Riff Raff Part 1 - Dare

Story by Lykos Bane on SoFurry

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Hey Everyone!

Been a while, eh? Times have been busy...and strange! I'm finally getting back to it though. I've started a Patreon at www.patreon.com/LykosBane.

Please stop by and have a look around. I'll be hosting the original versions of my rewritten stories there. New stuff will debut there for the first couple months before being posted anywhere else.

Disclaimer: Riff belongs to Riff, regardless of what theses stories might make you believe. =)

Warning: Your warning goes here.

Dare By Lykos Bane

It's late when Riff calls.

I'm nearly in bed when the phone rings. I just let it go at first. Some higher power invented voice mail so lazy wolves like me didn't have to get back out of bed. I'd probably just look at the caller ID and not answer it anyway. Why waste my time walking to the phone?

But no, the voice in my ear tells me to get up. My bones creak in the cool air as I slip from bed. Even though I keep in relatively good shape, it is never enough to prevent old age from rearing its ugly head. I had been getting stronger cases of arthritis in my knees and left wrist. My paws were horrible now. Sometimes they would wrench into gnarled claws and clench into a death grip. Remind me to thank my great grandfather for the wonderful German Shepherd genes.

The phone continues to sing in the dining room as I make my through the house. I didn't bother turning on the lights. I have no problem seeing in the dark. My eye sight was as good as a pup's. At least I still have that going for me. A pop in my knee causes my teeth to grit and reminds me of how lucky I am for my sight.

I answer up the phone with a growl, not even bothering to give the caller ID a glance, "Hello?"



Surprise is an understatement to describe how I feel. This is the first I've heard from my friend in quite a while. The two of us have been friends for as long as I could remember. Things seemed fine back then, but then he cut communication completely about a year ago. .

"I need to talk to you," the voice sounds worn and tired, but it is unmistakable.

"Yeah?" I'm confused, "I'm here. What's up?"

"No," Riff quickly says. It almost sounds like a bark. He's silent for a moment before his calm voice continues, "Come see me."


"Come to my place," Riff replies quickly.


There is no reply. The other end of the line is dead. Riff had hung up.

Now I really am confused. I didn't waste any time and quickly give him a call back. The line is busy, causing an annoying and rhythmic drone to fill my ears. The receiver is returned to its cradle in a tightly clenched paw.

"Damn it." My muzzle tips downward as I rub my eyes.

I sit in complete silence for a moment, processing the phone call for the billionth time. Something is wrong and even if we have grown distant, he's still a friend. I'm out the door in a matter of minutes, already dressed and unlocking my car by remote. By the time I slip behind the wheel, I'm panting, being in such a rush.

"Where to?"

The artificial voice fills the cab of the car as I lay my head back on the seat. The auto drive kicks in as I reply, "Riff's."

The car roars to life and speeds away from the curb without having to wait for an opening in traffic. I roll my window down to let the cool night air in. It helps to refresh me. I had nearly been asleep only ten minutes ago after all.

I gaze upon the nightlife as it speeds by when city gives way to rolling hills and thick trees. It isn't a short drive to Riff's cabin so I have time to think. What could possibly be wrong? Riff sounded exhausted. Could he be hurt? Could there be someone after him? I really didn't want to have to deal with much tonight, but there isn't much I could do from here.

My eyes shift from the blur of trees to look at the road in front of me. A large diesel takes up the lane, a bit of the trailer drifting to the other lane. My car came up towards the trailer. The car's speed slows as it waits for an opportune time to pass the large vehicle.

Watching the truck ignites flashes in my memory. Scenes I haven't thought of in a while. Maybe it's Riff so suddenly appearing in my life again, or the truck in front of me, but I began to think of that time over thirty years ago.


Thirty Years Earlier...

"Truth or dare?"

The gray wolf watched me from the passenger seat, an expectant look on his face. A gentle grin played across his muzzle. His gaze never left my black furred form behind the wheel. I was taking Riff on a road trip. Some bad stuff happened and he needed a break from life. He recently lost his job. It affected him pretty badly for some reason, but I couldn't see why losing a job as a prison guard would really matter.

Besides, he only worked there for about a week.

I'd be lying if I said the trip wasn't for me either. I had just recently graduated from college and was working in research. Yeah, I know...Like someone needs a break from a nice, cushy research position with any university, but it really does take a toll on you.

Riff's tail gently tapped the door from the floor where it rested. I relaxed back in the seat, taking my time with my thoughts just to drive the wolf crazy. He started to squirm so I gave in and gave him my choice.


Riff's ears perked, that grin leaving his muzzle. I could see the gears work as he tried to think up a question to ask me. When the question came to him, the wolf's muzzle split in a grin again.

"What's the kinkiest sex you've ever had?"

So he wanted to pull the sex card into our innocent little game, huh?

"You don't really want to know that," I replied.

"Yes I do!" Riff prodded my shoulder with a finger. "Out with it."

"You remember my older brother right?" I started.

Riff's ears perked anew. The wolf looked surprised, "You mean...you and your broth..."

I cut him off, "No, you sick bastard!" I laughed, "You remember his girlfriend?"

