I've Been Watching You

Story by Pappa_Bear_Bear on SoFurry

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This is I think my very first Yiffy story I ever wrote. It is about a bunny who is caught looking at online naughtiness and has to pay a price.

I've Been Watching You

The bunny woke groggily to a bondage hood being slid down his long white ears and plunging him into darkness. As the stranger began securing the hood the bunny began contemplating the events that had led to this situation.

It had all started on Monday. When he had gotten to the office there was a note sitting on his desk. On it were the words: I've been watching you. Underneath that was his user name and password to a hardcore fetish site he frequented. Fearing the consequences that the note could bring about, he quickly destroyed it and deleted his account on that particular website. The next day another note appeared with more personal details. The notes kept coming every day, always with the same message but always with a different reference to his online activities. By Friday the bunny was at his wits end. The information in the notes could be construed as blackmail only they never made any demands. All they ever did was remind him of his personal activities online. When five o'clock rolled around the bunny felt that he had dodged a bullet. No note had appeared that day and the bunny thought that maybe it was over. Walking to his car he saw the piece of paper that had been slipped under his wiper and began to tremble. With shaking paws he unfolded the paper and began to read.

I've Been Watching You. I Know What You Need.

Confused by the new message, he opened the car door and missed the hooded figure that was crouched in the back seat. He only had a few seconds after starting his car to realize something was not right before a rag was placed over his muzzle and darkness overtook him.

The bunny was quickly brought back to reality with a swat to his exposed ass and the stranger whispering in his ear.

"I've Been Watching You pet. You've been a bad bunny. Cheating on your wife with online porn. No matter. I've been watching you and I know what you need."

The bunny then felt the tug of the leather cuffs that had been placed around his wrists and ankles as his limbs were drawn away from his body by an unknown force. The bunny shivered as his already exposed form was exposed even more and his member began to emerge from his sheath all on it's own. In his mind's eye he could see the scene as he was drawn into an x shape leaving his entire body vulnerable to the stranger. It was similar to a scene he had watched days earlier on the web. He wondered if the stranger knew how much this was turning him on despite the fear, but from the cold air surrounding his half engorged member he knew that his lust was evident. Just as the strain on his limbs was becoming painful the tugging stopped. Suddenly there was a stinging sensation on his rear followed by another as he tried to jump. The ropes held him firm and after another half dozen swats he knew that there would be no escape from the paddling. Although the paddling was causing his ass to burn, it was having a different effect to his nether region. His member continued to grow with each swat as his mind began to, once again, picture the scene he was mixed up in; using images from all the various websites that had been hinted at in the notes. When his member was at full mast and straining for attention, he groaned at the inability to satisfy himself and endured the paddling.

When the stranger stopped their assault on his behind, the bunny began to worry about the strangers intentions. Obviously the stranger had access to his online activities and knew what he liked to observe. Even though this scene he was involved in was a fantasy, would the stranger take it too far?

His thoughts were once again broken by a new sensation to his body emanating from his tailhole.

His first reaction was to clench as the intruder probed under his cotton tail but the stranger grasp his right nipple and began to twist.

"Now, now pet. You know how this works. I've seen your online history. You let me in or you know what will happen."

Intimidated by the threat the bunny unclenched his anus and allowed the intruder inside.

"Good pet" the stranger whispered as they let go of his nipple.

The bunny felt the tingling sensation begin as the intruder began to vibrate, stimulating his prostate and forcing his body to act against his will. He realized that it had been a probe inserted into his tailhole. He concentration was broken though as he felt the stranger apply another vibrator to his chest concentrating on his nipples for a while before slowly moving it down his stomach. The bunny's member was now fully hard and leaking pre onto his white orbs below causing him to go crazy with need. By the time the stranger had reached his pelvis the bunny was bucking wildly against his bonds in hopes of release but knowing that it was beyond his control.

"Not yet" the stranger whispered before withdrawing the vibrator from the bunny's pelvis knowing that he was moments away from climax.

Infuriated the bunny let out a muffled scream and began thrashing harder against his bonds.

