A Thanksgiving Challenge Accepted

Story by KaenEmbertail on SoFurry

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#1 of Tales of Youthful Exploration

A pair of caracal twins decide to get back at their younger brother for his mistreatment of them, and in the process make a video to send to someone they look up to.

This is a silly little story I wrote for my friend, Coyote Time, in response to the challenge presented in this story! This story is purely all in good fun and no caracals were hurt in its production...at least, not too badly. If ballbusting isn't your thing, I'd strongly advise you to back away now! With that said, I hope this turned out good! =D

It was Thanksgiving evening and caracal twins River and Skye sat on the bottom bunk of their bed, eyes glued to their laptop screen. They were both covered in silky golden fur, with pointed ears tipped in black that stood out from their head like the horns of a menacing creature. Pale yellow eyes outlined in black only served to reinforce this image. Their tails swished happily behind them as they leaned closer to the screen, giddy and devious expressions painted across their muzzles. The pair were watching the latest challenge video from their favorite vixen, Melissa, the queen of the Kickball Sisterhood. The challenge was called "Find the Giblets", and involved kicking their bratty little brother, Riley, right in the kitten makers. He'd been driving them up the wall all day, so they were more than happy to take up the challenge!

The younger male was the overly energetic sort who always thought he knew better than others, even when it was a subject he knew nothing about in the first place. He loved to bulldoze over his sisters and treat them like his own personal slaves even though they were older than him and, aside from when they busted his balls for acting up, were generally relatively nice to him. On Thanksgiving day, of all days, there was no exception. In their opinion, the kid needed a serious attitude adjustment, and they knew just where to start.

When the video was over, Skye closed the laptop and turned to look at her sister, a look of pure, wicked glee shining in her eyes. "We gotta do it!" she nearly yelled, struggling to contain her excitement. "We can put that little brat in his place after how annoying he was today!"

"But how are we going to do it?" asked River, scratching at her chin thoughtfully. "He's always on his guard after the last time we got him."

Skye made a show of mimicking her sister's thoughtful expression, tapping a pointed claw against her chin. She glanced around the room, curious if there was something they could use to their advantage. Then it hit her. "I've got the perfect idea!"

"Riley!" Skye called down the hallway. "Come here, we need your help with something!"

The young caracal male poked his head out of his bedroom. His fur was a lighter shade than theirs and bore black spots like a cheetah's, with the points of his ears standing out to the sides instead of straight up like his sisters'. His expression read pure annoyance at the idea of helping his older sisters with anything. Dressed in his sports pajamas with footballs printed on them, he stepped into the hallway and rolled his eyes. "What do you want?" he asked. "I'm rewatching the game from earlier."

Skye put her hands on her hips, her tail lowering to the floor and twitching with irritation. "Just come in here, would you? You recorded the game, it's not like it's going anywhere!" He probably even had to pause it to answer her in the first place, so he wasn't fooling anyone with that excuse.

The male gave an exaggerated and drawn out sigh. "Fiiiine." Begrudgingly, he walked down the hall and into the twins' bedroom. "Now what's so important you had to interrupt me?"

River pointed to their window, which was shut tight. "It's hot in here, so we wanted to get some air. But the window's stuck! We thought you could open it for us, since you're stronger."

Riley puffed out his chest, a smug look crossing his muzzle that made both sisters roll their eyes. "Alright, alright, move out of the way! I'll show you how it's done!" With his tail swishing happily behind him, he strode over to the window, not even considering that he was leaving his back open to them. His head was so full of hot air, it was a wonder it didn't float right off his damn shoulders. Try as he might, the window wouldn't budge. Unknown to him, the reason it was stuck was because the sisters had locked it. "Wow, it really is shut tight..."

"Give it all ya got!" Skye encouraged, flashing a peace sign at the phone set up in a hidden spot on their dresser. As she did, River bounced happily on her toes, pointing as the male carelessly parted his legs to put more effort into his attempt. "Heh heh. Guess we found the giblets, eh, River?"

