Gameface: Part 1

Story by Corben on SoFurry

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#91 of Against All Odds Universe

Two further months have passed for Sam and Marek since their first date and things are moving ahead at full steam. A nice meal at an upmarket restaurant marks the one-month anniversary of the their budding relationship.

Growing ever closer, ever more familiar of one another, how long will it take for them to dig upon their more intimate wants and fears? How long will Marek get away with being Sam's "big, rushball 'panda" in name only?


A certain little short I wrote back before Christmas by the name of 'Gym Pandas' has definitely spawned way more follow ups than I would've ever expected.

As the above intro suggests, Gameface is another 4-part follow up to both 'Gym Pandas' and 'Date Pandas', exploring Sam and Marek's blossoming relationship, and also finding out a little more about Marek's rushball hobby that Sam is so enchanted by.

Comments and feedback as always are really valued and appreciated. Hope you enjoy it!

_ Gameface _

_ Part 1 _

"You've got to have something," I insisted, peering past my menu. "Just a little dessert?"

"No!" Sam called from his table atop mine. A table roughly the size of my wallet and not much taller. "I'm good, honestly."

"Not even a slither of mine?"

"My pasta was plenty."

"Between all that working out and hardly eating anything, you're going to start wasting away before long." I leaned down, showing him the biggest, cheesiest grin I could muster. "Come on, little 'panda."

"Waste away." He scoffed. "Guess there's little chance of that happening to you." A bump of my nose followed, then a smirk of his own. "Big 'panda."

"What?" I recoiled with drama to the nth degree, dropping my jaw and staring blunt daggers at my little red panda atop the elegant plum tablecloth. "Are you calling me fat?"

"Not fat. More... bulky. A nice helping of muscle and... heft."

"That sounds like an awfully convoluted way of saying 'fat' to me." I pushed back in my seat, sucking in as much of my gut as I could. I held it, almost toying with Sam, waiting for the moment he looked the least ready for me to relax.


I eased the strain, threw myself forward, allowing my midsection to roll and slosh heavily against the edge of the table. A brief yet blaring screech of wood grinding against wood rolled through the restaurant. That grew my grin almost as much as watching Sam clinging to his own shifting, trembling table. "Suppose I'll keep my dessert all to myself then."

"Guh." Sam settled, along with my water glass and his Maleni proportioned equivalent. "I doubt that'd help matters."

"Never heard you complain before," I threw back, lower, leaning back down to keep our conversation from the other diners around us. "Pretty sure you're only too happy for me to rock your world."

"Guilty." Sam chuckled. I did, too. His fuzzy white ears flicked and his fingerpad-sized paw found mine settled beside him. "Though I'm thinking you might end up too heavy to catch the tram back downtown at this rate."

"Oh? I'm sure you wouldn't mind watching me overload a tram, either."

"Have to admit... that'd be kinda hot." I watched him squirm, then even more so after I huffed a soft, groaning snort over his reddish-orange headfur. I knew my little 'panda, and I knew the growing hard-on he was sporting beneath his table. "So large that it struggles to move with you sitting aboard. Never mind the floor itself sagging beneath you. The whole tram threatening to buckle."

"Wow." I sat back, pausing while our greying wolf waiter gathered the empty plates from the fox and vixen at the next table, departing towards the kitchen. "It'd take a little more than a dessert to achieve all that. I'm not that big."

"Maybe not... big enough, though." His stroking got firmer at the top of my paw. "My big, unstoppable, rushball 'panda."

Sam's delicate touch had me, working in unison with his soft blue eyes and cute, sweeping tail to pull me all the way back down to his table. He pressed his nose to mine, sneaking me a tiny lick to start my own tail swaying. I was only too happy to reward him with the same.

Piadina. I loved this place; a wonderful, intimate Imolian restaurant in the heart of Koprovice's eclectic Old Town, serving hearty soups and pastas while those cool red trams of a bygone era rolled past our window, still working hard to carry people along the narrow cobbled streets. Timeless, just like the stone facades of the surrounding shops and apartments, and the wooden interior rising up to the rafters above Sam and I. Anyone and everyone could find something for themselves in this small corner of the city. Even a big red panda and his pocket-sized partner.

"If I can't convince you to have dessert, then how about a little wine?" I lifted my paw to scritch a claw down his side. "This is an anniversary of sorts, after all."

