Macro Park Pt. 1

Story by CharitysSongbird on SoFurry

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#1 of Macro Park

Part 1 of a multiple part story featuring Macro/Micro events inspired by the movie Jurassic park. Contains M/F M/M Etc. hope you enjoy.

Macro Park- Part I-

As the sun rose over a wide rippling sea, the white crests of waves flew high smashing into one another, spraying the thick foam up into the air, even as a whirring sound of cutting air sang out as the deep rhythmic beat of an engine propelled a sleek private helicopter out over the vast ocean. Its white polished hull reflecting the light, as it shot across the blue sky cutting its way towards a distant island. At the head of the helicopter the piolet nodded his earpiece buzzing with a dull crackle of voices prompting him to reach and press the side of his earphones, his furry husky lips parting as his calm voice rang across the cabins speakers.

"We are coming up on our destination, all passengers please prepare for landing." Echoed the canine voice as in the cabin, a small group of passengers looked up at the sound, a warm chuckle drawing their eyes down towards the plump little man sitting with them. His tan fluffy fur, covering a good deal of his head, and back, while his neck and face were the bright white of snow, and a bit fluffier than even one of corgi blood like him had a right to be, to his belly a bit plump and held in by a two piece white suit, complemented by the circular spectacles sitting on his nose, while a simple straw hat hugged his soft white hair, two holes cut for the pointed tan ears that twitched in time to his wide doggy grin.

"Well well, we are almost there, and then all your questions will be answered my dear Doctors." Smiled the corgi, nodding out the window as the island came closer with each moment. Across from the exocentric business man, sat his guests a pair of mice's both dress as though they had just been pulled from some arkeological dig, male a bit bigger than his female companion but both sporting the long thin tails and cute whiskers of their mousy race, the short soft fur a dusky grey, from their time out in the dunes digging up bones of beasts that hadn't roamed the world since ages past. Alongside the pair was a confused looking fellow, his ringed eyes, and tail giving him the look of a bandit. Though he looked rather bored at the moment give that he was yawning while looking out the window, his chin in his paw, as he glanced back, smiling and nodding a bit.

"Well I just hope we make still haven't told us why we're here with two archeologists and the blood sucker." He chuffed jerking a thumb back at the final member of their group a man dressed in a tight striped suit hugging his briefcase as though it were his life, and glaring at the racoon's words. His long ears pulling back as he flashed a fanged sneer at the other man.

"Keep it up, you are only here as an example to the accountants, and please drop the legal slurs," hissed the bat, with a chuff, his flat nose twitching, as he sat back smirking at the sight of annoyance on the racoon's fluffy face as he pouted and moved to look back out the window.

"Now now, let's all not be like that, this is a marvelous day, and trust me my dear Malcolm, by the end of the day you, Dr Ellie, and Dr. Grant will all be more than happy you accepted my invitation." Smiled the Corgi, turning to look out the window, as the Bat smiled around at him.

"We'll see Mr. Hammond, Remember the company has me here to see if this new park of yours is worth investment." Stated the lawyer, as the corgi turned a wide smile around to the man. While outside the helicopter dipped lower, now passing a dazzling waterfall, the mist flowing down around and against the glass, as they dropped towards the pad below.

Soon enough the doors to the helicopter opened to let the five passengers out and across the landing pad, tails wagging as they chatted, moving towards a pair of sporty looking jeeps, each painted a bright white, stripes or spots decorating them as if they were part of a safari tour. The group clambered inside, the drivers, setting off, as from the shotgun seat Malcolm turned pushing his sunglasses up against his racoon ringed eyes, his tail thumping against the hyena driver, causing him to growl in annoyance but otherwise focused on the road ahead, and not privately contemplate on how best to take the turn and throw this arrogant ringtail out the door.

"So, Ms. Ellie, was it? So just what do you and Grant dig up out there in the desert, looking for the missing link between me and our happy host?" smiled the racoon, as in the back-seat Grant snorted shaking his head, smiling around from under his cowboy hat, towards the mouse woman at his side. Ellie for her part shook her head at the statement before looking back at the grey and black striped face before her.