Riley's ears perked, confusion setting in. "What was that?" he asked. Before he could turn to look at them or even register what was happening, River bounced forward and aimed a field goal kick right between his goal posts, smashing both feline testicles against his pelvis.

"AWWWH!" the young male cried, his face contorting in that unique male agony as he crumpled to the floor, both hands shooting down between his legs to cradle his aching kitten makers. His tail curled up atop his hands as well, as though feebly trying to add another layer of protection. "My balls...! What the fuck, guys...!"

Skye high-fived her sister, bursting into a fit of hysterical laughter. "Bullsye! Nice shot, River!" She leaned forward, placing her hands on her knees and grinning at the crumpled heap on the floor that was their brother. "What's wrong, Riley? Did River get you right in the little boy giblets?" Both girls burst into a fit of giggles and high-fived each other again.

"God, you're such bitches...!" Riley groaned, rolling over to face away from them and curl up protectively.

"Ohhh..." River said, clicking her tongue a few times at her brother's choice of language. "That's not a very nice thing to say to your older sisters, Riles. I think we need to teach you another lesson."

Riley's ears pinned back against his head at that comment. "Wait, no, I'm sorry! You're the nicest big sisters on the planet!"

"Too late!" River grabbed her brother by the arms and pried them away from his body, dragging him back away from the window so Skye could step in front of him and grab his ankles. The male thrashed against his sisters' hands, but it was no use. His eyes widened with fear as he looked up at Skye's face, a devious smile across her muzzle. She yanked his legs apart and stomped down hard on his exposed and still very sore balls.

"UGGGHHH...!" The male attempted to curl up again, but River held his arms tight, preventing him from doing so. "My balls...! Fuck, my balls...!"

"Yep, your balls!" Skye said cheerfully, grinding her foot against his groin. "I can feel them through your pants! Are you even wearing underwear, Riles?"

"S-Shut up...!" he said through gritted teeth. "Let me go already...!"

"Hmmm." Skye made a show of considering it, looking to her sister for a second opinion. "What do you think, River? Should we let him go?"

River giggled and shook her head. "Nope! Besides, he didn't answer your question! I think he wants us to find out for ourselves!"

The male suddenly stopped struggling, his eyes wide and ears pinning tighter against his head as the meaning of her words clicked. "You wouldn't dare!"

"Wouldn't we?" asked Skye. "I seem to recall you being all too eager to try and peek on us a while back. Seems fitting we get to take a peek of our own, doesn't it? Pin him down, River!"

Without needing to be told twice, River released her brother's arms only long enough to seat herself on his stomach, preventing him from getting up. Skye continued to hold his legs to prevent him from kicking and River slipped her clawtips into the waistband of his pajamas. In one quick motion, she pushed them off his hips and down past his knees. Once they were far enough down, she grabbed onto his legs to hold them down while Skye took his pants off the rest of the way and held them up triumphantly.

"Whoo!" she yelled, her tail swishing happily behind her. "Got 'em!"

"God, what's wrong with you two...!?" Riley cried, in disbelief that his sisters had actually stripped him.

River eased back slightly, allowing Skye to hold his legs again so they could get a good look at his sheath and balls. They smirked at the sight, bursting into another fit of giggles. "It's alllll out in the open now, Riles!" River said in a mocking tone. "And it looks so cute and vulnerable, too! Makes me wanna do this..." Before Riley could ask what "this" was, she slapped his testicles with an open hand, causing them to bounce around.

"AWWWH!" Riley cried, his eyes starting to water. "Fuck, that hurt, River...!"

"That was the idea, silly!" She giggled at him again, giving him another playful slap to his unguarded balls.

Skye poked at the male's aching balls with her toes, laughing as they rolled around his furry pouch. "Wow, Melissa was right. They do look super vulnerable just hanging there, don't they?"

"I should have known you got this idea from that stupid bitch vixen you watch...!" he said, sucking in air through gritted teeth. In response, River swatted his sheath and Skye stomped on his balls again, grinding her foot against them some more. "AWWH, FUUUCK...!"

