Commission: Extra credit

Story by Ophinia on SoFurry

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#6 of Commission

Jessica didn't do well, at least, not well enough. Her teachers said she'd pass barely, if she took the time to get some extra credit on the side to show effort. So, she took a psychology research which revolved around the suspendibility of the mind to external influence, which came with a permanent implantation. Once 'Applesauce is sugarless' would be said, her state would be triggered, and her mind would enter a state of complete rest, in which just about anything would replace what she's thinking. Naturally, the line given was rare, as nobody really talks about applesauce outside baby commercials. The tests went well, and on her third visit, she decided to watch some TV before heading out to the psychology offices. As her dorm room wasn't that far from where the research was being conducted, the squirrel often spent her time there before her appointments. The professor in charge of the research had mentioned that she had little control over her body while her mind was relaxed, and so she wore diapers just in case.

She sat in front of the television, clad in only a t-shirt and a diaper, waiting for 3:30 to arrive so she could work on getting some more extra credit. The psychology coursework had been tough, and she was glad that she had been able to work out the deal with the prof that she had been given. Academic probation sucked. The squirrel stretched a bit, flipping through the channels for something fun to watch while she waited. As she flipped through channels, a curious one popped up, with flashy text and quick lines. "Our applesauce is sugarless" it repeated a few times, before she even realised it was being said. The TV hummed on, switching to another commercial, about diapers. The effect was sudden; Jessica's eyes turned blank and dull as the trigger word lowered her mind's defences, putting her into an extremely suggestive state. The commercial was for a generic brand of diaper, but the squirrel's eyes were instantly drawn to the baby on screen. Her mouth slowly opened, tongue falling out as she began drooling onto herself. The infant onscreen looked so carefree...

"Don't you just wanna forget everything..." The commercial started as the baby babbled and drooled. She heard that, but not the next part. "About soggy diapers, not with the new..." Her mind shut down, slowly doing as told; forgetting everything. Her mind became vacant, and with the commercial running, the infant's behaviour would fill in the blank just fine. The squirrel was pulled further into the commercial as her memories were replaced with everything the infant did. Her college education was wiped away in favour of drooling, thumb sucking, babbling, and acting just like that baby that she wanted to be. Her thumb slowly found its way to her mouth as Jessica continued to drool openly upon herself; soon enough she was sucking on it rhythmically as the commercial continued. Her mind now completely suppressed under the triggered trance, she continued to look into the commercial for more babyish things she could do. Her eyes remained fixed upon the infant in the diaper commercial, following everything. The baby onscreen stuck its fingers into its mouth; Jessica crammed her whole hand into her drooling maw. Suckling her fingers, drool covered most of the front of her, and when the commercial demonstrated the baby being happy while using the diaper, she followed.

"With our new diapers, babies LOVE using them!" The commercial spoke, embedding it in her mind. She loved it, the wet, digested goo in her diaper, wet and slimy, squirming around the plastic and sponge, rubbing over her butt and hips, spreading warmth and comfort. Jessica wanted that feeling, needed to feel that warm squishiness cover her; straining, she shit her diapers, ecstatic as the warmth of her voided bladder and bowels ran over her. She loved it just as much as that infant did, and she squealed with delight as she continued to soil herself. Her diapers were now a part of her, and she would always want to feel the plastic comfort of a thick diaper wrapped around her bottom. Giggling, she let out another fresh load of faeces, creating a strong stench that permeated the air of her dorm. The mentally regressed squirrel didn't care. She began rocking back and forth upon her soiled diapers, mashing the excrement all over her hips and crotch, giggling as the warmth continued to spread. As she rocked, she accidentally hit the power button on the remote, turning off the television. Now she was alone and free to act just like the little baby she had seen on TV.

"Bwama..." She babbled, crawling around slowly, loving how the warm stinky squished around her bottom, feeling like a lovely hug from her mother. With a smile, she squealed of joy as she grabbed the remote, which she began to chew on, a bit hungry from all the unloading. The shit made the room smell like her mind; dead. The brain-dead squirrel crawled around her dorm room a bit, her infantile mind fascinated by everything she saw. Her diaper sagged with a heavy load, and she continued to drool down her chest and onto the floor below. The remote in her mouth tasted kinda funny, and she continued to chew on it, liking the feeling of the plastic against her teeth. She eventually made her way into the bedroom, and squealed in delight as her eyes happened upon an old stuffed bear. Her mom had sent that along with her as a sort of memento from her childhood, but now her infantile mind loved it. Jessica sucked upon the head of the bear, loving the taste of the synthetic fibres on her tongue. Sighing, she relaxed and let another wave of warm shit into her already bulging diapers. She laughed and giggled as the teddy and shit made her happy and safe; her infantile mind filled with bliss and happiness, hugging and drooling on the bear as she licked the surface. Her diaper squished, each noise sounding like someone was fumbling around in a chest-cavity, her mind enjoying the sound more than anyone. "Bebby!" She said, before sucking more on the bear. Jessica loved her new bear, and she smiled as she continued to hug it close to her. Her constant drooling had soaked her shirt, and she found it was becoming kind of itchy. She began to struggle with it a bit, pulling on it in frustration. The flimsy material finally ripped, letting her take it off as she giggled in happiness. Her breasts popped out a bit, jiggling as Jessica bounced up and down upon her messy diaper. Fascinated, she looked down at her breasts, watching them sway back and forth as she moved from side to side. "Bouncy bouncy!" she cried, rocking herself up and down as she continued to watch her boobs bounce. Her simple mind was fixed upon the rocking motion, and she watched the motion of her breasts with a blank stare as she drooled upon them. After a while of rocking and staring, she became tired. Her diaper was a little cold, so she pissed to make it nice and warm again, before falling into slumber on the pillow, drooling on it, leaving a large spot on the bed.