"Dr. Ellie, Malcom," she began with a dry smile, her tail flicking in agitation. "as for our work, we study the macro animals that use to dominate our world." She huffed, leaning back a bit, folding her arms under her modest bosom. "And trust me, if I was looking for a link to you, I wouldn't be looking at such noble creatures." She smiled Grant snorting a bit beside her as Malcolm's face fell and he turned around dropping into the seat, noticing the hyena beside him smiling at his embarrassment, his professional attitude slipping a bit as he began letting out a soft chuckling yips his people were known for. Looking ahead the trio saw the first jeep pulling off the path and onto the rolling hills, till it was cresting one massive ridge.

Following behind the first the driver pulled in after them, as a distant boom of sound rolled out, causing the three passengers to jump.

"What was that?!" called Malcom looking around, as the driver gave a small snort, nodding up to the top of the hill where Hammond was standing his fluffed face split into a wide welcoming grin, has he lifted a paw to wave them up.

Slipping from their seats the three began to trudge up the path Grant and Ellie at the head as the racoon trudged along behind the mice, idly grumbling about what they were doing.

"Hehe, well friends, I promised you a miracle, and here it is!" barked Hamon happily spreading his paws out, as they reached him and the mass expanse opened up before them, the blue sky stretching over the valley beyond, fields of swaying green grass, pools of azure water, and of course, what was moving around. What their eyes fell upon caused the mousy pair to freeze solid, their mouths dropping open, even as a massive thump shook the ground they stood on. A hoof, the size of their jeep stomping down a few yards away, as the shadow fell down over them, their eyes tracking up to see the thing before them. Up and up over its thick legs which bristled like tree trunks, its towering head easily 50ft above them and smiling its plump horsy lips its attention on the grove of trees at the top of the hill. Looking up the three gasped, as beside them the lawyer was already speechless. All four watched as what was unmistakably some kind of stallion clopped past his palomino flanks twitching over literal tons of heavy muscle, as it stomped over to a tree, grasping the tip in one hand as it bent its head down to bite down on the leaves. The raw smell of horse and sweat, manhood and simple size flooding down over the watching group, as most felt their cheeks heating up. The stallion's tail flicked back and forth giving them a clear view of his heavy package, the gigantic black orbs sloshing back and forth the size of wrecking balls, slapping hotly against the macro's thighs, even as a pillar thicker than any of their waists hung a bit down, twitching now and then, as the beast fed.

"'re.." whispered Grant as he felt his legs turn to jelly and the mouse sank to his knees watching as the stallion turned to clop away, back towards where hundreds more of his kind were heading about in the fields. Giants one and all laying here or there a few wresting with one another or dipping down to drink or dive into the pools. Along with stallions and mare's there were dozens of other kinds of macros before them. Some large as the stallion, others even bigger, as Ellie move up dropping beside Grand her mousy paws closed over his arm as she nodded off towards where a mouse macro at least thirty feet tall was stretching against a rock, basking in the sun light, its heavy bosom rising and falling as it curled around another macro, the pair laying in each other's arms, their tails intertwined.

"They're here..." she whispered her face bright red at seeing the mass of giant macros padding down below. Cows, horse, mice, even canine's and felines all stomping around, heavy bosom's bouncing, or packages swaying. A few were even in the midst of obvious mating, the moaning roars causing the tiny watchers to flush at the sight of sex, large as their vehicles grinding and thrusting down below as Hammond's voice at last called them back to reality.

"Welcome my friends to Macro Park!" barked the man happily giving them a few moments to gather themselves before they were back in the jeeps, stunned, as they made their way back to the path and down towards a massive building. The trucks making their way through the winding path stamping down the dirt road as the sight of a very massive complex came into view. White stone reaching up like some closed in theater, a domed roof sporting a few bits of radio and satellite equipment.