His struggle was brought to a halt by a bucket of ice water being dumped over his maleness and the probe unmercifully yanked from his tailhole. This caused his body to react and his swollen member to retreated back into the safety of its sheath.

"Now pet." the stranger said sternly. "You are here for punishment not pleasure. You were the one cheating on your wife with all those fetish websites. I've been watching you and know how far your depravity goes. Try and fight and we will be here forever. Commit to your wife and you will be rewarded. Shall we begin again?"

The bunny slumped in his bondage before nodding his head. The stranger was right. His wife was an exquisitely beautiful example of his species and she had loved him for years. She had been with him through all sorts of things and had never asked for anything. He, on the other hand, had started delving into more darker and darker scenes in order to satisfy his personal needs instead of seeking attention from his loving wife. He had been doing it for years and ignoring his wife in the process. He was a lousy husband and deserved this punishment.

The stranger proceeded to dominate the bunny for the next hour or so always bringing him to the edge but never letting him fulfill his need. It always ended with an ice shower and a lecture on his shortcomings as a devoted husband. The bunny for his part was torn. He loved his wife and wanted to be a better husband, but the punishment and denial he was experiencing was a dark fantasy of his and caused his member to harden faster and shrink slower after every ice bath. His lust was breaking down his willpower though, and he knew that eventually he would reach his breaking point and do anything the stranger wanted. Finally after the sixth round of paddling, probing and vibrator stimulation the bunny's willpower gave out. With silent sobs and muffled apologies the bunny knew that he could never neglect his wife again without reliving this lustful torture session. He would do anything for her now and the stranger knew it. Quickly the stranger began a different kind of treatment. One that would ensure he would never forget.

"Pet, your punishment is over." the stranger whispered while teasing the bunny's nipples. "You have accepted that what you did was wrong and your wife deserves better. Keep this in mind the next time you seek to pleasure only yourself. "

The bunny then sensed warm paws on his shoulder blades. They began to rub and kneed his over stressed muscles before proceeding down his back. Slowly and sensually the stranger teased his body, massaging every fiber until they stopped at his rump. He then felt his cotton tail being grasped and anal beads slowly being inserted into his rectum. Unlike the probe these were placed with care and he jumped a little when they came to life in his ass. The stranger then returned their paws to his rear and kept massaging is ass for a while as the beads worked their magic on his prostate. Millimeter by millimeter the stranger began working their way downward again, first his thighs, then his calves until they were concentrating on his feet. His body had responded to the stranger's attentions and on the floor between his outstretched feet, a puddle had formed from the bunny's leaking member. He dimly felt the cuffs being released from around his ankles before more attention was given to the front of his legs. Creeping ever so slowly upward the stranger skipped the bunny's nether regions and proceeded to his stomach. There they played for awhile, softly tickling and drawing patterns in the soft white fur. The bunny hissed as the stranger tweaked his nipples but it only sent him to new heights of euphoria, making his body associate pain with pleasure. With his arms still outstretched by the cuffs and ropes the stranger took the opportunity to manipulate his long white ears, teasing them and making them twitch. When the stranger finally reached the last hairs on his ears they leaned in and whispered.

"Pet, are you ready for your reward?"

The bunny was so over stimulated by that point that all he could do was nod.

His climax was so intense that the bunny blacked out and only remembered after the sensation of the furry paw wrapping around his member and the anal beads being withdrawn. When he regained conciseness he was lying on the floor of an empty room, sticky with his cum and sweat. There was no one in sight and the only thing left were his clothes. Still breathing heavily from his experience he reached for his shirt and noticed for the first time that his bonds were gone as well. A white envelope that had been sitting on top of his clothing fell to the floor when he moved the material. Picking it up, he opened the envelope and dumped the contents into his trembling hand. A single photograph of an exquisitely beautiful female bunny clad only in a feather mask and holding a paddle fell into it. On the bottom of the photo, written in red ink were the words

I've Been Watching You. I Know What You Need And I Need It Too Love.