Riff grinned a bit and nodded, his lips pulling away from his canines. The front, foremost incisors was missing. It gave his grin a bit or personality, but that was about it. He never did tell me how he lost it recently.

Then I grinned and nodded.

The wolf got the idea, "You fucked your brother's girlfriend?" Riff seemed a bit disappointed after a moment, "That's not that kinky."

I grinned, showing every one of my sharp canines, "It is when you find out your brother was in the closet, painting the door with his cum."

Riff went quiet for a moment. I snickered and continued to drive as if nothing had happened. After a moment, Riff spoke.

"Doesn't he have a kid now?"

"Yeah. He does!" I glanced over at the wolf with a knowing smile, "Doesn't he look just like his old man?"

"You're an ass!" Riff laughed.

"Hey! You asked!" I turned my attention back to the road, noticing the only other vehicle we had seen for miles.

A large diesel took up the slow lane of the two way highway.

My turn...

"Truth or Dare?" I waited for Riff's reply.


Good ol' predictable Riff. I pushed a button on the dash and the roof of the car started to pull back, opening up the convertible to let the air rush through the car. I nodded forward, getting Riff's attention on the large diesel truck in the slow lane ahead. He didn't get it at first.

"I dare you to take off your pants," I growled playfully at Riff.

He got it then. The wolf looked stunned for a moment. Then his attitude changed to one of annoyance. "How come you always dare me to remove my pants!?"

"Why do you keep choosing dare when we play this game?" I continued to drive and snickered softly at my passenger. "Come on...Chances are, he won't even see it. We'll drive right by. Quit acting like a little boy."

"I'm not worried about him seeing it!" Riff grumbled. Calling him a little boy always hit the spot. It was one of the only things that really set him off for some reason.

"It's not like I haven't seen it before, horse," I teased. "Besides, I'm driving...I can't look over and stare or anything." I had seen Riff nude in the shower a couple times after we worked out, but nothing more sexual than that.

He didn't move again. He just watched the truck. The air flicked through both our ears. Riff's remained splayed, but I flicked mine back to avoid them being at the whims of the wind's desires.

"You know what'll happen if you don't take the dare," I grinned at him as I squeezed my own groin. We always made outrageous penalties for telling a lie or denying a dare. Although the thought of his muzzle on my cock was appealing, we both knew he wouldn't back down from the dare. We never reached penalty when playing this game.

Besides, Riff wasn't interested in guys, so he'd do anything in his power to not have a muzzle full of hard cock.

Riff grumbled softly as he lifted his rump from the seat, his paws moving to his pants. His fingers made easy work of the buckle and pushed the fabric down over his gray hips. The lupine sat back in the seat once the pants were below his knees.

I'd be lying if I didn't glance over...more than once.

His sheath hung heavily between his legs, a downy soft layer of dark gray fur lined the soft flesh there. The thick lupine smell was even apparent over the rush of the fresh air. I didn't make it apparent I had glanced and I don't think he caught it.

I stared straight ahead and growled again, "Keep your arms up. No moving those paws to cover your self."

I could feel him glare at me. I knew he'd had a plan like that. We'd get up to the truck, then he's conveniently move his paws into his lap. It wouldn't be much of a dare at all.

Not this time.

I grinned as the car came up along beside the diesel. We could hear the large truck's engine tugging the rig along. It was imposing compared to the small car I was driving. I came up along side the truck. Riff panted heavily and tried to concentrate on the road. He didn't want to know if the trucker saw him or not. The wolf closed his eyes as we approached the cab of the diesel.

The blare of the car horn caused Riff's eyes to snap open. The wolf glanced at me. Surprise and shock filled his gaze. He looked quickly over at the truck when the diesel's horn replied. His jaw dropped as he made eye contact with the driver. I looked over and waved casually.

The truck was being driven by a large bear. I could tell he was getting on in years by the white fur that sprinkled his muzzle. He seemed to like what he saw because he never took his eyes off of Riff.

I kept pace with the truck, waiting to see how long it took my stunned friend to cover himself.

A minute later, his paws shot down to cover his sheath.

A whole minute!

The bear got a good show though. The moment Riff covered himself, the loud blare of the truck's horn filled our ears. I laughed and waved to the bear. The bruin grinned and returned the wave.

I sped off, leaving the truck behind us.

Riff regained control of himself and growled at me, "You asshole! What the fuck!?"

I laughed again, "You didn't seem to mind." I nodded towards his covered groin, "You still don't...Your pants are still on the floor.."

Riff made short work of that, quickly pulling up his pants. I couldn't help but laugh at my friend.

"Awww...You're so cute when you're angry." He hated it when I called him cute.

"Shut up," Riff growled quietly, crossing his arms over his chest.

I snickered. This was fun. "It's your turn."

"I'm not playing this game with you anymore!" Riff growled again.

"You say that every time," was my reply as the car sped away, leaving the truck further and further behind.

We drove on for about half an hour until I got that familiar tickle in my bladder. "I have to mark some territory," I growled as we approached a rest area.

Riff laughed, "As if you have any territory, omega."

"Oooh...thems some big words for such a cute little bitch," I replied with a grin as I pulled into the rest area and parked the car. There was only one other car there, so the spots were abundant.

