Draconicon's R34 Harem 12: An Ally Abroad

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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#12 of Draconicon's Rule 34 Harem

And now we continue the harem story, this time with Robin Hood. We don't get much time with him, but he'll remember Draconicon.

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Draconicon's Rule 34 Harem Chapter 12: An Ally Abroad Sponsored by Sanmer By Draconicon

Robin Hood needed a new name now that he was back on the right side of the law, but there hadn't been time for that. Even during his honeymoon with Maid Marian, he'd been forced to keep contact with the Merry Men as they did the job that the royal army would have done if they hadn't been so...incompetent. The fox had always thought that the army was a bunch of devious scoundrels that his men outwitted through their own greater skills, but no. The army was just completely incompetent, unable to deal with the various dangers that threatened the realm.

Specifically, in this case, bandits.

The fox rested on his heels as he looked down from the trees surrounding the little cave that they'd tracked the bandit group to. The soldiers under his command, the best of a sorry lot, lingered around the bottom of his tree. They hadn't wanted to climb up and risk falling down, and considering how horrible they'd been at following him through the forest - half of them getting lost and the other half getting scared off before he was able to pull them together again - it was probably a safe bet.

Oo-de-lolly, he thought, shaking his head. Going right into the lion's den this time, aren't we?

That was the only way that he could think of it. The fact that they were chasing down a bunch of bandits was already dangerous enough. They had preyed on a number of food shipments coming in from the corners of England, and the people of London were starting to starve from a lack of fresh food. They were skilled at their job, too, striking in the way that Robin had when he was taking down John's tax wagons, coming when nobody was there to see it happen.

Now, they were going to chase the bandits into their hideout, where the bandits knew every little twist and turn, and they were having to figure it out as they went. Robin didn't look forward to that, but at least he had back-up...at least, he hoped he did.

The fox leaped down from the tree, shaking his head as he landed with a small thump in front of the jackals. They looked up at him from under caps that hid most of their faces, pulling swords from their waists and putting their bows away.

"Orders, sir?" one of them asked.

"With me. Groups of three. Keep some space between us, just in case the bandits have any ambushes ready for us."

The jackal nodded, and they formed up behind him, making gaps as he had told them. It wasn't the best formation, but at least this way, if there were bandits coming from a side tunnel, they had a chance to catch them in a pincer rather than getting completely overwhelmed. It was the only real safeguard that they had against it.

Robin pulled his cap down a bit, pulling his own sword from its sheath. He much preferred his bow, but the fox knew better than to think that he could use that in the underground tunnels. At best, he'd be able to bludgeon a few people with it. At worst, he'd snap it on too narrow a turn.

"For the crown and the queen."

The interior was just as dark and dank as he expected, perhaps a little more than that. The air was still, and the slight breeze that came from leaving the tunnel door open didn't do much once they were past the opening. The darkness was only occasionally broken up with a candle jammed into a wall, and nothing more than that.

Robin kept a slow pace through the passages, one hand resting on the wall and the other holding his sword low and forward. The last thing that he wanted was to be ambushed and be unprepared. The two jackals with him copied him, and he could feel them staring every so often, almost like they were checking to see if there was something else that they needed to do.

Not good. He needed to do something to up the training of the army, or the entire kingdom would be at the mercy of one competent group of bandits. The Merry Men were doing what they could to supplement the army, and Little John was doing everything that he could to keep things running smoothly, but it was only a matter of time until everything fell apart.

They came to a T-junction, and he glanced to the left, then to the right. Either way could be a trap, or both.

Before he could make a decision, however, another fox appeared down the far end. Robin hissed, gesturing for everyone to go silent. If they were heard...

The dark-red fox walked down the corridor, his eyes straight ahead, no weapon in his hand. If he was a bandit, he was a very carefree one. There was no fear, no weapons, no anger. It was just someone that walked around the tunnels like they were his home, rather than the hideout of the most dangerous bandits in the kingdom at the moment.