With a jerk the jeeps pulled up before the building, Hamond slipping down to lead them ahead his paw, holding the cane he always kept close. Waving them on the old canine trudged up towards the door's where a pair of pups, a girl and boy rushed over to greet him with a welcoming hug and barking of joy. Soon after, the group was sitting before a theatrical trailer that told them just where they had arrived and how Hammond had brought back the giant macros from the deep dark of history.

After the video began to wind down the group was led into a research room where white coated workers bustled about moving by massive pens, each large enough to hold a small tank, where purring, or growling giant cubs, fouls, and all manner of baby macros were resting, a few pawing at the thick glass, licking it, or trying to catch their own tails. Grant nearly leapt into Ellie's arms as he passed one cage where a lion cub easily ten feet tall, with arms thick as lamp posts pounced only to thump against the glass, purring as it tried to reach his tail that had drifted close to the glass.

"Awww, aren't you just the cutest." Cooed Eille dropping her colleague as she moved over to smile at the giant cub, cooing as it pawed playfully at the window, and one of the researchers moved up with her to explain the habitat and breeding.

Rising Grant felt a pull on his arm as Hammond smiling took him over towards one of the cages where a relatively small creature lay. Its thick fluffy tail curled round its body. Even as a new born it was obviously the little macro was as big as Grant himself. As they approached the creature steered lifting its face slowly blinking cutely before yawning showing a wide pink mouth dripping with saliva that ran over its pearly white teeth.

"Wh..what is that?" asked the mouse looking around to the smiling Hammond as he moved up to press his hand to the glass, cooing in at the baby.

"Hum, oh my dear Dr. Grant, don't tell me you don't recognize our little cutie here." He smiled pulling the man up as the creature clawed forwards, his soft orange fur, hugging a girlish body, though the thick package swaying between its legs telling both men that it was male. Smiling the "little" macro moved up sniffing at the glass, before giving it a lick, showing the bright pink of its tongue, while its cheeks took a soft pinkish hue even through the thick fur. The actions combined with its coloration caused Grant to freeze.

"Lo...Love fox' bread LOVE FOXES!" gasped Grant as the cute little orange fox yips at his voice, scooting back, and hiding under its pillow, a toy stuffed mouse tumbling from the top to rest on its long fluffy ears.

Blinking back at the man's outburst the scientist nodded. "Of course, this little guy here is just a pup, but our biggest just past the hundred-foot mark a few days ago." Smiled the man as Grant stared from him to the cute boyish face peaking back at him in apparent curiosity, wondering what a macro boy of that size would even be like.

Across the room, Eille was waving to the scientist as she started forwards, moving around a few tables, pausing as she looked into one of the cages, seeing the lights dimmed as the creature inside, lay curled, its long tail wrapped around one of its thick talented legs, the soft purple and red flesh covering it offset by thick lines of glowing yellow and pale green, as the lovely face bent down to smile at the glass, its eyes glowing softly as the mouse drew closer.

"Oh my..." she whispered as the creature inside smiled, opening her mouth a bit to whisper back.

"Mmmm such a cute little mouse..." it breathed in a deep voice as Eille eeped at the sound finding herself taking a step back as the creature unfurled. As she watched the creature rose up, and up, in its glass cage, pushing forwards to rest on its arms, as a bosom big as air blimps squished against the floor and the massive head bent down, hot breath fogging the glass. Shivering Eille watched the macro moving to smile down at her, feeling her heart speeding up as it did.

"Hehe careful, She's a charmer if you aren't careful." Called a scientist, a badger by the look of him. Moving up, the badger took a moment to look up at the massive woman, obviously now some kind of smooth skinned lizard, its wide wings folded behind it. In reply the giant reptilian woman gave a pouting look at the white jacketed researcher before turning away to moved back deeper into its cage.

"Wh..what was she?" asked Eille, as the badger gave a soft smile.

"We aren't really sure, she's a bit like a drake in some ways, but her skin and that glow is almost like an angler fish. She's usually quite docile, but if she see's someone she wants...well, we had to bring her in for a while to observe. Seems she went and started playing with a few of the other smaller macros." He finished blushing a bit, as Ellie got the idea, feeling her own face turn a bit red imagining this massive woman having her way with others.