As I parked, my wrist began to tense as well which only caused my paw to curl around the wheel. I clenched my teeth as the pain shot through it. My left paw did what the arthritis demanded, a fault of my great grandfather.

That was the least of my worries as both my sheath and paw tingled now. I opened the door and jumped out quickly. I really had to go. Riff started to get out as well.

"I should probably go while we're here."

I turned around and growled, "Close the top. Don't want to get stranded in the middle of nowhere, now do we? Anyone could steal it."

Riff grumbled as he started to pop the hooks holding the top back. Without the car on, he had to manually do it. I could have been nice, but I really couldn't hold it. I pulled open the door and nearly ran a smaller raccoon down. It must have been the owner of the other car. I slipped by him and into the bathroom.

It wasn't the best place in the world. It had a thick stench of urine and cleaning chemicals. I didn't care though. I had to piss. I moved in front of one of the urinals and relieved myself with a soft hiss. As the fluid drained from my body, my mind became more clear. I looked around the empty rest room. I wasn't so intent on pissing anymore that I could think of better things.

Like picking on Riff some more.

I know, I know. Some friend, right?

He'd do the same thing if given the chance.

Before I even had my pants zipped up, I moved down the row of stalls, choosing the last one as my hiding spot. There were two urinals and three stalls in a row along one side of the bathroom, while the sinks and exit were along the opposite wall.

The pain in my paw was the last thing on my mind when I heard the squeak of the door. I closed the stall and placed both feet on the toilet and squatted down to keep my presence there unknown. Riff's voice came a moment later.

"Ooook, you dick. Where are you?"

Damn. He knew this one.

I was about to reply when I heard the door open again. My ears perked. I kept myself hidden. Riff's attention was taken off his hunt for me. My scare would have to wait until the unwanted visitor left.

I heard an audible click a moment later, as well as a soft gasp from Riff. From the sounds of things, it seemed the unwanted visitor had locked the door. My tail began to curl between my legs.

Something wasn't right out there. I kept my feet on the toilet as I gently pushed open the door. The door creaked quietly, but heavy foot falls masked the sound. When I peeked out, there was no one in sight.

This could get bad.

The stalls masked the new visitor from my view. I could see Riff's back for a moment before he started to make his way for the door. He looked spooked, his tail fluffed slightly behind him. Before he could reach the locked door, a deep grumble filled the room.

"Where do ya think you're going?"

The voice was thick and had a heavy bass to it. It seemed as if he spoke any louder, the rumble would knock me from my perch. As it sounded, I was nearly intimidated and I hadn't even seen the owner of it.

Riff was clearly intimidated though.

The wolf stopped in his tracks with one shaking paw held towards the door. He didn't say anything.

"Ya haven't been in here long enough to use the john," that same deep voice came again. "Don't you have to go?"

Who was this guy?

My ears picked up the sound of flowing water as the new visitor started to take a leak. The restroom quickly filled with a heavy musk. It was nearly intoxicating to me, but I'm a wolf that can dig a good scent. And this one was fantastic, thick and very masculine.

It was also the smell of a bear.

I glanced in the mirrors lining the opposite side and caught sight of a large bruin, standing before one of the urinals. A grin formed on my muzzle as I quickly recognized the owner of that scent.

The old truck driver Riff had teased looked over his shoulder and grinned at Riff. The wolf turned to face him, his ears splaying. I could tell he was incredibly uncomfortable. Then again, who wouldn't be uncomfortable bumping into a large bear you had just recently teased?

"It's not nice to just flash yourself, boy," the older male spoke deeply, staring my friend down. The bear's arm shook quickly, the paw obviously working any loose piss from his sheath. "Especially a pent up truck driver."

The bruin turned to face my friend. He didn't bother to close his pants, nor replace his sheath within them. I stared quietly at the mirror as the bruin's impressive sheath came into view.

The bear wasn't kidding when he said he was pent up. A heavy set of balls hung below a very thick sheath, the rim of which was wet still. He gave it another shake in Riff's direction.

Riff splayed his ears and blushed deeply as he ripped his eyes away from the bear's groin and looked away, "I...I wasn't...didn't mean..."

The bear laughed.

I couldn't blame him. I would have to in that situation. I bit my tongue and continued to watch my friend stutter.

"You didn't mean to have your sheath on display?" The old male laughed again, walking towards the wolf. I glanced away from the mirror to watch the large bear come out from the cover of the stalls.

From the side, I could get a better view of the portly belly that hung over his waist a bit. It wasn't a gut someone would get from eating a lot, but one built up from having one too many drinks, one too many times. I got a better view of his sheath as well. The mirror didn't do it justice. The white fur that sprinkled his muzzle also added to the color of his pubic fur, easily visible against the dark brown fur that covered the area.

The paw that gently gripped his sheath gave it one more shake before the fingers opened and curled around the rest. He squeezed down with a deep rumble of satisfaction. Even with such large paws, the flesh of his privates overflowed through his fingers.

Riff let out a soft whimper.

I glanced back to find the wolf staring at the bear. He couldn't take his eyes off the male's groin. I almost laughed again. Poor little straight Riff couldn't keep his eyes off the older man's crotch. It seemed like the bear's scent was more intoxicating then I had first thought.