He'd make a good informant, Robin thought.

Waiting until the darker fox was in reach, he grabbed him by the tail and yanked him back. Whatever the fox started to yelp or shout was cut off as Robin grabbed him by the mouth, holding his sword to his neck with his other hand.

"Listen very carefully. I need you to be quiet, and only answer the questions that I ask you. No shouting, no warning your friends. Do you understand me?"

The bandit fox nodded, and Robin slowly lowered his hand.

"Where are the other bandits?"

"Back the way I came, sir."

"Good. Are any of them armed?"

"No. Actually, we're just about to surrender."


Robin blinked, hardly believing that for a second. There was no way in heaven or hell that the bandits were on the verge of giving up, not yet.

Yet, the jackals behind him were all too eager to believe it. After all, why not? It meant that the job was done, that there'd be no fighting, that they could go back to the castle and not have to worry about being in the open for any more time than they had to. Sure, it'd be back to training, but that was better than the forced marches that Robin had taken them on.

The fox rolled his eyes. This had to be some sort of trap. There was no way that this was going to be this easy.

"Take us back to your friends, then. Quietly."

"Sure, sir. And you have the handcuffs, right?"


"Because you're going to arrest us all, right?"

"Yes, of course."

"Then cuff me?"

If this was a trap, then it was a very strange one. Nobody just asked to be restrained like that. It was unheard of. Yet, there was no reason not to...

Robin passed the fox back, telling the others to restrain him while he tried to figure this out. There was either one very insane bandit that wanted to get let loose from the rest of the group, or something had gone very strange down here in the underground.

He shook his head. Not much he could do about it until he saw what the state of the rest of the group was, and that had to be done in person. As soon as the fox was tied up and passed forward again, Robin nudged him with the point of his sword, setting him walking back down the tunnels.

"Alright. Keep moving. And men, keep an eye out behind us."

"You got it, sir."

The jackals sounded far too happy about the possibility of this being over already. He knew that they'd already accepted everything that the bandit had said as truth, that they were already planning the walk home and what they'd do when they got back to the castle. More than ever, he wished that he'd brought the Merry Men, instead, but the soldiers needed this kind of experience.

And if the worst came to worst, they would learn from the fight that came afterward.

They followed the strange fox further down the tunnels. Robin made himself remember the turns, too. Left, right, right, left, right, left, left. One more right turn at the end, taking them further down into the abandoned mine, and he wondered just how deep that the tunnel was going to go.

Eventually, they found it. A room just off the main tunnels, one where the miners would have taken breaks between their shifts when they were still working here. Now, it was full of bandits. Very...happy...bandits.

Robin couldn't believe what he was seeing when he arrived, looking between the blissed-out faces of a number of different species. Bears, chickens, foxes, wolves, and more. They were all there, all staring straight ahead, all grinning like madmen. Was there something in the air down here, or -

He blinked, looking a bit closer. In the eyes of the bandits, he could see a faint hint of spiraling light. Not much, barely more than a trick of the candlelight down here, but it was moving more than that could explain. Robin shook his head.

"Cuff them."

"And take them home, sir?"

"Take them to the surface. I want to explore the rest of this place."

"But sir..."

"You can wait for a bit longer. I want to make sure that there's nobody hiding in the side tunnels."

"There isn't, sir," the red fox said, looking suddenly shifty. "I swear it."

"...Yeah, I'm not believing that."

Shaking his head, Robin gestured for his men to get to work. They'd get all the bandits tied up, at the very least. That was a job that they did know how to do, even if they were more eager to get home and get back to being lazy than they were to do the jobs that they signed up for. He blamed Prince John for that. They were nothing more than glorified tax collectors, and they had forgotten how to take care of people.