"Ri..right" she breathed moving on rejoining Grant and Hammond as he led them on into the next area, Malcom and their bat friend following along in their wake.

"Mr. Hammond, how do you keep them from outbreeding or even not attacking?" asked Ellie catching up with the corgi as he smiled round at her question.

"Oh my dear, we have a full proof security system, top of the line spared no expense, and we breed a bit of docile chemicals into their food, the females are all on, well the pill I suppose is the closest way, and any that are more aggressive are kept separate. Ah perfect, just the man to answer any more of your questions our security director Muldoon." Called Hammond waving a paw towards where a tall, figure stood his brownish tan suit and hat matching well with the thick sand colored fur, and swishing tail he sported. He was obviously some kind of rodent, and from the look of him a bit of kangaroo pumped through his veins. As the group neared he stepped up holding out a hand to the new arrivals.

"Elo there, don't worry Ms. the big ones may seem scary but a few shots with a tranquilizer and they are easy enough to handle, it's the smaller ones you want to watch." He muttered as the group made their way towards a large fenced in area. The inside covered in tall grass, that shivered now and then as whatever was inside moved back and forth, the thick steel bars and wires making the group a bit nervous as Hammond turned to them.

"Oh don't let Mr. Muldoon Worry you, he's just a bit worried about our pack, we have some lovely lupine anthros here, but most don't go past fifteen to twenty feet." He continued as the group looked around at the cage a soft growling causing them to turn, as a rich lovely voice, slipped out from the folds.

"Hmmm we'll see, hurry now...we're hungry." whispered the voice as Hammond smiled looking around to Muldoon who was glaring at the cage. Soon the group were watching a crane pulling up a wide metal box, lager than a fridge, before it began lowering into the cage, while a rabbit man moved over the top checking the cables, before nodding towards the operator.

Watching the package lower, the four guests turned to Hammond looking worried as he waved them off. "Oh no need to worry, that man's a volunteer, see, our pack. Well they enjoy some fun now and then, but they know if we don't get our boy back they don't get food, so they'll have their fun, but not hurt him.

"Much." Snorted Muldoon as he crossed his arms. "Till they decide they want more." He added as the crate dropped inside, and the sounds of shifting foliage rang out a moment before a moaning gasp rose, the grass parting for a moment to show a massive wolf, her thick fur standing on end, as she pushed the rabbit boy down bending him over the fridge. Her heaving breasts the size of yoga balls pressing to his back, while free paws dipping down to grasp her own swollen red shaft. Stroking over the swelling cock, as her knots began to grow, and she lined up with the little bunny's ass. The next moment there was a gasping moan and howl of pleasure before the grass moved and the obvious sounds of slapping flesh and gagging moans could be heard.

"They're only four of them there, three males and her, don't know if we mixed up the gene's or what, but she's a mix of male and female, took control and ate the old pack leader, pushed out the other females and took over in a week." Sighed the kangaroo mouse, shaking his head as he looked back at the blushing group even as Hammond led them along. Back towards the compound.

Soon the group was seated around a massive table all speaking on what they had seen.

"This is crazy, Mr. Hammond you've let these creatures loose on this island, they aren't just animals, they could escape, even reach the main land." Started Grant even as Malcom nodded in agreement, his fluffy cheek stretched in a frown.

"He's right, this can't go well, say that pill stops working, or one of those gentle giants goes on a rampage, you can't know what you're dealing with." He continued as Hamon shook his head looking around at them.

"Unbelievable, I bring you here to show you my work and the only one on my side is the blood sucking lawyer." Smiled Hamond looking around to see the bat. Gennaro frowned a bit at the lawyer slang again, but composed himself and shrugged idly opening his brief case.

"I don't say I know it couldn't go wrong, but obviously, Mr. Hammond has been keeping it in check till now, and these creatures are breathtaking, they need to be scene, imagen the crowds, the chance to experience them...I mean..." here he blushed a bit trying to not think about the stallion they had started the tour seeing, the size of his...body. Blushing a bit the bat dipped his head, looking back around.

