twitched for a second, and then she hit Chaos on the side of her head as hard as she could.

As Chaos fell to the ground, she slammed her hand down and catapulted back to her feet while flicking the bottom of her weapon up at Taffy. A small hatch opened up on the bottom and a clear liquid sprayed out all over Taffy and the ground, "Very... very good. I didn't expect this much of a fight. But it has to end, to make the perfect world for him."

Taffy took this opportunity to take a few deep breaths, "What the hell is this?!"

"It's a chemical that catches fire quickly and burns for about an hour at high heat. What, you didn't know?" Taffy watched her carefully, even though Chaos had no way to start a fire, "A sacred modifies their weapons. Every generation adds something. My grandfather added a tiny tesla coil, my father added the jutting spike, and I added the chemical dispersion and modified their enhancements. Tell me," she kneeled down and put the top of her weapon at the trail of the chemical, "Do you know what happens when electricity meets a combustible agent?"

Taffy's eyes went wide as she remembered the sparks that flew out whenever the spike did. She hopped back, but the liquid kept dripped from her clothes. A trail formed wherever she ran, and even if she did removed her clothing, her fur was soaked. There was an option open, and she decided to use it. She changed directions, and jumped at Chaos. She hugged her tightly on contact, "Try something now!" They were now both soaked.

"Dammit! Why won't you die!" Chaos kicked Taffy's stomach hard, enough to knock her into the air, and once again swung her weapon. Without the liquid inside, it was considerably lighter and faster. Of course, that also meant that it didn't hit as hard. Taffy was able to knock it away with her rifle, but the liquid on her hands made it impossible to keep her grip. The rifle fell to the ground, but Taffy was still in the air. She had her revolvers, but the gunpowder would ignite the chemical. Instead, she drew her knife. Not much against a big weapon, but it was her only chance.

Chaos tried to hit Taffy again, but Taffy blocked it and stood on top of the weapon. She was a feline, and she decided that it was time to act like it. She reached down with her free hand, grabbed the pole, then flipped down and stomped on Chaos' stomach, "Try harder!" Taffy then jumped into the air while holding the weapon and ripped it out of Chaos' hands. She then used it try and impale the grounded Chaos, but she was able to roll away.

Taffy finally had the upper hand, but it wouldn't last. She saw Chaos' lips move, "3... 2... 1... burst!" an electric charge surged through Taffy's body and the pain made her drop everything she had. She fell to the ground with a thud. Chaos stood up and picked up her weapon, "You see... the chemical has... a shelf life when exposed... to air. What... is happening to me?"

Taffy laughed, "You may be a good fighter, but you are still only human. I'm not sure how you got to be human, but the body gets exhausted," Chaos collapsed, "And when it gets too tired, it can't do anything else. I... win..."

Chaos was shocked that she could miss this important part about being human, "Wow... I'm impressed. Taffy, right? We're gonna be good friends. Well, looks like I can still talk, and friends tell each other secrets from what I've learned, so get ready."

Taffy looked up at Chaos, whose face was now next to hers, "I found this after the satellite launched. My father had cloned my body. But that's all it was, a body. I decided to use the programming of the machine to put myself in it, which would allow me to be human again. When I got out, the soldiers monitoring it looked surprised, but happy. But I saw how they looked at my body, so I quickly... eliminated them. I made this clothing out of the scraps of cloth I found lying around, and took their boots for my feet. I found this weapon in a safe by the capsule which stored my body. It was quite easy to modify, so I was confident, and I just atta-"

"What about your hair? And why are we friends?"

Chaos smiled, "The liquid that suspended my body was blue, and it started to affect my hair color, eye color, and nail color. My father had planned on releasing me sooner, but he died. And we're friends because I found someone who can match my abilities, and doesn't care about stupid traditions. As long as you are here, I don't think I'll hurt any of the Lilith. Right, friend?"

Taffy was in a bind. She couldn't say no, "Fine, but you are bleeding. And you'll die without treatment. We need-"

"Taffy!" A group of Lilith was running towards them, led by Yoko, "Oh my... Taffy, are you okay? Who is this?"

"Medical attention..." Taffy was feeling woozy from the blood loss, "We need medical attention..." she finally blacked out.

When she woke up, she was in a cot of some sort, staring at the ceiling. To her side, Yoko was crying, "Heh... no dreams..."

"What? Oh Taffy! You're awake!" She kissed Taffy on her good cheek, "You had lost so much blood, I was afraid you wouldn't wake up..."

Taffy smiled, "Don't worry, I'm fine. As long as you are safe. How about-"

"Chaos..." Master was standing at the foot of Taffy's bed, "Never thought this was possible. But, we can't really act now. She has become an enemy of the military, and has sided with us on the condition that she is able to live near you and be your friend. You mind explaining?"

Taffy smiled weakly, "Uh... I'm not really sure how. Sine I was able to fight on her level, apparently, we've become friends." Taffy went on to tell Master what had happened to Chaos, and described the fight in detail, "Yeah, that's about it. Hey, did anyone happen to find my hood? I had to take it off 'cause it was blocking my view and hurting my wound."

Yoko handed the hood to Taffy, "I'm not the best, but I managed to sew it back together." She blushed as Taffy looked at it.

"Thank you Yoko. I mean it. But could you hold on to it for now, at least until I'm allowed to leave here?" Yoko nodded, "Thank you. Master? What happened to you? You're wearing your normal black uniform and hood again."

He turned his head away, "Yeah, what of it? It's comfy. I also have this sword on my back along with my daggers. I guess I can explain. When we sent you back, we managed to find the control room. Everyone had fled the area, and a few of the scientists were hiding in fear. Sam looked at the data, and it turns out that the satellite had Chaos' brain it it, but as soon as he found it, she vanished. It took a while, but we rushed back as soon as we could when we learned what had occurred. By the time we got back, you were already in the hospital. Now rest, I have some things to take care of." He casually walked away.

Yoko watched him leave, then turned to Taffy, "Um, hey, the doctors said you would be able to leave whenever you wanted, but I didn't want to say anything in front of him. He might make you do work. Come on, I'll help you back home."

Taffy raised an eyebrow, "But, it's light out, people would notice me leaving."

"No. It's actually dark out. You've been asleep for a long time. Come on." Yoko helped her out of bed and they carefully walked through the alleys to avoid being seen be anyone that may still be wandering the streets. Luckily, they made it back without incident.

After they were inside, "Taffy, I'm going to go lie down. You take your time." She went though the passage to the hidden room.

Taffy smiled, "I did good today... I know why she was so strong..." Taffy set her dirty clothing down on the bed in the main room, then went into the back where Yoko was. As expected, Yoko was in the nude. Taffy crawled into be beside he, "Hey, Yoko." Yoko turned around as Taffy grabbed her hands.

"Taffy? What are you... I mean... um... do you..."

Taffy kissed her gently on the lips, "Shhh... I want to. Please..."