TLK/LG: a sad reunion, chapter 1: one wish

Story by Johnxgin3 on SoFurry

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inspired by madaraoluv2's abandoned theory, story and fanart, i felt like making this story.

the lion king/the lion guard(c)disney

first part is from the story "abandoned' by madaraoluv2

rooi belongs to madaraoluv2 and Caustizer

TLK/LG: a sad reunion

Chapter 1 - one wish

(Warning: there will be blood and gore. If anyone doesn't like it, then you can click the back button or go to the next chapter)

The hyena clan now stood in front of the volcano

"Where's the zebra?" Janja asked

"Huh! I see it!" Banzai proclaimed as he looked off into the distance.

The young hyenas looked, yet nothing was there

"We must give chase!" Banzai said

"But my paws hurt," Cheezi whined

"And I'm tired," Chungu said

"Oh you fur...Yawn," Janja said tired as well

"Why don't you pups stay here?" Shenzi said "We'll go catch the zebra,"

With that Shenzi, Banzai, Ed, Rooi, and the other hyena parents led the pups into the volcano.

"Not exactly the best place to take a nap," Janja said

"Janja," Shenzi said "The spotted zebra may already have a head start, and it is a crafty horse to find. But..."

Shenzi whipped away another tear

"Mom? You okay?" Janja asked

"Listen Janja," Shenzi said "We may be gone for a long time. As the queens pup, you're in charge until we get back. Keep watch over the other pup. I royally decree it,"

"Wow," Janja said "So like, I'm a king now or something?"

Shenzi nuzzled her pup "Yes Janja, yes you are,"

"Shenzi," Banzai said "We gotta go!"

Shenzi and the other parent hyenas said their goodbyes and ran off...

The cubs sat and waited for a few hours, but still no sign of them.

"I don't like it.' muttered janja. "Something must be wrong.'

"It must be a big zebra for them to hunt down.'' said chungu.

"But why would mom make me the leader of you guys and start to cry? It doesn't make any sense....' said janja worried. He started to move to the entrance to the volcano.

"Where are you going?'' asked cheezi, a confused look on his face.

"I'm going to find them. If the zebra is heavy, they might need me to help carry it.' said janja.

"But what if something happened to them? Asked a worried hyena cub.

Janja looked at the hyena cubs then looked out to the landscape.

"Chungu, I need you to be on the lookout until I return.' ordered janja.

Chungu nodded. Janja soon left to find shenzi, banzai, ed, rooi and the other hyenas.

Janja ran for what felt like hours, looking in caves, grassy areas and every nook and cranny in the outlands.

"Where? Where are they?' muttered a desperate janja.

He suddenly stopped when he heard a scream from far away. Janja's ears perked up. "That voice...could it be?" He asked himself. He started to run in the direction of the scream. Soon he came upon a horrific sight that can only be described in a nightmare.

There were dead hyena bodies lying everywhere. Their stomachs ripped wide open and their intestines splayed on the ground, like human sacrifices on an Aztec altar.

Blood was spilt all over the rocks, the dry ground and in the river.

Janja felt his stomach churn, his breakfast starting to come up his throat. He started to dry heave in terror.

"They're....they're all dead!!' he cried out, tears starting to form in his eyes.

"Who did this to them?!'

The scream broke through the air again. Janja turned his head in the direction and recognised the sound as his mother.

"Mommy?' he cried and started running towards the sound. Then, he came across uncle ed and aunt rooi's bodies. They were both like the rest.

Janja then looked up to see to his horror, a lioness pinning shenzi to the ground and two other lionesses gripping banzai by the throat and legs.

"LET US GO YOU INSANE BITCH!!!' screamed a terrified shenzi.

The lioness sneered at shenzi. "No. you killed my beloved scar and now you are going to pay for it! Starting with you and then Simba, the pride lands will soon be mine!" she said with an insane and malicious grin on her face.

She looked at the two lionesses who were gripping banzai and uttered two words: "Kill him.'

The lionesses pulled hard, ripping a screaming banzai apart, intestines fell to the floor and the head, now decapitated, went flying out of the lioness who gripped banzai's neck's mouth.

"NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!' screamed a horrified shenzi.

"DAD!!! NOOOOOO!!!!' screamed janja, tears streaming down his cheeks.

The lioness looked over at janja. Shenzi's eyes widened as she saw her son, standing there, frozen like a deer in the headlights of a car.