"How about you go through the tour, the full tour. You can see that we've spared no expense, the island is safe, please you have to at least give it a chance." Barked the corgi as the rest looked around before nodding in agreement. Soon the anthros rose heading out towards a pair of green jeeps, the pups tagging along with them piling in one after another. Once filled the three jeeps, on their metal tracks, gave a small jerk and the tour began. The rails pulling them down the gravel trail towards the massive wooden gates ahead, torches set in heavy metal brackets throwing the light across the wide letters spelling out "MACRO PARK!"

As the jeeps trudged along the path, tall trees and brush shuddered around the path. Meanwhile inside the parks security control room, a pair of workers slipped back and forth across the computer panels, typing away, as Hamond bounced on the balls of his feet, looking hopefully at the cams showing their progression.

"All systems are normal." Smiled a deep voice as a large black cobra leaned back pulling the cigarette from his lips, and blowing out a cloud his scaled lips pulling up in a small smile as he looked back at his boss.

"Good, good." Repeated Hamond his tail wagging as he looked round to the other worker, a very fat bear, who was idly scratching at the folds of his neck, smiling to himself. Annoyed Hamond gave a small growl causing the bear to look back around, his pudgy cheeks pulling back in a small grin.

"Oh yeah all good, no worries, um I've got to use the...bathroom." He called pushing up from his desk, and waddling out of the office. His coat waving behind him as he huffed and puffed his way out into the hall and out of sight. The cobra and Hamond watching him go.

"Idiot." Sighed the black scaled man reaching up to rub his brow, his tail flicking a bit under him as he leaned back to continue typing. With Hamond watching eager to see where the group was on their way. Meanwhile the pudgy bear had managed to waddle his way into the cryo tanks, moving to steal samples of the macros. Looking around now and then to make sure he wasn't being seen, his short tail flicking agitatedly as he stuffed vile after vile into a storage can.

"Hehe, I'm rich." Giggled the bear thinking of his plan, and the money waiting for him once he escaped. Soon enough he was out of the cryo tanks, moving off towards the car pool even as outside the weather began to shift, the cool air blowing harder over the island, as the distant thunder clouds began to form.

Clouds that could be seen from the two jeeps rolling along the path, the occupants, sighing as they looked out having only seen a few glimpses of the macros since the trip began. The closest to a show so far, being a massive canine that had bounded up towards the car's barking happily before slapping head long into the fence with a blast of electricity that threw it back, rolling to thump against a tree, the thirty foot terrier by the look of him, appearing a bit dazed before rolling back up tail wagging and barking as it followed the jeeps along like a pup. As it moved along, they saw his huge paws smashing some of the plants and trees causing some to spring back up and wag back and forth at the giant's passing. As they finally passed its patch, the watchers waved back as they pulled away, shocked to see the macro wave back, as though he was their dog simply saying goodbye for the day.

"Hehe, well he was friendly." Smiled Ellie as behind her Malcom sighed, shaking his head.

"Yeah till he gets ahold of his little mousy chew toy." Called the man's heavy tone, as the mouse gave a little hiss looking away from him while the jeeps rounded the bend. Once round the three automated jeeps pulled to a halt.

"OOOOOHHHHHHHH!!!" a booming voice came rolling over the jeep, as they occupants looked around, the mousy archeologists eyes turning to see the hint of what caused it.

"What was that?" called the female corgi girl, looking worried, as beside her, the little boy had his face pressed to the glass, looking out excitedly even as Grant looked up to see his colleague leaving her jeep. Sighing the man pushed his own door open following, soon even Malcom came padding along after the mice, the three stepping down the hill till the grass parted to show the source of the noise. A massive feline. Its back arching high above them as its mouth opened wide, a moaning purr leaving it's lips as it bent down, easily over forty feet of thick furry leopard bending down his paws sinking into the soft ground as its tail rose high, swaying with a coat of silver and white fur. The spots of darker fur along its body drawing a small gasp to the mice's lips.

