Just Some Innocent Fun

Story by neopuc on SoFurry

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It was time to find a new world, one that was still pristine, General Macrophilius thought to himself. He had been looking forward to spreading his reach to yet another planet in this universe. It was not that he had any great interest in conquering a new world. He already had enough worlds under his control. What he wanted was a nice little world that he could play around with from time to time. General Macrophilius did have plenty of worlds to toy around with too, but it was always fun seeing the reactions on the inhabitants faces when he played with them for the first time. Of course, a little memory wipe could make it so they believed it was always the first time, but he still knew and that just took a little something out of it.

It only took a few days for him to find the type of world that he was looking for. That was not bad considering the fact that the last time he had gone in search of a new world it had taken him a few months to do so. General Macrophilius did have to make a few scans of the world before he decided to have some fun with it. Just because long range scans had detected life on the world did not mean that it would be fun to toy around with. There had been plenty of times where he had found worlds where the most advanced life form on the planet was some sort of algae.

Upon arriving in the solar system where he had detected the new life bearing world he did a few more thorough scans. He was pleased to detect signs of industrialization. There had to be quite a few sizable cities on the planet and he was certain that the inhabitants of that world had to at least have the capability to reach the moon orbiting their world, maybe the next closest planet to them too. That was good. A world like this was a lot of fun. There were plenty of people with plenty of things to break and they did not have the ability to be a threat to him either.

All he had to do was leave his own ship in orbit around one of the more distant planets in the solar system while teleporting himself to the world. He had to teleport himself into some deserted field outside of a city. General Macrophilius doubted his sudden appearance in the middle of a city would have gone unnoticed even if he did have the same basic form as the people on this world. Just having two legs, two arms, and an upright posture did not guarantee he would go unnoticed even if he showed up by normal means to the people on this world either. He doubted his form of dress would fit in all that well. A guy wearing a uniform, red on one side and black on the other, with a bright red cape, what appeared to be a mask, and an officers hat would definitely stand out on this world.

Transporting himself onto the world was no problem at all and there was no one around to see him. He also doubted the people on this world were technologically sophisticated enough to detect his sudden appearance. But, they were advanced enough to have a rather nice looking city full of towering structures and other impressive works of architecture. General Macrophilius had teleported himself just outside of one of the larger cities on this world and he was pleased that there were quite a few other cities on the planet like it. He thought he should probably do a little more work surveying the planet from groundside to confirm that, but he was rather anxious to test out his new toy planet.

With the snap of his fingers a nice chair poofed into existence. Someone looking closely at the chair might have noticed that it was hovering just slightly above the ground. A hovering chair that appeared out of nowhere would have been unusual enough to the casual observer, but it was the least of the surprises that General Macrophilius had in store. It was about time to start having some fun and he had to summon the actual players to the game. He thought that two or three might do at first, but it was a big city, so he thought about going the extra step. Yes, four players would do for today. All he had to do was pick the players now. When his mind was settled all it took was a snap of his fingers for things to begin.


The city of Bantor had just come out of a week were it rained nearly every day. It had been a depressing week, but this one was supposed to be better. While the skies were not exactly clear, they were not nearly as bad as the oppressive overcast skies of the previous week. People were just happy that they could walk outside without a jacket or an umbrella again. But, besides the not terrible weather, it was just business as usual in the city again. Everyone went about their everyday lives and their everyday worries.

But, on this day the people would discover just how quickly their everyday routines could be shattered. There was no warning for what was about to happen, no ominous portents, and the weather remained relatively clear. Then, in an instant, normalcy within the city was shattered. At four different points in the city, massive anthropomorphic creatures suddenly appeared. Each one of them looked to be about 20-stories tall and all appeared to be female. The human populace of Bantor had never seen anything like these creatures, or rather they had, but just not in these forms.