Shaking his head, he walked down the central tunnel once more, his bushy tail flicking about and his ears pricked up. He missed having the open air that didn't mess with him, didn't turn every sound into a thousand echoes that could have been anything. He missed having the world be open to him, having the wide-open spaces that allowed a bowman to do anything that he liked.

He hated the underground, but this was the job that the queen had given him. Root out the bandits so the people could be safe again. And that was what he was going to do.

Robin rounded a corner when he heard the soft sound of breathing in the distance. Deep, restful breathing, the sort that usually came from someone, or something, very, very large. Robin paused, holding his sword a bit tighter.

Is there a monster down here?

After seeing the hypnotic lights in the eyes of the bandits, he had wondered if Hiss had gotten free. The snake was known for having a very...persuasive power, and it wouldn't have surprised him if the prince's former advisor had managed to get a command out from his prison. The guards were lax enough that he could have done it without anyone being the wiser.

But no. Hiss wouldn't have been able to claim a monster, not without half the kingdom hearing about it. There was something else down here. Maybe this thing...

The option of calling for the guards was still there, but Robin pushed it down. The last thing he needed was a bunch of panicked jackals all around him, all of them trying to push their way back to the surface while the rest were dealing with the creature of the depths. If it came down to it, he worked better alone.

He just didn't like it.

Robin clenched his hand a bit tighter around his sword and descended, poking his head around the corner at the bottom of the next ramp.

It was a creature, alright, but one that stood on two legs rather than four. It sat on a throne of wood and stone, one that seemed to have grown right there, and...and it was sleeping. A great scaled head rested on a fist, and its chest rose and fell with a slow, steady rhythm.

Oo-de-lolly, now that's something that you don't see every day, he thought, shaking his head as he looked at the horns that came out of its head, and the way that its back was adorned with wings. The fingers had claws that were longer and sharper than any of his, and the thing was barefoot, as well, with toes that looked capable of ripping through someone with a kick or a grab.

It was a dragon, a dragon that walked on two legs rather than flew through the air on four. He let out a long, slow breath.

Well, never fancied myself a dragon slayer, but I suppose there's a first time for everything, he thought as he rounded the corner. Might as well make sure that it's not going to hurt anyone else.

He lifted the blade as he moved closer, holding it in both hands. There were more candles in this deep room, one on each wall and many spread at the feet of the dragon. The light was welcome and disturbing at he same time, making it feel like there was an entrance to hell down here rather than merely another room.

Whatever you are...

Robin paused as he held his blade over his head. No matter the fearfulness of the great black beast - and there was a great deal to be afraid of there - he knew that this was wrong. He might have been able to kill it if it had been awake, if it had threatened him...but sleeping? No. That...

He wasn't John. He wasn't someone to kill another just out of fear. Robin lowered his sword -

"I'm glad that you have some decency to you."

The dragon had never been asleep. It had just been waiting. One eye opened, a gaze of white mist turning to face the fox.

"Not that the sword would have worked, but it's nice to know that you're not someone to stab someone 'helpless' in the back just because it's easier."

"I'm not a coward."

"Even though you're shaking in your boots, hmm?"

"Shoes, actually. I've never been able to afford them."

Somehow, he was bantering with this stranger. Robin hadn't expected himself to be able to do that, but then again, he hadn't expected to run into a dragon, either. This day was turning out to have a number of surprises.

He lowered his blade. There was no point in holding it up threateningly, and for that matter, he doubted that there was any point in holding it at all. The fox tossed it off to the side, shaking his head.

"Tell me, oh strange one. Are you responsible for the bandits? The ones that were so eager to surrender?"

"Oh, that's what I was hearing." The dragon chuckled. "I wondered when someone would come by to collect them."

"They're yours?"

"Not really; they were just living here when I decided to make it my home. It was easier to make them all eager to submit than to fight them, to be honest."

If that was the case, then this dragon had just solved a massive problem for the kingdom without even realizing what he had done. Robin shook his head slowly, a little fear starting to rise. If he could convince a bunch of bandits to just surrender, what else could he do? What other powers did he have?