The bruin rumbled again, "Now, don't you have to use the bathroom?"

Riff was silent for a moment as he continued to stare.

"I asked you a question boy!" The bear was louder this time. I even flicked my ears back.

Riff jumped at the sound, startled from his thoughts. I could see the moment of indecision from the wolf, the last thoughts of going out that door leaving his mind. Riff nodded his head and started to move across the bathroom towards the bear.

The truck driver grinned and released his sheath, stepping out of the way for the approaching wolf. Riff glanced once again at the sheath before moving to the side.

The wolf went for a stall.

"No no, boy," the older male growled again and placed a paw on Riff's shoulder.

It was the one that had been gripping his sheath.

Riff trembled as the scent filled his nose. His ears splayed again and he let out a soft sound, somewhere between a whine and a moan. The wolf let the bear direct him away from the stall and moved him out of my line of sight. I turned my attention back to the mirrors again and watched as the bear directed Riff to the urinal.

"Open your pants," the bear growled quietly. Riff's paws moved quickly to his pants and started to open them.

The bear stared down at the wolf, standing about a foot over him. Riff's arms moved as his paws opened his pant. My tail almost wagged when I heard the sound of the wolf's zipper.

Come on! Who wouldn't get a kick out of something like this?

Riff didn't move after obeying that command. He kept his pants up, but they were open. The bear had a large grin on his face, almost large enough to match the sheath that hung from the open fly in his jeans.

It was the bear's turn to stare. After a moment, he growled down at my friend, "Drop 'em."

Riff's ears perked as he looked up at the bruin, then bowed his head and let the pants drop. They puddled around his ankles, the tail slipping through the opening in the back. This left his gray furred tail to hang free over his the white of his bared rump.

"Its even better looking close up," the bear growled. I saw him lean forward and put his muzzle against Riff's ear. I had to listen carefully to hear what he said the large male said, "Now piss..."

Riff didn't move again. He seemed hesitant to obey the bear. The wolf's paw slowly moved down between him and the urinal to obviously aim his sheath at the urinal. The bear growled again.

"No boy," the bear reached down and grabbed the wolf's wrist. "No touching."

Riff's tail began to curl, seeking shelter between his legs. The bear growled again. It was the most intimidating sound I had ever heard. I couldn't even begin to imagine what Riff was feeling. The sound of running water filled the room again as the wolf obeyed.

I had wondered if wolf would have pissed his pants had they been on.

Without warning, the bear's own paw went down between the urinal and the wolf. Riff tensed and let out a slight gasp. He squirmed a bit as the bear obviously had a grip on his sheath. The wolf's paws rested at his sides as the bear directed the stream of piss for him.

"Very good," the bear grinned, starting to move his paw, directing the stream up and down for the squirming lupine. "Careful boy. Don't want any accidents."

Riff stopped moving, letting the bear do as he pleased. I was surprised to say the least. Here was my friend, pissing under the direction of this old bear. Something in my mind told me I should probably try and stop this from escalating beyond what it had reached. Something unimportant to me anyway. I wasn't going to interrupt. I began to wonder if I would even be able to stop what was going on if I had wanted to.

"Oops!" The bear woofed at the wolf, then growled again, "I told you to be careful."

I could tell the bruin had intentionally moved his paw in front of the stream of piss. He stepped back and shook his head. The sound of the wolf relieving himself quickly subsided. A part of me realized that I couldn't smell the wolf's scent over the bear's own, even after so recent a marking. Riff stared with an almost horrified expression on his face, his ears flicked back and his muzzle open.

The old bear held his paw out to show the wolf the yellow fluid dripping off of it. He wiggled his fingers, as if teasing the lupine. He grinned and stared into the frightened wolf's face. He held the paw up before Riff's muzzle.

"Clean it."

The bear was confident and it showed through ever fabric of his being. He knew the wolf would clean it. He knew the lupine would be running his tongue over that paw in only a few short moments.

To tell you the truth, I was as surprised as him when Riff made a run for the door.

The gray wolf forgot about the pants around his ankles and didn't make it very far before the bear had another hold on his shoulder. It was a good thing the bear caught him because Riff was headed for the floor. The old male was fast for his size. He snickered and pulled the wolf back to his feet.

"Oooh...That's not very good," the truck driver rumbled softly. "I believe I told you to do something. You're not going to leave a mess like this are you?" The bear lifted his paw and gave it another wiggle, only to growl and suddenly slapped Riff across the muzzle. "Now lick!"

It was still dripping.

Riff stared. He stopped struggling the moment the bear had a hold of him. It was easy to tell that his fear wasn't from the bear's advances, but from his own confusion. My little friend was afraid that he was enjoying himself.

The bear made two quick movements and soon had Riff bent over the sink, giving me a perfect view of the action from my little hiding spot. Riff made a slight bark when his stomach collided with the counter, his paws shooting forward to stop his chest from landing hard upon it.

The bruin moved up behind him and gripped the base of his tail. He roughly pulled it up, causing Riff to tense once again. He stared into the mirror at the bear behind him, watching the wet paw lift into the air.

With a resounding slap, the wet paw collided with my friend's soft white rump. Riff jumped and let out a bark, more in surprise than pain. The sound came again, followed by another one. Each slap caused the wolf to jump.