In the residential area of the city, a buxom red furred vixen popped into existence. The commercial district saw a titanic grey wolf appear. Downtown in the industrial district they witnessed a gray and black stripped raccoon show up out of nowhere. Finally, over at the docks, a white faced, black limbed, red furred giant with a stripped tail body made her appearance. Some of the people in the area had a harder time identifying her as a red panda. All four of them had sleek feminine figures, were fairly well endowed for females of any size, and all of them had playful mischievous expressions on their faces.

At first the people in the city did not know what to do. They did not even have the luxury of trying to form a response to what to do about giants as they walked toward their city. Instead, the giants had not been there a moment before and now they were. It was an impossible situation, but it was really happening. Some people were caught so off guard by what was happening that their minds just would not work, would not accept what they were seeing and as a result they could only stand there staring. There were a few other people already fleeing the giant anthros in a blind panic while there were a small number of people that were able to think rationally enough to find a place to hide.

All the things that were causing such panic and indecision among the people of the city did not seem to affect any of the titanic females in the least. Despite just arriving in the city they did not appear to be the least bit confused or shocked. In fact, they seemed to be enjoying the chaos going on in the city surrounding them as they looked around. Most of them looked content to just observe all the funny little creatures surrounding them, but the vixen was ready to do more than just look around.

She lifted one massive foot paw above a crowd of people that had been frozen in place and started to lower it slowly down on them. The sight of that massive paw and thoughts of the immeasurable weight behind it was enough to get some of the people running. But, even then, it still took some people longer than others to figure out the danger they were in. The last of the people did not even start running until that paw was within inches of them and it was too late by then. Even with the vixen lowering her paw so slowly it took a couple of seconds to get out from beneath her mammoth paw. By the way the vixen giggled lightly when her paw descended onto those people and a wet squelching sound echoed through the air, everyone else started to realize just how much trouble they were all truly in.

The vixen lifted her paw above another group of people, but held it in the air as this time she teased, "You had all better learn to stay out from under my paws if you don't want to get squished." She then wiggled her toes at the people beneath her paws as if in emphasis of what she said. Then she laughed lightly as she started to lower her paw once more. Her warning had not done much good for the people beneath her paw this time. The people were so stunned to hear the titanic creature talking that many of them had been frozen in place once more. By the time they got over the shock the paw was already on top of them. The vixen was able to enjoy all the little crunching bodies beneath her paw once more. "You people really aren't good at listening to advice, are you?"

Throughout the city, the vixen was not the only one having her fun. In the commercial district the wolf was also going into action as the vixen enjoyed her walk. She looked around and smiled broadly as she said, "Ohhh, it has been a while since I did any shopping." The wolf walked around, doing a bit of window shopping and pretending not to enjoy stepping on those too slow to get out of her way as much as the vixen did, but her joyful giggles tended to give her away.

Whenever something would peak her interest the wolf would stop for a little while. For instance, when she spotted a clothing store with some nice looking outfits in it she said to anyone that happened to be nearby, "Hm, those look nice, but they might be a little small for me, don't you think?" In response, the people in the streets screamed and ran while the wolf chuckled at them. Of course, just about everything in the area was too small for the wolf.

There was something that the wolf spotted that she just had to have, though, even if it was too small. The wolf happened to stop in front of a jewelry store, the most famous and expensive jewelry shop in the city actually. Since she could not exactly walk through the front door she decided to tear the roof off the building, tossing it aside and inadvertently causing the destruction of the building that roof collided with. It did not take long for the wolf to spot one of the store's employees cowering behind the registers.

He was so busy being curled up in a fetal ball he did not even notice the wolf reaching for him until she had already plucked him up. "I'm interested in everything you have in the store. How much do you think that will cost me?" the wolf asked as she dangled the employee in front of her muzzle.

"Free, free, everything's free for you," the employee stammered as quickly as he could.

"Aww, that's sweet of you," the wolf responded with a sweet smile, "For being so nice I think I'll let you take a little vacation in my own personal sauna." The man yelped as the wolf dropped him onto her wide tongue and drew him back into her maw. With a quick swallow, the wolf sent him on his vacation to her belly. After seeing that, anyone else that happened to be in the store tried to flee, but a few of them did not make it in time as the wolf started gathering everything in the shop.

