fox & wolf

Story by foxheman on SoFurry

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One day a fox was laying in the park relaxing under a nice large tree he was almost full size but still loved to do thinks just like a cub and he always told people "don't judge me by my looks or the way I act just judge me by whats in my heart" the reason being was he was the runt of the litter and always liked to do thinks his way if he was told he did it wrong he will just say "well look it looks better than what you did" and that was true he always did thinks better then expected but that will come later now back to the story.

as the fox was just laying there a wolf that looked about the same age sat next to him and looked up "hello nice day don't you think I mean look at that sky not a cloud in the sky not to hot out and its perfect in the shade"

the fox sits up and says "your right its such a nice day" as he says this he looks over and notices the fur at the edge of her eyes look a little wet and he can smell tears "whats wrong it looks like you where crying"

hearing this she stands and says "im sorry I don't want to bug you with thinks like this"

hopping up he says " its OK I want to help anyway possible" he reaches out and grabs her hand "it wont bring me any problems but I will love to help"

"well I don't know"she says quickly

"how about I wont push and if we end up talking about it we can but if you don't want to that's OK too I promise" hearing this the wolf sits back down with the fox "so mind if I ask your name you can call me fox that's the one that everyone else prefers"

the wolf smiles and says "hello fox my name is sky" she gives foxes had a little squeeze "you know you are one nice fox I don't know why everyone says that foxes are so bad"

smiling the fox replies "well I must be that one rare nice fox that everyone loves" looks up shocked that theirs now a cloud in the sky "lets take advantage of the shade and go for a walk how about it"

"sure I can use a walk" they both get up and grab hands as they start walking down the path talking until they get to a seclude spot when sky just blurts out "i have nowhere to go anymore" they both stop walking and fox looks over at her

"that's why your crying isn't it" he goes in and hugs her "its going to be OK don't worry I have a spare room as long as you don't mind sharing the house with a bunny"

she looks him in the eyes and laughs "you live with a bunny are you matted"

"no im not matted she has been with me since birth you see we where born at the same time and at the hospital we where keep together the whole time and her parents just moved in next to us the month before so we ended up acting just like brother and sister"

"oh well that's still a new thing to experience for me and thank you are you sure you don't mind me saying with you I mean I can find something to li-"

"its OK I don't mind and bunny wont ether she always wanted to find a new friend but shes too afraid that if she goes and finds one that they will be a bad friend"

"OK well what abo-"

"we will take care of anything that need to be done OK but I just need to know what happened so I know exactly what to do"

sky feeling happy but has tears in her eyes "my mom died and my dad left long ago the house is going to be sold and she left me no money to take care of anything"

"OK well show me where you live and we will get what you need for now then before you lose everything we can get what you want to save out and put away" at that moment sky grabs fox and squeezes hard and kisses his cheek "ribs... turning.....lungs.....Swiss cheese"

sky lets go saying "oh sorry I didn't mean to im just so happy that you will do something so big and you don't even know me that well I promise I will help out anyways possible just tell me what to do and its done anything I promise"

"OK but for now lets go get your stuff its getting late and we don't want to be out all night"

"OK then lets go" while walking to the house they talk some more until sky just stops

"is there anything wrong" he turns around as she points at a bright pink house "is this your house" then as she nods he grabs her hand and says "come on lets go get your stuff" sky walks to her room "you grab some stuff you need like cloths and I will see if you have any suitcases" fox goes off and finds a suitcase and comes back and sees a pile of cloths and a few other things and sky sleeping curled up in a ball so he starts packing her stuff and puts a blanket over her and tucks her in then gets started on packing her unnecessary things will make her feel at home then sleeps in her moms bed

the next morning sky crawls in the bed with fox and wakes him "im sorry I didn't mean for you to not go home"

"its alright I wanted you to have your last night at home before moving on I know how hard it is"

"thank you but now I need to pack my stu-"

"no need I did it last night for you so anything you need to do you can then we can go"

sky then hugs me and says "you didn't need to do that but thank you so much I have nothing I need to do"

"OK then lets go" they started walking and half way we see an angry wolf

sky stops and asks "is there any other way round we can go"

"sure we go that way but why" sky grabs fox and pulls him the way he told her and they reach his house why did you want to go another why that other wolf was across the street"