Despite the dragon's smile, it felt like a better idea to get the bandits and go. There were other people that needed to be warned about this thing. If this generosity was a one-time thing, and if the dragon decided that he wanted to push out and claim other things besides an abandoned mine for his own, then the people needed to be warned. Marian needed to be -


"...I didn't tell you my name," the fox whispered.

"No, but I know it."

The dragon smiled, lifting his hand. Flickers of black flame rose from his palm, trickling between the dragon's fingers, and they started to grow taller, longer, spreading out further and further from his scales.

"I know you. Outlaw, freedom fighter, lover to the Maid of the kingdom." He smiled. "And completely frustrated at the armies that you have to lead..."


"You might be happy to know. I can help you with all of these things. Sure, you are no longer an outlaw, but you are a fighter, and I'm sure you'd like a break. You're frustrated with your men, and you'd like them to be better."

"Heh, and you think that you need to 'fix' me being Marian's husband?"

"Not entirely 'fix', but perhaps 'adjust.'"

Robin's smile fell. So far, this had been strange, but not unpleasant. That...That was something else.

"You will leave her alone."

"Who said anything about touching her?"

The dragon smiled, flicking his fingers. Suddenly, the rising spires of black flame leaped forward, lunging for him. Robin jumped to the side, avoiding one of them, but the second -


He gasped, shoved back against the wall by it. It formed a collar of darkness around his neck, one that was all too solid to the touch. Others lashed around him, forcing his arms and legs to the side, holding him pinned and spread against the tunnel wall.

A final thread of dark fire wrapped around his muzzle, slamming it shut, holding it tight. None of them burned him, but he could feel them twisting, writhing, spinning like the fire that they appeared as. Robin huffed for breath through his nose as the dragon got to his feet, his heart pounding in his chest as the dragon approached.

"Now, now. I know that this looks bad, but I want you to consider what I'm about to say. I'm willing to give you a great deal, and in return, I ask for very little. Now that I have you pinned, I want you to listen, and listen with an open mind. Understand?"

Robin slowly nodded his head. He didn't like this, but he knew better than to fight. At least, for now. If he did, he doubted that it would go well for him, or for the soldiers upstairs. The white-eyed dragon nodded, pulling his robe a bit tighter around himself.

"Good. I'm glad we're on the same page. Here's the deal, my little fox.

"I am a magician. I have power, and a great deal of it. I can use that power to work those soldiers of yours into a proper army. A few little spells, a few little incentives to shave away their laziness, to add to their training, to make them better than they are. Better muscles, better bodies, better minds. All loyal to you, let me point out, not to me.

"I can also give you the gold you need for expanding your wife's lands, making life better for the kingdom without entirely bankrupting it. That will also be yours. Do you understand me so far?"

The fox nodded again.

"Good. Now, there is a price for this, a two-part price, as a matter of fact. First, you and your wife will listen when I call. Sometimes that will be for help, sometimes, that will be for the second part of the price. But I need allies. A war is coming, and I will need everyone that I can get on my side, and as many worlds as I can find willing to work with me. You understand, yes? Can you agree to that?"

It was a...difficult set of terms. Robin didn't know what this dragon meant about 'worlds' being on his side, but he understood searching for allies. If someone with magic like this was looking for people to help him, that meant that whoever the dragon was fighting against was powerful, indeed.

More powerful than England? Perhaps...but the offers that the dragon made were tempting. An army that actually functioned, as well as the money to pay them, would go a long way to stabilizing the realm. And it was possible that they could renegotiate later. The dragon seemed to imply that his war was off in the future, which meant they had time.

So, he nodded.

"Excellent. The second part of my price involves...something more intimate."

The dragon's fingers dipped below Robin's tunic, and the fox gasped through the gag around his muzzle. Scaly digits had found his cock, lifting it up and giving it a few sharp strokes. He grunted at the pressure down there, another hand finding his balls, rolling them back and forth as the dragon chuckled at him.