In the next few moments the wolf demonstrated that she had more going for her than just her size. No one could really see what was going on in her hands as she started bawling up all the jewelry she had just taken from the store. For the people in her grip along with that jewelry, it was a confusing experience. When the wolf finished what she was doing it was clear what she had done. The wolf held out her handiwork in her open palm. Where she had once had countless tiny pieces of jewelry, she now had just two rings in her palm, both large enough to fit around one of her pillar like fingers. Set into those rings were many precious stones as well as a few other additions, the people that had once been shoppers in the jewelry shop.

Those people were still alive, but they were definitely incapable of escaping the prison that the wolf had fashioned. The wolf had a smug expression on her face as she said, "Not bad if I don't say so myself." Then she slipped the rings on a finger on each hand and took a moment to admire her work before moving on. Yes, she liked the way the rings looked, but now she wanted a matching pair of rings for her toes. It was a good thing that there were still plenty of other jewelry shops for her to chose from in the city.

As the wolf was shopping the raccoon was causing even more havoc in the industrial portions of the city. It turned out that she was the curious type that just had to investigate everything and there were a lot of interesting things to investigate in that part of the city. Since the titanic females had shown up in the middle of the workday all the various manufactories in the industrial district were fully up and running. All the various noises warranted investigation in the raccoons mind.

Her idea of investigation usually meant tearing the roofs off of buildings to see what was going on inside. She would spend a little while marveling at what was going on inside those buildings before quickly losing interest and moving on. That would not have been so bad if the raccoon actually watched her step while she was moving from one building to the next. Instead, when she got bored with a building she had a bad habit of walking right through it to get to the next building. With the roofs of the buildings already gone and a 200-foot tall raccoon blowing straight through them, it was rare that any of those buildings could remain standing for long.

Occasionally, the raccoon would mutter something along the lines of, "Sorry about that, but if you don't want me stepping on things you really should not build anything in my way." The people in the buildings she was demolishing would have gotten them out of her way if they could, but it was all they could do to get themselves out of her way before she destroyed their workplaces. The industrial district was starting to get flooded with people fleeing their workplaces while only a few tried to find especially safe places within their buildings to hide. It did not help things that the raccoon was not making her way through the area in any particular order. If the look or the sound of a certain building interested her that would be the building she headed for, carelessly destroying everything else in her path. That did mean that she was not aiming for anyone with her steps, though, so the people in this area did have that going for them at least.

In one of the factories in the area there was something that would change the raccoon's behavior. No one in that factory had bothered to turn off its automated lunch signal and when it went off the raccoon happened to hear it just as easily as anyone else around the building. The people in that building really were not all that concerned about the lunch signal with a giant raccoon wandering around the area. To them the only thing that really mattered about it was whether or not it would get the raccoon's attention.

"A lunch bell," the raccoon said to herself, "I suppose I could go for a little bite to eat." The people around her were surprised and horrified that she knew what the signal meant. They also wondered just what she planned on eating and dreaded that they already knew the answer. The raccoon chose to tear the roof off the building that had signaled it was lunch time and sat down right outside of it. She had a look on her face that many of the people inside that building recognized. It was a look many of them often had when looking through their lunchbox when someone else packed it for them. That look also indicated that she liked all the little treats that she found inside her lunchbox.

"You don't mind if I join you for lunch do you?" the raccoon asked. In response, the people in the building screamed and ran for the exits. "I didn't think so."

The raccoon reached down into the building, scooping up a couple of workers and lifting them to her nose. She gave them a little sniff and smiled, enjoying it as much as someone of a more normal size might enjoy the smell of good meal. The raccoon did not waste any time after that and just threw the two workers into her maw. What she did take time to do was suckle on the workers, savoring their taste and making little sounds that told everyone around her she liked what she tasted. One dainty little swallow was all it took to send both people sliding down her throat and to her stomach.