Sam lit up, tugging my whole finger against him. He needn't have pulled hard. "One month together now."

"Mhmm. And not that far past two months since you asked me on our first date."

"And I'm so glad that I did." We bumped noses again. My heart fluttered. Oh, the difficulty I had to resist going all in and making out with him in front of the whole restaurant. "Wine sounds great."

"Good." I licked beneath his little chin; a fair compromise. "Just a glass, though. I need to get you back home after this."

"Alright." My ears flicked with his long peck at my lip. No-one around us paid us much mind. With how great I felt at that moment, I doubt I'd have cared if they had.

Trading the dessert menu for drinks, I settled back to muse over what a perfect evening we'd shared. A great meal, soon to be followed by a nice glass of wine by candlelight. A lovely finish. A celebration. No question, these last couple of months had been incredible. Having Sam to share things with made everything ten times better, ten times more enjoyable and memorable, even something as simple and casual as a meal out together. Our last month together though, a month during which I could truly call Sam my little 'panda, was without doubt the best of all.

"Going back to talk of rushball," Sam said past his own menu. "I was wondering..."

"I'm pretty sure the only mention of rushball came from you. Just then."

"Maybe." His claws dug into my finger fur, tickling my skin. "What can I say? I love the idea of you thundering around and crashing into stuff."

"I'm well aware."

"Heh..." His clawing turned to keen stroking. "When is your next game?"

"Uhh." I couldn't miss the start of my fur frizzing. Had Sam? "Why's that?"

"I'm still hoping to come along to one when I'm free from work and stuff. I wanna see you play."

His blue eyes stayed on me, that cute smile consistent and persistent. I rubbed a fingerpad under his muzzle. Stalling as much as anything else. The frizzing of fur showed no signs of abating. "You know... I can't guarantee that I'll play in any given game, and I won't even know for certain until the day in question, since the lineup isn't announced until we get to the field.

"That's fine, I understand... Mmph." His eyes closed, chest and shoulders sagging against my rubbing finger. No luck in it pausing the topic at hand, however. "You've had a good run in the team these last few weeks, though. From what you've told me."

"True... I've had a run, at least." Where was that wolf waiter? I needed that wine, and I needed an out along with it. "The guy that also plays right-side tackle is on his way back from injury, so that might change soon."

Sam batted that suggestion away. "Not sure any team would want to lose the benefit of a big 'panda in their starting lineup."

I rubbed my muzzle, forcing a growing groan way down into the pit of my stomach. "If you say so."

"What's that?"

"Nothing... nothing. I appreciate your support, Sam."

"You're never without it." His head cocked a shade. "Is this other guy bigger than you?"

"No... but he's still big for a wolverine."

"Then I stand by what I said." He folded his arms, smug. "They'd be daft to replace you."

"That's a little speciest."

"Hey, I'm talking about his size, not his species--"

"And there's way more to rushball than just size."

"Marek, I'm joking." He cuffed me on my fingerpad, sweet red and white tail waving. "Just trying to cheer you up."

"You think I need cheering up?"

"Your face is kinda telling me so." His gentle touch guided my finger down into his lap between his stomach and table. "Is everything okay? Work going well?"

"I'm fine," I said, hard enough to ruffle his facefur. "Work's good, too. I've finished up my induction period now, and I'm getting up to speed with what the job's all about. Spent this week helping to compile some tech reports about the new model we're launching in the new year."

"Ooh, a new car from Fiala?" Sam grinned, petting over my finger. "Can you tell me anything juicy?"

"No." I showed off my own teeth for him. "And I couldn't, even if there_was_ anything to tell."


"It's work. Comes with the territory."

"Heh. Fair point."

Our friendly waiter stopped by to take our wine order soon after, and didn't hang around when it came to getting it out to us. A large glass of white for me, and one to match for Sam, albeit one-tenth or so the size.

It was about that time that the restaurant began to empty out. At half past nine on a Friday night, I figured most folk hanging around Old Town were either ready to move on to the nearby clubs or bars, or begin to make their own ways back home. Not Sam or I. At least, not yet. We had a shade more time left to enjoy one another's company, with the added bonus of having empty tables immediately around us. All the better for us to speak freely... even if Sam proved insistent that we press upon one topic in particular.

"I do understand, you know." He took a sip from his little glass, whiskers flickering as he lapped some stray flecks of wine from his snout "If it is rushball getting you stressed."