"I know that this is frowned upon in your country. Unnatural as it is for two men to touch each other, to take pleasure, so I'm going to take the responsibility out of your hands for the first time. I'm going to make sure that you can't blame yourself. Consider this a chance to...learn."


"Don't worry. It's going to be...fun."

One of the dragon's hands came back up, this time with a finger slippery and shiny. He tapped it under the fox's nose, and Robin breathed in before he could stop himself.

The heat of the scent was enough to get his cock growing, stiffening, hardening. It was the same reaction that he had when Marian played with herself when she was in heat, the vixen's powerful fumes making him stiffer than the strongest sword. This, though...this was the scent...scent of a male...

The dragon let him go, and Robin fell to all fours, huffing through his nose and panting through his mouth.

"What...what in the world..."

"It's the scent of one you might call 'master.'"

The dragon stepped back, moving to his throne once more. Robin watched as the powerful creature flicked his fingers, pulling up a footrest for himself, a block of stone that supported those bare soles by the heel. He couldn't stop panting, every breath bringing that smell back to his nose, his cock twitching beneath his tunic, and hard.

As the dragon pulled his robes apart, revealing a half-hard shaft that put his own to shame, Robin tried to speak. His words failed him, coming out as nothing more than huffs and puffs.

And then, the dragon curled his finger.

The fox's arms and legs moved on their own, dragging him across the floor. He tried to slow himself down, but his body no longer obeyed him. It was no longer under his control.

I'm going to take the responsibility out of your hands for the first time.

The dragon was controlling him. The dragon was making him do this. And Robin...Robin couldn't stop him.

His body came to a stop just in front of the dragon's feet. Large, wide, bare soles caressed the sides of his muzzle, and the smell that had forced his cock up and hard was stronger than ever. There were a few droplets of sweat along the soles, too, which made the scent that much stronger.

Another breath, and his cock spit pre-cum across the floor, the dominating smell of the dragon making it hard to think, hard to focus. He groaned, feeling more than the smell getting to him. There was something else, something...something tingling...

His hand lifted without him telling it to, grabbing hold of the dragon's right foot. He was made to pull it to his face, to grind his cheek against it, and he shivered as he felt that musky smell soaking into his fur.

"Ah...ah..." he huffed, panting.

"You'll enjoy this by the end of your session." The white-eyed dragon smiled. "I promise. You'll enjoy this."

And the impossible thing was, Robin almost believed him. Certainly, his cock was harder than it had been any other time in recent memory, and the fact that he was right on the verge of cumming despite not even touching himself should have been impossible. Yet, there he was, sniffing a strange dragon's soles and feeling like he was on the verge of orgasm.

He huffed again as the toes curled around his nose, the smell of musk pushing itself down his nostrils, burning into his brain. He should have been repulsed, but...

But he wasn't.

The dragon's power grabbed his tongue, forcing him to stick it out, and he gasped as he realized that he was tasting the mage's foot. One lick, two, three, each one taking more of the scent as flavor into him, and his cock throbbed with each and every lick he gave. Or, or that he was made to give. It was getting harder to remember that.

Wishing he could bite his lips, the fox humped the air, unable to help himself as he kept taking in that smell, that taste. The humiliation of being underfoot was severe; not even the Sheriff of Nottingham had debased him like this. Yet, at the same time, there was something almost...gentle about it. The way that the black dragon held him down only made it more intense, like he had lost all control, like he wasn't responsible for anything anymore.

Like he didn't have to be in charge...

Like he didn't have to worry about anything except...doing as he was told...

That thought sent another shiver down his spine. He tried to say something -


Only to have the scaly toes in his face shoved into his mouth. The damp digits touched his tongue, and his eyes went wide.