As the raccoon gave her belly a satisfied pat she said, "They were certainly good. The raccoon then turned her attention back to the other workers in the factory. She made sure to pick off the ones closest to the exits first, making quick meals out of them. When the others inside the building figured out what was going on they decided to change their strategy. Instead of trying to escape, they just tried to find places to hide. Unfortunately for them, the raccoon had a good vantage point to see where everyone was trying to hide. Even if someone could get under what they thought was a nice heavy solid piece of equipment, it did not take much effort for the raccoon to lift it up and get to her tasty little treats. It took the raccoon less than 10 minutes to devour everyone in the buildings and it only took that long because she paused to savor her treats before swallowing them whole.

When the raccoon finished with that building she stood up with a contented smile on her face and let out a little belch. That only made her laugh before saying, "That was good, but I don't think that one little snack is going to be enough for me. Maybe I should see what else you people have for lunch here." The people within hearing range of the raccoon really started to panic after that. Up until that point the raccoon had not really been targeting anyone, just absentmindedly destroying everything in her way. Now she was pretty much going after anyone that happened to look tasty, which happened to be everyone from what the people could tell. A 200-foot tall raccoon had quite the appetite too.

The final giant was making her presence felt at the docks as well as the raccoon and the other titans. This was a thriving city in terms of both industry and tourism. The harbor was full of everything from small luxury boats to huge super tankers and even one cruise ship. At the moment, just about every vessel with a crew on board were trying to get their ships moving. That was going to take time for the larger vessels and the smaller ones were skirting just about every rule of safety to get underway as quickly as they could. The red panda had not even been in the area for two minutes before the first two smaller vessels collided with and capsized each other.

While all that was going on the red panda waded out into the water without any worries at all. Some of the boats that had been closer to her were capsized by the waves she was creating, but those were some of the smallest boats in the harbor. The red panda did not really consider them worth her attention at the moment. She had bigger things in mind. That was a good thing for some people in those capsized boats. As long as they could avoid drowning, the red panda just ignored them. It was the people on larger boats than theirs that had something to really worry about.

Something like a cruise ship was a bit large to use as a toy for the red panda, but some of the private yachts definitely piqued her interest. She had a wry smile on her face as she looked at the boats. They were almost cylindrical in shape and they vibrated a lot with their engines on. "You are a kinky group of people," the red panda said to anyone that happened to be listening. The people on the boats did not know what she was talking about and they had no interest in finding out. They just kept on trying to escape before she could catch up with them.

The red panda quickly proved that a titan wading through the water was faster than a private yacht, especially when the water was clogged up with boats of all sizes practically ramming each other to get away. There were actually so many ships around that the red panda did not feel rushed to make any decisions and looked for one that would make the best toy. She walked by various ships, looking through windows and checking out the vessels themselves. The red panda would pass them up for one reason or another, too small, too ugly, already broken, whatever.

It took a little while, but she eventually spotted a yacht that was just the right size and it looked like the owners had been having a party on board before she arrived. The red panda waded right up to the boat, the water level still not coming completely up her thighs. While she looked down at the yacht the people on board that vessel hoped she would pass them by like she had done with everyone else so far. There was something about the look in her eyes that told them otherwise.

The red panda plucked the vessel out of the water, looking it over and enjoying the way it vibrated in her hands. "I've always liked parties. They're just so much fun," she said to the people that were now prisoners on the yacht she held. The people had to wonder what their captor wanted of them. They worried that the sharp fanged creature planned to eat them, but as she started to lower them down her body they held out hope she was putting them back in the water. Unfortunately, they stopped a short distance from the water and they did not like the moist cave that they found themselves in front of.

Some of the people tried to jump overboard, but the red panda easily caught them in midair and dropped them right back on the yacht. "Stick around," the red panda would say to those attempting to flee, "You don't want to miss out on the rest of the party." Then she started moving the yacht closer to her femme. The people that had been standing outside the yacht quickly got inside, hoping that would provide them with some protection.