It was all too easy to chug a bigger mouthful than I meant to. Almost a quarter of my glass gone in one hit. Of course, Sam didn't notice. My hopes for another conversational tangent died fast. Whatever happened to that quiet little 'panda I first met at the gym?

"I had the same kinda thing back in high school," he added. "Back on the handball team. Always felt pressure to keep up my performance, keep my place and do my part. 'You're only as good as your last game' was a phrase I heard thrown around a lot. Heh, suppose that's why I preferred running track at university; it's all about you. You win by yourself, lose by yourself..."

I had to let Sam go, rolling on and on with this explanation of his, recalling and regaling me with all his athletic exploits. Again. I felt like a dick for it, but for all the movement of his mouth, he might as well have not been talking at all. But, all that aside... I did appreciate the effort. His heart was in the right place, even if my head wasn't. Just one of the reasons I liked him so much... and why I didn't want to let him down.

"...What do you say?"

Ah. Good question. I couldn't very well ask 'what did _you_say?'. "I say... you're right. Thanks, Sam."

He smiled, reaching again for his wine glass. "No problem."

Phew. Good guess, Marek. If I'd realised how fleeting that moment of relief would be, I'd have taken more time to savour it.

"Either way, I'm looking forward to watching my big 'panda crash around a rushball field."

My jaw set fast. A full body twinge sent my tail curling around the legs of my chair. "Yeah... I can well imagine you'll be focusing far less on play, and more on me in my rushball shorts."

He snorted into his glass, pulling his muzzle out with a smirk. "Yours and everyone else's."

"Oh?" I pressed a paw to my hip, eyeing up another detour. "You won't find anyone with a butt as nice as mine out there."

"Not as big either, I'd wager."

"And_I'd_ wager that those are one and the same to you, little 'panda."

"You know me." He went back for another sip, eyes creasing up. "The bigger, the better."

We sat there, allowing ourselves to delve into a pleasant peace together. Too bad we couldn't share this night for just a little while longer...

All roads leading out towards Cherniky were real quiet at that time of night, offering an easy drive to the sleepy neighbourhood Sam called home, nestled amongst darkened fields and farmland, far from the constant action of the city centre.

The highway gave way to narrow, tree lined roads, winding on through to even tighter stone-paved streets. Small family homes stood uniform beyond red brick garden walls, connected to their neighbour via single car garages. Tidy. Modest. Much like where I grew up in Karnik, back home in Zolnia.

I'd driven Sam home a fair few times before this, but still, I needed his directions to guide me through the maze to where he lived.

Between where a row of regular-sized houses ended and tree-filled fields began, a Maleni housing complex sat within its own fence-lined plot. A dozen waist-tall homes glittered, their tiny windows aiding the larger ones around them in offering light through the darkness.

"Thanks for taking me home," he said, peering up from my passenger seat. "I know it's a big ask after a tram ride, then a bus journey back to your place."

"It's fine. It's not like it's a long drive."

"I suppose." His paws settled in his lap, head dipping towards them. "I would've loved to have stayed over with you tonight."

"I know." I leaned over, smiling down at his seat within a seat. "And I would've loved to have had you over to... y'know. Do stuff."

Sam smirked. "Like?"

"Oh, you know..."

"Maybe I don't." His tail wagged. "Tell me."

"Well... All the stuff you like most." Shifting closer, kneading the side of my stomach while letting a deep growl roll, got him squirming nicely down there. "Maybe... kick your little tail at some more Rift Warriors?"


"Stretch out my winning streak. Where did we leave it? Eight wins in a row?"


"If only I could've had the chance to make it nine, ten, then beyond--"

"Don't make me climb up there and bop you one, big 'panda."

"Hah." I reached down to rub between his ears, then under his chin. "But yeah, I would much rather be waking up with you next to me in the morning, but I know you've got an early start."

"Not_that_ early. Probably could've made it back from your place in time."

"Oh? You'd have forced me to get up early on a Saturday morning to drive you back?" My wink won a snort and a bat of his paw through the air. "There's always next time. And I'm sure your day out with your friends will more than make up for it."

"Maybe." He sighed, shoulders still sagging. "Late birthday drinks... Hopefully it doesn't ruin me too much."

"You can afford a little break from your workout routine."

"I was thinking more along the lines of the potential hangover on Sunday."

"Do you have work?"


"Then you'll cope."

"Ugh. You're a bad influence, you are."