"i cant let him see me my mom showed me pics and said that he want to hurt me but I don't know why"

"oh well as long as you are with me you will be safe I promise but for now here's your room one of the suit cased has some extra stuff like sheets and blankets but if you want theirs more in the closet and bunny is on her way home soon"

"thank you so much if theirs anything I can ever do just let me know"

"well I just want you to be comfortable im going to go get started on dinner just call me if you need me" then fox walked out the room and started making dinner when it was almost done he herd a key enter the lock

"foxy im home" bunny sets her stuff down and goes to the kitchen "smells good cant wait and wheres the wolf you told me about"

"skys setting up her room" fox finishes up diner and puts it on the table then walks in to skys room "sky foods ready"

"OK fox I will be out in a sec but do you think my room looks good"

"your room looks great I love it"

"i love it want to trade rooms" giggles bunny as she walks in the room

"no I think Im good its alright" giggles sky in response "well lets go eat im hungry" and with that they all sit at the table and eat "wow fox this is amassing I never had anything like it"

"well its nothing really bunnys food is a lot better once you eat her food nothing will ever will taste the same"

blushing "oh im not that good and she is right it is very good tonight"

"well thanks I don't taste a difference but if you say so" they all finish there food and fox takes sky to her room "have a good night sweet dreams and whatever else parents say to there kids"

"foxy don't forget let the bed bugs bite" bunny adds while walking in the door

"fox will you stay in here tonight please at least until I feel better again"

"sure my little wuffy anything" fox crawls in the king sized bed just as sky rolls over to him and gives him a big hug "your so sweet you remind me of... never mind"

"who do I remind you of" sky asks softly nuzzling his neck

"it was a wolf born with me and bunny but I don't want to talk about it OK im sorry"

"its not you sky hes just still blaming himself but anyways good night you to" after that bunny leaves the room and everyone goes to sleep

over the next few days fox moved everything sky wanted to keep in to his storage and sold all the rest for her "so I found out that you get to keep most of the money from the house when it sells and I can sell it so I can get to most money" hearing this sky runs up and hugs him

"thank you so much I wont ever know how to repay you"

"its no problem just stay safe for us OK"

"i will I promise" and at this they came home to find bunny finishing dinner "that smells good bunny"

"thanks lets hope it taste the same" they set the table and start eating "so I have nothing to tomorrow so sky do you want to come with me and we can get to know one another"

"sure bunny that sounds great"

"OK then and foxy can work on selling the house too"

"oh bunny its so sweet of you to want to spend time with my little wuffy" they finish up dinner and head to bed "still afraid of the dark wuffy"

"im not afraid of the dark im afraid of being alone" she goes and hugs bunny night "see you tomorrow bunny night"

"night sky don't let the bed bugs bite" bunny reply's giggly sticking her tongue our at fox

"he he very funny bunny come on wuffy its bed time Im really tired" fox says crawling In to bed then the next morning he wakes and lets sky sleep as he goes and makes breakfast and places it at the tables before waking bunny and sky up "come on you two its your day together and breakfast is ready and at the table"

at that they reply together "thank you fox-y"

"your welcome enjoy im of to talk to some people about the house I will be back in time for dinner"fox says ready to go out the door

"oh foxy im going to make something good tonight have a good day" she says as he walks out the door

"why do you call him foxy he said you two weren't matted and his name is fox" sky asks curiously

"well me an- err... I always called him foxy because its part of his name he just never tells anyone his full name so don't worry" bunny reply's

"well what is it and why do you both act like someone else is involved but you both try to pretend like its no one but its someone isn't it" sky asks carefully

"yes there's someone else she was.... well she was.... im sorry I cant not yet so foxy told me about how you saw someone and walk the long way home"

"er... I will tell you if you tell me foxes real name" sky asks avoiding the question

"foxheman your turn"

"oh I didn't think you will tell me bit fine the wolf we saw my mom told me was my father and hes out to kill me just as he did my sister and my mom" sky says as tears start streaming down her face

starting to cry as well "the person we where avoiding talking about was killed by her father too foxy still blames him self because he couldn't hold him off long enough to keep him from attacking her" bunny says with tears streaming down her face "i think hes doing better now because of you... you look just like her and you act like her how old are you what if..." sky told her and asked why "well she had a sister that looked just like her that will be your age now"

