Living as a Skunk: chapter six

Story by shyfox5 on SoFurry

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Was I still dreaming? No, no I couldn't be could I? It all felt so unreal, so abstract. Me, in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, attending anthrocon! I felt so excited I wanted to jump right out of my fur!

"Wow" I said, stunned with awe. "I can't beleive I'm really here..."

"I can't beleive it either." she looked over at me with a fiendish grin, I looked at her questioningly. "Well, you know I would've never said yes if your grades weren't so good, and you weren't, really one of them."

"Yes mom that's true, but I would've found a way to get here anyway." as I gave her a devilish sneer. She looked disappointed, but eventually gave a shrug and we walked inside the hotel. Now this hotel was something of legend! True, I hadn't been outside my home town, but seriously, this place was amazing! There were showfers everywhere, carrying bags, luggage, room service carts. As we walked inside, one of them immediatly stopped what he was doing and came over to us.

"Excuse me, might I ask what your purpose here i...i.." He stopped dead sentance and stared at me. He wiped away the moisture on his glasses and took a big long look. "Oh, well, I guess that answers that question"

"Yeah, as you can see I'm..."

"Here for the furry convention, and already in your fursuit, though I must say you must've spent a lot on it. It incredibly lifelike!" Me and my mom both stare at each other.

"I know right, I worked on it for a while." I said tentatively, deciding it would probably be better if the public didn't know yet.

"Your names please?"

"John, and Melissa Brown."

"Let me check our list." as he pulled out an extremely long piece of paper and started scrolling. "Ah here you are, room 1286. Please follow me." As he lead us to the elevator I tapped his shoulder. "Yes?"

"Do you have a program guide, or festivities list on you par chance?"

"Of course. Here you are yound man." I chuckled under my breath. I scaned the festivities list, they all seemed interesting and I wanted to go to all of them. I decided I would check out the gaming set up first, maybe hang around try and meet new people. While I was off in my train of thought I got a rude awakening, a kick in the shin.


"Sorry dear, I've been trying to tell you, the elevators here." I jumped into the elevator just as the doors slammed close on my tail.

"Youwch!" as I realized how that sounded I quickly made up a story. "Whoops...hehe....force of habit, sorry." The man looked extremely suspicious, eventually, he lightened up and I took a big sigh of releif as mom eyed me cautiously. We spent maybe 2 minutes in the elevator when it dinged.

"Here we are" he said "21st floor. Your room is second down the hall on the left."

"Thank you!" we yelled as we walked down the corridoor.

"Take care!" he shouted back. We walked to our room and man was it impressive! There was a stove, a freezer, a microwave, a fridge, and even three beds! I looked at my mom whole heartingly.

"Really?" I ask "Why did you get such a fancy room just for us?"

"I felt you deserved it because..." at this point I ran up to her and gave a big skunk hug, cuttin off some cirrculation. "Ho...ney....please....sto....p" I let go and she relaxed and smiled at me. "Now, I'm gonna sit here and read my book. My cell phone will be on, please call me with more details as you find them out."

"Ok mom, I'm headed to the convention center."

"Have fun you big ouwl furry!" I turn my head back towards her, bluching profusely of embaresment. She just smiled and waved as I closed the door and headed across the street.

As soon as I walked in the front door I was lost, people every which way and that, people talking people in fursuits racing, jumping, conversing, and yet, though I had never been here I felt like I was right at home. It's a good thing no one pays attension to people you don't know because any real fur could tell I wasn't wearing a costume. The major thing I didn't like about it was all the touching. people shoving past me and bumping into me, it somewhat irratated my fur, but other than that, I was in heaven. I ran to the video game room and, after finding out how bad I was at them, met a nice young couple named Amy and Will Williams. Though his name was redundant, and I laughed the first time I heard it, we got along quite well. He had one of those really texan accents and said things like "Yall" and "Giddie on up!", his wife was quite different, she was British and she explained that they met on the internet. She also had a very thick British accent, and yet they got along quite well. While I was with them, they had no fights and seemed generally happy to keep each other's company.

"Why yes, we met on the net, and I must say I never expected us to work out."

"What do you mean?"

"Well he was a wolf, and I was a squirrel, we're supsed to hate each other, but the more we talked, the more we realized we liked each other."

"So how you really met was each being a furry?"

"Yes, that is why we come here every year, and what's even better, Will's birthday is today!"

"Really? Wow what a coincidence. You having a party?"

"Why yes we are, would you like to come? As long as you don't spray people of course." We all gave a good laugh.

"Ok I'l come, and I promise I won't spray anyone." I smiled and gave her a high five.

The rest of the day went very well and I had a lot of fun. However what I remember most is what happened after the party. It was around 10:30 and we all went outside. I thought maybe we we're having a bunfire.

"Where we going?"

"It's our favorite spot in the whole world!" they both proclaimed. As we followed them we came across a small hill and a clearing in the trees. They both threw their blankets down on the grass and stared up at the sky. "Look up." and as I did, my mouth hung wide. This was th biggest collection of stars I had ever seen! I could even idenify a few from my astronomy class. As I laid down with the rest of the group, each of us touching shoulder to shoulder. I was just completely blown away by its shear beauty. "You know, somewhere out there, there's a world where furries are real! I just know it. They live and breath and do work, just like any of us would do, and someday we'll find that work. I chuckled on the inside "Well don't look to hard" I thought "It might be a lot closer than it appears."It was about 11:30 before I made it home and went to sleep.

Around 1 in the morning I am awoken by a large black object, and quite rudely at that.

"WAKE UP! Wake up!" as it slapped me across the face

"Ugh...murrgle flurm..." this is when the cold water hit my face "Pssshhhh! Why'd you do that! I was having such a nice..." I grab its arm and to my surprise it's soft, and furry too! "Who are you?" I ask as it moves to the light switch and clicks it on. I was stunned, it was like I was looking in a mirror, except for the long eyelashes, softer fur, and longer tail, it looked exactly like me!

"Dear..." it said "I think we have a problem" Then she outstretched her arms where I spotted two patches of flourescent green fur that resembled my handprints!

"" She nodded slightly. I then had a sudden realization of "OH *%^$#."