"I..Its a leopard! A SNOW LEOPARD GRANT!" called Elli excited grabbing her colleague's arm and jumping a bit as the man nodded looking just as shocked, his mouth dropping open in a wide smile even as the massive feline fell back, smashing the grass and brush below it as it groaned. The cute looking giant running huge paws over his chest, as a pair of researchers turned at the sound smiling at the new arrivals.

"hehe yep his names Runt, and don't worry he's gentle, just a little eager right now," sighed the scientist moving over to whisper to the group. "See one of the scientists was in heat, and well, now the big guy's kind of in the mood, he's the only leopard we have so, not much to help release his instincts." Finished the blushing scientist, as he stepped back. The workers sighing as they moved off towards their own jeep, where some tranks and other medical supplies lay.

"Wait you're going to trank him?" called Ellie sounding worried, as the scientists looked back with a shrug.

"Hehe well it's that or jump the guy, and sorry Ms. but I'm not that brave." Called the scientist as the trio watched, the leopard rolling over his flushed face opening in another moaning purr. His wide eyes looked down at them pleading with them even as his hot breath rolled down over the trio, causing Malcom to shudder, and turn back towards the car.

"Yep I'm going now, back to the jeeps." Called the racoon as he sped off ring tail wagging as he vanished leaving the two mice behind as Ellie shook her head.

"Coward, Grant go back ok, i'm going to stay and see that this one's looked after, don't want them messing with him so much he gets sick." Sighed the woman as her fellow looked at her for a moment before smiling, leaning in to whisper in her ear.

"You know just cause your husbands a leopard, doesn't mean you have to be all hot and bothered over any old giant leopard." Teased the man before Ellie gave him a shove, sticking out her tongue at him.

"Jerk, keep it up and then you won't get to look at those love foxes so much." She called, causing him to flush a bit before nodding as he turned waving to her as he made his way back up the hill towards the jeeps. Now along with the leopard Ellie looked around at the scientists still bent over their open jeep's trunk biting her bottom lip in eager contemplation.

Turning Ellie felt her heart jump at the sight of the massive snow leopard rising to its knees, his paws dipping down to grasp a thick throbbing member, his raging hot shaft already bigger than her whole mousy body. The heat and smell throbbing off it as the young looking macro panted down over it stroking even as a steady stream of pre leaked out to form a puddle under him, the scent rising like a fog around spreading his musk out over the mouse as she felt her heart beating a bestial drum against her chest.

'ohhhh this is a bad idea.' Thought Ellie taking one step then another forwards the leopard spotting her, still panting, as she drew closer. His lust fogged eyes rolling over her, before he lunged forwards his shadow cover her, as Ellie let out a squeaking cry.

Spinning round the scientists were about to yell before they saw Runt's fluffy face rubbing against the tiny woman purring as his wet nose pressed to her cheeks. Seconds after the soft nuzzle a thick pink tongue, large as a beach towel, rolled out over her dragging up over her tiny body, smearing it in hot drool as the moaning purrs turned down, more relaxed as the leopards paws thumped down on either side, as he rubbed Ellies body against his face, drinking in the taste and smell of her, as his giant tail lifted.

Under his assault Ellie felt her cheek burning her body arching, reacting to his touch his power, before she gasped feeling his tongue sliding up and over her, filling her lungs with his smell. Feeling the humming purrs rolling through her tiny body, Ellie barely noticed the calls which caused her to look around to see the scientists worried faces.

"Mmmmm gi...give me a few minutes...." She panted gasping as the giant's tongue rolled out over her body again causing both scientists to blink between her and the giant runt. Shrugging, the two turned back to the jeep, slipping inside and turning on the radio, it wasn't the first time someone on the island had had some fun with a macro, and it made their job easier.

"Ohhh better..." purred Runt licking over her face, before he pushed up now hanging above her, his knees digging into the grass and mud, as he panted over her, hot drool dripping from his lips, as he eyed the tiny mouse woman.