Riff was being spanked!

I grinned. I know it's sick. I know it's depraved and I should have stopped it. I should have stopped it a long time ago. But it was getting better by the minute.

The spanking stopped after about ten swats. The fur was slick with wetness from the bear's piss covered paw. The bruin continued to hold the wolf's tail up as he moved beside my friend. He held out the wet paw, which had just been turning his rump red, and growled again.

"Are you going to be a good boy now?"

Riff nodded quickly.

"Now," the bear rumbled, offering the paw with an open palm. "Lick."

Riff didn't even hesitate this time. He closed his eyes as his tongue covered the brown paw of the older male like it was a Popsicle. The thick muscle moved over every inch as it cleaned the piss from it. Riff's expression told me that he wasn't enjoying the taste, but he wasn't going to make the mistake of disobeying the powerful male again.

The bear rumbled the whole time. He was feeding on the power he was taking from the lupine. If his expression hadn't told me as much, his growing member would have. It pushed out of his sheath slowly, taking my attention away from the tongue bath his paw was receiving.

Riff was so focused on cleaning the paw that when it was removed, his tongue flicked at empty air. He opened his eyes again and blushed softly as he pulled his tongue back into his muzzle. He was panting heavily now.

So was I.

The bear moved around behind Riff and placed both paws on his rump. I noticed that Riff didn't lower his tail after the bruin released it. The older male squeezed it firmly and grinned.

"Didn't even have to tell you not to lower your tail," the bear reminded the wolf of his presented rump even more. "Very good, boy."

Before Riff could fix the problem, the bear was on his knees behind him. The gray tail dipped down soon after, but it only rested between the bear's ears. The older male leaned in and started to lap over the wolf's tail hole.

Riff arched his back and hissed out at the sensation. I knew what it was like to have my tail hole licked. The bear obviously new what it was like as he continued to lap expertly over the ring of muscle that. Poor Riff obviously didn't know though. He moaned out as the tongue applied more pressure, obviously enjoying every sensation brought on by the bear's flat tongue.

Riff's eyes widened when the tongue pushed hard enough against his entrance to slip passed his natural defenses. The expression on his face wasn't one of shock, but surprise. Surprise that it felt so good to be penetrated. He moaned out his pleasure and spread his legs, his rump lifting a bit more for the bear.

His tail no longer draped over the bruin's back as it lifted up, presenting to the dominant male.

The bear grinned as he leaned back and withdrew his tongue. He was panting himself now. His cock had almost doubled in size, jutting up from his sheath. It was easily one of the largest I had seen. The bear pushed himself back onto his feet and stood behind the wolf. He hooked a thumb and forefinger under the base of the wolf's tail, pushing it more over his back. He leaned in.

The bear mounted my friend against the sink in the bathroom.

My jaw dropped as I watched the bear move his large hips behind the smaller form of my friend. He was actually going to fuck Riff. Not only that, but the wolf was going to let him.

It was all I could do to keep my balance on the toilet. The scent of the turned on male bruin was too much. It was worse than intoxication. It was like a drug. I took a deep breath and held it in my lungs so I didn't start panting more and give myself away. I savored it like a wine.

Riff wasn't though. He panted heavily, greedily taking in every breath. The wolf pushed back against the bruin. He let the strange bear know he was willing and wanted to be bred. I had seen many bitches do that for me before I bred them.

"There we go, boy," the bear growled, leaning in to lick slowly over Riff's ear. He let his cock rest against the wolf's bare rump. The tip leaked against the lupine's fur. The bear reached back and gripped his cock base, giving it another wiggle so it swatted against the wolf's ass, "Are you ready?"

The bear didn't have to tell the wolf what was going to happen. He didn't have to ask permission because he already had it. Riff nodded quickly, his paws gripping at the sink, the other pressed against the mirror. He glanced over his shoulder, his eyes glazed, deeply under the control of the bear's narcotic like scent.

The older male's hips flexed, his tip forcing it's way into the now willing wolf's ass. The angle was perfect and on complete display to me. I could see everything from the wet kiss of the pre covered cock tip against the virgin tail ring of my friend to the way that tail ring dimpled inward and stretched around the invading member.

With a moan from the bear and whimper from the wolf, Riff lost his virginity to this older bear.

The thick shaft continued to work its way into the wolf's tight passage. Inch by inch of the thick bruin cock worked passed the wolf's defenses and invaded him. Riff let out a slight whimper as the thick tube of flesh rubbed something within him, something he never felt touched before. Before long, the bear's cock was hilted within my friend.

The bear growled down at the wolf, showing a set of vicious looking fangs. His paws rubbed slowly up and down Riff's hip, before he gripped them firmly. He pushed his hips hard against the wolf, rocking them from side to side. He was rewarded with a deep moan from the wolf, once again hitting that spot on my friend.

I continued to stare. My mind took in every movement and expression from both parties. It was one of the hottest things I had ever seen. I fought with myself, trying to prevent my paw from going down to my own sheath. I managed to adjust myself and return my attention back to the two fucking males.

Riff clenched his teeth and bowed his head again. He was feeling some discomfort from the thick rod splitting him open. The bear was incredibly gentle though and remained with his hips firmly pressed against the wolf's rump. I knew from my own experience that the bear was leaking a good amount of his slick precum into my friend.