"Well well well. What have we got here?' the lioness asked, licking her lips.


"Silence you hyena bitch' sneered the lioness. In an instant the lioness grabbed shenzi's neck with her fangs, and with one loud SNAP!, shenzi's neck was instantly broken.

Janja stared in horror at the body of his once, alive mother as it slumped to the floor at the lioness's feet.

"Time to die, little hyena.' said the lioness as she approached him, turning into a monstrous gigantic creature that opened its terrible mouth to eat him up.

Janja woke up with a scream of terror. He found himself in the den with his and Jasiri's clan.

He gasped for air as he looked around, sweat dripping from his forehead.

Everyone in the den was fast asleep and didn't hear janja's scream.

"It was...just a nightmare...' he muttered to himself. "But, it was so real... I need some air...'

Janja walked out of the den. He felt really nauseated because of the terrible nightmare and had to stop to throw up in a nearby bush.

Soon he walked up to a ledge and he then sat down and looked up at the stars in the night sky.

"Oh mother...father....where are you both?'' he asked.

"Why did you leave me at the volcano to find a nonexistent zebra? We were so happy as a family until you both left.....'

As he watched the night sky, he remembered kion's words that he told him one night, before he married Rani.

"My father once told me that if you wish upon a star, it might very well come true. But he also told me to be careful for what you wish for.' said kion. "really?" Asked a surprised Janja. "yes." Said kion.

Janja looked for a star to wish on, and saw a big one.

He closed his eyes and thought of his memories of his parents, his uncle ed, aunt rooi and the other hyena' before they left them.

"I wish I could see my mother and father, uncle ed, aunt rooi and all the other hyenas again.'' He thought and opened his eyes. "But it will never happen. Never....."

With sadness in his thoughts, he turned and headed back to the den to get back to sleep.

Meanwhile however, it seemed that janja's wish is about to come true.....

In a far off cave, a female hyena sat at the entrance, looking at the dawn that is soon approaching.

"Shenzi?" Asked a voice. The hyena looked to see her mate, banzai coming to sit by her side. "What are you doing out here?" He asked.

"I couldn't sleep. So I came out here to watch the sunrise." Said shenzi as she looked at the purple dawn. "I see." Said banzai. As they both watched the sun starting to rise, shenzi thought of their son, janja.

"Honey, what do you think Janja's doing now?" She asked.

"Why did you ask?" Asked banzai, looking surprised.

"It's just, I had a horrible nightmare, that Zira found out it was us that killed scar. She attacked us when we left the cubs at the volcano, but she killed all of us. When she was about to kill me, I saw him, standing there, terrified. I begged Zira to spare him but she snapped my neck. And that's when I woke up." Said shenzi. To banzai, she looked so shaken by her nightmare that she looked like she was about to cry for their son. "Oh banzai. We'll we ever see him again?" Whimpered shenzi. Banzai brought shenzi close to him and nuzzled her. "It's alright babe." Said banzai. "I'm sure we will. You'll see."

Sometime later during the day, one of Shenzi's hyena's headed to the river which was from the Gorge that was on the outskirts of the pride lands.

As he started to drink, he suddenly noticed a lioness's body floating in the water, floating towards the shore. He wondered if he was seeing things, but as it got closer, he realised with horror that it was Zira. But she wasn't breathing at all. The hyena turned and ran back to the cave to get the other hyena's.

Soon they all came rushing to the river to see the body.

"Are you sure it's Zira?" Asked Rooi worriedly.

"Of course i'm sure! It's Zira and she's dead. You can see for yourself!" Said the hyena who found Zira in the river.

Shenzi looked at the body, half expecting for Zira to suddenly open her eyes like a demon. But she didn't stur. "If zira's dead, then....we can go back." Said shenzi, realising what this means. "What are you saying shenzi?" Asked banzai. "Don't you see banzai! Zira's dead and that means she's no longer a threat to us now! It means that we can finally go back to our families again!" Said shenzi, finally having the hope and chance to see their son Janja again. The hyena's realising what shenzi was talking about, started to cheer and howl with happiness at the thought of seeing their loved ones again.

After burying zira, the clan started for the pride lands, with the hope of seeing the ones that they left in the volcano all those years ago.

"Janja, we're coming home." Thought shenzi.

To be continued....