For her part, the red panda did not care much about where they were on the yacht. As long as there were plenty of passengers on board, she was happy. She held the vessel against the lips of her pussy for a moment, enjoying the rumbling of the vessel's engine before she started to slowly insert the ship into her. What looked like a ship large enough to live on to people was being reduced to nothing more than a vibrator for the red panda.

As the red panda took the yacht into herself she simply adored the way the vessels vibrating hull felt against her sensitive flesh. She was moaning in pleasure while the people in the boat where moaning in fear. Her feminine musk was already permeating throughout the ship and the scent was getting stronger with every passing moment. That musk was the least of their concerns, though. What they were really worried about was the way the boat was creaking as it was inserted further into the red panda.

All the light in the yacht were blocked out by the huge walls of flesh that came to surround the vessel. Strings of feminine juices were leaking into the yacht through any doors that had not been closed properly when people fled through them. Even though those juices were harmless in small quantities, the people avoided the stuff as if it were made of acid. That started to get harder to do as the vessel slowly flooded with those juices. And as the red panda's arousal grew the juices started welling up within her much faster, flooding the yacht all the quicker.

The people thought about trying to get out of the vessel as it flooded, but there was nowhere for them to go. It had been a while since the red panda had fully inserted the boat into herself and she was just enjoying the feeling of its vibrations now. The only thing getting out of the yacht would do was change their setting. Instead of being surrounded by wood and metal, they would be surrounded by flesh. Still, with panic seizing the minds of those aboard, that was what they were willing to do.

A small number of passengers rushed on deck and tried to force their way out of the red panda's pussy. She felt them as they did so, little hands pushing and shoving against her sensitive flesh. The red panda had been hoping they would do that. It was why she had picked a crowded yacht to begin with. She was pleased that her tiny toys did not disappoint. While those people were strong enough to please the red panda, they were not strong enough to actually escape her femme. Their escape attempts helped move her towards her climax and when that did happen, nothing inside of her stood a chance. The boat was shattered like an eggshell and the people inside of it were reduced to a fine goo by the powerful walls of muscle surrounding them.

For the next few moments the red panda enjoyed her climax. She let the waves of pleasure wash through her and her juices, mixed in with bits and pieces of her toys, flowed out of her. When that climax was finally over the red panda looked around and said, "I'm still in a partying mood. I wonder who else would like to have some fun with me?" While no one responded in the affirmative to her, that would not stop her from picking out more people to party with over time.

Throughout the city, there was nothing but panic and mayhem. Local law enforcement was fully aware that they did not have what it took to take on any one of the four titans that had appeared in their city. They were just trying their best to stay out from under one mammoth paw or another while trying to evacuate the city at the same time. The giants had free reign of the city and everyone knew that. It was something the three giant women were making painfully clear to everyone. But, they hoped that would change soon and when they heard the first roar of jet engines overhead they hoped that time was now.

Those jets happened to be military craft and they were not the only military units that were showing up. Ground forces were pouring into the city as quickly as possible. They planned to try and deal with the wolf first. Both she and the vixen were headed towards each other and they wanted to deal with at least one of them first, before they had a chance to meet up. They were not sure how much damage the mysterious giants could take and they hoped the answer to that was not much. Still, if they could take even a little bit of damage, chances were they would have time to dish out some damage of their own. Something of their size would be able to do a lot of damage too, even if all they did was fall over.

It took time to make their way through the crowds of people that now chocked the streets as they tried to escape. They did worry that they would be too late to stop the rampaging giants from meeting up, but many of the forces managed to find occasional gaps in the crowds that let them speed things up. The jets were also fortunate enough to not be impeded by the crowds. They only wanted to get but so far ahead of the ground forces, but they thought they might be able to lure the wolf to the ground forces if they did things right.