Take that little bit of information however you want.

After about two minutes of gently wiggling his hips, the bear moved his hips away from the kiss it held with the lupine's rump. I saw that hard red cock reappear from Riff's body. It withdrew until just the tip was left in, keeping a good foot between the bear's lap and the lupine's ass. I could almost see the thick length throb. The bear held himself there for about ten seconds before he started to push back in again. Both males tensed at the sensation once again and moaned out their pleasure.

The bruin didn't wait quite as long this time before he was pulling out again. The bear didn't pull out as far this time and soon pushed back into Riff. He repeated that movement and was soon fucking my friend with slow, gentle strokes of his hips. The bruin leaned against Riff's back, placing quite a bit of weight there and effectively pinned the wolf under him completely.

The bear knew he had himself a wolf.

Riff laid his head on the counter top. He rocked with each gentle thrust from the bear behind him. His muzzle remained open in a silent moan, occasional gasps coming from him.

The bear pressed his muzzle into the wolf's scruff and panted heavily. His hips started to make sharper movements. The older male drove the couple of inches into the wolf quickly before pulling back again. His strokes started to get longer and more powerful. The large bear leaned back and lifted his short muzzle, wuffing to the ceiling in pleasure as he used my friend's ass completely.

He lowered his head and grinned at the prone wolf, his hips no longer moving again. The paws on Riff's hips started to lift him. The bear pushed his feet under the wolf's and forced Riff to stand on them. Riff squirmed a bit and let out another gasp at the change in angle.

The bear pulled the wolf a bit away from the counter. Riff gripped the edge to help balance him. The older male snickered when he caught sight of the tapered tip of the canine member peeking over the counter top in the mirror. The bear pushed forward again and pinned Riff's hard member against the counter top. The wolf clenched his teeth and hissed.

I clenched my teeth to.

That had to be cold.

Riff's paws continued to hold the counter's edge, the sensation of his cock against the counter was too much. It forced him to push back against the bear. The bruin groaned and wiggled his hips again.

"That's it, boy," the bear moaned. "Move against me."

The bear pulled back again and easily slipped his entire length nearly out of the pinned wolf. When the bear thrust forward, Riff sharply pushed his hips back, grunting as he took the entire length in one swift thrust. He prevented the bear from pinning his cock against the counter again. The bear didn't miss a beat. He was already pulling out of the wolf before the lupine could get the full sensation of having the entire length within him.

The bear and I both snickered when Riff whined.

It was a pure sound of disappointment.

Another swat to the rump and the bear rumbled again, his lust building, "Oh...So you like that, huh, pup?"

Riff whined again and splayed his ears. He stared into the mirror still elevated from the floor by the bear. The bear didn't move again, waiting for an answer. Everyone in the room knew it too.


"What was that, boy?" The bear asked with another swat to the wolf's ass, causing Riff to squirm an the spike within him. Both males moaned.


I had to grab my muzzle. Biting my tongue wasn't doing it anymore. Thankfully, neither of them heard my snicker.

That was all it took. The bear quickly fucked the beaten wolf. His hips became a blur of desire, meeting with the backwards thrust of the wolf he was pounding into. The bruin's paws gripped the lupine's hips tighter. Riff started to step from foot to foot, creating even more sensation around the piston like movements.

I stared where they were connected and watched the cock move in and out. It was a beautiful sight. The bear's balls swung forward a couple more times with his movements before the flesh began to tighten, pulling the old male's testicles up against his groin. He was close.

And that intoxicating scent grew.

I watched the old bear's ass flex within his pants. The large hips quivered against Riff's still presented rump. The clenched teeth and drooling muzzles. Riff's howl was only the icing on the cake.

Riff was being filled with the dominant bruin's hot seed.

Time stood still in that bathroom. I held my breath as Riff's howl continued to fill the room. The bear's large hips rocked and bucked against the wolf through the entire climax, fucking the thick potent cum deep within my friend.

The bear relaxed finally and leaned over the wolf once again, panting heavily into Riff's scruff. They stayed like that for just a moment before the older male moved again. As he leaned back, a strand of drool kept his muzzle connected to Riff's scruff until he ran a large paw across it. He quickly wiped the saliva on the back of the wolf's shirt.

I panted quietly. I watched as the bear began to disengage from Riff. He lifted the wolf a bit off his feet and pulled his cock free. It popped out with a soft slurp, springing back against his large gut.

Riff gasped as the thick cock pulled free. His body seemed to relax, his tail dropping down over his rump. The bears paw suddenly hit the wolf's rump again as he rumbled.

"That was one of the best fucks I've ever had, boy," the bear grinned, stepping away from the wolf. Riff didn't move.

The bear's cock lead the way as he stepped up to the sink by the Riff's head. He turned the water on and leaned over the counter. He poured the water over his length, grunting softly as he started to stroke himself. The bruin put some soap on his paw and began to rub it over the smooth surface of his spent shaft. It softened as he washed it with water again.

The older male leaned back and placed a paw over the wolf's neck. He directed the lupine's muzzle over the edge of the sink, enough for a couple inches of muzzle to overhang the edge. The bear let out a soft grumble before his thick scent filled the bathroom again.