"wait it cant be are you bunny bunny that bunny the fun bunny and hes that fox" sky asks with a look of amazement of her face

"yes I think we are I cant believe how much you've grown over the years ans you still look just like you mom and sister I cant believe it"

blushing sky reply's "thank you I think"

"well lets go clean our tears and go out and have fun" and they do just that and are in back to make dinner and it was ready just as fox walked in the door

"hey you two how was your day" fox says as he walk in the door

"good we went park hopping then we went shopping for some stuff for her room and while we where gone I found a new recipe so im making it now hope it turns out good" bunny reply's as shes taking it to the table

as they are eating sky decides to call fox by her sisters pet name for him "how was your day mr.foxxie"

hearing this fox drops his fork and looks at sky "how... I... its true.... I was right.... its you wuffy"

"no foxy its not its her sister remember skyla" bunny reply's quickly

"but her spirit lives on in her shes the exact same I know you see it too"

"i do but foxy think about it you knew here as a cub"

" I know im sorry" fox says stuffing food in his mouth "this is good and sky I sold the house for three times what they wanted so your getting a lot more then expected"

"thank you so much fox I will never know how to repay you" sky says jumping up hugging fox

"you already have by staying and fixing my broken heart" fox says softly while smiling at her "thank you is more like it"

blushing all sky can say is "thanks" later that night "do you two want to go with me tomorrow to the big park"

they both respond at the same time "that sounds great"

"OK then" she says smiling then she yawns "im tired"

"well lets go to bed then little wuffy"

"fox don't forget shes sky not her sister" bunny says warningly

"that's what the little was for hunny bunny"

"hey you know better than to call me that"

"oh your right sorry bun bun" fox reply's sticking his tongue out at her "night" that night fox had a small dream that he can not remember

the next morning after breakfast the three of them where laying under a tree when a mean looking wolf came up to them shouts "SHES MINE" and grabs sky and turns around

"FOX HELP ME" sky shouts just before the wolf starts walking off

jumping up shy runs after the wolf "WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING LEAVE HER ALONE"

not even turning around the wolf says comely "shes mine and now shes my dinner just like her sister and mother"

hearing this fox got mad and pounced grabbing sky from him he hands her to bunny and says "go home hide"

the wolf now very angry gets up and shouts "BRING ME BACK MY FOOD" and goes to attack fox but fox being faster and smarter moves away and pounces

"you even think about moving and you will be wishing your mom never mated while in heat" fox says comely in his face and hearing this the wolf snaps at fox "you killed my first and only love your not killing this one" fox says right before snapping at the wolfs neck not hurting him just leaving him paralyzed long enough for fox to get home and find sky "he wont ever be able to get you anymore my wuffy"

"but what you didn't" sky says crying

"he will be OK but he learned his lesson"

"thank you fox" sky yawns "do you mind if we go to bed early im tired"

"OK lets go" he waves at bunny "night" they all fall asleep early that night but fox has a dream

"mr.foxxie look over here" hearing this fox looks over and sees maria skys sister "yes its me I wanted to talk to you and this is the easiest way to do it now listen closely ok" she waits until he nods before going on "sky is my sister that wolf that attacked is my father the same one that killed me and I am living within my sister so please save us both I love you mr.foxxie and I always will now wake up please its time to wake up tell them both what I said while eating my favorite breakfast then they will hear me and understand"

"but wuffy what about everyth-" he started but was cut off

"there is nothing else I can tell you now but take care of us please and you shall know what you need to know as time goes on" she kissed him and says "its time for me to go wake up please wake up I love you but please wake up" fox cant understand what is going on until he hears bunny and sky at the same time shouting wake up then

"what happened whats wrong why are you in here" fox says startled awake

"sky said you were not your self and when I saw you weren't breathing and wont wake up" she said crying

"well im sorry but let me make it up to you" he goes and cooks even if they didn't want him to and at the table he explained everything just like maria told him to when they both look at each other as they suddenly understood

"i hear maria she just told me your not making any of it up" bunny says softly

"she told me she wold" fox told himself

a few days later bunny and fox lived just as sky was maria and fox found love once more