The wolf did hear the jets coming and she stopped in her shopping long enough to see what they were doing. All the people still fleeing from her were happy to see her stop for a moment and give them some much needed time to distance themselves from her. Still, they were not anxious to be between her and the military. It was a very good thing that the pilots of the jets had very good aim and the wolf was a pretty big target.

When the pilots shot at the wolf she brought her hand up to block the shots reflexively. Her hand came up just in time to block the missile that was headed for her face, but there were others that impacted elsewhere on her body. For a brief moment the wolf was engulfed in flame and everyone looked on, hoping that the wolf was dead. The wolf soon dashed those hopes when she was heard coughing through the smoke left behind by the attack on her.

"Ow, that stung you little buggers," the wolf complained, "And look at my ring, you smudged it." The wolf held up an unharmed looking hand that had just taken a direct hit from a missile, showing off a blackened ring for the pilots of the jets to see. The attack had only seemed to annoy her at best and what pain they had caused her seemed only secondary in her mind when compared to what had happened to her ring.

"I hope you don't think you can just fly off without cleaning my ring, especially since it's new," the wolf chastised the jets. It was distressing to see that the wolf did not seem hurt, but she was pursuing the jets at a leisurely pace instead of shopping. That did let the jets lead her back to the ground forces and away from the vixen, so it was not viewed as a total lose. The wolf was so occupied looking at the jets that she never even bothered to look down. That led to her stepping on quite a few people, but she did not care much about that. She really wanted her new ring cleaned off.

The wolf did not notice the trap she was being led into until the first tanks started firing at her. That was a bit of a surprise from her, but when the ground forces heard her cry out it sounded more like someone getting stung by a bee than someone who was in incredible pain. They were fairly certain that she was not dying under the barrage since she kept calling out, "Hey, cut that out. It really stings. If you don't stop you're really going to get it."

Despite the threats from the giant wolf, the military just kept on firing. While they could tell she was not going down, she was not advancing either. They hoped that meant she would go down eventually. The wolf was just hoping they would stop with all that shooting. While it was not all that painful it was hard to advance on them with so many things hitting and exploding against her. She thought she might have to wait until they ran out of ammunition before she could do anything about them and she cursed the fact that they probably had come well prepared and would not be running out of ammo for a while.

Fortunately for the wolf and unfortunately for everyone else, a certain unnoticed observer hovering around the city did not want to wait for the military to run out of ammo. With the same snap of the same fingers that had caused all the chaos that day, he set things into motion once more. Once again, there was no warning for what happened. It just happened and the only ones not taken off guard by that were the titans themselves.

In an instant, the wolf and all the rest of her companions expanded in height. They did not just grow a little bit either. All of them shot up to more than three times their previous height. Where the military was once shooting all over the wolf's body, they were now barely shooting above her knees. What had been an annoyance for her was barely worth her notice now. She did not even notice it when one of the jets that had been trying to fly over her ended up colliding with her back right after she grew. All the ammunition in the world could not stop the wolf from advancing on the ground forces now.

The wolf started walking forward, checking her jewelry as she did so to make sure it had grown with her. It was a relief for her to see that her new pieces of jewelry had, but it was all still a little smudged. She was not pleased about that, but as she looked down at the ground forces arrayed against her she decided she knew how to get back at them. A sinister smile crossed her face as she said, "You know, I don't think I'm going to make you clean my rings after all. Instead, how about we play a game?"

As the wolf advanced on them the ground forces tried to retreat, but her long strides outpaced them, even in vehicles. The wolf was able to gather up those ground forces at a leisurely rate. Like she had done with the small items of jewelry she had taken before, she started molding the vehicles into a more desirable form. Instead of making a ring she just seemed to be balling them up this time. The size of the ball grew as she gathered every military vehicle in sight until she had a nice sized ball of scrap vehicles in her hand. By the time she had finished decimating the ground forces and fashioning her ball, the vixen had finally met up with her.

"Sounded like you had some trouble over here," the vixen said playfully to the wolf.