He was pissing into the sink.

Riff didn't make a move as the stream moved closer. The lupine's ears flicked back as the strong stream moved closer to his nose. He didn't move though. The stream of piss hit the wolf's nose and lips, coating it in the pungent odor. I watched on as my friend was marked.

The bear didn't coat more than what was overhanging the sink, but it was enough. The stream of piss subsided until it was the occasional drip. The bear growled again as he moved his hips towards Riff's muzzle.

"Lick it clean," the bear spoke softly. There was nothing commanding in it. The bruin didn't need it.

In the mirror, I saw Riff's tongue quickly lap at the bear's tip, following it to the large sheath. He gave it a couple more licks before his tongue returned to his mouth. The bear patted his head and pushed his sheath back into his pants. He quickly zipped up his pants and reached into his pocket. He withdrew a card and tossed it on the sink next to the lupine.

Then he looked directly at me and grinned widely. We made eye contact for the slightest of moments before he looked away.

"Call me sometime, pup," the bear patted the wolf's rump again.

And that was it.

The bear went to the door, unlocked it, and was gone. After a couple seconds, Riff leaned up. He was quiet, as if deep in thought. He bent down and pulled his pants up. The wolf washed his hands, then rubbed them over his face. He scrubbed it hard, as if he were trying to remove his nose.

The lupine looked into the mirror quietly for a moment. He rubbed down his shirt. A wet spot decorated the front of his shirt. It was in the right spot to have come from his tapered cock tip.

Did Riff cum?

The wolf glanced at the card sitting on the counter. He shook his head and left, leaving the paper behind.

I waited a moment and slipped out of the stall. My legs shook. I told myself it was because they were asleep. I shook them out and took a couple deep breathes. The bathroom reeked of sex. Sex and bear. Mostly bear.

I approached the sink where the action took place and looked at the card. I lifted it and read the name. Below it was ten numbers. The bear had left his phone number. It was a business card.

"Bill huh?" I said to myself. I pocketed the card and wagged my tail all the way out the door.

I quickly ran in the opposite direction of the car. I disappeared into the woods around the rest area. It was easy to make my way around it and step out on the opposite side. I pulled out a cigarette and broke it in half. I stuck the butt in my muzzle and lit half of it, making it look like I had been smoking for a little while.

When I emerged from the woods, the bear drove by. We made eye contact again. He nodded his head and I waved once to him. He recognized me. I could tell. My gaze followed his truck as he entered the freeway again and disappeared.

I looked back at the car in time to see Riff take the top off. I also noticed he had a new shirt on. He looked at me and perked his ears. I tossed the cigarette away and approached the car.

"Where were you?" Riff asked.

"Smoking a cigarette," I growled. "What took you so long?"

I saw a flash of panic in his eyes. He hadn't thought of that one yet.

"You know...never mind," I said. "I don't want to know what you were doing."

I got in and started up the car. Riff got in soon after. He was covering up his encounter well. I sniffed the air, then glanced over at my friend. I cringed and he splayed his ears.

"What's that smell?" I asked. I let the question hang for a moment, then shook my head, "I'm probably just smelling a bear out in the woods."

Riff looked out the window to hide his blush, but I could still see it in the passenger side mirror.

I grinned and drove away with my well fucked friend.

"Truth or Dare?" I asked Riff.

He looked at me and growled, "I told you I don't want to play that game anymore!"

It wasn't hard to get a hold of the bear again after that. There was no surprise in his voice when I told him I had watched from the stalls. I knew he saw me there. He asked if I had enjoyed the show.

I answered with a truthful yes.

He informed me that he had not heard from Riff. He sounded a bit disappointed by that. Of course, he sounded more than eager to see Riff again. I told him I could make that happen.

There was only one condition.

I wanted in.

Bill was more than happy to include one more participant in the festivities. We met up and grabbed dinner, making plans for the following week. We would meet up at the restaurant and he would follow me to Riff's place. The plan was for him to go to the door first and I'd follow about thirty minutes later.

As if I had just stopped to say hello.

I watched the bear head towards Riff's door. He clutched a duffle bag in a paw. I couldn't imagine what kinds of fun could be contained within. The bear pounded on the door and waited patiently. The door opened and the bear remained motionless. It was easy to see him grin. I could only imagine what was going through Riff's head.

The bruin boldly stepped forward without saying a thing. His confidence was amazing. The bear closed the door behind him, blocking off any views I might have had of what he was doing.

The next half an hour was hell. Each minute felt like an hour. My mind was going crazy with scenarios. Anything could be going on in there. What if half an hour was too long? What if they finished before the time was up? What if I finished before the time was up?

The half an hour finally ended. I practically floated across the lawn before I stood on the door step. My legs shook a bit before I knocked on the door. I waited a few moments and Bill opened it slowly. He grinned at me and placed a finger over his muzzle.

"Shhhh," he winked.

He opened the door wide and I saw him.

My tail wagged behind me. It was a beautiful sight. Riff rested on his knees, nude as the day he was born. A harness crossed over his chest. Thick cuffs kept the wolf's arms restrained behind his back, connected to the harness. A red ball was held in the wolf's muzzle by a strap that connected behind his head.