Meanwhile, 3:30 had long since come and gone, and the head researcher was beginning to worry. He called Jessica's apartment, but after several rings no one picked up the phone. He sat back and thought for a moment before dialling a new number on his phone. "Hello? Rick? Yeah we got a potential problem with a subject in lab 3. I'll start making some preparations just in case..." As Jessica's professor spoke on the phone, her roommate was on her way over to the dorm to pick up some books for her next class. Brittany was a fine friend. Despite being a little overbearing, she had a warm personality; not uncommon for a golden retriever. After stopping outside of her dorm for a quick smoke break, she walked in and started toward her room. She knocked a few times before walking in, just to make sure she didn't catch Jessica in her underwear again.

"Jess? You there?" She said. The lack of answering led her to the bedroom, where she saw the infantile squirrel sleep, sucking her thumb and hugging an old teddy. Her diaper made the room smell like death, hence the retriever was worried. "Jess?" The squirrel continued to suck her thumb, deep in sleep. Brittany grew more and more concerned as she looked at her friend. Why was she sleeping on the floor? Why did she have that old bear? And why the hell was she wearing a shitty diaper? "Jess!" she yelled, "Wake up! What the fuck is going on?!" Her screams woke up the infantile squirrel. Scared, Jessica began to cry. Why was the big doggy lady yelling at her? She was just taking a nap! "Jess! What's going on?! Answer me!" The dog's eyes grew wide as Jessica continued to cry and babble. Drool had crusted along her face and breasts, and she was obviously not well. Her cries grew louder until Brittany leaned down and hugged her, rocking her gently. "Jess...I don't know what happened, but please don't cry ok?" The dog's nose crinkled in disgust as the smell of Jessica's shitty diapers assaulted her nose, but she held firm until the squirrel had settled down a bit. The squirrel calms down, feeling the hand press on her diaper, making her happy. She drooled again, before babbling happy. The dog girl was worried, but after the squirrel remained in this trend, she headed to the psychologist, who simply answered she must've fallen into trance, during which she forgot the terms to wake up or recover. This explanation did little to make Brittany feel any better, but apparently it was the case. Jessica had entered into a permanent trance, and could never wake up. "I'll make the appropriate arrangements for her," said the researcher. "It's the least I can do for such a good subject." Tears ran down Brittany's face as she walked back toward her dorm. Even though she had known Jessica for only a short time, she had still been a good friend. It was horrible to see this happen to anyone, much less someone you knew. She walked back into the dorm, noticing that the regressed squirrel had managed to crawl out of the bedroom and back into the living area. She sat there, drooling on herself, staring blankly into the distance. The dorm room reeked of shit, and the smell only got worse as a short time, she had still been a good friend. It was horrible to see this happen to anyone, much less someone you knew. She walked back into the dorm, noticing that the regressed squirrel had managed to crawl out of the bedroom and back into the living area. She sat there, drooling on herself, staring blankly into the distance. The dorm room reeked of shit, and the smell only got worse as diaper. The squirrel grabbed one of Jessica's extra diapers and some cloth, before opening the used one and gagging and she cleaned the squirrel, before putting a fresh one on her. The squirrel didn't like it a lot, and pissed. Seeing how much of a burden Jessica was now, Brittany was somewhat glad the squirrel would soon be in a better place, where she'd be taken care of. "Well Jess," said Brittany, throwing her dirty diaper into the trash, "I'm glad that'll be the only one of your shitty diapers I have to deal with. You were a good friend, but there's only so much I can do for you. This is really for the best." The phone started ringing, and Brittany left the squirrel alone for a bit as she answered it. Jessica drooled upon herself, frowning a bit at the state of her new diaper. Giggling, she pushed out another load of fresh shit. She loved her dirty diapers, and rubbed the crinkling plastic, enjoying the warm feeling against her crotch. "Alright Jess," said Brittany, "That was your professor. He says that someone will be by to pick you up soo...ugh!" The dog recoiled a bit as the smell assaulted her. "Again? Really?" The retarded squirrel smiled at her, not understanding what she said, but still happy nonetheless. Suddenly, there was a knock at the door. It was the professor, with another person. He stepped in, reassuring Brittany as the nurse grabbed the confused squirrel and took her away.

"A safe institute will nurse her, you know, to prevent and hostile information." The professor said. "Yeah," replied Brittany.

"That's probably for the best. I couldn't deal with changing those diapers all day anyway." "Indeed," chuckled the professor.

"But, Brittany, tell me. Do you need any extra credit? The department could use some help with our research..." The nurse took Jessica away to a safe institution where she would be cared for. The staff there was friendly, and they took notice when Jessica appeared uncomfortable. It took a while, but eventually the staff let the retarded squirrel sit around in nothing but her diapers. As time wore on, Jessica fell into the routine that would be the rest of her life; wake up, shit her diapers, drool, and babble, repeat. As she warmed her diapers with another load of faeces, the squirrel giggled to herself, drool running down out of maw and onto her breasts. She was happy, and she was just like the little baby she had seen on that commercial. "Poopie!" she cried, rubbing the front of her diaper. She was happy in her soiled diapers, and there were many more diaper changes to come.