"You still haven't learned?" River asked. "It's not nice to call people names, Riles! Keep that up and we'll be here a while!"

"It's not nice to...hit people...in the balls, either...!"

River swatted his sheath again, earning a new wave of groans from the male. "You wouldn't be in this position if you'd been nicer to us today, you know! So I don't wanna hear any complaints!"

Skye removed her foot and took another look at her brother's genitals. "I have an idea," she said. "You hold onto his legs for a bit."

River leaned forward and held Riley's legs open while Skye reached down and grasped his balls, rolling them around in her hand. Riley froze, swallowing hard enough his sisters could hear it. She made a show of isolating each one individually and testing their resistance by squeezing them between her thumb and forefinger. The younger male whimpered in protest, his tail swishing against his sister's hand as it curled defensively between his thighs.

"Alright, Riles, let's play a game!" Skye grinned mischievously. "How long do I have to squeeze to get you to agree to do our chores for the next month?"

"Aw, fuck you, Skye...!" he cried, becoming more indignant. "You can do your own damn chores...!"

Skye responded to this by squeezing tightly, grinding the sensitive orbs against each other in her fist. "That's not a very good thing to say when someone's holding you by the balls, Riles!" Both girls giggled as their brother gave a miserable moan of pain, his eyes crossing and rolling back slightly. River glanced over her shoulder at his expression.

"He's making such a cute face right now! We should totally take a picture of it!" She slowly stood up and took out her own phone before sitting down again, facing towards him. Under threat of further squeezes from Skye, Riley didn't dare make any move while River changed position. She pointed her phone at his face, examining his scrunched up and tear-stained expression through the viewfinder and smirking proudly. "He's looking pretty done to me. Tell you what, Riles, if you agree to our demands, we'll let you go! We'll even give you a break for the next month...as long as you don't piss us off again."

The young male gritted his teeth while his sister gleefully gathered evidence of his suffering. Though he was completely unaware of the fact that the entire event was already being recorded by Skye's phone as well. "D-Deal..." he said, having lost his will to resist. "Now let me go...please..."

River laughed. "No 'bitch' this time? Good boy, Riles. Maybe there's hope for you after all." She reached down and ruffled the fur between his ears, then stood up and sat on the bottom bunk of their bed. Skye reluctantly released her grasp and stood up as well, allowing Riley to finally curl up into a ball.

Skye looked down at him with pity. "We might've gone a bit too far there. But like she said, long as you don't piss us off? You'll be fine. I'll go get you some ice." Skye left the room, giggling to herself. She couldn't believe all that they'd just done. It felt wickedly surreal and empowering.

Meanwhile, River prodded him gently with her toes. "You going to be okay down there, little brother?" Her amusement was mixed with a small amount of pity, though she still felt the kid deserved it for being a brat.

"Leave me alone, River..." Riley grumbled, rolling to face away from her. "I hate you guys so much right now..."

"Aww, don't be like that. We still love you, even though you treated us like shit all day. Maybe you should think about that before you call us mean, hmm?" He didn't have much to fire back at that, and he grumbled something incomprehensible. "What was that? I can't hear you with your muzzle buried in the carpet, you know!" She playfully nudged him with her toes again, trying to get him to repeat it so she could hear.

"I said...I'm sorry...!" he spat out. River wasn't sure if he actually meant it or if he was just saying it to get her off his back, but regardless of which it was, she appreciated it.

"Apology accepted. I really mean it, you know. If you don't act like such a shit all the time, your life could be a lot less painful. We're family, and family doesn't deserve to be treated that way." She wasn't sure if the lesson would sink in, but they'd clearly made at least a little bit of progress. She glanced up towards their desk where Skye's phone was still recording. She gave it a wave while Riley had his back turned and grinned, mouthing the words "Girls rule, duh!" Hopefully Melissa was going to love this.

And that's the story! Hopefully poor Riley learns to treat his sisters better in the future, huh? Eh, who am I kidding...little brothers never learn! xD