And the best part?

A thick leather blindfold blocked his vision.

He would never know I was there.


My mind came back to the present as the car turns into Riff's driveway. I glance into the rear view mirror. That incident had happened so long ago. I compare myself to my memories. Dark eyes return my gaze. The lines surrounding them were visible through the salt and pepper fur. I lean back in my seat to get a better view of my face. My vanity got the best of me.

Pushing the big five-oh and I still had more black fur than white. Even though, I look much different than I remember looking. If anything though, I'm more proud of my coloring. I have grown into quite the distinguished looking wolf. Most my age would do something about the white whiskers that line their lips, but I keep mine nature. The white fur crosses over the top of my muzzle, creating an 'X'.

The pup in me thinks it looks cool, like some kind of scar or something.

I took my eyes off the mirror to glance out the window again. His gate was wide open. It was never left open like that. The car slows a bit as it moves up the winding road towards the cabin. There is an ominous feeling in the air so strong it nearly leaves a scent that stings my nose.

The car maneuvers into Riff's driveway. My car shut off after parking in front of the large cabin. It's lit up, but it didn't appear that Riff is home. His car isn't in the driveway.

"You have reached your destin..."

I'm out and closing the door before the auto drive's mechanical voice could finish. I skip steps as I run up the porch, only to frantically pound on the door. It swings inward before my fist can connect two times. I step into the entry way and look around quickly.

"Riff!" I didn't wait for a reply before I begin going through the place. "Riff!?"

It's a quick search, taking no more than five minutes. He never replies to my calls. Riff is nowhere to be found. I begin to panic. Something isn't right and my friend is in trouble. It doesn't look like there were any signs of a struggle. I run down the stairs, preparing to call the cops.

Something on the table in the living room catches my eye as I make my way to the phone. A scrape book of some kind with a silver disc on top of it rests on the table. A living room lap catching the surface of the disc and sends a bright glare onto the wall. It almost seems hypnotic.

A piece of paper sticks to it, the word 'watch' quickly scrawled across it. I notice another piece on the scrap book with 'look' upon it. I place the disc into the player and sit back, leaving the TV off. As the disc starts to spin, I reached for the scrap book.

The album is worn, the edges ripped and splayed. It has seen better days. It makes me feel old again. I have seen the old book lying around, but never had the thought of opening and looking in it.

Now it's all I can think about.

I pull the album from the table. As it leaves the table edge, a photo falls out. It is easy to recognize the bear that fills the frame. Bill is standing tall and proud with his paws on his hips. At his feet kneels my missing friend, much younger of course. He's blindfolded and gagged. I grin as I remember taking that picture so many years ago.

I study the picture for a moment, but leave it where it lies. Another picture meets my gaze when I open the album. Another picture of Riff from around the same time, only this time he is sprawled upon a bed, arms and legs tied to the posts. He wore a mask that resembled a horse head. There is a leather head gear that resembled a bridal wrapped around the mask's muzzle, a bit going between the horse lips and the obvious muzzle within.

The next few shots have Bill in them again. They are all rapid shots, taken in sequence to almost resemble a movie scene. Through the course of the ten pictures, the bear had mounted and penetrated Riff to the hilt, much to the obvious pleasure of my friend. I grin as it just proves what I always thought. He did go and see the bear again.

Apparently he had quite a bit. The pictures cover a span of a good many years. There were quite a few intimate moments between the two. It seemed as if I underestimated my friend and his sexual prowess.

The next section of the book is dedicated to Riff's alpha. There are many pictures of the feral wolf. There is one of the big feral wolf running at full speed towards the camera. It is a very nice picture. My mind began to drift back again, the picture bringing back another memory.

My reminiscing stops when an unfamiliar face appears in the album. It is a snap of a wolf standing before a white board, holding up a sign with a code on it. Why a mug shot of an unfamiliar wolf is in here is beyond me. There is no doubt that the wolf is a convict somewhere. He must have been from the prison Riff worked at as a guard. I remember he had the job for a short time just before we went on our fateful road trip.

The next page is covered by a newspaper article. 'Successful wolf kills young lover'. There is a picture of the same wolf sitting in a court room. Below it is the caption 'Roland Johnson awaits jury decision'. He appears to be a dignified wolf.

The article reads like some kind of daytime soap opera. Apparently Roland was a successful banker. He was taken to jail for driving under the influence. There, he met a young hyena named Buck. The hyena seduced both the wolf and the wolf's wife. Fed up, Roland blew the hyena's brains across his bedroom wall.

He sounds like a delightful character.

There are a couple other pictures of the wolf. I'm left confused as to why Riff has these photos. I get to the end of the album and put it back onto the table. I have no idea what to think.

I remember the disc and turn on the television only to perk my ears at the images that flash before my eyes. A black and white image fills the screen, an obvious security camera video by the looks of things. It's the inside of a cell.

My jaw drops when a young Riff stumbles into view wearing what can only be a guard or police uniform. A moment later, number one confidently follows. The wolf, Roland, easily pins Riff against the bars. A lecherous grin spreads on the murderer's muzzle.

The picture in the album begins to make more sense.

Things are getting interesting.

To Be Continued...

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