"Nothing too serious, but I got a new toy out of it," the wolf said.

The vixen looked over the ball of metal and said, "About the size of a soccer ball. How about we play a game with the others."

"That's exactly what I was thinking about doing when I made it," the wolf responded with a laugh. They needed to set up goals for their game, but that was not difficult for creatures of their size, especially when they called over their other friends. Each of them grabbed a skyscraper to use as a goal post, uprooting them and planting them in the ground at other more desirable locations in the city. It was a marvel to see such large buildings being so easily handled, but it was also terrifying for the people in those buildings as well as the people that happened to get caught underfoot as the titans walked around.

If the four giants setting up for a soccer match was bad, then the game itself was a complete nightmare. When they started running around, kicking a giant metal ball of destruction around like it was a toy, the devastation was immense. A solid metal ball made of military vehicles could blow straight through any building it was kicked at. And the ball was the least destructive part about the soccer game between the giants.

The vixen and the wolf were on one team, while the raccoon and the red panda were on the other. They were not playing the game in any abandoned area. Instead, their soccer field spanned the entire length of the city. The only structures that could match the size of the titans were the skyscrapers downtown, but even those were knocked over with ease if any of the four giant females accidentally collided with them. Anything and everyone else was trampled into dust and goo if it happened to get caught beneath one mammoth paw or another.

While the giant females laughed and had a good time with each other, buildings were getting crushed. A once thriving city was being reduced to rubble before everyone's eyes. The people of the city were nothing more than things that made a pleasant crunch beneath their paws to the giant women. Each one of them was assembling quite the collection of little red stains beneath their paws. It only took a few minutes for the residential area of the city to completely disappear. All that was left was debris mixed in with dirt and mud. The commercial district met much the same fate while the industrial district did faire a little better.

The titans never even bothered to keep score, but they did appear to be fairly evenly matched. They just kept on playing until the red panda eventually announced that the next goal would be for the win. That was when all of them became really aggressive. In their roughhousing they ground everything up beneath them into stuff so fine that it calling it rubble might have seemed like an exaggeration. In the end, all of that was for nothing. When the wolf kicked the ball one last time and it collided with one of the few remaining skyscrapers something happened that not even the titans were expecting.

The ball exploded, pretty much destroying the building it had collided with and vaporizing the ball. "Well, that was unexpected," the vixen said.

"I guess I really should not make soccer balls out of military equipment. Maybe I'll use regular cars next time," the wolf said with a hint of amusement in her voice.

The red panda smiled and said, "That was a kind of spectacular way to end the game."

"But I refuse to settle for a tie," the raccoon said, "We have to see who wins some other way."

"I think I might have an idea about that," the red panda said while glancing back at the still partially intact docks. While the harbor itself was in ruins, many of the ships out in the water were still alright. Some of the largest of vessels were still too large to use as toys, but at their new size they could have some fun with the medium sized vessels in the water. The red panda proposed that the two teams pick one ship each and then they would use the ship as a dildo between their teammates. Whichever team climaxed first would be the winners of their game. The other females liked that idea and went out to find their ships.

During the red panda's previous visit into the waters around the city she had been able to capsize vessels all on her own just by moving around. With the other three females in the water and at a much increased size, even some of the largest vessels were feeling the effects of all those titans moving around. Lesser vessels were capsizing if even one of the giants moved too close to them. Some of the smallest vessels were not even noticed by the females as they looked around. When one of the giant women collided with those vessels it ended up getting shattered into splinters while the impact did not even register in the minds of the titans.

Even the people on vessels large enough to stand up to the punishment the titans were subjecting them to were in terror of what would happen to them. They remembered what the red panda had done earlier and they knew what she thought of their ships. With her being even larger now, it only meant she could use more ships as toys, and now she had her friends with her too. No one wanted to be chosen, but two unlucky ships were bound to be chosen.

