Death's Rejected Child - Intro

Story by Rabidwolfie on SoFurry

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#1 of Death's Rejected Child

Ol' Teller remembers your face, if not your name. Listen closely now, and he'll continue his tale from your last meeting.

This is book 2 of the Wolfcaller Chronicles.

Death's Rejected Child

The Wolfcaller Chronicles vol. Two

Oh! Hello there, friend! Come in, come in! Set yourself by the fire and warm yourself up. Nasty weather out there tonight, isn't it? It's not just the rain, it's also that chill that sinks down into your very bones and eats into your soul. Most sensible folk stay safe and warm in their homes on a night like this.

Would yah care for something warm to drink? Why that's a silly question, now isn't it. Of course yah would. Some nice hot cider to knock that cold right out of yeh. I'll be but a moment to fetch it.

What's that? Nothing to drink, eh? I see. Say, you sure look mighty familiar, friend. I may not remember names so well anymore, but I never forget a face. Have you been here before?

Ah, but forgive my poor manners, asking your name when I didn't offer mine. I'm an old man, y'know, and sometimes you forget things when you get to be my age. The name's Teller! 'Fetch us a good story, Teller!' they say to me. That's because I know all the stories. Even the ones some folk would prefer to forget. But like I never forget a face, I never forget a story either, even in my twilight years. Say, you look like you could do with a good story. Have you heard the one about the Ork and the sorcerer? Ah, but that's a right popular one these days. Or how about the little kentaur that could?

No? None of those sound interestin' to yah? Oh, you want to hear about the Wolfcaller do yeh? I knew you looked familiar. It's not often I get asked about her anymore. But I told yah I know all the stories, and I do. Even those most folk aren't too keen to asking about.

Come a little closer now, can't speak too loudly about the wrath of the Wolfcaller, y'know. There's still some ears that just don't need reachin', if you get what I mean. Now then, if you'll recall, Nadirah Wolfcaller was a mighty warrior, and a fearsome creature in her own right. So fearsome, that the King of the Undead, Malthamus, wanted her for himself, and he had her killed so that he could resurrect her into one of his elite warriors that he called MidKnights.

While under the Undead King's control she committed some mighty atrocities and her name become one to fear. But that's not really where the next chapter of her story begins, y'know. The real story begins much, much later, after she meets someone very special.