One lick, one sniff, and he was blowing his load. Robin could hardly breathe, his eyes rolling back in their sockets as he humped the air, shooting his seed all over the cavern floor. His cock jumped and twitched, his balls pulled up tight against his groin. One shot, two, three, four, more than he had ever cum from his own hand before, just as good as feeling Marian around him the few times that they'd been together.

He panted, moaning around the toes as they popped out of his mouth again. The dragon looked down at him with a gentle smile, and Robin blushed.

"What...what was that?"

"That is another power I have. A power over pleasure."

"You...can you do that at will?"

"If I have to."


"Now. Let's see how you can handle this."

The fox's eyes went wide as he was dragged forward again, this time pulled until his face was even with the dragon's crotch. The sight of that cock was even more impressive up close, particularly since it was hard now. It pushed up high, the throbbing black flesh dripping from the tip and just as...scented...as the dragon's feet had been.

His cock refused to go soft. This was worse than what had happened with Marian's drippings during her heat. This...this was something that just owned his body.

His head was pulled forward, moving on its own as he opened his mouth. The former thief blushed as he realized what was going to happen. His Merry Men had been more than willing to enjoy one another's company, though he had never partaken of the same pleasures. This was...

This was huge...

The fox tried and failed to keep his mouth shut, his jaws parting to let that large cock inside. He couldn't stop it from sliding past his lips, nor could he stop himself from gagging as the tip touched the back of his muzzle with so much of it still left outside. He gagged and grunted, trying to pull back, but the dragon shook his head.

"Ah, ah. Just a little more."

His 'captor' curled his finger, and suddenly Robin's head darted forward of its own accord. He gasped - or, well, tried to - as more than a foot of dragon meat was lodged in his throat. His eyes stayed wide, his nostrils flaring as he took in more of that scent, that thick, heady scent.


"That's it. It's not so bad, is it?"

Admittedly, it wasn't. It took a little work to get used to something so big in his windpipe, but...well, once that was done, it wasn't bad. The fact that the thick, enticing smell was still around helped, too, he had to admit. He would have blushed if he wasn't so interested in huffing in more of it.

"Alright, let's see how you handle actually sucking on that, heh...little slut..."

Robin groaned, feeling his body moving without his permission once more. He doubted that was something that he'd ever be able to get used to, but the feeling was...not unpleasant.

Particularly since it kept him from pausing or hesitating as the dragon used him. The fox grunted every time that the thick cock went down his throat, every time that those balls bounced against his chin, but with the magic helping him along, he was able to take it every time. If he'd been doing it on his own, there was no way that he would have been able to take it down his throat. It was just too big, too long...

Robin breathed in the dragon's scent, allowing himself to drift off as the heady odor pulled him down. He started to move his tongue, started to swallow.

He didn't even know if he was being made to do that...

The fox 'woke up' some time later, laying naked on the floor with his body covered in thick white strings. The dragon stood over him, and he realized that they'd been fucking for...well, probably longer than he really had time for.

Robin sat up, slowly, and he groaned as he felt how empty his balls were. He felt like he'd just blown a half-dozen loads into his wife, or at least, he assumed that was how it felt. He'd never gone that long with her, and if it felt like this, he wasn't sure that he wanted to.

"If you're curious, the first payment in gold is behind you," the dragon said.

Turning around, he blinked. There were four sacks of gold, each one filled to the brim, and he was sure that they hadn't been there a moment ago. There had to be at least two hundred gold pieces in each, enough to run the treasury for the kingdom for a month, all told. It would give him and Marian plenty of breathing room to get back on track.

"I'll be back again another day. Make sure that you're ready for another session, if you're interested in this little alliance...And maybe see if your wife is interested, too."

By the time that Robin turned around, the dragon was gone. He shook his head, getting to his feet. He needed to get dressed, find a way to get the gold out of here...and then make sure that he didn't smell of another male all the way back to the castle. That was going to be the hard part, he was sure.

The End