Flushed Ellis tiny nose twitched her whole body shivering as that booming voice was directed down at her, the giant of a leopard, hanging above her, as she bit her lip, reaching down to unbutton her shirt, slipping free from it. Followed soon after by her skirt till she was standing in only her bra and panties, the soft grey fur, hidden by a small bit of white that hugged her modest curves, as she looked up flushed seeing the leopards cock swelling at the sight of her.

"More.." moaned the leopard dipping down hit tongue lolling out as Elli eeped raising her hands up in a stopping motion.

"NO WAIT!" she called as Runt paused, the giant of a leopard blinking down as she looked up shocked it had worked at all.

" ju...just be gentle ok." She managed as Runt cocked his head a bit, before purring, a warm smile on his lips. A smile that stayed as he reached down with one paw, scooping the mouse off her feet, pressing her against the soft pink pad of his paws, and lifting her up to his face where this thick tongue rolled out lapping up her shivering body as with a snap her bra and panties broke dripping down to fall with a splat across the ground.

"Mmmm I be good...mate." He moaned. The words rolling through her as she flushed, her folds moistening as she felt her chest heaving, the pink tips of her breasts standing out as she felt the tongue returning the hot wash of his breath sending goose bumps across her flesh as she moaned in turn reaching out to hug the tongue that lapped against her, teasing between her legs as they spread wide, her tail flicking as she gasped, pressing her dripping face against the tongue to lick back. Her hips busy grinding as the purring leopard pleasured her, drinking in her scent as his free hand moved down to stroke across his cock, the fat member twitching under each lick, and press of her body burning with desire, as he tasted her wet folds, across his tongue, rolling down into the cavern of his throat, as he panted over her.

"Mo...more help.." he panted pulling her moaning body away from his face, her flushed cheeks, accompanying the panting lust that dripped from her lips and folds alike as she nodded feeling his paw shift as she saw his chest passing. A second later she was watching his massive cock drawing nearer, her moans drowned in his own as she was pressed to the hot flesh, her own grinding against it, as the thick musky scent rolled over her, filling her lungs, as she began to lick and hug the massive throbbing pillar, sliding up and down as the giant stroked her along his shaft, moaning in turn, as he bent over panting. Both paws stroking her over his cock smearing the trickles of hot seed across her as he moaned louder, with each spurt.

"Mhmmm MO..MORE MATE MORE....BI..BIGGER... Ho..HOTTER...AHHh..AHHHHH!" roared the macro, his words a stream of lustful purring and roars, that fit together like some rough animals desires, the heat building inside him burning through his gigantic cock. The mouse moaning against him feeling it build, wanting it to come, needing it to come, as she felt him slipping her to the head of his cock. Her furry face smearing against the wet slit, as she licked at it eagerly, tasting the hot load gushing below. Shivering and screaming she came, splattering her hot sex across the leopards heaving package, while the giant's hips thrust back and forth fucking the air, as with a final roar he fell back as the first thick rope of cum shot up into the air, like a fire hose, raining back down as his paws thumped down to the ground shaking the forest around, as he came again, gallons of cum flooding out. Dripping down along his stiff shaft, a few hitting Ellie throwing her off the cockhead and onto the giant's fluffy chest, with a thump. The twin release leaving her panting, under the thick load, as she felt the giant's heaving breath turning into a purr, as the massive paws moved up hugging her against his chest.

"Go...good kitty." She moaned, shivering as she watched the loads at last dribbling down to nothing, as she rolled over, to see the leopard's sleeping face, drawing a small snort to her lips. "Hehe, men." She sighed, pushing up looking down at herself, the grey fur stained white in a few places. Shaking her head Ellie paused as she heard a voice below.

"We have a shower and clean cloths back at the camp if you want. Or you can stay with runt? Only ask cause it looks like a storms coming." called the scientist smiling as Elli's face turned bright red, and she ducked behind the sleeping macro's paw.

"Hehe o...oh um...yeah can..can you throw me my clothes first." She called as the scientists moved to oblige.