The vixen and the wolf eventually settled on a ship that had a hull painted in a way they found appealing. An especially sleek and fast looking vessel was what the red panda and raccoon chose. The people on the ships were wailing in fear and begging for their lives. They were ignored for the most part, but the raccoon eventually said to them, "That's the spirit. With your help I'm sure our team will win."

The giants did not stay in the water like the red panda had done with her toys. This time they waded back to shore, carving another path of destruction through the water, to make it easier to scissor with each other. When they did get on shore the people on the ships tried to escape just like they did on every ship the red panda had used for her pleasure, and like those people, these people failed to escape. It did not help that there was an extra pair of hands available to catch escapees.

Like it or not, the people on those ships soon found themselves positioned between giants that were about to share their ships in their sexual games. They were helpless captives, but the titans were all encouraging them to get into the spirit of the game and promising their team victory. Needless to say, many of those people were hoping their team would lose since it meant living longer. Then the titans finally started moving together, taking in equal portions of the ships as they did so.

The ships that the giant women were taking in were no small private yachts. These were vessels of a significant size with much more than a few partygoers on board. They were vessels that people normally felt completely safe in unless they were dealing with a massive storm. What they were up against now looked like much more than a storm. Their ships were getting taken in by massive pussies from both ends without any trouble at all for the giants. In fact, despite how strong the ships seemed to the passengers, it looked like all the giants had to worry about snapping the ships in half and were trying to be gentle with the ships to make sure their toys lasted.

People on both ships wanted to get as far away from the giants as they could, but it was not like retreating towards the other end of their ships helped. The middle of the ships seemed like the best place to be, but since everybody wanted to be there, there was just not enough room for everyone. They might have fought more to be in the middle of the ships if it were not for the rocking of the vessels. When the titans came together completely they would soon part again, only to take in the ships once more. This was causing the ships to rock violently and bouncing passengers all about their ships.

As the giantesses grew more aroused they pumped against each other and the ships harder and faster. The titans were enjoying themselves, but the people on board the ships feared that their vessels would come apart at any moment. Windows shattered and cracks formed in the hulls of the ships as the ones using them as sex toys cared less and less about keeping them intact. Feminine juices started flowing into those cracks and decks started to fill up with warm milky liquids. The passengers could feel the heat of their arousal even from deep within the ships, could smell their powerful musk permeating the ships.

It was only a matter of time before the titans climaxed. The only question was which team would do so first. In the end, it was difficult to tell the answer to that question. All four of them seemed to climax at nearly the same time. The people in the ships were barely aware of the climax, though. It turned out that the muscles of creatures that were 600-feet tall were more than a match for any mere ship. One second those vessels were there and, an instant later, powerful walls of flesh had crushed them like grapes.

All four of the titans were laid out along the docks. They had not even paid attention to the fact that just by laying down on it that they had crushed much of what was left of the city. And now with all four of them climaxing at once, feminine juices that were flowing out of them were washing away the few surviving furs in the area. That was something else that the titans did not notice nor care about. At the moment, they were happy with the bliss that came with climax and when that was over they were more concerned about who had won their game.

The two teams started to have an argument, trying to decide just who had climaxed first. There were a few surviving people in the city that wanted them to settle things peacefully. The last thing they needed was for the four of them to have a battle of the titans in the rubble that remained of their city. Unfortunately, it looked like it really might come to blows and people prepared for the worst, which mostly consisted of cowering and praying for a miracle.


That was enough for the day, General Macrophilius thought as he hovered in the air high above all that was occurring. It would not be much fun to see his girls having a fight in such a decimated area. With the snap of his fingers, all four of the titans he had summoned to begin with disappeared without a trace. The people in the city were even more stunned than they had been when the giantesses first arrived. They had thought the end of the world was upon them. It was even more stunning when, with a snap of his fingers, the entire city was restored, including the people within it. General Macrophilius thought about wiping their memories, but decided to let them remember what had happened for now. He planned on returning to this place one day and he wanted the people to know what was going on when he summoned his girls to settle their fight.