Woodlyn (Beck 3)

Story by Simon Tracer on SoFurry

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Woodlyn (Beck 3) Meet the Meadowers

By Simon1fox

Dam thinking: I heard another one of me somewhere nearby again. This one seems to have a bell on. I think it's that one-uttered cow I was a while ago. I'm not checking up on him after all. He's probably having Maxine blow him unless he's alone. In either case I'm not interested in it right now. I might as well head to my cave like Vince said. I do like it there. It is my cave after all.

Writer Anthony: I head over to my cave as an eagle when I see Hex on the way. I just fly past him and keep going. For some reason he's following me. I don't want to lead him to my cave so I slow down and ask him.

An eagle: Of all the things you could be doing at this hour, why choose to follow me, Hex?

Hex: I'm not following you. You are following me.

An eagle: Only as of a minute ago. You started it. Do you want to talk about Ute or is something else on you mind?

Hex: I wasn't following you! If you hadn't noticed, this river leads to many places.

An eagle: So you travel as an eagle heading along a river to see who?

Hex: It's not your business, but I'm out hunting tonight. How many times do you end up were the good food is and I don't mention it?

An eagle: Well what are you hunting? I'm heading home and I'd rather keep its location to myself.

Hex: You know that dragon that lives around here? I have a score to settle with him.

An eagle: You see me and think that I'm just another eagle? What have you noticed about yourself? Things aren't what they seem at times.

Hex: And you are who then?

An eagle: Someone that is in the dragon's care. We 2 have something in common except you and I have opposing feelings towards the same creature.

Hex: Who are you? And how do you know the dragon of these parts?

An eagle: Tell me what this "score" is and I might help you get it settled in a less violent manner.

Hex: If you trick me I'll make things wish they had been silent. My score with that dragon is that he took a whole family that I've killed for me and my sister. What do you know about her? I wondered why you mentioned her before.

An eagle: She took a friend home today. I heard it from Hermit. How many were in that family you killed?

Hex: It was a family of bears. I've never seen them before, but they must have been from some circus. They didn't know about survival or anything. I know that he took them because no one else could have.

An eagle: I don't think you mean the odd ones that had arrived but 3 months ago. You couldn't have killed them right?

Hex: I killed them in their sleep and no one knew about them, but me and Ute. What do you know about it?

An eagle: Well those were Hermit's bears. He himself made their way into this world possible. You didn't kill them I'm sure. They are all sleeping to this day.

Hex: And Hermit told you this too or did you have something to do with it. Who are you?

An eagle: You'll find that out later if at all. I know the dragon and that's all you need know now. As for the bear family, when did you kill them?

Hex: I killed them a month ago and these ones didn't put up a fight so it was easy. And you say that they live today? How?

An eagle: They are sleeping now and will sleep until Hermit comes back. You can't have their flesh because they aren't yours to have. Don't ask any more about them. What if I made a deal to get food for you? Would that pay back the kill?

Hex: I spent 3 days without food because of that and you think you can feed my hunger? With what could you feed me? You are an eagle.

An eagle: I am not just an eagle, but that is not the point. Go see Hermit and he might get you what you need. If not then you can find out what I really am. And don't worry about food. Humans aren't going to be against wolves forever you know. It will be your turn after the dragons, but for a different reason. And you will like what you get then anyway.

Hex: How do you know this? Who are you? I forgot, don't ask. At least tell me when it might happen.

An eagle: I cannot tell you when, but in time the dragons will stop their killing of the healthy and only take the sick and dying. You will have what is healthy and then you will be happy and that's all I can say about your part. But then things get better.

Hex: So you know the future, is that it?

An eagle: Don't you know? I tell you that Ute is adventurous and will be a worry to you. See that happen and think what you like about me.

Hex: She worries me now. That is not a good foretelling. How much more can she worry me? She likes humans. I just feel glad that she doesn't talk to them. Oh no! Wait!

An eagle: I've said your fill. And you have said mine. We must part ways now. That's your prey isn't it?

Hex: We will talk again:

An eagle: No we won't. He sees you. Hurry up wolf.

Hex: How did you know me?

Writer Anthony: And with that I flew into a cloud and vanished from his sight. He was about to kill a stray horse anyway. No it wasn't Vince. I turned into a shadow of myself and flew to my cave. But I had to see William. His place is deep underground to keep him from sight. He entrusts its whereabouts to me as I am an old friend. I went to William in hopes of getting an answer for my questions, but he was less interested that I had hoped. When I arrived he was waiting for me.

William: And now comes the time of Hermit's departure and instead of being with him to say goodbye, my old fearful friend comes to visit me. Hello Dam or should I call you Anthony? You have yet to grow old it seems.

Dam: How did you know about this day? All this time I have been waiting and now you just happen to have my answer? What was I waiting for 200 years to hear?

William: You actually waited for this day? I had thought that a being of greater power than I would have jumped right to it.

Dam: I need to know about the plan you have for the food. I want the day of peace to be today, but if not then when?

William: You have made it easy for that day to come later. You killed and others had to because of it. Why should I help you now?

Dam: You are a good wizard, I saved Bill, and you made me what I am now. Why would you not help me and all dragon kind?

William: Your 'kind' is not ready.

Dam: Not ready? What do we need? Don't you have a spell that can make our healthy food eternal or at least abundant?

William: You are without a doubt, the most interesting being I've ever known. You really don't know how it turns out this time, do you?

Dam: And I expected you to know. Give me the spell and the peace can start soon.

William: And what makes you think that I have a roll in this, hmm? I don't have such a spell. And even if I did, you've always had the solution. Or at least one of you still does. Maybe all of them except you have it, but one has already used what you think is needed. You know what I mean, yes?

Dam: EON? But I don't use that. Simon isn't here. Vince is only a morphic horse and Hermit is too young and he's leaving. Who else has it?

William: Time doesn't do you justice. For all you're years you still don't grow in understanding, because you always keep yourself from the truth. It's the only thing you need, and you can only think about it. I'm not telling you anymore. It's only a matter of time as always, but when is not important to me, so I just watch. Now I'm going to see off a dear old friend, much closer to the one I knew first. He is coming back, but not before doing many things as you well know. He needs me more than you do.

Dam: But you still haven't answered me. Do you intend to?

William: I told you everything that you needed to have already known, but have left aside. I'll not se you for a time, but that's not important. Farwell, Hoover Dam.

Writer Anthony: He's off to see Hermit before he goes.

Dam narrating: It's almost sun up and I've got to be at my cave then so I flew off to my cave and arrived in enough time to be awakened 1 minute after dawn. I was asleep for only 2 minutes. But you know me, ever ready for eternity.

To be continued in Woddlyn (Beck 4)