"Always." I reached down, waiting for Sam to unbuckle his seatbelt before slipping two fingers behind his back. "Hey, come on. Don't fret. We'll get together again real soon." He brightened the firmer I curled my fingers, passing through his legs, against his crotch, then pressed into his stomach. "Okay?"

"Okay. That sounds good."

"Good." I chuckled, lifting him into a tight, two-pawed hug against my neck and cheek. His little arms squeezed at me, tail tickled my pads, starting my own sweeping over the backseat. As much as all the despair for our imminent parting was coming from Sam, inside, I didn't want to let my little 'panda go, either.

"So...uhm." He nuzzled deep into my fur, licking at my cheek. "Rushball. You never did say when you're playing next."

I squashed and buried a groan the best I could. Oh, Sam. Way to ruin the moment.

"If it's soon, maybe we can make that our next outing?"

"Uh..." Bringing him around, holding him in a makeshift seat in my cupped paws, I got to see his fully perked ears, wide eyes and full-on smile. None of that made things any easier on me. "Next weekend. Sunday morning. Home game."

"Cool! I'm free next Sunday."

"What, again?" He sank back against my fingers, ears swivelling and sinking. "Uh, I mean, I'm surprised. You don't often get two off in a row."

"I moved my shifts around to get this Sunday off. Hangover insurance.Next Sunday is the one I was originally scheduled to have free."


"I'd love to come!" He perked right back up again. No harm done. "Can I offer my services as your personal cheering section?"

I looked back ahead, towards the darkened fields beyond my windscreen. What tall grass found itself in range of my headlights swayed in the breeze. I wouldn't find a way out of answering Sam outside. No doubt I'd face the same struggle to respond in any way other than what he wanted. "...Sure"


"But like I said, I can't guarantee that I'll start, or even play."


"It's a good team... Good players... Good league."

"That's good."

I turned back to my paws. Found Sam's very happy, extremely self-satisfied grin beaming even brighter than my headlights. No choice but to snort and nudge my nose firmly at his stomach. His cute, squeaking laughter helped relieve some of the tightness in my shoulders at least. "Alright. I'll send you the address of the park we play at... If you don't mind getting a bus into town?"

"Of course!" His ears flicked. Tail, too. "Looking forward to it already."

Sam had an infectiousness about him. So much joy in such a small 'panda. It made for an extra sweet kiss goodnight. "Are you okay getting to your walkway from here?"

"Yeah, I'm fine." He came back for seconds, muzzle pressing deep between my lips. "You stay here in the warm."

"Okay." I nosed the neat, side swept fur between his ears. "Tell your parents I said hello."

"I will." A quick correction of the strands I'd knocked out of place came like clockwork. "They still want to meet you by the way."

"See, I'd take a walk up to your house with you now, if everything around it wasn't so small."

"Yeah, probably best you don't... Hot as it might be to see my giant 'panda rumbling about, any damages'll be on me."

"Pfft." I licked under his muzzle from neck to chin, moving to settle him back down on the passenger seat. "Are you ever not horny?"

"No." He slid out of my paws, hopping down to bound across the cushion. "Not when I'm around you at least."

Another snort, followed by a roll of my eyes to his smirk back up at me. "Take care, little 'panda."

"You too." His fingers found the lower door handle, starting one motor to open it ajar while another extended the Maleni step ramp down to the pavement. "Drive safe. Let me know when you get back home."

"Always do."

Waiting for the ramp to return and the door to close, I kept my eye out for Sam. As sleepy as his street was, and as safe as those Maleni walkways were, I couldn't leave without seeing him all the way home.

His red fur shimmered under the lights, tail bobbing as the moving path carried him at a Visoka's pace towards the middle house in the first row of five.

That little front door opened, and with it, my 'panda disappeared into a warming light. Jokes and playing aside, I would've loved to have walked him all the way home. To have met his parents right here, on their own terms, in the comfort of their familiar surroundings. But, it wasn't to be. That wasn't the world we lived in.

I turned the ignition and clasped my steering wheel, letting the engine idle in the quiet night. No matter. There'd be another way. There always was. Besides, I could always count on the thought of the next visit or the next outing with Sam to keep my tail swaying.

'Looking forward to it already.'

Ugh. I squeezed the wheel. Hearing those words from him again... a reminder that our next outing would be at Volek Park. Next Sunday. Fantastic... Even more pressure to perform.